Ito-peonies - what kind of hybrid species is this, planting, propagation and care of hybrids

Varieties of tree peony

The history of tree peony cultivation began one and a half thousand years ago in China.
In the city of Yancheng, ten bushes planted in the Song era (960–1279) still grow and bloom; in one of the Shanxi monasteries, eight peonies from the Ming era (1368–1614) remain. The largest of them reaches a height of 2.4 m, some branches are up to 10 cm in diameter, and there are about 200 flowers on the bush at the same time!

The largest collections of tree peonies are located in Luoyang, the city of peonies. A thousand years ago, “Records on the flowers of tree peonies”, which have survived to this day, were created there, where agricultural technology and methods for breeding new varieties were described in detail. Luoyang peonies are considered the best in China.

Now about 500 varieties of tree peonies are registered all over the world, most of them are Chinese. They are divided into three groups:

  • Chinese-European - with double flowers,
  • Japanese - with non-double and semi-double;
  • Hybrids of yellow peony and Delaway peony.

Varieties of the European type have large, heavy flowers (which causes them to droop greatly), of various shades - from pale pink to fuchsia. The flowers of Japanese varieties are smaller, lighter, and rise above the leaves on strong peduncles. The third group, the most popular at present, are hybrids of yellow peony and Delaway peony.

They attract attention with the yellow color of the flower. If among herbaceous peonies there are very few varieties with this color, then among tree-like peonies there are many more of them

Ito hybrids also appeared on sale, named after the Japanese breeder Toichi Ito, who was the first to conduct a sensational crossing of a tree peony and a herbaceous one, which before him was considered completely unrealistic. These hybrids have leaves like tree-like ones, and the stems die off in the winter, like herbaceous forms.

The first tree peonies were brought to Russia from the Baltic states in 1858, to the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden. For a long time after this, they were considered an unpromising crop and grew only in greenhouses. This is due to the fact that most of the plants came from Europe and were not frost-resistant.

The first experiments in growing tree peonies in open ground date back to the thirties of the last century. In the fifties, their selection and acclimatization began at the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University.

From the editor

Over several decades of work at the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, the author of this article and the curator of the collection of tree peonies, Marianna Uspenskaya, created more than 20 varieties included in the Catalog of Varieties Approved for Use in Production in the Russian Federation. They are most suitable for growing in our climate zone. Among them: 'August', 'Anastasia Sosnovets', 'Vadim Tikhomirov', 'Vladimir Novikov', 'Vorobievsky', 'Hoffmann', 'Marianna', 'Maria', 'Moscow University', 'Peter the Great', 'Sergei Uspensky', 'Smolin', 'Stefan'.

Varieties most in demand among gardeners

Sedum - planting and care, reproduction

The choice of Ito varieties is the widest. Basically, they were all bred in the United States.


Hillary peony has a semi-double form, red and yellow color. Depending on weather conditions, the shade may change. The height of the bush reaches 65 cm.

Border Charm

It has a semi-marble shape. There is a red spot in the middle of the flower. The Border Charm peony itself is yellow with lighter edges.


The Scramdidliaps peony flower is characterized by a bright red color. The foliage is dark green. The bush reaches up to 70 cm in height.


The shape can be terry or semi-double. The diameter of the yellow flower with red stripes reaches 17 cm. Lollipop is famous for its abundant flowering.

Yellow Crown

The Yellow Crown variety is distinguished by a variety of flower shapes. Its color is necessarily bright yellow. There is a light red spot in the center.


Large buds up to 25 cm in diameter turn into flowers with delicate white petals. Jubilee is characterized by a large height - up to 100 cm, so this species is tied up.

Garden Treasure

The height is up to 1 meter. Double-shaped flowers can grow up to 20 cm in diameter. On an adult bush, up to 50 buds open simultaneously.

Garden Treasure is characterized not only by its beautiful appearance, but also by its pronounced aroma

Joanna Marlene

It has unusually beautiful buds. Gradually opening, the colors change from dark peach to golden. The flower shape is semi-double.


In addition to the species described, there are others. For example, Ito Bartzella is a peony with bright yellow petals and a subtle lemon aroma; Julia Rose is famous for the fact that from the beginning of flowering to the end, the petals change color three times; The Canary Diamond has light yellow, soft beige flowers that can take on a beautiful diamond sheen. Paeonia Callie's Memory has 2-3 buds on the stem that slowly open.

Peony Kellis Memory

Rules of care

After planting, it may happen that in the first year the bush will look lethargic. However, you should not worry about this, since its recovery takes a long time. In addition, peonies do not bloom in the first year, but only in the second, and sometimes in the third year. However, there are varieties that continue to bloom even after transplantation.

In addition, we must remember that this plant does not like transplantation at all. Therefore, you should not do this unless absolutely necessary.

These plants do not require special care. Since most of them are resistant to frost, there is no need to cover them for the winter period. This should be done only in cases where young seedlings have been planted. Then they can be covered with moss or fallen leaves.

In addition, in the spring they need regular watering. It is also necessary to carry out weeding and timely fertilizing. In this case, it is necessary to fertilize in the first years using a foliar method. It will be enough to do this 3 times per season. The first time in the spring, the second - before flowering begins, and the third - at the end of August. In autumn, all stems must be cut off.

Further care

Yellow peonies

If the landing was successful, this does not mean that this is all. Regular care ahead. In principle, Ito peonies are quite unpretentious. Flowers will delight you for a long time if you follow simple rules:

  • Moisture balance. Watering should be done moderately, since a lack of moisture will affect the condition of the flowers, making them sluggish and inconspicuous. But excess water will simply lead to rotting of the root system.
  • If the grower cannot provide moderate watering, say, during the rainy season, then special products such as alirin or gamair should be added to the soil. The principle of their action is based on protecting the roots from rotting.
  • It is recommended not to overdo it with fertilizing. Just like with watering, balance is important here. It is best to use natural products, such as dolomite and bone meal, mineral supplements, and phosphorus-containing mixtures.
  • Whether or not to pick the first buds in order to improve further growth is up to the gardener to decide on his own. This is due to the fact that breeders have not yet fully traced the connection between this.
  • In preparation for frost, the stems and buds responsible for growth should be cut off.
  • It is not at all necessary to cover Ito peonies for the winter, since these plants are extremely frost-resistant. Unless very young plants can be insulated with spruce branches.

