Bold Party Girl, Kings Treasure, EK-White Queen, etc.

Violet Rosemary

The star-shaped, double flowers of the LE Rosemary violet, the photo of which is presented here, will become a luxurious decoration for any collection. The variety, bred by E. Lebetskaya, combines several bright, memorable features. Not only are the notched petals gracefully corrugated, but pink strokes and abundant blue splashes look amazing against a white background. Rosemary violet is a standard-sized plant with a rosette of dark green, toothed leaves.

Conditions for keeping and growing the plant

A feature of the variety is the dependence of flowering on maintenance conditions. Heat causes the petals to darken. At the same time, the border on them practically disappears. The flower becomes crimson with small specks of purple. In cool rooms, the flowers are almost white with a pink center.

Important. Intentionally increasing or decreasing the temperature to obtain the desired shade of flowering is dangerous. The optimal temperature for keeping a Bold party girl violet is 20-24 degrees. Temperatures that are too high or too low are contraindicated for violets and can destroy the plant.

Like all violets, the “Bold party girl” variety requires bright, but diffused light. It is advisable to grow violets on an east-facing window; western, north-eastern, and north-western windows are also suitable.

If all the windows in the apartment are south or north, shading or violet lighting is necessary. On a south-facing window, the violet must be protected from the scorching rays of the sun, otherwise the delicate leaves will be covered with burns, and the root system will suffer from overheating.

On northern windows, the violet will suffer from lack of light and hypothermia. In this case, the plant needs to be illuminated with special phyto or fluorescent lamps. Violet daylight hours should be at least 10 hours in winter, and 14 hours in summer, during flowering.

The color intensity of the Bold party girl violet flowers depends on the ambient temperature.

No less important for growing violets is the moisture level in the room. The moisture content in the air should be maintained at 50-60%.

Violet Bold party girl

The Bold party girl violet obtained by P. Sorano pleases owners with an abundance of double, lilac-pink flowers, reminiscent of the lush frilly skirts of dancers. The shape of the flower is a star, in the center the corolla has a rich fuchsia shade, the edges are lighter and wavy. Blue strokes and blots are scattered across the petals. The standard-sized rosette consists of quilted foliage of simple shape and color.

Due to the susceptibility of Saintpaulia to mutations, sometimes flower growers manage to obtain chimera violets, as in this case from the Bold party girl variety.

Description of the variety Bold party girl and photographs

The “Bold party girl” violet, bred by P. Sorano, pleases its owners with an abundance of double flowers, reminiscent of the lush frills of dancers’ skirts. The flowers of this variety are shaped like stars.

The color of the petals is lilac-pink of varying intensity, in the center the flower is more saturated, with a light border along the edge of the wavy petals. The petals are decorated with fancy strokes or spots of violet or purple. The number of fancy touches increases as the rosette matures.


The variety is prone to producing sports of various colors, so on the Internet you can find different versions of photos and descriptions of the Bold party girl violet. The diameter of the flower reaches 6-7 centimeters. The variety forms many peduncles arranged in a cap or wreath. The flower stalks are strong, so they do not collapse under the weight of the buds. Flowers last a long time.

The rosette of the variety is neat, of standard size, beautifully and symmetrically formed. The foliage of the plant is medium green in color, slightly quilted. The sport “Bold party girl-chimera” (Dimetris) was introduced in the CIS.

Bold Party Girl, Kings Treasure, EK-White Queen, etc.

Good evening to all forum participants! Once again I want to show you some varieties from my collection that have already become true classics.

Bold Party Girl (Sorano)

This variety stunned me the first time (after the flowers bloomed). There were simply huge flowers hanging on the rather small children. The variety blooms quite readily, but not slow-witted for sure. Blooms very early. Not only does it have huge flowers, but it’s also a color that’s not often found, and it’s also fantasy. I also want to say that out of 4 children, not a single sport worked out, although I had a different opinion about it. The variety is very sensitive to watering; one of my plants disappeared, I think for this reason. Before I had time to root it, it began to shed its leaves again. So, you need to be more careful here, especially in the first months of the plant’s independent life. Further

Summer Twilight (Morev)

An incomparable variety. I love him very much. For me it will never grow to full strength due to various circumstances. But it blooms readily. Feels good on the window. The variegation does not disappear even in the heat, unlike Orange Pekoe. I didn’t see any whims in this variety. I brought several children to flowering, all according to variety. The hat turns out to be compact. I definitely recommend it, just like the first variety presented.

