What will you achieve if you regularly water your indoor plants with beer?

Those who like to furnish their homes with indoor plants always try to water them on time, feed them, and create suitable temperature conditions. You can fertilize plants in various ways, including beer, because this is a natural remedy containing many nutrients, due to which the effect of fertilizing will be noticeable within a couple of weeks.

Will be fertilized

Indoor flowers need feeding no less than garden flowers, because, despite the home conditions, they also often suffer and get sick. A cramped pot, too much sun and drying out soil or, conversely, a lack of ultraviolet rays and waterlogging due to the north side of the house - all this can be the reason that indoor flowers grow poorly or even die.

Feeding with beer will help your plants transform, because it contains yeast. When they get into the soil, they begin to interact with various microorganisms, stimulating the natural formation of nitrogen and potassium - elements without which the plant turns yellow and dies.

The main thing is to water the plants with “live” beer, and not one that can be stored for a year due to the abundance of preservatives and other additives. Regular store-bought beer will most likely kill the flowers.

Pros and cons of such feeding

Despite the rich composition of the drink, any fertilizer should be used with caution. Beer has a rather complex composition. It contains vitamins, microelements, as well as some synthetic and chemical substances that are difficult for the plant to absorb. Chemicals and fragrances in the composition can seriously harm.

  • Malt provokes the active development of microorganisms. They recycle the soil, due to which it is enriched with potassium and nitrogen. However, a large number of microorganisms can negatively affect plant growth.
  • The potassium in the drink ensures more luxuriant flowering, the leaves become greener and brighter.

Watering too often with beer can cause rot and fungus. Don’t forget about the specific smell of the drink that permeates the soil. It will be almost impossible to remove the smell. From very frequent watering, black moss may appear on the surface of the ground. In this case, the plant will have to be urgently replanted.

Will receive additional food

In addition to yeast, beer contains malt and hops, which serve as additional nutrition for plants. Hops contain flavonoids, tannins, gum, hop resins, carotene, resin acids, phenols, bitter substances, essential oils, which are very beneficial for plants.

Malt is even more valuable, since it contains vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B5, as well as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, selenium, manganese and sugars of natural origin, which are a source of glucose for indoor plants.

Which drink should you choose?

For feeding you need high-quality “live” beer, without:

  • dyes,
  • preservatives,
  • substitutes,
  • food additives,
  • artificial sweeteners and flavors,

which today's beer products are so abundant in, are produced according to technical specifications.

Beer for feeding should be without alcohol, so you should buy light non-alcoholic beer. Alcohol will damage plants and lead to their death.

The best option would be a homemade foamy drink, brewed with your own hands, the quality of which and the naturalness of the composition can be completely confident.

If there is none, then when purchasing beer in a store, pay attention to the following characteristics of the drink:

  • the composition contains only hops, malt, water and yeast;
  • The shelf life is no more than 10 days in closed containers, and not 6 months, like beer with preservatives.

They will grow better

A solution made from beer is considered an excellent growth biostimulator. The beer solution can be prepared as follows:

  1. Let 1 liter of water sit for a day at room temperature.
  2. Mix a solution of 1 liter of settled water and 100 ml of “live” beer.
  3. Allow the solution to combine well for 15-20 minutes and you can start watering.

In order to speed up growth, you need to pour about 100 ml of solution under the root of one plant once a week. With this fertilizer, flowers will develop well even with a lack of sunlight. You just need to remember that it is permissible to water the plants with non-alcoholic beer, left open for 10-12 hours.

Is it possible to water indoor flowers with beer: tips and rules

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Watering indoor flowers

Ways to use brewer's yeast and beer

Watering plants with diluted beer

Dangerous consequences of watering with beer

In order for indoor flowers to grow quickly and bloom beautifully, they need to be constantly fed. Some gardeners prefer to use fertilizers that are sold in flower shops. Others are constantly looking for organic food. Sometimes they are offered very non-standard solutions. For example, feed flowers with beer. Are they, like people, partial to this intoxicating drink?

Leaf gloss

The smooth leaves of indoor plants quickly become dirty and dull. If you wipe the leaves with beer diluted 1 to 1 with water, they will shine, and less dust will begin to settle on them. The beer should be a little old, not fresh.

Leaves covered with fluff cannot be wiped, as the villi will be damaged and the plant may die.

Although beer has a beneficial effect on indoor plants, you should not overuse such watering. An excess of this fertilizer will provoke the growth of mold, mildew and an unpleasant odor.

