When to plant gladioli so that they bloom by September 1

Every summer resident who has children thinks about when to plant gladioli so that they bloom by September 1st.
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Tall bright gladioli with inflorescences of unusual shape and color look equally great in a flower bed, in a vase and in a gift bouquet. Gardeners' plots abound with this flower.

Growing a proud flower is not difficult, but it often blooms earlier or later than the desired time. This article will help you figure out how to get the peak flowering of gladioli by September 1st.

How long does it take for gladioli to bloom after planting the bulbs?

Gladiolus is a perennial plant that does not tolerate low temperatures. In central Russia, bulbs are planted in the ground every spring and stored in the fall. When the plant blooms depends on the timing of planting, which allows you to get a gorgeous bouquet by September 1st. Modern varieties are divided into 5 classes:

  • The earliest varieties bloom approximately 60 days after planting.
  • Early - on the 70th day.
  • Medium varieties at 80 days.
  • Late average – on the 90th day.
  • Late plants bloom 100 days after planting.

Knowing what type the prepared varieties are, it is easy to calculate the favorable time to plant gladioli for flowering by September 1.

When does gladiolus bloom?

Many people are interested in when do gladioli bloom after planting? Swords bloom depending on:

  • varieties of flowers;
  • landing time;
  • climatic conditions.

Flowers of early varieties begin to bloom in the last days of July, middle varieties - in the last days of August or early September. Peduncles of late varieties begin to bloom magnificently in late September - early October.

If you plant the bulbs earlier, the plant will bloom much earlier; accordingly, late planting leads to late flowering.

Important! If you plant gladioli bulbs very late, they may not bloom at all.

In order to admire the flowers already in June, you need to prepare the bulbs in March. To do this, they are planted in individual pots and placed in a place where there is a lot of light. After some time, the plant will germinate and the first leaves will appear.

In this case, it is not recommended to apply fertilizers; the plant feeds on the minerals found in the bulb. In the last ten days of March, the sprouted plant is planted in soil preheated with film. Before planting, you need to water the holes with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.

After two weeks, you need to plant the second batch of bulbs. After another two weeks, the remaining bulbs are planted, but they no longer need germination. After planting, gladioli bloom only once and bloom for two weeks.

Gardeners are interested in when gladioli bloom after planting bulbs of different ages? The flowering of this plant directly depends on weather conditions, as well as on the age of the bulb. If you plant planting material from the second year of flowering, the skewer will bloom two weeks later than the first year. Thus, if you plant bulbs of different ages, flowering will prolong significantly. Still, it will not be possible to plant them in such a way that they bloom magnificently by a certain date.

Emperor – Bad Blood

When to plant gladioli so that they bloom by September 1 in different regions

Gladioli can be grown almost throughout Russia. In addition to the variety, the time when to plant bulbs in a flowerbed also depends on the climatic conditions of the region. With a short summer, it is recommended to plant gladioli in early June, choosing early varieties. For long periods - in early May.

Moscow region

You need to start preparing the plant for planting at the end of April.

The bulbs must be removed from the underground or refrigerator. Remove excess husks without damaging the hatched sprouts. Carefully inspect for damage and place in a flat container for adaptation.

You can plant in the ground starting from May 10. For flowering by September 1, you need to choose late varieties of gladioli. It is important to consider that growing in lightly shaded areas can delay flowering by up to 20 days.


In the Kuban and other southern regions, such as the Crimea and the Caucasus, favorable climatic conditions allow bulbs to be planted from late April to early June.

Phased planting of plants of different types of flowering will allow you to admire their beauty throughout the summer and collect a gorgeous bouquet by September 1st.

Leningrad region

There is no need to rush to land near St. Petersburg. It is advisable to plant prepared bulbs no earlier than May 20. To choose a date, you need to wait for the relative drying of the soil and the onset of stable positive temperatures.

Ural region

In the Urals, it is recommended to plant gladioli no earlier than the beginning of June. Stable positive temperatures are the main indicator for a possible landing. The soil must be heated to 100C. In order for the sword to bloom by September 1, specific dates are calculated depending on the plant variety.

