Croton flower: home care, watering, transplanting and propagation

Fastidious handsome man

Croton, or codiaum as it is often called, belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family, which includes many tropical forest dwellers and ornamental houseplants.

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As you understand, growing conditions in the tropics and at home are very different. Therefore, in the wild, crotons reach three meters in height. At home, with proper care, the plant can reach 1.5 meters. Having overcome some difficulties in care, you can get a beautiful flower that delights with its variegated foliage. The effort you put into the grooming process is worth the results you ultimately get.

Reproduction at home

There are several ways to propagate Codiaum at home.


To do this, a cutting of 15 centimeters in size is cut off in the spring. It is placed in a warm solution of water and activated carbon until the milky juice disappears from the cutting.

Then it is dried, and the leaves are wrapped in a bag, which reduces the evaporation of moisture from the flower. After the above steps, the cuttings are planted in a peat sand mixture and covered with film until roots appear.

The plant should be ventilated regularly for a couple of hours.

Air layering

Take a branch with a bare stem, bend it to the ground and sprinkle it with earth. As soon as the branch takes root, it is cut off and placed in a new pot according to the transplantation rules.


Seeds are sown in greenhouse conditions similar to those for propagation by cuttings in January or February. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a special solution of phytohormones according to the instructions in the description.

The first shoots appear after 3-4 weeks.

Codeum seeds

Description of the flower

Croton is sometimes called codiaum or "Joseph's cloak." Translated from Greek, the name of the plant means “head”. Why the culture received such a name, experts do not know for sure. There is an assumption that the plant was named after a city in southern Italy.

The islands of Northern Australia and the Pacific Ocean, as well as Southeast Asia and India are considered the homeland of wild forms of croton. The genus has many species. But indoor culture is represented only by variegated croton and its hybrids. The croton flower (photos are given in the article) is considered one of the most beautiful decorative indoor crops. The plant is used as interior decoration. In some countries, croton is considered the guardian of the hearth, which protects the apartment from negative energy.

At home, the plant usually does not exceed 1-1.5 m in height, even with the best care. The description of a croton flower, of course, cannot convey all its beauty. The decorative nature of the plant is its main advantage. Crotons are very often used to decorate halls, lobbies, offices and other premises. Their beautiful leaves of various shapes and bright colors invariably attract people's attention. Externally, codiaums resemble a small tree. The formation of the crown occurs quite slowly, so you should not hope for a quick result. In order to get a beautiful bush, the plant is periodically pruned.

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Codiaum is a flowering plant. But the culture rarely blooms. At the same time, the plant produces an arrow with small, inconspicuous flowers, painted in a light yellow tint. It is worth saying that flowering does not add any special beauty to croton. But the plant spends a lot of energy and nutrients. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to initially remove the arrow so that the crop does not lose its supply of nutrients.


The plant needs bright, diffused light. Croton can withstand even direct sunlight.

Moreover, the brightness of the color of the leaves depends on the intensity of the light.

A sufficient level of lighting is especially important in winter , since it is this factor that leads to the falling of leaves.

To prevent the plant from losing its decorative appearance, it is necessary to move it to the most illuminated southern window sill. In winter, you should also increase the daylight hours for this flower. Illuminating croton with special electric lamps gives good results.

Types of culture

Several varieties of crotons are used for growing at home. Flowers differ in the shape and size of the leaves, as well as their colors. The most popular species is the Variegated Croton. The plant has the shape of a bush, the height of which reaches three meters. The branches of the crop bear green-brown leaves. There are several varieties, the main difference of which is the shape of the foliage:

  • Excellent variety. The plant has characteristic oak leaves, yellow-green above and red-burgundy below.
  • Disraeli variety. The plants have lobed leaves, brick-brown underneath and green-yellow on top with characteristic veins and specks.
  • Variety "Black Prince". This plant has a very exotic appearance. The black surface of the foliage has red and orange spots and veins.
  • Petra variety. Plants of this species may have lobed, oval and pointed leaves of a dark green color with yellow veins and specks.
  • Variety "Mrs. Iceton". The small trees have brightly colored foliage, which can be yellow-pink, dark burgundy with pink speckles, or golden with black dots.
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    Croton varigatum is no less popular among gardeners. The plant has the shape of a bush with a bare stem. The leaves of the flower are painted in green-brown tones. Varigatum is represented by several types:

  • Flat-leaved croton has oval wavy leaves that reach a length of 30 cm and a width of 10 cm.
  • Lobed appearance. Its distinctive feature is its three-lobed leaves, which can be monochromatic or variegated in color. They reach 22 cm in length.
  • The adventitious croton has characteristic green and variegated leaves, which consist of several plates.
  • Decorated codiaum is actively used by breeders to obtain new hybrids.

Plant varieties

The most interesting types of croton are:


This species forms a lush bush with numerous branches, oval-shaped leaves, bright green with yellow veins, arranged alternately.


The leaves of this species are lanceolate, narrow, denser than usual. Burgundy, yellow, and purple stripes are clearly visible on them.


The crown of the bush is very reminiscent of oak leaves due to its fused three-lobed leaves. They have white, burgundy spots and stripes, and there is more pink on the lower surface.

Mrs Eyeston

It occurs in the form of a bush or small tree. The leaves are elongated, wide, with smooth edges and have pink, purple spots and golden streaks.

Purchasing a plant

What kind of care should be provided to Croton at home (photos of the flower are given in the article)? Much depends on the quality of the plant you purchased in the store. Therefore, I would like to say a few words about how to choose the right plant. Buy only those specimens that look healthy. Plants should have hard, elastic leaves with bright colors. There should be no traces of pests on their surface.

Specimens with limp foliage should not be purchased, as they will certainly fall off during adaptation in your home. And in the worst case, the plant may even die. It is worth giving preference to young bushes, since they take root easier and endure the adaptation period more easily. It is not necessary to purchase a ready-made plant in a store; it is enough to break off a cutting from a croton you like from friends or neighbors.


Croton is replanted once every 2-3 years, in some cases replanting is allowed after 4 years.

Croton should not be disturbed during the flowering period. Therefore, the optimal time for transplantation is March. It is at this time that the growing season begins.

Transplantation after purchase is very important for codiaum; it is best to do it as soon as possible.

The substrate in which the flower “lived” in the store and during transportation, at home, can lead to the leaves drying and falling off, other Croton diseases, and even the death of the plant.

Croton is replanted for several reasons:

  1. The soil becomes depleted over time and needs to be replaced;
  2. The root system develops and there is little room for it in the pot. Therefore, a sign that it is time to move a flower is the appearance of roots on the surface of the ground.

Each subsequent one should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Plastic or clay ones should be used.

