Calla lilies: home care for different types and varieties

What type of potted plant is similar to calla lilies, and what is it called?

The classic flower is white, but breeders have developed varieties of callas to suit every taste: pink, burgundy, yellow varieties.

Flowers similar to calla lilies:

There are only a few species of Spathiphyllum and Anthurium plants. They are also beautiful, bright and deserve special attention. Anthurium is a bright light, and competes in its beauty with the red Calla. Spathiphyllium, reminiscent of a winter fairy tale, is white and amazingly beautiful. The plants originated from the Araceae genus, and came to us from South America, Mexico, and Argentina. These are amazing plants that bring a piece of the tropical jungle into your home. They add brightness, color, and color to any room.

Description of callas

Callas (Calla) belong to the perennials of the Araceae family. Depending on the type, they can be bulbous or have a rhizome. The shiny, bright green foliage reaches 4 to 15 centimeters in length and 5 to 11 centimeters in width. They are arrow-shaped and may contain white or yellow spots on the outer surface. As a rule, they grow in the form of a basal rosette. Calla flowers have long petioles and a unique structure.

The calla lily inflorescence consists of a yellow spadix and a bract that wraps it in the form of a funnel, like a blanket. It can have a wide variety of colors.

The most popular species grown indoors and in gardens include Ethiopian calla, Remann's calla, and Eliott's calla.

More about red Anthurium

Like any plant, Anthurium also has its own symbols, bringing its joys to the house. It is believed that Anthurium is a symbol of masculinity, which helps a man gain strength and courage, become a protector and the real head of his family. Anthurium is nicknamed the fire flower for its amazingly bright color. Translated from ancient Greek “flower with a tail.” Indeed, the beauty of artificial calla lilies is incredible, a bright, red petal with a small tail, which can also be of different shades depending on the plant variety. By purchasing “male happiness” for your home, you take on the responsibility for careful and painstaking care, since the flower is extremely picky. That is why you should take care in advance to study information on caring for the plant and study all the features of its cultivation.

Calla Elliott "Zantedeschia elliottiana"

Calla Elliott has large leaves with white spots and flowers of two shades.
The plant is a tuberous plant and is best propagated vegetatively. The variety loves good care - a lot of light, warmth, frequent watering. The most famous varieties of callas:

On this topic:



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  1. “Vermeer” is highly decorative. The leaves are carved, wavy along the edges, covered with white specks. The stem has a burgundy calla flower, gradually turning white closer to the edges.
  2. “Yellow corner” - the green stem gradually changes color to yellowish. The cover of the flower is soft yellow, sunny in color. The variety looks great with bright speckled leaves.
  3. "Black-Eyed Beauty" - a wide light yellow petal with a deep purple center and a corn-yellow stamen. The leaves are dark, strewn with large white spots of irregular shape.

Features of caring for and growing anthurium

Anthurium is considered a special plant, as it differs from its fellow Araceae family. It is distinguished for its exceptional aroma, but also for its abundant and beautiful flowering. Therefore, the plant needs special care.

Choosing a pot and soil

Surprisingly, Anthurium does not like large spaces. When choosing a pot, you should take this feature into account and make sure that the roots are as crowded as possible. If there is a lot of space, the plant will waste energy on root growth, while the soil will begin to oxidize, the tops of the leaves will be sparse, and there will be no flowering. It is better to choose a long pot, as the roots like to grow in length. Anthurium prefers oxygen-saturated soil, so it is replanted annually in the spring. The soil mixture is used with expanded clay. It is good when there is moss or peat in the soil. After transplantation, holes are made along the edge, this helps saturate the ground with oxygen, which promotes active flowering of the anthurium.

Indoor varieties

Despite the fact that calla lily is a plant from the South African tropics, it is perfectly adapted to growing indoors. It can be grown in pots and placed on the windowsill. This plant requires more intensive watering compared to garden species. The home flower needs annual replanting and responds well to monthly fertilizing. In addition to the white calla "Snow Queen", varieties with bright and rich colors are also very popular at present.


The whitewing of this variety grows up to 0.65 meters. The root system of the plant is tuberous. Calla lilies are characterized by the presence of orange or red-coral flowers and large spear-shaped foliage. The petioles of the plant are long, they have a juicy green shiny color. Calliper blooms for a long time and regularly.


This plant is one of the largest representatives of indoor whiteflies. The foliage of the plant is heart-shaped, the inflorescence is funnel-shaped. There are several varieties of Ethiopian calla lilies.

"Green Goddess" The plant is distinguished by its original white-green color of flowers and the presence of stamens with a lemon tint.

"Crystal Blush"

This variety of calliper is characterized by a delicate pink color, which gradually turns into white. This flower can adequately complement a wedding bouquet. "Crystal Blush" is a bulbous calla lily; it prefers fertile soil, space and regular irrigation. Many gardeners have appreciated the spectacular large foliage of this plant.


A spectacular calla lily can become a worthy decoration for a room or garden. It has a dark burgundy color and is in great demand among gardeners. The flowering period of this variety is from June to early September, at which time large cherry flowers with a black tint form on the stem. The flower reaches a height of 15 cm and has a diameter of 8 cm. The flowering phase lasts about a month, while the calliper exudes a pleasant aroma.