Basic growing rules

To get a healthy plant with luxurious flowering, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • When selecting a variety, its climate needs should be taken into account. If it needs warm, dry weather, then it will not be able to grow for a long time in a damp and cool area.
  • Gladioli are special because they grow in one place. They can only stay in one area for 2 years. After their expiration, the plant must be replanted.
  • This flower needs a lot of light. When gardeners grow late species in shade, the plant rarely blooms. Early type varieties can be grown in a plot with any lighting. But when choosing a shaded place, you must remember that the flowering period will then come later.
  • When performing the procedure of transplanting from one site to another, it is recommended to change the composition of the soil. For example, if at the beginning there was black soil, then after it you can use sandy loam type soil.
  • Gardeners do not recommend placing bulbs next to children, because large specimens will have a depressing effect on small sprouts. It will be better when planting material is placed according to the degree of increase in size. It is recommended to place the largest specimens separately.
  • The planting depth directly depends on the size of the corm. If the soil is heavy, then the depth is calculated based on three diameters of the planting material. When planting in light soil, they adhere to the calculation of four bulb sizes. If the plant is planted too deep, it may not bloom. If the depth is insufficient, there may be a need to tie up the frog.
  • The place where gladioli grow should be well ventilated. If such conditions do not exist, then the risk of plant damage by fungal diseases will be increased.
  • 3-5 days before planting outside, it is recommended to clear the bulbs of dense scales. This will help the sprouts emerge. After planting, the plant is watered every two days.
  • In summer, generous watering should be done weekly. When there is no rain for a long time, procedures must be performed every day in the evening. After such work, the ground should be loosened, hilled and cleared of weeds.
  • Digging and storing bulbs is carried out with careful adherence to the rules.

Is it possible to plant gladioli as seedlings?

Corms overwinter in a cool place, refrigerator or underground.

The bulbs must be germinated before planting in the soil. Effective germination occurs in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. The hatched sprouts are growing. The optimal size of the arrows before planting is 5 - 8 cm.

In order for the Swordshnik to bloom earlier and have time to release inflorescences by September, you can plant seedlings. Biodegradable pots must be used. When transplanting to a permanent place, it is necessary to exclude sudden climate changes, drafts and direct sunlight.

It is important to consider that growing gladioli through seedlings has an adverse effect on the plant and can slow down its development for 1 - 2 weeks.

Planting gladioli by September 1st according to the lunar calendar

Every year, amateur flower growers use the lunar calendar to select dates when to plant plants. Gladiolus, like all bulbous plants, is usually planted on the waning moon.

Favorable dates

In 2022, the most optimal dates for planting a flowerbed are: March 1 – 9; March 29 – 31; 1 – 4 and 7 – 11 April; April 28 – 30; May 5 – 10; May 27 – 31; June 7 – 9; June 11 – 14.

Unfavorable dates

The most unfavorable dates for planting in the ground in 2021 are: March 9 – 10; March 13 and 28; April 5 – 6, April 12 and 27; May 2 – 4; May 11 and 26; June 10 and 24. On these days, you can carry out cultivation work, loosen and water, but planting is not recommended.

How to plant gladioli in open ground correctly

Gladioli are not difficult to grow, but to get beautiful, showy flowers by September 1st, you should know the basic rules of how to plant gladioli:

  • Selection of planting material. Blooming profusely and healthy, flower stalks are formed from young corms.
  • The place where you plan to plant. The flower grows in any corner of the garden, but the beauty of its inflorescences is most revealed in sunny places, sheltered from the wind and direct midday rays.
  • Choose a place with sandy loam soil.
  • It is recommended to regularly change the planting location of the crop.
  • Mature rhizomes are planted at a distance of 10 -15 cm.
  • Watering mode. Gladioli are watered rarely but regularly. They do not tolerate even short-term stagnation of water.
  • It is advisable to add a handful of river sand to the planting hole, which will protect the bulb from rotting.
  • Gladioli do not like fresh organic fertilizer; it is better to replace it with ash.

When planting this flower for the first time, you need to be brave and follow the rules. And in gratitude it will bloom by September 1st.

How to prepare for winter

Gladioli are a heat-loving flower, so with the onset of frost, the tubers must be dug up, dried and prepared for storage if you plan to plant gladioli next season.