Hybrid Ito peonies will be a wonderful decoration for any garden, because they have excellent characteristics and, most importantly, incredible aesthetic properties.

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A large number of varieties of Ito-peonies have been bred with completely different names, for example, “Scramdidlyapshes” or “Fest Arrival”. Among them it is necessary to note the best. Most of them tolerate frost well, so they are perfect for the Moscow region.


This variety is distinguished by large double flowers, which reach up to 18 centimeters in circumference. At the beginning of flowering, their hue is bright pink, and after that it becomes lighter every day and acquires a soft pink color, which from a distance appears yellow. In the very center you can see a cherry “eye”. Flowers most often bloom alone and during this time they can change their color several times.


This hybrid peony gets its name due to its close resemblance to this colorful candy cane. It is distinguished by pale yellow flowers. Their petals have small specks of purple and red colors over their entire surface. The bush is quite large, can grow up to 85 centimeters in height. In addition, it can simultaneously produce several lateral flowers at once.

"Scarlet Haven"

This is a rather rare and, one might even say, unique variety of peonies, which consists of several rows of bright red petals, characterized by their velvety quality. In the very center of the flower there is a ring of yellow stamens, too short. In circumference they reach up to 14 centimeters. The Ito peony bush is quite lush and grows up to 75 centimeters in height. Its foliage is too thick and completely covers all the stems. Only the flowers remain visible.


This is the earliest peony; its flowering begins in April and lasts for a whole month. The flowers of this beautiful plant are lush with a rather bright yellow color, as well as small touches of red at the very base. Their diameter reaches 24 centimeters, and they bloom singly. In addition, they exude a very tasty aroma and last for a long time after cutting. The bush grows up to 85 centimeters in height, but its width is much greater.

"Kellis Memory"

Gardeners expect these pale yellow peonies to bloom as early as May. It can last almost a whole month. The edges of their petals are soft pink, and at the very base they are bright cherry. When it blooms completely, it immediately becomes flat. Its circumference reaches 20 centimeters. The bush grows up to one meter in height. Its decorative leaves can delight everyone until frost, so they are often used to decorate personal plots.

"Pastel Splendor"

Very often this variety is also called pastel splendor. And this is because its flowers have an unusual color - a mixture of lavender, pink, soft yellow, and also cream flowers. In addition, in the very center of the flower the peony has a small purple spot.

"Yellow Crown"

These lush peonies are distinguished by a very bright yellow color, but their middle is orange, almost red. Their circumference is not that large, only up to 12 centimeters. The height of the bush is up to one meter; moreover, its stems are quite dense and practically do not fall to the ground when flowering. Flowering begins in early May and lasts for three weeks.

"Moning Lilac"

The peony has a semi-double form with beautiful lilac flowers that have cherry and white stripes. Its leaves are soft green in color. In addition, this variety is distinguished by its rather early flowering period.

"Oriental Gold"

There is debate among many botanists about this plant. Scientists are trying to understand which group they belong to. They are semi-double flowers with a straw color. They are very small in diameter, up to 10 centimeters. The bush grows up to 85 centimeters in height. Flowering begins quite early, in mid-April.

"Border Charm"

This name is translated as “border of charm.” After all, it is not a very tall bush, up to half a meter in height, while its width is also small. The buds in circumference reach 15 centimeters. Their color is yellow with a red border. Flowering occurs late.

"Copper Kettle"

This double peony, due to the fact that it consists of a mixture of various shades of yellow, red and orange, appears copper from afar. It exudes a very weak and delicate aroma. Flowering begins only after 3 years. This variety is resistant to frost; it can withstand down to –42 degrees.

"Magical Mystery Tour"

This variety of peonies is distinguished by orange-peach flowers, which turn soft pink during flowering. Flowering lasts quite a long time, and the bush can produce up to 45 buds per season.

How to grow tree peonies and how to care for them

When growing peonies, you must follow the following rules. These flowers require abundant watering in the spring and just before flowering if the soil is poorly moist. Otherwise, moderate watering is necessary. During the summer, its intensity should be reduced, and in August it should be stopped completely, so that the wood has the opportunity to “prepare” for wintering.

When organizing proper care for your tree peony, you should remember that it is not recommended to water it with very cold water. It should be kept in a container where it can pre-warm up in the sun. You need to pour the liquid in portions, so it can reach the root system and not spread on the surface of the earth.

Another important aspect of growing a plant is timely and proper feeding. In order for it to give abundant color, fertilizers should be added once every 12 days: starting from April and until the color falls. Both when planting a tree peony and for its further care, ash, mineral additives with predominant potassium and phosphorus components, and bone meal are widely used as fertilizers. This will also prevent the development of diseases in the plant.

Every plant grower who cares about the condition of his garden is interested in how to care for the tree peony, preparing it for winter. This is how things work with the wintering of tree peonies. Young plants that are completely covered by snow are not afraid of anything. In principle, when there is a good snowy winter with moderate temperatures, tree peonies do not suffer. But in severe frosts, parts of the plant that are above the level of snow cover may freeze. Therefore, in October, it is recommended to mulch the soil with a bucket of peat or the same amount of humus per bush, cut off the leaves of the plant by two-thirds of the length and cover the bushes with special material, leaving holes for air to enter. A shelter for large bushes is constructed as follows: a hut is made from sticks, which is wrapped in lutrasil or covered with spruce branches.

In addition, tree peony bushes sometimes break under the weight of snow. Therefore, it is better to tie large specimens. The photo clearly demonstrates how to properly care for and tie up a tree peony:

If at the end of winter there are frozen buds on the bushes, then you should not remove them immediately. If at the beginning of June they cannot recover, then it is worth pruning the shoots that have frozen to the first active bud. As evidenced by the photo below, tree peonies, planted and cared for correctly, produce abundant color with lush buds - appreciate their splendor and unsurpassed quality.

Caring for ITO peonies

ITO peonies are long-lived compared to other species; they can live up to 18-20 years in one place. Therefore, proper care is the key to their comfortable existence on your site.

