External description and features of caring for pelargonium Australian Pink Rosebud


Pink pelargoniums have many varieties, each of which is particularly beautiful.
Many people call them “Pink Pearls”. Almost all of them have thin shoots and are ampelous. Pink Rambler. This is a fairly common species, with a two-tone color that slightly resembles the inflorescences of soft pink roses. It can grow up to half a meter in height. The leaves emit a specific smell, and essential oils are often made from them. Flowering is relatively long, beginning in spring and continuing until early autumn. The inside of the flowers is pink, and the outer part is white. This type of pelargonium can withstand temperatures up to +14 degrees. If it is lower, the plant begins to get sick.

The stem of this plant is quite flexible, and the soft green leaves with a corrugated border especially highlight the beauty of the flowers. The buds rarely open completely.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Pelargonium Red Rambler
Pelargonium Pink Rambler has both disadvantages and advantages, which were highlighted by flower growers.

  • elegant appearance;
  • unpretentious in care;
  • pollinated in several ways;
  • easy reproduction;
  • varied use of flowers.
  • the smell from the leaves, which not everyone likes;
  • low frost resistance.

This plant does not have many disadvantages, so even inexperienced gardeners begin to grow it. With proper care, pelargonium of this variety will delight the owner with its beautiful flowering.

Red Rambler – Rosaceous zonal pelargonium. A wonderful variety, very tall with beautiful, large, “lush green” leaves. The bush is well formed, very lush and not exposed. Flowers in the shape of red roses are collected in neat, small bouquets; the flower stalks do not dry out. The hats are not large in size, tight, and the number of roses is huge. All the beauty of this variety is bush + inflorescences. Like all Rosaceae, it loves freedom and being kept outdoors. The variety is very easy to maintain.

Dear guests and lovers of pelargoniums!

Now the catalog is a bit of a mess (eh, probably, to be honest, complete chaos!)))), I decided to redo everything for more convenient use. Change photos and descriptions of varieties to a more recent version. And several years after the founding of my collection, tastes and views have changed a little))) Some varieties no longer exist (for various reasons). I’m thinking of moving these pages to the archive, with a description of why “we’re not together,” otherwise it’s kind of a pity to delete them))) In general, I’m in the process, don’t be alarmed))

Pelargonium Pink Rambler is an old variety well known to pelargonium lovers. This is rosebud pelargonium from the Rambler variety series. In addition to Pink Rambler from this series, I also have Plum Rambler and Scarlet Rambler. One can say about all these varieties that, although they are quite tall, they form well and even produce lateral branches themselves (which is a big plus for rosebud pelargoniums).

Pink Rambler bloomed for me for a very long time. All last year I waited for it to finally put on buds, and only waited for it to bloom in September! But Pink Rambler decided to please me not with just one thin cap, but with several dense and well-filled caps of very impressive inflorescences.

Pelargonium Pink Rambler

Pelargonium Pink Rambler

Pelargonium Pink Rambler

The photo shows that the underside of the flower is almost white and contrasts perfectly with the thick pink tint of the front side of the petals. At the moment when I photographed my Pink Rambler, the flowers had not yet fully bloomed. Many of them are still in bud state. But a little later, Pink Rambler demonstrated itself in all its glory: the flowers of this variety are quite large, 4-5 cm in diameter, the caps are dense, the flowers last a long time and have a very clear, regular shape of miniature roses.

By the way, this variety does not tend to expose the trunk and therefore retains the appearance of a fluffy, well-leafed plant for a long time. There is probably only one wish - feed them well.

Very, very cool variety! I recommend to everyone.

Features of reproduction


Pelargonium apple blossom rosebud
This simple propagation process is carried out as follows:

  1. Prepare a sharp knife and first disinfect it with alcohol. Do not use a blunt instrument, as it will damage the tissue of the planting material and slow down the growth of future roots.
  2. Cuttings are cut from shoots that are directed at right angles to the main one. They must have at least 3 leaves.
  3. The length of the cutting should be 5-7 cm.
  4. The cut is made at right angles to the stem.
  5. Place the cutting on a dry cloth for 2 hours to allow the cut area to dry.
  6. Plant the plant in separate pots filled with nutrient soil with drainage.


