Poppy is a bright ornamental plant: description of perennial and annual flowers, planting and care, methods of reproduction, possible diseases (70 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Poppy, from lat. "Papaver" is a herbaceous plant from the Poppy family (Papaveraceae). There are more than 50 species of this plant crop. The homeland of poppy is Central and Southern Europe, Asia, and Australia.

Author of the article

Eleonora Borisova

Specialist in medicinal plants and their use in folk medicine.

In nature, poppy can be found in the subtropics or temperate climate zone. Grows in steppes, deserts, semi-deserts and other arid places.

Variety "Kerlilock"

With slightly drooping flowers and a thin stem, this poppy resembles a sad piece of nature. Its traditionally orange (there are also red, yellow and even pink) petals with black spots closer to the base look incredibly touching.

Variety "Princess Alexandra and the Little Dancer"

These varieties, like their names, are incredibly delicate and light. Having a pink flower and the finest petals, their diameter does not exceed 15 cm, and they bloom in the very middle of summer. The varieties Ruffled Patty, Miss Piggy and Patty's Plum also boast lilac color

Plant care

Poppies can do without any care at all . They tolerate even dry summers well. Exceptions are young (up to 1 month) annuals and perennial plants of the first year of life. On the other hand, you shouldn’t completely forget about poppies either. Providing them with conditions that are somewhat more comfortable than the minimum can significantly increase the number of flowers formed and the duration of flowering.

Blooming poppy flower

If we are talking about obtaining seeds for cooking, then in this case caring for the plants becomes mandatory, since the yield is directly proportional to the number of flowers set and ripened fruits.

The main thing in caring for poppies is working with the soil. Young plants require regular weeding and loosening of the soil so that they can compete with other plants around them.

Plants with tall stems, especially those on which fruit pods ripen, are recommended to be tied to pegs driven in next to them.


Watering will be especially important for plants planted in early spring in the first two months of their life. Plants planted in autumn especially require watering during the active growing season (April-May, less often June).

It should be done strictly at the root using a narrow watering can so that moisture does not fall on the leaves of the plant. In addition, there should not be a lot of water. The purpose of watering is not to moisten the soil, but not to let it dry out.

During the active growing season, poppy seeds need to be watered at the root.

It is recommended to water poppies once a week; The water consumption should be 5 liters per square meter. m plot. During the growing season, the watering rate is increased. If the weather is hot, then the frequency of watering is reduced to 4 days, and the consumption is left the same. In normal weather, the frequency remains equal to one week, and water consumption increases to 7-10 liters per 1 sq. m depending on the degree of soil moisture.

It is best to water in calm, cloudy weather or in the evening just before sunset.

Loosening and weeding

Typically, both procedures are carried out immediately after watering. In some cases, there may not be any watering because the soil is still wet. But loosening the soil should be done constantly at the same frequency - once a week.

Several times a month you need to weed the poppy, ridding the ground of weeds

Loosening is carried out to a depth of about 2-3 cm , with the goal of ensuring air access to the roots of the plant.

Weeding is done as needed, that is, when new weeds appear. Typically, it is carried out once every two weeks and is performed during the next loosening. Not only the areas around the bushes are subject to weeding, but also the space between the rows.


Poppy is fed several times a season. Each time, fertilizing of the same composition is used that was discussed earlier when planting seeds.

Blooming poppy

In total, poppy is fed 3-4 times per season:

  • The first fertilizing is done during planting (in the second ten days of March for bi- and perennial plants)
  • the second feeding corresponds to the main phase of active vegetation and is carried out in mid-April
  • the third feeding is carried out at the beginning of flowering
  • the fourth is applied 1-2 weeks after the end of flowering

The last fertilizing should not contain any nitrogenous fertilizers, therefore organic and mineral components containing nitrogen should be excluded.

Variety "Diamond"

This is a bright representative of the group of red poppies, so named because it is truly a collective image of a flower that has formed in the world over many millennia. Among those with a red and scarlet hue, the varieties Marcus Perry, King Kong, Turkenlouise and others also stand out.

