Growing phlox from seeds at home. Phlox planting and care at home

Perennial phlox for growing flowers on a window in a room are dug out of the ground at the end of autumn and transplanted into a flowerpot (box). With natural light on the window, they will bloom only in May and will bloom throughout the growing season, when the day is already long enough. This is due to the fact that phlox are long-day plants and they need a day of more than 12 hours to begin flowering. If they are given additional artificial lighting, that is, the autumn-winter day is lengthened, then flowering can be achieved 50-100 days after transplanting them into a warm room (room, greenhouse) depending on the characteristics of the variety and temperature and light conditions.

In a greenhouse, with additional lighting, you can have flowering phloxes at any time, on any necessary, pre-planned date, for the New Year, March 8, etc. In our experiments, with additional lighting from incandescent lamps, they bloomed after 80 days, and under xenon lamps after 50-60 days.

In phlox, unlike many other flowers (tulips, crocuses, hyacinths, peonies), flower harvests can be obtained several times a year. After cutting the flowers, the shoots growing from the axils of the leaves, as well as from the rhizomes, bloom quite quickly - naturally, with a long day. They, unlike similar shoots of other plants, do not need prolonged exposure to low temperatures or vernalization for new flowering. Therefore, under favorable conditions, phlox can bloom all year round. They can produce several harvests of flowers in a year, unlike many other flower crops, which are widely used for forcing flowers in winter.

Due to the fact that the shoots of phlox regrowth are able to proceed to flowering without prior exposure to low temperatures (for vernalization), it is possible to regulate the timing of their flowering to some extent. Thus, in one of our experiments, shoots at a height of 30 cm were cut off from two varieties of perennial phlox, Snow White (white) and Mechta (red), on July 1. As a result, their mass flowering was delayed by almost a month.

Annual phloxes bloom easily when sown in spring and summer in a room on a window. So in our experiments, when sown on July 25, they bloomed together by November 1, that is, with a short natural day. The lighting intensity here was 3-4 times weaker than in the open ground, where at that time it was also low.

An indelible impression is made by phlox, especially red, blooming on a window on New Year's Eve against the background of white snow or a frozen white window.

These perennial fragrant flowers are loved by many for their attractive appearance, but they are not too demanding to care for. It is enough to figure out how to grow phlox and provide them with the necessary conditions. You can grow phlox at home in a pot or on a plot.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

To get a beautiful flower bed, you need to know how to grow phlox. Perennials grow well in sunny areas, but some shade is also acceptable. It is recommended to protect plants from strong winds.

Important! Perennial varieties with dark flowers are best planted in a little shade - they fade in the sun.

Phloxes like east, west, southwest or southeast sides. The soil for planting should not be close to groundwater. Flowers grow well on loamy substrates with neutral acidity. The soil must have high breathability and be enriched with nutrients.

Phlox care

Homeland of phlox

Phlox is a genus of herbaceous plants from the Sinyukhov family, which has about forty species, not counting wild ones. Almost all phlox are hardy perennial plants with erect, ascending or creeping stems from 70 to 150 cm.

All of them are distributed mainly in North America, however, even in Russia they can be provided with the proper conditions for growth and flowering, because “Flame” (Greek Phlox) has been decorating gardens with the beauty of its flowering for many centuries.

Phlox will also attract many insects to the site, such as butterflies, bumblebees and bees, and due to the variety of colors they can be perfectly combined with other flowers in the garden.

Watering mode

Water the plant during the summer if rainfall is less than 20-30mm per week. Phlox likes to be watered abundantly, but infrequently. It is important to ensure that the plants are not planted in lowlands or close to groundwater. The phlox root is a rhizome about 20 cm, adventitious roots are located closer to the ground - about 5-7 cm. Therefore, stagnation of water from above, as well as groundwater close to the surface (about 15 cm), will lead to rotting and death. It is best to make a small mound for planting the plant.

Lighting requirements

Phlox blooms beautifully in cool, sunny climates in well-fertilized soil. They will do just fine in partial shade, as long as they receive at least six hours of direct sunlight per day.


Since in the Russian climate phlox overwinter in open ground, there is no need to talk about temperature conditions: they can withstand both frost and summer heat. In those regions where winters are longer and colder, it is recommended to cover with spruce branches for the winter; in the southern regions, in the summer, in strong sunshine, create artificial shading (however, leaving six hours of daylight with direct sunlight).

