Cyclamen - flower dormancy at home

How to choose cyclamen when purchasing

Finding a new apartment occupant is very simple.
Decorative alpine violet is sold as already grown seedlings or nodules. Seeds are also available for sale, with a particularly wide range of Persian hybrids. To avoid disappointment with your purchase, carefully inspect the copy you are purchasing. Avoid purchasing bushes with damaged leaves or nodules. The bush should be quite dense and well leafy. A healthy plant is characterized by the absence of spots, plaque or sliminess on the foliage and bulb. If traces of pests or fungi are found, refuse to purchase. Such individuals will soon wither away on their own and infect your indoor flowers.

Pay attention to the tuber. If it is already planted, then the top of the head should look out a third, because European cyclamen are not sold for sale, only “Persians”. When purchasing a dormant tuber, make sure that the growth bud is viable and there is no damage to the bulb. Good corms are dense and weighty and have no signs of spoilage. Select seeds only with a fresh harvest date; after a year and a half they will partially lose their germination capacity.

Cyclamen care

Caring for cyclamen at home is simple and can be done by every gardener. By following all the rules of agricultural technology, taking into account the characteristics of growth and development, this flower can be provided with optimal growing conditions at home:

  • Temperature conditions. Before you acquire this exotic, you should choose the right place to keep it. Despite the fact that cyclamen is an unpretentious plant, it needs coolness at home, frequent ventilation, but without drafts. The optimal temperature is twelve to fifteen degrees Celsius. In such conditions, cyclamen can achieve maximum flowering. Temperatures of twenty degrees and above are destructive for this exotic.
  • System watering. To grow a beautiful and wildly flowering plant at home, it needs to be provided with regular watering. This flower is watered through a tray. This method eliminates the risk of overwatering the plant and rotting the tuber. For irrigation, it is recommended to use settled water at room temperature.
  • Cyclamen is demanding on air humidity, so frequent spraying will only benefit it. It is not recommended to spray the flower during the flowering period, as this can lead to rotting of the flowers. In addition to this, the plant is placed in a wide and shallow container with wet pebbles or expanded clay.
  • For intensive growth and flowering, cyclamen requires good lighting. Bright diffused light with protection from the scorching sun is just what this exotic needs.
  • Cyclamen responds very well to feeding, only in moderate dosage and concentration. This flower is fertilized at the budding stage and during the flowering period once a month. Liquid mineral fertilizers, for example, the drug Floretta, are used as fertilizing. Each plant feeding is carried out only after watering. Purchased flowers begin to be fertilized from the third week after purchase. Feeding young plants after they have been planted is carried out at the stage of the appearance of the first shoots. After transplantation, young flowers are fertilized no earlier than six months later. During the dormant period, cyclamen is not fertilized.

Why does cyclamen shed its leaves, how to save the plant from death?

Cyclamen can shed its leaves for several reasons. You can understand whether this is a reason for concern if you carefully observe the flower. If it begins to turn yellow and wither slowly, and then just as slowly gets rid of old leaves, then it’s time for a seasonal rest . In this case, there are no health problems.

Cyclamen leaves turn yellow

If the branches become bare in a matter of days, it means the plant is sick. Why is this happening? The cause may be improper care or parasite infection . In any case, you should not despair: timely treatment will give a positive result.

Inadequate care during and after flowering

Northeast Africa is considered the birthplace of cyclamen. The sunny, humid climate of this part of the world allows the flower to grow to incredible sizes and bloom profusely. However, it is incredibly difficult to recreate ideal conditions in an ordinary apartment. If this fails, the plant turns yellow and sheds its leaves. In this case, you need to analyze what exactly could upset the plant so much. It could be :

  • air temperature is too high or low . Cyclamen prefers to grow and bloom at home at 12 - 17 degrees above zero. In winter, it feels great on glazed balconies, but during severe frosts it is better to bring it indoors.
  • improper watering . Most cyclamen varieties have a moderate appetite. They should be watered about once a week, when the substrate is almost completely dry. It is necessary to ensure that the entire earthen lump is moistened without turning into a swamp. Drought is also detrimental to the flower. The soil in a pot with cyclamen should not be allowed to remain dry for several days;

Cyclamen should be watered once a week.

  • direct sunlight . Cyclamen loves diffused light. Rays falling directly on the delicate leaves of a flower can cause burns. The result is yellowing and falling off;
  • lack of nutrients . Special fertilizers must be applied regularly: after transplanting into a new pot, once every two weeks, after the appearance of buds, once a month.

Natural process

Cyclamen is a cyclical plant. After flowering, which can last for several months, it goes into rest . At this time, its leaves also begin to turn yellow and dry. They must be removed by unscrewing them at the base.

The fallen flower is either left in the pot or the tuber is dug up. In the first case, the plant is moved to a cool, shaded place and watering is severely limited.

Cyclamen tuber after flowering

In the second, the onions are cleaned and stored in a dry, ventilated place at a temperature of 10-25 degrees above zero . They are planted in a new substrate in late summer - early autumn.

Cyclamen can also get sick and shed its leaves due to changes in its life : after transplanting or moving to another place. If the new conditions meet the needs of the plant, then all that is required of the owner is to remove the yellowed leaves and wait until the flower comes to its senses. Of course, without ceasing to carefully care for him.

Plant pests

Yellowed cyclamen leaves may indicate that pests have appeared in the flower pot . How to recognize who exactly is preventing the plant from living when it begins to disappear and what to do to revive it can be found in the table.

FungiFusariumThe plant turns yellow and dries out gradually, the process begins from the tops of the leaves.The flower is taken out of the pot, cleaned, the affected areas of the tuber are removed, treated with a fungicide and planted in fresh calcined soil.
Gray mold or BotrytisFirst, a gray coating appears on the leaves, and only then they begin to quickly turn yellow.The affected areas are removed with a sharp blade and the entire plant is treated with a fungicide.
ErwiniaThe leaves turn yellow and die very quickly.The affected areas are removed with a sharp blade and the entire plant is treated with a fungicide.
TicksRed tickA cobweb forms on the underside of the leaves, then the plant turns yellow.The affected leaves are removed, and cyclamen is treated with an insecticide.
Cyclamen miteThe damage process begins with leaf deformation. Having changed shape, they turn yellow and fall off. All means are powerless, all that remains is to destroy the plant.
VirusesBronzing of leavesThe leaves first become deformed, then turn yellow and dry out.Treatment is impossible. The flower must be destroyed to prevent infection of other plants.
Ring mosaicRound light spots form on the leaves, which then crack and turn into holes.

