Why does anthurium not bloom at home and how to make it bloom?

What do fantasies lead to?

Why is this pretty flower called that? Most likely, the name “male happiness” was invented by a man with a wild imagination. He was prompted to this idea by a protruding cob, very similar to what the entire male population is proud of. What is it actually called? It is called “Anthurium”, but in everyday life it can be called “tail flower”, flamingo flower, devil’s tongue or pig’s tail.

This pet is a rather whimsical plant, so caring for it is special. He is afraid of drafts, can burn from direct sunlight, loves a lot of light, so in winter he needs lighting. The bush should not be kept near heating radiators.

Antarium does not tolerate dry air; spraying it 2 times a day will give it pleasure. At home, it is important to maintain air humidity of at least 60%, which means there should be a humidifier or an aquarium nearby, or you can install a fountain. It is necessary to carry out proper watering: in summer 1 time per week, in winter – 1-2 times per month. For watering, use settled water.

What does this flower mean? An elegant bouquet is a symbol of passion for a woman, courage, strength, freedom, which is why it is often given to men for the holidays.

Time and duration of anthurium flowering at home

The exotic plant blooms for the first time after planting in a pot in the second or third year of life. Usually, every year in indoor conditions, anthurium begins to produce its inflorescences in the second half of February. The last bud fades in early April. On average, the plant should bloom from 1.5 to 2 months. However, in some cases, this period may change due to varietal characteristics and maintenance conditions.

Due to temperature changes, the flower also does not bloom.

Answers to flower growers' questions

All flower growers are interested in the main question:

How to care for it to bloom? As soon as it starts to bloom, it needs to be shaded; it likes timely replanting even in a blooming state. To bloom in winter, reduce air humidity.

And if the anthurium does not want to bloom, what should you do?

  • feed regularly, adding pine needles
  • avoid illnesses due to overflow
  • Do not frequently move the pot with anthurium from place to place
  • cut off faded buds
  • do not overfeed with fertilizers
  • provide air humidity

How to cut off faded buds? Cut off the entire peduncle at the root, then a new calyx will appear in its place.

Why doesn't it bloom or bloom small flowers? The reasons are the same:

  • incorrect lighting.
  • improper watering.
  • incorrect soil composition.

The mixture for a green pet should include humus, charcoal, particles of bark and sphagnum. Lowland peat should not be used.

Why do flowers dry up? Perhaps this is simple fading, as it should be. The cause may be dry air or insufficient watering.

Why do flowers turn green? This is a sign that they have faded, which is also normal.

Why does the flower not open ? This phenomenon can also worry novice flower growers. You waited for the buds, were already happy, but they still didn’t open. This phenomenon is observed due to insufficient humidity around the bush and nutritional deficiency.

If the soil has dried out between waterings, and the room is dry and hot, then there is not enough moisture for the growing buds and they dry out. Keep an eye on the humidity.

Many are perplexed, they take care, and why doesn’t their green pet bloom ? Transplant the bush into new soil, dividing it into 3-4 parts. You will soon see lush blooms!

The purchased anthurium stopped blooming

Beginning lovers of tropical plants are often faced with the fact that the recently purchased anthurium, which was amazed by the abundance of flower stalks, has stopped blooming. At the same time, new foliage is not visible on the green pet. How to help the plant, improve its health and make the anthurium bloom again?

Such a specimen, first of all, needs to be replanted and allowed to gain strength. From industrial plantations to the shelves, most indoor plants come in shipping pots and a small amount of peat soil, generously flavored with fertilizers and chemicals. These products, the supply of which is designed for a couple of months, make indoor anthurium bloom. But neither the roots nor the above-ground part, which also supplies food, develops. If urgent measures are not taken, the plant becomes depleted and often dies.

After transplantation, the pet needs several months to strengthen and build up the root mass. If you maintain proper conditions, then in the spring the long-awaited flower stalks will appear on the anthurium.

Sometimes flower growers cannot wait for the flowering of young plants that previously did not please their owners with bright inflorescences. To provoke such indoor anthurium to form buds, you can use the methods used in greenhouses.

In late autumn or early winter, anthurium is placed in a room with a temperature of 16–20 °C. Such a room should be light, and if necessary, artificial lighting should not be abandoned. The plant needs regular watering, but not as much as in the summer months, when the air is noticeably warmer. The soil should be moist, but under no circumstances wet.

After 1.5–2 months, when the crown is replenished with new shoots, the anthurium is transferred to a warm place and watering is increased. The optimal temperature for this period is 22–24 °C. An anthurium that has not bloomed before will certainly produce its first flower stalk. And subsequent flowering, if you do not forget about proper care and comfort for the anthurium, will last about six or eight weeks.

How does male happiness bloom?

The plant blooms beautiful glossy red flowers with a cob in the middle, which do not fade for a month. How to replant a flower at home?

  1. Immediately after purchase, the plant must be replanted, even if it is in flowers. Without replanting, the leaves will begin to turn black and the buds will fade.
  2. Very carefully remove the bush from the pot.
  3. Remove soil from the roots.
  4. Place calcined expanded clay in a new pot
  5. Pour soil consisting of turf soil and leaf humus.
  6. Place the bush, add soil so that it is 2-3 cm above the rhizome, press lightly with your hands.
  7. Water the plant and spray the leaves.

When transplanting, you can also reproduce it:

  • Separate the side shoots from the main bush.
  • Plant each shoot in a flowerpot with new soil and water.

