Description and characteristics of bush lily varieties, planting and care in open ground

Lilies, captivating with their amazing aroma, are not inferior in elegance and beauty to the rose, which is called the queen of gardens. The flower, which grows from a bulb, like tulips and hyacinths, unites numerous species and varieties into a family; it is found naturally in western China, Burma, southern Tibet, and grows naturally in North America. For a long time, Russian flower growers and hobbyists did not dare to grow lilies, considering this ornamental crop too demanding. Hybrid varieties, created by breeders from different countries, are accepted in unfavorable conditions, delight with an abundance of shades, and captivate with their sophisticated and refined appearance.

What colors are there?

Depending on the variety, the height of the ornamental crop ranges from 50 cm to 2 meters. On the long stem of lilies there are narrow lanceolate leaves, at the top buds are formed in the form of:

  • bell;
  • calyxes;
  • funnels;
  • tubes;
  • stars;
  • turbans.

The variety of colors and shades of the petals, forming graceful corollas, amazes. In addition to white, yellow, pink, crimson, lilac, black, purple, and apricot lilies, there are varieties with specks that are scattered throughout the flower, in some places, and differ in shape, size, and color.


When crossing wild lilies that are found in the foothills, in forest clearings, on slopes covered with grass, more than 2 thousand hybrids of a perennial crop appeared, which caused confusion among breeders when classifying a flower as a lily species, causing difficulties in choosing varieties for cultivation among amateurs and gardeners.

Jan de Graaf, who himself was engaged in breeding flowers, decided to divide the decorative culture into groups. The classification of lilies, created by an American breeder, in which plants are grouped based on origin, was accepted as international in 1964 and is used now, but clarifications and additions have been made. Lilies that are included in the same group require the same or similar conditions for breeding.

The classification consists of 9 sections, which include varieties and types of lilies, which are combined into 8 groups among them:

  • American;
  • tubular;
  • long-flowered;
  • eastern;
  • Asian;
  • curly;
  • snow-white.

The ninth section of the international qualification is devoted to wild lilies that are found in natural conditions and cultivated ones that are used in gardening and landscape design.

Group 8, called interspecific hybrids, includes representatives of the Liliaceae family that were not included in the previous sections, which differ in smell, different number of flowers, and variety of shades.

How to protect flowers from diseases and pests

Bush lilies are occasionally damaged by viral and fungal diseases and pests:

  • Viral diseases. They are considered the most dangerous, since they not only damage lilies, but also quickly spread throughout the entire area. Most often, gardeners encounter the tobacco and cucumber mosaic virus. The first signs of damage are yellowing of the foliage, which subsequently looks more and more lethargic and begins to curl. To prevent the spread of viruses, immediately cut off the affected leaves using a disinfected tool. The cut sites are treated with crushed activated carbon tablets.
  • Fungal. They appear when the watering regime is incorrect and the area is not ventilated. First of all, a white coating resembling moss appears on the stems; if this symptom is not responded to in time, the bulb is affected and the plant dies. If signs of fungus appear, lilies are treated with any fungicidal preparation once a week until the culture is completely cured.
  • The most common insects found on lilies are aphids and the lily beetle. If there are not many pests, you can get by using folk remedies - infusion of nettle, garlic, red pepper, green soap, wiping the leaves with a low concentration alcohol solution. In the case when the insects have managed to breed, you cannot do without the use of acaricidal drugs - “Aktara”, “Aktellik”.

Cultivated species

Lily varieties created by breeders fill gardens and parks with aroma, are used to decorate floral arrangements, and decorate country and suburban areas.


One of the most numerous groups of ornamental crops includes lilies, which are characterized by resistance to fungal diseases and take root in climates where winter temperatures drop to -30°. Among Asian hybrids there are varieties both 50 cm tall and taller than one and a half meters. The flowers in this group love sunny areas, grow well on neutral fertile soils, on soils with low acidity, bloom profusely in one place for 4 years, open buds at the end of June.

The bowl-shaped corollas surprise with their variety of colors; there are varieties with black and tricolor petals. In funnel-shaped lilies, bell-shaped flowers are directed to the sides, in cuboid lilies - upward.

Hybrids resulting from crossing Asian species of bulbous perennials do not require special care and are easily propagated. Represent a group of lily varieties:

  • Sphinx with double flowers of a rich red hue;
  • Fata Morgana with bright yellow corollas with a diameter of 16 cm;
  • Brushmark with contrasting spots on the petals, reminiscent of a brush stroke.
  • Santander with graceful snow-white flowers.

Asiatic lilies react negatively to the addition of excess organic matter and die when moisture stagnates. The disadvantage of garden flowers combined in a group is considered to be the lack of smell.

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Curly hybrids obtained from 5 species of lilies, which are common in Europe, are found in the north and east of Asia, where they create picturesque massifs and are distinguished by their high growth. The varieties that are presented in the group called Martagon attract attention with elegant pyramidal-shaped inflorescences, consisting of 30 or even 50 small corollas with upward-curved petals, creating the effect of a floating cloud.

On the early varieties of curly lilies, the buds, painted in scarlet, orange, peach shades, and pure white, bloom at the end of June, captivating with a delicate aroma in which cold notes are felt.

Among the Martagon hybrids, gardeners choose for growing:

  • Terrace City with wax petals forming a golden turban;
  • Claude Schride with many wine-colored flowers and bright orange anthers;
  • Arabian Knight with burgundy and chocolate buds.

Curly small lilies tolerate 25-degree frosts and grow not only in the sun, but also in the shade. When moisture stagnates, martagons are affected by fusarium.


They require shelter for the winter, are demanding in terms of care, soil and lighting, varieties of white lilies with inflorescences in the shape of a cone or pyramid, crowned with a brush. The tubular corollas of candidum, blooming 30 pieces on one stem, are distinguished by the correct symmetry of the lines, which seems to be emphasized by golden anthers.