Lighting and temperature

Maintaining the required temperature and proper lighting is the basis of home care. The indoor croton flower differs from other crops in the stunningly bright color of its leaves, which attracts the attention of gardeners to it. In order for the bushes to delight with their variegated color, they must be placed in a well-lit place. It must be remembered that with a lack of light, the plant loses its unique decorative effect. But at the same time, in summer, crotons need to be shaded from direct rays. The leaves of the crop only seem tough. However, from the sun they quickly develop burns that look like spots. In winter, the plant can be placed on a south window. If you organize your care correctly, the croton flower will certainly delight you with its beauty.

It must be remembered that the homeland of codiaum is the tropics, so the culture is heat-loving. Correct temperature conditions are an important component of home care. The croton flower is demanding on the air temperature of the room in which it is located. The optimal temperature for the crop is +20…+22 degrees. Please note that the temperature should not fall below +16 degrees. In summer, bushes can be placed on the balcony or taken out into the garden, providing protection from the wind and scorching sun rays.

Features of care


At home, codiaum prefers a warm place with bright, diffused light, which determines the richness of the foliage color. With a lack of lighting, the leaves gradually turn green, losing their decorative effect.

In summer, the plant should be protected from direct sunlight, but in autumn and winter, the pot with the tree can be safely placed on a south-facing window.


An important condition for caring for indoor croton is maintaining a constant temperature throughout the year at 20-25 °C. The plant does not tolerate heat and cold (8-10 ° C), which lead to leaf fall. The minimum temperature in winter is 16 °C.

The tree does not tolerate sudden temperature changes and cold drafts. Contact with cold air can cause the plant to lose all its leaves and never recover.

For this reason, it is better not to place the plant on a balcony or terrace, but when purchasing in unfavorable weather, protect it from external factors.

How to water croton

Codium comes from humid tropical regions, and therefore needs abundant watering during the growing season. The earth ball should not dry out more than 1 cm between procedures. If there is a lack of moisture, the tree immediately begins to shed its leaves.

Usually watered once every 2-3 days, and in extreme heat even every day.

However, excess moisture is no less harmful. When water stagnates, the root system begins to rot, so when watering the tree, try to pour out excess moisture from the pan.

From mid-September and in winter, watering is moderate - once every 3-4 days. The water used must be soft and always at room temperature, slightly warm, otherwise you can expect the leaves to fall.

Air humidity is no less important for codiaum. Every day the crown of the plant is sprayed with slightly warm water. Dry air is especially dangerous for plants during the heating season.

A good way to increase the humidity around the tree is to place the pot on a deep dish filled with constantly wet pebbles or expanded clay. At least once a week, wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

Variety "Zanzibar"

How to replant

The domestic croton flower is very sensitive to damage to the roots, so once every one or two years only young specimens are replanted using the transshipment method. The procedure is carried out in the spring.

What pot is needed for croton? The pot is not very large - 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. The drainage layer is very important as it helps prevent water stagnation.

As soil for croton, use a mixture of peat, coarse sand (perlite) and universal flower soil, taken in equal proportions. To prevent fungal diseases and disinfection, it is advisable to add a few pieces of charcoal to the mixture.

For mature plants, it is enough to renew the top soil layer. You can learn about the basic rules for replanting indoor flowers in this article.

Sometimes croton drops its leaves after replanting - this is normal! The plant needs time to recover from stress. Start fertilizing after a month and monitor the humidity of the substrate and air.

Feeding, pruning and pinching

Fertilizing is carried out during the period of active growth once every 10-15 days with special mineral fertilizers for deciduous non-flowering indoor plants.

Can Croton be trimmed? Radical pruning is excluded, as there is a danger of abundant and prolonged secretion of milky sap, which leads to weakening of the plant.

If your tree has grown too large, you can shape the croton crown by trimming only the overly long shoots in late winter or early spring. The length of the cut shoots should not exceed 15 cm. The cut areas are washed with water and treated with wood ash.

You can also make the croton branch by pinching the growing point on the shoot. Pinch off a young leaf at the beginning of the plant's growing season.

After about a month, 2 new growth points will begin to form nearby, but this method is not as effective as proper pruning of croton.

New growth points after pinching

Do not rush to remove leaves that have withered due to natural reasons, as the plant absorbs the nutritional residues contained in them, after which the leaf itself easily falls off.

Keep in mind that plant sap is toxic, so wear protective gloves when working. For the same reason, keeping croton in an apartment with small children and animals is not safe.


It must be remembered that the tropical inhabitant loves high air humidity. Therefore, spraying bushes should become a regular home care procedure. The croton flower should be regularly bathed and sprayed with a spray bottle in the spring and summer.

If the plant is kept in a cool room in winter, water procedures can be practically eliminated. But remember that heating dries out the air quite a lot. If you don’t want to bother yourself with winter spraying, move the bushes away from the radiators. Otherwise, you will have to humidify the air twice a day. In addition, you can increase the humidity in a simple way. Near the pot you need to place a vessel with water or a tray with wet moss or expanded clay. There is another way to maintain the necessary humidity for a croton flower. Care at home can be greatly simplified if you use a humidifier, which is best placed near the bush.

Another important point in care is regularly wiping the leaves with a damp sponge. The procedure must be carried out at least once a week.


When to replant indoor flowers: the most favorable time, reasons, symptoms of flower diseases + some mistakes made by housewives after purchasing an ornamental plant in a store
For a long time it was believed that codiaum is too heat-loving to grow outside its natural habitat.

This plant is quite capricious and caring for it at home requires certain knowledge and skills.


The plant is very demanding regarding temperature conditions.

The temperature should not only exceed + 17 degrees, but also be constant.

The child of the tropics reacts to the slightest draft by dropping leaves.


During the period of active growth, that is, in spring and summer, the plant needs to be watered regularly and abundantly. The soil should never dry out completely, otherwise its inhabitant simply will not survive.

However, flooding is also very dangerous for plants, as they can lead to rotting of the roots.

Sticking to the golden mean is quite difficult, so it is very important to have good drainage, which significantly facilitates the task

For irrigation you need soft and warm water. Cold water often causes leaves to drop.

The soil

Kodiem Petra needs nutritious soil rich in organic matter. Peat and complex fertilizer will be an excellent start. Good drainage is very important for the plant - it should make up at least a quarter of the total substrate.

Light mode

Since codiaum is of tropical origin, it needs good lighting throughout the year. Bright sunlight is beneficial for him even during the rest period.

But, of course, not straight, but diffused, and the plant should always be shaded from the midday sun.

In indoor conditions, Petra's croton rarely reaches its maximum size.

Nevertheless, it is difficult to call it small, and there is not always a window sill on which it could fit.

But this is not scary - if you place the plant at a distance of a meter from the window, it will have enough sunlight. East and west windows are best suited.

In winter, the codiaum should be moved to the brightest place in the room. If you can buy a special lamp, great. However, you need to make sure that there are no temperature changes in the new location - the plant cannot tolerate them.