EK-White Queen

This young lady is already staying with me for the second time. The first one went safely into sports, into pink. But I have a lot of pink ones, but no white ones, so I had to get them again despite this. I started it because the potential of the variety is simply enormous. The flowers, like those of all EK-ashkas, are notable, they are difficult to hold on to the peduncles, but how pleasant it is to feel their weight in your hand. They are really heavy. Be sure to start it. The variety did not cause any negative emotions in terms of growth either the first or the second time. And sports happen to everyone, maybe someone will like pink, the size of the flowers does not get smaller.

Lyon's Spectacular Blue (Sorano)

It's just a classic in blue. Ideal outlet. Just huge flowers. It’s not visible on this side, but there is one simply giant there. If anyone is interested, I will take measurements. It’s just that it’s already fading, not photogenic. The hat is also quite large, because the variety is not greedy for flowers of this size. Likes to drink. Everyone should definitely start.

Rosie Ruffles sport (D.Harrington)

This is also a variety that has long been known to everyone. Here the flowers are no longer so big. But there are quite a lot of them. What I ended up with was not a hat, but rather a wreath. The rosette is perfect, the sheet fits to the sheet, without gaps. The variety is not demanding of special conditions. Often the result is such a chimeric color.

Kings Treasure (Sorano)

A very nice variety. It always blooms readily, almost without interruption. But the flowers are not that big either. But the combination of colors in the color makes this variety inimitable. The rosette is smooth, exhibition, like all Soran rosettes. For which I thank him very much!

Get yourself new varieties, love them, grow them. All the best to you! See you again!

Rules for caring for violet Вold party girl

The Bold party girl variety is extremely sensitive to the level of moisture in the soil and can die if it is over-watered or over-dried. It is especially important to follow the recommendations for watering the plant in the first months of the independent life of young rosettes.

It is necessary to water the violet after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried. Do not water the plant while the soil is still at least slightly moist. For irrigation use settled, warm water.


Organizing wick watering of violets will help to avoid waterlogging, in which the plant independently regulates the level of moisture in the soil. But it can only be used for adult plants grown in pots with a diameter of 9 centimeters or more.

Organization of fertilizing

2 months after transplanting violets into fresh soil (from about mid-April), root fertilizers begin to be applied, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. Organics are used during the formation of the rosette. During bud formation and flowering, mineral mixtures are used, the basis of which is phosphorus and potassium.

Bold party girl violets must be fed with special fertilizers.

The last fertilizing during the growing season is carried out in mid-September. Then the violet is given a period of rest so that it gains strength for flowering next spring.

Important. During flowering, nitrogen should be completely excluded from fertilizing. Otherwise, the violet will begin to actively grow leaves and roots, and flowering will stop.

Transfer rules

Experienced flower growers practice planned and emergency violet transplants. Regularly planned replanting is carried out to renew the soil to provide the plant with nutrition.

It is carried out observing the following rules:

  • Every year, in the spring before flowering or in the fall after it, healthy adult plants are replanted. Young violets are replanted after the first flowering.
  • Children that are actively growing root mass are replanted twice, in spring and autumn. At the same time, the pot is replaced with a larger one.

Urgent transplantation is necessary in the following cases:

  • Violet growth has slowed down.
  • A white coating appeared on the surface of the soil.
  • No buds are set.
  • Signs of disease or pests have appeared.

Adult Bold party girl violets are replanted in autumn or spring.

Important. Unless absolutely necessary, you should not replant violets in the summer heat or winter.

Selection of dishes for transplanting

Violets are grown in small containers. The diameter of the pot for an adult plant should be no more than 12-13 centimeters; young violets are planted in pots from 7 to 9 centimeters, depending on the size of the rosette.

A wide and low container is most suitable for violets, since the roots of the plant are superficial. Experienced gardeners recommend using plastic pots, in which the soil retains moisture longer.


A drainage layer of at least 3-4 centimeters is placed at the bottom of the pot. It is advisable to use expanded clay as drainage. Brick chips, small crushed stone, and gravel are also suitable. To prevent the drainage hole from becoming clogged with drainage pebbles, it is covered with a shard, the convex side up.

When replanting, it is recommended to replace the pot with a new one. A salt coating remains on the walls of old dishes, which can harm violet roots.

Soil requirements

You can buy soil for replanting violets at a flower shop or make it yourself.

The soil for planting and replanting violets should be as loose as possible and sufficiently nutritious. Special compositions for violets from the store are best suited. To give such a substrate additional looseness, 10% of the total volume of vermiculite or perlite is added to it.

You can make a mixture for planting yourself by mixing leaf and turf soil (5 parts), peat (3 parts), sand (1 part), vermiculite (1 part). A small amount of wood ash and sphagnum moss is added to the mixture for disinfection.

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