Snow-white flowers, reaching a length and diameter of 12 cm, envelop even remote corners of the garden with a fragrant aroma and amaze with their sophisticated appearance in reality and in the photo. Candidum is used to decorate recreation areas, create ceremonial compositions, and romantic ensembles.

A representative of the group called Apollo grows up to 1.2 m in height; black dots stand out in the middle of the tubular flowers, which bloom in June and reach a diameter of 12 cm.


Hybrids, whose ancestors grew wild in the prairies on grassy slopes and the edges of deciduous forests of North America, are demanding of care, require shelter for the winter, regular irrigation, and love shaded areas. The stem of these lilies reaches a height of 2 m. The tubular flowers or bells of American hybrids amaze with a variety of shades; in many varieties, the entire petal is dotted with large specks or painted in 2 colors. The brightest representative of the group, called Afterglow, is distinguished by its 2-meter height, crimson corollas, on the petals of which there are dark spots, which are clearly visible even in the photo.


Hybrid forms that come from lilies that are naturally found in the tropical climate of the Japanese Islands, in temperate latitudes, take root only in greenhouses, are grown in pots, are not adapted to the cold, and reproduce only vegetatively. The corollas of long-flowered lilies, whose stem height rarely exceeds 1 m, enchant with their graceful form, snow-white color, delicate aroma that fills the space, and look great in bouquets

The variety called White Haven, which, like many representatives of the group, blooms twice a year - in June and autumn, the middle of the snow-white corolla is green, the buds droop, the petals curl slightly.

Tubular and Orleans

Yellow, pink, orange, cream lilies with elongated and cuboid-shaped flowers, the inside of which is lighter than the outside, were obtained by breeders by crossing different types of perennials with tubular inflorescences. Plants overwinter normally in cold climates, are resistant to viruses and fungal diseases, but are afraid of spring frosts.

One bulb of Orleans hybrids produces 2 stems with racemose inflorescences up to 18 cm long. A variety called African Queen, growing up to 140 cm in height, attracts gardeners with its rich aroma, bright apricot hue, and petals decorated with brown strokes.

Interspecific hybrids

Lilies that were not included in the previous 7 groups are combined in section 8. The first letters in the name of hybrids, which are bulbous plants with original and very beautiful flowers, indicate the species from which they originated - long-flowered, oriental, Asian.

Many varieties of lilies, classified in a group called interspecific hybrids, bloom twice a year, grow in temperate latitudes without shelter, exhibit increased frost resistance, and do not require special care.

La hybrids

Plant forms obtained by complex crossing of Asian and long-flowered varieties, with the correct choice of variety, are accepted and bloom in central Russia. La hybrids, which were first presented at the exhibition in 1990, do not require shelter in frosty winters, are unpretentious in care, and are similar in biological characteristics to Asian varieties.

Terry lilies with large flowers with a diameter of 18 to 25 cm, directed upwards or to the sides and consisting of dense petals, are used for cutting and forcing, and are planted in pots.

La hybrids emit a light and pleasant aroma, have a variety of colors from white and pink to combined, varieties with specks have been bred, changing color with age.

OT hybrids

By crossing oriental and tubular plant species, breeders managed to create a large number of varieties with large flowers and strong shoots up to 180 cm high.

On one stem, OT hybrids form up to 30 buds of various colors, which, when blooming, spread an aroma reminiscent of the smell of trumpet lilies, but more delicate. Flowers are grown in the garden, placed next to fruit trees, and used for cutting.

Lo hybrids

By triple crossing capricious long-flowered species that do not take root well in open ground, and oriental hybrid forms adapted for cultivation in temperate climates, a group of varieties called Lo hybrids was created. Flowers up to 150 cm high have powerful shoots, on which long leaves with a glossy shine are densely located.

Lo hybrids differ in the color of the buds and the shape of the flower, but they also have common features:

  • do not tolerate stagnation of moisture;
  • does not require transplantation until 7 years of age;
  • grow in sun and partial shade.

The characteristics of the variety are influenced by which type of lily was dominant during the crossing. Plants are grown in different regions of Russia, but in Siberia and the Urals, where the summer is short, the flowers bloom no earlier than July. When there is a sharp cold snap, lilies become infected with a fungal infection; in severe frosts in winter they often freeze even under cover.

OA hybrids

They feel comfortable in mid-latitudes, reproduce easily, and practically do not get sick from plants that have adopted unpretentiousness and resistance to frost from Asian species; they have borrowed the graceful flower shape and velvet petals from the Eastern species. OA hybrids have appeared recently and are not yet pleasing with the number of varieties and variety of shades; they are mainly presented in orange, yellow, and pink. The flowers are not as large as the oriental varieties that took part in complex crossings, but they last a long time when cut.

The best varieties combined into OA hybrids include Kavery, which attracts attention because the elegant petals that form a large flower have a crimson color that first turns orange and acquires an amber tint at the tips.

Blue varieties

Often, online stores selling flowers offer customers to familiarize themselves with a catalog where varieties of lilies are presented with photos and names. In addition to plants with inflorescences of yellow, burgundy, purple, pink or lilac colors, there are also original, but still not bred, blue lilies. Japanese breeders are working on the creation of such flower varieties, which they promise to show their creation to the world in the near future.

Craftsmen from stores process photographs in programs to obtain a blue tint, offering customers blue lilies that do not exist in nature, were not created by breeders, but look amazing in the photo.

Tiger varieties of lilies

Although orange, white, red, and lilies are grown more often in summer cottages and suburban areas than other varieties of decorative perennials, tiger varieties with drooping flowers about 10 cm in diameter, consisting of speckled fiery red or yellow petals, are becoming popular among gardeners.

Hybrid forms up to 1.2 m high called Tigrinum, obtained by crossing the tiger lily with other members of the family, form double flowers of a pastel shade, which bloom in the second half of summer. Heat-loving varieties with original colors in the middle zone need shelter for the winter and are often grown in pots.

Wild varieties of lilies

Species-specific bulbous perennials appeared without the participation of breeders, were created by nature and grow in forests, swampy areas, on mountain slopes, in dachas and gardens and take root when similar conditions are created.