Calla can grow up to 0.6 meters, it has dark green leaves with specks. The variety has found its use in cuttings and landscaping, as well as for pot growing. The cut flower remains fresh for a week; this advantage of the plant has already been appreciated by many gardeners.

"Red Alert"

Calla "Red Alert" is a bright red representative of the flora that has green foliage interspersed. The flower is characterized by a diameter of up to 0.1 meters and the same height of the glass. The variety is considered ideal for growing in pots. The calla lily inflorescence is capable of forming several flower stalks. In the flowering phase, the plant reaches 0.6 meters.

The manifestation of the aroma of calligraphy is observed in warm weather, filling the air with notes of vanilla. Blooms from mid to late summer. This variety is unpretentious and does not require special care, has special beauty and tenderness and can be used to create beautiful compositions.

"Majestic Red"

The plant of this variety has an inflorescence-cob with a purple color. The foliage of this calliper is large, green and covered with white specks. This calla lily is ideal for growing in a pot. The plant reaches a height of 60 centimeters. The flowering period occurs in July-August.

What is the name of a flower that looks like calla lilies, but is red?

What are the names of flowers that look like calla lilies, but are red?

This flower is called Anthurium, they are not only red, there are many types, and each one is stunning in its beauty.

I recently started growing them myself, but my shoots are small and I’m really looking forward to them starting to bloom.

This flower is called ANTHURIUM. By the way, it comes not only in red, but also in white, pink, green and even black and purple. I have an Anthurium Amaretti growing at home, it’s white with red speckles, just adorable. It is not fussy, does not require special care, loves replanting and moderate watering, and feels great on a north window.

Anthurium andraeanum is a perennial. Herbaceous evergreen plant, Araceae family. The bright red blanket can be of different colors: white, pink, red, orange. It grows well at home. Not very capricious and demanding of content. The leaves are poisonous. You can read more about care and plants HERE

This beautiful flower, which has red flowers strongly reminiscent of calla lilies, is called Anthurium. If spathiphyllum (white callas) is a flower of “female happiness,” then anthurium is also popularly called “male happiness.” True, anthurium can have not only red flowers, but also white, burgundy, green, pink and others.

Previously, when I saw such flowers, I thought that they were artificial, they looked very little like real ones to me. But, as it turned out, this is a real living flower.

This red beauty is called Anthurium.

These flowers are very similar to calla lilies and come in a variety of colors, not just red.

Anthurium is the name of a home indoor flower, which in appearance is very similar to the Gothic garden flowers of kala.

The genus Anthurium is the most numerous genus of the Araceae family. The Latin name of the genus comes from the ancient Greek words for “flower” and “tail.”

Description of callas

Callas (Calla) belong to the perennials of the Araceae family. Depending on the type, they can be bulbous or have a rhizome. The shiny, bright green foliage reaches 4 to 15 centimeters in length and 5 to 11 centimeters in width. They are arrow-shaped and may contain white or yellow spots on the outer surface. As a rule, they grow in the form of a basal rosette. Calla flowers have long petioles and a unique structure.

The calla lily inflorescence consists of a yellow spadix and a bract that wraps it in the form of a funnel, like a blanket. It can have a wide variety of colors.

The most popular species grown indoors and in gardens include Ethiopian calla, Remann's calla, and Eliott's calla.

The meaning of red calla lilies

In the language of flowers you can express your feelings no worse than in any other language. Fire-colored calla is a symbol of love, passion, desire. It can be used to express your romantic affection for a person. This flower, whether in a pot or in a bouquet, would make a great Valentine's Day gift.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, calla lilies have a different, but also positive, meaning. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on human energy and creates an atmosphere of harmony and calm comfort in the house.

Sometimes calla lilies are mistakenly considered a flower of sorrow. It's actually quite versatile. Calla lilies look equally good at weddings and funerals.

Examples in landscape design

The interior of a house and a garden plot are not just an area where people stay, but a place where you can relax mentally and physically, as well as admire the beauty of plants. Flowers such as calla lilies can delight, which is why they are often used by landscape designers. A graceful and noble flower will become an extraordinary design element in any garden.

Since the whitefly prefers a damp habitat, it can be used to decorate the shore of an artificial lake or stream. If this is not available on the territory, then calla lilies can be planted in a shaded area, for example, near a terrace or a neat bush. This flower is a symbol of feminine beauty and goes well with roses, but do not forget to maintain a distance between flowers.

Calla is an exquisite, noble and stylish flower that is not only capable of attracting attention, but also awakening a lot of positive emotions. Do not be afraid to grow this plant both indoors and in the garden, as there will be no problems with its care

With its help you can emphasize the design of your garden area, terrace, or winter garden. Whitefly planted in flowerpots looks beautiful.

Flower growers should remember that despite the original appearance of calla lilies, it is not so easy to fit into such landscape styles as country, Moorish or merchant. But in the romantic, modernist and classic style of territory design, the whitewing is simply irreplaceable.