In fact, these luxurious flowers are not at all capricious - they are little susceptible to pests and diseases, resistant to weather vicissitudes, heat- and frost-resistant. Caring for them is similar to that for ordinary peonies.

Peonies - planting and care, all work by month Caring for peonies - when and what to do so that peonies bloom magnificently.

ITO hybrids do not need support; their bush is able to “support” itself.

Watering ITO peonies should be regular (especially for young seedlings planted in spring), but not excessive - you remember that these plants do not tolerate waterlogging and stagnation of water. Peonies need plenty of water only during severe drought. The need for watering can be checked by the condition of the top layer of soil - it should dry out slightly. On average, an adult plant needs about 15 liters of water per watering. It is better to water ITO peonies without active sun - in the evening.

After each watering, you need to carefully loosen the soil around the plant, which will ensure regular access of oxygen to the roots and lead to lush and abundant flowering. Simultaneously with loosening, weeds are removed. Also, to prevent moisture evaporation, the soil in the tree trunk circle should be mulched.

It is important not to overdo it when feeding ITO hybrids. They begin to fertilize these flowers from the third year - at the beginning of the season they apply nitrogen fertilizers, and at the end of flowering - potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which promote the formation of buds and allow the peony to restore vitality

If the soil on your site in terms of acidity is not ideal for ITO peonies, do not forget to add dolomite flour or ash under the bush from time to time.

Ash - what kind of fertilizer is it, and how to use it correctly Ash is not just a fireproof residue after combustion, but also a valuable microfertilizer. Our material contains everything about how ash is useful for plants, how to use ash as a fertilizer, how to dilute ash for feeding, what spraying with an ash solution is...

In the fall, with the onset of serious frosts (much later than for herbaceous peonies), in dry weather the stems of ITO hybrids are cut off at ground level. Typically this period occurs in mid to late November.

Young plants can be insulated with spruce branches during the winter dormancy period; adult plants of ITO-peonies are quite winter-hardy and usually do not need such shelter.

As you can see, placing ITO peonies on your property will not be difficult. With relatively little labor, these magnificent flowers will delight you with their bright colors for a long time.

Possible problems in growing

The culture is not afraid of most diseases and insect pests. The main problems arise when the rules for caring for vines are violated.


Aphids are the main enemy of the plant. Insects capture shoots in entire colonies; they give preference to young shoots, from which they suck out the juice. Preventive spraying of above-ground parts is carried out with onion, garlic, citrus and herbal infusions with a characteristic unpleasant odor.

Important! To get rid of aphids, you need to buy chemicals - Aktar, Inta-Vir, Commander, Iskra-Bio

Aphids on leaves


Root rot poses a serious threat to vines. The disease is formed due to excessive moisture of the soil. The main symptoms include:

  • stems soft and brownish at the base;
  • spots on foliage;
  • presence of mold on the ground.

Therapy consists of sharply reducing the frequency of watering and treating plants with a solution of potassium permanganate. The use of fungicidal drugs is allowed: Maxim, Previkur, Bayleton, Alirin-B.

Signs of improper care

The main symptom is lack of flowering. The cause of the anomaly is associated with drafts, strong winds and frosts. Yellowing and curling of leaves occurs with insufficient or excessive watering. It is impossible to make a vine bloom without proper care.

Campsis is unpretentious; even a beginner in floriculture can grow it. To obtain healthy thickets, you need not to overwater the vine, fertilize it twice a year and do not forget about pruning. The plant is not poisonous and is not dangerous for pets and children. Moreover, it blooms very effectively to the envy of all its neighbors.

Planting and propagation of ITO peonies

As we have already mentioned, only vegetative propagation is suitable for ITO peonies - by dividing the rhizome (since these are hybrids, when propagated by seeds, species characteristics are lost).

The optimal time for planting them is the end of August-September (at least, warm October), so the plant will have time to get stronger and take root before the cold weather. But, based on the fact that foreign deliveries of peonies usually come to us in February-March, spring, May planting of ITO hybrids is also practiced.

IMPORTANT It is possible to easily divide the rhizomes of ITO peony into strong, well-established divisions only at the age of 3-5 years, since the plant “will not like it” before, and with age the root system becomes very lignified. In the future, this process will be more difficult for the grower and traumatic for the plant

The ITO peony on the site will prefer a warm place without drafts and stagnant water. These plants do not like dense shade, flooding, proximity to permanent buildings and powerful crops with an extensive root system. They need fertile, well-drained, neutral or slightly alkaline soil.

Before planting, carefully inspect the cuttings - they should be healthy, without signs of rot, cracks, wet or dry spots. Each division should have from 2 to 5 renewal buds. If you are planting a purchased seedling with roots, they should be moist and elastic. Before planting, it is advisable to treat the ITO peony divisions with growth stimulants.

The planting hole for the ITO hybrid should be about 50-60 cm deep and about 1 m wide in diameter - as we have already mentioned, the root system of these peonies grows wider than deep, and if necessary, the plant itself will further deepen its buds.

Planting holes can be prepared immediately before planting the peony or some time before it so that the ground settles a little. A layer of drainage (gravel, broken brick, etc.) can be placed at the bottom.

The division in the pit is placed so that the buds are located at a depth of 3-4 cm. If necessary, the ITO peony division can be safely placed sideways in the planting hole so that all the buds are at the same level. Then the division is covered with loose soil or prepared soil mixture (humus/garden soil/sand in a ratio of 1:1:1).

After planting, the soil around is compacted and watered, after which it is mulched.

What do ITO peonies look like?

ITO hybrids (and now there are many varieties of them) are perennial herbaceous plants that simultaneously exhibit characteristics of both herbaceous and tree-like peonies.

These are low (up to 1 m), but powerful and widely spreading, densely leafy bushes. They actively grow in breadth both aboveground and underground, but their aboveground shoots die off completely or partially every year. The leaves of ITO hybrids are dense, delicately indented, similar to the leaves of herbaceous peony; in the fall they do not fade until severe frosts and retain their decorative value.

The buds of ITO peonies are large and brown. The flowers are very large (up to 20 cm in diameter!), similar in shape to those of tree-like varieties, of various colors, but always with bright spots in the center. Flowers are single, semi-double and double. When cut, they are more durable than tree peonies, and retain their color until they wither (in open ground conditions they are prone to fading under the bright sun). The only factor in which almost all ITO hybrids are inferior to ordinary peonies is their weaker aroma.