The wild variety, named after the writer O Henry, grows up to 2 m and forms inflorescences consisting of 2 dozen buds. Light green stripes will stand out on the yellow and orange petals.

The curly lily is distinguished by its turban-shaped pink-lilac corollas, dotted with dark specks.

By mid-June, an erect, densely leafy perennial called Daurian lily blooms on the slopes of hills, tall grass meadows and forest edges. Flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter, are formed by bent red, orange, yellow petals with small spots, collected in inflorescences of 3–5 pieces.

Tree lily plants

By crossing tubular and oriental species of perennial, Canadian breeders created a plant of striking beauty and elegance, reaching a height of 2.5 m. The shoots of the lily tree reveal many fragrant pink corollas with a diameter of 30 cm, consisting of tubular or turban-shaped petals.

Caring for euonymus in the garden

For the most part, euonymus is unpretentious, but some species can put forward their own requirements for growing conditions. The size of the plant depends on the species; almost all of them bloom in May-June, but the main beauty occurs in the autumn, when the foliage acquires fabulous shades, and some species become multi-colored, making them look even more elegant.

Pruning euonymus in autumn

Watering mode

The plant should not be over-watered; it is enough to water as needed when the top layer of soil dries out. In autumn and spring, when there is a lot of natural precipitation, the bush should not be watered at all. Overmoistening can have a bad effect on the condition of the euonymus root system.

Top dressing

The bush should be fed three times a year. First, during the awakening period of the plant - in the spring - nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used. During the flowering period, during the hottest period, you should give the plant a complex mineral fertilizer that will support it in extreme heat. In autumn, it is best to use phosphorus-potassium mixtures for feeding. Humus in the autumn will also be a good help and will help preserve the root system in the cold season.

Pruning and shaping the euonymus bush

All euonymuses tolerate crown molding well, and some species are in dire need of it. At the same time, the decorative nature of the plant will be preserved and unusual colors will look even more impressive. After cutting, the plant begins to actively produce young shoots and becomes denser and more beautiful.

Note! Euonymus is cut into different shapes; they can be spherical, conical, elliptical, and also take on a standard appearance. It is best to prune in late autumn or early spring.

In summer, you should only cut off the stray ends of the sprouts, but do not do a big haircut.

Preparing for winter

There are a large number of species of euonymus that can easily withstand winters and do not require shelter. Despite this, it is better to protect young plants (up to 3 years) from frost and cover the roots with mulch of sawdust, spruce branches or fallen leaves. Some species are best grown only in the southern regions.


You should also take care of the health of the plant; if it is affected by powdery mildew, treatment with a suitable fungicide is suitable. Euonymus is very fond of various pests, and therefore you need to constantly monitor its health. It is best to protect the plant from attack by aphids, thrips or spider mites by pre-treating it with special products, which are sold in large quantities in stores.

Euonymus is translated from Latin as “beautiful,” which is very appropriate for the plant. In Moscow and the Moscow region it is quite possible to grow it in personal plots.

Shelter for the winter

Every gardener will be able to choose an euonymus for himself and his garden; these plants are numerous, varied, decorative and unpretentious. They can decorate any garden, fence, border or path. The landscape will be transformed, and the garden will sparkle with all the shades of autumn. The natural beauty of the plant will not leave anyone indifferent.

Description of the best varieties and their shades

Looking through photos of lilies, captivating with their graceful large flowers, it is difficult to determine which of them are the most beautiful, and people have different tastes. Some people like varieties with tall stems and rare purple, chocolate, lilac flowers, others are attracted to white lilies, which look exquisite in a bouquet.

The Lionheart, which is an Asian species, is recognized by its purple color, which appears black at the base and turns yellow at the tips of the petals. The peduncle, growing up to 80 cm, consists of 8 or 10 corollas that bloom gradually.

Marlene is no less beautiful than her name. On an elegant stem that grows up to a meter in height, in the first half of summer, delicate flowers open, consisting of beige petals with rich pink edges.

The Magic Star, which is considered one of the best varieties of lilies representing the eastern group, is distinguished by:

  • the original structure of the flower;
  • lush buds consisting of wavy petals;
  • combination of pink and white colors;
  • presence of dark spots.

The lily, to which Canadian breeders gave the name Northern Carillon, forms up to 20 flowers with a diameter of 30 cm on one stem. The tips of the pastel pink petals are bent like bells.

Shocking, which is used for cutting and for decorating flower beds and compositions, pleases not only with a large number of pale yellow flowers with a red center, but also with dense foliage.

A variety called Indian Diamond, growing up to one and a half meters in height, forms an orange inflorescence at the top of the stem, consisting of 7–9 buds, which, when cut, produces an elegant bouquet.

When studying before purchasing bulbs for planting lily varieties, photos and names of which are presented in the store catalogue, summer residents and gardeners often choose:

Barbados with large flowers forming pink petals decorated with a white border;

Casablanca with elegant buds, turning into snow-white corollas, forming a luxurious inflorescence;

Cab Dazzle with a rich yellow color and small inclusions at the base.

Dwarf lilies, which are often grown in containers and pots, are planted in the foreground of flower beds, placed in groups in tubs, and bloom profusely indoors in winter. Lily Mona Lisa, which is considered one of the most attractive low-growing varieties, surprises with the size of fragrant flowers, reaching a diameter of 20 cm; the soft pink petals of which they are composed are decorated with a white border and dotted with crimson specks.

Marlene, or Marlene. Description

This variety of Asian lily hybrids is distinguished by abundant flowering, which occurs in June or July. The stem of the plant is light green and very powerful. Its height reaches from 80 to 100 centimeters. The leaves are pointed, their size is about 13 - 15 centimeters. More than a hundred buds can form on one stem. This is because Marlene lilies carry a mutation that allows multiple stems to grow together. Interestingly, the appearance of a large number of flowers does not always occur. Some representatives do not have the mutation. In other individuals, multicolor does not appear immediately, but in the second or third year.

