How to propagate Chinese rose at home

Hibiscus - propagation and rooting at home

Hibiscus, or China rose, is not as easy to propagate as compared to other indoor flowers. It is usually bred by cuttings, but some gardeners prefer growing the flower from seeds. We will tell you in detail about each of these methods of propagating hibiscus and determine their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of cuttings

Cuttings are a vegetative method of plant propagation. This method is quite simple, even a novice gardener can do it.

Another important advantage of this method is the fact that hibiscus grown from cuttings will delight you with flowering within a year, while retaining all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant (flower color, its doubleness).

The root system formed by cuttings is stronger and more powerful than those plants that were propagated by other methods, for example, by seeds (read about how to grow indoor hibiscus from seeds, as well as further care for the flower after planting).

You can learn in detail about the propagation, planting and further care of hibiscus in the home and garden, as well as see a photo of the flower here.

What time of year is it best to propagate the plant?

The best time to take cuttings is from April to August. Experienced gardeners recommend rooting in May, since it is in this month that the plant is most active: new cells appear and develop, all metabolic processes proceed at an accelerated pace. If the hibiscus is rooted in the last month of spring, then the probability that the plant will take root will be close to 100%.

Cuttings can be carried out in winter, but the rooting process will be slower and it will not always be possible to achieve a positive effect, since in winter there is no lighting or temperatures that the shoot needs.

Can it be propagated by leaves?

A hibiscus leaf cut and placed in water can produce roots. Planted in the ground it will be green and beautiful in appearance. It is not recommended to use the leaf for propagation: a full-fledged plant will not appear from it.

If you use a leaf with a heel for propagation, then this will already be considered a cutting, it will take root well and over time will turn into a full-fledged plant.

: Syrian hibiscus - planting and care, growing rules

How to care for hibiscus

Hibiscus love abundant watering and do not tolerate drying out of the earthen clod - then their leaves immediately droop. But they don’t like the bay either; plants can die from excess moisture. In winter, watering is reduced.

It is better not to leave water in the pan. The acceptable temperature for keeping the flower is from 7 to 30 degrees, but in extreme heat it should be placed in the shade. To lay flower buds, the plant needs a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius.

When placed in a light location, hibiscus bloom much better than in the shade. These plants can withstand even direct sunlight and are even desirable for flowering (about 5 hours a day).

They can bloom all year round if there is enough lighting, but they also produce buds far from a light source (usually only 1-2).

The classic Chinese hibiscus flower lasts only 1 day, but the Florida hybrid can last up to 5, depending on the variety.

Often, hibiscus can suffer from various diseases or pests. We'll tell you how to deal with them here.

To propagate Chinese roses use:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • layering.

Propagation by seeds

After the plant's bud withers, seeds appear. To grow hibiscus from seeds, they require preliminary preparation for sowing.

You need to pour water into a container, add a root formation stimulator and soak the seeds for 12 hours.

After this, rinse them, degrease them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, place them in a damp cloth and leave them in a warm place.

After the sprouts appear, moisten them with water and ventilate. Plants planted in pots quickly produce new shoots. It begins to bloom after 3 years; with this method, the properties inherent in the original species are not always preserved.

How to grow from cuttings?

Decorative hibiscus is distinguished by a variety of colors; they reproduce easily if certain conditions are met. When propagating by cuttings, it is necessary to properly root the cutting from the plant you like. When choosing petioles, remember that it must have at least two internodes.

To root cuttings, you can use several methods:

Other methods of rooting cuttings

Rooting hibiscus by cuttings is also carried out:

  • in damp sand, cutting in February, for 2 months at an air temperature of +22-24°C, covering the container with glass or film;
  • in a container with water mixed with a growth stimulator, water is constantly added as it evaporates. The root formation process will be long, and when a sufficient number of roots are obtained, the cuttings are planted in prepared soil.

Propagation by seeds

It is better to purchase hibiscus seeds (photo) at a flower shop and first prepare them for sowing. The seeds should be of the current year from the first generation F1 hybrids, and the soil for planting should be light and nutritious, permeable to air, consisting of 1 part perlite and 2 parts leaf humus. Water should not accumulate in the soil, so there must be drainage underneath it.

How to grow hibiscus from seeds at home:

  • Place the seeds for 12 to 24 hours in water with a root formation and growth stimulator: Epin, Fumara or Zircon. The container should be flat and shallow so that the solution covers the grains only 2/3 of the height. If the solution does not completely cover the seeds, then they will not “suffocate”. They need to be stirred periodically with a wooden peg.
  • The seeds are washed and degreased with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 1 minute and placed on a damp cloth or disks of 5-7 pieces. for germination. The fabric and discs are moistened with warm water; it should not drip or erode from them. For this purpose, the discs are covered with a plastic cup with holes for ventilation. The “greenhouse” needs to be kept at a temperature of +23-25°C for 4-5 days. If necessary, moisten the napkin or discs with a spray bottle, since a dry cloth does not promote germination of grains.
  • As soon as the sprouts appear, they are moistened with water and ventilated, then planted in the ground. The pots should be clay or plastic and have drainage holes and a layer of expanded clay 2-3 cm high. The soil should occupy 3/4 of the pot, it needs to be slightly crushed and moistened. The size of the pot is large and tall, since the main roots from the seeds also grow large and long.
  • Plant 1-3 seeds in one pot so that the sprouted part is on its side. Then they are sprinkled with earth to a height of 1-1.5 cm without compaction, otherwise there will be no air flow to the embryos, which will lead to their rotting.
  • Place containers with seeds in a bright place with an air temperature of + 28°C. There should be no direct rays of the sun, but diffused light is needed in abundance so that the stems do not stretch and fall. When grown from seeds in winter, additionally install fluorescent lamps. Cover the pot with a plastic bag, ventilate the greenhouse every day, moisten the soil with a spray bottle, and when the top layer dries out.
  • Hibiscus picking is carried out 2 weeks after the appearance of sprouts and roots.
  • Fertilizing is not carried out during the first month of life, and then it is carried out once every 2 weeks, using a weak liquid solution of complex fertilizer, but without excess nitrogen additives.