The flowering time of ITO hybrids is very different and depends on the characteristics of the mother plants. Flowering in many varieties of ITO peonies is relatively long (up to 2-3 weeks) due to the gradual dissolution of the apical buds and the subsequent flowering of the lateral buds. During the flowering period, up to fifty buds bloom on the plant.

What ITO hybrids received from their parents:

From herbaceous peonies:From tree peonies:
annual death of the aboveground partsappearance of the bush and leaves
flowering on the shoots of the current yearsize, structure and appearance of buds
propagation by dividing rhizomesrenewal buds are located in the lower parts of the shoots and leaf axils
partial or complete lignification of roots

Unfortunately, in ITO peonies there is instability of hereditary characteristics, as well as instability of the shape and color of flowers, depending on the age of the plant, its care and environmental conditions. On the other hand, it was this quality that made it possible to develop ITO peonies of the chameleon category - changing color several times during flowering.

History of selection of yellow peonies

The history of hybridization of peonies and the development of yellow color in flowers is in itself very fascinating. The incredible shades of pink and milky watercolor of these flowers have won hearts for thousands of years, but in the 20th century, with the development of landscape design, and the industry as a whole, the desire to obtain a peony with an unprecedented yellow color quickly grew into an obsession.

The appearance of yellow peonies did not in any way change the popularity of peonies with much more typical shades, but still became a sensation and added an exclusive, luxurious option to the list of available design options, which is still hunted by both botanical gardens and collectors, as well as private gardeners - true fans of this amazing plant.

The entire history of breeding yellow colors in herbaceous peonies can be divided into three periods.

Stage 1 - attempts to achieve a yellow color by crossing herbaceous peonies

Until 1948, active selection was carried out all over the world and largely unsuccessful attempts to obtain varieties with a yellow color continued without drastic measures. As a result of selection based on the large-leaved peony, Mlokosevich and Vitman, which by nature partially have the yellow flavone pigment, modest varieties were obtained that only had individual yellow details.

During this period, the greatest contribution to the hybridization of peonies was made by Earl White, who obtained the first of the conditionally yellow varieties, “Claire de Lune,” in which the yellow pigment appeared so weakly that it only gave the flower shades of cream and ivory.

During the same period, other varieties were bred in garden centers around the world with cream shades of color or yellow color only in the stamens and staminodes, but not in the petals (Ballerina, White Sands, which are still in great demand today). White Sands), Cheddar Cheese, Golden Bracelet, Prairie Moon, etc.).

Stage 2 of Ito-peonies selection

The interspecific hybridization of herbaceous and tree peonies by breeder Toichi Ito became a long-awaited breakthrough in peony breeding. Crossing the yellow peony (Paeonia delavayi), the only peony in which the yellow carotenoid pigment was persistent and allowed hybridization without loss of tone, with a herbaceous semi-double peony, resulted in the first ever variety with picturesque yellow flowers.

The official year of the “start” of yellow peonies is considered to be 1948; the full flowering of plants with a unique color took place after the death of the breeder. Until 1967, when the rights to the hybrids were sold, 4 more yellow Ito hybrid varieties bloomed, and today they remain stellar.

Stage 3 - acquisition of rights to hybrids and the beginning of the American history of peonies

The beginning of the history of yellow peonies on the territory of the New York peony nursery of Louis Smirnov with the official registration of varieties under the name Ito-Smirnov marked the period of replenishment of the collection of varieties and the beginning of the modern history of yellow peonies.

Registered in 1974, the four core varieties began to spread throughout the world, and the designation “Ito hybrids” became not only a registered class of peonies by the American peony community, but also a protected trademark. Other American breeders were also actively working to expand the palette of yellow or almost yellow peonies, and for two decades a new name from the Ito hybrid section appeared in catalogs almost every year.

Since the late 80s of the last century, the selection of Ito hybrids, as well as peonies in general, cannot boast of positive dynamics. Almost all varieties on the market were bred quite a long time ago, and if new products appear, they are far from impressive in quantity.

What are ITO peonies?

Species of peonies (and there are more than forty of them) can successfully cross with each other, which is often used in breeding.

The history of ITO hybrids began with the desire of breeders to develop a variety of herbaceous peony with unusual yellow flowers. No sooner said than done! In 1948, specialists from Japan managed to create such a yellow-flowered complex hybrid, which was named after the scientist-creator, Toichi Ito.

The mother plant for the new perennial was the herbaceous milky-flowered peony, and the father plant was a variety of tree peony with a pale yellow flower color. Alas, the scientist himself did not experience triumph - the resulting plants bloomed for the first time after his death.

In 1974, 4 yellow varieties of new peonies were registered in the American Peony Society (APS) Register. After the name of the author, they began to be called Itoh hybrids all over the world. Later, the Register allocated a whole section of Intersectional Hybrids for such plants, meaning their origin from peonies from different botanical sections: tree and herbaceous. So today, when studying the ITO peonies offered for sale, you can come across both of these names.

History and features of Ito-peonies

They were bred by the Japanese Toichi Ito in 1948, and the name comes from his surname.


Nowadays, work on the development of new forms of the plant continues, so a whole group of Ito hybrids (hybrid) has been created, which have a number of advantages:

  • frost resistance;
  • abundant flowering;
  • developed root system;
  • ability of vegetative propagation.

However, with all the advantages, the Ito-hybrid peony has some disadvantages of its conditions of detention:

  • does not tolerate heat well (more than 25 °C);
  • requires regular watering.

Compositions of Ito peonies are common in landscape design. Flower beds with flowering plants look lush and attractive, and when dormant, the plant serves as a background for other flowers.

Note! An important circumstance in creating compositions is the correct relationship between the texture and color of the leaves. It is also necessary to combine the colors of simultaneously flowering groups.

Description and characteristics of culture

Despite the fact that the history of the creation of Ito peony hybrids goes back more than 70 years, not all flower growers in our country know what it is and what the advantages of the culture are.