Fertilizer, top dressing

In general, phlox grows on different soils, being an unpretentious plant, they do not require fertilizers. But, of course, every gardener wants to achieve the best result - fuller, taller, stronger, more beautiful. This means that you need to make a little effort: phlox prefer rich, slightly alkaline garden loam, so if the soil in your garden tends to be acidic, it is recommended to regularly apply lime every two to three years. Apply some mineral fertilizers and manure as top dressing. Humus won't hurt either.

Each spring, add a thin layer of compost followed by a 2-inch layer of mulch to retain moisture and control weeds.

How to plant a crop correctly

It is necessary to ensure that the soil is moist at the time of planting. In dry weather, additional watering is required, and then loosening to a depth of about 15 cm. Phlox is mainly propagated by dividing the root. Sowing scheme - tapes, one-, two- or three-line. The distance between them is maintained at around 70 cm, the lines in the tape are spaced 40 cm apart, and the plants should be spaced 35 cm apart. If a perennial is planted for landscaping, the number of plants is taken into account, the norm is 6 pieces per 1 m2.

Important! During planting, the roots should be well straightened. It is important not to deepen the eyes too much, no more than 5 cm, taking into account soil settlement. With a higher planting there is a risk of damage to plants from cold weather. After the phloxes are planted, they need to be watered well. When the soil dries out and settles a little, it is loosened and mulched with peat.

Secrets of success

Phlox is a very unpretentious, easy to grow and rewarding plant. When well grown, Phlox is a very unpretentious, easy to grow and rewarding plant. With good care it is very resistant to pests and diseases. Feels good both on the sunny side and in partial shade. During flowering, the pot can be placed on a table or bedside table. The plant will not suffer from lack of light, will decorate any interior and fill the house with an amazing aroma. Later, the inflorescence is cut off and Phlox is returned to a sunny windowsill, balcony or terrace to plant new buds. If the inflorescence is not cut off after wilting, flowering will not resume, but the seeds will ripen and spread by self-sowing.

The plant needs very nutritious soil, regular watering and fertilizing. This will provide it with long and abundant flowering over a long period. Feedings are alternated weekly with complete mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content and organic fertilizers.

Care and cultivation

During the first time after planting, you need to carefully monitor the moisture content in the soil. It is better to water not very often, but abundantly. When loosening the soil, you must try not to harm the root system of phlox. When mulching plants, the soil surface will not dry out quickly, and in winter the plants will not be subject to frost. When planting in autumn, it is necessary to create a mulching layer of peat, shavings or straw.

Interesting! If you pinch some of the shoots in May, this prolongs the flowering of phlox by about a month.

Dividing perennial bushes is done more often in autumn or summer, but it is also possible to do this in spring. The plant has an early period of development of roots and vegetative system, immediately after the snow melts. Almost the entire root system of phlox is in the ground, no deeper than 25 cm, which is why the presence of moisture in the spring in the area where they grow is so important. A flower can grow and develop productively in one place for about 5 years, then it needs to be transplanted to another area. This procedure is carried out in autumn or spring. When flowering, it is permissible to plant phloxes in the summer.

In the climate of central Russia, spring replanting is planned for early May. The soil will absorb a lot of moisture, which is a necessary condition for the successful development of phlox. The plant will quickly take root, but you need to have time to complete all the actions within a week.

When replanting planned for autumn, they start from the timing of the flowering of phlox. In early-flowering and mid-flowering plants, buds form by the end of summer. They can be planted throughout September. Late-blooming phloxes can be transplanted until early October. There is no need to carry out any manipulations later, otherwise the plants will not be able to take root well before winter.

The bushes are divided into the required number of parts with a shovel and planted in pre-prepared holes. The buds should be underground. The distance between the bushes will depend on the height of the plant: low - 40 cm, medium - 50 cm, flowers over a meter high - 70 cm. Upon completion of the procedure, the flowers are well watered, and in hot weather they are slightly shaded.

