Winged tobacco for garden decoration


The homeland of winged tobacco is Central America. In warm climates, the flower is grown as a rhizomatous perennial, but in our latitudes it is used as an annual plant. Winged tobacco, or ornamental tobacco, is a genus of plants that belong to the Solanaceae family.

Several species of this fragrant flower are cultivated, while the rest remain wild. Cultivated varieties of ornamental tobacco are grown all over the world, and in the wild it is most common in the Americas.

Perennial ornamental tobacco shrubs have a pyramidal shape and can grow from 50 to 80 cm in height. The branched stems, like the leaves, are covered with fine hair, which can protect the plant from the scorching sun and promotes additional moisture by absorbing dew.

Winged tobacco bushes are abundant in leaves. The leaves are simple, lanceolate in shape. The leaves are arranged on the stems in opposite order. The basal ones are large, and the apical ones are 2 times smaller. Tubular flowers bloom on medium-length peduncles, formed from 5 regularly shaped petals with pointed ends.

Tobacco blooms for quite a long time - from June to late autumn. There are different color options for the petals - tobacco can be pink, white, red, yellow. In addition, there are several more color options for hybrid varieties.

Types and varieties of fragrant tobacco

All varieties based on wild species can be grown in temperate climate gardens. You can choose any one depending on the growth height and color of the buds. Below is a general overview of flowers with a description of the varieties and photos of fragrant tobacco during the flowering period.

Read more Fragrant tobacco: growing from seeds, when to sow for seedlings

Langsdorff's (Nicotiana langsdorffii)

Langsdorf is an annual tall, fragrant tobacco with stems up to 1.2 m long. It forms a dense crown with large, elongated dark green leaves with pronounced veins. The flowers are light yellow with a greenish tint. The aroma is subtle and persistent. Blooms from mid-June to late September. Can be grown in partial shade or sun.

The species is represented by the medium-growing variety Cream Splash up to 70 cm high

Tobacco Winged

The most common type of culture in landscape design. In its natural environment, the plant is a perennial, up to 70 cm high, with white or carmine flowers, elongated, lanceolate-shaped, light green leaves. Numerous varieties have been created based on Winged tobacco, which can be grown almost throughout the entire temperate and subtropical climate. The most common varieties with flowers that do not close during the day are presented below.

Crimson Rock

Crimson Rock is a representative of the species with bright crimson flowers. The bush is dense, up to 50 cm high, with densely arranged inflorescences. Can be grown in a flowerbed and as an ampelous option. Blooms from June to October.

Crimson Rock awarded the Fleuroselect gold medal as an outstanding new variety

Red Devil

The height of the compact Red Devil plant is 40-50 cm; it can be grown both in flower pots and in open ground. It blooms from June to September with large dark burgundy flowers. A plant with dense pubescence along the stems, leaves and the outer part of the petals.

Valued for its bright decorative appearance, the aroma is weak, it is not recommended to grow in an open sunny area, the petals lose color

White Bedder

White Bedder is a fragrant tobacco up to 70 cm high. A bush with numerous dark green stems and long panicles. The inflorescences consist of white tubular flowers. The leaves are elongated, with smooth edges and pointed tips.

White Bedder is one of the long-flowering varieties

The first buds bloom at the beginning of June, the last at the end of October. It can be grown both with an excess of ultraviolet radiation and with its deficiency.

Lime Green

The height of the Lime Green plant is 60-75 cm. The bush is spreading, dense, with numerous stems. The leaves are round and dark green. The inflorescences are loose, consisting of flowers with yellow-green petals. The aroma is tart and persistent throughout the entire day.

The Lime Green variety can be grown in partial shade or in the open.

Domino Saman-Pink

Domino Samen Pink is a dwarf form of fragrant tobacco, forms shoots 20-30 cm long. It develops fully only in open areas. Can be grown as a hanging option in flower pots on the site or window sills on the south side. Suitable for decorating loggias and balconies. The bush is completely covered with inflorescences of salmon-pink flowers.

Flowering period in the garden - from mid-June to early September

At home, the plant pleases with inflorescences from June to October. Can be grown in direct sun.

Forest (Nicotiana sylvestris)

Forest - fragrant tobacco, a type of ornamental herbaceous plant 0.9-1.2 m high. Forms powerful basal leaf rosettes. The plates are elongated, large, light green. Stems are thick, pubescent, branched. Flowers with a long tubular part, white, drooping inflorescences.