About swamp hibiscus

There is also swamp hibiscus. Growing from seeds or using cuttings of this perennial subtropical shrub (tree) can be done both in an apartment or office, and in an open greenhouse or in a garden according to the same scheme as the tree-like Chinese rose.

Swamp hibiscus has a straight stem with a woody lower part and dark brown bark. It has a powerful and well-developed root system; the plant can reach a height of up to 3 m and have a spectacularly developed crown. The heart-shaped leaves have denticles along the edges and a glossy surface on top; the bottom is covered with fluff. The buds bloom with bright red, lilac and violet petals with carmine spots at the base. The diameter of the corolla can be 15 cm.

Flowering lasts throughout spring-summer, covering the first half of autumn. The flowers themselves are pleasing only for one day: the buds bloom in the morning, and in the evening the petals wither and fall off. Instead of a flower, the fruit remains: a capsule with 5 valves. They contain large quantities of pubescent brown, wine-colored seeds with a light woody aroma.

Chinese rose shoots for propagation

In the summer, the stems of the Chinese rose are already growing; how to take a shoot for propagation:

  • select a stem with a diameter of 0.5 cm;
  • cut off the top part to 15 cm and remove the leaves from below;
  • plant in a container with wet sand or soil mixture, as indicated above in the article;
  • we withstand all stages of rooting when placing the container with the shoot in a lighted place;
  • moisturize as needed.

Radical shoots or suckers may appear around an adult bush, usually on the south side or in the free space near the root system. If you have garden hibiscus, propagation is carried out as follows: straight shoots are separated and transplanted into open ground in the garden or into a large pot. The offspring feeds from the mother bush for a year until its own roots develop. In early spring, after the snow has melted and the soil has warmed up, it is separated from the root system and planted in another place. At the same time, it is shortened by 1/3 of the length.

Twigs and leaves for propagation

How to grow a Chinese rose from a twig? In spring, the longest branch is bent to the ground, secured in the furrow and covered with soil. It is moistened for 30 days until strong roots appear. Then they are cared for, like the main plant, until replanting in the fall or spring of next year. Young seedlings with good lighting and warm weather are able to bloom in late summer. When pruned, hibiscus plants are stimulated to grow and bloom.

If you cut a leaf of a Chinese rose with a “heel”, then it can be considered a cutting, so it must go through the entire rooting procedure, as for a cutting. Slowly but surely the “heel” will take root and become a full-fledged plant.

Reproduction by grafting

Subtleties of reproduction:

  • select only young hibiscus for grafting cuttings into the crown;
  • the procedure is carried out in June to mid-July;
  • there should not be more than 5 scions on one bush;
  • grafted plants require careful care, a bright place without direct sunlight, and regular fertilizing during watering;
  • in winter, you need to use a fluorescent lamp for additional illumination for 5 hours so that the grafts do not die;
  • You can plant several varieties of hibiscus on one bush;
  • It can be propagated by copulation and budding.

Copulation method

If you have been given a cutting of another type of hibiscus, but it is not possible to carry out the grafting procedure on the same day, then you can wrap it in moistened moss, such as sphagnum, and wrap it in a plastic bag, after removing all the leaves, leaving three buds. In this form, the cutting can be safely stored for up to 3 days.

The scion and rootstock are cut obliquely so that the cut lines coincide when joined. Fixed with a strip of polyethylene, 10 mm wide, and a cord. Sometimes they use tape, turning the adhesive surface outward. It is necessary to ensure that when fixing the sections do not move, they are wrapped tightly. All growth points are removed from the hibiscus rootstock below the graft. The bush is covered with a plastic bag and placed near a fluorescent lamp.

Budding method

More often, vaccinations take root using the budding method: implanting a bud under the bark of a 2-year-old rootstock. A T-shaped incision is made on the bark of the rootstock and a peephole is inserted from the cutting (scion), which has previously stood in water for 1.5-2 hours. At the grafting site, the rootstock should have smooth bark without buds. The transverse incision is not made very deep, and from its middle a longitudinal incision is made to a length of 1.5 cm. Using a budding knife, the incised bark is moved slightly apart to prepare a place for the peephole, then it is immediately returned to its place, leaving a hole at the top of the incision where the peephole is inserted .

With one movement of a knife, cut off the largest bud (eye) with the presence of bark and a thin layer of wood. It is inserted into the hole of the rootstock and tightly tied with tape for such purposes, but not with tape or electrical tape. Cover the top with a transparent polyethylene bag and place it in a lighted place so that direct rays of the sun do not fall for 1-1.5 months.

Reproduction of elite plants

There are many varieties of hibiscus. Among them there are plants with double flowers. Also with unusually beautiful colors and shapes, which differ significantly from ordinary culture. In view of such diversity, many gardeners have a question about how to root varietal hibiscus. You'll have to be patient here. The fact is that elite specimens produce root shoots much longer than classic ones. Sometimes this process drags on for six months.