How to collect phlox seeds. Instructions

  • Collect the seeds. To do this, you need to determine whether they are ripe or not. This is not visible from the outside, since they are in a box. If you miss the moment, the seeds from the bursting capsule will scatter without your knowledge. In this case, there is also no point in collecting unripe seeds; they will not ripen. Therefore, drill one of the boxes with an awl and see what is in it. There should be large, dense seeds of different shades of green. Seeds are also sold in flower shops.
  • The seeds of perennial phlox lose their viability very quickly, so you can’t wait until spring. In addition, for normal plant development, the seeds must freeze. Start preparing for planting immediately after harvest. Choose a site where the flowers can grow quietly for several years. Phlox do not do well in the shade and in swampy lowlands. A place under dense tree crowns is not suitable either.
  • Prepare the soil. It should be loose and nutritious. Phlox will grow well on it, and the flowering will be long and lush. These plants do not like large amounts of sand, nor do they like heavy acidic soils. On such land, seedlings most likely will not appear at all. The flowerbed or bed must be prepared before the first frost.
  • It is best to sow perennial phlox in November-December. You can do this in January, but not later. The closer to spring, the less likely the seeds will sprout. Falling snow shouldn't scare you. Just remove it from the garden.
  • Place the seeds on the frozen surface of the flower bed. The optimal distance is 4-5 cm from each other. Sprinkle a thin layer of regular garden soil on top. It can be prepared in advance and stored in a warm room so that it does not freeze. You can also choose suitable soil in a gardening store, where it is sold all year round. The layer does not have to be continuous; you can simply sprinkle the seeds. Fill the bed with snow and calmly wait for spring. With this method, almost all the seeds germinate in the spring, and almost half of the plants bloom.
  • Growing annual phlox has its own characteristics. Prepare the bed in the same way as for perennials. This can be done in both autumn and spring. Scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Water them with a sprayer and cover with plastic wrap. There is no need to cover it with soil. The film must be removed for a short time every day to allow the plants to breathe a little, and also shake off the condensation from it. After seed germination, the film is completely removed.

Pest and disease control

Phlox can be affected by viruses and fungal infections . Viral diseases include:

  • ring spot;
  • necrotic spotting;
  • rattling and curling leaves;
  • variegation of flowers.

Fungal infections to which phloxes are susceptible:

  • Phomasis;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew;
  • leaf spotting.

Note! Phlox is also exposed to mycoplasmas, which cause jaundice. Flowers infected with viruses or mycoplasmas must be destroyed to prevent the disease from spreading to healthy plants. If fungal diseases develop, preparations containing copper are suitable for treatment.

If cracks appear on the stems of plants and the leaves dry out, this may indicate improper watering or increased acidity of the soil.

Phlox care is very important

To prevent diseases, it is important to conduct preventive examinations. Phlox reproduce well, so it would be better to remove several bushes that cause suspicion than to lose all the plantings.

Pests that damage phlox:

  • Leaf and stem nematodes.

Where they accumulate, swelling and curvature occur, and the flower grows poorly . The larvae of these worms do not die in winter; such a plant cannot be cured, so it is destroyed, and the soil is treated with drugs against nematodes.

Absorbs plant sap , leaving behind a whitish foamy secretion on the back of the leaf. The Inta-Vir remedy fights it.

They are active in wet weather or rain. Slugs eat leaves and buds. Special traps are placed on them, and the area next to the phlox is sprinkled with lime.

Phlox subulate from seeds. Growing from seeds

Experienced gardeners recommend growing phlox from seeds. They argue this opinion by the fact that a self-formed plant is stronger, adapts better and does not inherit the diseases of the mother bush.

Important. You should pay attention to the fact that seeds lose their viability if stored for a long time and improperly. Therefore, they must first be checked for germination using the stratification method. In other words, germinate.

Phlox subulate seeds.

How to germinate seeds?

Sowing seeds for germination can be done using standard methods. Sow them in damp sand and watch them to hatch. Then plant as seedlings or in warm open ground at the end of May.

Another recommendation: plant seeds for seedlings directly into prepared boxes to a depth of 2 cm. It is necessary to water the seedlings with a sprayer so as not to wash them. After 2 or 3 weeks, the seedlings are picked and the first fertilizing is done (with nitrogen fertilizers).

How to sow seeds?

Check out the Perennial Blend of Phlox Seeds from . Plasma treatment stimulates the growth and development of the plant. The flower blooms ahead of schedule.

Sprouted seeds can be planted in warm May soil, directly into the ground (depth up to 2 cm). At first, until the sprouts appear, cover with film. Then it is removed. Flowering will begin already during the planting season, but later.

There is a way to plant seeds in winter. Here opinions differ. Some argue that early sprouted sprouts may die prematurely from the cold. Others, on the contrary, say that such planting hardens the plants.

Our advice. In the case when you have your own seed material from mother bushes that have adapted to the climate, you can plant it in winter. If these are purchased seeds of varieties of phlox that have not previously grown in your area, then it is better to germinate them and plant them as seedlings. Plants have memory, so they respond to different growing climates.