If grown in a sunny place with timely watering and fertilizing, tobacco can grow up to 1.5 m in height with a bush volume of 40-50 cm

Sander (Nicotiana x sanderae)

The garden hybrid was obtained from cross-pollination of two species: wild Forget and decorative Winged. Height up to 90 cm, color carmine or light red. Sander formed the basis of the Tuxedo series of varieties. All of them are short, no higher than 30 cm, with a dense crown and abundant flowering.

Read more Fragrant tobacco: growing from seeds, when to sow for seedlings

The most popular ones that can be grown in a flowerbed and in a container:

  1. Sander Lime.

    With light lemon flowers

  2. Sander Purple.

    With dark purple petals

  3. Saratoga Ed.

    Common dark red variety

  4. Avalon Burgundy.

    With a light pink core and burgundy edging around the edge

  5. Tuxedo Saman Pink.

    Petals dark or light salmon color


Ornamental tobacco prefers sunny or slightly shaded areas. The shrub grows well and produces abundant flowering when planted on fertile soil that has drainage properties and can allow air to pass through. Winged tobacco does not tolerate acidic soils, so before planting it is recommended to level the Ph to neutral or slightly alkaline using lime or ash.

To grow tobacco, the seedling method of planting is predominantly used. It is necessary to prepare seedlings starting from the end of March, and transplant the sprouts to a permanent place in mid-May. In order to grow seedlings, you need to sow the seeds in boxes with fertile soil mixture, water them abundantly and keep them warm. After picking and hardening, decorative tobacco is planted with an earthen ball in a permanent place, maintaining a distance of 35-40 cm.

Seeds can be sown in open ground, having previously treated them with a solution that stimulates growth. Seeds kept in the refrigerator for several months give good germination. Seeds germinate in open ground within 2 weeks.

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Growing fragrant tobacco from seeds

When to sow

Since annual fragrant tobacco is a heat-loving plant, it is better to grow it in seedlings. Sowing of fragrant tobacco seedlings is carried out at the end of February or beginning of March.

How to sow seeds

For sowing, you will need a shallow dish and a substrate consisting of equal parts of humus, peat and garden soil. The seed must first be placed in a damp cloth for several days to swell, but do not overexpose it - the seeds should not hatch.

  • Cypress: cultivation, propagation, types and varieties

When sowing, small seeds of fragrant tobacco are laid out on the surface of the substrate without covering them, sprayed with water and covered with glass or film. Contain crops at a temperature of 20-22 ºC. Shoots may appear in 10-14 days, and then the film can be removed and the crops transferred to the brightest place.

Seedling care

Fragrant tobacco from seeds requires regular, but not very abundant watering and careful loosening of the soil. When the seedlings develop two true leaves, the seedlings are picked. How to pick fragrant tobacco? The seedlings are watered, carefully removed from the substrate along with the earthen lump and planted in separate cups. When the seedlings take root, the tops of the seedlings are pinched to stimulate tillering.


Ornamental or winged tobacco is an unpretentious plant. By following the minimum growing rules, you can enjoy flowering for a very long time. Firstly, the flower needs to be watered, and done often. Due to the fact that the above-ground part of the plant is quite voluminous, the bush quickly loses moisture, especially during dry periods. Watering is carried out in the evening, preferably after sunset.

Tobacco should be fertilized frequently. Potassium and phosphate mixtures have a beneficial effect on growth and flowering. Tobacco absolutely does not tolerate nitrogen compounds. Fertilizing with complex fertilizers during the flowering period is carried out at least 2 times a month, or more often.

In order for the shrub to bloom profusely and maintain freshness, faded flowers should be pruned. After the end of the season, in late autumn, you can move the shrubs into pots and leave them in a cool room for the winter.

Tobacco care rules

Caring for different types of this plant is approximately the same.

Perennial fragrant tobacco: nuances of care

Aquilegia - growing from seeds

The stems of this plant are decorated with very large leaves that love large amounts of water. Therefore, the gardener needs to regularly moisten the soil.

Good to know! If you loosen the soil more often, more brightly colored stars will bloom on the tobacco stems, and the colorful buds will delight you with their beauty and smell pleasant for a long time.

