Rose Golden Showers - climber characteristics

Short description

Climbing rose Golden Showers is a hybrid of climber and hybrid tea rose. It was bred in 1956 by the American breeder W. E. Leimertz.

All about Golden Showers

The height of the shoots of this rose reaches up to 3 m. The leaves are dark green and glossy. With strong pruning, it can be grown as a bush.

The flowers are quite large, up to 10 cm in diameter, have a bright yellow color and a faint, pleasant aroma. As they bloom, the color of the inflorescences tends to change to a paler color. Flowering begins in mid-July and lasts all summer, with the last peak sometimes occurring in early autumn.

Important! Based on external features, this variety is often confused with Golden Climber, but these are different varieties, although they are very similar.

Climbing rose Golden Showers is one of the few continuously flowering roses that tolerate partial shade. But it should be borne in mind that the representative of this variety prefers a warm climate. In regions with temperatures below average, it is still better to choose sunny places for its placement.


Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, this variety became a favorite among gardeners for a reason. It has many advantages:

  • early and repeated flowering;
  • fast growth;
  • shade tolerance;
  • can be given the appearance of a bush;
  • pleasant aroma of flowers.

The disadvantages include the following qualities:

  • weak resistance to diseases;
  • thermophilicity;
  • demands on soil;
  • the need for special pruning.

Rose Golden Showers in landscape design

Due to its high decorative qualities, this variety is often used to decorate gazebos, arches and walls of houses.

In bush form, this rose also looks great in combination with other plants, both shrubs and flowers.

Good combination with other plants

Also, a formed plant can become a bright accent in the case of a single planting.

Features of agricultural technology

The variety is not able to survive the winter temperatures of Central Russia; the bush should be heavily pruned and carefully covered for the winter. Without shelter it will survive only in the southern regions of Russia, and even then the branches should be covered from strong cold winds.

It does not like to grow in open, southern areas, constantly illuminated by the summer sun, but it also does not perform well in the shade - the flowers become small and dull. The best place for growth is walls of eastern and western orientation.

It demonstrates above average resistance to common diseases; in this sense, the variety is completely unpretentious. There is only a tendency to black spotting, and only under the condition of frequent cold rains. This tendency is always taken into account in England, where Golden Showers have never lost popularity.

The soil must be nutritious, only then the variety will show excellent flowering. Make sure there is good drainage and regular watering, especially during hot months.

Growing and planting in open ground

Rose Golden Celebration - variety description

Having decided to add a Golden Showers rose to your collection, the first thing you should do is purchase a seedling of this plant. It is better to give preference to specimens in pots; in this case, the root system will not be damaged during transportation.

Note! You definitely need to pay attention to the leaves of the young plant. They should be glossy and dark green in color. The presence of spots or defects may indicate a plant disease.

Since this variety is heat-loving, it is better to choose spring for planting. It is better not to rush and wait until the soil warms up well. When planted in the fall, the rose may suffer from low temperatures and even die.

When choosing a location for this flower, you should focus on the climate of the region. In areas with warm climates, placement in partial shade is acceptable. For colder regions, it is better to choose a sunny location for planting.

Important! The main thing to consider is the absence of drafts. Like many other species, this rose does not tolerate them well.

You should first prepare the soil for future planting. The soil must be mixed with sand and manure; you can add nitroammophoska as an additional fertilizer.

Before planting, the seedling should be removed from the container or packaging and placed in water at room temperature.

Planting step by step

The process of planting roses in open ground consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing a hole, the diameter of which is commensurate with the size of the root system of the seedling.
  2. Preparation of drainage (small layer of gravel, crushed stone).
  3. Filling the hole with part of the prepared soil.
  4. Placement of the seedling (be sure to spread the roots over the surface of the soil).
  5. Filling the hole with the rest of the prepared soil.
  6. Watering.
  7. Hilling up a seedling.

When planting, the seedling should be placed so that the grafting site is 4-5 cm below ground level.

Important! Before choosing a place and starting planting, you should consider the support for the rose, taking into account its size during future growth.