This method of reproduction has its own characteristics:

  1. Sowing time. It is best to sow seeds at the end of January - end of February, when additional lighting is not required.
  2. Selection of planting material. Healthy seeds should be large, dense, oblong in shape and brown in color.
  3. Soil preparation. To prepare a nutrient substrate, you need to mix the following components:
    • peat – 1 part;
    • sand – 1 part;

  4. land - 2 parts.
  5. The prepared soil mixture must be calcined in the oven for 2-3 minutes.

  6. Temperature. If the seedlings grow at a temperature of no more than 18 degrees, they will not stretch upward. The optimal value remains no higher than 22 degrees.

Planting process:

  1. place the seeds on the ground maintaining a distance of 5 cm from each other;
  2. sprinkle them with a thin layer of earth - 2 mm;
  3. water the seedlings with water from a spray bottle;
  4. cover the container with polyethylene;
  5. Every day the film must be opened for ventilation;
  6. after 14 days, the film is removed as seedlings appear;
  7. After the formation of 2-4 leaves, the seedlings are planted.

We advise you to familiarize yourself with our materials about the features of growing, propagating and caring for other species and varieties of pelargonium: Zonartik, Prince Gustav, Mildfield Rose, Patricia Andrea, Salmon, Lady Gertrude, Bold, Clara Sun, as well as Richard Hudson.

Pelargonium Australianan is a beautiful plant that is grown on the balcony, in open ground and indoors. Despite its spectacular appearance, the flower is completely easy to grow, which even a novice gardener can do.

How to care for Australian Pink Rosebud at home


Despite the fact that pelargonium Australian rosebud is considered an unpretentious plant, it still requires some care. If you follow the rules, the plant will develop well and will delight you with abundant flowering.

Illumination and temperature conditions

This variety of pelargonium tolerates moderate or warm temperatures well. Initially, the crop was bred in order to grow it at home or in greenhouses.

A comfortable temperature for Swanland pink pelargonium is not lower than 10 °C. In the summer months, you can take the container with the plant outside or onto the balcony, but as soon as the cold starts, the crop is brought back into the warmth.

Note! The plant loves bright places, but does not accept direct sunlight. Strong light can cause burns on leaves and buds, which will lead to various flower diseases

Therefore, it is recommended not to leave the pot of pelargonium on the southern windows, or in the very heat you will have to shade it from the sun.

Watering rules and humidity

Swanland pink geranium bushes like moderate watering. It is recommended not to allow the soil to dry out, but strong humidity will not benefit the crop. Water for irrigation must be warm (the plant is heat-loving). Using cold water will cause the root system to begin to hurt and rot.

Before watering, make sure that the top layer of soil is dry. Overmoistening is fraught with the development of rotting and increases the risk of damage to the flower by fungal diseases.

Important! In summer, the plant is watered more often; in winter, the amount of irrigation is reduced

This variety blooms very beautifully

Fertilizing and soil quality

Pelargonium rosebud prefers loose and nutritious soil

It is recommended to pay special attention to the acidity of the soil; you should choose neutral

If you wish, you can make a suitable soil yourself. To do this, mix turf, peat and humus in a ratio of 4:2:2, respectively. Then add one part each of perlite and sand to loosen it.

Important! It is definitely worth calcining the soil before planting a flower to clear it of parasites and pests. Fertilizing accelerates growth and stimulates long and abundant flowering

It is better to start applying fertilizers in the spring. The feeding procedure is repeated once every 2-3 weeks.

Fertilizing accelerates growth and stimulates long and abundant flowering. It is better to start applying fertilizers in the spring. The feeding procedure is repeated once every 2-3 weeks.

To speed up the growth of bushes, fertilizers containing nitrogen are used, as a result, more leaves are formed on the shoots. As soon as the buds begin to appear, they switch to fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium. In this case, the inflorescences will be more lush and beautiful.

Flowering lasts all summer

Flower container size

Initially, a small pot is chosen for Australian pelargonium. However, with the next transplant, a larger container is taken. This is required so that the plant does not grow, but begins to bloom.

Pruning and replanting

The plant grows quite quickly and requires transplanting into another container. It is better to carry out the procedure in the spring, while pelargonium is still at rest.

Note! After the transplant is carried out, the crop is not fertilized for about a month and a half. It is recommended to carefully monitor soil moisture

Before the onset of winter, pelargonium is transplanted into a pot and transferred to a warm room.