Fragrant tobacco - description of the plant and rules for caring for it

To obtain fragrant, strong seedlings of tobacco bushes, you will need appropriate lighting and temperature conditions; it is important to water them regularly and provide additional light. If you properly and regularly care for the plant, you can grow healthy and beautiful tobacco bushes.

Proper care of seedlings is as follows:

  • Maintain a temperature of 22 or 23 °C above zero until sprouts appear. As soon as they appear, the temperature must be reduced to 18 or 20 °C above zero.
  • Regular watering of seeds. It should be done very carefully, using a tray or spray bottle with low pressure.
  • Ventilation of the mini-greenhouse in the morning and evening. It is also necessary to open the seedlings if they are not in the greenhouse, but under a film or lid. Keep open for at least 20 minutes. All drops of moisture covering the film or lid must be removed before covering the crops.

Important! As soon as the first shoots appear, it is recommended not to cover them with anything anymore and move them to the sunny side: south or southwest.

Many competent gardeners add lighting to ornamental tobacco using phytolamps or LED lamps. The lamps are placed at a distance from the seedlings of no less than five and no more than ten centimeters. If the plant does not have enough light, its stem will become very elongated.


Winged tobacco is considered a hardy plant that is resistant to diseases and pests. But practice shows that the plant is sometimes still susceptible to diseases. The most common are rot and viral infections.

Tobacco mosaic affects the leaves, and rot affects the root system. The most dangerous pest of tobacco is the fall armyworm caterpillars - they can destroy the foliage of a bush in a matter of days. If detected, caterpillars must be immediately destroyed with insecticides.

Fragrant tobacco is a wonderful decoration for your garden, as well as an excellent plant for growing in pots!

Diseases and pests

Fragrant tobacco practically does not get sick. The only infection that affects the leaves is powdery mildew. To grow a healthy plant, you need to treat the crown in May with Zineboy as a preventive measure. When the fungus spreads, cut off the affected leaves and spray the plant with 7.5% formaldehyde.

The infection initially manifests itself as white spots, then the areas increase in size and dry out.

Among the pests, aphids parasitize the plant. It is localized on stems, leaves, and buds.

At the first signs, the bush is treated with Actellik

Spider mites are less common on fragrant tobacco. The main accumulation is on the back of the leaves, in the lower part of the branches on the stem and on the tops of the inflorescences. To get rid of sucking insects, spray with Fitoverm.

Insects are identified by web-covered areas

How to care for fragrant tobacco seedlings

First of all, in order for the seedlings to be strong and not to die in the open ground, it is necessary to adjust the lighting, temperature conditions, regularity of watering, and, if necessary, arrange additional lighting.

Secrets of properly caring for the nightshade plant:

  1. Maintain a constant temperature of +23 degrees Celsius. When the shoots appear, you can maintain a low temperature of up to +18-20C.
  2. Water frequently through the tray. You can also water with a spray bottle, but in this case the pressure should be gentle and weak so as not to damage the still immature seedlings.
  3. Before emergence, ventilate the greenhouse space once a day. This can be done in the evening or in the morning - first remove the film or lid from the container with the seedlings. It is important to keep the seedlings open for no more than 20 minutes. After ventilation, remove drops of condensation from the surface of the covering material.
  4. After the first shoots appear, remove the covering material. The seedlings now have a place in a well-lit area in the house. Ideally, a south or southwest window sill would be suitable.
  5. With the help of phytolamps, you can add light to the bushes if spring is early and there is not enough sunlight. You can also use LED grow lights to add light to your plants.
  6. The distance from the light source should be 5-10 cm. If there is a lack of light, then the trunks are pulled out. Externally, the stem becomes suspiciously long. You can add additional light to the bushes in the morning or evening, when it is not sunny or cloudy outside.
  7. For early seedlings, watering from a spray device can be dangerous. The stream of water bends the stems, and weak plants may break. After germination of the seedlings, it is better to water the tobacco through a tray. Plants themselves absorb the required amount of water.


Watering frequency is important during hot seasons for growing tobacco. In the hot and dry summer heat, the tobacco procedure requires watering every day. If the summer is not sunny, but rather rainy, then you need to water less often - on warm days.

