Photo report “What are indoor flowers for? The benefits of indoor plants"

Have you noticed that an apartment filled with flowers is usually cozy and beautiful. Peace and tranquility reign there. A variety of flowering and decorative foliage plants on shelves and window sills not only please the eyes, but also warm and soothe the soul. Houseplants are silent helpers, faithful friends and healers of their owners. By absorbing gases and harmful substances from the surrounding air, indoor plants benefit apartment owners and have a positive effect on human health. In addition, they absorb negative auras and release vibes of joy and happiness.

Causes of hazardous substances

Where do harmful toxins and hazardous substances come from in our homes? Firstly, these are the combustion products of gas stoves on which we cook our food. Secondly, these are all kinds of construction and finishing materials - synthetic resin boards, linoleum, polymer wallpaper, plastic panels and others, which emit hazardous substances into the indoor air. Even natural materials begin to deteriorate during the aging process and become dangerous to human health. Televisions, computers, microwave ovens, and smartphones reduce the amount of negative air ions useful for the human body.

Positively affects mood

Men, take note! It is believed that when a girl receives a houseplant as a gift, her mood improves significantly. Probably, this mechanism of nature’s influence on a woman will never break.

Of course, to perfect the method 200%, you can attach a fur coat or a small diamond to the pot, but the method will work even without such amazing ideas.


Useful indoor plants

It is indoor plants that purify the air from harmful impurities, improve its quality, as well as the quality of life and health of people and animals living in the house. This ability is due to the fact that all plants secrete phytoncides that are destructive to pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, scientists have determined that many plants destroy pathogenic bacteria with their phytoncides much faster than the phytoncides secreted by garlic.

Common myrtle

For example, there will be half as many pathogenic microbes in the room if there is a flower pot with common myrtle there. Lianas, asparagus and Chinese rose also work. Some indoor flowers absorb heavy metals, while others reduce harm from electromagnetic radiation. Still others reduce the negative effect of synthetic materials.


Thus, the chlorophytum plant is capable of absorbing formaldehydes, which are harmful to human health, which are released by synthetic materials. If you put activated carbon in flower pots, the properties of chlorophytum as an air purifier will double. We recommend placing pots of chlorophytum in all rooms of your home.


Common ivy, sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue) and aloe also do a good job of purifying the air in your home from toxic compounds, as they release many phytoncides and biologically active substances that can cope with many dangerous microorganisms that have settled in your home.

Indoor Aloe

All gardeners know and appreciate the benefits of indoor aloe plants. Its juice heals wounds, treats colds and purulent inflammations. It is believed that this flower contributes to the prosperity of the inhabitants of the house and their longevity. This is fair, because aloe can survive without water for several years and even bloom.

Pelagonia Fragrant

Phytoncides of many indoor plants have pronounced bactericidal properties. Essential oil plants fill the air with an invigorating aroma and clean the air well indoors. This statement applies to geraniums, fragrant pelargonium, violets, eucalyptus, kalanchoe, lemons, roses and rosemary. All of them secrete volatile phytoncides, which activate the human body’s defenses, improve its well-being, give joy, vigor, and increase performance. Their antimicrobial effect has a particularly beneficial effect on the health of people with weak lungs, diseased bronchi, as well as on the health of people prone to colds and upper respiratory tract diseases.

Red geranium

Interestingly, geranium can serve as a kind of determinant of your health. If the smell of geranium is unpleasant to you, then you are healthy. If you like the smell of geranium, then your nervous system is overexcited, and you need to treat it.

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It is advisable to have flower pots with geraniums in the living room and bedrooms. It absorbs dampness, carbon monoxide, destroys staphylococci and streptococci, and cleanses the room of musty air. This flower produces active phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the owner’s nervous system in stressful situations and normalize high blood pressure. Scientists have confirmed that the aroma of geranium can ease headaches, relieve fatigue, relieve internal tension, calm you down, and relieve insomnia.

Indoor mint

A pot of mint in the room where the computer is located will fill the room with a fresh aroma, which calms you down and helps you concentrate on work. So, if you, from time to time, take a pot of mint in your hands and smell its aroma, your performance will increase significantly.

Cactus with long needles

It is also useful to place pots of cacti in rooms where there are a lot of electronics. It is believed that cacti, especially those with long needles, kill harmful microorganisms and reduce the ionization of the air that is created by devices with electromagnetic radiation. Don't be afraid to place cacti closer to TV and computer screens. Even if it’s small, there will be some benefit from it.

And cacti are simply irreplaceable where people often quarrel. It is believed that in order for peace and harmony to reign in the house, one must have a cactus - it will cool the anger of the inhabitants of the home and relieve irritation. Magicians recommend placing pots of cacti in places where contact with the outside world is possible - on window sills and at entrance doors - for their ability to fight evil spirits.

