Must-have: what flowers must be in the house?

Superstitions about the most popular indoor flowers


Cacti do not transmit negative energy if they are placed in the kitchen or hallway.
In the marital bedroom, the cactus makes the man and woman “prickly” towards each other. There is a version that the cactus must be placed in front of a computer monitor: it will absorb harmful radiation. The cactus is more suitable for men (it is also called the flower of male power) or married women.

Single ladies better beware of cacti - you may never find your happiness.


An ideal option for a convinced bachelor. In a woman’s house, ivy can cause harm: it considers itself an owner and will not tolerate the presence of a stranger.


This flower is better known as the money tree; in apartments it is better to keep the variety that blooms with leaves. If the plant loses its foliage abundantly or gets sick, this will lead to unplanned financial expenses or grief.



It is considered the flower of women: ladies plant it in their homes if they want to get married successfully. A married couple with spathiphyllum will find harmony and peace in their personal relationships.


There are two opinions about geranium. On the one hand, it can bring loneliness into the house, but at the same time it is considered healing. Geranium fights well against colds and helps relieve swelling from bruises.

red geranium


This plant is loved by many for its unique healing properties; rumors about its harm can be classified as myths. Aloe rewards its owners only with positive energy.


Such a plant is capable of spreading happiness and goodness around itself: callous people become softer with it, selfish people become more merciful. If the Decembrist began to bloom not in December, but at another time, this only means positive changes.



Never place pots of ficus trees in your bedroom . The flower is endowed with powerful energy and can act as a barrier to negative news and gossip. Copes well with anxious thoughts.


The plant is called an energy vampire: it can suck all the juices out of a person. Monstera owners themselves often do not notice how they cannot overcome chronic fatigue and signs of depression.



Behind the external attractiveness of this plant also lies the ability to feed on the positive energy of its hosts. There is an opinion that an orchid blooms due to the shortcomings of its owners. If you keep an orchid in the bedroom, it seriously disrupts your sleep patterns.

Dangerous plants

Some representatives of the plant world have poisonous properties, so keeping them in the house is extremely undesirable. These include:

  • Dieffenbachia.
  • Oleander.
  • Croton.
  • Mimosa Shy.
  • Evergreen ivy.
  • Adenium.
  • Philodendron.
  • Primrose.
  • Stellera dwarf.
  • Nightshade.
  • Tulip Gesner.
  • Trichocerus.
  • Azalea Sims.

When choosing a green friend, you should not ignore superstitions about inflorescences, as they can significantly affect a person’s life. If a negative inflorescence is found in the house, it is better to get rid of it.

Plants for money well-being

What flowers should you keep at home to make money flow:

  • According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the leaves of the crassula resemble coins. The financial well-being of the family will largely depend on the condition in which your flower is located. A well-groomed plant can increase the amount of funds accumulated by its owners;
  • The dollar palm also influences the material component in the apartment. Where the plant got its name from is unknown. Most likely, this was a cunning marketing ploy to better distribute the palm tree on the market;
  • Bamboo can help you move up the career ladder. It is also considered a symbol of longevity and good humor;
  • Aucuba, or golden tree, will help develop various creative abilities and professional skills. Such a flower will immediately let you know if it senses enemies and envious people among the guests in the house. The golden tree can strengthen the spirit of its owner and give him strength to solve difficult problems;
  • in rare cases, a paper flower is grown in apartments: this plant is a shrub and is more suitable for planting in open ground. However, if you purchased it for growing in an apartment, you are very lucky. The paper flower is famous for its unique ability to attract wealth.

Can all species be grown in an apartment, and which ones cannot?

Folk signs warn which flowers cannot be grown at home. Some of them are poisonous and make people feel unwell. Others have negative energy and contribute to quarrels, family discord and even divorce.

We recommend: Folk signs about spathiphyllum: what are the superstitions and how to avoid the consequences?

When growing indoor plants at home, they need to be replanted, cuttings separated, and dry or damaged leaves and branches removed. There is close interaction with them.