It is best to root varietal hibiscus in water. Three basic conditions are required: heat, light and sufficient air humidity. Ziploc bags can be used as a material to create a greenhouse effect. With such a device you will not have to constantly disturb the seedling. It will be enough to simply open the bag once a week and release excess moisture from it. A light coating (callus) will first appear on the part of the cutting that is in water; after a while, roots will gradually begin to grow.

What to do when the castings of a Chinese rose turn yellow

If yellow spots begin to appear on the leaves of the hibiscus, this means that the plant has become infected. Over time, all the greenery will begin to spin and dry out, as a result it will fall off and the flower will die.

If you carefully examine a Chinese rose, you can see a mite. This parasite is very dangerous for the plant, so its neutralization is required. How to do it? It is necessary to spray the hibiscus leaves with pesticides, for example, “Aktelik” or “Fitoferm”. These substances are used to treat indoor flowers. To completely defeat the parasite (mite), it is worth disinfecting the plant at least three times. This procedure must be done once a week.

Experienced flower growers know that the best fight against flower diseases is prevention. To do this, it is worth treating Chinese roses with disinfectants once a month.

Cuttings of herbaceous hibiscus

Herbal hibiscus is a hybrid variety; cuttings can only be taken in early summer when shoots are growing. This way, before the first cold weather, the seedlings will have time to take root and the likelihood that the flower will survive the winter increases.

In order for cuttings to be successful, it is recommended:

  • On the day of planting, in the morning, water the bush generously so that the water saturates the earthen ball. In the evening, you can proceed directly to separating the sprouts. It is recommended to choose young shoots that grow at the base of old bushes;
  • Do not cut out the shoot, but pull it out to the side. The result should be a seedling with root rudiments or a white tint at the base;
  • Cut off the top of the sprout, leaving some foliage;
  • The base of the seedling is sprinkled with root;
  • The hole for a new bush should be filled with a mixture of brown high peat, sand and charcoal. The mixture must be poured thoroughly;
  • The cuttings are planted and covered with a cut bottle on top until rooting. There is no need to water additionally;
  • It is recommended to remove the bottles for a few minutes every day. If it’s hot outside, you should additionally spray the seedlings;
  • After two and a half to three weeks, rooting occurs. Now it’s time to start acclimatizing the seedling. To begin with, it is recommended to open it every day for ten minutes, gradually increasing this time, hardening the hibiscus. On average, complete adaptation to new conditions occurs within a week.

If the resulting plant seems weak at first, it can be tied to a stake. In this case, it is better to take a longer peg, for several garters.

Reproduction of hibiscus at home is a painstaking task, but does not require phenomenal knowledge.

We invite you to watch a video about the propagation of herbaceous Syrian hibiscus by cuttings:

All it takes is desire, attentiveness and a few hours of free time to get several from one beautiful flower and then, perhaps, a whole greenhouse that will please the eye.

Is it possible to plant a shoot in open ground?

Chinese rose is a heat-loving plant and is not suitable for our climate. With the exception of garden hibiscus, adapted for temperatures down to -30 degrees. The place for the plant is chosen to be bright and protected from the wind. The soil should be light and nutritious, water should penetrate deeply.

Planting is carried out in the spring, when the soil is well warmed up. Pit preparation:

  1. The planting hole should be twice as deep as the hibiscus root system.
  2. A drainage layer 15 cm thick of broken brick is laid.
  3. The next layer is 10 cm thick of sand.
  4. Compost layer 15 cm.
  5. The last layer is sandy, 15 cm deep.

Nutrient soil for planting is prepared:

  • 2 parts of soil from the pit;
  • 4 parts peat;
  • 1 part sand.

A seedling is placed in the prepared hole so that the neck is slightly covered, and it is covered with prepared soil.

How to propagate Chinese rose at home

The beauty of hibiscus always delights, and the splendor of colors pleases the eye. The Chinese rose, as this plant is also called, is found in almost every home. Under natural conditions, hibiscus reproduces by its own seeds. At home, most often, this process is carried out vegetatively using cuttings.

Chinese rose

With the arrival of spring, every amateur gardener strives to put his plant collection in order. A special place is given to reproduction, and any gardener needs to know how to do this at home.

At home, you can use both methods of propagating ornamental hibiscus:

  1. The seed method, in which hibiscus seeds are placed in the soil.
  2. The vegetative method is by cuttings, which must first be rooted.

How to plant a homemade Chinese rose

To plant a Chinese rose with shoots, you need to:

  • take a stem with a diameter of about 0.5 cm;
  • cut off the top at a distance of 15 cm and remove the leaves from below;
  • plant in a container;
  • place in a place with good lighting;
  • produce moderate and regular watering.

To carry out an annual transplant of Chinese roses, prepare a fertile mixture of turf and leaf soil, humus and sand. For young hibiscus, peat is also added. Expanded clay or fragments of brick are placed at the bottom of the pot to ensure drainage. To reduce trauma to the roots, hibiscus from one pot is placed into another using the transfer method.

Chinese rose transplant

Hibiscus are also planted by dividing the bush, but this method is used mainly for garden plants. The best time for the procedure is spring. Depending on the size of the bush, use a knife, pruning shears or saw. Before dividing, the blades are disinfected, for example, with alcohol.

Note! Chinese roses that had at least 2 stems last season can be propagated by division.

The bush is dug up, the soil is shaken off and the trunks are separated without damaging the excess roots. Then these shoots, which must have at least a few roots, are planted in pots with soil and compost. Water regularly, but in moderation.