The side shoots of Australian pink pelargonium are often pruned. This procedure allows you to form a beautifully shaped bush, stimulate the formation of new shoots and buds, and get rid of damaged and diseased parts of the plant.

A lush bush can be obtained by pinching the tops of young shoots. To ensure that the crop blooms profusely, faded buds are removed.

Caring for rosebud pelargonium at home

In order for roseate geranium to bloom almost all year round and be healthy, it needs to be provided with favorable conditions for growth. Caring for rosebud geranium at home is not very difficult.

Illumination and temperature conditions

Pelargonium prefers to be in a well-lit place most of the day. But it is not advisable for open sunlight to fall on the plants. Due to the bright sun, burns may appear on the foliage, which often leads to the death of the plant.

Dark corners and north facing should be avoided. In such conditions, the geranium will stretch upward strongly, the stems will be thin and weak, and you can forget about flowering.

Watering rules and humidity

Pelargonium rosea prefers moderate watering. Due to excessive humidity and stagnation of water, the plant suffers greatly.

Thanks to the thick stems in which water accumulates, pelargonium tolerates drought much better. For irrigation you need to use only warm water.

Fertilizing and soil quality

The rest period for pelargonium ends at the end of February. At this time, the plant must be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. At the end of February, nitrogen is added to the soil, which promotes rapid growth.

By the fourth feeding, along with nitrogen, the soil is fertilized with phosphorus and potassium. These substances ensure lush and long-lasting flowering. As an organic fertilizer, it is useful to sprinkle the soil with wood ash before watering.

Additional information: it is important to choose the right soil for roseate pelargonium. The soil should be loose and nutritious

Acidity level - pH 5.5-6.5.

Flower container size

Pelargonium rosebund red and other varieties thrive in medium-sized pots. The choice of container depends on the size of the flower. Planting plants in large containers is not recommended.

A member of the geranium family will not bloom until the root system fills the entire space in the pot.

The optimal height of the pot is 10-15 cm. The diameter is from 20 to 25. When selecting a container, you also need to take into account how many plants will grow there. For dwarf varieties, you can take a pot that is half the diameter.

Pruning and replanting

Most varieties of geraniums require regular pruning and shaping of the crown of the bush. Young bushes are pinched at those growing points that are strongly elongated. You can pinch off the tops of all large stems.

Adult bushes are pruned differently. Trim long stems, leaving 3-4 large buds on each.

Note! The best time for pruning is late February - early March. At this time, the rest period ends and active sap flow begins.

Transplanting pelargonium into new soil

The optimal period for replanting is spring, when the plant is actively growing. To transplant a flower, it is advisable to use a special soil mixture with humus and coarse sand. The plant is carefully removed from the old pot, trying not to damage the root system, and transplanted into new soil.

Basic rules of care

Pelargonium: a southern beauty for home and garden

In order for pelargonium to please everyone with its flowering in the house for as long as possible, it is necessary to study some growing technologies. Since this plant is southern and accustomed to the scorching rays of the sun, then, of course, it will suffer if abundant watering is provided. Once a week is enough to water the plant. In addition, all excess water must be poured out of the pan so that the roots do not fester. In winter, this procedure should be reduced to once every two weeks.

To avoid stagnation of water, you need to put a thick layer of drainage in the flowerpot, and choose a lighter soil.

You can also make it yourself, for which you just need to mix 1 part sand, 1 part peat, and 1 part leaf humus. It is better to take a small pot so that the pelargonium blooms more luxuriantly.

This plant loves a lot of light, so it is best placed on the south side of the house. If this is not done, the flowers will become smaller and the plant will stop producing essential oils. In addition, you need to know that daylight hours should be at least sixteen hours. Therefore, in winter it is necessary to extend it with the help of fluorescent lamps.

Do not forget about the temperature, which should be within 26 degrees. At the same time, it is better to keep the humidity in the room within 55 percent. It is enough to feed pelargonium once a month. Mineral fertilizers that contain a lot of nitrogen are suitable for this.

Planting and maintaining pelargonium

When planting the Australian Pink pelargonium variety, you should take into account the fact that it does not tolerate direct sunlight on its leaves. This flower variety prefers partial shade. Even direct rays of the morning sun can cause burns to the flower, and, accordingly, other diseases associated with decreased immunity. If the plant is on the south side, it is important not to forget to create shade during the midday period.