Cyclamen: description, photo

The genus Cyclamen includes about 20 species of herbaceous tuberous perennials. The genus name comes from a Greek root that translates as “circle.” This name was given for the tuber shape of this flower.

Alpine violets are spectacular representatives of the flora, because they belong to the Primrose family. An equally common name for the flower is drakava. There are two versions regarding the origin of this name. The first version is based on the Greek origin of the word theriak, meaning antidote, since since ancient times it has been noted to have healing properties after snake bites. Another version is based on the origin from the word dryakiev, which is the generic name of the plant in Polish.

In Europe there is a popular nickname - “pork bread”. Very wild boars fell in love with the underground part of the tiny bushes. In these animals, the root tuber alkaloid cyclamine does not cause poisoning, but the plant sap is toxic to humans; be careful when working with the tubers, especially if you have allergies. It is better to remove the pot away from children and animals so that accidental eating of leaves or tubers does not cause unpleasant consequences in the form of poisoning

Modern botanical classification has divided the genus Cyclamen into a separate subfamily - Myrsinaceae. Most species are grown as garden plants, but some representatives will become a spectacular decoration for the windowsill.

The underground part of the dryer is represented by a flattened corm, which over time reaches a diameter of up to 15 cm. In most representatives of the genus Cyclamens, the bulb has only one growth bud. The bulb stores a lot of nutrients so that the flower can safely endure the dormant period and delight with abundant flowering. Hibernation time in some species lasts up to 9 months a year. Depending on the variety, the root lobe is located either at the bottom of the tuber or the roots grow over the entire surface of the underground organ. This feature determines the planting method, but more on that a little later.

The leaves are highly decorative. They are collected in basal rosettes, the blades are held on petioles up to 30 cm long. The shape of the leaf blade is heart-shaped with a short pointed tip or kidney-shaped. The leaf surface is leathery, dark green, and looks like begonia leaves. The leaves are dotted with a silver pattern. Depending on the variety, the color intensity and the amount of “silver” change. The total height of the bush does not exceed 30 cm; there are very compact forms up to 10 cm tall.

The most delicate dryer flower resembles a fantastic moth. The shape of the corolla is amazing - a long peduncle is attached to the core, from which the bent twisting petals grow upside down. If you look at the corolla from above, it seems that it has been turned inside out, but the flowers have not lost their charm because of this. Buds of various shades of pink and red, white, purple, violet. The shape of the petal is elongated-lanceolate with a pointed tip; there are fringed varieties. In some cultivars, the eye is colored in different shades, and sometimes the fringe contrasts with the color of the corolla. The length of the corolla depends on the variety, 1.5–6.5 cm.

When the alpine violet bud opens, the aroma is almost imperceptible, and the petals look thin and pale. Wait a few days; as it blooms, the corolla becomes denser, the color and aroma become richer. And cyclamen smells very attractive, the aroma ranges from floral-honey notes to the fragrance inherent in expensive perfumes.

The flowering period depends on the species. The most popular Persian subspecies blooms in winter, while its European counterpart blooms throughout spring and summer. Colorful moths will “flutter” over the flower pot for 3-6 months, and after the petals fall, boxes with small seeds will appear.

Cyclamens: types and features

The cyclamen genus includes about 50 species, 20 of which are grown at home. The plant tuber is a round, flattened bulb with a growing point. Depending on the species, it grows up to 10-15 cm in diameter. Leaves are basal with long petioles. Their distinctive feature is a gray or silver pattern on the outside of the sheet plate. The flowers have elongated, strong peduncles. The petals are 2-3 cm long and slightly bent back. The color scheme is varied, it includes all shades of pink, red, lilac, white. The number of buds on one adult plant reaches 60 pieces.

Information. Cyclamen root juice is used to treat sinusitis.

There are two main types of cyclamen used for growing at home.

Persian cyclamen

The homeland of the Persian species is Asia Minor, northern Africa and the Mediterranean. The perennial is distinguished by its large diameter flowers and tall peduncles. The core-shaped leaves can reach 14 cm. They are dark green in color and covered with a marbled silver pattern. Breeders have created many varieties of Persian cyclamen. It gained such popularity due to its long flowering and magnificent decorative appearance.

The flowering period lasts from autumn to early spring. The height of the peduncles is 30 cm, they produce flowers with a diameter of 5 cm. The tips of the petals are pointed or fringed, bent back. Then the plant needs rest and rest. In May-June it sheds its leaves and freezes for several months. At this time, watering is reduced to a minimum. Withered peduncles and leaves are removed. In August, the plant is transplanted into a new pot and watered regularly. The tuber grows up to 15 cm, its root system is located in the lower part. When transplanting, the tuber is not completely buried; 1/3 should be above the soil surface. Reproduces only by seeds.

Alpine violet or European cyclamen

The European type of cyclamens is called alpine violet for its delicate scent and small bright flowers. Under natural conditions, they are found in the center of Europe, Crimea, and Italy. The tuber of an adult perennial has a diameter of 10 cm. The roots grow from its entire surface, therefore, unlike the Persian type, the tuber is buried completely in the ground. The basal leathery leaves on the outside along the edge are covered with a silvery pattern. Their reverse side and petioles have a purple tint.

Thin, strong peduncles grow up to 15 cm, flower diameter is 2-3 cm. Flowering time occurs in the warm season - from spring to autumn. Range of colors from pink to purple. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a box with seeds. The plant is not demanding on living conditions. It does not shed its leaves for the winter and does not have a clear dormant period. Reproduction of European cyclamen is possible by dividing the tuber and seeds.

Cyclamen: care at home

Cyclamen goes on sale in the first months of autumn. The plant is especially loved because it pleases with its long flowering in winter. With the onset of spring, it stops blooming. It loses its leaves, and this is where many gardeners make a mistake - they throw away the plant because they think it is gone. If you provide proper care, it will bloom actively for many years.

Temperature, location and lighting

Cyclamen is suitable when there is dense lighting around it, but direct exposure to sunlight is not recommended for it; it is advisable to hide the flower from them. In winter, a shelter is recommended for such a plant, where the air is warmed up by only twelve degrees, no higher and with excellent lighting. In summer, room temperature is enough for good flower growth.

Purple cyclamen does not have a distinct dormant period; wintering is not usually carried out for it, but it would not harm it. In this way, it differs from the alpine violet, which, in turn, at the end of the flowering period (May-June) switches to dormant mode and begins to shed its leaves.

If the plant is located on the south side, it is important to protect it from direct sunlight. The rooms where the flower grows must be regularly ventilated.