It is very important to provide the Petra croton with decent lighting throughout the year. Otherwise, the leaves will lose their beautiful color and become simply green.

It's not enough to just choose the right place. You need to regularly wipe off dust on glass and leaves, as it can block up to 50% of sunlight.

Air humidity

Croton Petra always needs high air humidity.

During the period of active growth, the leaves should be regularly sprayed with warm water.

In winter, our apartments become especially dry due to heating devices and we need to humidify the air even more often.

At the same time, do not forget about the rest period - before each spraying, the soil must be covered with film.


In spring and summer, fertilize the plant once every 2-3 weeks after watering or along with it. In winter, the frequency of feeding is reduced to once every 6-8 weeks. Nitrogen fertilizers are very important for the plant.


In ideal conditions, Petra's garden croton grows up to 4 meters. Therefore, the young plant must be replanted annually into a larger pot (3 cm larger in diameter). It is recommended to leave the earth ball so as not to damage the roots.

An adult croton is replanted no more than 3 times a year.


Codium Petra reproduces well by seeds, leaves and cuttings. How to do it with cuttings:

  • Cut off a woody cutting 15 cm long;
  • Place in warm water with charcoal to wash off the milky juice;
  • Dry the cuttings;
  • Tie the leaves on the cuttings into tubes to reduce moisture evaporation;
  • Plant the cuttings in the soil (peat, moss and sand);
  • Cover with film;
  • Ventilate and moisten the greenhouse with the cuttings daily.

Seeds and leaves are propagated in the same way. As soon as the roots appear, the young plant is transplanted to a permanent place of residence.


Unlike the leaves, the flowers of Croton Petra are not particularly beautiful. They are small and inconspicuous.

It is recommended to cut off the peduncle immediately after it appears, so as not to deplete the plant.


Very often, amateur flower growers have many questions regarding the correct care at home. The indoor croton flower cannot be called an unpretentious crop. He is very sensitive, so his care must be especially careful. It is important to properly organize watering of the plant. It is necessary to moisten the bushes in such a way that the soil is always slightly moist. But it is important not to allow water to stagnate in the roots. Watering is one of the most important components of care. The croton flower does not like dryness, but also does not tolerate excess moisture, which leads to rotting of the root system. At the same time, excessive dryness causes foliage to fall and dry out.

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Therefore, it is recommended to use drainage when planting. The croton flower (see photo in the article) must be watered regularly and abundantly, but not allow moisture to stagnate.

In winter and autumn, watering should be reduced if the room is cool. Experienced gardeners recommend using only warm, settled water. This condition applies not only to watering, but also to spraying. It is better to take filtered water. In summer, the plant needs a shower.

Croton formation

Question: Does it need to be pinched for branching, or does it bush on its own? It’s just that it’s still small for me - 12 leaves.

Kroky: If the croton is large-leaved, there is no need to pinch or take cuttings. These produce lateral shoots very poorly (if at all). I had a bad experience with Gold King Croton. My cat decided to “pinch” it. He bit out the growth point. No side leaves appeared, but a new growth point appeared on the top leaf. This happened twice. After the third “pinching”, the croton gave up and began to die. None of my manipulations helped.

Helen: yes, you can, I pinched and trimmed mine, after which they branch, but not profusely. And without pinching or pruning it produces 1 or 2 side shoots in a couple of years of cultivation.

Fertilizer use

All the beauty of the variegated color of the plant can be appreciated from the photo of the croton flower. How to care for the crop to get the same beautiful bushes as in the store? It is necessary to fertilize the plant regularly. From April to November it is necessary to do two feedings per month. But in winter, one fertilizer per month is enough.

For fertilizing, you should use complex mineral fertilizers created for decorative deciduous crops. Fertilize the plants after abundant watering so as not to burn the roots.

What soil is needed, what fertilizers should be used

Crotons, including young ones, need fertile soil. In addition, it is important to enrich the soil with fertilizers during intensive flower growth. Almost any complex fertilizer intended for indoor deciduous plants is suitable for feeding.

It is recommended to fertilize the substrate after watering.

Since codiaum comes from the tropical zone, the substrate must correspond to the characteristics of this area.

Fortunately, preparing it is not so difficult; to do this, you need to add the following to the ground in equal proportions:

In addition, it is recommended to freeze the finished substrate before transplanting. This will prevent the development of harmful bacteria that cause diseases and destroy pest larvae.

When laying the soil, you need to place some fine charcoal in it. This is one of the best methods of protecting roots from rot.

With the correct composition of the substrate, codiaum will easily replant and will not cause any inconvenience to the owner.

Transfer rules

It's no secret that almost all indoor flowers need regular replanting. Croton is very capricious when caring for it at home. But at the same time, it needs an annual transplant of young bushes. Transshipment of adult plants can be done much less frequently - approximately once every three years. Transplantation should be carried out in the spring before the growing season begins.

For croton it is necessary to use soil that most closely matches the soil in which it grows in its natural environment. Many gardeners recommend purchasing a ready-made substrate. But you can prepare the mixture yourself. To do this, you need to mix humus, sifted sand, turf soil and peat in equal proportions. By the way, you can add charcoal to the mixture to avoid rotting of the root system. The prepared mixture must be calcined in the oven or spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate so that no insect larvae remain in it.

The convenience of the finished substrate is that it can be used without pre-treatment.

How to replant a flower?

Codiaeum does not require frequent replanting; for a young bush, replanting is necessary 1-2 times a year, and for older flowers much less often, in the spring, depending on the speed of root growth. The bush for transplantation must be completely healthy and should not bloom, otherwise it may quickly die.

The pots chosen are plastic or clay, with large drainage holes; shards or charcoal are placed on the bottom. Transplantation occurs in a transshipment manner, that is, you cannot disturb the clod of earth from the previous pot, but only carefully remove it and move it to a new one, several cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

The usual soil mixture is used for indoor ornamental plants. The main thing is that it should be light, well-drained and breathable.

You can buy soil at flower shops, or you can prepare it yourself by mixing:

  • Leaf soil.
  • Turf.
  • Well-rotted manure.
  • Peat.
  • Coarse river sand.

Sometimes charcoal is added to this mixture as a disinfectant, or the soil is spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting and dried. Place drainage in the bottom of the pot, pour soil mixture on top, lightly water it and make a small hole.

The codiaum is placed in this hole along with a lump of earth and all remaining voids are filled with soil, slightly pressing it down, and the transplanted flower is well watered. Organization of wintering. In winter, codiaum is grown in bright rooms with a constant temperature of 17-18 degrees and the leaves are constantly kept clean by wiping them with a damp soft cloth to remove dust.

Pots can be placed close to radiators and radiators, and moss can be placed on the surface of the potting soil to slow down the evaporation of moisture.

