Caring for a rose in a pot in winter. How to care for a plant at home?

Life cycle features

After abundant summer flowering, in mid-autumn, the rose will begin to prepare for hibernation:

  • She will stop forming new buds.
  • The leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

At this time, the plant begins to prepare for wintering.

How does a houseplant overwinter?

In winter, the rose prefers to be dormant . The plant's vital processes slow down. In this way, it prepares for a new life cycle.

The flower, which is stimulated to bloom all year round, very quickly becomes exhausted and dies.

Seasonal pruning

Seasonal pruning is carried out according to the same principle; in each season the emphasis is on something specific, namely:

  • In spring, healthy branches are shortened, and dry and damaged ones are removed, if this was not done before the dormant period.
  • In summer, excess shoots are cut off, as they can later lead to the formation of fungus. Since the rose actively blooms in summer, it is necessary to periodically cut off dry inflorescences and branches, this accompanies long-term flowering and the formation of fresh buds.
  • In autumn, pruning is carried out in order to give the root system a rest and prepare it for the next year. The procedure includes removing faded flowers, leaves, and cutting off the top.
  • In winter, the bush should be completely inspected and all damaged parts should be eliminated.

Let's watch an interesting video about when and how to prune an indoor rose:

How to care after purchase?

A homemade rose bought in a store is in the flowering stage . Such a plant is treated with growth stimulants and must be cared for somewhat differently than a plant grown at home:

  • First of all, the flower is removed from the packaging to provide access to fresh air.
  • The rose is examined by cutting off all the dried leaves and buds.
  • Then rinse under a warm shower, washing away possible pests.
  • It is a good idea to carry out preventive treatment of the bush against fungus.
  • The pot is placed in the place where it is supposed to be kept and left for adaptation at home.
  • After 2-3 weeks the bush can be transplanted. This can be done in winter, since the plant will not be in a state of winter dormancy.
  • The rosette is provided with comfortable living conditions: warm water is sprayed, watered, and additional lighting is provided if necessary.

We talked in detail about what care is needed after purchasing in a store in a separate article.

How and when to propagate roses at home?

Roses are propagated by cuttings. The ideal time for division is from May to September.

Partially lignified cuttings, on which there are several leaves and 3-5 buds, are cut from a faded shoot using pruning shears.

You can propagate the plant yourself

After this, they are placed in slightly warm water. It will take about three weeks for the roots to appear.

Then the “baby” is transplanted into a pot. You can add a growth stimulator.

But it is better to remove the first buds to allow the flower to develop properly.

Secrets of keeping plants at home

In winter, the rose bush needs special maintenance conditions . How to care for a flower to grow a healthy rose?

Preparing for winter

They begin to prepare indoor roses for winter when buds stop appearing on the plant. This happens at the end of November.

  • They stop feeding the rose.
  • Stop watering abundantly.
  • Remove underdeveloped buds.
  • After the leaves fall, pruning is done (why does an indoor rose shed its leaves and buds and dry out?).

Do I need to move it to another location?

The ideal place for overwintering a domestic rose would be a cool room . A glazed loggia or balcony is a good choice.

If it is not possible to take the rose pot out into the cool, you can leave it in the room in the same place. In this case, you need to decide whether the plant will be given winter rest or not.

To create conditions favorable for the flower to rest, you need:

  1. Place the pot away from heating appliances.
  2. Spray the plant several times a day, thereby increasing air humidity.
  3. On cloudy days, you can provide additional lighting with a fluorescent lamp.

If you plan to grow a rose bush without winter dormancy, then create the same conditions as in the summer:

  • The plant is illuminated with phytolamps for 20 hours a day.
  • Create conditions of high humidity using humidifiers.
  • Create conditions for the flow of fresh, but not cold air.
  • Watering and fertilizing are carried out in the same quantities as in summer.
  • The plant is not completely pruned. Only withered buds are removed.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

In the room where the rose overwinters, it is recommended to maintain the temperature from +4 to +10 degrees . For several days, the plant can withstand temperature drops to zero and even temperatures down to -2 degrees.

If there is a possibility of light frosts, the following protective measures must be taken:

  1. Wrap the pot with the plant in a warm blanket or place it in a box with sawdust.
  2. Mulch the ground with pine needles or leaves.

Do not cover the plant with a jar or film . Accumulated condensation and lack of fresh air can lead to rotting of the rose.

Humidity should be at least 50%. In a cool room during winter dormancy, the flower does not need spraying.

On cloudy days, roses require additional lighting . This can be achieved using fluorescent lamps.


Watering during the dormant period should not be abundant. The main thing is to prevent the earth clod from drying out completely. The water should be warm and, preferably, soft.

Depending on air humidity, the frequency of watering can vary from 1 to 3 times a week.

Top dressing

Feeding during the winter dormant period is completely stopped.


The plant is pruned after the last leaves have fallen . This usually happens at the end of November. The branches are cut with a disinfected knife, leaving 3-4 buds. The topmost bud left should be directed to the side and not towards the stem of the rose.


The rose is replanted in the first half of spring. An exception is made for roses purchased in a store in winter. Such a plant, being in the growing season, will not suffer from winter transplantation.