Air humidity

Cyclamen is a flower that loves increased humidity. During growth, the leaves must be sprayed. As soon as the cyclamen begins to bloom, spraying is no longer necessary. To increase the humidity level, you can form a water mist near the plant.

It is also possible to place it on a tray with wet pebbles. In winter it is necessary to place it at a great distance from central heating radiators.


During flowering, you need to water in a similar way so that water does not reach the roots. It is necessary to distribute the moisture evenly so that there is no overflow or, on the contrary, the soil does not dry out.

The Persian type of plant requires less watering during dormancy, but make sure that the soil does not dry out, while the European type requires watering the same throughout the year.

The soil

It is extremely important to create air exchange for the root system. It is advisable to use a breathable substrate made of coarse-fiber peat. For a suitable soil composition, you need equal parts of sand, humus, and peat, and an additional three parts of leaf soil.

Feeding and fertilizer

Full mineral fertilizer, which is used for flowering plants, or organic matter - this is what needs to be fed once every two weeks. It is necessary to start this from the moment the leaves develop, then continue until it blooms.

What to do and why cyclamen dropped all its leaves in winter. Drying leaves - an alarm signal


: The cyclamen plant belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the Myrsinaceae family, but some scientists believe that it originated from the Primrose family. The plant's name comes from a Latin root meaning "round", like the shape of cyclamen tubers.

Cyclamen is not only a beautiful plant, but also medicinal, because diluted cyclamen juice helps treat sinusitis, but you should be very careful not to burn the mucous membrane (about the medicinal and beneficial properties of cyclamen, chemical composition, as well as contraindications to its use, read).

Many lovers of growing flowers doubt whether to grow this unique flower, because there is an opinion that it is very whimsical. Don’t believe it, this is all not true, the beautiful cyclamen is unpretentious, loves coolness and partial shade

. It, like every plant, has certain requirements; if you fulfill them, it will delight you for many years.

Before getting to know cyclamen better, it is advisable to read information about it in order to know in advance about its properties and needs, so as not to harm the flower in the future and prevent it from dying.

When does an indoor flower bloom and how often? If you properly care for cyclamen, it will bloom for a long time and continuously.

. The flowering period is from autumn to spring; during the entire flowering period, one plant has about 60-70 flowers.

Cyclamen flowers have a wide range of colors, from snow-white to all shades of pink, purple, and burgundy. The leaves of the flower are beautifully heart-shaped and collected in a basal rosette.

It can bloom all year round without going on vacation, or it can please you for just a few months.
It blooms abundantly from November to March
, later it goes on vacation to gain strength for new flowering.

This plant needs to be properly cared for so that it blooms as long as possible, because proper care is what promotes the flowering of the plant.


The peculiarity and advantage of cyclamen is its long flowering, which is also very spectacular. During the flowering period, it has a very delicate aroma.

At home, the flower feels quite comfortable; if it is in the right place and is properly cared for, it will thank you with its flowering for quite a long time. In fact, the plant is unpretentious, beautiful, medicinal, which needs to be treated correctly.


: Cyclamen flowers can be smooth and delicate, or they can be velvety, small or very large, it all depends on the variety of cyclamen, and there are a considerable number of them.

How to care?

In order for the plant to bloom and please the eye, you need to know how to properly care for it. First of all, the flower must be protected from drafts

. If you decide to place it on the windowsill, then it is advisable that the window there does not open. But surprisingly, it grows remarkably well in a cool room, where it is only 10-12 degrees.

Cyclamen needs light, but direct sunlight is harmful to it.

We talked in detail about the secrets of caring for cyclamen at home in.


needed in a pallet

, you cannot water the plant from above, otherwise the tubers may begin to rot. It is necessary to distribute the moisture evenly so that there is no overflow or, conversely, the earthen ball does not dry out.

Constantly, except for periods of rest. Feeding should begin a couple of weeks after purchasing the plant. If you grew cyclamen yourself, you should start fertilizing a week after the sprouts appear.

Before fertilizing, you should make sure that the earthen ball is thoroughly saturated with water. Complex mineral fertilizers are well suited for feeding.


Proper replanting also affects flowering.

. you need to be very careful not to damage the roots. The plant needs to be transplanted into a low but wide container.


: Until the roots have completely taken root, you should not water very often, and then gradually increase the moisture.

It is very important to create aeration of the cyclamen root system. It is advisable to use a breathable substrate made of coarse-fiber peat. For optimal soil composition, you need equal parts of sand, humus and peat, as well as three parts of leaf soil. To play it safe, you can purchase it at a special flower shop.

Transplantation should be done in the summer, until the plant blooms.

. To ensure the transplant goes smoothly, follow these rules:

  • before planting, you first need to pour a layer of expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot, then add the prepared soil, place the plant on it and sprinkle the sides with the earthen mixture;
  • after transplantation, the upper third of the plant tuber should remain above the ground;
  • after transplantation, the plant should be watered after 10-12 days;
  • after the transplant has been made, in early September, when young leaves begin to form, the flower must be moved to a cool but sunny place.

Watch a video about the correct transplantation of cyclomen:

With age, the plant grows and the flowers become smaller. To ensure that the plant does not lose the size of its flowers, it should be propagated.

In room conditions, cultivation of cyclamen can last up to 7 years

. After this period, the cyclamen is no longer suitable for propagation, so you need to buy a new one. The onion can not be thrown away, but used for medicinal purposes against sinusitis.

Propagating cyclamen is a troublesome business. For industrial purposes, it is propagated using seeds. You can do this yourself by dividing the tuber. But since this is a very difficult task, the easiest way is daughter propagation by a tuber. To do this, you just need to separate the young tuber from the mother one and plant it in a separate container.

All other methods of propagating cyclamen, in particular through seeds, are not effective.


: As soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow, reduce watering, preventing the earthen coma from drying out. The pot with the tuber is placed in a cool, shaded place.

Another option for home care to preserve the tubers: after flowering, watering is reduced, and when all the leaves fall off, the pot with the plant is laid on its side. The roots do not die and, in order not to dry out the soil, cyclamen is sometimes watered.

After the cyclamen has gone to rest, its bulb cannot be stored in the refrigerator

. Otherwise, after the end of the rest, he may not wake up. In order for cyclamen to come out of its “vacation” again, you just need to put it in a dark place, such as a balcony, basement, or simply put it under the bathroom.

During dormancy, it is recommended to water the plant no more than once every 2 weeks. Watering should be done with warm water containing phytohormones, and avoid getting it on the flowers, leaves and bulbs.