Pelargonium Swanland Pink does not tolerate low air temperatures. Temperatures below 10°C can be detrimental to the flower. Since the variety was bred in a warm country, it is not surprising that it develops well at average temperatures.

The soil for planting this variety of pelargonium must be nutritious and loose. The looseness of the soil ensures proper air exchange necessary for the plant’s root system.

Note! The soil must be neutral. With increased or decreased acidity, the plant will bloom poorly or not bloom at all. Land can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can make it yourself. The soil should consist of turf, peat and perlite in a ratio of 4:2:1.

In the spring, pelargonium australien pink rosebud needs fairly frequent feeding. They are deposited once every two weeks. In order to increase the lushness of the leaves, Australian pelargonium should be fed with nitrogenous fertilizers. When the first buds appear, geranium needs potassium and phosphorus.

Pelargonium Australian Rosebud develops quite intensively, so it needs frequent replanting. Basically, they are done in order to divide the plant’s root system into several, thereby relieving it. With each subsequent transplant, the planting container should be larger than the previous one.

Pelargonium pink rosebud needs to be pinched and trimmed. Only in this case can a beautiful bush shape be formed.

Important! Pinching provokes intensive appearance of side shoots.

In September, the plant begins to prepare for winter. During this period, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of watering and completely abandon any fertilizing. Geranium remains in a period of suspended animation until the end of winter. As soon as the day becomes longer than the night, the plant leaves hibernation.

History of selection

Pelargonium Rosebudnaya has recently become increasingly popular not only among collectors of rare varieties of flowers, but also among novice gardeners. The thing is that in terms of external parameters it is similar to roses. This is a group of zonal pelargoniums that have certain differences from other varieties. Double flowers of this group of plants have many petals, which do not allow the flower to fully bloom, because of this, the half-opened bud visually resembles a rose flower.

Pelargonium Swanland Pink is a decorative flower that came to Russia from Australia. A variety with fairly large peduncles that can stay on the stem for a month if the optimal temperature conditions are observed. Based on the name, it is clear that the color of this plant is soft pink. It can bloom about 3 times per season. The number of peduncles depends on the correct care and maintenance of the flower. The variety was bred by botanist Arthur Langley Smith in 1827. The variety was obtained as a result of selection of curly pelargonium and shiny geranium.

Pelargonium Swanland Pink

Why doesn't it bloom?

When buying ivy-leaved pelargonium in a store, they are often assured that it blooms profusely and pleases the eye every season. Believing the sellers' words, you bring the flower home and soon notice that the flower does not bloom, but only climbs up. One of the reasons may be incorrect soil composition. Sandy soil is good for growing this type of plant. Pelargonium will not bloom in peat soil due to poor air permeability. If your ivy pelargonium is in peat soil, then it should be replanted. If the passage of moisture and air is poor, the root system can rot and lead to the loss of the flower.

Another reason could be improper placement of the plant. If a flower lacks abundant light and sunlight, then what kind of flowering can we even talk about? Help pelargonium “live” and give it some warmth.

How to grow Pac Viva Rosita and care for the flower

In order for Rosita pelargonium to fully develop, it needs proper care.

Illumination and temperature conditions

The plant needs sufficient light. However, it does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight, hot weather or overheating of the soil. It is best to place a pot with a plant on a southwest or east window. In warm weather, the flower is taken outside.

For normal development of geraniums, the optimal temperature regime is observed. Pelargonium Viva Rosita should be grown at 20-25 ℃.

Watering rules and humidity

It is not recommended to moisten the soil frequently. This should be done as the top layer of soil dries. The pot must have drainage holes. They ensure rapid removal of fluid.

It is best to moisten the soil through a tray in order to provide the root system with sufficient moisture. Experts advise avoiding watering from above and spraying leaves.

When growing crops, it is important to control air humidity. It should be 60-65%

The room must be ventilated regularly. This helps protect the crop from diseases and parasites.

Important! Pelargonium does not need to be sprayed. The procedure is carried out only when the air is extremely dry or exposed to the scorching sun.

Fertilizing and soil quality

The plant is fed during the active growing season (from early spring to mid-autumn). At the same time, they buy ready-made products in flower shops. The composition must contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizers are applied twice a month. In winter, the bushes are not fed.