Choosing a pot

Before planting a croton flower, you need to choose the right pot. For young bushes, it is worth taking a medium-sized pot that is not deep. There should not be a lot of extra space in the pot, otherwise the roots may rot. It is necessary to replant the plant if you notice that roots are visible from the drainage hole. The new flowerpot should be slightly wider than the previous one. The diameter must be increased by no more than 5 cm.

Young plants brought from the store do not need urgent replanting. The supply of nutrients in the substrate will last them for a long time. At the initial stage, it is important to provide proper care for the flower. Croton (photo shown in the article) must adapt to your apartment and get used to new conditions. Moving it from the store to your home is stressful for the plant. Therefore, replanting at this time can lead to the death of the bush.

Changing the adult and seating the children

After purchasing croton from a store, it is important to replant it as quickly as possible. An adult plant is replanted once every 2-3 years.

A young plant requires changing the soil every year. Cuttings with roots up to 5 cm in length require rooting in nutritious soil.


The soil for croton needs to be loose and light, since the plant does not like moisture, but will not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil. The soil must be nutritious. A good combination can be obtained by mixing in equal parts:

  • humus;
  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • sand
  • peat.

A universal substrate will also work, to which you will need to add a third of sand. Before use, the soil must be treated with potassium permanganate and dried.

Important! For healthy flower development during transplantation, you need to change the drainage layer, make a new one at least 2 cm


Many novice gardeners are wondering how to plant croton. The flower needs good drainage. Therefore, at the bottom of the pot it is necessary to put a layer of expanded clay, the thickness of which should be at least three centimeters. Before planting, the plant must be well shed in order to carefully remove the roots from the old pot without damaging them. If the earthen lump does not disintegrate, the root system will remain intact.

Soil is poured into the bottom of the container with drainage. Next, place the flower in a flowerpot and cover the roots with soil. The soil is pressed down with your hands. The planted bush is watered abundantly with settled water. In the future, it is very important to provide proper care for the flower. Croton (see photo in the article) after transplantation must be placed in a slightly shaded place. The plant must be regularly watered and its leaves sprayed.

Young crotons are replanted annually. As soon as the plant is transplanted into a container with a diameter of 25 cm, it is no longer transferred. The top of the soil can be renewed annually. This is quite enough for the plant.

Planting and transplanting

Croton has a negative attitude towards transplantation. Therefore, young plants are replanted, or rather transferred to a slightly larger (2–3 cm) pot, after a year, and adults after 2–3 years or less often. During this procedure, try to preserve the integrity of the earthen coma as much as possible.

To grow a large codiaum bush, it will have to be replanted every 1–2 years.

If the bush has grown significantly and you do not want it to be larger, it is enough to change 5-6 cm of soil on top of the pot. Soil renewal is necessary when the old one has already turned white from salts or has become too compacted.

It's time to change the soil in the pot with this croton, it looks unhealthy

Both ceramic and plastic pots are suitable for croton. But growing flowers will be better off in plastic to make it easier to monitor the condition of the root system. But for mature adult crotons, a ceramic container is more suitable

It is heavy and stable, and this is important: due to the massive crown, the plant can fall. In addition, natural ceramics absorb salts that croton does not need.

A tall croton needs a heavy and stable ceramic pot.

Choose a pot that is approximately the same height and width

Pay attention to the drainage holes, they should be large. Before planting, install a croton support if necessary.

Large specimens are not replanted; the soil is partially renewed from above.

Croton is accustomed to fertile, but porous and light soil. Approximate compositions:

  • universal soil for indoor plants, you can add soil for orchids and charcoal;
  • 3 parts garden soil, one and a half peat and one sand;
  • a mixture of compost, leaf soil, peat and sand in equal parts;
  • 2 parts leaf soil, one part peat, half part humus and sand, chopped sphagnum moss for airiness;
  • into two parts of leaf soil, one part of humus, peat, sand.

About a quarter of the pot should be drainage. It will help remove excess moisture from the roots. Expanded clay, red brick chips, polystyrene foam, and vermiculite are suitable as drainage materials. Before planting, be sure to sterilize the soil and drainage and scald the pot with boiling water.

Replanting Croton

Place a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. Pour some soil on top and moisten it. Remove the plant from the old pot carefully, without disturbing the ball of earth with its roots.

Inspect the roots and carefully remove any rotten ones. Move the plant to a new pot. Gradually fill the earthen ball with new soil, compacting the void between it and the wall of the pot. Shake the container slightly during the process so as not to leave any unfilled areas. Lightly water the plant, spray it and place it in a slightly shaded, warm place. After a week, return to its permanent place and care for it as usual.

After transplantation, the croton experiences stress, treat it more carefully than usual


Most varieties of indoor croton have massive, dense leaves and a relatively thin stem. This disproportion is not noticeable at a young age. But over the years, the crown becomes richer, but the trunk does not have time to increase weight and bends under its weight. To prevent the plant from breaking, it needs support. For starters, sticks made of bamboo or other wood are suitable. You can buy a vine support (a stick wrapped in coconut fiber) or make something from scrap materials.

The support should help the croton not to bend under the weight of the crown

How to choose a healthy plant

When choosing croton in the store, pay attention to the color of the foliage. In a healthy plant it is bright, the veins are especially expressively drawn

Look at the arrangement of the leaves. They point up at the crown or are almost parallel to the soil at the bottom of the trunk - this is the norm. Hanging sadly is a sign of illness. Carefully examine the leaf plates: dents, dry spots, dots - possibly traces left by pests. Check the stem, if there are pits on it, this indicates that the croton is shedding its leaves. Make sure that the earthen ball is in good condition - not too dry or flooded. If you find alarming symptoms, it is better not to purchase croton.

This plant is clearly sick; a healthy croton does not have leaves hanging

Keep the croton you just bought in quarantine for at least two weeks, let it adapt to its new home. And only then replant. All transport soil must be removed if problems are found: rot, souring, pests. If there is nothing, save the roots, leaving the soil.


How to grow croton? The flower can be propagated in several ways: seeds and cuttings. The last method is very simple and convenient. To get a young plant, just cut off the top of the bush and root it. If you want to get several cuttings, you need to divide the shoot into several parts. Please note that each piece of stem must have at least one healthy leaf and one internode. Only in this case can the cuttings be rooted and a new flower obtained. Croton propagation is not difficult. The resulting pieces of stem, when cut, secrete milky juice, which is a toxic substance. White juice must be washed off with water. Next, the cuttings are dried for several hours. Leaves are removed from their lower part. The upper leaves are cut in half parallel to the veins.

Dried cuttings can be placed in a vessel with water. The liquid in the container should not be cold (+23…+30 degrees). In cooler water, the plant will not only not produce roots, but will also rot. How to propagate a flower? Croton, the photo of which is strikingly beautiful, can be planted in a pot only after roots up to 2 cm long have grown. In the future, it is necessary to regularly spray the soil and the plant itself. When the elasticity of the foliage is restored, the croton will begin to grow.