Watch the video about:

If your cyclamen leaves turn yellow, but its flowers remain strong and healthy, then you have dry and warm indoor air. You should ventilate the room as often as possible to ensure favorable flowering of your plant.

If your cyclamen begins to rot, the soil may be waterlogged.

This is dangerous and the plant may die. Therefore, you need to monitor the plant and water it correctly so that it does not die due to your mistake. If the plant begins to look sickly, it means your cyclamen has been infected by the cyclamen mite and you should start fighting it as soon as possible.
Try not to overwater the plant so that it does not start to rot; when watering, do not get it on the leaves and flowers; it is advisable to water the cyclamen through a tray.

  • do not place in too hot a place;
  • the plant was planted in a large pot;
  • the plant was watered not through a tray, but directly onto the tuber;
  • the plant has not been fed for a long time or the fertilizer contains a large amount of nitrogen.


The main rule is to strictly follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners when planting and caring for the plant. If you give cyclamen a little time and care, it will thank you with its beautiful and abundant flowering. Cyclamen flowers are very delicate, unusual and spectacular. , grown at home with careful care and attention, is able to create comfort and a joyful atmosphere in the house.

We especially need positive emotions in the autumn-winter period, when there are so few sunny days. At this time, most are in bloom, which distinguishes them from other plants. Thanks to this flowering schedule, we can admire other bright plants in the summer, and in the cold autumn and winter, enjoy the flowering of the beautiful cyclamen.

Restoring ornamental plants if flowers wither: why does cyclamen get sick? How to revive a flower? Read today's article to cure your green pet.

A large selection of cyclamen varieties gives gardeners a significant variety of undertones. You can place several pots of flowers at home at once, creating a single composition of 2-3 colors. If one cyclamen’s flowers begin to fade, will another “catch” this disease? In order to answer this question and determine how to revive the plant, you need to study the reasons.

Why do cyclamen flowers fade?

  • Recent purchase – stressed at home;
  • Natural withering;
  • Dry (direct rays or heating devices);
  • Poor soil in the pot;

Stops flowering in late spring

– at the beginning of summer refers to the dormant period. As you know, cyclamen pleases us with its inflorescences in the cold season, but it rests when others bloom. It would seem that with this plant everything is the other way around - and it is! In addition, cyclamen loves low air temperatures and moderate diffused lighting.

  • The air temperature for cyclamen is within normal limits: from 13 to 16 ° C;
  • The lighting is diffused, without direct sunlight;
  • The room is often ventilated;

Drying of cyclamen is precisely associated with irregularities in care

For example, if you place a flower near heating devices in winter, the soil in the pot dries out quickly and the root system loses its vitality. You can move the plant and begin to recover in order for it to bloom: water moderately + add a basic mineral complex
diluted in water.

Cyclamen can also dry out in spring and summer.

when exposed to direct sunlight. Intense sun leaves spots on the leaves, so identifying this cause can be much faster than others. The solution is simple: move the cyclamen to a shaded place and carry out similar therapy for recovery.

Poor soil mixture in a pot

- not good. The plant quickly loses its strength, so not only the flowers wither - the leaves fall off! Try to regularly fertilize the cyclamen, update the soil mixture when replanting, then your pet will not need abundant flowering.

Basic soil mixture for cyclamen:

  • 1 part leaf soil;
  • 1 part perlite;
  • 0.5 tsp peat;
  • 0.5-1 part sand;

Basic fertilizers for cyclamen:

  • Every 2 weeks with potash fertilizers (from November to March);
  • Nitrogen in mid-August;

The appearance of mold on the ground

: remove the cyclamen, assess the degree of damage, remove areas covered with mold,
treat with any fungicide (Fundazol, for example)
according to the instructions, wash the pot, disinfect, add new soil mixture, replant.
Repeat prevention by treating with 1% Bordeaux mixture every 7 days
- 2-3 procedures in total.


Features of cyclamen flowering

Cyclamen color combines tenderness and restraint, elegance and harmony. Small exquisite flowers will become a real decoration of any interior: from luxurious classic to strict and minimalistic modern.

If you are interested in what color it is - cyclamen, you should know that the palette is quite extensive. It includes muted pinks, lilacs, reddish and purple tones.

When and how many times a year

When spring gives way to winter, and all the other flowers in the house are dormant and have not bloomed for a long time, cyclamen continues to attract attention and delight the eye. If you follow all the rules for caring for the plant, it can bloom from September to early March. Alpine violet instantly responds to any changes in conditions.

Note! Esotericists advise people who attach excessive importance to the opinions of those around them to acquire cyclamen and who cannot cope with mood swings.

Period of activity and rest

Particular attention should be paid to the plant in the first autumn months, during this period it builds up its leaf mass and prepares for flowering. Every 14 days, alpine violet should be fed with mineral fertilizer. At the same time, you should avoid additives that contain a lot of nitrogen, as this element can cause the roots to rot.

In the winter months, lush flowering is possible only if the air temperature in the room does not exceed 10-14 °C. Flowering continues for quite a long time. In the spring, when the growing season ends, cyclamen enters the dormant phase, sheds its leaves, and the tubers remain bare.

Types and shape of flowers

From the photographs it is easy to understand what cyclamen looks like. Its neat flowers can be either single-colored - red, purple, pink or white, or two-colored. The edges of the petals are either straight or curly, depending on the variety. The combination of dense green leaves with silver or gold patterns and bright buds provides the plant with special attractiveness.

For your information! Many people are interested in how exactly the graceful buds of the Alpine violet open. During flowering, the downward-facing buds simply gradually unwind, remaining turned towards the tuber. Each flower has both stamens and pistils.

When and how to “wake up”?

Around September, the period of complete rest in cyclamens gradually ceases. The end of “hibernation”, when the plant wakes up, can be seen by the growth of new leaves and buds on the tuber.

  1. The tuber is carefully examined to see if your handsome one is alive and if there is any damage.

  2. The plant is transplanted into fresh soil; the old soil is too depleted, and the cyclamen will not bloom as profusely and magnificently as we would like. The soil for the flower is chosen to be very nutritious, but loose and permeable.
    An excellent mixture of composition in the following proportions:
    • Humus - 1.
    • Peat - 1.

  3. River sand - 1.
  4. Leaf soil - 3.
  5. The tuber is placed in a new pot and buried 2/3 of the way into the ground (we talked about the beneficial properties of cyclamen tubers, as well as how to plant them correctly, here).