The plant needs to be fed in a timely manner

Flower container size

Initially, the flower is planted in a medium-sized container. Too large a pot interferes with the normal development of the crop. In such a situation, she spends energy on root growth.

Pruning and replanting

To get a compact plant, pelargonium is pruned. The shoots are greatly shortened at the end of February. In this case, sanitary pruning is carried out as necessary. Be sure to pinch the top and side cuttings.

Secrets of caring for pelargonium rosebud at home

Simple rules will help you maintain your own beauty.


And although the plant is light-loving, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Because of this, the leaves and stems will begin to turn yellow and wither, and the amount of water consumed will not be enough for normal life.

Therefore, choose a well-lit place, but darken it with a special covering for the window or build a fabric flooring. This way the geranium will receive a sufficient amount of light, but burns will not appear on it, spoiling the appearance and health of the geranium.

Do not allow geraniums to be exposed to direct sunlight.


Culture is not demanding of this factor. To ensure that the air humidity is sufficient, you only need to regularly ventilate the room in which the flower is located.

Requirements for soil and flower pot

Soil for royal geranium can be purchased in specialized stores or made independently. If you don’t want to go through the hassle of cooking, then buy the most common product with an acidity level of 5.6 to 6.5 (neutral position).

Or mix turf soil, humus, peat, perlite and sand (coarse) in the following proportions: 4:2:2:1:1. Pelargonium will feel great in it.

Rules and frequency of watering

Frequent watering is not good for geraniums. It may begin to rot, which leads to its premature death. Therefore, moisten the soil as needed, and not based on some system. Check the soil regularly for moisture. When you feel that there is liquid, there is no need to water the bush. If the soil crumbles and does not leave a mark on your fingers, then the plant needs the procedure.

Frequent watering is not good for geraniums


The plant requires a lot of strength before and during flowering. Therefore, experienced experts advise starting to use special fertilizers.

In the spring, mineral baits are perfect. They need to be added once every 2-3 weeks, their quantity is calculated individually. When the buds begin to form, turn on phosphorus-potassium products. In early fall, begin phasing out additional treatments to allow the plant to prepare for hibernation.

Disease prevention and pest protection

Have you noticed that the leaves have begun to wither and dry out more intensely? Try to slightly increase the volume of water for watering, as this is the first reason for yellow leaves. And move the pot away from the radiator; apparently, the air in the room has become too dry. Yellow lower leaves indicate insufficient lighting.

The overwatered root system responds with lethargy of the entire flower. The leaves also lose their color. If the flowers are actively drying out, then there is a high probability that the body has been infected by a fungus. Try treatment with 5% Bordeaux mixture. And treat twice (with a break of a week) with the special drug Fitosporin.

Diseases of a bacterial nature appear in the form of brown geometric spots

It helps to transplant into a different soil, only morning watering and the use of special chemical fungicides. The same method is also suitable for viral infections, but you should pay attention to the presence of insects. Be sure to find them and destroy them, because they are the source of diseases. Spray the leaves with a solution of pharmaceutical aspirin (1.25 tablets per 10 liters of water)

Rust on the leaves, the appearance of white fluff and gray spots, brown areas on the stems - all these symptoms indicate the presence of fungus. Destroy it using special means, reseed the soil to clear it of rotten parts of the plant and other debris, loosen it thoroughly and eliminate fertilizers containing nitrogen

Be sure to carefully tear off the rotting areas. Yellow lower leaves of pelargonium indicate insufficient lighting

Yellow lower leaves of pelargonium indicate insufficient lighting


Let's consider the main points for caring for this beautiful plant.


Australian pink needs moderate watering: without dry periods, and also without excessive waterlogging. Since this is a rosebud, and also a heat-loving one, watering should be done only with warm water. In this case, cold water can lead to rotting of the roots, which is very dangerous.

It is recommended to water Australian Pink only after you are sure that the top layer of soil has dried out. Otherwise, waterlogging may occur. In winter, it is recommended to significantly reduce watering, since in cold weather pelargonium is at rest, recovering and preparing for the next growing season.


Supplemental nutrition for Australian Pinks begins in the spring. Intensive and active growth requires a lot of strength, and therefore additional microelements. Starting in spring, fertilizers are applied once every 2-3 weeks.