But in nature there are poisonous flowers that are dangerous to humans and cannot be grown in your home:

  1. Dieffenbachia . The sap of the plant is very poisonous. When a part of a flower is cut or damaged, it releases toxic substances into the air. This can lead to poor health.
  2. Oleander . A flower with beautiful buds contains hot juice. A small drop will cause a skin burn.
  3. Euphorbia . According to signs, all types of this plant are not recommended to be grown at home. Sharp spines and juice, which causes allergies and irritation - all this makes it dangerous.
  4. Mimosa bashful . Releases toxic substances into the air. If you constantly touch its leaves, a person’s hair will soon begin to fall out.
  5. Spathiphyllum . The sap of the plant burns the skin and causes ulcers.
  6. Pachypodium . Provokes an allergic reaction, difficulty breathing.
  7. Lily . It is not recommended to keep it in the bedroom, because the flower emits carbon dioxide. The next morning the person feels a severe headache.
  8. Ficus . The evaporation of smooth leaves causes allergic shortness of breath and suffocation in humans.
  9. Hydrangea . Allergy sufferers should not keep it at home, because the flower buds emit a smell that provokes a dry cough.

All plants that have sharp leaves, thorns, and needles have a negative energy field. It is believed that they are the ones who bring scandals, quarrels, and misunderstandings into the family. An exception is that flowers with soft needles can be kept at home.

According to signs, some flowers should absolutely not be kept in the house, for example:

  1. Bonsai . A dwarf tree grown at home will hinder the financial and career growth of its owner. This flower is appropriate to keep in the office.
  2. Cacti . Unmarried girls should not be kept in the house. In married couples they provoke scandals and quarrels.
  3. Monstera . This is a powerful energy vampire. The person feels constant fatigue and irritation.
  4. Orchid . It is popularly believed that this plant is “muzhegon”. It takes away male power, feeding on positive energy in the house.
  5. Sansevieria . The flower drives away suitors from the house of an unmarried woman.

We recommend: Beliefs about the “female dragon” flower in the house: interpretation of signs and superstitions about dracaena

About which flowers should not be kept in the house and why, in the video:

For good health

Useful flowers for the home that bring health:

  • chrysanthemum helps to put in order a shaken nervous system. If your flower looks healthy, there is no doubt that its owner is a very kind person;
  • and geranium will not only relieve stress, but also give a charge of positive energy;
  • pink sorrel helps in healing from serious illnesses and promoting health. Be sure to place it in the room where the sick person is;
  • A pot of cyclamen is good to place in the bedroom: it protects the strength of those sleeping. It will ideally take root in the nursery and will protect your baby from unwanted “sores”.

Should we believe in signs and superstitions associated with indoor plants?

Superstitions and signs associated with indoor plants have been known for a long time. Most often, such signs associated with indoor flowers are related to long-known houseplants, but species that have recently appeared on the market have not yet acquired superstitions. Very often, statements regarding the usefulness or harmfulness of flowers are also very contradictory. Nevertheless, they are told and retold, confirmed by terrible stories that happened to “friends of friends”: “If the gifted flower dried up quickly, it means it was not given from the heart!” It's as if people don't know how low quality plants are sometimes found in flower shops. And these flowers, of course, can dry out quickly, especially if the gift was chosen by friends who have little knowledge of floriculture. “If a gifted flower dries quickly, it means it warded off illness or trouble!”

Why did the indoor plants that have been growing in the house for a long time not react to your problems in any way earlier, but the newcomer turned out to be so caring - he immediately took it and took it away?! Or maybe it dried out only because they brought it in the cold, or no one knew how to properly care for it, how not to dry out? As you understand, everything can be explained... But the assertion of some that “stolen flowers take root better” is generally very harmful and dangerous for any flowers, since it has destroyed many beautiful plants that have become victims of those who like to tear off cuttings without the permission of the owners.