Advice from experienced flower growers

Growing perennial phlox will not be difficult if you follow the advice of experienced gardeners:

  • Dry stems must be removed;
  • If you need to get a low and wide bush, pinch it;
  • When there are fewer flowers on the bush, the phloxes need to be divided and replanted;
  • If there are a lot of weeds, weeding is necessary.

If you care for phlox correctly, you can get a garden with beautifully blooming and healthy plants.

Botanical name : Phlox.

Phlox home - family . Sinyukhova.

Homeland of the plant. North America.

Description . Phlox is a genus consisting of perennial and annual herbaceous plants and shrubs. The stems are erect, less often creeping, rarely branch, and in perennial species they become lignified at the base. The leaves are green, lanceolate, 5–8 cm long, on short petioles. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, with a pleasant smell and delicate rounded petals, appear in the upper part of the stems, collected in large inflorescences - umbrellas. Flower colors include white, pink, crimson, scarlet, lilac, greenish, and orange. Often there are varieties with flowers painted in 2 different shades.

Height . Depending on the type, it can reach 120 cm. Dwarf varieties that do not exceed 10–20 cm are often grown indoors.

Phlox perennial new hybrids grown from seeds. Phlox “New Hybrids” - the first!

Let the snow continue to fall, driving the snowdrifts up to normal. And I’ll probably start preparing the seeds for the new sowing season. Outside the window

The first one will be phlox. It is perennial. I love them very much. So far I only have one type of unknown breed. Fuchsia colors. And someone is always encroaching on it, no, not even like that: they are attacking it, not allowing it to bloom. I want there to be a lot of phloxes! Different ones! I even have a notebook with gardening notes with phloxes. No, it's a hydrangea, but I always thought it was a phloxweed that's already in its fourth year. From the very beginning of gardening life

there were a lot of entries last year

Having examined the bag carefully, I’ll start: I soaked it, added a drop of HB-101. So this phlox will lie for two weeks on the window with t-18-20 degrees, and then it will go into the sand and be stratified in the refrigerator for a month and a half. This is such a confusing phlox! What will come of this? I still have to live! With the opening of the new planting season, I

and get the opportunity to rate materials, communicate in comments and much more!')">and get the opportunity to rate materials, communicate in comments and much more!')">

How Phlox Drummond is used in landscape design

The beauty of these plants was noticed not only by country gardeners, but also by specialists. So phloxes look great both as single bushes and in flower beds, allowing you to create interesting accents.

They are often combined with other annuals to provide flowering beds throughout the summer.

Lower-growing varieties are placed on garden paths and alpine hills. Dwarf and creeping, they will look quite impressive and interesting.

Tall representatives in landscape design can be found next to conifers or other tall perennial plants.

Another interesting way to use it is to plant it as a hedge, for which this bush is suitable.

Unpretentious and persistent plants find a place in many landscape design options. They require a minimum of care, but at the same time they highlight any plant communities as colorfully as possible.

Types and varieties

There are many varieties of phlox, which differ in size, shape and shade of flowers. You can grow ground cover or bush species, including varieties with white or variegated flowers. The following describes the most popular and common types of phlox.


A colorful annual plant. It has a number of advantages:

  • Petals do not fade in the sun.
  • Withstands frosts down to -5°C.
  • Not afraid of drought.
  • Available in a variety of varieties.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Spreads independently throughout the area.

Drummonda is a bush that grows no more than 50 cm in height. It is very lush and branched. Blooms all summer.

Popular varieties:

  • Beauty - flowers of different colors create a special atmosphere of romance in the garden.
  • Chanel - blooms with lush double buds of pale pink color.
  • Star rain - flowers with sharp tips of petals, reminiscent of stars. Comes in different shades.


A miniature bush with pointed and hard leaves, small buds up to 2 cm in diameter. The edges of the petals are notched. Blooms twice per season (May-June, August-September).

It is very often used in any type of flower beds. The variety is frost resistant. It is better to propagate it by pinching or dividing the bush. This type of phlox can be trimmed to give it a specific shape.

Popular varieties:

  • Bavaria - unusual two-color flowers. The petals are white, with purple rays extending from the center.
  • Wilson - flowers of a lilac hue, looks beautiful in combination with May flowering crops.
  • White Delight - looks good along borders, produces white flowers.


Perennial plant with fragrant flowers. It is considered one of the most popular types of phlox. It has a powerful root system, the stem grows up to 1.5 m. It is distinguished by a luxurious inflorescence that exudes a honey aroma. Flowers can be in a variety of shades, except yellow.