Before flowering, Australian pink needs more nitrogen compounds to form lush greenery. But as soon as budding begins, it is necessary to switch to potassium and phosphorus so that the inflorescences form more actively and luxuriantly.


This flower grows quite intensively, so periodically it has to be transplanted into another pot. It is recommended to carry out this procedure in the spring before the active growing season of the plant begins.

Please note: it is necessary that the new pot exceeds the previous one by no more than the capacity; Australian pink may not even bloom, but disappear into the green mass. You should also know that after transplanting to a new “home” the plant can be left without feeding for a month or a month and a half.

At first, the new soil will already have enough nutrients

You should also know that after transplanting to a new “home” the plant can be left without feeding for a month or a month and a half. The new soil will already have enough nutrients for the first time.


Pelargonium Australian pink forms quite tall bushes, and for its neat compact appearance the plant requires regular pruning and pinching. Formative pruning is carried out in the first two years of the plant’s life; in subsequent years, the initially specified shape is only maintained.

Young shoots of the plant are pinched as soon as several leaves appear on them. Pinching leads to more active formation of side shoots, due to which the bush becomes more lush and more inflorescences are formed.


Before the start of the winter period, it is recommended to move Australian pink pelargonium to a cooler room so that the plant gradually adapts to low temperatures. Around September-early October, it is recommended to start reducing the frequency and volume of watering as the plant enters a dormant period. It is also advisable to stop feeding.

Complete rest lasts in this case from November to February. And with the lengthening of daylight hours, Australian Pink begins to noticeably come to life: at this time, feeding and other care manipulations can be resumed.

External features

Pelargonium Australian pink is distinguished by its exquisite decorative qualities. Its buds have the correct shape of a pink bud that has not fully opened .

Note that in addition to its beautiful shape, the bud itself in this case is also quite large, which makes the overall appearance of the plant even more decorative.

The leaves have a standard green color, but in this case they are quite bright, which is a beautiful frame for the buds. The inflorescences are large, the shoots are quite tall. The petals have a rich pink color, further increasing the resemblance of this pelargonium to a bush rose. The Australian pink bush itself is quite powerful and strong, tall, and usually has many lateral branches.

Diseases and pests

After summer has arrived and the plant has moved to the open air, its health becomes susceptible to attacks by various pests and diseases. What to do and how to avoid such problems?

First you need to understand what caused the “blow” to the plant. Most often, infection of a flower manifests itself in lethargy and dullness of the leaves, brown and yellow spots, and dryness. With such symptoms, you should think about the health of the plant and be wary.

The most common diseases of ivy pelargonium are:

  1. Botrytis fungus. This is usually caused by excessive humidity. The fungus appears as brown spots and the formation of gray fluff on the leaves. Rapid spread leads to leaf fall. With such a fungus, you should cut off all infected areas and transplant the flower into another pot, spraying it with fungicides.
  2. Root system rot. Rot is also caused by excess moisture. Subsequently, the rot spreads throughout the stem from bottom to top. This infection is characterized by brown and black colors. To avoid further spread of rot, the soil should be replaced with a looser one so that water cannot stagnate in it.
  3. Bacterial diseases. This type of disease does not lead to the death of the crop, but it does cause a serious blow. The stem partially darkens and withers. Treatment consists of frequent spraying and weeding.
  4. Ticks. Appear as yellow specks on the leaves and stem. The reasons for such a visit may be dry air and high temperatures. Such lesions are treated with soap and mineral oil. If the process is too advanced, then chemicals such as Ditox, Molniya and others can come to the rescue.
  5. Aphid. Aphids can be identified by special signs: the leaves of the flower begin to curl. Such sheets must be cut off and the rest washed with soapy water. Also, the preparations “Tobacco dust”, “Iskra” and others save from aphids.
  6. Thrips. It appears in the form of growths on the back side of the leaf. Leads to deformation of leaves and the appearance of yellow spots. The drugs “Biotlik”, “Aktara”, etc. help prevent the appearance of thrips.


Pelargonium Australian pink is susceptible to diseases standard for this family:

  • rot;
  • fungus;
  • withering.

Dangerous pests include:

  • aphid;
  • whitefly;
  • spider mite.

Next, we will consider in detail what to do if a flower develops a disease.