Asiatic lily Marlene has beautiful flowers, their diameter reaches 20 centimeters. Their coloring is very delicate. The base of the petals is crepe and the tips are deep pink. There are red specks in the center. This suggests that the plant belongs to a group called Tango.

Truths and myths about modern hybrid varieties

By the beginning of the 21st century, there were 110 species of lilies, 10 thousand varieties, but breeders continue to work on creating new forms. The flowers of garden plants come in a variety of shades, but the blue and dark blue lilies that are offered to customers at the market or in a store do not actually exist. There are no columnar or pyramidal hybrids, and varieties of lines that have changed the shape of flowers as a result of mutation are passed off as spherical varieties.

Medicinal herbs that are found in nature relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, accelerate wound healing; varietal lilies and hybrid forms are ornamental crops and do not provide a therapeutic effect; they are not used in medicine.

Short description

  • Lilies are popular bulbous plants with stems topped with beautiful flowers in bunches or umbels.
  • The bulb is made of overlapping scales growing from the heel. The scales act as a warehouse that accumulates nutrients.
  • There is usually only one shoot growing from a bulb. The leaves on the shoot can be placed in a spiral or opposite each other.
  • The most important, from the point of view of the garden owner, are flowers that have a variety of cups and crowns.
  • The flower has long stamens, at the ends of which there are 2 large anthers.

What types of lilies are there? Flower shapes are:

  1. tubular (L. regal);
  1. curved turban (L.martagon);
  1. bell-shaped (L.parryi);
  1. cup-shaped (L. bulbiferum).

Plants are short and tall, the flowers are smooth and double. The color variety is represented by all shades except blue.

How do Asian hybrids differ from oriental ones?

Although in the photo it is easy to find similarities in the appearance of lilies representing different groups, exquisite orientals differ from Asian varieties in both color and flowering period, are more often susceptible to disease, and are capricious in care.

Fragrant oriental lilies bloom in mid-August, while Asian lilies open their buds at the end of June. The color of large graceful flowers, by which Orientals are recognized, is represented by pink and crimson shades; yellow is rare. Wide petals end in wavy edges.

The smaller, odorless flowers of Asian varieties are distinguished by their bright colors, orange, red, and yellow shades predominate, but white and pink petals are not uncommon, which are not as large as those of the oriental varieties.

Forest cyclamen and other garden species

Cyclamen is classified as an ornamental crop, characterized by incredibly beautiful flowering. There are a lot of varieties and types of hybrids. Flowers differ from each other in height, characteristics of cultivation and care, as well as color. Recently, this particular flower has become very popular, which is growing rapidly every year.

Alpine violet

What does cyclamen look like?

Forest cyclamen is a herbaceous perennial that differs from its relatives in its small inflorescences. Belongs to the Mirsinov family and originates from Asia Minor, the Mediterranean Sea and North-East Africa. The flower is also called alpine violet and crabberry. These are perennial tuberous herbs that have ovate, kidney-shaped double leaves with a heart-shaped base. The flowers are pink, purple, single with dark eyes. Speaking about cyclamen, what its name means, botanists still don’t know.

Accounting for climate zone

Long-flowered varieties, which were created by breeders by crossing lilies growing on tropical islands, take root in greenhouse conditions in mid-latitudes. Representatives of the Candidum group, American and Orleans hybrids are characterized by low winter hardiness.

What varieties of lilies are suitable for the middle zone

Asian species of plants do not freeze when the temperature drops to -35°, are rarely affected by fungal diseases, are represented by many varieties, and after planting do not require special care. In the Moscow region, in Siberia, these lilies are grown in open ground.

Interspecific hybrids overwinter in the middle zone, but in regions with severe frosts, flowers growing in the garden need shelter.

Interesting information about lilies

  • Lilies are found naturally only in the northern hemisphere. The southernmost growing areas are southern India and the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The northern limit of the range is the regions of Kamchatka and Central Siberia.
  • Since lilies do not like too warm climates, species found in the southernmost regions, such as India, grow only in the mountains at an altitude of more than 2000 m.
  • Lilies, from an evolutionary point of view, are the youngest species of bulbous plants and come from a plant called nomocharis.

Lilies are bulbous plants that bloom in late summer. Some gardeners believe that they are more beautiful than roses, and therefore should be present in every garden. In the Middle Ages they were considered a symbol of peace, in art - a symbol of purity. The lily has always been associated with grandeur and was often grown in royal gardens. At the turn of the century, many varieties were developed through breeding and crossing with pure species.

Currently, even tetraploid varieties have been formed. Individual types and varieties differ in height, color, form of reproduction, color, size, and scent of flowers. The flowers bloom in late summer, which is why they are considered the queens of the season. Among lilies there are different types, species, varieties, from which it is worth creating your own, delightful collection.

How to choose

The number of varieties of ornamental plants in stores and on the market is amazing, however, in order not to be disappointed after purchasing a bulb for planting, you should pay attention not only to the colorful photo of the flower. First, it is advised to choose a group of plants, instead of oriental and trumpet varieties for the garden; novice gardeners are better off buying unpretentious Asiatic lilies. In strong and healthy bulbs:

  • scales fit tightly;
  • no damage or rot;
  • the bottom is dry and clean.

Flowers take root quickly and overwinter without problems when planted at the end of September. Bulbs with long shoots, placed in the soil in the spring, often bloom the following year.

Reproduction methods

Haworthias propagate by seeds or vegetatively - stem and sometimes leaf cuttings. Some species can produce side shoots - stolons. They are also suitable for breeding.

To obtain seeds, the most interesting species from the point of view of the grower pollinate among themselves. If pollination is successful, ripe seeds are collected and sown in a moist, mostly sandy substrate. To create a warm and humid microclimate, cover with film. Maintain temperature +20 ℃. Plants develop slowly; an adult developed specimen can be obtained in two years.