Do not allow the soil to become dry. Watering depends not only on the individual type of tobacco, but also on the specific climate where it is planted. You can water in the morning or evening to maintain natural soil moisture.

Top dressing

This type of tobacco does not need to be fed with mineral compounds too often. It is enough to fertilize the bushes up to 3 times a season. The first feeding is carried out when the buds are ripening, and the second right before the flowers open. Phosphate fertilizers for feeding during flowering are the most gentle and effective. A high nitrogen content in the fertilizer may develop beautiful foliage, but will negatively affect flowering - there will be fewer buds.

To achieve long-lasting charming flowering, you should not forget to fertilize the soil during the two periods of bud formation. The first feeding is carried out with the emergence of new buds, and the second - when the flowers bloom.

Phosphate fertilizers are most suitable for saturating the soil - according to experienced gardeners. If the mineral fertilizer contains a lot of nitrogen, the foliage will grow and flowering will be poor.


The first shoots will appear 13-14 days after planting. To prevent the sprouts from stretching excessively, it is important to illuminate them with an artificial ultraviolet source. During the same period, you can slightly open the greenhouse layer to acclimate the plants to the temperature in the apartment or house. First, the greenhouse can be opened slightly by 10 mm, and then this distance can be increased.

Picking can be done when the bush has formed 2-3 leaves. After the seedlings receive a good amount of water, very carefully remove the seedling from the container along with the lump of earth. Plant them in personal cups made of peat or plastic. After this, pinch the tops of the bushes so that they grow fluffy and voluminous. Water the seedlings after pinching.

Start picking as soon as the plant shows activity and produces several leaves:

  1. Pre-irrigate the soil composition.
  2. Carefully remove the seedling along with a lump of earth. Move it into a container separate from the rest of the seedlings.

Planting seedlings in open ground

In cold climates, tobacco seedlings can be planted in the second ten days of May. In the southern regions, planting seedlings can begin as early as April. By the time young bushes are planted on the site, the soil should already be warmed up. The occurrence of frost should be reduced to 0% at this point. Of course, the seedlings are hardened in advance, but they will not be able to withstand strong temperature changes. During a period of 14 days, the seedlings are transferred outside for 1 hour every day.

In the first 10 days, it is enough for the bushes to stay outside for 60 minutes. Next, gradually increase the time in the fresh air until the seedlings get used to the changed climate. After a regular hardening process, the bushes can be planted in open ground.

When planting bushes in holes in the garden or garden, it is important to maintain a moderate distance. There should be 200-300 cm of free space between the bushes. Before sending the bushes into the holes, add superphosphate to the ground. Place the plant prepared for planting in the hole and cover it with soil. The top layer of soil around the bushes should be compacted, but do not press it too hard with a shovel - this is necessary so that the moisture is evenly distributed throughout the soil.

When to plant fragrant tobacco in open ground

Fragrant tobacco is still a heat-loving plant, and in this regard, experienced gardeners recommend that beginners plant and improve the bushes only after sowing the seeds at home and growing seedlings for 1-2 months. The last days of the February winter or the beginning of March are the time to sow seeds at home, but for open ground it is better to wait until the last month of spring.

Information! Plant the grown seedlings in the ground in a garden bed with the soil fully warmed up. During this period, there should be no sudden frosts or sudden climatic changes. In spring, the weather stabilizes in May - this is the time for planting in the ground outside.

Choosing a place

For planting tobacco bushes, a spacious plot of land is ideal, which is moderately protected from direct rays of the sun and from wind gusts. Ornamental tobacco is easy to care for, and the composition of the soil for planting it can be any. However, the earthen composition must be moist and preferably nutritious. If the soil is too scarce, then in the autumn it is better to dig it up so that it is mineralized for the next year. Before planting, you need to add humus or compost to the soil, as well as a drainage layer.

When planting small bushes in open soil, distance should be maintained. The distance from one to the second bush should be 0.2–0.3 m. If you plan to plant tall varieties of fragrant tobacco, then it is better to increase the distance to 300 cm. Tall varieties of tobacco reach a height of up to 1 meter. At first, the seedlings will be almost leafless, but tall. They can also spread along the ground, but in this case it is better to tie them up.