How to dig up tubers

The stem of the tubers is cut off, leaving a small stump.
The period of complete ripening of gladioli corms from the beginning of flowering is 35-40 days. But we recommend focusing not only on these dates, but also on weather conditions: a humid climate can severely damage the tubers, causing them to rot in the soil, so it is better to sacrifice a little weight of the bulb and dig them up earlier than to lose all the planting material.

To avoid damaging the bulbs, it is better to dig them out with a pitchfork.

The stem of the dug up tubers is carefully cut off, but not “at the root” - a small stump should remain on the bulb.

After the bulbs are dug, small tubers - the so-called children - are carefully separated from them. In the future, they will help to update the planting material. Make sure that there are no extra children left in the soil, otherwise in the future they may germinate and spoil pure plantings of gladioli.

Storage rules

After the corms are dug up, they should be washed with water and treated against diseases and pests. If you plan to store gladioli tubers in a regular refrigerator, then use garlic instead of chemical compounds for disinfection.

Then the bulbs are sent for drying.

It is very important to dry the corms correctly so that they do not become moldy: to do this, place the tubers in a well-ventilated drying room at a temperature of at least 25-30 ° C.

Already dried planting material is sorted again to weed out damaged or diseased corms. Tubers that have passed the test are stored at a temperature of no more than 5-8 ° C - if you do not have a special place for storage, then a basement is suitable for this. If there is little planting material, then you can use a regular refrigerator for storage.

How to choose the right planting material

High-quality planting material ensures the development of a healthy plant and allows it to bloom magnificently by September 1.

Experienced flower growers recommend growing flowers from varietal children. During their development, adaptation to growing conditions occurs. When choosing adult corms, you need to pay attention to their age.

Old 3-4 year old specimens have a wide and concave bottom, a hollow and thick break from the peduncle. It is better not to purchase such planting material.

When purchasing a corm, you need to check for mechanical damage or rotten areas. The number of sprouts that hatch should not be more than two, preferably one. A good healthy corm should be large, not overdried, and highly erect.

Will baby gladioli bloom by September 1st?

Babies or tubers are formed on adult corms. Large children in the first year of planting can throw out a peduncle and bloom by September 1st.

But it is recommended to remove the peduncle to allow the young flower to fully form a healthy, strong bulb.

Planting tuber buds allows you to preserve a collection of varieties for a long time and increase the number of plants. Gladioli grown from children are more adaptable and adapted to environmental conditions.

They tolerate climatic conditions more easily, are immune to many local diseases, and are accustomed to the type of soil.

Description of the gladiolus flower

The flowering plant gladiolus belongs to the Iris family. Africa is considered one of the places of origin, where most of the wild species of this flower live. For a long time, it was considered more of an edible plant than an ornamental plant in the world - so in the Mediterranean countries, flour for flatbreads was prepared from its corms, combining them with ordinary onions. During the Middle Ages, bread was even baked from such flour.

Real popularity for gladiolus came in the 16th century, when European gardeners became interested in it, and after the importation of South African varieties, breeders became interested. Today it has several thousand garden hybrid varieties, differing in size, shape and timing of flower appearance. Unlike many other flowering plants, gladioli boast an almost complete palette of possible colors, including soft green and burgundy-black. The corms of the plant can also have different colors: they can be yellowish, pink, almost white or very dark. At the same time, varieties tend to degenerate: most of them begin to lose their qualities after ten years of cultivation. They are being replaced by new, improved and even more spectacular specimens of gladioli. But there are also varieties that can exist for decades without losing their durability and decorative properties.

At what depth to plant gladioli?

The correct planting depth ensures the development of a strong root system and the stable condition of a tall peduncle. The depth of embedding corms into the soil depends on several factors.

The type of soil and size of planting material are important.

  • In sandy soils, planting can be done to a depth of 15–20 cm, and in clayey soils no more than 10 cm.
  • Larger corms are planted deeper than smaller ones.
  • Children are planted to a depth of no more than 5 cm.

Planting secrets

When growing gladioli in open ground, you must follow a number of agrotechnical rules, otherwise the flowering will be short-lived and not too abundant.