"Dangerous" plants

You can hear that ivy in the house brings misfortune and drives a man out of the house. In ancient Greece and Rome, on the contrary, ivy symbolized fidelity and a successful marriage. It was also believed that a sprig of ivy placed on the chest of a young woman preserved her beauty. In the East and in our time, ivy is considered a symbol of perseverance, a source of energy and vitality.

In pre-war times, ficus was in every home and was considered a symbol of family well-being. But after the war, the attitude towards it changed - they began to call it a widow’s plant, and they were not advised to keep it in the house.

One of the most “dangerous” indoor plants is considered to be Monstera, a large, fast-growing vine with perforated leaves. Some say it “absorbs energy and can even suffocate you at night!” But in China, on the contrary, they consider monstera a symbol of longevity and veneration of elderly and respected people; it is given as a gift for birthdays, anniversaries and special family events. And who is right!?

In some places they say that bringing a fern into the house means bringing trouble into the house, while in other places, on the contrary, they believe that ferns protect the house from all evil spirits. And if the fern has dried up, you need to take a closer look at your surroundings: the plant has warded off damage.

According to some, the most “terrible” plants are “husband killers,” that is, plants that drive a man out of the house. Usually, unpretentious plants - scindapsus, cissus, hoya, tradescantia - fall into the category of "husband-killers". But no one thought about the fact that the relationship between a man and a woman simply changes over time, and this is a natural law of nature! People break up - for many this is a source of difficult experiences, but the house plant does not dry up from sadness, but continues to grow and develop. How can it do this!? That's the culprit! But exactly the same plants grow in families where peace and harmony reign! And in general, what is the connection between indoor flowers and marital relationships?!

Surprisingly, even the violet (Saintpaulia) fell into the category of “dangerous” indoor plants. There is a belief that she somehow “gives girls away as unloved ones and drives them out of the house,” as well as an almost completely opposite statement that “she keeps girls at home and drives away suitors.” It’s just not clear how all this happens at the same time for such a delicate and small plant.

Useful plants

Most of the signs are associated with the so-familiar “money tree” (crassula). This plant is grown to keep money in the house. According to legend, you need to plant it in a red pot, and put several large coins at the bottom. The more leaves, the more money... Well, we will be glad if this actually happens!

It is believed that the cactus protects against radiation from monitors... Whether they help or not is an open question, but the fact that “prickly green friends” will not hurt is for sure!

But it is recommended to place the fern closer to the TV in order to neutralize the negative influences of electronics. And although no studies have proven these claims, people willingly believe them.

Spathiphyllum is called “women’s happiness.” Many believe that when the white flags of its flowers bloom, happiness and prosperity with a loved one comes to the house. And since spathiphyllum blooms almost all year round, it is a very useful plant in the house, especially if you believe in these good omens!

Bamboo is considered a symbol of good luck in business; it signifies the desire for success and career growth. It is believed that this plant should be kept on the desktop, probably so that it can quickly have a positive effect!?

Aloe, chlorophytum and hibiscus (Chinese rose) are said to normalize family relationships and bring peace and quiet to the home. This is wonderful, but we think we still need to rely on ourselves more, don’t we?

But yucca and dracaena improve mood and give energy - thanks to them for that! To believe or not to believe all “flower” superstitions is everyone’s personal choice. But don’t rush to trash your favorite houseplants just because someone told you about the bad omens associated with houseplants. Just think that before anyone told you about the “bad temperament” of your green pets, they were a joy in your home. Think about how they grow in apartments and offices in many countries, bringing joy and good humor to people, no matter what signs and superstitions are associated with them. Let beautiful flowers always grow in your home, and let them bring you and your home only benefits, good luck and happiness!