Features of cultivation

Failure to comply with certain nuances can lead to the plant looking lethargic and ultimately dying. In the end, all your hard work will be in vain.

It is important not only to successfully carry out the rooting process, but to continue to take care of this wonderful flower. To constantly admire the blooming of the Chinese rose, you need to create an optimal atmosphere for it

She does not like too dry air, so it is better not to place the flowerpot with the plant near the radiator. To avoid flower wilting, spraying procedures must be carried out.

You should not choose a pot that is too wide for replanting the plant. They seem to feel the size of the container and stop developing intensively - the smaller the flowerpot, the more buds there will be on the bush

It is important to understand here that the roots of the plant should not be left with too much space. They also do poorly in plastic containers.

Chinese roses bloom for a long time.

The plant needs to be fertilized starting in March. This should be done once a week. To maximize the absorption of nutrients, you need to alternate the application of fertilizers - first feed the crop with a mineral complex, and in the next application add organic matter.

It is important to regularly wipe dust on the leaves or carry out hygiene procedures by spraying. It is also necessary to protect the bush from direct sunlight.

You especially need to pay due attention to culture if you have centralized heating, where the air is usually too dry. All care activities should be carried out in moderation

Selection of location and conditions of detention

The Chinese rose loves the sun very much, so the pot with the plant should be placed near a window located on the south-eastern side of the apartment.

In the shade, hibiscus may not bloom at all. However, exposure to direct sunlight is undesirable, so the Chinese rose must be installed in such a way that it is illuminated by the rays of the morning sun. If you are the owner of a very sunny apartment, then your hibiscus should be slightly shaded so that it is not exposed to the bright sun at lunchtime.

If it is possible to place a flower pot in the fresh air (on a balcony, veranda or terrace), then in warm weather it is highly advisable to do this. The indoor Chinese rose loves such walks, but it must be protected from direct sunlight and drafts.

The best temperature for hibiscus in summer is 22-25 degrees (higher is possible), and in winter - not lower than 15 degrees. If the temperature drops further, the Chinese rose may lose its leaves. If you can constantly provide your hibiscus with a cool winter, then the Chinese rose can bloom for several decades.

Hibiscus loves moist air, so it should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. This should be done especially often in the winter months, when central heating is turned on in apartments and the air becomes very dry.

From time to time you can place the Chinese rose under a warm shower; the hibiscus will gratefully respond to this procedure. However, you should water a Chinese rose from the shower when it is not blooming - if water gets on the buds, they may fall off.

To moisten and maintain the atmosphere necessary for hibiscus, you can place a pot with a flower on a tray with water or wet stones.

Cuttings: how to root cuttings?

To propagate Chinese roses by cuttings, you can use the material remaining after pruning the bushes. How to take a shoot correctly? A young, non-woody cutting 8-12 cm long, with at least three internodes, preferably cut in January-February, is selected. There are two types of planting - in water and directly in the ground.

Instructions for planting Chinese rose cuttings in water:

  1. A vessel, preferably made of dark glass, is filled with water.
  2. A cutting is placed in it.
  3. The top is covered with a cap, glass jar or plastic container to increase humidity.
  4. The cuttings take root in a month.
  5. After the roots appear, the plant is transplanted into the ground.

Reference! For a young plant, adding sphagnum moss to the soil is very beneficial.

Instructions for planting Chinese roses directly into the ground:

  1. Half of the leaves are removed from the cuttings.
  2. A 0.5 liter pot is prepared - washed and doused with boiling water.
  3. Before planting, the soil is spilled with boiling water.
  4. Drainage is placed at the bottom, the pot is filled with loose, water- and breathable soil.
  5. The cutting is buried 1.5-2 cm in moist soil.
  6. Cover the top with a jar or put on a bag (mini-greenhouse conditions are created).
  7. The pot with the plant is placed in a bright place with a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees, but not in direct sunlight, and is not moved from place to place.
  8. If condensation appears, ventilate.
  9. The cutting begins to grow - increase the ventilation time; if the hibiscus does not drop its leaves, remove the greenhouse.

Propagation of hibiscus by cuttings preserves varietal characteristics, and the plant blooms in the first year.

We invite you to watch a video about cutting hibiscus:

Read other articles about hibiscus on our website:

  • Why is it considered the “flower of death” and is it true that it cannot be kept in the house?
  • Decorate your garden - Chinese rose Angel Wings.
  • Why doesn't hibiscus bloom at home?

When to propagate hibiscus

Seeds should be planted in early March. Then the seedlings will grow up, become stronger, and survive the winter easier before the fall. The culture does not have a pronounced dormant period. But life processes slow down at the end of the season; plants, which are green stems with several leaves, have a hard time withstanding the winter and may die for no apparent reason.

Propagation of hibiscus by cuttings at home is usually combined with pruning - it provides a lot of planting material. But the operation is often carried out at the end of February, before the sap begins to flow, in order to obtain early flowering. Not all branches will produce roots, which is compensated by a large number of cuttings.

Rooting of shoots in the spring, after the massive opening of new vegetative buds, is much more successful.

The best results are obtained by cutting hibiscus when buds have just appeared on the branches. The plant is full of strength, sends plastic substances to the generative buds, which are all spent on root formation if you cut off a shoot ready to bloom and tear off the buds. Such cuttings are usually carried out in May.

A high percentage of survival rate is achieved by rooting hibiscus with shoots cut before the end of summer. It is possible to grow a Chinese rose from a shoot taken during the dormant period, but it will take more time, you will have to use stimulants, and you must immediately set aside a percentage for lunges. It is better to choose a more successful time for reproduction. But if some branch breaks in winter, you can try to root it.