    Important! The “golden rule” of gardeners says: the pot should be only 2-3 centimeters larger than the tuber and no more! If you want to have a gorgeously blooming cyclamen, follow this rule.

  6. The plant is taken to a permanent place; it will like the decrease in day and night temperatures in September. It will promote abundant growth of cyclamen. And there is still enough sunlight - a lush and neat, compact leaf rosette will form.
  7. Watering is gradually increased, but the first month after planting it should be rare. When the beautiful cyclamen takes root, it needs to be watered more often. Every two weeks the plant is fed with weak solutions of mineral fertilizers. You should not get carried away with fertilizers, otherwise your pet may grow a large leaf mass to the detriment of beautiful and delicate flowers.

Many novice lovers of this bright representative of the Primrose family are afraid to purchase it. They think that there is a lot of fuss with such a luxurious flower. But this is far from true.

Observe all the conditions, and the flower will be able to show everything that it is capable of , that is, it will delight you all winter with lush, gorgeous blooms.

There are not many important conditions for the excellent well-being of a “sleeping pet”: a cool room, humid air and proper sending of the pet to a state of rest!

When growing cyclamen at home and caring for a flower, many questions arise, the answers to which you will find in our materials:

  • How to plant correctly?
  • Why doesn’t it bloom and what to do?
  • What should the soil be like and how to prepare it yourself?
  • How to transplant a plant?
  • What to do if a flower is sick?

Plant dormancy period

In my apartment there are two plants that “go dormant” after flowering and several that slow down their vital activity during the dormant period. The rest of the flowers, as they say, are winter and summer.

A striking representative of hibernating plants is the house gloxinia, or sinningia, which blooms with beautiful, velvety bells throughout the warm months. In late autumn, it sheds its leaves, its shoots die, and the tubers do not show signs of life until spring.

Another representative of hibernating plants is triangular wood sorrel (Oxalis triangularis) or Bowie wood sorrel, which has amazingly beautiful and original shape purple leaves. Many people grow it directly in the ground because its nodules withstand frost. I planted the sorrel in a flowerpot and keep it in the room.

Both gloxinia and wood sorrel, like other indoor plants, must have a full period of rest, otherwise they may get sick and even die. The list of indoor plants that need proper rest continues with some types of cacti, orchids and caladium. There are indoor flowers that do not need annual rest, for example, crinums and amaryllis. They are capable of fully growing and developing throughout the year, although if you force them to rest, that is, create the conditions necessary for rest, at the beginning of the next growing season they will look healthier and younger.

Alpine violet during hibernation

The dormant period of cyclamen is the time when the plant gains strength in order to bloom later.

Contrary to all the laws of nature, when in the summer almost all plants develop and grow intensively, delighting us with their flowers, cyclamen has a dormant period when it is restored.

Depending on how well the plant rests and how it replenishes its reserves of strength, its subsequent flowering period will depend. If some conditions have not been met, then the awakening and appearance of new flowers will be a rather problematic process. To do this, it is enough to properly care for the plant bulb so that it does not die .

One of the most accurate signs that cyclamen is going into hibernation: its leaves will become limp and then turn yellow. Then it is necessary to reduce watering, fertilizing and lighting.

When does cyclamen wake up? Many inexperienced gardeners do not know when exactly it is necessary to bring a flower out of hibernation, but this is not a problem, because the plant bulb itself will “notify” this by the appearance of new young leaves. And as soon as this happens, it is necessary to quickly restore the conditions in which cyclamen was previously grown: increase lighting, watering, fertilizing.

There is no clearly established time period when cyclamen goes into hibernation . Most often this happens at the very beginning of summer and continues until August or early autumn. On average it lasts 2 – 3 months. And sometimes it can start in April and end only in September. Everything depends solely on the rhythm of life that cyclamen sets for itself.


There are 3 ways to propagate cyclamen: by seeds, vegetatively (“babies”) and by dividing the tuber. Let's talk about each of them.


The method of obtaining new plants from seeds is the most reliable, however, individuals grown in this way will begin to bloom only after 1 year. This propagation option can be used for all types of alpine violets of any age.

Seeds can be purchased at the store, but it is better to obtain them at home through artificial cross-pollination: transferring pollen from the stamen of one flower to the pistil of another. Such seeds take root better than purchased ones and produce more seedlings. The pollination procedure may have to be done more than once to get the desired result.

Next, you need to select seeds suitable for planting. To do this, soak them in a 5% sugar solution and wait. Those that have “sunk” can be safely used as planting material. The grains that appear on the surface are not suitable for this purpose.

As soil, you can use soil with peat, which must be pre-moistened. Seeds are planted to a depth of 5 mm. They are sprinkled with a layer of sand on top. Then cover it with film, preferably dark in color, and place it in a shady place. In order for seedlings to appear, there must be a complete absence of sunlight. However, in this case, the air temperature should be no lower than 18 degrees and no higher than 20. In the first case, the sprouts can rot from excess humidity, and in the second, they can go into a dormant state and then you will have to wait a very long time for seedlings.

Every day, containers with seeds need to be opened and ventilated, and also watered periodically. If all conditions are met, sprouts will appear in 1-1.5 months. Then the film is removed and the temperature is lowered to 16 degrees; it is also recommended to place the seedlings in a more illuminated place.

Seedlings dive after 2-3 leaves grow on them - this will mean that the root system has become stronger and the young plant is ready to be transplanted into a separate container. As such, it is best to use plastic cups with drainage holes in their bottom.

After transplanting grown plants into moist soil, it is necessary to organize regular watering, fertilizing and suitable light and temperature conditions. Then they will begin to grow actively, and after 12 months they will bloom.

Tuber division

This method of reproduction is only suitable for adult specimens that have reached 7 years of age. And it is performed exclusively during the dormant period, when the plant rests after flowering. The procedure for dividing the tuber must be carried out very competently and carefully, since there is a high risk of ruining the cyclamen if the “growth point”, which is located at the top of the tuber, is damaged.

The plant is dug up, the remaining soil is shaken off the roots and dried. The tuber is cut into several parts with a knife, each of which should include a bud and roots. It is important not to touch the growth point. The cut areas are sprinkled with coal or ash and the resulting sections are laid to dry for two days. Each part of the cut tuber is planted in pre-moistened soil and the pot is placed in a dark, cool place. Organize infrequent watering.


Only European cyclamen can be propagated in this way, so it is not used very often.

Small daughter tubers grow around the adult. They must be separated from the “mother” by first digging her out of the pot, and then the “daughters” must be transplanted into separate containers filled with soil for adult plants. It is better to perform this procedure during cyclamen transplantation.