To propagate succulents from stem and leaf cuttings, they are dried before planting. This process, depending on the size of the cutting, may take 1-2 days. Then the cuttings are placed in moist coarse sand or perlite, where rooting occurs.

Propagation by cuttings

Daughter rosettes are separated during transplantation. The cut is sprinkled with coal and the young plants are planted in separate pots. This option is the simplest and allows you to get a well-formed rosette in a short time.

Interesting to know! The natives of South Africa consider Haworthia a medicinal and miraculous plant. They plant haworthias on roofs and decorate their homes with potted succulents, hoping that the plants will protect their homes from lightning and the influence of negative energies. Haworthia limifolia is especially valued by healers.

In some places, the demand for useful plants is so high that to meet it, they are considering obtaining Haworthias by micropropagation.

Forcing lilies at home

Garden flowers that are grown in open ground delight with bright colors for a short time. Low-growing orientals and Asian varieties feel normal at home and respond to care with luxurious flowers. To grow a lily in a room, pour substrate into a pot, plant 3-7 strong bulbs, and place it on a light windowsill. Caring for perennials at home is not difficult and consists of irrigation, fertilizing, and disease prevention.

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Lilies: care and cultivation in open ground

A few rules for growing lilies:

  • the soil should be light, loose and nutritious, it is advisable to use black soil;
  • the area chosen for planting lilies should not be in the shade;
  • lilies should be protected from drafts;

A prerequisite for flower growth is the absence of stagnation of moisture in the planted area and the correct choice of drainage.

Landing Features

Drainage is a must when planting these beautiful perennials.

Planting lilies is carried out as follows:

  1. Dig holes for planting in the prepared area, keeping a distance of 20-30 cm between them.
  2. Expanded clay or crushed brick is poured onto the bottom of the hole for better drainage, then covered with a layer of fertile soil and sand.
  3. Plant the bulb at a depth 3 times its length.
  4. When planting, the bulb is placed bottom down in the hole.
  5. After planting, the hole is watered generously. In case of soil shrinkage, the soil is replenished to the previous level.

Features of care

In order for lilies to please the eye with beautiful and healthy flowers, you need to take into account the following features of caring for them:

  1. In spring, open the bulbs so that they germinate on time.
  2. When they sprout, feed and loosen. In the first spring after planting, fertilizing the flowers is not necessary.
  3. Plants need to be fertilized once a season after flowering, if the soil was fertilized before planting.
  4. Dried buds must be cut off.

Before wintering, it is better to completely unscrew the above-ground part and fill the resulting funnel with soil so that snow and moisture do not get to the bulb. Then the plant needs to be covered with dry foliage.

When and who developed the first lily hybrids

Martagon has long been grown in Mediterranean countries, but Asian varieties were introduced into the culture of European gardens in the 18th century. In 1844, 2 hybrid forms of the Beautiful lily were created in the USA. Biologists from Canada, Germany, and Holland studied and described varieties of Japanese, North American, and Chinese perennial species. In 1914, Michurin received the first Russian flower hybrid, which was given the name Violet. The scientist’s work was continued by the breeder Zalivsky, who created new varieties for cultivation in open ground in the middle zone, for forcing in greenhouse conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before starting the process of growing bush lilies, all the positive and negative qualities of the crop are studied. The benefits of such plants include:

  • Spectacular appearance thanks to the volume and number of colors.
  • The presence of a bright and pleasant aroma in many varieties.
  • No need for frequent transplants.
  • A simple breeding method.

See also

Description and characteristics of lilies of the Regale variety, planting and care in open groundRead

Among the disadvantages of culture:

  • Demanding on soil quality.
  • The need to install supports for tall varieties.
  • The occurrence of fungal diseases due to illiterate care.
  • The need for winter insulation of certain varieties.


Among the types of daylilies, the red one, sometimes called brown-yellow, stands out; This plant forms loose bushes. It is characterized by long (up to 1 m) foliage with a width of 0.012-0.03 m. As for “Middendorf”, this plant is distinguished by early flowering. It develops a thick oblique root, and the lobes are very fragile.

The foliage is relatively narrow, only the outer leaves reach 0.023 m. The height of the flower stems does not exceed 0.8 m, and they rise slightly above the foliage. You can expect flowers to appear from mid-May. In autumn, re-blooming occurs. The plant inhabits the slopes of meadows, deciduous forests, and is also found in dense bushes.

Hybrid daylily is sometimes also called garden daylily, and among it there are both early, mid, and late flowering plants. Hybrids are also divided into dormant, evergreen and partially evergreen types. In our country, you can use a crop with any type of vegetation. Based on the shape of the flowers there are:

  • rounded;
  • star-shaped;
  • triangular;
  • spider-like;
  • terry;
  • fringed varieties.

The size of flowers in hybrid daylilies can be 0.07-0.2 m. Interestingly, the size of the flower part of the plant is in no way related to the size of its other parts. Hybrid daylilies with small flowers and large bushes are known, but there are also opposite examples, when gorgeous buds appear on a mini-bush. As for the colors, they are very diverse. Among the 18 relatively pure daylily flowers, “there was no place” for only blue shades.

There are also options with mixed colors. Mixtures are formed due to the inclusion of spots and stripes of a different tone. Hybrid daylilies are propagated mainly by dividing the bushes. This procedure is possible at any time if the plant does not bloom. But the best result will be at the end of summer.

Species of daylilies that bloom all summer deserve a separate discussion - and there are not so few of them. First of all, we are talking about varieties such as:

  • "Dumortier";
  • "Orange";
  • "Lemon yellow";
  • "Brown-yellow."

TET daylilies are capable of blooming twice per season if the weather is warm in late summer and early September. The appearance of a new arrow occurs after a “rest”, which takes 14-20 days. There is a classification based on the size of flowers:

  • miniature group - up to 7.4 cm inclusive;
  • small - up to 11.5 cm;
  • large - more than 11.5 cm.

Terry varieties of lilies with photos and names

Among Asian hybrids, many double varieties of extraordinary beauty have been created in recent years. The most interesting thing is that in terms of care and winter hardiness they are no different from their counterparts and can be grown in almost any region of Russia.