When planting calla lilies on lawns, some time after they grow, you can observe how a bright flower island is formed in the yard. In any case, you can experiment with a flower of such beauty, since calla lilies are simply not capable of ruining the design of the interior or garden plot.

Tips for caring for calla lilies in the garden and at home are given in the video below.

Reproduction in an apartment

Calla lilies can be propagated in different ways. Moreover, each of them has certain advantages. Therefore, an experienced gardener should have an idea of ​​​​all possible options. Then white, red, purple and yellow callas will definitely delight the eye in his apartment.


Calla lily seeds

To propagate a plant, it is quite possible to use seeds, although in most cases this option is used only by breeders - the germination rate of seeds is low, and with such propagation you will have to wait a year longer for flowers.

To reproduce, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. Seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium humate for 5-6 hours to stimulate their germination.
  2. Place on a damp napkin and cover with another one on top, after which they put it in a bag for 6-8 days, putting it in a warm place for germination. If necessary, you need to moisten the wipes using a spray bottle.
  3. The germinated seeds are sown in a tray with soil, where they are left until germination - you can cover the top with film so that you do not have to constantly water the soil.
  4. When the shoots appear, they need to be hardened by taking them outside on warm days.
  5. Grown plants are planted in open ground or pots for home cultivation.


The method of propagation by tubers is much more popular - this allows not only to save time, but also to ensure that the plant will be exactly the same as its parent. In addition, you can grow flowers outside - calla lilies will bloom in the summer.

When buying tubers, you need to make sure that they are even, smooth, without rottenness or wilted areas.

First, the tubers are left for several months in a cool place at a temperature of +3..+5 degrees - a simple refrigerator is quite suitable.

In early April, the tubers are planted in pots and seedlings are grown. At the end of spring - beginning of summer, you can plant it in open ground according to the scheme 20x20 cm for small varieties, 35x35 cm for medium ones and 50x50 cm for large ones.

Regular watering and fertilizing will allow the plant to develop quickly and evenly.

Calla lily tubers

By dividing the rhizome

Finally, varieties of calla lilies with a tree-like root system can be propagated by division. To do this, in the fall, carefully separate the root collar from the main rhizome. At the same time, you need to try to leave more land on it. The neck (baby) is planted in a spacious pot.

It is advisable to store it in a dark, closed room with high humidity. The optimal temperature is from +12 to +15 degrees Celsius.

Attention! When dividing the rhizome, it is not advisable to use metal tools - it is better to break it off with your hands, and then treat the broken area with crushed activated carbon.

In the spring, the root will sprout, and already at the end of May or beginning of June it can be planted in open ground.

The advantages of this solution are quite numerous:

  • saving time,
  • preservation of the characteristics inherent in the mother plant,
  • high survival rate.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many gardeners prefer this method of propagating calla lilies.

Growing calla lilies at home

The flower is great for growing in pots

Calla lilies flowers - what they look like and what the varieties and varieties are called

As already mentioned, modern varieties of calla lilies have flowers that are beautiful and varied enough to interest even a sophisticated gardener. However, they are also of interest to beginners.

It is not surprising that many people want to grow them right in their apartments - such a plant will add beauty and comfort to any room. But, of course, in order for the plant to delight with its grace, you need to learn how to provide indoor calla with appropriate care. Of course, it all starts with landing.

How to plant a flower correctly

In general, modern callas are domestic flowers; growing them in a pot is not at all difficult. But here you need to know certain nuances that will allow the plant to feel as comfortable as possible, develop quickly and bloom for a long time. Therefore, it is worth dealing with the issue step by step.

  • Flower container size

It’s worth noting right away that it is advisable to use a rather large pot - a diameter of 40 cm and a depth of 50 cm.

The fact is that the flower grows quite quickly, the root system also develops rapidly. Therefore, if the pot is too small, the calla will constantly experience discomfort and may well get sick. And if it blooms, it will be with small flowers. Of course, it will need to be replanted as soon as possible, and any replanting is a serious stress for any plant.

Attention! There must be holes in the bottom of the container to drain excess moisture.

  • Soil quality

You need to take the choice of suitable soil very seriously.

Experts recommend using a special nutrient mixture prepared from leaf soil, compost and turf soil mixed in equal parts.

When growing calla lilies in pots, it is advisable to update the top layer of soil every three to four months.

Of course, the bottom of the pot needs to be filled with drainage - a layer of about 5-7 cm. Pebbles, expanded clay or large crushed stone are suitable as drainage.

  • Landing

Once the pot has been selected and filled with suitable soil, you can proceed to the last stage - planting. Of course, you need to plant it correctly - then the flower will sprout quickly and develop rapidly.

Tubers are usually used for planting. The planting depth depends on their size. For example, it is advisable to bury small tubers at a depth of 6 cm. For large ones, this figure can be increased to 12 cm.

Growing young seedlings in individual pots

Some beginners are interested in why it is impossible to plant calla lilies at a shallower depth - because then the sprouts will appear faster. But if you do this, then when the leaves grow, they will simply fall under their own weight - the soil at the base will not be able to hold them.

After planting, the soil should be moistened abundantly, covered with film or glass on top and stored in a warm place. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the pot is placed in a well-lit place, but protected from direct sunlight.

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