Croton - reproduction

Question: How to propagate croton from cuttings?

irina-bahus: Rooting the crown is a difficult task. But time and size are important here - the stalk should be small 10-15 cm, and the tops, as a rule, are voluminous and heavy. Therefore, if you cut off the top of the head, you need to tear off the leaves, leaving the top 3-4 smallest ones. And cut the cuttings in spring or summer. Do not try to root in autumn or winter when it is cold and there is little light.

Maslinnitsa: Of 7-8 cuttings, half or less will take root. The main thing in this process is not to let the leaves go limp, for which they need to be placed under a cap. I sometimes have them under additional lighting. Crotons with small leaves take root with a bang, larger ones are more difficult.

Buttercup: I grew my Croton Goldfinger from a cutting that just stood in water until it took root. I added charcoal or activated charcoal to the water. Now he is already two years old.

Ann: The secret of rooting croton (codiaum) is simple - you don’t need to remove the young shoots, you need them to grow and become stronger, then it will take root perfectly both in water and in the ground.

Propagation by seeds

The plant can also be propagated by seeds. It is important to remember that freshly harvested material must be used for sowing. Croton seeds lose their viability very quickly. Experienced gardeners recommend propagating the plant by cuttings. Firstly, this method is much simpler, and secondly, it allows you to preserve all varietal characteristics. Unfortunately, the same results cannot be achieved with seed propagation. The process takes a lot of time and does not give the desired result.

If you still decide to use the seeds, they must first be heated in water at a temperature of 60 degrees for 30 minutes. Afterwards they must be left to swell in liquid for a day.

Prepared seeds are sown in containers with soil to a depth of no more than one centimeter. The boxes with crops are covered with glass on top and placed in a warm place with a temperature of at least 22 degrees. Before seedlings emerge, watering must be done through a tray. Next, the glass is removed and the pots are taken to a more illuminated place. As soon as the plants have their third leaf, they can be transplanted into separate containers to produce young domestic croton flowers. How to care for seedlings in the future? Caring for seedlings is exactly the same as caring for adult plants.

Methods for propagating codiaum

Croton reproduces in three ways:

  • By cuttings
  • Dividing the bush
  • Seeds

When propagating by cuttings, healthy stem cuttings from woody shoots are selected. The cuttings should be 7-10 cm in length; they are cut in late spring or early summer.

Before planting, they need to be rooted; this is done in warm water at 23-24 degrees; you can use various root growth stimulants. Such cuttings grow into powerful, strong bushes that are adapted to indoor conditions.

Rooted cuttings are sown in prepared pots with a diameter of 6-7 cm; soil is purchased or made independently, mixed in a ratio of 2:1:1/2:

  • Leafy ground
  • Sphagnum
  • river sand

To stabilize the cutting, stick a stick next to it. Until the cuttings are completely rooted, the soil in the pot should always be moist, and after complete rooting they are gradually accustomed to loose soil and air flow, and then transplanted into containers of larger diameter.

If the bush has grown too much and is cramped in the pot, it is necessary to divide it and replant it in different pots. Division, as well as cuttings, is carried out in the spring. First, new pots and soil are prepared, and the bush itself is well watered one day before dividing.

Planting is done as follows: the flower is carefully taken out of the pot and divided into several parts: the main bush and small basal children. The adult bush itself is transplanted into a large container, and small children are planted in small containers, covered with plastic film or glass and placed in a warm place.

For good establishment, the bushes are watered daily, keeping the substrate moist and maintaining a temperature of about 30 degrees at the roots.

Propagation by seeds is the most difficult method, since croton rarely blooms and the seeds do not ripen well. Seed material is purchased ready-made or collected yourself. After flowering, the seeds form in a capsule, they are collected and sowing begins towards the end of winter. 1-2 days before sowing, it is advisable to soak the seeds in special preparations, for example, with root to improve germination.

The seeds are distributed over the surface of the pot, lightly sprinkled with sand and peat mixture and covered with glass or film. Every day the cover must be removed, ventilated and sprayed on the soil surface.

Seeds usually germinate within 21-30 days.

Croton is a beautiful ornamental plant that requires a little more attention than other pot inhabitants. And if the grower provides it with the proper conditions and care, it will show itself in all its glory and will delight you with its bright foliage for a long time.

Watch the video on how to replant croton after purchase:

Air layering

You've probably noticed that crotons often have bare trunks. This phenomenon affects the decorativeness of the bush. But don't be upset. From the plant you can get air layering for a young plant. To do this, in June, at a distance of approximately 10-15 centimeters from the top, a circular incision up to 0.8 cm wide is made on the stem. The cut site is certainly treated with a stimulator so that roots form faster. You can also use sphagnum moss, which is wrapped around the plant. The top cut is covered with film and tied with a rope. The oilcloth should not be attached too tightly on top so that the moss can be regularly moistened. The first roots will appear in about a month. But you can cut the cuttings only after the roots have grown to five centimeters. The layering usually retains many leaves. To maintain their vital functions, you will need a good root system.

The cut cuttings are planted in a pot with prepared soil. The seedlings are placed in a shaded place for two weeks. During this period, the plant must be sprayed frequently. It is still very weak, so it cannot receive the required amount of water through the roots.

Layers can be obtained in another way. The lignified shoot is pressed to the ground and sprinkled with soil in this state. To speed up the development of the root system, you can remove the bark from the bottom of the branch. After young leaves emerge from the ground, the new plant can be separated from the mother one.

Description of Croton

Croton is a small shrub with bright leathery foliage. Its natural dimensions can reach several meters, but indoor species look smaller. Their average size reaches 70 cm, but some can grow up to 1.2 m. Croton has erect stems, forming many side shoots, decorated with large petiolate leaves. The shape of the leaf blades may vary: there are both uniform oblong and asymmetrical, three-lobed, notched and some other varieties. The leaves may also resemble laurel or oak leaves. The edge of the foliage can be smooth or slightly wavy. Fresh leaf growth most often has a pale yellow-green tint, but over time the leaf begins to acquire a rich green and burgundy color. This combination of colors gives the codiaum its unusual appearance.

The foliage of all croton varieties has pronounced veining. They are often painted in contrasting shades. At the same time, the possible unusual appearance of the croton bush, especially at the beginning of the growing season, may be explained by the plant’s tendency to mutations. During this period, its young foliage can take on a particularly unusual shape. This property has allowed breeders to create a large number of hybrid varieties that differ in the shape and color of the foliage.

The flowering of croton is less expressive than the color of its foliage. During this period, the bush forms racemose inflorescences located in the axils. They contain miniature cream flowers.

When purchasing an adult codiaum bush, you should carefully examine it. The foliage should be dense, strong and glossy. The brightness of the veins will indicate the health of the plant. The presence of pits on the trunk are traces of fallen leaves, but there should not be too many of them. In addition, you should take care that the bush does not get too cold on the way home.