This delicate flower reaches a height of 110 cm, with a diameter of the opened bud of 15-18 cm. On average, about 8 flowers are formed on the stem, but under good conditions up to 20 of them can bloom. In this case, the width of the bush can reach half a meter.


Huge double snow-white flowers adorn the medium-height stem (about 70-80 cm). Blooms in the first two summer months.


Dense red double flowers of this variety with a diameter of 15-18 cm look upward. The plant reaches a height of 110 cm. It blooms in the first half of summer.

Fata Morgana

Looking at this lily, it seems that the golden sun has blossomed. Blooms in the second half of summer. The height of the plant is average – reaches 90-95 cm.

Double Sensation

In addition to its double petals, this plant is also striking in its two-tone color. Medium-sized flowers appear around mid-summer.


Among the low-growing varieties of Asian hybrids, a lily with double flowers also appeared. This miracle barely grows to 45-50 cm, but at the same time it blooms very profusely.

Mystery Dream

A unique double flower of a light green color with dark specks in the center. Terryiness appears from the second year. The opening of the layers in a flower occurs slowly, making it possible to observe a new type of flower every day.

Curly lilies, varieties

Lilies from this group are ideally suited for growing in partial shade, for example, under trees. They will not live long in direct sunlight. They also do not like frequent transplants; it is advisable to replant them once every 10 years. Otherwise, they belong to the most unpretentious varieties, easily wintering in open ground even in the north of Russia. Flowers can grow on a wide variety of soil types and are practically not susceptible to fungal diseases.

They originate mainly from the Martagon or Curly lily, mixed with other species. The flowers are turban-shaped, not too large, from 5 to 10 cm, and come in a wide variety of colors. There is even a rare lavender color.

Unlike Asian hybrids, lily varieties of this group are characterized by a light, unobtrusive aroma.

The best varieties from this group are presented below.

  • Lancongensee
  • Claude Schride
  • Maroon King

  • Arabian Knight

  • Gaybird
  • Russian Morning

  • Martagon Album
  • Sunny Morning

Planting scheme

Astilboides is a moisture-loving plant that does not tolerate drought. If the soil near the flower is subject to frequent drying out, then it will not be able to form inflorescences and will grow very slowly

In connection with these growth characteristics, experts recommend paying special attention to the choice of planting site, which should be maximally protected from direct sunlight and have constantly moist soil.

Beginner gardeners must understand that this flower is a very large plant, and therefore requires a large amount of free space. The flower reaches its maximum size 5 years after planting, and the occupied area of ​​one bush can be about 3.5 m2.

These parameters must be taken into account in order to avoid crowding of green spaces.

Due to its unpretentiousness, the flower feels good in any type of soil, but still prefers nutritious loams. When planting a flower, experts recommend using a nutrient mixture consisting of garden soil, peat, humus and river sand. Due to the presence of a superficial root system, the planting hole should not be deep, but very wide.

During planting, it is necessary to straighten the root system as much as possible and sprinkle it with a nutrient mixture, which must be carefully compacted near the flower. Planted plants must be watered abundantly with clean and settled water, and to prevent the root system from drying out, the entire area near the flower should be mulched with peat or crushed tree bark.

Healthy seedlings should have a strong root system, without signs of rot or fungal diseases. For maximum rooting, before planting, the roots of the plant must be soaked in a special solution that accelerates growth and formation of the root system.

Principle of reproduction

This plant reproduces by seeds or root division. You have to tinker with the seeds, and no one guarantees a hundred percent result due to low germination. Moreover, the growth of such a young plant is too slow, and flowering is possible only after four years. As for rhizomes, this method is considered simpler and more practical. You just have to wait for spring and dig up a piece of rhizome. Then cut off a small part with 3-4 buds from it, treating the cut areas with ashes. In order for the flower to take root well, you need to place the root horizontally in the ground somewhere to a depth of five centimeters.

Planting astilboides in your garden

To purchase a seedling, we recommend contacting retail garden centers. The timing of this event coincides with the departure of spring frosts. Before planting, rhizomes are treated with epin, root and humate. This procedure is carried out without removing the seedling from a special planting container, but simply by lowering it into the solution for 30 minutes and pulling it out when the bubbles stop coming out. Then they choose a suitable place where there is a lot of shade or partial shade, and where the proximity to a body of water will be wonderful. After planting, the ground around the flower is covered with a five-centimeter layer of mulch. In the first days, the seedling is cared for, namely:

• weeds will fall;

• watering is carried out in dry weather;

• renew the mulch.

Next year there is no need to carry out these procedures, since the falling leaves will serve as a good mulch, will delay the evaporation of water and drying out of the soil and will not allow weeds to germinate. But if the summer turns out to be hot and dry, then you should not forget about watering, despite the age of the plant.

Astilboides is sometimes used as a tapeworm. This perennial does not require special attention. It stands out elegantly among its flower neighbors, which grow nearby and create a certain background for it. Astilboides are also planted among bushes whose leaves will become brightly colored in the fall. This applies to viburnum, bladderwort, and barberry. This flower will look very beautiful on the coast of water bodies, especially among artificial stonework. And if sedge grows nearby, this area will become a real island of wild nature.

Features of lily bulbs

A perennial like a lily grows from a bulb. The bulbs can be very small in size. Thus, their diameter can be only 1 cm. But in natural conditions there are very large bulbs, the diameter of which can reach approximately 30 cm. The bulbs can have different shapes: ovoid or spherical. There are a large number of leaf plates on the shoots of the plant. The height of the stems can vary from 50 to 250 cm (depending on the type and variety). In some species, the leaf plates are twisted in a spiral, while in others they are simply collected into a leafy basal rosette.