Peony Ito owes its name to the Japanese flower breeder Toichi Ito, who in 1948, after many years of attempts, created a hybrid of Kakoden and Alice Harding - respectively, varieties of herbaceous and yellow tree peony. The creator did not have time to see the first flowering of his creation, but American breeders continued his work, developing new species of these beautiful plants years later.

Hybrids best combine the characteristics of both predecessors - herbaceous and tree-like. Widely spreading bushes have dense foliage and grow from 50 to 90 cm in height. Aboveground shoots die off annually. Stems are bending and often deviating.

Difference from tree-like and herbaceous

Ito varieties differ from their “parents” primarily in their ability to produce flowers of a bright and rich yellow color, which is impossible for either herbaceous or tree peonies.

In terms of the shape of flowers, the crops have more similarities than differences, but in terms of flowering time, Ito's hybrid peonies stand out in that they bloom later than the others - at the end of May and June. And they delight with bright flowering for a longer period - from three weeks to a month.

A peculiarity in the structure of the Ito bush: their buds, unlike ordinary ones, are formed both under and above the ground (in the lower part from the shoots). After mild winters, the upper ones develop into full-fledged shoots and bloom. If they suffer from frost, the plant will bloom from underground buds.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ito peonies are characterized by exceptional flower color inherited from tree-like peonies and at the same time by abundant flowering, ease of cultivation and propagation, significant frost resistance, taken from their herbaceous “relative”. In late autumn, their above-ground part dies off, and they overwinter well, sprouting new shoots in the spring.

An important additional factor is increased resistance to various diseases.

The color of the flowers is not only unique yellow shades, but also red, purple, and white. An additional pleasant feature of this type of peonies is its wonderful aroma.

Flowering is abundant, while strong, powerful bushes retain their shape even under the weight of a large number of flowers, and the leaves remain decorative almost until winter

Even in late autumn, when the ground part of the herbaceous peonies has withered, the bushes of Ito hybrids attract attention with their beauty and harmony

The flower growers involved in its cultivation do not find any serious shortcomings in the crop. Conditional ones include:

  • lack of terry or semi-double in most varieties;
  • infrequently - the location of inflorescences under the foliage of the bush, where they are less visible;
  • in years of unfavorable weather conditions - the manifestation of variability in the color of some varieties (differences in the color of the petals, the appearance of shading on them).

Currently, breeding Ito peonies is quite an expensive pleasure, which can also be added to the list of their disadvantages.

Description of the ITO-hybrid Hillary peony

Ito peonies are a hybrid plant that was obtained by crossing different varieties of herbaceous and tree peonies. The first positive results came from the Japanese agronomist Toichi Ito, whose name the new hybrid received. Its main advantages were its unusual beautiful yellow color, lush foliage and long flowering period.

The Hillary variety was developed in the mid-90s. 20th century and combines the best qualities of parent plants.

Peony Hillary is a voluminous bush with dense foliage up to 90-100 cm high. Its stems are very strong and thick, they can bend slightly under the weight of the flowers, but do not fall to the ground and do not require additional support.

After transplantation, the plant grows very quickly, but begins to bloom no earlier than a year later.

The roots of the Hillary variety, like most peonies, are spreading and located in the upper layers of the soil. As the bush grows, the roots become woody, so the older the plant, the harder it is to replant.

Peony leaves are dense with carved edges of a rich green color. They form a so-called “cushion” around the peony, which protects the root system from sunlight and helps retain moisture in the soil.

Lush peony foliage remains green until the coldest weather

Peony "Hillary" is a sun-loving plant, so it may not bloom when planted in a shaded area.

The variety is highly frost-resistant; it can be grown in the middle zone and Siberia. It is also common in North America, Europe and Asian countries.

Features of flowering

The flowers of the "Hillary" peony are semi-double in structure, very large, reaching 16-18 cm in diameter. The petals are straight, slightly indented. Their colors can vary from dark pink to soft pinkish-yellow. At the same time, the color is heterogeneous, with color transitions and inclusions. During flowering, it can change - the outer petals turn pale, but the middle remains bright.

Ito hybrids were obtained by crossing a milky-flowering peony and a tree-like peony.

The flowering period of the Hillary peony is mid-early, duration is about a month. Flowers do not bloom simultaneously, but gradually, due to which peonies of different shades can be found on the bush at once. In total, about 50 buds bloom during the season.

For the abundant flowering of the Hillary variety, good lighting plays an important role; in the shade it blooms much weaker.

Application in design

Peony "Hillary" is great for decorating garden beds. It goes well with lilies, irises, as well as low-growing forget-me-nots and sedums. But still, peonies look best when planted separately from other flowers, when nothing distracts attention from their beauty.

Peony bushes look very beautiful in open areas

Also, the Hillary variety looks good along paths.

Peony is suitable for garden zoning

You should not plant peony near the walls of buildings or next to tall trees, as the flower does not grow well in the shade.

It is not recommended to plant Hillary peonies too close to each other or to plants with developed root systems, as they may lack nutrients.

As for growing on balconies, low-growing varieties are usually used for this. But you can still grow the Hillary peony. An important condition is that there must be enough space in the pot or flowerpot for roots to grow.

Propagation of tree peony by seeds, cuttings, layering and division

There are several ways to propagate a tree peony - by seeds, cuttings, layering and dividing the bush.

Propagation of tree peony by seeds. A plant grown from seeds, under a successful combination of circumstances, will be able to bloom only 5-6 years after planting; in addition, tree peony seeds, due to the underdevelopment of the embryo, require mandatory stratification, and during long-term storage they generally lose their germination capacity. When tree peony is propagated by seeds, stratification is carried out in two stages: first warm, then cold. But even performing these difficult manipulations will not guarantee that your efforts will be crowned with success.

Propagation of tree peony by cuttings. Cuttings for this method of propagation need to be semi-lignified, and they are cut in the second half of June: the bud with the leaf plate and part of the shoot wood are separated. The leaf is cut in half, the cuttings are stuck into containers with a mixture of sand and peat to a depth of 1.5 cm, covered with glass or film, regularly watered and sprayed. At the end of September, when the tree peony is propagated, the cuttings are planted in personal pots and kept in a greenhouse until spring. When peonies begin to grow, they can be planted in open ground.

Reproduction of tree peonies by layering. The duration of the reproduction process using this method is two years.