Chinese roses reproduce by layering only in spring, when root formation processes are especially active. Usually a large branch is used for propagation; by autumn it should:

  • grow fairly large roots;
  • recover from the shock received when pruning from the mother bush;
  • get comfortable after transplanting in a new pot;
  • restore leaves lost during the adaptation process;
  • grow;
  • strengthen the young shoots at least a little before winter.

The older and thicker the branch used for propagation by layering, the more difficult it is to take root after separation from the bush.

A beautiful and useful garden inhabitant

Typological features of the plant include:

  • large double, semi-double flowers, reaching a diameter of 20 cm;
  • petiolate leaves with serrated edges;
  • bright color of the corolla;
  • the fruit is a five-leaf capsule filled with small seeds.

Pan-Asian countries are considered the birthplace of hibiscus. In this regard, the plant received its second name - Chinese rose. Like other mallow Chinese roses:

  • moisture-loving;
  • sun-loving;
  • prefer light, sandy soils;
  • need nitrogen and phosphorus baits.

It is worth noting that hibiscus flowers and leaves have medicinal properties. A decoction of the buds is used to treat patients with dysentery, hemorrhoids, inflammatory diseases, and stomach ulcers. Acidic enzymes contained in the petals stimulate the production of bile and the removal of poisons from the body. Decoctions based on dried buds and alcohol lotions from corollas soothe inflamed skin, reduce irritation and help prevent acne.

Hibiscus tea is long tea with the addition of Sudanese rose petals (a type of garden hibiscus), which stimulates appetite, lowers blood pressure and is an effective immunomodulator.

The collection of inflorescences is carried out during the active growing season - from May to October. During drying, the buds are not disassembled into petals, but placed in a shaded, well-ventilated place. Decoctions of hibiscus are used to rinse hair, wipe the skin of the face and neck, and also fill healing phyto-baths.

Types of plants and their description

In its homeland, hibiscus is called the flower of love, where it is a symbol of beauty and femininity. In Hawaii, local girls decorate their hair with these bright flowers on holidays. The plant belongs to the Malvaceae family, which is quite numerous. Hibiscus grows as:

  • ornamental trees;
  • herbaceous varieties;
  • subshrubs;
  • bushes.

Inflorescences can be funnel-shaped, double or simple. Regardless of the shape, they all have an exotic, attractive appearance. There are yellow, crimson, purple, lilac, and white colors. There are also two-color varieties. Tree hibiscus, grown in standard form, looks great as a tapeworm.

Low-growing varieties are suitable for placing in borders. Herbaceous hibiscus harmonizes with ground cover roses and plants with decorative leaves. Garden hibiscus begins to bloom at the end of June, flowering ends at the beginning of October. Frost-resistant varieties can withstand significant temperature drops (down to -20°C).

Popular varieties

Since there are several varieties of hibiscus suitable for the garden, you can choose the one that suits your taste. The most popular types are:

  1. Syrian hibiscus, also called garden hibiscus. It grows as a neat bush up to 3 meters high. Opened inflorescences resemble saucers. Flowering begins in July and continues until autumn. There are varieties with simple and double flowers in white, red and pink. In winter, this species can withstand temperatures down to -25°C. In summer it needs warm weather to bloom. Prefers neutral soil and places illuminated by the sun.
  2. Hibiscus double or variable. China is considered the birthplace of the plant. Powerful shrub growing up to 3 meters in height. Can be grown in standard form. The inflorescences are pale pink in color. The flowers are often double, but simple ones are also found. The diameter of the blossoming buds reaches 10 cm. When grown as a bush, it requires only sanitary pruning and forms independently.
  3. Herbaceous hibiscus. A plant with powerful, erect shoots up to 3 m high. Large leaves are shaped like sunflower foliage. The color of the inflorescences is pink, crimson, white. This variety of “flower of love” prefers warmth and sunlight. Blooms from August to early autumn. Almost any soil is suitable for this plant. It is considered unpretentious and frost-resistant. In autumn, it is recommended to cut off the entire above-ground part of the hibiscus. Flowering next year will occur only on new shoots.
  4. Swamp hibiscus. A versatile perennial that can be grown both in the garden and at home. Its large scarlet inflorescences look like rose flowers. There are black specks in the middle of each bud. This is the most frost-resistant species; in winter the plant can withstand temperatures down to -30°C.

There is a place for any type of hibiscus in the garden. Its herbaceous forms allow you to create picturesque compositions, while tree-like varieties are suitable for constructing hedges.

Substrate preparation

We figured out how to root indoor hibiscus cuttings. Next, let's move on to preparing the soil in which the flower will grow constantly. It would be good to purchase a special composition for citrus crops and add a little sand and vermiculite to it. You can prepare the substrate yourself. For this purpose, you need to take: three parts each of leaf and turf soil, one each of humus, charcoal and sand. If these proportions are observed, hibiscus usually develop well, get sick less and live long.

The Chinese rose also feels most comfortable in peat soil. Experienced gardeners advise adding sphagnum moss to it to regulate humidity.

Seed propagation of hibiscus

This method is suitable for growing valuable varieties of hibiscus and for obtaining new ones through crossing. The long period (several years) that passes from sowing to the moment of flowering makes propagation by seeds uninteresting for ordinary lovers of indoor floriculture. Seed material can be purchased in specialized stores or obtained at home by pollinating flowers with a soft brush. If pollination is successful, the flower calyx does not fall off after a few days, but remains on the plant. Hibiscus seeds ripen in a five-seed box for a month.