Ways to use brewer's yeast and beer

Recipes for feeding indoor flowers with drunk tea or coffee, or water obtained after washing meat have long been known. And not so long ago, fertilizing plants with beer became fashionable. Several methods of use are known:

  • Using brewer's yeast. Brewer's yeast has been used in agriculture to accelerate plant development since the end of the last century. Based on them, the well-known drug “Baikal M1” was created. Now they are used in floriculture. Take 10 g of yeast and add it to 10 liters of water. Stir, add 3 tablespoons of sugar to start the fermentation process. Place in a warm place for several hours. Such fertilizers should not be used often, otherwise the soil in the pot will become covered with black moss.
  • Watering with diluted beer. Light beer is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:40, then the plants are watered. It is recommended to set the proportion by trial and error. It may not be the same for different plants. Many gardeners claim that after this procedure they grow faster and the leaves become brighter.
  • Rubbing leaves with beer. Rubbing large smooth leaves with diluted beer makes them shiny and protects them from dust for a long time. The beer they take is not fresh, but “stale.” Dilute it with water in equal proportions. But immediately after the procedure, an unpleasant odor spreads throughout the room. After some time it disappears, especially if the room is well ventilated. Do not rub pubescent leaves with beer. During the procedure, the thin villi are damaged, the leaf becomes unsightly and may even die. This applies not only to wiping with beer, but also with ordinary water.

Control weeds with newspapers, dry leaves and mulch

Don't let weeds become deeply rooted in your garden beds. If they are already there, then they will be difficult to control, and their roots will become tangled with the roots of your vegetables.

Avoid this problem by spreading mulch around the plants once they have medium-sized roots. Another solution is to surround the soil around the plant with clumps of dry leaves, preventing the growth of small weeds. Newspapers also contribute to this if they are spread out before adding mulch. This will prevent weeds and grass from getting out.

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Dangerous consequences of watering with beer

“Live” beer contains carbohydrates and various vitamins. Their structure is quite complex. Therefore, it is difficult for plants to absorb these substances. But they can provoke the growth of microorganisms that have a detrimental effect on the condition of plants. They can destroy beneficial ones that are present in healthy soil.

Even in those plants that develop faster after watering with beer, the soil becomes black mold and then becomes compacted. At the same time, an unpleasant odor emanates from the pot. After some time, the plant will have to be replanted to fight harmful fungi and mold.

When assessing the need to use beer and brewer's yeast, the value of the flower is taken into account.

If it is dear to the owner, then it is hardly worth experimenting with. It's better to try on a less valuable one. And if the remedy shows its effectiveness for a long time, continue experimenting on others.

More information can be found in the video:

Fertilizer for all occasions

If your lawn is starting to wilt, it needs fertilizing. Use a universal fertilizer:

  • 1 glass of beer;
  • 1 glass of Coca-Cola;
  • 1 glass of apple juice;
  • 1 cup lemon-scented dish liquid;
  • 1 glass of ammonia;
  • 250 g of any universal fertilizer.

Mix all ingredients, then dilute in 90 liters of water. Using a sprayer, treat the area with this solution once every three weeks - and soon you will be very pleased with the result.

Advice on how to get rid of slugs (slugs)

To protect your plants from slugs without using pesticides, cover the soil with crushed nut or pistachio shells. Slugs avoid crawling on rough surfaces.

You can also set up a trap for slugs. Place a fresh bottle of beer on its side, slightly raised. Slugs love the smell of beer and will happily climb into a bottle and drown in it.

Recently they suggested another way. Take one part baking soda and two parts flour and mix the ingredients. The contents are sprinkled around the plants where the slugs have settled (for Belarusians and Ukrainians, they are smudges). In a day or two. After eating soda, the slugs (smavzhi) will die.

If the slugs have already climbed onto the plants, dilute the solution with water and spray the leaves and fruits. But excessive concentration of soda causes severe burns.

In the garden

1. Both garden and indoor plants can be watered and sprayed with beer from time to time. Sugar and yeast promote the development of beneficial bacteria in the soil, which are good for vegetables, flowers and herbs.

2. Mix a bottle of beer with a cup of ammonia, dilute the mixture in 15 liters of water and pour it into the compost pit to speed up the decomposition process.

3. To easily get rid of snails and slugs, place a shallow bowl of beer in the garden in the evening - they will crawl towards the tasty drink.

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4. Place cups of beer around the perimeter of your area - for some time this will save you from bees and wasps.

In the bathroom

9. Wash your hair with beer to give it shine. Some people advise simply applying the drink to a clean head, waiting a few minutes and rinsing. There are also more complex recipes. They recommend first evaporating the beer to a quarter volume, then mixing it with a cup of your usual shampoo and then using it as usual. Try the effectiveness of this method for yourself.

10. You can also take a beer bath. Just add a bottle of the drink to water and “soak.” Beer hops help cleanse and rejuvenate cells. In a warm bath, the skin pores open and the body receives beneficial minerals from beer. Your skin will become softer. And if you like the smell of beer, then this is a kind of aromatherapy. You can also steam your feet in a bowl of foamy drink: this will relieve fatigue and soften the skin of your feet. Use ice-cold beer to increase carbonation - this bottle can be used to massage your feet.

Watering plants with diluted beer

If you definitely decide to feed, you need to choose the right beer. A positive result can only be expected when treated with “live” beer. It differs from the usual bottled one in that it has a short shelf life.

It contains no preservatives, stabilizers or other additives. After all, they are harmful not only to people, but also to plants. The positive effects of beer may be due to the fact that it contains potassium. It is what promotes flowering of plants.

Watering with diluted brewer's yeast promotes the development of the root system.

