Not hundreds, but thousands: what kind of indoor flowers did people pay a lot of money for?

Some collectors pay literally several thousand dollars for a single indoor plant. This is a relatively new way of investing. Aroid plants look great.

There are many varieties of them, which are distinguished by beautiful variegated, elongated or rich green leaves that cause real admiration among gardeners. Here are some expensive plants that are worth buying if you want to make an investment.

Monstera adansonii variegata

This type of monstera (main photo) is distinguished by the fact that it is quite expensive, but at the same time it looks very impressive. Such a plant sold for more than $38,000.

Monstera looks very beautiful thanks to its bright and unusual hole-shaped leaves with beautiful white spots. This plant was named after the 18th century French botanist Michel Adanson, who was simply amazed when he saw the beauty of this luxurious plant. The cost of such a monstera ranges from 3,200 to 15,947 dollars.

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King of the Night

Among the most expensive flowers on Earth is the black tulip with the loud name “King of the Night”. It is worth clarifying that this was one of the most expensive flowers many centuries ago, at a time of incredible demand for tulips. Thus, a black tulip bulb could make a fortune. By the way, the black tulip was called conventionally - in fact, the plant’s petals were dark purple. In 1986, breeder Gert Hagemann developed the blackest variety of tulips. The work to create the flower cost a huge amount - 400 thousand dollars.

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Now a black tulip bulb costs on average from 30 to 200 rubles, depending on the variety.

Philodendron joepii

Each leaf of this amazing plant has a kind of ears at the top, a narrow neck and a long tongue. The plant is named after the Dutch naturalist who discovered it on an anthill in French Guiana in 1991.

This plant is a hybrid of two previously known species. The cost of such a philodendron ranges from $1,500 to $4,030.


Medinilla is one of the most expensive flowers in the world. This is one of the most beautiful tropical flowers. Medinilla is native to the tropical forests of Madagascar and the Philippine Islands. The flower is prized for its beautiful clusters of inflorescences of a magnificent soft pink color. The cost of the stem reaches $150, and for a dish with medinilla you will have to pay at least $700.

You can grow this beautiful exotic flower at home, but keep in mind that medinilla is extremely demanding of humidity and temperature. The plant is very delicate and may lose flowers and even leaves if it is moved or turned over frequently.

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Monstera Peru

The leaves of this plant look as if 90% of them were eaten by huge and hungry insects. The variegated leaves look very beautiful. The cost of such a plant ranges from $2,895 to $6,500.

Buyers should be aware that this Monstera variety is slow growing, has paper-thin leaves, and requires a lot of moisture.

Gold Kinabalu

The most expensive flowers in the world are the Rothschild orchid papiopedilum, or “Gold of Kinabalu”. The cost of one flower reaches 300 thousand rubles. The high cost of the plant is explained by its rarity: Rothschild's papiopedilum is rare in nature. By the way, this magnificent orchid blooms for the first time no earlier than 14-15 years. The orchid grows only in two places on Mount Kinabalu on the island of Borneo.

It is very difficult to purchase a flower - it is grown only in a few nurseries in the USA.

This is interesting: the Rothschild papiopedilum orchid is pollinated by parasitic flies. Due to the unusual color of the flower, it is mistaken for a colony of aphids, next to which larvae lie in nature.

Monstera deliciosa albo variegate

The leaves of this plant look like they are torn on both sides. In addition, they have beautiful white spots on their surface. The cost of a monstera of this variety ranges from $199 to $4,500 for an already well-rooted specimen. The price for cuttings is slightly less.

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The width of monstera leaves is approximately 45 cm. They visually resemble cheese and look simply delicious.


The Kadupul flower is one of the rarest flowers in the world. Its value cannot be determined, since it is not sold in any flower shop. The second name of the flower is “Queen of the Night”. It is unique in that it only lives for a few hours, which is why there are legends about it. Kadupul grows in Sri Lanka. This cactus flower blooms after dark and fades after a few hours. Kadupul has an unusual delicate aroma and delicate white petals.