What to do if cyclamen is sick, how to revive a flower

If it was not possible to prevent the disease, the flower began to turn yellow and lose leaves, then treatment should be started immediately. The action plan is as follows :

  1. Carefully examine the above-ground part of the plant and remove all affected areas with a sharp blade , leaving only healthy green tissue. The cut sites are treated with any disinfectant.

When treating cyclamen, all affected parts are removed

  1. Now it’s the tuber’s turn. It is taken out of the ground and all questionable parts are also removed .
  2. The plant is left in a dry, ventilated area for several days to stop possible rotting processes;
  3. Then the flower is planted in new, pre-calcined soil . For several days it is placed in the shade and watered moderately. After a week, the plant can be returned to its usual place.

Disease is not a death sentence for a plant. This is just another, rather difficult, stage of his life. Whether the flower will be able to cope with it depends entirely on its owner. Thanks to perseverance, patience and responsibility, you can revive even a rather weakened plant , so that it will delight you with flowers of stunning beauty for a long time.

Cyclamen, (lat. - Cýclamen), also known as alpine violet, also known as dryweed, belongs to the family Primulaceae (lat. - Primulaceae). In ancient times, this flower was called “pig bread” because wild pigs adored its tubers. These tubers have a circle shape, almost perfect, which is where its name comes from - “cyclos” - circle.

Everyone loved the plant for one distinct feature - it blooms its delicate, beautiful, bright flowers with the arrival of cold weather, when all other plants are dormant. And, conversely, in the summer the plant rests. For this amazing ability to “sleep” with the onset of heat, in Hellas they called cyclamen a “sleeping” flower.

Undoubtedly, he is one of the most beautiful indoor pets. Cyclamen inflorescences are very similar to butterflies perched on beautiful leaves with silver veins. Large, fragrant cyclamen flowers with a delicate, delicate and refined aroma amaze with a variety of colors. From red and orange to purple and white. And there are countless shades of pink: from soft coral, almost pastel, to bright and dark, rich tones.

Growing from seeds

Cyclamen seeds

Cyclamen grown from seeds is more hardy than a ready-made specimen from the store. From birth he is adapted to the conditions of the home environment. You can sow cyclamen all year round, but the best period is February-March. At this time, daylight hours increase and seedlings do not need additional lighting.

Containers and loose soil for crops are prepared in advance. Cyclamen seeds are large, with a dense skin. They are first soaked for a day in water or a solution of growth stimulants. Then they are embedded in a damp substrate to a depth of 0.5 cm. The containers are covered with film to keep the soil moist. The crops are ventilated daily and checked for seedlings. They germinate unevenly, with the first seedlings appearing within 2-4 weeks. Favorable conditions are created for young plants: they select a well-lit place, control soil moisture, preventing drying out, and make sure that young nodules are completely covered with soil. The cover from the crops is removed when they get stronger and fully expand their leaves. During this period, within 1-2 months, the root system of cyclamen intensively develops. Through the walls of the transparent containers you can see how the roots are gradually filling the soil, which means it’s time to plant the plants.

It is convenient to plant seedlings in 200 ml plastic cups. A drainage hole is made at the bottom, then they are filled with nutritious, moist soil. Before picking, the plants are watered, one at a time removed from the common nursery and transplanted into cups. The first time after picking, the seedlings are watered when the soil dries out a little. For normal growth, cyclamens are provided with the necessary conditions: diffused sunlight, coolness, watering and fertilizing. The growing season of indoor cyclamens lasts 10-12 months. Therefore, if sowing was carried out, for example, in February, then a year later you can get a flowering plant.

Flowering and dormant period

Persian cyclamen blooms indoors from approximately October – November to March. After flowering ends, the leaves begin to wither and die. The plant is preparing for a period of dormancy. There is no need to rush to throw away the cyclamen when it has bloomed and the leaves have fallen, it did not die, but simply went into hibernation. If stored properly, the plant tuber will rest and grow back in the fall. Possible 7 – 10 flowering cycles.

Cyclamen has three development phases per year - a dormant period, active growth of green mass with buds and flowering. During all these periods, care will differ.

During rest, the tuber remains in the ground in a pot, it is rarely watered and left in the shade. If the summer is hot, it is better to move the cyclamen to a dry basement, which is often ventilated. Check the tuber to make sure it is not rotten or the soil is dry.

The flower appears on sale in the fall, as soon as the plant has formed a bush and released buds. If cyclamen has already undergone summer hibernation at home, from the end of August it must be moved from a dark place to light and started to be watered. New leaves will quickly appear from the tuber. The transplant can be done immediately before the start of the growth phase, this stimulates awakening. The substrate should be non-acidic and with good drainage.

Caring for Cyclamen at home

There is an unfair opinion that Cyclamen is a capricious plant. In fact, it is not difficult to care for this plant, the main thing is that it is comfortable. And for this, Cyclamen needs the following conditions.

Lighting. Location

Like most plants, Cyclamen prefers a bright place, but it must be protected from direct sunlight. The best place for growing is the windowsill of a western or eastern window. On a south-facing window sill you will need protection from direct sunlight.


In order for Cyclamen to develop normally in room conditions, it needs good lighting and a cool temperature in winter - the optimal temperature is +10°C, a little more can be allowed, but not higher than +14°C. In summer, the preferred temperature is between +18-25°C. You can take the pot with the plant out into the garden and lightly dig it in a shady place.

Air humidity

Cyclamen prefers moist air. During the growth period, it is recommended to regularly spray the leaves of the plant, but as soon as it blooms, this procedure stops, otherwise the flowers will begin to rot. To increase air humidity, you can place a flower pot on a tray with damp moss or expanded clay. Place the pot so that its bottom does not touch the water. It is best to use rain or settled water.


During the flowering period, Cyclamen is watered regularly, moderately or abundantly, depending on the conditions. It is important that there is no stagnation of water or, conversely, drying out of the soil.

When watering, make sure that water does not get into the center of the plant, as this can lead to rotting of the tuber. The optimal water temperature for irrigation is 2-4°C lower than the room temperature. It is recommended to drain the water collected in the saucer 1.5-2 hours after watering.

After flowering is completed, the amount of watering is gradually reduced. When the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the tuber becomes bare, and watering stops.


During the period of active growth of leaf mass before flowering, Cyclamen must be fed every 2 weeks. It is better to use complete mineral fertilizers.