Corm age

It is a mistake to believe that the size of the tuber affects the quality of flowering. A large adult gladiolus bulb is not always guaranteed to produce a large and bright peduncle. The biological age of this crop does not exceed 4-5 years, then the planting material needs to be renewed. It makes no sense to expect an abundance of flowers from an old plant. The age of the skewer can be determined by the diameter of the bottom and the height of the corm. The flatter it is and the wider the bottom, the older it is.

The young bulb is almost round, sometimes its height is greater than its width. For the development of a full-fledged strong flower shoot, its diameter must be at least 3 cm. Plants developed from young tubers bloom later than their older relatives, on average 12-14 days. The shape and size of the bulbs can vary greatly among different varieties, so it is not advisable to compare them with each other.

How to properly care for gladioli so that they bloom by September 1

Gladioli are noble flowers that delight with their magnificent colorful and rich blooms. Care is not difficult, but it requires effort and time. Sprouted corms need to be planted in warm and fertilized soil.

During development, fertilizing is carried out 2–3 times. You can use herbal infusion, ash or mineral fertilizers as fertilizers.

It is advisable to mulch the stems with rotted sawdust. Long flower stalks are tied to a support. If two peduncles emerge, it is better to remove one.

Proper care of flowering plants

Gladiolus needs regular feeding and moisture, since the flowers are much larger than the bulbs, and the root system does not have much branching. Watering is carried out once every couple of weeks; if the weather is too hot, then the soil must be moistened daily. For good gladiolus flowering, moisture should saturate the soil right up to the bulbs; about two buckets of water are used per square meter, it is poured into special depressions around the plant, which are made in advance. To prevent the plant from rotting, you need to ensure that water does not get on the leaves and stems. Loosening the area is considered a necessary procedure, since after watering a hard crust appears on the surface, which prevents the penetration of air to the bulbs. After loosening, hilling is carried out, creating depressions for watering. Loosening is performed after rain or heavy moisture.

You can add mulch around the plant to retain moisture. Thus, there is no need to loosen the soil, and weeds do not grow under the mulch layer, which means that minimal labor and time costs can be ensured. Peat, compost, humus, pine needles, straw or grass are used as mulch; the selected material is laid when the bush reaches 10 centimeters. To prevent weeds from interfering with the growth of the plant, and also in order to maintain a neat appearance of the flower bed, it must be removed at an early stage of its appearance.

The swordfish is not able to feed on its own, so it is important to carry out timely feeding, depending on the stage of development. The first fertilizers are introduced at the initial stage of development of young stems; during this period, the bush is actively formed and flower stalks are laid. The plant at this time needs nitrogen, but it must be added to a certain extent, otherwise development will stop and flowering will not occur. After the bush has gained almost full growth, it is fed with phosphorus fertilizers; at the last stage, when buds appear, potassium-phosphorus elements are added.

In what cases can gladioli bloom later?

Gladiolus is a very sensitive flower to environmental factors. Speechweed may bloom later for many reasons:

  • Poor quality planting material. Weak, diseased or old bulbs produce flower stalks later. Smaller and sparse buds grow on them.
  • Planting corms in cold soil inhibits development, stopping its growth.
  • Planting unsprouted corms will delay flowering.
  • Gladioli grown in the shade bloom much later and with smaller inflorescences.
  • Strong deepening will also delay flowering.

By excluding unfavorable factors from the life of the plant, timely, long-lasting flowering can be achieved.

Why do gladioli bloom quickly?

Gladioli quickly fade for several reasons: very rainy weather; the soil has few nutrients or is clayey; overdried corm.

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What can speed up flowering

Flower growers often want the Swordshnik to bloom by September 1st. This can be achieved by following the advice of experienced gardeners:

  • Growing through seedlings.
  • Germinating bulbs on the soil layer.
  • Warming up the soil. Covering the soil a week before planting with film or watering with hot water creates favorable conditions for the rapid development of the crop.
  • Hardening at high temperature before planting. The bulbs are kept for a month at 250C and 60% humidity. Such conditions provoke the growth of shoots, inhibiting the development of the root system.
  • Planting sprouted bulbs in greenhouses.