The plant has one cylindrical inflorescence, which contains all the flowers. The inflorescence usually contains up to 16 flowers. It happens that up to 30 flowers grow on one plant, and they do not bloom immediately, but gradually. In this case, flowering begins from the top and gradually moves down. On average, each flower can live for about 8 days. In the central part of the flowers there is a pistil and 6 stamens. There are a large number of forms of the flower itself. In the wild, you can find lilies in both white and blue colors, as well as pink, apricot and orange. Flowers can also be multi-colored. The appearance of fruits on the plant occurs in the month of October. They are boxes containing seeds inside.

Main international classification of lilies

At the end of the last century, the total number of lily varieties obtained from crossing different species and hybrids with each other reached 10 thousand and increases by several hundred varieties every year. Since lilies differ quite greatly from each other in care requirements and other characteristics, a unified international classification was adopted in the middle of the 20th century, which, with minor changes, has survived to this day.

According to this classification, it is customary to distinguish the following 10 sections among lilies:

  1. Asian hybrids.
  2. Curly (Martagon).
  3. Snow White (Candidum).
  4. American.
  5. Long-flowered (Longiflorum).
  6. Tubular and Orleans (Trumpet and Aurelian).
  7. Eastern (Oriental).
  8. Interspecific hybrids (hybrids between varieties of previous sections, named after the first letters of their Latin names, LA-, OT-, LO-, OA-).
  9. All wild species.
  10. Hybrids not included in previous sections.

Flower growers are creative people and often come up with their own classifications of flowers. Thus, one can often find classifications of lilies according to the color of the flowers, according to the height of the stems, according to the structure of the flower (double or not), according to the presence or absence of aroma, according to winter hardiness, and according to methods of reproduction. All these features will definitely be discussed in the description of groups and varieties of lilies given below, with the obligatory names of varieties and photos.


These hybrids boast resistance to the Russian climate. Oriental hybrids have spreading racemes. Large fragrant flowers are directed to the side or droop downwards. Their shape is most often star-shaped, can reach 25 cm in diameter and is distinguished by the wavy shape of the outer petals.

The following are varieties with photos:

Tubular (for example, Little Fairies, Pink Perfection, Viceroy).

Lilies Pink Perfection

Cup-shaped (Africa, Dusky, Lavender Lady, Red Band, Cobra and others).


Wide Open (Jillion Wallace, Imperial Gold, Aurora, Queens Promise and others).

Queens Promise

Turban-shaped or flowers with petals bent back (for example, Allegro, Evening, Enterprise, Lady Alice and others).

Lady Alice

The color of the petals covers all shades of pink, maybe even white. Some varieties have a bright golden stripe down the center of the petals.

Low-growing lilies: varieties + photos

Among Asian hybrids, there are many low-growing varieties that can be successfully grown in small flower pots on terraces, balconies, and even indoors. All of them do not grow more than 50-60 cm, and many varieties reach only 40 cm.

It is these varieties of lilies that are called by some unscrupulous sellers as the newest varieties of "pot" or pot lilies. In fact, many of them have been known for quite some time, and by planting several bulbs of different varieties in a pot, you can really soon get a luxurious bouquet of small multi-colored lilies.

But the flowering of this bouquet will last relatively short time - no more than two weeks. If you want to enjoy flowering for a longer period of time, about a month, then you can use for these purposes low-growing varieties of lilies from the group of oriental hybrids, which will be discussed below.

Advice! If you see the words “Pixie” or “Tiny” in the name of a lily variety, this means that this is a flower that belongs to short Asian hybrids.

What other low-growing varieties are there:

  • Belem

  • Buzzer

  • Sorocaba

  • Spider

  • Curitiba

  • Ivory Pixie
  • Joao Pesao

  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Lady like

  • Matrix

  • Tiny Chost

Famous house flowers with small leaves

Not all gardeners are attracted to huge leaves; there are also those who like plants with small leaves. Such miniature specimens are:

  • pumila. It is also called dwarf ficus. This flower does not exceed 20 cm, and its leaves grow no more than 3 cm. Under natural conditions, they grow over long distances;
  • azalea. This is a dwarf plant that is famous for its beautiful flowers. Its leaf blade does not exceed 35 mm and is covered with pale red hairs. The plant blooms at the age of 3-4 years. The inflorescences are lush in shape and have a variety of colors;
  • myrtle. Its special feature is its abundant fluffy flowers, which contain essential oil. It has small oval-shaped leaves. In those latitudes where there is no frosty winter, hedges are built from myrtle.

American hybrids

The section includes hybrids of North American varieties - about 140 ancestors in total, including Canadian, Columbian and leopard lilies.

It is simply impossible to present all varieties with names and photos of lilies in one article! But we can give a brief description common to the entire section. These are tall flowering perennials, their height is up to 2 meters, the diameter of the flower (bell-shaped or tubular) is from 10 to 12 centimeters. The colors are varied, but there are no monochromatic colors; all varieties have double colors and large specks on the petals. The smell of flowers is pleasant.

Despite their origin, hybrids are not popular in their homeland. They are whimsical, prefer shaded areas of the garden, require frequent watering, do not tolerate replanting (or tolerate it, but poorly), and need winter shelter.

The most common varieties of lilies include: Lake Tulare, Afterglow.

Black lilies, varieties

Mysterious black lilies are also present among the group of Asian hybrids. Of course, all of them are not purely black in color, but only very dark shades of burgundy or purple, but still they can rightfully be classified as black lilies.


This variety is currently considered the blackest of all existing ones: depending on the lighting, the color of the flower varies from dark burgundy to gray-black.


Another lily color so dark that it could easily pass for black. Plants of medium height (1.3 m) can flower in any of the summer months depending on suitable conditions.


This almost black lily is not a completely pure Asian, but rather a mixture of Asiatic and trumpet hybrids, so-called AT hybrids.

Black Out

The name of the variety already reminds of the color black, although the flower itself is rather dark red with dark spots on the petals and a black center.