Growing and care

It is not difficult to care for fragrant tobacco; it does not require much effort. It is recommended to regularly cut off faded flowers, which improves the condition of the plant and prolongs the flowering period. Taller plants will also need support. Pinch plants before they bloom to encourage branching and give the bushes a compact appearance.

Tobacco drops its wilted flowers on its own (a self-cleaning plant). Since the flowers are quite large, when grown on a balcony, the balcony around the pot will be periodically strewn with dry flowers, which then look like sticks 5 cm long. They are easy to collect and sweep, this does not cause much inconvenience.


Tobacco is sensitive to drought. It loves moist soil and needs to be watered regularly - even 2 times a week in dry, hot weather. A layer of bark or grass mulch is also helpful to help retain water in the soil. When the soil is very dry, the leaves of the plant become drooping and look completely withered, but just water it and the plant will regain its previous shape.

However, you should not overdo it with watering - waterlogging of the soil contributes to rotting of the roots. Try not to wet the foliage when watering, so as not to contribute to the development of diseases. Do not allow water to stagnate in trays under pots.

Top dressing

Tobacco has quite high nutritional requirements, since intense and prolonged flowering greatly depletes it. Before planting tobacco, you need to dig up a plot of compost the night before in the fall. This will increase fertility and improve soil structure.

Like most long-flowering and abundantly flowering plants, it is recommended to fertilize ornamental tobacco regularly, preferably at monthly intervals. Experts recommend using a slow-release fertilizer early in growth, followed by a liquid fertilizer with a high dose of phosphorus.

It is necessary to fertilize tobacco no earlier than 6 weeks after planting.

When growing tobacco at home, the substrate can be any type of soil. However, after about 1.5 months, the tobacco in the pot needs to be fertilized. Fertilizing is carried out every second watering, dissolving half of the recommended preparation in water.


In the climate of Central Russia, tobacco will not survive the winter, so there is no need to cover it in any way - in the fall we simply cut off all withered shoots.

To preserve decorative tobacco for several years, it is important to protect it from frost, since it does not tolerate very low temperatures (below 0 ° C, some varieties up to -5 ° C). Potted plants can be moved to greenhouses.

Diseases, pests

The basic rule when growing ornamental tobacco is to plant it away from nightshade vegetables - peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, because these crops tend to suffer from the same viral diseases and readily transmit them to each other, for example, tobacco mosaic virus - the most common viral disease of tobacco .

Tobacco is mainly affected by fungal diseases, so spraying with fungicides for visible lesions on the leaves is highly recommended. As a preventative measure, it is recommended not to spray the leaves when watering, but to thin out the plantings to facilitate free air movement.

Poor flowering and yellowing leaves may be signs of root rot. Therefore, do not overwater the plant.

The above-mentioned mosaic virus is mainly transmitted by beetles, so insects that appear on plants should also be consistently gotten rid of - using chemical or environmental repellents.

The most common pests that attack ornamental tobacco are:

  • aphid;
  • spider mites;
  • whitefly;
  • slugs

To protect plants from these pests, they should be inspected periodically. If necessary, use specialized drugs.

Snails and slugs appreciate young plants; they nibble on tender leaves. You can create obstacles to their access to plants using crushed eggshells; slugs do not like to crawl on rough surfaces; Also place pieces of brick around that will attract snails (this will allow you to easily remove them by hand).

When to plant seeds for seedlings

Tobacco species, including fragrant, can only be propagated by seeds. Flowers reproduce by self-seeding, so young tobacco can be found in any part of the site. If you want to avoid chaotic seed germination, then do not forget to remove flaccid parts of the plant, for example, buds or leaves, during care. For planting, you can use “mother” seeds or purchased from gardening.

If you want to preserve the bush for the coming year, then before frost, transplant it into a large pot and grow it at home. In the spring, the tobacco bush can again be transplanted into the ground on the site. In this way, you can turn annual bushes into perennial ones.

Since the plant loves warmth and moderate moisture, it is important to start planting in the soil prepared on the site with the onset of absolute spring heat, since frosts can kill the plant. For the south, planting can begin from the end of March until the beginning of May. In cold regions, planting approximately begins from May to June. To achieve germination, the seeds should be germinated first in late winter or early spring.

It is recommended to plant seedlings at a distance of 30 cm. Each bush must germinate in free space in order for the root system and branches to develop correctly.