Bacterial and fungal

Pathologies of this kind appear in Australians more often than others. Fungal and bacterial diseases usually manifest themselves in the form of spotting that affects the leaves of the plant. There is no escape from diseases such as root and stem rot - the plants will have to be destroyed by first cutting off the top for further propagation.

But some types of spots can be cured by using systemic fungicides. Spraying with a weak solution of aspirin can also help against the misfortune. Those leaves that are affected by the fungus must be removed so that the disease does not spread further.


As mentioned above, most often Australian pink is affected by whiteflies, mites and aphids. To prevent damage by these pests, it is recommended to regularly inspect the underside of pelargonium foliage for the presence of insect larvae and eggs. If pests have already appeared, wash them off with soapy water, and then spray the bush with a suitable insecticidal preparation.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

The main problems of Australian pelargonium are fungal and bacterial diseases. The flower is subject to various rots. When the roots and trunk rot, cut off the top and place it in a glass of water to form a root system. The remaining plant should simply be thrown away. It will not be possible to save him.

Pelargonium of this variety is affected by harmful insects. Whiteflies, mites, and aphids are dangerous to the plant.

Pots with flowers will be a wonderful garden decoration

How to deal with them

You need to fight diseases and parasites with the help of special means. Preventive treatment with fungicidal and antibacterial drugs is recommended.

Note! Be sure to periodically inspect the leaves and stem of the plant in order to notice the appearance of pests in time. Pelargonium Australian pink rosebud - a beautiful hybrid

It is popular with experienced and novice flower growers. The plant amazes with lush flowering and does not require special attention. With proper and high-quality care, it will delight you with its appearance and excellent growth.

Pelargonium Australian pink rosebud is a beautiful hybrid. It is popular with experienced and novice flower growers. The plant amazes with lush flowering and does not require special attention. With proper and high-quality care, it will delight you with its appearance and excellent growth.

External description and features of caring for pelargonium Australian Pink Rosebud

Pelargonium rosebud varieties are considered the most decorative representatives of this elegant flower family.

One of the most popular varieties, a favorite of gardeners, is Australian pink - it is this variety of zonal rosebuds that we will talk about in the article.

We will learn how to plant Australian pink correctly, how to properly care for this plant so that it pleases with lush flowering and excellent health.


Since this pelargonium belongs to rosebud varieties, it is propagated exclusively by cuttings. Seeds are not used in household use, since the species characteristics of hybrid varieties are not transmitted through seed propagation. Let's take a closer look at the propagation scheme of pelargonium Australian pink using the cutting method.

The period suitable for cuttings in this case is from March to July. Instructions for proper reproduction:

A shoot is cut from a large and healthy mother plant. The apical part, approximately seven centimeters long, is taken

Please note: the cut cuttings should have about 3-4 leaves and from three to five internodes. Make sure that the cut shoot is not green, but already semi-lignified, since young shoots do not take root in the ground and do not take root.

The cuttings must be withered in the open air for two hours, and then all the leaves and inflorescences from the lower part must be cut off. This last measure will help the cuttings not to rot in wet soil. It is better to take a mixture for cuttings purchased - well disinfected

The fact is that young shoots of pelargonium are very vulnerable to pathogenic microorganisms, so it is better not to take risks here. The shoot is deepened into the prepared substrate by one internode, after which the container with it is placed on a well-lit windowsill. After 2-4 weeks, the shoot takes root, and after it gets stronger, it is transplanted into a real pot.

What other varieties of pelargonium are popular? Read about April Snow, Angel, Prince Gustav, Rose Zonartik, Richard Hudson, Millfield Rose, Denise, Norland, Clara Sun, Rococo.

We learned what the pelargonium variety Australian Pink is. As you can see, the plant has excellent decorative qualities and is not too picky. Thanks to the recommendations given in the article, you will be able to grow a healthy, full-fledged plant that will delight you with lush, long-lasting flowering every year.

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Swanland Pink/Australien Pink Rosebud is a rosaceous pelargonium of the zonal group, the cultivation of which does not require much time and effort. The main advantages of the variety are its compact size, uniquely beautiful inflorescences and unpretentiousness. The plant is suitable for indoor growing and feels great on the windowsill, but it reveals its full potential only in favorable conditions and with proper care.