The support must be installed at the planting stage. After completing the planting process, young shoots should be tied up immediately, placing them horizontally.

Features of use

It is obvious that this rose is grown primarily to decorate various walls of buildings and vertical structures. At the same time, with strong pruning, it turns into an ordinary tall scrub, which can be either a tapeworm or part of a group planting. By the way, it is in the form of a bush that it is recommended to keep this variety in regions with cooler climates.

It has also been noted that the cut flowers of this rose last a long time, so in some countries, especially in northern Europe, it is widely used for cutting.

Our heroine is one of those relatively few varieties that have earned the recognition of several generations of gardeners and successfully compete with varieties of the latest selections.

Plant care

Rose Palais Royal - climber characteristics

For good growth and lush flowering, the plant should be provided with proper care. It usually includes watering, fertilizing, pruning and providing winter protection. The Golden Showers rose has its own requirements.


This variety tolerates drought well, but waterlogging can negatively affect its growth and development.

Watering should be carried out once a week in the amount of 10-15 liters of water per bush. This rate can be increased only in very dry weather. Water for irrigation should only be taken at room temperature.


Golden Showers is quite demanding on the quality of the soil and the presence of a large amount of nutrients in it. In addition to the initial preparation of the soil when planting, it is also necessary to regularly feed the plant.

Fertilizers are needed

In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are perfect for this. They will help the plant gain vegetative mass and prepare for flowering.

In summer, it is better to apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. The rose is also responsive to organic fertilizers during this period. Thanks to the timely receipt of the necessary nutrients, the plant will have enough strength to bloom abundantly.

Pruning and replanting

For climbing roses, pruning is an important care item. It must be carried out correctly and in a timely manner.

Proper pruning is essential

The first pruning is carried out in the spring, when the threat of frost has passed. Depending on the form in which the plant is grown, as a bush or as a climber, depends on how severe the pruning should be.

  • In the case of growing as a bush, the shoots are shortened greatly, leaving only 3-4 buds.
  • If the rose should remain climbing, the cutting height of the shoots is greater, 7-8 buds should be left.

All dry shoots and those that have suffered after wintering should also be removed.

Important! During the flowering period in summer, faded inflorescences should be regularly removed to encourage re-blooming.

Autumn pruning consists of thinning the bush, if necessary, and removing diseased shoots. It should be carried out in such a way that before the onset of cold weather the plant has time to move away from this procedure and get stronger.

It is advisable to avoid replanting climbing roses. Especially if the plant is already fixed to a support. But, if such a need does arise, you need to approach this process responsibly.

You can start planting in a new place in the spring or summer. Spring is preferable, but in this case it is worth preparing the plant in the fall. It is necessary to dig up the root system in a circle in advance and fill the resulting gap with sand. In the spring, all you have to do is remove the lump from the ground and move it to a new place.

If you need to replant the rose in the summer, you need to remove all the flowers and shorten the shoots by half. After this, the plant should be moved to a new planting location.

Planting is carried out in the same way as for young seedlings. Unless the hole should be larger in diameter.


Rose Golden Showers, like most roses, requires shelter for the winter. They begin to prepare the plant for wintering in September. To do this, the lashes are removed from the supports and bent to the ground. This way they will get used to the horizontal position. Before covering the bush, the shoots are pinned to the ground.

Note! It is better to place fallen leaves or grass under the laid lashes. The top of the rose is covered with non-woven white material or spruce branches.


Thuja Golden Globe - description

Each plant has a period of active growth and dormancy. This should be taken into account when caring for it.

Abundant flowering

The most active period for climbing roses is the flowering period. For Golden Showers it starts in mid-July and lasts almost until autumn. At this time, the rose requires increased care. It is necessary to regularly fertilize and remove faded inflorescences. You should also monitor watering, especially if the weather is dry.

Important! The dormant period begins in late autumn. At this time, the main task is to protect the plant from the upcoming cold weather. To do this, it should be prepared, that is, minor pruning should be done and the shoots should be removed from the support.

Why might it not bloom?