Unpretentious flowers similar to lilies

If you want the green space to be easily adopted in your dacha, and the flower garden to turn out extraordinary and beautiful, choose the following flowers:

  1. Yellow daylily. It is most often found in summer cottages. Perennials do not require special care. Their peculiarity is that the flowering period takes only one day. Then another bud blooms, then another, and this happens for 40 days. The cups of the yellow daylily are large, the peduncles are fleshy and branched.
  2. Wallota is red. Its bulbs are small. The leaves are narrow and long. The shrub pleases the summer resident with its first ovaries already in the second year of cultivation. The planting is characterized by high fertility. The green space will take root even in a cramped pot and will make friends with any leafy “neighbor.”
  3. Goose onion. A member of the lily family, first bred in northern Africa. Today there are 100 types of goose onions on sale. They call it lemon snowdrop, because it is one of the first to bloom after winter weather. If you count the number of buds on an inflorescence, it is close to 10. The petals are delicate. The flowers resemble small bright stars. Unlike lilies, the stems of goose onions do not differ in height. The shape of the leaves is elongated. Plants are grown from bulbs covered with scales. Goose onions take root well in sunny areas. Green space generously blooms if planted in fertile and loose soil. It is better to avoid swampy soil; the flower garden is unlikely to survive.
  4. Tricyrtis. Interestingly, the plant attracts edible frogs with its juice. And in Europe it is called a garden orchid. Large bowls are formed far from each other; the bush does not promise abundant flowering. If it seems that the bush has not budded, spread the leaves to the sides; buds will definitely be hidden inside. Flowers come in white, yellow and eye-pleasing cream shades. Less common are cups with spots and slight drooping of the petals.
  5. Hesperocallis. These analogues of lilies reach towards the sun on a thick stem 0.5 m high. Reproduction occurs using bulbs. The flowers are painted in silvery-white shades. They form only after heavy rains. At a summer cottage, the flowerbed will have to be watered regularly. Otherwise, all the nutrients will be used up for dense foliage. The flowers emit a surprisingly delicate aroma when they open their bowls before sunset.
  6. Eucharis. This type of plant always produces gracefully inclined corollas with a green-yellow crown, which is why decorators love it.

Alstroemeria revoluta flowers
Scientific classification
Sub-kingdom:Green plants

International scientific name

Euonymus Fortune Harlequin

This variety was historically native to China, where it is a low-growing plant that spreads along the ground and does not grow more than 30 cm in height. Fortune is distinguished by a variety of foliage colors. Some species remain the same shade and do not shed their leaves in the fall, while others can change beyond recognition.

It was this variety that formed the basis for the work of breeders to develop new varieties. It is popular not only in private gardens, but also in city parks and squares.

Harlequin is a dwarf variety, it reaches only 25 cm in height, is planted in the foreground of garden compositions, and often serves as a camouflage for unlucky places.

Fortune harlequin has many herbaceous thin shoots with abundant foliage, which is green in color interspersed with beige, white or yellowish shades. In autumn the foliage turns light pink.

Fortune harlequin in the garden

Harlequin should be planted in shady places. This plant does not tolerate frost. Flowering occurs in green or beige inflorescences that are spherical in shape. The fruits are bright red.

Euonymus Fortune Emerald Haiti

This variety is common in temperate latitudes, as it is the most frost-resistant. Grows equally well both in the sun and in the shade. It does not shed its leaves in the winter, it just changes color.

This species has dense shoots that spread along the ground and reach a length of 1.5 m. It grows no more than 0.5 m in height. The crown is lush and dense. The most attractive qualities for landscape designs are:

  • medium-sized leaves 3 cm long in the shape of an ellipse;
  • white edges of green leaves, which give them an elegant look;
  • changing the shade of foliage to pink in autumn;
  • rapid rooting of shoots.

Fortune emerald haiti goes well with garden plants and is suitable for decorating the edges of flower beds and borders.

Euonymus Fortune Blondie

This species is capable of growing up to 60 cm in height and up to 2 m in width. The foliage of the plant is bright yellow with dark green edges. In winter they take on a pinkish tint. Fortune blondie tolerates frost well and also responds positively to pruning and shaping.

Note! Considered one of the most unique flowers for landscape design, it looks great with other garden plants.

Flower in landscape design

Lily is common in landscape design. There are different options for using garden crops on the site:

  • in the form of a solo planting;
  • in flower groups;
  • in containers;
  • under the crowns of plants that do not create shade.

In flower beds, the lily acts as a bright accent, combining well with evergreen shrubs, border plants, and tall flowers - delphiniums, gladioli, phlox. The flower is sometimes planted near ponds and in rockeries. The flowerbed on which lily varieties are planted looks interesting: the variety of shades, stem heights, and bud sizes is admirable.

Wild species of lilies

Among the types of lilies found in nature, there are many interesting representatives that can be successfully grown in the garden:

  • Curly or Saranka,

  • Candidum,

  • Daurskaya,
  • Royal,

  • Bulbous,

  • Tiger.

The last two species are of particular interest for gardeners due to their unpretentiousness.


The main care of plants consists of regular watering, timely fertilizing, loosening and mulching of the soil. Lilies with a predisposition to fasciation require special attention during the flowering period.

Perennials are watered once every 2-3 days. In cloudy and cool summers, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every 7-8 days. Plants should be watered only with settled water.

When watering, the stream of water should be directed under the plant so that splashes do not fall on the leaves and flowers.

These plants respond well to fertilizing. The first of them is carried out in the spring - after the snow has melted.

During this period, the flowers are fed with a solution of mullein (1 liter per bucket of water) or ammonium nitrate (35-40 grams of product per bucket of water).

Feeding is extremely necessary during the formation of buds and during flowering. At this stage, lilies are fed with phosphorus-potassium complexes. Such effective fertilizers as “Fertika Lux” or “Kemira Lux” will also help to maintain abundant and continuous flowering.

In the second half of August, it is recommended to feed perennials with double superphosphate. The nutrient solution is prepared at the rate of 20 grams of product per 10 liters of water.

After each watering, the soil surface around the plants should be lightly loosened and mulched with straw, sawdust or peat.

These procedures will help maintain optimal air exchange in the soil and prevent loss of soil moisture.

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