Plant characteristics

Pelargonium variety Australien Pink rosebud has a stem and leaves of a rich green color, which extremely favorably emphasizes the pale pink peduncles. The leaves have a corrugated edge. This is a perennial bush-type plant, classified as a medium-sized variety. The buds open completely rarely, subject to optimal temperatures, which should not exceed 30°C. The peculiarity of the Swanland Pink variety is that the flowers do not fall off, despite the very large number of petals.

The plant is not resistant to low air temperatures. This variety was produced for cultivation indoors or in greenhouses, as a last resort. In winter, a greenhouse plant requires shelter. Tolerates long periods of lack of watering. Even with a long absence of moisture, it produces a large number of side shoots. The bush is strong, unpretentious to soil and water quality. The only requirement for pelargonium Australia Pink Rosebud is watering with water that is at room temperature.

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Important! It is not recommended to water the plant frequently. Once or twice a week is enough

Watering should not be abundant, as rot may appear on the root system, which can lead to serious disease of the flower.

Pelargonium Australian Pink Rosebud forms lush inflorescences with large peduncles reaching a diameter of 3-4 cm. One shoot can contain up to 5 inflorescences. The petals of the buds are double, the outer side is a shade lighter than the inner. The flowering period is quite long, even in comparison with other varieties of pelargonium.

Pelargonium Swanland Pink is not resistant to low temperatures

Rules for growing pelargonium Swanland Pink/Australien Pink Rosebud

Swanland Pink needs conditions typical for zonal pelargoniums, that is, good lighting and warm content, a nutritious, but at the same time loose, permeable substrate.

Thus, growing Australien Pink Rosebud pelargonium comes down to several points:

  • Lighting. It is preferable to have well-lit window sills that are exposed to the sun for several hours a day. On the south side, it is advisable to shade the pots so that the leaves do not suffer from burns; it is better not to grow them on northern windows;
  • Watering . It is necessary to moisten the soil constantly, as the top layer of the substrate dries, but always in moderation. The earthen lump should neither dry out nor become waterlogged;
  • Trimming . To obtain a compact bush with a harmonious crown, pelargonium must be pruned. Strong shortening of shoots is carried out at the end of February, sanitary pruning is carried out as necessary. Pinching the apical and lateral cuttings is also required;
  • Feeding . During the period of bud formation and flowering, Australian Pink Rosebud must be fed using fertilizers for Geraniums or compositions for flowering indoor plants.

Like other zonal pelargoniums, Australian Pink Rosebud loves fresh air and ventilation, but reacts negatively to drafts. For this reason, with the onset of warm weather, the bush is taken out to the balcony, veranda or loggia, creating flower arrangements and always returning it to the apartment before the cold weather.

The optimal temperature for growing and flowering Swanland Pink is between +17-+23 degrees. When the temperature drops below +12, the plant stops developing and often dies from hypothermia of the root system.

The Swanland Pink/Australien Pink Rosebud variety will decorate your windowsill, delighting you with lush flowering when grown correctly.

Which propagation method is suitable for rosebud geranium

Geranium can reproduce in two ways:

Since with the seed method new plants do not inherit all the properties of the parent, rosebud geranium is propagated by cuttings. The best time for this is from early spring to mid-summer. To do this, a small cutting with several internodes is cut from an adult plant.

For planting cuttings, prepare light soil with the addition of peat. Or they prepare special tablets for rooting the formation of roots.


  1. The cuttings are dried for 60 minutes.
  2. Remove the lower leaves.
  3. They are buried in the ground so that one internode is in the soil mixture.
  4. The peat around the cuttings is slightly compacted.
  5. The container is placed in a bright place at a temperature of about +20ºС. If the days are cloudy, it is necessary to organize sufficient artificial lighting.
  6. Watering is moderate, carried out away from the trunk.

If all conditions are met, roots will appear within 15-20 days. If the plants were planted in tablets, you can place them in glasses for further growth. When there are more roots, the cuttings are transplanted into a flower pot.

If it was customary to use a bag on top, you need to make sure that excessive amounts of moisture do not collect under it. Rosebud geranium cuttings, when properly cared for at home, are well accepted, allowing you to obtain new plants.

Pelargonium rosebud is an attractive flowering plant that is distinguished by its elegance and unusual beauty. This variety of geranium is chosen for propagation by true connoisseurs who are ready to care for a plant with unusual beautiful flowers.

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