In May, before flowering begins, select developed shoots, carefully bend them to the ground, having previously made a cut on the side facing the soil, treated it with growth substance and inserted a peg into it, and dig in the branch with a layer of soil of 8-10 cm. Moisten the soil above layering when you water the peony

In September, when the roots appear, the shoot is separated from the bush and planted in the ground in a permanent place. Tree peony propagation is also carried out by air layering: an incision is made on the shoot, it is wrapped in damp moss, and then in a film, which is hermetically fixed. Roots will appear by the end of summer. The method is as simple as it is ineffective.

Reproduction of tree peony by dividing the bush. Actually, we just talked about this, all that remains is to add that it is best to divide for propagation bushes that are 5-6 years old and this should be done in August. Planting of the cuttings is carried out in the manner already described.

Watch the video “Tree Peony” to better understand how to propagate this plant:

Today Ito peonies are at the height of fashion.

Just a few years ago they were considered exotic, which could only be seen in special gardens. But every year they are gaining more and more popularity. However, many gardeners are still afraid to purchase Ito hybrids of peonies, thinking that they are capricious. But in vain! The reason for such worries is that there is little information about growing such hybrids. And the first question that interests many: Ito peonies,

what is it and what are they?

The flower world does not stand still, it is always in motion. Some flowers go out of fashion, others come into fashion. Every year, through the efforts of breeders, some new variety or hybrid of one species or another appears in the world. For a long time, hybridizers tried to create a peony with yellow flowers, but they never succeeded. But when they involved the tree peony in breeding work, they succeeded. In 1958, Japanese horticulturist Toichi Ito crossed an herbaceous peony with a tree peony to produce the first herbaceous peonies with bright yellow flowers. After some time, in 1967, the owner of a peony nursery, Louis Smirnov (in New York), acquired a patent from Toichi Ito, and began to propagate these ITO peonies. In 1974, Louis registered four varieties of Ito peonies with the American Community Register: "Yellow Dream", "Yellow Emperor", "Yellow Crown", and "Yellow Heaven". And since that time the world has learned about yellow peonies.

And so , Ito hybrids

or intersectional hybrids
a new generation of herbaceous peonies obtained by crossing tree and herbaceous peonies. Of course, they differ from herbaceous peonies, but only in the positive direction. They have a delightful flower shape and color, bloom profusely (like tree peonies), strong growth, ease of cultivation, ease of propagation (by dividing bushes), high winter hardiness (inherited from the herbaceous peony).

And Ito peonies became so popular due to the unique beauty of the flowers, which have a wide range of shapes and colors. The flowers are of beautiful shades: from light yellow to red, from white to purple, often with contrasting coloring of the petals (in the middle or at the tips). The flowers in the center of the bush open first, then the rest. The buds are especially beautiful: their shape is oblong, with a pointed tip. They are very reminiscent of chestnut flowers.

In addition, all flowers of Ito hybrids are very fragrant and bloom much longer than ordinary herbaceous peonies. From tree peonies they inherited the high stability of peduncles; even during flowering, under the weight of many flowers, the bush does not fall apart. The leaves remain decorative until winter; light autumn frosts do not harm it.

Agricultural technology for growing Ito peonies

, even simpler than herbaceous peonies. These peonies almost never get sick. They do not need shelter for the winter. Only young seedlings need to be covered for insurance in the first year after planting. Everything else is planting and care, the same as for herbaceous peonies. One thing you need to do is monitor the acidity level of the soil. Ito peonies do not like acidic soils, so if necessary, lime them (add slaked lime, wood ash or dolomite flour).

Ito peonies are harder to propagate than herbaceous ones. Their roots, like tree peonies, are long and horizontal. The rhizome is hard, you need to divide it with a knife, or even a hacksaw. The yield of new planting material is low. From a five-year-old bush you can get no more than four cuttings. But the planting material is of high quality.

Ito peonies are long-lived plants, and at 15 years old they are still quite young. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about growing Ito peonies. But there is a sea of ​​beauty and admiration...

Delivery of peonies in Ukraine (Kiev, Donetsk, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kremenchug, Ternopil, Uzhgorod, Krivoy Rog, Lugansk, Odessa, Kherson, Sumy, Chernigov, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Poltava, Lutsk, Kirovograd, Cherkasy, Khmelnitsky, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Vinnitsa, Zhitomir, Nikolaev, Rivne, Yalta, Melitopol, Bila Tserkva).

About aid – this and that.

Photo by the author. ITO hybrids, or intersectional hybrids, are hybrids of peonies obtained by crossing different species: tree peonies and herbaceous peonies. They were obtained by Japanese breeder Toichi Ito. Plants with yellow flowers were the first to be bred. Due to the unusual yellow color, ITO hybrids have become widespread among peony lovers.