Opium poppy (Papaver somniferun)

It is also called “soporific poppy” and is not visible in reality, since it is also prohibited for cultivation. It blooms profusely and incredibly spectacularly in June – July. In the early morning the flowers open, and at sunset they fall. Such an everyday process resembles smooth breathing or a plastic sketch of the constant movement of a stem and flower, shown in rapid motion. You can watch this process for hours.

Variety "Black Cloud"

A blue-black or dark purple flower on a silver-green stem, with leaves shimmering under the moon - this is how you can see this variety of poppy.

Variety "Danish flag"

Already from the name it is clear that the variety got its name from its resemblance to the flag of Denmark - on the red canvas of the petals you can see a white and cream cross, which in the wind, as if a flag is developing, showing sharp corners and slightly jagged edges.

Variety "Merry Family"

For those who lack imagination, it is quite difficult to imagine a flower whose petals and its seed pod resemble a hen with chicks. However, this is exactly what this variety looks like. Due to their amazing color, such flowers are often used in making winter arrangements or even bouquets.

Use in pharmacology

In modern pharmacology, derivatives of opium alkaloids continue to be used in the manufacture of analgesics, drugs against cough or diarrhea. Medicines containing poppy extract are used to relieve severe pain, as stimulants, inducing euphoria and relieving anxiety. Medicines of this type are effective in treating stomach cramps and spasms in the respiratory system. Codeine and morphine are components of sedative and analgesic drugs that often have antispasmodic properties. Codeine is also used as a cough suppressant. Papaverine relaxes muscles and improves cerebral blood flow.

Other painful conditions for which preparations with poppy plant extract help: colds, fever, inflammation, colic, colic, enterocolitis, dispersion, nausea, hypertension, migraine and other types of headaches, hysteria, insomnia, mania, ulcers, warts, malaria, cancer, bites, caries. But abuse of such drugs can become addictive.

Peony varieties

Yellow, black or white cloud, Zverg Rosenrot or Tsartrosa are all names of varieties of opium poppy. Each of them is beautiful in a special way, because it has its own, pure and rich color scheme.

Samosa poppy (Papaver rhoeas)

Most common in the Caucasus and Western Siberia, this type of poppy has flowers of all shades of red and is also called “field poppy.” Growing up to 80 cm in height, the plant has large flowers that are used to color wines and various syrups. Although this plant, like most of its species, is poisonous, its seeds are used in baking.

Propagation by seeds

How does poppy reproduce? The only reliable way to propagate papaver on a plot is to use the seed planting method.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Before planting poppies, the area is prepared. The earth is dug up along with humus.
  2. The seed material is mixed with sand. The grains go deep into the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm.
  3. The seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil on top and watered.
  4. After the sprouts appear, they must be thinned out so that there is a distance of at least 20 cm between each plant.

The first shoots will appear in 1-1.5 months. The bush will bloom in about 3 months.

Another method of propagating papaver is by dividing the bush. But since the root system of the flower penetrates deep into the soil, it is extremely difficult to dig up the bush without damaging the rhizome. In addition, poppy does not tolerate transplants very well.

Applications in landscape design are very diverse

Variety "Silk Moire"

Semi-double red flowers have muted shades, just like the leaves, which become slightly lighter from the edge to the center.

Variety "Shirley"

We are used to seeing a black core in poppies, but this variety is an exception - among the simple, brightly colored double flowers, you can see a white center, giving the flower an incredibly festive look. Perhaps it is not like other poppies, since it was brought back in the 19th century from England, where it still grows.

Conditions for visiting poppy fields

As such, there are no special conditions for Crimean poppy photo shoots. Unlike the famous lavender, sunflower and sage fields, no one specially plants them. Wild poppy in Crimea is a self-seeded poppy that grows again and again from seeds that have ripened on it and are carried by the wind. Growing everywhere, it, unlike all Crimean species of wild tulips, wild peonies, wild irises, eremurus, etc., is not a particularly protected plant listed in the Red Book. Therefore, no one threatens with a fine for an unauthorized photo shoot in poppy fields. To visit them you do not need special permits or tickets for organized excursions. Such permission, for example, may be required for a photo shoot that involves private farmers' lavender fields. You can simply rent a car or use your own car and go take pictures in poppies. Some fields are easily accessible by public transport. In addition, during the poppy blooming season, the usual bus excursion tours that take tourists to famous sights never stop without stopping in the luxuriously blooming fields for gorgeous photographs and adding to their impressions of Crimea.