Wanda Sandera

Vanda sandera is the national flower and treasure of the Philippines. The species is endangered and is prohibited from export. Descendants of plants once imported from the islands, which have retained all their species characteristics, go on sale. Namely, hard leaves with a forked tip, straight long peduncles with 5–10 flowers on each.

Distinctive features of the species are a double lip without a spur, as well as multi-colored petals and sepals with a pattern of dots and strokes. The first flowering begins with only 6 leaves. The height of the plant exceeds 1 m. Removing the peduncle after flowering is completed is mandatory. Peak flowering occurs from late spring to early autumn.


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Rose Juliet

Rose "Juliet" was first presented to the public in 2006 at a garden exhibition in England and has become one of the most expensive flowers in the world. David Austin worked for 15 years to create a beautiful peony flower with delicate peach petals and a light aroma.

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Now the cost of one flower is estimated at 300-400 rubles.

Seeding saffron

Dried saffron stigmas serve as raw materials for the production of natural spices with a rich aromatic bouquet. Half a kilogram of spices requires 80,000 flowers, which are hand-picked. The high consumption of raw materials and an impressive share of manual labor support the high cost of seed in Russia and in the world: for a kilogram of saffron bulbs they will ask for from 160,000 to 200,000 rubles.

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The most expensive flowers in the world

There are objective indicators that affect the value of different plants; not everything depends on the greed of florists.

What can affect the cost of flowers:

  • the plant is rarely found in the wild;
  • the difficulty of breeding on an industrial scale;
  • short flowering period;
  • inaccessibility of the distribution area;
  • flower recognition.

Some of the species in the ranking are so rare and inaccessible that they are officially recognized as priceless.

Cactus "Queen of the Night" - priceless

The most expensive flower is also one of the rarest to bloom. The “Queen of the Night” is the name given to the inflorescences of the Selenicerius cactus, which bloom only at night and bloom only a few hours before dawn once every few years.

In the homeland of the plant, Sri Lanka, it is called kadupul; in Japan, the flower received the name “Beauty of the Moon.”

Kadupul grandiflorus

There are 24 known species of selenicerius plants, but the rarest and most expensive of them is grandiflorus, with flowers up to 30 cm in diameter and a rich vanilla aroma.

The peculiarities of its flowering have given rise to many legends. In Sri Lanka they believe that at night, when a bud blooms, nagas, demigods with a snake body, descend to earth to pick the flower and present it to Buddha.

It is impossible to buy or order a bouquet with selenicerius; florists do not use it, as it is extremely rare and fragile. It is impossible to pick a flower without damaging it. His life is too short: after a few hours, before dawn, he withers.

Middlemist red - priceless

The flower is officially considered the rarest in the world. Now there are only 2 living plants in the world: one in London, the second in New Zealand.

Middleist's homeland is China. Living specimens were brought to Europe in the 19th century and were thought to be sterile.


Only 100 years later the plant bloomed with bright pink flowers, similar in appearance to a rose. Now the bush is actively blooming, which resembles climbing roses. The flower got its name from the gardener who brought it to England - John Middlemist.

It is said that in the vicinity of the Cheswick House greenhouse, which owns this plant, there are several more Middleamista shrubs. According to rumors, the botanist shared his exotic acquisition with neighbors, and perhaps the greenhouse workers also worked part-time.

Orchid "Shenzhen Nonke" - 13 million rubles

Chinese breeders have grown a yellow orchid with a bright pink center, called Shenzhen Nongke. It is considered the most expensive of all artificially created varieties. In 2005, this flower was sold at auction for 202 thousand dollars.

"Shenzhen Nonke"

The flower is very whimsical; its owners need to be patient enough to wait for flowering, which occurs 5 years after the first leaves. Blooming flowers have a pleasant delicate aroma.

Orchid “Gold of Kinabalu” - 325 thousand rubles

An extremely rare orchid, listed in the Red Book, grows on the island of Borneo. The price of one branch of this flower starts from $5,000.