For family happiness

Indoor flowers for home well-being, bringing happiness to the house:

  • The article has already mentioned a flower for female happiness - spathiphyllum. The plant helps not only to get married successfully, but also to give birth to a healthy baby. A similar flower exists for men. Anthurium can give a young man strength; help in resolving personal and professional issues. It is best for a married couple to have both plants. Husband and wife must take care of the flowers themselves - each with their own;
  • The violet is considered a symbol of eternal love. The flower nullifies all disputes and conflicts;
  • Chlorophytum is another name for the plant of family happiness. It was very popular during Soviet times; housewives love it for its unpretentiousness. Even if a person does not believe in omens, he certainly will not regret placing such a flower in his apartment: chlorophytum is considered an excellent air purifier;
  • The Chinese rose can help that married couple whose feelings have already cooled down. The flame of love will flare up with renewed vigor;
  • In many countries, it is customary to give newlyweds myrtle to strengthen mutual understanding in the family. The plant will bring with it eternal youth, beauty and harmony;
  • geranium is also a frequent resident in the home of a loving couple. A flower with pink petals is best purchased by those who have been married for a long time. White flowers are suitable for a couple planning to have children.

Plants that bring health

In this case, not only signs work, because it is known that many house plants are medicinal and are quite capable of helping a person overcome certain diseases. However, folk magic also works here and there are plants that bring health by their mere presence.

For example, an indoor chrysanthemum can give its owner good health and calm frayed nerves. If your home chrysanthemum blooms often and looks healthy and well-groomed, you are undoubtedly a kind and pleasant person.

Geranium brings its owner not only family happiness. The plant is quite capable of relieving stress, charging with positive energy, and therefore strengthening human health. Probably it's not just a matter of signs. and also that geranium is stunningly beautiful and has a magical aroma.

We select a plant according to the zodiac sign

What flowers should be in the house of each zodiac sign:

  • For Aries, flowers that can cope with their violent temperament are suitable. These could be roses, azaleas or begonias;
  • Taurus will be pleased with an unusual plant: a varietal Saintpaulia or a lily of rare colors. For representatives of the sign, not only the flower itself is important, but also the pot in which the plant is placed. Taurus will not tolerate cheap and ugly packaging for their green “pets”;
  • Geminis are changeable people. A good option for a suitable flower for them would be one that does not require daily care. These are palm trees, lilies and orchids;
  • When choosing indoor plants, Cancers should stick to traditional options. Ficus or Kalanchoe are ideal here;
  • It is best to give Leo the brightest indoor flowers. Representatives of the sign will like the Chinese rose or camellia with its thick greenery and rich color;
  • Virgos are distinguished by their practicality, so when choosing a plant, they evaluate possible options from the point of view of benefits. It is important for them that the flower brings a harvest or purifies the air in the apartment. In this case, lemon tree or chlorophytum are suitable;
  • For Libras, a sense of style often comes first: they should choose elegant and sophisticated plants as gifts. Opt for an orchid or hibiscus;
  • Scorpio has quite heavy energy: not every plant is able to get along with him. The best option here would be azalea;
  • active Sagittarius will not be able to get along with calm plants, but they will definitely like exotic flowers. Representatives of the sign should take a closer look at indoor lemon;
  • Capricorns will prefer flowers that do not require special care. Ficus will be the best gift for them;
  • Aquarians always give preference to everything unusual; They, for example, will consider arrowroot a flower with a “twist”;
  • Pisces love those plants that bloom beautifully. A pleasant aroma is also an important condition when choosing. Representatives of the sign should be given an orchid or azalea.

Signs about home flowers

In popular beliefs, one can very often come across the opinion that inflorescences, filled with destructive energy, die, but this is far from the case. Very often, green friends are able to absorb negativity and also “extinguish” conflict situations.

If some plant in the house suddenly died, this means that it took upon itself the destruction of its owner. You should definitely thank him for his help and bury him.

Experts in the field of magic categorically do not recommend accepting potted plants as gifts. It is believed that in this way the donor gives away all his problems. If you cannot refuse the gift, then you can give a few coins in return, as a ransom from trouble.

One dead fruit is unlikely to indicate serious problems, but if all the plants in the house begin to wither, it is worth checking the home for damage. But it is worth remembering that even the most unpretentious green friends need care.