In addition, the flower accepts organic fertilizers well, but nitrogen fertilizers must be applied with caution - the tuberous roots can rot

Rest period

After Cyclamen completes its flowering period, it goes into a dormant state. The plant sheds its leaves and the tuber becomes bare.

The room in which the pot with the plant is located should be constantly ventilated. Since the dormant period falls during the warm season, the plant can be taken out into the garden or onto the balcony, but installed in a place that will be protected from the sun.

There is another way to preserve Cyclamen tubers: after the leaves fall, the pot is laid on its side and left in this form until the plant wakes up.

Cyclamen purple.

Removing faded flowers

Since Cyclamen produces a large number of flowers, in order for the flowering to be constantly beautiful, it is necessary to remove the faded flowers along with the pedicels, carefully tearing them off, but not cutting them, from the tuber itself. The tear-off areas are sprinkled with charcoal powder.


After the plant “wakes up”, small leaves begin to grow from the tuber, the pot is brought into the room. At the same time, it is necessary to replant, choosing a wide container filled with a substrate of leaf soil, humus, peat, sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

The soil must be loose and moderately moist. The acidity of the substrate should be 5.5-6. If the indicator is higher, for example, pH7, Cyclamen becomes more sensitive to fungal diseases. The substrate can be supplemented with fertilizers: add 0.4 g of ammonium nitrate, 1 g of superphosphate and 4 g of phosphate rock per 1 kg of soil mixture.

Replanting must be done carefully to prevent damage to the roots. If there are traces of rotting on the tuber, carefully cut them off.

To prevent stagnation of water in the soil, the bottom of the pot should be covered with a layer of expanded clay or pebbles, which will serve as drainage.

Cyclamen persica

Awakening the plant

The end of the dormant period of cyclamen can be seen by the appearance of new green leaves on it. This is when you need to immediately arrange good diffused lighting and increase watering. For the first time after “waking up” it is not recommended to spray , i.e. increase humidity.

Gardeners also advise replanting cyclamen after it comes out of dormancy. To do this, you need to choose a pot in which the roots of the plant will fit freely, but at the same time the distance from them to the walls of the vessel does not exceed 1 - 1.5 cm.

The substrate for replanting can be purchased at a specialized store, or you can prepare it yourself by mixing leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in proportions 3:1:1:1. When planting, you need to take into account that 1/3 of the tuber should be above the ground .

Below is a visual video about how cyclamen awakens and what care it needs during this period:

Signs associated with the Persian variety

Cyclamen is used not only as decor and home decoration. It has long served as a cure for many diseases: sinusitis, rheumatism, diseases of the central nervous system, as an antidote to snake bites.

But he also has a mystical role. For example, cyclamen attracts negative energy and transforms it into positive energy, saving the family. Attracts good friends, money and luck to the house. Together with the aroma, it releases antidepressants into the air, giving owners self-confidence. Serves as a magnet in love, attracting a soul mate for those looking for a mate.

Another interesting and valuable property is the reconciliation of generations, that is, for example, it is useful to have it where mother-in-law and son-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, grandmother and grandchildren live together and quarrel.

The plant has a good effect on sleep: it drives away fears and nightmares, and calms down during sleep if a person was nervous, upset or disappointed during the day. Stabilizes the mood of unbalanced people. Male strength is restored if you keep cyclamen in the bedroom, and male and female infertility is also treated.

According to signs, the magical influence of the plant intensifies at night. Its power extends over a radius of five meters. But of course only under the condition of perfect care and compliance with all the rules described above.

Pests and diseases

Wet rot

Bacteria, entering the flower tissue, destroy the plant: peduncles and leaves become sluggish, and an unpleasant odor appears. The roots also die. It is necessary to get rid of the diseased plant.

Gray rot

In damp and cold air, fungi begin to multiply. A gray coating appears on flowers and leaves. Then the affected leaves turn yellow, the stems darken and disappear. Diseased parts need to be removed and the plant treated with fungicides. Read more here.

Fusarium wilt

Externally, the disease begins with yellowing of the tops of the leaves, although initially the fungi enter the soil and infect the roots and lower parts of the stem. In the fight against the disease, foundationazole is used. The soil under the root is watered with a 0.1% solution of the drug. Read more about methods of combating fusarium here.

Cyclamen mite

The most common pest of cyclamen. Unlike mites that attack other flower crops, this pest is very small, 0.1–0.3 mm in size. Habitat: lower part of leaves. When there is a massive accumulation, it seems that the plant is covered with dust. Leaves begin to curl, buds and flowers fade and growth slows down. Affected leaves are removed.


It also disfigures plants. By sucking juices from leaves and stems, insects leave sticky transparent secretions. If aphid colonies are few in number, the plants are washed with soapy water. Insecticides help with severe damage.


Small flying insects 1–1.5 mm long. Colorless eggs are laid on the underside of leaves. The larvae feed on plant juices from petioles, leaves and flowers. Brown spots appear on them, the flowers become deformed and distorted. Thrips are carriers of viruses. Plants are sprayed with chemicals twice with an interval of 5–6 days.

It is very pleasant to grow or receive a blooming cyclamen as a gift in winter or before the spring holidays. When it’s cold and cloudy outside, delicate pink, white, lilac flowers lift your spirits and remind you of warmth, summer and sun.

You can also watch a video about the features of caring for cyclamen.

Cyclamen diseases and their treatment

Fusarium is a disease caused by the fungus Fusarium. Due to its parasitic influence, plant tissue and the vascular system are damaged. The causative agents of the disease are found in the soil and enter the plant through the root system. How does this disease manifest itself externally? Yellowing of the upper leaves, often only on one side. Active growth may be observed on the second side of the plant, but there will still not be sufficient flowering.

The general appearance of cyclamen during illness leaves much to be desired. How can you fight fusarium wilt? The cyclamen root should be watered with foundationazole (0.1%), and also sprayed with topsin-M (0.1%).

Wet rot

Refers to bacterial diseases that are caused by the Erwinia bacterium. Symptoms: cyclamen begins to wither, the leaves droop and hang out of the pot, the infected tuber emits an unpleasant putrid odor. The roots of the cyclamen rot. The disease penetrates into the flower through cracks or wounds on the stems, in places where leaves are torn off. Bacteria can also enter the plant through contaminated water. Unfortunately, it is not possible to defeat this disease. Therefore, the plant must be destroyed.


This disease can appear in cyclamen during flowering. Anthracnose progresses with moisture and warmth. Leaves and peduncles are damaged. The shoots look damaged, the flower stalks become dry. Due to the defeat, flowering does not occur. The leaves become infected from the flower stalks: they curl into a tube, and the old leaves dry out and die. Treatment: When the first symptoms appear, you need to reduce the humidity level. All damaged shoots must be removed. And then treat cyclamen with fungicide 2-3 times.