It is advisable to soak the seed material in a solution of any stimulant (Epin, Humate, etc.), diluted according to the instructions, for several hours. Place the prepared seeds in a damp cloth and wrap in cling film or a bag. At a temperature of about 25-30°C, the seeds begin to hatch within 3-5 days. Without waiting for a long root to grow, they need to be sown in moist soil, prepared as indicated above, for planting cuttings. The seeding depth is 0.5-0.7 mm. The container with seeds must be covered with glass or film to retain moisture. In a warm place, seedlings will appear in 7-14 days.

After the formation of 1-3 true leaves, plant the seedlings in separate pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm. Planting and care are carried out according to the rules common to all young plants:

  • It is best to water from a tray, avoiding stagnation of liquid in it;
  • do not cool containers with seedlings below +20°C, as this can cause the disease “black leg”;
  • Seedlings should not be left in direct sunlight and should not be allowed to dry out.

Growing hibiscus seedlings need to be transferred as the roots fill the volume of the pot. In good conditions, they grow quite quickly, and young bushes propagated vegetatively can even bloom by the end of the 1st year of cultivation.

Chinese rose propagation

How to propagate hibiscus at home? The Chinese rose tree can be propagated in two ways: cuttings and growing from seeds.

The most preferred method of propagating hibiscus is cuttings. It is the simplest and least labor-intensive, and the seedling always inherits all the characteristics of the mother plant.

Attention! A tree obtained by propagation by cuttings will bloom within a year.


Rosen branches, which remain after pruning the bush, or a specially cut cutting with the apical part of the shoot, are used as planting material. The prepared parts of the branches must have two or more internodes.

Cutting cuttings of Chinese rose

There are two methods for rooting:

  1. Place the cut parts of the shoots in a jar of water. After the roots appear, the seedlings need to be transplanted into a pot with prepared soil.
  2. You can root the cuttings directly in the soil. The soil should be loose and light. You can use sand. The cuttings are stuck into the soil. In order to maintain optimal conditions for rooting for the cuttings, cover the top of the planting with a plastic bag or glass jar to create a mini-greenhouse. Periodically remove the jar and ventilate the plantings. This will remove condensation and prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases of seedlings.

The room temperature must be maintained within +22-25°C.

Within 1-2 months after planting, the cuttings grow roots and can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Growing from seeds

The tree can reproduce by seeds. With this breeding option, the shrub will bloom no earlier than in three years.

How to grow Chinese hibiscus from seeds at home? This option is more labor-intensive compared to cuttings. You can get the seeds yourself or purchase them at the store.

The procedure for growing hibiscus is as follows:

  1. The seeds are pre-soaked in warm water for several hours. For planting, those located at the bottom of the container are used. Empty seeds that have floated to the surface are not suitable for planting. It is advisable to add a growth stimulator to a container of water. It is also recommended to disinfect them after this in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Place the seeds on a damp cloth to germinate. Cover them with a damp cloth as well. When sprouting, the rags must be constantly moistened so that they do not dry out.

  1. After the sprouts appear, the seeds must be carefully planted in a prepared glass with soil. As a substrate, you can mix peat and sand in equal parts. Planting is done either in pre-moistened soil, or after planting the soil is moistened with a spray bottle.
  2. Plantings need to be covered with glass or polyethylene to obtain an improvised mini-greenhouse.
  3. Daily care consists of ventilating the greenhouse, spraying the substrate with water and maintaining the temperature at least 25°C.
  4. After the seedlings have a third leaf, they need to be picked and planted in separate small containers.

Picking Chinese rose seedlings

In their first flower pots, young Chinese roses will continue to grow until they are transplanted into larger containers.

Hibiscus: reproduction

Propagation of Syrian hibiscus by seed

Hibiscus grown from seeds have increased stress resistance, but often do not inherit the varietal characteristics of the parent plant.

Therefore, amateur gardeners prefer to grow garden hibiscus using vegetative methods. But if you have a desire to conduct a breeding experiment in the hope of getting a new plant variety, then proceed according to the following plan:

  • collect brown hibiscus pods, first spreading film or paper bags under the bush so that the seeds from the ripened pods do not spill onto the ground;
  • remove the seeds from the pods;
  • carry out a test for the viability of seed material: 5-10 seeds, wrapped in a damp paper napkin, place in a plastic bag and close it tightly for 5-7 days. then remove and inspect for swelling or sprouts.

If you find that the seeds have swollen and some have tiny sprouts, then the seed is suitable for sowing. If there are no such signs, you will have to purchase garden hibiscus seeds. You can buy garden hibiscus seeds at a flower shop, garden pavilion or online.

Place the material suitable for sowing for a day in a solution of a growth stimulator. Fill the tray or container with a damp substrate made from equal parts of peat and sand, place the seeds on its surface at a distance of 5-7 mm from each other and lightly sprinkle with the same substrate. Then cover the container with film and keep it in a bright place at a temperature of about 25 ºC, removing the cover daily to ventilate and remove condensation. Do not let the substrate dry out - spray it with settled warm water from time to time.

Shoots may appear in 2-3 weeks. When the seedlings develop the first pair of true leaves, they are picked out in separate cups. In the future, the plants are cared for like any other seedlings. Garden hibiscus will bloom from seeds in the third year.