Fragrant tobacco does not require personal care. It blooms with eye-catching flowers, and its leaves have sharp tips and are wide near the stems, giving the bush volume. Tobacco can germinate in different soil compositions – even ones that are not very favorable for other nightshade crops. Tobacco easily adapts to bright sun. However, it is better to plant it in the shade.

Cultivation conclusion

The flower is not whimsical. Minimal care is required, as they say, “set it and forget it.” During the day, the flowers sleep, closed. The plant is literally an evening plant. It begins to open after sunset. On a warm summer evening, the aroma is felt 20 meters from the flowerbed. But not everyone likes the sensational smell of tobacco. Blooms for a long time and is resistant to adverse weather.

  • Pros of tobacco “Sensation”: ↓

  • There are a lot of seeds in the package;
  • Excellent germination;

  • Propagated by self-sowing;
  • Not picky about the soil (I didn’t fertilize it with anything at all);
  • Loves sunny places, can grow in the shade (only it will be smaller in size, both plants and inflorescences);
  • The inflorescence grows in diameter from 5 to 8 cm.
  • Flowers of various colors;
  • Quite cold-resistant (for me it grew until the first ten days of October, and continued to bloom a little)

Step-by-step photo instructions for planting fragrant tobacco seedlings

To grow healthy, strong, good seedlings of fragrant tobacco, you must initially plant the seeds according to all the rules. Next you will find a master class describing all the stages of sowing, step-by-step photographs, as well as little tricks and tips.

Seed selection and preparation

In terms of choosing seed material, the recommended standards are that you should choose high-quality seeds in a trusted store and from a reliable manufacturer.

You should not buy suspiciously cheap products, as well as seeds in dented, damaged packaging (this may indicate a violation of storage rules, which will negatively affect germination), or products with an expired expiration date.

The packaging must contain detailed information about the variety, dates of planting, disembarkation, flowering, expiration date and production date, and contact information of the manufacturer.

Important! As mentioned above, winged tobacco is an aromatic plant, but there are also hybrid varieties without aroma. Therefore, carefully read the information on the package of seeds - it should indicate that this is an odorless variety of flowers!

As you can see in the photo, the seeds of fragrant tobacco (regular, not granulated) are very small, so you need to handle them carefully:

You can collect the seeds yourself. After flowering, you need to carefully collect the fruits that have already turned yellow and dried out. Then dry them at home for several days, and then place the seeds of fragrant tobacco in a bag of paper or fabric and transfer it for storage to a dry and dark place at room temperature.

Description of the plant

Let's talk a little about the name of the fragrant plant. It is also called Decorative or Winged Tobacco . The Latin name for fragrant tobacco is very interesting - Nicotiana suaveolens , but there is also a second name in Latin - Nicotiana alata (that is, Winged Tobacco).

It cannot be smoked; it serves only a decorative and aesthetic function. It is often used to decorate gardens and landscape design, for example, to decorate alpine slides and rockeries. Gardeners who love aromatherapy will definitely like this flower crop.

By the way! The fragrance of a decorative flower begins in the evening and at night, and is also possible during the day, in cloudy weather.

The flowers have a diameter of about 6-8 centimeters. Among them there are different shades: white, yellow, light green, lilac, pink, red and others. With proper care of fragrant tobacco in open ground, flowering lasts from early summer to September.

By the way! Experienced flower growers have discovered an interesting pattern - the most fragrant and aromatic tobacco is the one that has white flowers or flowers of other light shades. But bright plants smell much weaker.

There are several types of fragrant tobacco:

  • Low-growing (dwarf) - height up to 30 centimeters, ideal for decorating borders, rock gardens, rockeries, balconies.
  • Medium-sized - from 30 to 70 centimeters; it is optimal to grow this variety around terraces and gazebos.
  • Tall - the height of plants is from 80 centimeters, they look most interesting next to the walls of buildings, fences, behind flower beds that combine low and tall plants.

Do you know why else gardeners and flower growers love fragrant (winged) tobacco? It is a natural insecticide that repels pests from itself and from other crops in the garden - vegetables, berries, fruits. The flower is especially effective against Colorado potato beetles.

If you want to feel the whole palette of aromas of this amazing annual plant, then it is recommended to plant it in the garden in places where you often stay, for example, near a gazebo, hammock, bench, or entrance to the house.

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