It should be taken into account that gladiolus will bloom faster in a sunny place than in the shade. And removing children and double shoots from the corms will speed up the formation of buds.

Feeding bushes in stages

In order for plants to enjoy a healthy appearance and lush flowers, it is necessary to carry out proper feeding in stages. Thanks to six stages of nutrition, lush bouquets bloom.

  1. When the first true leaves appear, nitrogen-potassium elements are used.
  2. At the stage of appearance of four leaves, nitrogen-potassium substances and boric acid are added.
  3. When six full-fledged leaves appear, the soil is again fed with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.
  4. Fertilizers are then applied when the buds are forming.
  5. After the bush has flowered, fertilize the soil again with potassium and phosphates.
  6. At the last stage, watering is carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate.

All elements must be added in liquid form, since in dry form they do not bring any benefit.

Common mistakes

Gladioli are “grateful” flowers. With proper care, they bloom for a long time. When storing and growing, it is important to avoid common mistakes:

  • Improper storage of planting material can lead to its death.
  • Insufficient or excessive depth of planting material.
  • Thickened plantings.
  • Frequent watering with stagnant water.
  • Application of fresh organic fertilizers.
  • Using old planting material.

By following simple rules for caring for gladioli, even without experience in growing this miracle flower, you can get an excellent result.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Despite the ease of caring for gladioli, novice gardeners often have the following questions:

Is it possible to plant a plant before winter?

For the winter, corms can be planted in the southern regions, provided that the ground does not freeze.

Is it possible to make flowers bloom by March 8th?

Forcing gladioli is possible, but it is a complex process that requires certain conditions in terms of temperature and lighting.

How to achieve continuous flowering of gladioli on the site?

It is necessary to select varieties of different flowering periods and plant them in the ground at intervals of 5-7 days.

How to propagate a single corm of the desired variety without waiting for children?

If the onion has two lateral buds that have hatched, then it can be cut vertically into two halves with a sharp knife. Treat the sections with brilliant green or manganese.

How to save a dried out onion?

If it has dried out not from illness, but from incorrect storage temperatures, it needs to be soaked for several days in a warm soda solution.

The best varieties of gladioli - photos and names

There are several varieties adapted to our climate.

Gladiolus mystery of the night

Strongly wavy flowers with a velvety feel. They have a pure black and red color. The variety is strong and grows quickly. It has bewitching beauty.

Gladiolus Edita Piekha

The variety is characterized by an unusual, bright coloring. A combination of beautiful pink and salmon tones with a light green fragment along the edge of the petals. The stem is strong, with dense, corrugated flowers. The petals are dense.

Gladiolus Vera Lynn

The variety gets its name from its leaves, which are similar in shape to those of a sword or rapier. The plant is perennial. The leaves are narrow, elongated. They have a pointed end. The stem is massive. The inflorescences are large. There are different tones: yellow, whitish, black, red, green, pink.

Gladiolus Bangladesh

The most beautiful flower reaches a height of up to 1.2 m. The flowers are slightly corrugated along the snow-white edge. The petals have a diameter of up to 14 cm. The variety is used to decorate flowers and for cutting.

Gladiolus CRAZY IDIA

The flower is white and lilac in color with a large spot in the center of a purple hue.

Gladiolus Moon Trail

The variety is mid-early. A very ruffled flower. The texture of the petals is fleshy. The lower petals have spots of lilac with a small pale yellow spot. The flower size is more than 14 cm. It blooms up to 9 flowers at the same time.

Gladiolus variety Priscilla

The flower is characterized by a wavy edge of the petals. The flowers are velvety and lush. One branch is enough to make an elegant bouquet. The flowers are painted whitish-pink. Closer to the edges, the petals turn crimson.

Gladiolus Golden Symphony

The variety was selected by Vasiliev in 2007, introducing it to gardeners. Flowering period is mid-early. The inflorescences contain 22 buds. The flowers are strongly corrugated up to 15 cm in diameter. The color of the plant contains golden shades. The culture tolerates cold snaps.

Gladiolus Muse of Color

A bright and elegant plant. The main color is pink-carmine. It contains yellow, green, and crimson tones. The flower is corrugated.