Propagation of garden hibiscus by green cuttings

Green apical cuttings are cut from Syrian hibiscus from mid-June to the end of the first ten days of July - during the budding period. The cut should be oblique. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, and the upper ones are shortened by half. Then the cuttings are planted in mini-greenhouses filled with a moist substrate of equal parts sand and peat. Make a deep hole in the substrate, pour half a teaspoon of growth stimulant powder into it, plant the cutting in this hole, deepening it by 3-5 cm, and squeeze the soil around it. The cuttings are covered with a transparent lid and kept in a bright place at a temperature of 20-25 ºC and air humidity of 80-85%. The roots of the cuttings will appear in three weeks.

You can also take cuttings from one-year growth in the third ten days of September. Each cutting should have from 5 to 7 buds. The planting procedure is completely similar to that just described, however, a growth stimulator is not used in this case. For rooting cuttings, an artificial fog installation is used, which allows maintaining air humidity in the cuttings at the level of 90-95%, and temperature changes: during the day - 30-35 ºC, at night - 24-26 ºC. If you do everything correctly, the roots of the cuttings will begin to grow within 17-20 days, and then the air humidity is reduced to 80%.

They say that it is possible to propagate hibiscus using lignified cuttings, but we are not aware of successful experiments with such cuttings.

Reproduction of garden hibiscus by dividing the bush

Bush hibiscus can be propagated by dividing the rhizome. Division is not used for propagation of tree-like varieties of crops, but for herbaceous varieties this is the fastest and easiest method of propagation

In early spring, before the sap begins to flow, you need to dig up a three- to four-year-old hibiscus bush with a pitchfork, clear its roots from the soil and use a sharp sterile instrument to divide the bush into parts. As a rule, each trunk is a separate plant, and when dividing old bushes, it is permissible to leave 2-3 trunks in each division.

The sections must be treated with ash or coal powder, after which the cuttings are immediately planted in prepared and well-watered pits, which are covered with nutritious soil. The root area is trampled down and watered abundantly, and after two weeks nitrogen fertilizing is applied to the tree trunk circle. With good care, young plants bloom in the first season.

Required care for Chinese rose

Caring for Chinese roses is required at a young age and during the flowering period. These two steps will ensure the healthy growth of your beautiful plant.

Caring for a transplanted cutting involves the formation of a crown. As soon as the planting material has completely taken root and began to rapidly gain height, it should be pinched. Only in this case will the Chinese rose grow lush and blooming.

Caring for hibiscus during flowering:

  • providing a sufficient amount of sunlight (but not direct sunlight on the leaves of the plant);
  • fertilizing the soil;
  • watering with warm water;
  • spraying.

You can use homemade weak sweet syrup as fertilizer. This requires one teaspoon of sugar and 250 grams of warm liquid. Mix the ingredients until completely dissolved.

In the summer, when the heat sets in, it is advisable to take the hibiscus (Chinese rose) out onto the balcony. Place it in a corner where there is no direct sunlight, but there is good daylight. These conditions will ensure abundant flowering.

The Chinese rose is a “water plant”. Watering in summer should be done frequently. You can do it every day – morning and evening. Also, the flower should be sprayed.

Pruning shoots has a beneficial effect on the growth and flowering of Chinese roses. You need to inspect the bush and identify weak branches. They are cut off first, leaving only a shoot two centimeters long from the buds with leaves. The crown is also trimmed to make the flower decorative. If you trim the shoots correctly, the plant will be lush and well-formed.

Chinese rose diseases

Improper care of Chinese roses can lead to diseases.

The most common diseases of Chinese rose:

  • fungal infection;
  • spider mite;
  • aphid;
  • felt

Symptoms of a fungal infection: blackening of leaves and falling buds. To avoid this disease, you do not need to over-moisten the soil, and also avoid drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Aphids and felt insects spread due to dry air and improper watering.

Signs about the Chinese rose

Every florist has heard many superstitions about the Chinese rose. Many of them are negative, although there are also positive ones.

Signs about the Chinese rose:

  • growing a flower in a house where a family lives will bring quarrels between husband and wife;
  • if the plant is pleased with its flowering unplanned, then troubles are coming soon;
  • leaves have fallen for no apparent reason - you should expect one of the family members to become ill;
  • Abundant flowering of hibiscus in the home of an unmarried girl promises an early meeting with a gentleman.

It is precisely because of the not very good reputation of the Chinese rose that it is grown not in residential buildings, but in administrative buildings and various institutions. Of course, you shouldn’t blindly believe all the signs, because falling leaves or sudden flowering can only be the result of improper care of the plant. See photos of garden hibiscus!

Types and varieties of garden hibiscus

Garden hibiscus is represented mainly by varieties of Syrian hibiscus, but other plant species, as well as their varieties, are also grown in cultivation.

Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus)

Surprisingly, it comes from China, not Syria. In nature, plants of this species reach a height of 5-6 meters and are deciduous shrubs with bright green ovate leaves about 10 cm long and single flowers of different colors. In addition to hibiscus with simple flowers, double hibiscus is grown in culture, and the form of the plant can be either bush or standard. Of the popular varieties, the most interesting are:

  • Diana is a shrub up to 2 m high with white flowers with a diameter of about 12 cm, wavy along the edge of the petals;
  • Vayelit Ilar Double is a very powerful upright growing bush with double or semi-double flowers of a violet-blue hue with red spots in the middle;
  • Pink Giant - a bush with single pink flowers with a purple spot at the base of the petals;
  • Carneus Plenus is a shrub with flexible shoots and double pale pink flowers with a purple spot in the middle.

In the photo: Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus)

Trifoliate hibiscus (Hibiscus trionum)

The species is native to central and northern Africa, although today it is widely grown in all areas of irrigated agriculture. The root of this plant is taproot, the stem is straight, branched, up to 80 cm high. The leaves are tripartite, petiolate, alternate, with pubescence. The flowers are yellowish, up to 4 cm in diameter, with a dark red center.