If all care rules are followed, the Golden Showers rose will delight you with abundant flowering. If it refuses to bloom, there may be several reasons for this:

  • lack of light;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • poor watering;
  • presence of diseases and pests;
  • improper pruning or neglect of it.

Only after analyzing all possible causes will it be possible to find a solution to the problem.

Gardeners' opinions

I have never had any difficulties growing this variety. Moderate citrus, fruity, spicy aroma is one of the main advantages of this variety for me. Many beautiful roses have no scent at all, but this variety has a strong and rich aroma. Most importantly, the variety is resistant to diseases.

Irina Orel

I've had this variety for several years now. It stands out for its healthy foliage and vigorous growth, as well as its fruity aroma. The Golden Gate rose has become a real decoration of my garden. I planted it along with other plants. By the way, the variety is very hardy to different climates. Even severe frosts are not afraid of him!

Anastasia Anapa

This variety was given to me as a gift. I haven't grown anything before. I thought there would be problems, but with this variety everything was very simple. The variety is very beautiful and well suited for cutting.

Tamara Sochi

Based on reviews from gardeners who grow this variety, we can say for sure that it has practically no flaws and is resistant to diseases. With semi-double yellow flowers with wavy edges and a pale citrus scent, this delicate climbing rose will be a highlight in your garden.


The best time to obtain new seedlings is from May to the end of summer. For climbing roses there are two methods of propagation:

  • cuttings;
  • layering.

Propagation by cuttings can be divided into stages.

  1. The first step is to choose a healthy shoot, preferably one that has faded, cut it and divide it into parts so that each has 2-3 buds. The lower cut is made at an angle of 45°, the upper one is horizontal. The leaves are either removed all, or only the top ones can be left.
  2. Next, the prepared cuttings are placed in a stimulant solution to speed up the process of root emergence.
  3. After treatment, planting is done in the ground, which is pre-mixed with sand.
  4. The planted cuttings are covered with a glass jar.

It is better to resort to the method of propagation by layering in the spring. After removing the shelter, suitable shoots are not tied to the support, but are left pinned to the ground. Next, you just need to make sure that the soil where the roots appear remains moist. After the cuttings take root, they can be cut off from the adult plant and planted in a permanent place.

Climbing roses - the best varieties for your flower garden

Adding an article to a new collection

Thanks to the efforts and patience of breeders, these roses delight with their splendor and diversity. Using the best varieties of climbing roses, you can create incredibly beautiful flower arrangements in your garden.

Climbing roses are ornamental shrubs with creeping or hanging shoots. In order for them to become a real decoration of the site, roses need supports. And yet, flower growers are happy to plant these luxurious flowers in their gardens. After all, they are incredibly beautiful and majestic.

Diseases and pests

Golden Showers are not particularly resistant to diseases and pest attacks. The most common ailments it suffers from are powdery mildew and leaf spot. It can also be affected by various pests, most often aphids.

Important! To maintain plant health, preventive treatment with special preparations should be carried out regularly. There are quite a lot of them for roses.

Only a healthy plant will grow fully and delight the eye with abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Among the family of climbing roses, Golden Showers stands out in that it is able to grow and bloom in semi-shaded places. But in areas with a cool climate, it is still better to choose a sunny place for it. The main thing is that the plant is not exposed to wind and drafts.

This species is responsive to fertilizers, both mineral and organic. They should be applied in the spring and throughout the summer until the end of the flowering period.

Pruning is very important for this variety. It must be carried out promptly and correctly. Do not forget that during the flowering period you should regularly remove wilted inflorescences.

Periodic treatment against pests and diseases is necessary. It will keep the plant healthy and give it the opportunity to fully develop. With proper care, the Golden Showers rose will delight the eye throughout the summer with its lush and fragrant blooms.

Rose Golden Showers

Among the climbing roses that can decorate a fence, pergola, high wall, or any vertical surface, there are not many varieties that have yellow flowers. It would be more accurate to say that there are very few of them. Therefore, our heroine, about whom the story will be told, has had no worthy competitors for many decades, from time to time collecting a harvest of international diplomas and awards.

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