CROTON. CARE AND MAINTENANCE. My flowers. My experience.

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In any magazine you can see beautiful photos of a croton flower. How to care for a plant to get the same beautiful tree? The crop requires pruning. By the way, many gardeners neglect it, although pruning is a mandatory part of care. Codium/croton (photo of the flower is given in the article) can have a very beautiful shape if it is formed regularly. Housewives refuse to form a crown due to the poisonous sap of the plant. But this is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that pruning has several functions:

  • Formation of a beautiful tree or bush.
  • Preventing possible depletion of the plant due to lack of nutrients to all shoots.
  • Hygienic procedure for removing damaged and dry leaves and branches.
  • You may be interested in: Watering cyclamen at home: rules for caring for an indoor flower

    Don’t be scared by the plant’s poisonous sap, which won’t interfere with pruning at all. After all, in the end you want to get a beautiful indoor flower. How to care for Croton? When pruning the plant, you must wear gloves that will protect your skin. The juice helps the cuttings to tighten quickly, so the cuttings take root well.

    The pruning procedure must be carried out regularly. After reaching the required height, all stems should be pinned or trimmed. This will activate the growth of dense lateral shoots.

    It is worth saying that care also depends on the age of the plant. Indoor croton flowers are pinched if we are talking about a young bush. On adult specimens, the branches are cut off. After each such procedure, the plant must be treated with stimulants and placed in a greenhouse.

    Please note that when pruning, it is necessary to remove flower buds and inflorescences, if any. Modest flowers do not decorate the bushes at all, but they greatly deplete them, which affects their decorativeness. Pruning plants of different varieties has its own characteristics. As you know, Croton "Petra" does not branch very well. If you want to achieve the splendor of the bush, it is worth planting several bushes in one flowerpot. You can create a wonderful mix. In this case, it is necessary to form each plant separately.

    Pruning of the crop should be done in early spring. It is better to do this before the onset of the active growing season. The first pinching can be done when the plant reaches 15 cm in height. In this case, the upper growth points are cut off. In the future, all shoots are cut when their length reaches 20 cm. This cutting scheme allows you to awaken the lateral buds in order to force the bush to actively branch.

    Forming a beautiful bush is not only about proper pruning. The plant must be regularly rotated relative to the light source. This will avoid one-sided crown. For adult crotons, the cutting area must be treated with crushed charcoal. By the way, cut cuttings can be used to produce new plants.

    How to propagate croton

    Planned transplantation of ficus into a new pot and transplantation after purchase

    The main way to obtain offspring from codiaum is through propagation of exotics using apical cuttings. In spring, a woody shoot measuring about 15 cm in length is cut from an adult plant. For a short time it is placed in a vessel with water and activated carbon dissolved in it, then planted in soil formed by equal parts of sphagnum moss, sand and peat. Cover the top with film. Every day, planting material must be ventilated and sprayed with soft water.

    There are other ways to propagate codiaum. This is the seed method and that of air layering. In the first case, the seeds are sown under glass, having previously been treated with a solution of phytohormones to accelerate germination. In the second, a bare croton branch is taken to the side, covered with earth and, as soon as it takes root in the ground, planted in a separate container.

    Possible problems

    The beauty of the foliage is the main advantage of the indoor croton flower. We told you how to care for it earlier. Compliance with all the rules will avoid problems. If there is something wrong with the plant, look for mistakes made in its care. Eliminating them will help return the bush to its previous state.

    Why do Croton leaves fall off? The flower can shed foliage at the bottom of the trunk. This process is natural. In this case, there is no need to worry if all the other foliage is in order.

    If you notice that the tips of the leaves are drying out, causing them to fall off later, this indicates low humidity levels in the house. The tropical beauty does not have enough moisture, and it dries out.

    When the plant is kept in low temperature conditions, the edges of the leaf plates dry out. Brown spots may also form. This phenomenon occurs if the plant suffers from cold, which leads to leaf fall. A similar picture can be observed when the bush is in a draft.

    If croton does not receive the required amount of moisture through watering for a long time, it begins to dry out en masse and shed its leaves. Since the root system does not receive enough moisture, it cannot provide it to the entire plant.

    Sometimes croton drops its leaves. Why is this happening? This situation is the plant’s reaction to cold. When the roots are cold, they do not supply moisture to the plant. The flower pot must be moved to a sunny, warm place and watering must be arranged. During the periods between moistenings, the soil in the peas should dry out a few centimeters. Until the situation normalizes, you should not feed the plant. It must be sprayed with water and wrapped in a transparent bag.

    Loss of foliage elasticity indicates excessive soil moisture. Abundant and frequent watering does not allow the soil to dry out. Sometimes the stem may even rot. But the most dangerous thing is rotting of the root system. Therefore, it is very important to follow a watering schedule.

    Sometimes crotons don't want to grow at all. Why is this happening? This situation occurs if the plant does not have enough light. For a tropical dweller, the sun is the basis of life. To improve the situation, the pot should be moved to a more illuminated place.

    Sudden leaf fall is possible if the plant is watered with cold water. Croton prefers warm watering. During the cold season, the water needs to be heated a little.

    There is no need to worry if the young leaves on the bush are not decorative. This is normal. New foliage is usually a dull yellow or green color and becomes variegated as it ages.

    Briefly about croton

    Another name for Codiaum is a perennial plant that belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. Quite beautiful, but requires attention and knowledge of care features.

    The name of the flower itself comes from the ancient Greek city and means “head”. There are several versions of the origin of this name, but many are inclined to believe that its authorship belongs to the botanist Georg Rumphis.

    One of the most important questions that every gardener should ask himself when purchasing is: how to replant croton?

    There are several methods, but one of the best is the transfer method - transferring the plant along with a lump of soil into a new container. First, a new drainage layer of charcoal and expanded clay must be placed in the pot.

    Young plants need to be replanted every year, but flowers of older generations should be replanted no more often than once every few years. It is also important to take into account that when replanting, a complete replacement of the soil is not recommended, since the root of the codiaum is very thin and difficult to adapt to changing conditions.

    The flower does not need too large containers; it is important that the root fits and does not bend at the bottom. When choosing a flowerpot, you should focus on both ceramics and plastic. However, there must be holes at the bottom of the container to allow excess water to escape. Otherwise, the root may begin to rot.

    This is a delicate plant that requires special attention. However, if you take into account all the nuances and look after it properly, the flower will certainly please the owner.


    The plant rarely gets sick because it is poisonous. But errors in care can lead to illnesses.

    Sometimes bushes suffer from anthracosis. The disease appears with frequent watering with cold water. A sign of anthracosis are ashy red and gray spots on the foliage. The fungus is very dangerous for the crop. It penetrates the plant tissue and infects it. Diseased bushes must be isolated and treated with an antifungal agent. All plants that have been in contact with croton must be treated with biological products.