A peculiarity of the species is that the flowers open in the morning for only a few hours, and close in the afternoon.

Flowering of plants of this species lasts more than a month, because a new hibiscus bud is formed in the axil of each leaf, and if optimal conditions are created for hibiscus trifoliata, new flowers will appear daily.

In the photo: Trifoliate hibiscus (Hibiscus trionum)

Hybrid hibiscus (Hibiscus hybrida)

In addition to these two species, which grow both in the wild and in cultivation, hybrid hibiscus and its varieties are grown as garden plants. As already mentioned, this hybrid was developed by crossing three North American species - holly (armed), bright red and swamp hibiscus. Hybrid hibiscus are herbaceous perennials that are distinguished by spectacular and very large flowers. The best varieties:

  • Youth is a bush up to one and a half meters high, weakly branched, stems of a light yellow-green hue, from which shoots extend at an angle of 60º. The leaves are also yellow-green, three- or five-cut. Pink flowers with a white bottom and cup, up to 10 cm in diameter, have the shape of a tulip;
  • Late is a compact bush of approximately a meter in height and the same diameter, densely leafy with jagged, oval-arrow-shaped leaves with light veins on thick petioles. The flowers, raspberry-pink with a lilac tint, in the shape of narrow bells up to 7 cm in diameter, open on short thick peduncles;

In the photo: Hybrid hibiscus (Hibiscus hybrida)

  • Pale pink - a herbaceous bush up to 170 cm high with short shoots extending at an angle of 60º from the branches, with three-cut yellow-green leaves with a serrated edge and tulip-shaped pink flowers up to 12 cm in diameter with a white bottom and bowl;
  • Pink-porcelain - bush up to 130 cm, branched stems, yellow-green, leaves deeply cut with a wide, protruding middle lobe, dusty yellow-green, on petioles up to 6 cm long. Large bell-shaped light pink flowers with a barely noticeable yellowness and a white throat, up to 12 cm in diameter, sit in bunches on short peduncles.

How to propagate hibiscus from cuttings

Cooper's variegated hibiscus: home care

It is worth taking the choice of planting material very responsibly. The thing is that tree hibiscus is very loved by numerous pests. There is always a risk that along with a new seedling you will bring home unwanted guests who can destroy your home greenhouse in a matter of weeks. You should buy planting material only in specialized stores, where the flowers are necessarily treated with professional insecticides.


You also need to look at the condition of the seedling very carefully. An ideally healthy bush will certainly have juicy, bright and shiny foliage. There should be no dark spots on the leaves and stems, as they always indicate the presence of some kind of fungal disease. Carrying such a bush home is simply dangerous. Yellowing of the edges of the leaves, dry areas, stickiness - all these are unnatural signs, so such low-quality seedlings should be discarded immediately. The best option is to buy hibiscus already with a flower. This will allow you to verify the shade and decorative qualities of the bush. The flowers may fade very quickly, but their beauty pays for everything.

Hibiscus: propagation by cuttings in water

Every fan of the Chinese rose knows how to root a hibiscus from a cutting. During the 3 summer months, the natural growth of hibiscus branches is 20 cm. To form a correct, beautiful crown, it is necessary to shorten all regrown shoots by a third of the length. In the process of such formative pruning, many cuttings are formed that are excellent for rooting.

The step-by-step scheme for rooting cuttings in water is as follows:

  • Only mature shoots that have formed buds and strengthened bark are suitable for propagation. The optimal length of branches suitable for rooting is 8-12 cm. All buds, as well as the lower foliage, must be removed from them. Cut off half of the remaining leaves with scissors. This technique allows you to reduce moisture evaporation and increase the chances of growing a new plant.
  • The prepared planting material is placed in containers with water. Add 7 drops of epin per glass to the water to speed up root growth. To create optimal humidity, the cutting along with the container is placed under a hood or covered with a plastic bag. If the conditions meet the necessary ones, then the primordia of the rhizome will be visible after 7 days. The cuttings should be kept for 1 month before planting so that a strong ball of roots is formed.

Propagation of hibiscus by cuttings

  • To transplant into the ground, you need to prepare the soil mixture. Regular garden soil with a neutral acid-base reaction is suitable. To improve aeration, a small amount of clean river sand is added to it. If you set yourself the goal of preparing ideal soil, then its composition should be as follows: 2 parts each of leaf and turf soil with humus plus 1 part sand. A layer of expanded clay for drainage or other suitable material - broken brick, pebbles, crushed ceramics, etc. is laid on the bottom of the planting container.
  • The optimal planting container for a cutting that has just taken root is a ceramic pot with a diameter of up to 9 cm. When planting, it is very important to gently straighten the roots without breaking them.
  • Over the next 2 months, the pot should be in a warm and well-lit place. The lower temperature limit is 10°C, and the upper limit is 30°C, upon crossing which the bush sheds its leaves. If there is not enough light, the effect will be the same.
  • A week after planting, the top of the shoot needs to be pinched. This will allow the bush to immediately direct its forces to the formation of side shoots. If you neglect this, the shoot will begin to stretch upward, and you won’t get a beautiful bush.
  • Next year, around April, the first buds should appear on the young bush. There is no need to remove them; you can freely enjoy the long-awaited flowering.

Important! If the hibiscus variety is not double, then its first buds can be seen already in mid-March. They will appear in the axils of the lowest tier of leaves.

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