Some gardeners claim that plants have increased immunity and are less susceptible to various pests, including spider mites and scale insects. Different flowers react differently to fertilizing with beer. A positive result was recorded for indoor roses, dracaena, ficus, milkweed, money tree, and zamioculcas.

Why beer?

The fact is that brewer's yeast is very useful for any living organism, and plants are no exception. Yeast is a fungus that, when it gets into the soil, awakens microorganisms to grow. And they, in turn, begin to actively recycle the soil. Thus, a large amount of nitrogen and potassium is formed, which are so necessary for plants.

In agriculture, a good farmer uses brewer's yeast as a fertilizer (instead of chemicals) to accelerate the growth and development of the plant and, as a result, reaps a good harvest.

At the end of the last century, on their basis, the drug “Baikal M1” was developed and introduced into production, which is in good demand among flower growers today.

How to use fertilizer correctly?

Plants quickly respond to fertilization with beer, provided that the foamy drink is used correctly. Gardeners have their own subtleties in preparing and applying fertilizers.

When is the best time to apply?

They begin to feed plants at the seedling stage immediately after the first true leaf appears. Some gardeners and gardeners advise doing this already when the cotyledon leaves appear, but it is better to wait until the plants get stronger.

The seedlings are treated again when picking and transplanting into open ground. This way she better adapts to new conditions.

Further feeding is carried out once a week, in the morning throughout the season:

  • active growth,
  • budding,
  • flowering and fruiting.

Garden crops are fed before solar activity increases, so that by evening the plants absorb all the nutrients.

How to prepare the mixture?

There are many recipes for preparing beer fertilizers designed to strengthen the immunity of garden crops and increase productivity.

Beer is used for fertilizing in concentrated and diluted form. It is diluted with water so that the plants do not receive a “shock” dose of nutrients and die.

But you can not dilute the drink with water. In this case, it is poured into a clean container and left to exhale for 12 hours in a cool place (this applies not only to alcoholic beverages, but also to so-called “nulls”).

When diluted, 500 ml of solution per plant is required . An undiluted foamy drink is applied in an amount of 100 ml per plant.

It is better not to use tap water for feeding. It contains chlorine, which prevents plants from fully absorbing beneficial nutrients.

The ideal option is melt or spring water. If it is not possible to get one, tap water must be left to settle for 12 hours, then carefully drained from the sediment.

When foliage wilts, use the following universal cocktail:

  • 200 ml cola (Pepsi or Coca-Cola);
  • 250 ml of “live” unfiltered beer;
  • 200 ml apple juice;
  • 20 ml of ammonia;
  • 2 tbsp lemon-scented dishwashing liquid;
  • 25 ml of universal fertilizer.

To prepare beer dressing, perform the following steps:

  1. Pour a bucket of water, let it sit and warm up to room temperature (it will take about a day).
  2. Alcoholic beer is opened 10 hours before preparing the solution.
  3. Mix all components and dilute with 10 liters of settled clean water.
  4. The resulting solution is sprayed over the area once every 3 weeks.

You can prepare other fertilizer using beer. Required:

  • ten liter bucket.
  • leaves, weeds with thin stems without seeds.
  • 8 liters of water.
  • 1 liter of beer.

The recipe is as follows:

  1. The bucket is filled halfway with weeds and leaves.
  2. Fill to the top with water.
  3. Pour in a liter of beer and mix everything.
  4. Close with a lid (not very tightly so that air can flow in).
  5. They are sent to a warm place for a week.
  6. After a week, the mass will look like a greenish paste. To feed plants in the garden, it is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10. Garden crops are watered with the resulting solution, adding 100 g of fertilizer per plant.

This is a very powerful fertilizer that replaces many complex additives.

How to feed plantings?

Vegetable crops are fed with a foamy drink, applying it at the root , preventing droplets from falling on the leaf blades. Mandatory watering is carried out first so that the soil is saturated with moisture and the fertilizing is completely absorbed.

It is recommended to spray berry bushes with a beer solution and laundry soap. This is done in the summer, during the formation and ripening of currant and gooseberry fruits. This procedure improves the taste of the berries and accelerates their growth. In addition, spraying with beer prevents powdery mildew infection and repels aphids.

You need to be especially careful when feeding seedlings. A day before transplanting it to a permanent place, the roots of young plants are soaked in a life-giving “cocktail” consisting of beer, cold coffee and liquid dishwashing detergent.

After transplantation, the remaining solution is poured onto the soil around the seedlings . This feeding has a good effect on plants after picking and transplanting into open ground. They settle down better in a new place.

The next watering with a foamy drink is carried out during flowering. You can also apply this organic fertilizer at the fruiting stage. It is just important not to overdo it, so as not to lose the harvest.

When feeding plants in the garden with a foamy drink, you should know when to stop. A large amount of substances such as potassium and nitrogen negatively affects the growth of vegetables, berries, flowers, and herbs.

And if the composition includes preservatives, colors, flavors, sweeteners, and other synthetic and chemical substances, this negatively affects the growth and health of plants. Frequent watering with beer leads to root rotting and fungal diseases.

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