Tradescantia whiteflower

If there is a risk of cancer in your home, get a Tradescantia. It is believed that it secretes phytoncides that can suppress cancer in the owner of the flower. The larger the specimen, the thicker its stems, the larger and fleshier its leaves, the greater the strength of the plant.

In addition, Tradescantia is a universal remedy against the evil eye of unkind people. And if there are too many guests in your house, and not all of them are friendly and welcoming, you should buy an indoor Tradescantia flower. You will see that soon evil people will stop visiting your home. After all, this plant is a source of inspiration, joy, it sharpens the owner’s sense of humor, gives him hope and faith in goodness. And yet, it protects its owner from upper respiratory tract infections.


Indoor monsteras and philodendrons are protectors of your home from negative energy. Their beautiful straight leaves are sources of upward flows of energy useful for living spaces. In addition, this plant is simply irreplaceable for those who have an eternal mess at home, who take on work that is beyond their strength, who are unable to assess their capabilities, and, if their next venture fails, suffer greatly. Namely, the monstera will help organize and systematize the thoughts of its owner, and bring order to them.


Passionflower, ivies, and wax-leaved vines use other nearby plants as support. They simply need to be grown to cleanse your home of alien negative energy brought from outside. It is also useful to have them in a room where people with nervous system disorders, headaches and insomnia live.


Growing violets, cyclamen and ferns in the house helps to increase indoor humidity - this is especially valuable where the air is too dry. Ferns are otherwise called indoor ozonizers. These indoor flowers are moisture-loving, and they will share their moisture with the air around them through their leaves.

Money Tree

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They try to have a money tree (crassula) in every home, as it is believed that it contributes to the enrichment of the owner. It is unlikely that you will become rich simply by growing this flower. But a specialist who deals with money transactions and financial problems will help relieve nervous tension and anxiety. Therefore, it makes sense for accountants and financiers who have constant contact with big money to have a money tree for enrichment purposes.

Variegated Dieffenbachia

Variegated diefenbachia and ficus, thanks to their phytoncides, purify the air in a living room from microbes and toxins. We recommend placing pots with these flowers in rooms whose windows face a highway or an industrial area.

Indoor Bonsai

Indoor bonsai is purchased by those who believe in the connection between people and the subtle world of the beyond. It is believed that a bonsai flower, located in the owner’s bedroom, helps him see prophetic dreams, guess the future and read other people’s thoughts. These plants develop the spirituality of the owner and make his feelings sublime. And it is best to practice meditation next to this flower.

Indoor orchids

It is believed that orchids are able to cleanse the most unhealthy organism of its owner. It will put things in order in your head, calm your nerves, and teach you to enjoy life. Moreover, orchids of different colors have different properties. Red orchids fill you with energy and strength, white ones make anyone better, pink ones help to attract the attention of a loved one, yellow ones encourage creativity.


A ficus should be purchased and lovingly cared for by those who really want to have a child.


The beautiful croton is one of the plants with powerful energy. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the apartment and cleanses the space of negative energy. Croton likes everything to be orderly and organized. With its desire for perfection, this flower charges not only its owner, but also his guests. Croton is good to have in a large team where conflicts and misunderstandings are possible. It promotes harmonization in its environment, prevents the commission of rash acts, teaches you to make the right decisions, and has a positive effect on the physical and spiritual health of people.

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There are many more indoor flowers that are not included in this article. For example, on our website you can also read about the beneficial properties of Muraya.

climbing ivy

Climbing ivy is one of the most common house plants that is not always appreciated.

In fact, this weed, which some people consider it to be, perfectly purifies the air, absorbs cigarette smoke and smog, creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. This advantage of ivy will become especially relevant in industrial cities, where factory chimneys with clouds of toxic smoke fit into the picturesque landscape from the window. The plant does not require special care, adapts to live even in places deprived of sunlight, and it does not need to be watered often.

Strengthen relationships

The presence of indoor plants in the house develops compassion in people, the desire to help and care for someone. Moreover, the degree of empathy increases: we understand each other better and try to predict desires. But mutual understanding is the key to any relationship. Moreover, this works not only in love, but also in friendship.

A person who cares about nature will also care about the people around him. It will be much easier for him to establish a connection with them, especially one based on common interests.


Calms men

No matter how strange it may be, the strong half of humanity also loves indoor plants. They like to watch not only the growth process, but even flowering. And, of course, at the same time realize that this is the work of their hands.

Plants not only have a calming effect on a man, but also give him a feeling of confidence and self-worth.

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