The popularity of spectacular photos of fiery scarlet poppy “waves” swaying in the wind is constantly growing. Therefore, a pre-thought-out selection of alternate locations will come in handy when looking for a quiet, secluded place. One in which the background for the photograph will be only a blooming poppy field, without a crowd of people taking pictures on it. Additionally, it is important to consider that this plant's habitat may naturally migrate. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the scarlet flower curtain, which we liked so much last year, will delight you with the same lush flowering this time. But perhaps a little further away there is another field, shining with the scarlet silk of its petals, which this year will bloom noticeably more luxuriantly than last.

Important! While walking through the poppy fields, you must follow all those simple but extremely important rules that help keep the wild nature of Crimea still beautiful. Do not litter, do not light fires, and take care of the plants growing on the peninsula and the animals living here. You should not pick poppies: a bouquet of them will very quickly lose its beauty and even if placed in a vase it will not last long. It’s better to save and “take with you” all this fiery splendor in beautiful photographs.

Blooming poppy fields in Crimea are incredibly beautiful. This is one of those spectacles that you should definitely see at least once in your life. The cheerful color of scarlet petals, widely spread across the fields along the roads of Crimea, brings with it the joy of life, the energy of inspiration and the endless charm of the beauty of Crimean nature. But, alas, the poppy flowering season is short. It is not surprising that guests of the peninsula are in such a hurry to capture the miracle they see in numerous photographs.

California poppy

An incredibly beautiful type of poppy, but a little breaking the stereotypical idea of ​​this flower. The shape of the petals resembles a kind of vessel, expanding upward, and the color, as a rule, is always orange, for which the poppy is nicknamed the “golden cup”. They bloom until late autumn, so they fit perfectly into rainy season landscapes. These flowers are often used to decorate borders or sidewalks, and when combined with lavender or cornflowers, they create beautiful compositions in flower beds.

Poppy Bloom Information

Basically, the flowering time occurs in the last spring month. The exact dates depend on weather conditions. The warmer the spring, the faster the buds will bloom. Those who want to personally see the luxurious beauty of the fields should visit local forums or follow the news in the republic. This way you will know that the flowers have bloomed. In general, people usually come here at the end of May. In the last weeks of the month, this fiery miracle of nature blooms. But if the spring turns out to be especially cold, then the flowering period may shift. There were years when poppies bloomed only in early June. If the spring turns out to be warm, with rain, then the natural transformation will begin in the middle of the month. Therefore, you should monitor the weather conditions in May. Then don't miss the period. Photographers and wildlife lovers recommend planning your trip around May 20-30. Vacationers at this time will be able to find fire fields without any problems. Additionally, flowering times may vary from area to area. If in one place a poppy field has already extinguished its colors, this does not mean that it will not be possible to encounter a clearing with scarlet flowers in a neighboring administrative unit. Fans of photo shoots should travel by private vehicle. This way you will be able to travel around the peninsula in search of bright meadows. They bloom for a short time, 7-10 days. Beauty is very tender and vulnerable. The slightest breeze causes the plants to shed fiery petals. For the same reason, it is not recommended to pick bouquets for future use. The blood-red petals will fall off and you won’t be able to get them home. It’s better to take high-quality photographs and capture natural beauty forever.

Blue poppy (Himalayan poppy)

Tibetan, bell, blue - these are all flowers that came from the Himalayan mountains. Growing there, they spread over many kilometers, resembling an azure lake from afar. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to see such landscapes, since they grow at an altitude of about 3000 m. But what about growing them yourself, many will ask. Anything is possible, but only for those who are not afraid to wait and know how to work - the process of growing such poppies is quite complicated.