Orchid "Kinabalu Gold"

The plant blooms quite late, 15 years after the first leaves appear. The flowers have a characteristic striped pattern that forms burgundy veins on large yellow inflorescences. This orchid blooms for a short time, from March to May.

Saffron crocus - 20 thousand rubles

A delicate purple spring flower with bright orange stigmas is rarely seen in flower arrangements.

Saffron is known as one of the most precious spices. The dried stigmas of its flowers have a rich aroma and an indescribable shade of deep yellow-orange color.

Saffron flower

Saffron bulbs sell for $6 a dozen. To collect 500 g of saffron spice, you need to grow up to 100 thousand flowers. The stigmas are collected exclusively by hand; each flower has only 3 stamens. For 100 grams of saffron you need to pay $300.

Rose “Sweet Juliet” – 1600 rubles

The variety Sweet Juliet, “Sweet Juliet,” was bred by the famous English botanist David Austin. To get double large flowers of soft apricot color, he spent 15 years and more than $15 million. One flower costs $25.

Bouquet of roses “Juliet”

The uniqueness of a rose lies in its bud. As the flower blooms, the color of the petals changes from soft pink at the edges to deep pink at the core. The aroma of flowers is subtle and unobtrusive.

Tulip Semper Augustus - 1300 rubles

In the 17th century, tulip mania occurred in the Netherlands - a rush of demand for rare flower bulbs with variegated colors. Prices reached several thousand guilders; for this amount one could buy a good house.

This coloring appeared when the bulbs were damaged. The rarest tulips were called Semper Augustus. They were valued for the almost perfect red veins on the white petals of the flower. According to legend, this tulip had only 12 bulbs.

Semper Augustus flower - image from The Book of Tulips

The tulip became a favorite subject of still lifes of Dutch painters. No one could guess from which bulb a variegated flower would grow; this was equated to a miracle.

It was only in the 20th century that the reasons for the appearance of this color were established. Now considered a sign of bulb disease, flowers with beautiful symmetrical stripes are very rarely born. This color is difficult to maintain for a long time, so they are more valuable.

Gloriosa - 700 rubles

The inflorescences of the gloriosa shrub, translated from Latin as “glorious,” look like petals of flame. One inflorescence combines several flowers with 6 narrow petals of orange-red color with a yellow edging.

Gloriosa bouquet

The shrub grows in Asia and South America, reaching a height of up to 3 meters. The leaves are thin and long, and the stems are quite fragile. The cost of one gloriosa branch on the market is from $10. For the same amount you can buy a bush seedling.

Hydrangea - 600 rubles

Large caps with a diameter of up to 20 cm of flowers of different sizes, larger at the edges and smaller in the center, look like fluffy clouds. This is hydrangea, an Asian shrub that has recently been actively spreading in Europe and America. The flower received its name from the fairy-tale princess Hortense.


Flowers are very popular among florists due to their wide range of colors. The shrub blooms for a very long time, almost the entire warm season from early spring until the first frost. Cut flowers do not survive long in water and wither almost the same day. One branch costs from $6 in the USA and about $10 in Europe.

Lily of the valley - 500 rubles

This is a rather rare plant, its value is high, since it is quite fragile and blooms for a very short time - only a couple of weeks a year in May-June. During the flowering period, a small bouquet of lilies of the valley can cost 1,000 rubles, and in the off-season the price can reach 5,000 rubles.

Lily of the valley

In Christianity, lilies of the valley are especially revered. There is a belief that flowers were born from the tears of the Mother of God. Do not forget that lily of the valley is a poisonous plant.

Rainbow roses

The rainbow roses created by a Dutch flower company look like they were created using Photoshop, their colors are so stunning and striking. The difficulty of growing them has made these roses one of the most expensive flowers in the world. Amazing rainbow roses - the invention of Peter Van de Werken. He and his colleagues spent six months developing the best method for growing rainbow roses. The idea was to divide the flower's stem into several channels and allow differently colored water to pass through each channel. Thus, it was possible to create a unique technology for growing multi-colored roses. Because this process is extremely labor intensive, rainbow roses are quite expensive, costing around $10 per flower.

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