Popular varieties:

  • Cosmopolitan is a tall, lush plant with bright pink flowers.
  • Green Lady - decorative sharp buds that do not bloom.
  • Count Zeppelin - flowers are pale pink, purple in the center.

Spread (Phlox divaricata)

An unpretentious perennial plant that grows no more than 40 cm in height. The inflorescences exude a very delicate intoxicating aroma.

Suitable for growing in shaded areas and under trees. It mainly blooms in shades of purple and blue.

Description of the plant, its variety and variety

Phlox exists in nature mainly as a perennial plant, but annual varieties are also found. Flowers differ from each other in various ways, for example, in shape. Meet:

  • cylindrical (Alexander, Embrace, etc.);
  • round (Babyface, Magic);

Babyface variety

  • conical (Silver Age, Blue Paradise);
  • puluspherical (Gaganova's Favorite);
  • umbellate (Seraphim, Apple blossom);
  • pyramidal (Vrubel, Snow White).

Variety Snow White

Phloxes are also divided according to flowering time. A gardener can create a continuously blooming flower bed on his site. By planting plants of different varieties on it:

  • early phloxes - bloom at the end of May, flowering continues until mid-July (Moskvichka, Groza, Arctic, etc.);
  • medium phlox - flowering continues from the beginning of July to the end of August (Africa, Aurora, Novinka, etc.);
  • late phloxes - begin to bloom in August and end only after the first frost (Viking, Winter Märchen, Kirmensendler).

Variety Africa

The main difference between paniculate phlox varieties is the color of the plant. The easiest way is to sort them according to this principle.


  • Snow White - white flowers with a slight smoky pink tint, pink corolla tube;
  • Europe - white flowers with a carmine-colored eye;
  • Knight - the flowers have a bluish tint, the petals are distinguished by a slight wave along the edge.

Variety Europe


  • Selena – dark pink shade with a silvery-smoky tint, white star-shaped eye;
  • Miss Pepper - the flowers have a light pink tone and a bright raspberry ring.

Variety Miss Pepper


  • Starfire - dark rich red color is emphasized by the velvety structure of the petals;
  • Tenor – a red flower with a crimson tint;
  • Seraphim - has fiery red petals.

Variety Tenor


  • Chernomor - blue-violet color of the petals, lighter towards the center, the dark eye changes its color from violet to blue in the evening;
  • Cinderella is a beautiful light lilac shade with a raspberry center;
  • Blue Paradise - purple buds change color to bright blue at dusk.

Variety Blue Paradise

In addition to the main colors, phlox can be orange, salmon, blue, blue, purple, crimson. The range of shades of the buds of this plant has no boundaries. And the selection of photos proves this once again.

What types of phlox are there?

Types of perennial phlox, photo

  • Subulate;
  • Dwarf;
  • Northern;
  • Multifloral;
  • Snow;
  • Spread out;
  • Douglas.

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Main types and varieties

Phlox annuals

Phlox Drummond

The best annual phlox grown in the garden is Drummonda. The Englishman G. Drummond, who was a naturalist, traveler and theologian, brought it to England from Texas in 1835. In England, this flower has taken root. Flowering for this plant begins in June and ends with the onset of the first frost. The oppositely located leaves have a lanceolate-oval shape. The thin stem is quite branched, and it reaches a height of 20–30 centimeters. The colors of the fragrant flowers are dark red, yellow, purple, white and salmon.

Plants of this species are divided into 2 varieties, namely: large-flowered and star-shaped. The height of Drummond's star phlox (Phlox drummondii cuspidata), as a rule, reaches 30–40 centimeters, but more compact plants (up to 12 centimeters) are also found. The dissected petals give the bright flower a resemblance to a star, in the center of which there is a peephole. Phlox drummondii mixed - its height, as a rule, does not exceed 30 centimeters. Its flowers are quite large in size and can be painted in various colors. But plants with flowers in red shades are more impressive.

Flower growers also divide these plants according to size into dwarf ones, which reach a height of 15 to 20 centimeters, and large-flowered ones. Varieties classified as large-flowered: Tall fiery red, Tall white and Tall bright red. Varieties related to dwarf phlox: Shamoa (pink), Salmona (salmon), Snowball (white), Isabella (yellow) and Defiance (fiery red). All varieties of this type of phlox have both semi-double and double varieties. The most popular are terry flowers of the Promise variety in various colors.

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