Hollow poppy (Papaver nudicaule)

This perennial plant is a typical type of poppy with an orange-red color scheme. Growing up to 50 cm in height, the flowers, due to their thinness and ease of use in floral arrangements, are sometimes cut for bouquets. It is interesting that this species is also called Icelandic or Arctic, all because the stems are so thin and the leaves have a gray-green color that it seems as if the flower grew in the cold, and the greenery that appears from the presence of a sufficient amount of sunny color is absolutely alien to it . According to another version, it is called “saffron”, and Eastern Siberia is considered its homeland.

Features of garden care

The tops of large specimens at the beginning of the flowering period will be weighted with buds, so they will need support. To tie poppies, it is recommended to use wide ribbons made of natural fabrics, since thin or nylon ropes can easily damage the stem.

After the flowering period is over, the dead parts are cut off at ground level. The seeds are collected after the fruits ripen.

Young plants need special care - they need to be watered frequently. The divided bushes should spend the first winter under cover of dry leaves and spruce branches. In the future, plants will be able to overwinter without shelter.

Poppy can withstand frosts down to -40°C. Mature bushes do not require additional shelter for the winter, but the safety of rare varieties should be taken care of; they should be covered with dry leaves for the winter.

What conditions do poppies like?

Perennials such as oriental poppy prefer loose, sandy loam soil in which water does not stagnate. If the soil is deprived of nutrients and its acidity is increased, the flowers will become smaller every year. The most suitable place for planting is areas flooded with sunlight. The plant will not disappear in the shade either, but the buds will set worse.

Important! Some crops, when planted in shaded areas, refuse to bloom.

What is the plant afraid of?

In general, poppy is an unpretentious plant, but in order to achieve abundant and long flowering, the gardener must water the beds on time, trying not to flood them. The plant is afraid of both prolonged drought and stagnation of water.


It can go without watering for a long time, but the lack of moisture affects the quality of flowering. With abundant watering, stagnant water can damage the root system of the plant.


Poppy in the garden

The land in which poppies grow is mulched with peat, but in the absence of peat, you can use any mulch. Mulching relieves the gardener of the need to regularly water the beds and get rid of weeds.


Loosening must be carried out before sowing poppies and in the process of caring for adult flowers. The earth is loosened to a depth of 3 cm.


Feeding is provided by humus and minerals. The first is scattered over the land in such a way that for each square meter there are 10 kg of fertilizers. Minerals are distributed in such a way that there is at least 30 g per 1 square meter.


The flower is replanted carefully so as not to damage the root system. They dig it up together with a lump of “native” soil and immediately transplant it to a new place. The recommended minimum distance between the two closest plants is 50 cm. It takes root well in places where large-leaved hydrangea (hydrangea macrophylla) was previously grown.

Variety "Atlant"

A perennial variety of poppies with single flowers of yellow or white color, growing on thin stems (20 cm) and having small flowers (5 cm). It is quite frost-resistant, so it is often cut for bouquets, but it is worth remembering that the juice can clog blood vessels, so carefully cut it and hold it over the fire.

Growing poppies from seeds: planting poppies in open ground

The seedling method for growing annual poppy is not used, since the seeds germinate well when sown directly in open ground. In addition, poppy seedlings are unlikely to survive transplanting. Perennial poppy is sometimes grown through seedlings, and when the seedlings have formed the first pair of true leaves, they are planted in a permanent place.

  • How to plant and care for hazel grouse in the garden

When to plant

Poppy seeds sold in stores, online or garden pavilions, as a rule, do not require pre-sowing preparation, but personally collected seeds will require preliminary stratification, for which purpose they are sown in the ground in areas with mild winters in the fall or at the end of winter, with the goal of freezing them seeds in cold soil. If you intend to sow poppies in later spring, you will have to keep them for two months in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for stratification, and only then sow. Unstratified seeds germinate poorly, and seedlings from them grow and develop very slowly.

How to plant

Almost all types and varieties of poppy prefer to grow in sunny areas. As for the composition of the soil, each of them has their own preferences. If you are growing a variety that grows well in infertile soil, you are lucky: you do not have to prepare the area for the crop in advance. But if your poppies require fertile soil, dig up the area with bone meal or compost.