With the help of an inflorescence, you can easily identify those areas in the house that harbor negativity. If, when moving to another place, a previously healthy plant begins to “wither,” then this place should definitely be cleaned of destructive agents. It is considered a negative superstition that plants bloom out of season.

What indoor flowers and plants are considered to attract wealth?

With regard to attracting wealth and prosperity, folk signs and the teachings of Feng Shui do not contradict each other.

In the first place among indoor plants that attract money is the money tree. The name itself leaves no doubt. It is believed that the thicker the trunk of the Crassula, the more prosperous its owner will be.

Connoisseurs of Eastern philosophy prefer the lemon tree . Along with the growth of the flower, welfare must necessarily grow and increase. You just need to remember to water the plant regularly and wipe off dust from the leaves.

Indoor mint will not only diversify tea drinking and have a calming effect, but will also contribute to the prosperity of the owner’s home.

The Guiana chestnut (pachyra) is often given to newlyweds as a wedding gift. Bringing good luck to your home, pihara will help you find success when getting a new job and in any other endeavors.

Ficus must be placed at the entrance to the house, in the “wealth zone”. Gives prosperity and brings wealth and good luck. Ficus is easy to care for and tolerates partial shade.

Who doesn't know violet ? Its small, pretty inflorescences are believed to help attract hard cash. In addition, they always lift your spirits with their beauty.

What flowers will warn of troubles and misfortunes


This home flower can warn of impending disaster. And if this domestic giant has decided to shed his green outfit, then expect not very good changes. To ward off trouble, you need to collect all the fallen leaves and throw them away at the intersection with the words:

“What is predicted will not happen, the misfortune will pass my house. So".


Kalanchoe can warn someone about evil intentions. If its trunk is crooked, and green buds and leaves stop forming on the leaves, then an ill-wisher will soon knock on the door.


Tradescantia's lashes begin to dry out, which means someone is spreading gossip about its owners, which can lead to negative consequences.

Calla lilies

It is not recommended to keep calla lilies in the house, since their abundant flowering promises the family to live in sadness for a year. This could be due to anything - the death of a loved one, natural disasters, deception, etc.

What flowers should be at home according to Feng Shui

Following the teachings of Feng Shui has become very fashionable. According to this ancient Chinese style, each item in the house is given its proper place.

This applies not only to furniture and other interior items, but also to fresh flowers. According to Feng Shui, plants must be purchased with love, they must be given care.

In addition, indoor flowers can enhance certain areas of life.

For example, azalea gives courage to the timid. She is also a donor of creative energy. This flower restores vitality and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

The cactus develops logic and helps cope with emotions, the orchid is suitable for creative people and will invariably lead them to success.

Chinese rose works great against laziness.

According to ancient Chinese teachings, artificial plants should not be placed in the bedroom. This can harm marital relationships. There should be no artificial flowers in the home. According to Feng Shui, their energy is dead.

REFERENCE. Avoid placing thorny plants in relaxation areas.

Plumeria carries the energy of longevity . This plant is best placed in the southern part of the house.

Callas will relieve stress and preserve youth. Callas are considered the guardians of home comfort.

Remove damage and the evil eye from the owner

Another reason was discovered by our great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers.

Since ancient times, it was believed that plants served as a kind of shield, protecting the owner and the home. Ivy was planted outside the home to ward off evil forces. Geranium served as protection against the evil eye. Azalea protected from gossip and evil words.

If your houseplant suddenly withered and died, it is likely that it has taken the brunt of negative energy directed at you. In this case, you should thank him, take him outside and bury him in the ground.

It has been proven that flowers also react to unfavorable places in the apartment.

The sages were the first to mention this in Indian books dating back to the 6th century. Therefore, it is recommended to place a well-growing flower near the bed or desk for a month and monitor its condition. If the plant withers or loses its leaves, it is recommended to change the location of the sleeping or working place.

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