Sooty fungus

Aphids sometimes leave sweet secretions on cyclamen leaves. The fungus appears on them. It is not dangerous, but the surface of the leaves is blocked from light. Because of this, the growth of cyclamen becomes slow, and besides, the plant weakens. Affected leaves dry out. Methods of combating fungus: remove plaque with a damp cloth, treat the leaves with a copper-soap solution.

Not all cyclamen diseases are listed. But in general, the flower suffers most from various fungi and bacteria.

Why do the leaves curl?

Why cyclamen leaves curl is a question that interests many gardeners. One of the possible reasons is the conditions of detention: high air temperature or too low humidity. Another reason is cyclamen mites, which can be detected by turning the leaf over. Ticks form a whitish coating. Pests slow down the growth of the flower and cause the leaves to begin to curl. If there is excess moisture in the soil and little light, uninvited guests will not keep you waiting long.

A wilted flower can be saved by treating it with acaricides. Insecticides are powerless in this case. Then the flower is isolated and normal conditions are created.

Leaves sometimes curl due to lack of nutrients. This problem can be easily solved if you simply feed the plant. Foliage can dry out because there is a lot of light, dry air, and high temperatures.

Caring for cyclamen at home

Dryakva is a very capricious plant, but if you care for it correctly, it will “thank” you with bright, abundant flowering. The main elements of flower care: choosing a suitable substrate for planting, timely watering, fertilizing, ensuring comfortable air humidity, room temperature and shading from direct sunlight.

Requirements for lighting and air humidity

Requirements for growing cyclamen at home

Dryakva grows and develops well in bright but diffused light. To grow it, it is better to choose the western, eastern or northern part of the room. Direct sunlight can destroy the plant. If the windows of your apartment face south, the flower needs to be shaded. In summer, it is recommended to take the alpine violet out into the fresh air or ventilate the room more often, avoiding drafts. One of the main elements of caring for dry wood is humidification of dry air.

This is especially important in summer and during the heating season. During the growing season and the formation of buds, flower growers spray cyclamen from a spray bottle (1 p./3 days); during flowering, place the container with the flower in a tray with wet expanded clay (moss, pebbles) or create a “water mist” around the perennial.


The most comfortable air temperature for growing dryweed: 18–22˚С in summer, 12–14˚С in winter. If these parameters are exceeded, the plant will stop blooming, shed its leaves, and stop growing. If you can’t maintain a cool temperature at home, gradually accustom the flower to warmth. Place the pot on a cold window, away from radiators and other heat sources, and ventilate the room more often.

If it is not possible to provide the tree tree with a comfortable temperature in the summer, move the indoor flower to the basement, but provide diffused light and protection from drafts. If there is no underground floor, place the perennial in a room with a temperature no higher than +25 °C.

How to water cyclamen correctly

Alpine violet loves moisture, so it needs to be watered regularly, but moderately and carefully. It’s better to use the bottom method, through a tray, so that moisture does not get on the stems, foliage and peduncles. You can also use a watering can with a narrow spout and water the perennial along the edge of the pot. 2 hours after the procedure, the remaining liquid must be drained. Excess moisture will cause the cyclamen to rot.

It is recommended to use settled, rain or filtered water, at room temperature or 2-3 degrees lower. If there is no such thing, and the tree needs watering, cooled boiled water will do. Watering cyclamen during flowering is carried out every 7–10 days, in the resting phase – once every 15–20 days.

What to feed

It is recommended to fertilize the alpine violet with liquid compounds; dry mixtures can cause burns to the flower. Apply fertilizing during or after watering the perennial. The best fertilizer for cyclamen is a complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. For example, Floretta. Dosage – 0.5 caps per 2 liters of water.

It is not recommended to use fertilizers containing nitrogen; they will lead to an increase in green mass and a decrease in the number of flowers. For quality care, the dry wood is fed every month during the growing season and budding. During the dormant phase, the plant is not fertilized.

Rest period

The resting phase of cyclamen begins after abundant flowering. Most often lasts from May to July. The old leaves of the flower turn yellow, they need to be removed to the very base, but the young ones can still grow for some time. At this stage, the tuber is actively storing nutrients, so it is important not to forget about care and not to allow the soil to become waterlogged or dry out.

After dropping the leaves, the pot with alpine violet must be moved to the balcony or placed under the bathtub. Reduce watering to once every 2–3 weeks to prevent root rotting. When you first moisten the soil, you can add 5-7 drops of Fitosporin to the water to prevent the appearance of root rot. The dormant phase lasts 2–3 months, its end is indicated by the appearance of new foliage.

Helping you prepare for hibernation

When going to rest, the “sleeping flower” stops forming flower buds, but young leaves can still grow for some time. This is due to the fact that the tuber needs to store nutrients for the next waking period.

Important! It is very important not to allow the earthen ball to dry out completely!

The tuber actively stores “food” for future flowers and therefore cracks may appear on it. If you allow the soil to dry out, especially more than once, their appearance increases greatly.

Such cracks will not cause much harm to the cyclamen if you do not immediately fill them with plenty of water. Getting into the cracks, water contributes to the rotting of the tuber, and the plant will tolerate dormancy much worse.

It is possible to fight the decay of cracks. It is enough just to cover them with ash or crushed coal. After this treatment, the wounds will crust over within a few days.

Dying, yellowing leaves and drying flowers are carefully removed. This should be done by removing them along with the peduncles and leaf petioles, all the way to the surface of the tuber. Cyclamen rarely shed their leaves completely. Gradually reduce watering and move the plant to its place.

Is it necessary to force the plant into this state?

There is a false opinion that if, due to the time of year, it is time for the cyclamen to rest, but it does not want to and continues to bloom, it is necessary to force it to do so. Trimming leaves and twisting flower buds - you can't do anything better for your pet. Cyclamens that are forcibly retired get sick and may even die.

If the plant itself is not yet ready to retire, you cannot force it to go to sleep! Cyclamen should be helped and protected from direct sunlight. Place it in the shade for now, and the plant will gradually go to rest on its own.

An interesting fact is that young cyclamen may not “hibernate” at all. They continue to be “awake” and bloom all year round. Over time, their regime will return to normal.

Advice! If your handsome flower is still young and blooms all year round, don’t forget about feeding. Otherwise, your still “unsleeping” friend will become very exhausted, and you risk losing him.

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