    Root rot is no less dangerous. It may appear due to low acidity of the soil. A sign of the disease is paleness and falling leaves. Subsequently, the stems and roots soften. To combat rot, broad-spectrum antifungal substances are used.

    Spider mites can settle on weakened plants. In this case, a thin cobweb appears on the plant. The reason for the appearance of parasites is dry air and lack of watering.

    When a light fluffy coating appears on the foliage, we can say that it is a mealybug. Scale insects can also settle on croton. In this case, spots appear on the foliage. When pests appear, the pot with the plant must be isolated and treated with a soap solution. Afterwards, the foliage must be wiped with vegetable oil. If the bush is heavily damaged by pests, you can use Actellik or insecticides for treatment.


    Codiaum is thermophilic and does not like sudden changes in temperature. The flower reacts to such changes by dropping leaves.

    The optimal temperature for keeping codiaum is considered to be 22-25 °C. The flower does not survive well when the temperature drops below 18 °C.

    The flower requires stable temperatures throughout the year. In winter, it cannot be reduced, as this can lead to loss of leaf mass, which is very difficult to restore.

    Even if it is cold in the apartment in winter, you should not place a pot with a plant near heating radiators. The radiator will create uneven heating, which can cause leaves to yellow and fall off. Place the flower in the part of the room where the temperature is most stable. You should also be wary of cold drafts.

    Instead of an afterword

    Many gardeners consider croton to be a capricious plant. All difficulties with its cultivation arise due to improper care. The slightest mistakes cause a violent reaction. This whimsical, handsome creature is a tropical resident; it is not surprising that it is not easy for him to take root in our area. Croton, with proper care, can grow well in a home for up to ten years. A perennial plant in the hands of experienced gardeners can reach impressive sizes.

    The main value of culture lies in its decorativeness. With proper care, croton pleases with variegated foliage and large leaves. The plant is not prone to disease due to its toxicity. And yet, with a lack of watering and air humidity, crotons can become capricious and get sick. This means that simply following the rules of care will help you avoid trouble.


    Is it necessary to replant Croton after purchase?

    Most of the flowers that arrive on store shelves either arrived from abroad in a specialized substrate for transportation, or were grown in industrial conditions.

    In both cases, the substrate on which the flower grows at the time of purchase is not suitable for long-term cultivation, because:

    • It is not suitable for irrigation and under the influence of water it only gets wet, not allowing the necessary oxygen to pass through;
    • Stopping air access leads to the formation of rot on the roots;
    • On it, during transportation, the plant suffered too much stress, which can negatively affect the condition of the codiaum.

    Trimming / Support / Garter

    The easiest way to form a plant is throughout the year.

    Codiaeum tends to grow a central stem, so to get a compact spherical bush, you should periodically pinch the apical bud.

    Single-stemmed codiaums can be pruned at a height of 15 cm to force them to branch.

    Pruning of adult plants is carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation, or to obtain planting material.

    During spring pruning of an adult branched bush, it is necessary to remove dry and weak branches. Also, if there is a lack of light in winter, the shoots of the plant may stretch. All elongated ugly branches are cut off by 2/3. Strong and very long shoots should also be cut by half or 1/3.

    A properly formed codiaum bush looks like a small lush tree. It does not need support or garter.

    House conditions

    To grow croton (codium), care at home should be close to tropical. These include:

    • Uniform watering throughout the year.
    • Bright lighting.
    • Constant temperatures in summer and winter.
    • High humidity.
    • Nutritious loose soil.

    Croton is a tropical plant, so the best conditions for it will be growing in a winter garden, where the same temperature and humidity are maintained.


    You need to constantly ensure that the soil does not dry out in the pot, but there is no waterlogging. To prevent water stagnation, expanded clay is placed in the pot, which should occupy a third of the container.

    The plant does not like watering with cold water. Because of this, the root system may begin to rot and the flower will die. It is advisable to use soft, warm rainwater, pre-settled for 2 to 3 days.

    All types of croton, when cared for at home, need to wipe the leaves from dust - then the plant can breathe easier. The procedure is carried out with a damp soft cloth.

    You can determine that codiaum needs moisture by its soft, drooping leaves. This condition cannot be allowed, since the plant sheds its lower plates under unsatisfactory care conditions.


    The brighter the light, the more variegated the leaf plates of the croton. In summer it is placed on the sunniest windowsill in the apartment, in winter it is moved to another place as needed.

    In order not to reduce the light level, it is advisable to install additional fluorescent lamps in the winter season. There are special phytolamps with a yellow spectrum of light that are well suited for plants in winter, increasing daylight hours.

    Immediately after purchase or transplantation, the flower is shaded - diffused light is created for it. Croton takes a long time to adapt to new conditions and can get sick, so the sun's rays with a lack of root nutrition cause burns to the leaves.

    The optimal location is east or west. If the croton does not have enough light, it begins to wither, sheds its leaves, and then dies due to lack of photosynthesis and nutrition.


    The most difficult thing in growing and caring for croton at home is maintaining the temperature range - from 20 to 24 degrees. The extremely low threshold is considered to be 17 degrees. With this regime, all life processes in the tissues stop and the flower begins to hurt due to lack of nutrition.

    Above 24 degrees is also unfavorable for croton. If the climate is hot, then the plant needs to be sprayed frequently or a household humidifier installed near the codiaum. This compensates for the heat. In summer, it is recommended to bathe more often, but at the same time cover the soil with film so as not to cause waterlogging.

    The location of the croton on the windowsill, under which the radiators are located, has a bad effect. In this case, even regular spraying and humidification of the air does not help much, since the air dries out quickly. There must always be water in the pan to evaporate and create the required humidity.

    The soil

    The soil for planting must be nutritious and loose, so the best option is to purchase a universal composition for deciduous or flowering ornamental plants in the store. You can make your own soil mixture:

    • The first composition is to add bark or substrate for planting orchids to the universal soil for drainage, as well as pieces of moss for looseness. For organic nutrition, add a glass of rotted manure (not fresh). Charcoal is a good sorbent. It eliminates all harmful substances and salts that can enter with water during irrigation. Before adding to the soil, coal must be crushed and mixed with the soil mixture.
    • Sand calcined in the oven, peat bought in a store, garden soil and fertilizers - preferably organic.
    • Compost and peat in equal proportions, as well as garden soil and sand.

    All mixtures must first be calcined in order to destroy the larvae and eggs of parasites that can damage the root system.

    For planting, a thick layer of crushed stone, broken red brick, river pebbles is laid on the bottom, and perlite, vermiculite or small stone is added to the soil itself. These components remove liquid well from the roots without affecting the overall moisture content.


    Maintaining the required level of humidity in summer or autumn is not difficult. Just in case, it is recommended to buy a moisture meter and make sure that the moisture level in the air is above 50%. When the heating devices are turned on, this indicator will begin to fall, and the leaves of the codiaum or croton will begin to shed.