You've probably already heard about the most popular varieties: “Bartzella” and “Garden Treasure”. These are beautiful yellow-flowered peonies, double and semi-double with a bright red spot in the center and very large flowers. These varieties have lateral buds, which significantly prolongs their flowering. Once you started, there was no stopping the breeders, everyone wanted to get a pure yellow color: “Yellow Doodle Dandy”, “Sonoma YeDo”, “Smith Family Yellow” Family Yellow”). These varieties, unlike the first classical varieties, do not have a bright middle spot, but are double forms of “delicious” lemon-yellow shades without any inclusions. Soon, ITO hybrids of not only yellow, but also other shades began to win the hearts of gardeners. Pink tones of peonies were represented by the varieties “Hillary” and “Julia Rose”. The first is a more terry variety, which almost does not change its shade in the future. The second, on the contrary, starting its flowering with pink-raspberry shades, over time, acquires creamy-yellow tones, very delicate, as if bashful and girlish. The flower of “Julia Rose” is single or semi-double. Bushes of these varieties look very impressive in the garden, attracting attention with their unusual shades and play of colors. In the lilac-lilac group of intersectional hybrids, the following varieties can be distinguished: “Cora Louise”, “Morning Lilac” and “First Arrival”. These varieties have colors uncharacteristic of peonies and decorate the garden with their transparency and crystalline quality. The spot at the base of the petals gives them a special charm. In “Morning Lilac” it is purple, in “Cora Louise” it is purple-red, in “First Arrival” it is slightly darker than the petals. These varieties look great in combination with yellow peonies. “Court Jester” will be a bright flash in the flower garden. This is an unusually juicy peony of a deep yellow, almost orange, color, turning into creamy yellow tones along the edges of the petals, while retaining a surprisingly contrasting crimson spot at the base of the petals. The flower is double and not very large, but its brilliance can be compared to a torch that flares up and then fades out. The flowering of the hybrid is prolonged by a large number of lateral buds, creating a shimmering effect. The bush is quite tall (up to 65 cm). Its foliage changes color to bronze in autumn, so “Court Jester” decorates the flower garden not only during the flowering period, but also in the fall. The yellow-coral-apricot group includes such “warm ITOs” as “Callie’s Memory”, “Singing In The Rain”, “Pastel Splendour” (“Pastel Splendor"). The color palette of these peonies captivates with their tenderness and smooth transition of tones. Well, just a watercolor spill of nature’s tenderness and fantasy! Orange-coral peonies include varieties such as “Copper Kettle,” “New Orange,” and “Old Rose Dandy.” These hybrids are distinguished by the unusual color of the petals - copper-orange; in the “New Orange” variety it is as if velvety. No wonder “Copper Kettle” is translated from English as “copper kettle”. Its petals shimmer like sunlight on a polished copper surface. In fairness, I would like to note that both varieties, however, like many ITO hybrids, do not show their beauty in the first two years of flowering. They, like Cinderella, reveal their beauty with great love and care. The charming “Magical Mystery Tour” (“Magical Mystery Tour”), which has creamy yellow petals with lilac and pink strokes and strokes, belongs to the same group of colors. The beautiful red spot at the base seems to blur over time and color the petals in pink tones. It is impossible not to say about the “Simply Red” variety. The flower is large, an amazing transparent silk red color with a velvety tint. Ouch charm! The bush is erect and strong. The foliage is openwork, the stems are strong. The most interesting ITO hybrid is a variety with an unpronounceable name - “Scrumdidleumptious”. Translated from English - “most magnificent”. The way it is. The bush is very powerful, spreading and non-lodging, strewn with a large number of delicate, double creamy-pink flowers. A fascinating sight! This year, in addition to “Scrumdidleumptious,” I was surprised by the varieties “Caroline Constable” and “Raggedy Ann.” In the first flowering they were “ugly ducklings” - large pistils, ugly underdeveloped petals, and in general the impression was unpleasant. In the second year there was no flowering at all. I had already decided to be disappointed, but in the third year both varieties showed themselves as “beautiful swans”, and even wearing golden crowns. The bushes were simply strewn with flowers and delighted with active flowering. Every year, the ranks of intersectional hybrids are replenished with new and diverse varieties that I would like to talk about. But the format of the article is limited, so I’ll just list a few more interesting varieties. As they say, I’ll keep the intrigue: “Belle Toulousaine”, “Danse du Feu”, “Duchesse de Lorraine”, “Gordon E. Simonson” ( “Gordon E. Simonson”), “Strawberry Creme Brulee”, “All That Jazz”.

Choosing a division and planting a peony

And so, after reading the descriptions and looking at the photographs, the variety was chosen. Now you need to choose the right peony division. By the way, the size and number of buds is not the main thing. These parameters simply need to be balanced. It is better if it is a young root with 2-3 buds of pink-raspberry color (depending on the variety). There is an opinion that the buds should be located at the base of the stems, but in ITO hybrids the buds located on the stem are a good sign for the successful development and flowering of the plant. If you purchase a cutting from an adult plant, and not a meristem root, then all the “tails” must be trimmed and shortened. This promotes the rapid formation of suction roots over the entire surface of the division. And no “rottenness”, especially in places where buds form. I inspect and process the existing root depending on the time of purchase: for planting or further storage. If I received a division from the end of August to mid-October, I plant it directly in the ground. To do this, you need to prepare a seat. The root system of ITO hybrids is much more powerful than that of herbaceous peonies. It spreads not only in depth, but also in breadth. I make a hole approximately 60x60x60 cm, avoiding places with close groundwater. The distance between bushes should be 1–1.2 m, so if mass planting of peonies is carried out in one place, it is better to prepare a trench. Like all peonies, intersectional hybrids prefer light loamy soils. If you dig a hole in heavy and dense clay soils with insufficient drainage, then with abundant watering or heavy rains it will turn into a small pond from which water drains very slowly. It is unacceptable. Peony roots react very painfully to excess water and can rot. In this case, the plant dies. Therefore, drainage should be carried out along the entire ridge with peonies, stimulating water drainage along the entire length of the plantings. On sandy and peaty soils, clay must be added to the planting hole. In my area with bulk, mostly sandy soils, a sapropel-clay additive in a ratio of 3:7 worked very well, that is, to half the volume of soil in the hole - three parts sapropel and seven parts clay. To this mixture I add purchased fertile soil, soil improver “ZeoFlora” - 1 liter, horn-hoof meal - 0.5 liters, complex mineral fertilizer for peonies "Robin Green" - 100 g and, of course, ash - very generously. I definitely add 2 liters of gum deoxidizer to the pit. I prepare the soil mixture in a wheelbarrow. For such a volume of a hole you will need more than one wheelbarrow, so I add fertilizer for peonies in the last batch. I prepare about 0.5 liters of down or vermiculite and 50–70 g of kremnevit. I mix everything. It wouldn’t hurt to add the soil-healing biological preparation “33 heroes” - two tablespoons. The soil mixture is poured into the hole and poured well to compact it. This is necessary so that the division does not get pulled deep into loose soils. It is better to prepare the hole in advance - about 1-2 weeks before planting. I am preparing the plot for planting. To do this, I thoroughly rinse the root with running water and check it again for rottenness and drying out of the buds. If the outer kidney scales have dried out, do not rush to get upset. The buds inside are alive and require planting. If there is rottenness or rot, then I carefully cut them out, and rub the sections with charcoal (not ash!) or treat them with brilliant green. I usually use the “Healthy Earth” preparation for treating diseases. Its effect extends to plant tissue within 3–4 weeks. For processing, I dilute 2 ml (about one cap) of the drug with 0.5 tsp of “Kornevin” and 2 tsp of water in a small plastic container. Using the resulting bright pink solution, using a large paint brush, I “paint” the entire surface of the division, including the buds. The mixture is applied to the dry root. After “painting” the section should dry. I prepare a hole in a hole of such a size that when planting and further watering and compacting the soil, the buds are at a depth of no more than 2–3 cm from the soil level. To do this, it is very convenient to place a bar of the required thickness next to the division (the lower part is at the level of the kidneys). As soon as the plank is filled in, the peony is planted. I sprinkle the root along with the buds with a mixture of pukhovita, kremnevita and “heroic” dressing and plant it. I spill the soil with a gentle stream of water. I put a marker. Landing completed. In the case of spring planting, I use potting. My site has a southwestern slope and sandy soils. They warm up very quickly in the spring and, if the weather is hot (and this is impossible to predict), suction roots form inactively in the overheated soil. Accordingly, the peony is forced to use the internal reserves of the rhizome, which can lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, overexposure in a shady place in a trench in a pot is my successful solution to this problem. I don’t specially prepare soil for planting in pots. I use ready-made primer for roses “Robin Green”. This soil contains a sufficient amount of nutrients for the plant to live for 4–5 months (before transshipment into the soil in the fall). The acidity of this peat mixture is comfortable for the active development of ITO hybrids. I will definitely add drainage to the bottom of the pot. I select the pot according to the size of the spine. A very important point: the rhizomes should not touch the walls of the pot. When I receive the cuttings in March, I carry out the same procedure for disinfecting the peony root system as in the case of planting in the ground. I also use a mixture of vermiculite and kremnevit when planting in a pot. When pre-planting in pots, it is not necessary to bury the buds. It is enough for the buds to be 2/3 of the height of the pot, and then they can be covered with soil without damaging the plant. I have a log house, not heated in winter, with a large window on the north side. In March, the indoor air temperature is +2 +5°C. This is the ideal temperature for rooting peonies. The plants are in pots on the table near the north window. Next, when the dandelions bloom, I transplant the plants into the trench so that the pot stands on a drainage bedding and half the pot is covered with drainage. Next is a layer of soil, and the buds should be covered 2-3 cm and sprinkled with vermiculite. I use chalk gravel, which deoxidizes the soil when watered. If there is no space or opportunity to dig into the ground, I use large plastic boxes in which I place pots with plants. The kidneys must be closed in any case. Do not place the trench in places where water accumulates (low areas, under a roof slope, etc.). Possible soaking and, as a result, rotting of the roots. If possible, plant the plant in planting holes prepared in the fall. But this is only if there is no threat of soil overheating. Ito hybrids should be placed in open sunny places, away from trees. Although in partial shade, but with good lighting, “ITOshki” bloom longer and brighter. There is no need to cover peonies newly planted in the fall for the winter.