"White birch"

Gladiolus with medium flowering periods. The inflorescence consists of 24 buds, 10 of which open simultaneously. The diameter of the open flower is 14 cm. The petals are strongly corrugated, snow-white in color.

White birch

Russian beauty

It has a very beautiful, giant, ruffled flower. It is able to change color depending on the temperature of the summer season. For example, in hot summers the flowers will be snow-white, with a pinkish tint appearing along the edges. In cold summers the color will be pure snow-white. It is classified as tall and can grow up to 1.5 meters, while the inflorescence will occupy half the height of the stem.

Snow White

The stem is tall, the number of buds varies from 18 to 22, about 10 bloom at the same time. They are white in color, folded and corrugated. The petals are quite dense and have a silky texture. The harmonious combination of white inflorescence and green leaves will not leave anyone indifferent.

Gifts of Berendey

Quite hardy and unpretentious. It has 8 corrugated, simultaneously blooming buds, which have a delicate light green hue. Due to the rather large inflorescence, we recommend placing a support next to the plant so that it is not afraid of sudden gusts of wind.

Princess Margaret Rose

Light-loving, butterfly-shaped variety. It is a medium-sized plant with a stem about 1 meter high. It blooms with fiery yellow, rich beauties, of which there can be from 10 to 15 pieces on one plant.

Traffic light

The length of an adult crop reaches 1.5 meters. It has a variety of colors in pink tones, you can see the interweaving of light crimson, lilac palettes, and in the center there will be a bright, rich crimson spot. The structure of the petals is corrugated, moderately dense, it is not afraid of gusts of wind and sun rays.

Waterfall splashes

Tall gladiolus, with an inflorescence of a creamy lilac tone, about 65 cm high. The buds are of medium size 13 - 15 cm. The petals are silky, lacy, slightly corrugated. Due to its growth, it needs to be tied up so that the stem does not break off in strong winds.


Short, dwarf species. It is frost-resistant and does not need to be dug up for the winter. Landing time is April - May, depending on the region. The height is no more than 60 cm. It has beautiful snow-white flowers, with bright, blurry drops of pink-crimson color on the petals.

Gladiolus "Annushka"

Gladiolus "Annushka"

The height of Gladiolus of this variety reaches up to 1.5 meters. The flowers are very delicate, orange-pink in color, corrugated. The flowers are quite large, 13-15 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs 2.5 months from the moment the bulbs are planted in the ground.

Gladiolus "Arina"

Gladiolus "Arina"

The flowers of this Gladiolus are ruffled and have a delicate raspberry-lilac hue. The flowers are given special beauty by the bright crimson spot located in their middle.

Gladiolus "Eternal Call"

Gladiolus "Eternal Call"

The plant grows up to 1.4 meters in height. The flower petals are pale pink with a bright red spot in the center. The edges of the petals are jagged, embossed with veins, which gives a special originality.

Gladiolus "Blue Butterfly"

Gladiolus "Blue Butterfly"

The name Gladiolus itself suggests that its flowers are peculiar blue butterflies. It is no coincidence that this variety is a bestseller. The large petals of the flowers are painted in a delicate blue color; the edging of a more saturated color gives them special beauty. Flowering occurs 2-2.5 months from the moment the bulbs are planted, the height of the “Blue Butterfly” is about 1.5 meters.

Gladiolus "Sky and Stars"

Gladiolus "Sky and Stars"

Gladiolus flowers of this variety are large, their diameter is approximately 14 cm, the petals are colored blue-violet. Each flower has distinctive white stripes resembling rays, as well as star-shaped spots. Hence the name of the variety.

Gladiolus "Snow Maiden"

Gladiolus "Snow Maiden"

The beauty of this Gladiolus is in its snow-white flowers with heavily ruffled petals. An excellent option for cutting and making bouquets. After planting, it blooms in about 80 days.

Gladiolus "Spartak"

Gladiolus "Spartak"

The variety is mid-early. The stem grows up to 1.6 meters in height. The flowers are large, red-brown in color with a dark smoky tint. The lower part of the petals is painted in a white moire pattern. The neck of the flower has a peculiar silver coating.