    For wintering, you need to choose a bright, warm place and periodically spray the leaves and air around the plant. In the summer-autumn period, you can bathe the croton once every 2 weeks, covering the soil.

    Video: Secrets of caring for croton

    In winter, bathing is carried out once a month. If dust accumulates on leaves, it can cause photosynthesis to deteriorate and leaves to drop. Harmful substances accumulate in the dust, and mites, which are very fond of crotons, can also appear.


    Caring for croton at home includes monthly fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. From April to November - during the active growing season - the plant is fed twice a month. In winter, once is enough.

    What can be used:

    • In spring and summer - complex mixtures consisting of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus for the growth of foliage and new shoots.
    • In autumn, the need for nitrogen disappears, but potassium and phosphorus are needed to support the roots.

    To maintain soil fertility, use organic solutions of mullein or bird droppings, diluted many times, so as not to cause burns to the roots by the methane gas released during decomposition.

    The croton flower loves fertilizing and responds with the rapid formation of foliage and shoots, especially with the correct molding of the crown.

    After purchasing fertilizer for cacti and succulents, you need to read the instructions for dosage and frequency of use. Before watering with a nutrient solution, you must first moisten the soil, let the plant drink, then fertilize it.

    Croton pests and diseases


    Nematodes, spider mites, mealybugs and scale insects can settle on croton. However, most often it suffers from spider mites, and experts cannot say for sure why this happens and why this flower is so attractive to this pest. In some cases, having tried all the methods to combat mites and failed, the gardener decides to get rid of the diseased plant. However, do not forget that if you follow all the rules of care, then pests will not settle on your flower. And the most common reasons for the appearance of mites on a plant are irregular watering, insufficiently high air humidity, as well as unsystematic wiping of leaf blades. To get rid of mealybugs, spider mites or scale insects, use a tobacco solution to which soap is added; it is used to wipe the above-ground parts of the bush. After 60–90 min. After treatment, the composition must be carefully washed off the plant, but it should not get into the soil mixture.

    Possible problems

    If you make mistakes in caring for croton, various problems can arise, for example:

    1. The leaves of the bush have fallen. If the croton's leaf plates have drooped, this indicates that it cannot absorb moisture. This happens because the root system is in the cold. Such a bush must be moved to a well-lit and warm place; water it only after the top layer of the soil mixture has dried several centimeters deep; fertilizing should be stopped for a while. After the foliage is well moistened from the sprayer, you need to put a transparent cap or bag on the bush.
    2. The bush is drying up. If only the lower leaf plates of a flower dry out, then this is a completely natural process, as a result of which the lower part of the stem is exposed. If the air humidity is not high enough, then the tips of the leaves of croton dry out; it should be taken into account that the optimal humidity level for it is about 70 percent. If brown spots form on the foliage and drying of its edges is observed, this means that the room is cold and the bush is freezing. Drying and flying of leaves is associated with excessively infrequent or scanty watering.
    3. Flying leaves. It was already mentioned above that the falling of leaf blades may be due to improper watering or excessively low air humidity. A bush can also shed its leaves if the room is very cold, it is exposed to a draft, or due to sudden changes in temperature. What to do if the bush begins to shed its leaves? Remember the rules for caring for such a plant and understand where you made a mistake, and then try to correct it.

    Codiaum (Croton). Capricious Plant and Tips for Its Maintenance

    Watch this video on YouTube

    Frequently asked questions about growing croton?

    Poor growth of croton is usually due to poor lighting. Light is critical for the growth of croton, so in winter it grows much worse than in summer.

    Why do croton leaves dry out?

    Why does croton shed its leaves and what to do?

    There is no need to worry if the croton periodically sheds its leaves - this is a natural process for many plants, but if the croton sheds many leaves at once, this may be the result of poor watering, insufficient air humidity, sudden temperature changes, unfertilized soil or spider mites.

    Is Croton poisonous?

    Croton juice is poisonous. Its entry into the gastrointestinal tract causes vomiting and loose stools, and contact with the skin can cause dermatitis

    You should handle the plant carefully, and after any operations with it it is recommended to wash your hands

    Croton's natural habitat and conditions

    The codiaum flower grows in the tropical regions of Eastern India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Taiwan, where the heat and humidity are high all year round. Within the species there are obvious differences in the color and shape of the leaf blade, since the conditions are different based on the geographical location. The leaf shape of the croton plant can be spiral, corrugated, double, similar to oak leaves.

    Under natural conditions, precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year, so when caring for croton at home, it is necessary to maintain constant soil moisture.

    It has been noticed that if codiaum grows in a sunny place, its color is brighter. If in the shade, there is more green tone on the leaves. Sudden temperature changes in the room negatively affect the formation of the color of the sheet plate.

    Diseases and pests of croton, methods of combating them

    Croton is a poisonous plant, so it is very rarely attacked by pests and parasites, but improper care or improper placement of the flower in the apartment leads to the fact that the plant is often exposed to various diseases.

    • Drying leaf tips are caused by poor watering of the plant or direct exposure to sunlight in the summer.
    • Improper care of the plant also leads to the spread of various parasites. Most often, non-diseased plants are parasitized by spider mites; poor, irregular moisture leads to attack by mealybugs (hairy lice) or scale insects.
    • to control parasites . They should be used only in accordance with the instructions, otherwise you can irreversibly damage the plant. If the treatment does not help, the plant continues to dry out and grows poorly, it is necessary to treat again.

    Almost all croton diseases are associated with irregular watering or poor air humidity. If you regularly monitor the humidity of the earthen clod and the air, then no problems with diseases or parasites will arise, because the latter are a sure sign of problems with the plant itself. In order to maintain the regular required air humidity, you can purchase a humidifier and place it next to the plant, protecting it (croton), at the same time, from the effects of heating appliances in your home.

    Frequently asked questions when growing croton

    Beginning gardeners encounter various difficulties when growing croton. Proper plant care will help to avoid this.

    Why does croton shed its leaves and what to do? Don’t worry that leaves sometimes fall off the croton. This is considered a completely natural process. If the plant sheds too many leaves, the cause may be improper watering, insufficiently humid air, or sudden temperature fluctuations. Nutritional deficiencies or spider mite attacks also lead to problems.

    Why do the tips of croton leaves dry out? Dry leaves may be due to irregular watering or insufficiently humid air. To avoid such problems, you need to systematically moisten the soil and spray the leaves of the crop. It is worth considering that insufficient soil moisture provokes the appearance of parasites and other problems.

    Why can't Croton be kept at home? Croton should not be kept in a house with pets. The plant has poisonous sap that can harm pets. It is worth considering that this liquid can cause severe skin irritation. Therefore, you should wear gloves when caring for the plant.

    It is believed that croton is able to absorb negative energy. It is worth growing for those people who lack determination or want to always maintain a good mood.

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