Caring for peonies

The sprouts of ITO hybrids that appear in the spring require certain care. When the soil becomes warm enough (dandelion flowering period), I use the fungicide “Chistoflor”, and a week after that - “Trichoflor”. Both drugs are applied according to the instructions on the package. Next, I spray with Agat 25 and continue to treat it throughout the growing season at intervals of 10–14 days. I’m looking forward to the first lawn grass so I can mow it and cover the peony stems across the width of the bush with lightly dried hay. The resulting bacillus subtilis helps to destroy and stop the development of putrefactive bacteria and fungi. Dried grass shades the roots, protects them from overheating in hot weather, and gradually increases the fertile humus layer. All this contributes to the health of the plant. According to my observations, intersectional hybrids are less susceptible to botrytis than interspecific ones. However, prevention of this disease must be carried out. You should not be overzealous with the application of nitrogen fertilizers. An exception is blood meal, which is quickly absorbed by the plant almost completely in the first days of application and does not slow down the ripening of the stems. Plants must be well ventilated. Overflow should not be allowed. The foliage of ITO hybrids is very decorative, beautiful, openwork and remains green for a long time. Nevertheless, in order to prevent downtime in flowering in the garden with “ITOshki”, I plant lilies between them (which does not interfere with ventilation). I trim the stems in October along with herbaceous peonies, focusing on the change in color of the foliage of the latter. I don’t cover it for the winter, I just slightly plant the center of the bush, since I had the bitter experience of protruding stem buds freezing during a snowless winter of –15°C. In the spring, after the shoots appear, I carefully unload my “pets”. The peony garden looks very interesting in late autumn and early spring. At this time, you experience the joy of the orderliness of white markers on the cultivated, weed-free soil. In the summer, the beauty of peonies, especially the magical colors of ITO hybrids, brings me into “puppy delight” and arouses the admiration of passers-by.

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Blooming hybrid peonies

Peony Ito hybrid blooms for a long period. The flowers on the stems in the central part of the bush open first, and then the rest gradually. Their flowering depends on the quality of care provided.

Period of activity and rest

Flowering and dormancy times vary depending on the variety, climatic conditions and care. The bush begins to bloom in late May or early June. At the end of flowering, the foliage remains as a green decoration for the garden. Peace begins with the onset of autumn.

Care during and after flowering

In order for the hybrid to develop normally, it is recommended to pluck the first buds, otherwise the young plant will weaken. Before flowering begins, the flower will respond positively to nitrogen fertilizer. The soil should be loosened and watered abundantly.

Prune, water and feed

Planting and caring for Ito peonies:

  1. To be trimmed. Ito peonies are hybrids of herbaceous and tree-like species. They are cared for in the same way as grass plants. It needs to be pruned in the fall. After flowering, the heads are immediately cut off so that they do not draw nutrients from the bush.
  2. Requires watering. Peonies grow well in open sunny areas in well-drained, moist soil. It is especially necessary to monitor hydration during the flowering period and after it. Watering is carried out until August, until it is time to cut off the above-ground part of the plants.
  3. Feeding is required. Immediately after flowering, superphosphate is added to the soil. In mid-August, the plant should be fertilized with manure or the soil should be mulched with bone meal. After pruning, you should pour a bucket of good soil onto the peonies of the first year of planting, and in the spring you should rake them for bud germination.


Over the years, the bush grows greatly, so it is necessary to provide a large area during planting.

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