Gladiolus "Golden Ten"

Gladiolus "Golden Ten"

The flowers are double and have a pleasant golden color. They can decorate any flower bed.

  1. "Assol" . The variety grows up to 140 cm. The plant blooms with white flowers with ruby ​​specks on the lower petals, which have a golden border. Flowers can be either medium or larger in size. The edges of the corrugated dense petals are beautifully bent.
  2. "Grass-Ant" . The best representative of green gladioli. The corrugated petals have a delicate light green color. The color of the upper petals is more saturated. The ear consists of 23 buds, nine of them open at the same time. The diameter of the opened flowers is 16-17 cm. The variety is mid-early. Flowers remain fresh for a long time when cut.
  3. "Highlight" . Plant height is 150 cm. The petals are dense, highly corrugated, lemon-yellow in color with a crimson smear at the bottom. The variety is very decorative and looks good when cut. Children bloom in the year of planting.
  4. "Golden Antelope" . The hybrid is 140 cm high. The inflorescence spike includes 21 buds. The flowers are fringed, 13 cm in diameter. 8 buds open simultaneously. Gladiolus has a mid-early flowering period and is ideal for cutting. The petals are uniformly colored yellow with a golden tint.
  5. "Honey Saved". A magnificent plant, 150 cm tall, with honey-orange flowers and a reddish spot in the center. Opens up to 10 buds at the same time. Gladiolus is ideal for bright holiday bouquets.

    Honey saved

  6. "Grand Duchess Elizabeth" . The variety is a champion of numerous exhibitions and is recognized by experts as a masterpiece of floriculture. The height of the plant is 140 cm. The color of the graceful flowers gradually changes from orange to pale salmon closer to the tips of the petals. There are golden spots on the three lower petals. Spike-shaped inflorescences consist of 23-25 ​​buds.
  7. "Granddaughter's eyelashes" . The variety is new (2016), but it has already won the love of flower growers. The flower looks simply charming. The color of the petals is smoky pink, with a smooth tone transition. The edges of the petals are decorated with a long graceful fringe. Gladiolus is resistant to adverse weather conditions.
  8. "Hungarian" . The plant grows up to 140 cm. The variety is mid-early. The diameter of the flowers is up to 14 cm. The inflorescence is formed from 20 dark red buds, 8 of them open simultaneously. The petals have a pronounced corrugation.
  9. "Aphrodite" . A plant with medium flowering periods. The diameter of the flower is about 14 cm. The petals are dense, waxy, corrugated, and pale lilac in color. The middle of the flower is lighter. The inflorescence consists of 22 buds, opening 8 at the same time. Gladiolus looks majestic and graceful at the same time.

Dwarf varieties are also good, for example, “Nymph” , “Peach Flower” . In the southern regions they are grown without digging, leaving them to overwinter in the ground. Low-growing gladioli are convenient because they do not require a garter. They are very hardy and even more unpretentious than their tall counterparts . You can admire their luxurious blooms as early as July.

Golden Fantasy

Gladioli began to be cultivated in the 16th century.
An early flowering variety that was bred in Holland and adapted to our climate. The flowers are large, round in shape, highly corrugated. There are 23 buds in a spike; the flowers open almost simultaneously. The stem is powerful, up to 1.6 m high. It reproduces well.


The first hybrids appeared from two crossed South African plant species.
Medium flowering variety. Large flowers. There are 18 buds in a spike, 6 flowers open each. The average height of the stem is 1.2–1.4 m. The color is crimson, the petals are corrugated.


Gladiolus contains a large amount of vitamin C, so it is used as a prophylactic for colds.
The flowering period of the variety is average. Medium sized flowers. There are 20 buds in a spike. Only 6 flowers open at a time. The color ranges from scarlet smoky to purple smoky with a brown tint and significant corrugation on the petals. The stem reaches a height of 1.3 m.

Chocolate girl

The Shokoladnitsa variety is characterized by good resistance to various diseases and high yield.
Medium flowering variety. Large flowers. There are 21 buds in a spike, 7 flowers open simultaneously. The color is light brown with a chocolate tint and a white spot. Petals are strongly corrugated. The stem is tall and powerful, up to 1.5–1.6 m in height.

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