Caring for indoor roses

Author: Natalya February 10, 2022 Category: Houseplants

I tried to collect for you the most current tips on caring for indoor roses. Following these simple rules will help you, as it helped me, to bring your indoor roses to the highest state of decorativeness, so to speak. For the sixth year now, indoor roses have been the reason for my special pride and the black envy of my friends, who had to be given cuttings each to avoid the evil eye.

So, my “golden” rules for growing indoor roses.


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How to care for indoor roses

  1. Indoor roses feel better on windows and balconies facing south and southeast.
  2. Don't forget about feeding indoor roses!
  3. In summer, indoor roses can be exposed to fresh air; this will only benefit them.
  4. During flowering, feed indoor roses at least once a week.
  5. During the active growing season, roses should be watered regularly and generously.
  6. Remember to replant your indoor roses into a larger pot if necessary.

Caring for indoor roses step by step

Roses indoors

House roses react painfully to low water temperatures when watering, extreme heat in summer, and high indoor temperatures in winter. Regularly inspect your indoor rose for pests or diseases: the sooner you find them, the less harm they will cause to the plant. Roses must be replanted very carefully, since these flowers are characterized by increased sensitivity of the roots. As soon as the buds and flowers of an indoor rose begin to wither and dry out, remove them without regret: dead flowers take away the plant’s strength!

Potted roses after purchase

Firstly, do not rush to transplant into a new pot, even if the old one categorically does not fit into your interior. Wait! Let the rose adapt to its new home. As I already said, the indoor rose plant loves south and south-east windows.

Roses love evening baths: spray the roses with cool boiled water, but do not abuse this procedure in too hot summer!

Transplanting an indoor rose

How to replant an indoor rose? I advise transshipment of roses during the waxing moon. In each tear-off calendar, the phase of the moon for each day must be written. When replanting, I remind you once again, be careful not to damage the roots!

To protect the pot from overheating, I advise you to bury an indoor rose in a pot taken out into the garden for the summer in a box with soil.

When watering an indoor rose, make sure that the water flows under the root and does not fall on the leaves. The best time for watering is early morning and evening.

Feeding indoor roses

I fertilize indoor roses with mullein solution once every two weeks, and during flowering - weekly. Sick and recently transplanted plants do not need to be fed. In addition, roses do not respond well to feeding on cloudy and cold days.

Room rose in winter

How to care for indoor roses in winter? Before sending my roses to “winter quarters,” I prune the roses so that there are 4-5 living buds left on each branch. Pruning indoor roses for the winter allows the roses not to be late in flowering in the new season. If you forgot to prune your roses before winter, pruning can be done in early spring.

Caring for indoor roses in winter comes down to watering every three days and spraying. Make sure that the air in the room where the plant overwinters is not too dry: place containers with clean water around the roses for evaporation.

When to take indoor roses outside

As soon as the nights become warm and the threat of spring frosts has passed, the rose can be taken out to the balcony. First, the rose must adapt to the light in the shade for three weeks, and then you can move it from the shade to diffused light.

Indoor roses are afraid of drafts, but a cylinder made of thick paper can protect a pot of roses from them. The height of the protective case should be approximately half the height of the potted plant.

Rose propagation

The topic “how to propagate roses from cuttings” is included in a separate article.

Pests and diseases of indoor roses

Powdery mildew is enemy number one. Spray the rose with a solution of soda at the rate of two teaspoons per liter jar of water. Make sure that the soda solution does not get on the soil. It is better to cover the ground during the procedure. Enemy number two of indoor roses is the spider mite. Special preparations will protect the guest from this: Actellik, Fitoverm, Neoron works great - it kills not only adult ticks, but also laid eggs. One flower girl I know sprays her roses with pure alcohol, because she believes that it fights mites better than store-bought products. I haven't tried it, I don't know. After treating the plant, thoroughly disinfect the area where it stood, as mites may remain there.

In general, a rose is a very grateful flower; take care of it with love, and it will definitely respond to you with amazingly beautiful blooms.

Mistakes and dealing with consequences

When caring for roses in winter, you can make mistakes that will later be difficult to deal with:

  • The plant may freeze if exposed to very low temperatures. In this case, frozen shoots should be removed from it and then replanted in nutrient soil.
  • A rose can dry out if exposed to sudden temperature changes. To combat the consequences, it is necessary to restore the microclimate and cut off dried branches.
  • Overwatering can cause the rose bush to rot. Only replanting with preliminary removal of rotten roots can revive the plant.
  • Due to insufficient moisture, the plant may dry out. In this case, its dead shoots are cut off so that 2-3 cm remain from the trunk. After which the soil is abundantly moistened and the plant is covered with film, creating conditions of high humidity. In this case, the rose must be ventilated periodically.

The rose remains dormant until mid-February. With the arrival of spring, it will begin to delight the owner with intensive growth and abundant flowering.

Sanitary trimmings

Sanitary pruning is mandatory and basic.

It includes the following manipulations:

  • Dry, crooked and injured shoots are cut off. Only healthy branches are left.
  • If there are absolutely no buds on the shoot, it can be cut off completely. You also need to cut to the base:
  • shoots that do not have an upper central plug (bud);
  • strongly curved;
  • one of the branches that grows simultaneously from the same bud;
  • central shoots that drown out the crown.

Then the bushes are inspected to detect diseases or fungi.

If similar manipulations have already been carried out after the flowers have fallen, the above actions do not need to be carried out. You can simply inspect the flower and eliminate everything unnecessary.

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