Reproduction method


, as a rule, are planted when it has already grown and daughter stems appear around it. This procedure is done when replanting a plant, so as not to expose it to stress again.

It is necessary to carefully separate the side plants from the main one, while simultaneously trying to untangle the roots so that they cannot be injured.

If you accidentally damage the root system, it should be treated with activated carbon dissolved in water for disinfection. After this, all the steps will follow as when transplanting a plant.

Transplanting a plant

Anthurium must be constantly replanted

The most suitable time for replanting it is spring (usually this is done in mid-March), and you should not pay attention to the fact that the plant has produced a peduncle. In the first five years, Anthurium is replanted annually

Afterwards, you need to focus on the condition of the flower, as a rule, this is once every three or four years.

If you do not constantly replant the flower, its leaves may begin to change color and even begin to turn black. And the peduncle of the plant may become small and soon begin to wither.

For normal plant transplantation, you must strictly follow the basic rules:

1. The plant at the base should be grasped with your hand and pulled out of the pot.

2. The soil remaining between the roots must be removed with a wooden stick.

3. Now you should wash the roots in water. Just be very careful when doing this, as the roots and the plant itself are very fragile. It is best to use a basin.

4. Next, you should stimulate the growth of the root system. To do this, you need to dissolve half a Heteroauxin tablet in two and a half liters of water and immerse the flower in the resulting solution for approximately two and a half hours.

5. Now you should prepare a flowerpot for replanting Anthurium

. First of all, a layer of drainage is poured: expanded clay, broken polystyrene foam, pieces of broken brick.

6. Next, add a layer of suitable soil mixture. Moisten it a little to shrink.

7. Now you need to place the flower in the middle of the container and fill the soil on the sides of the stem, while compacting it tightly with your hand. Approximately one and a half fingers thick of soil should be poured over the very base of the roots. If you don't take this step, your plant may simply die.

8. It remains to water the Anthurium

and spray it with anti-stress solution for plants (Epin-Extra).

Flower diseases Male happiness

An indoor pet can be susceptible to various diseases. Diseases:

  • Black tips of leaves - excess lime in the soil;
  • Leaves turn yellow due to lack of moisture or damage from orange aphids; treat with a solution of pyrethrum, actellik or karbofos.
  • Dark spots on flowers indicate low air temperature that lasts for a long time;
  • Cracks on the shoots, and dark spots on the leaves - mealybugs have infested. How to cure? Treat with Karbofos.
  • Sticky coating on the leaves - scale insects have started, wipe the leaves with a sponge soaped with laundry soap or treat with 2% Karbofos
  • The yellowness of the leaves and gray coating is gray rot, which appears from stagnation of moisture in the soil. How to save from rot? Treat with Topsin.
  • If the leaves are covered with a brown coating with dark spots, and their edges have a light border, then remove the diseased foliage and treat the anthurium itself with a weak solution of copper sulfate.

Anthurium: signs and superstitions for men and women

Anthurium for men

Thanks to this plant, men's sexual problems can be solved, as it helps restore and strengthen men's health.

There are also signs and superstitions that anthurium allows you to get rid of alcohol addiction, smoking, and gluttony

Signs for women

It turns out that for women this flower is a real gift of fate. Where an unmarried girl or a lonely lady lives, male energy rushes in a stream, and the problem is solved by itself. And, by the way, the future spouse will be a very worthy person.

If the action of anthurium has already worked, then a girl who got married or started living with a young man needs to acquire another flower that acts as an ally of anthurium - spathiphyllum. This plant is also called “female happiness”, and its effect is to complement and enhance the magic of anthurium.

Signs for the family

In many Latin American countries, it is customary to give it as a wedding gift, which will remind the spouse that he is the protector of his family. Anthurium also gives its owners vitality.

And if you place the flower of male and female happiness side by side, then there will be complete mutual understanding in the family, even if the family was torn apart by quarrels and conflicts. Take care of flowers, talk to them. Well-groomed flowers will attract financial stability and prosperity to your home.

Anthurium has the greatest magical power during its flowering. Domestic representatives of such plants bloom infrequently. The anthurium has bloomed - a good omen, this is a sign of fate - the head of the family, and often all household members, have a white streak.

Also, a flower given by someone will bring much more benefit than one bought by the man himself. It is recommended to have it at home for couples with a hot temper and excessive emotionality.

Anthurium is able to absorb the negativity that hovers in the air of the room, thereby bringing harmony and happiness into the house.

Signs associated with the flower Male happiness:

  • It has been noticed that if Anthurium is in the home, then people’s strength increases, illnesses recede, this is how its powerful energy works.
  • People don't suffer from depression.
  • The plant presented as a gift is endowed with the strongest energy. That's why men are given this miracle.

Tricks used to stimulate flowering

If following all the rules of care and avoiding violations when growing a flower does not give the expected result, and the anthurium does not bloom, there are several tricks developed and tested by experienced flower growers:

  1. A month before the start of the growing season, it is necessary to water the roots of the plant generously with settled warm water at 40–50°C. This one-time shake will help start the flowering process.
  2. Disruption of the photosynthesis process can lead to the cessation of flowering. The deficiency of lighting and microelements can be compensated by treating the soil with a mixture of iron sulfate.
  3. The use of specialized phytolamps will help resolve the issue of the appearance of the long-awaited flower of “male happiness.”

By using such tricks, you will improve the condition of the plant, and also achieve the birth of a beautiful, bright and exotic flower.

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