Before sowing, it is better to mix poppy seeds with fine sand in a ratio of 1:10. Sowing is carried out on the surface of soil loosened to a depth of 3 cm, after which the seeds are only lightly sprinkled with soil. There is no need to sow poppies in rows as the seeds are unlikely to stay where you place them. The area with crops should be kept moderately moist. When sprouts appear, and this will happen in 8-10 days during spring sowing, thin them out so that each flower has a small space for growth and nutrition - from 15 to 20 cm. Flowering will occur in 3-3.5 months from the moment sowing and will last 4-6 weeks.

Poppy "Alpine"

The shortest type of poppy, but at the same time blooming early. It begins to delight with its white-yellow flowers in May, and stops in June. Therefore, you should hurry to see the amazing combination of the most delicate shades of these colors, among which there are also reflections of pink and orange. We also note that the white color of the petals often has a blue tint, so these flowers look incredibly beautiful in combination with cornflowers.

Flower calendar. June: Bluebells maquis

Poppy. Beautiful and treacherous

While collecting information about poppy, I was faced with the fact that there is a lot of it and it concerns various areas: floriculture, myths and legends, folk rituals, medicine, cooking, fortune telling, poetry, art...

Photo by A. Salkutsan

Perhaps because poppy is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world and one of the oldest spices. Poppy cultivation began in Central Asia and Europe back in the Neolithic era.

Bell. Collection of A. Salkutsan

Bell. Collection of A. Salkutsan

This plant is very interesting, both in appearance and in its properties. The poppy is a mythopoetic image - a sign of sleep and death, and a blooming one - of unprecedented beauty, also a symbol of unfading youth and feminine charm.

Bell from the collection of Yu. Churilova

Poppy has long been considered the flower of sleep and oblivion. This flower is an attribute of the god of sleep Hypnos and the god of death Thanatos. The kingdom of the god of dreams Morpheus was planted with poppies. The goddess of the harvest, Ceres, was always depicted with a poppy in her hand. The poppy served as a symbol of fertility due to its great fertility (a poppy box contains about 30 thousand seeds). Therefore, it is an attribute of Hera (Juno) - the goddess of fertility and marriage.

Photo by N. Stepanova

There are several legends associated with the appearance of the poppy. The ancient Greeks believed that this flower was created by the god of sleep Hypnos for Demeter so that she would fall asleep and rest from the search for her kidnapped daughter Persephone. The ancient Romans believed that the poppy grew from the tears of Venus, which she shed upon learning of the death of the beautiful young man Adonis. According to Buddhist legend, poppies grew on the ground that was touched by the eyelashes of the sleeping Buddha.

Bell from the collection of Yu. Churilova

Poppy is grown for food, medicinal and ornamental purposes in many countries around the world. All poppies can be divided into annual and perennial. Annual poppies were once widespread in nature - they grew in fields and along roadsides. This is the so-called field poppy or poppy. This type of poppy lives in the garden only for one summer, but thanks to abundant seeding, next year it can again delight you with its flowering, sometimes in the most unexpected places in the garden. Self-sown poppy seeds are loved by various rodents. They store poppy pods for the winter, while simultaneously dispersing the plant's seeds over long distances. Of the perennial poppies, the most common in floriculture are the oriental poppy and the bract poppy.

The natural color of poppy flowers is bright red with a dark center, but today breeders have developed many varieties with different colors: white, purple, soft pink, cream, orange... Poppies bloom in May-June for 20-30 days.

Bell from the collection of Yu. Churilova

In the Middle Ages in Europe, poppies were grown in every peasant garden, as it was collected as a tax - each household had to hand over approximately 27 liters of poppy seeds.

Poppy emits a rather strong, intoxicating odor that can even make you fall asleep. As a result, in Germany there was a belief that anyone who falls asleep in a poppy field gets sleeping sickness. The German poet, B. Sigismund, describes the smell emitted by the poppy: “Sweet is the fragrance of violets, wonderful is the smell of roses, hot, like spicy wine, the aroma of cloves, but you emit a stupefying smell, like the waters of the Lethe River, destroying the memories of a life lived.”

In my favorite children's book, the characters almost died when they found themselves in a poppy field and inhaled the sweet aroma of red flowers. Chapter in the book by A.M. Volkov’s “The Wizard of the Emerald City” is called

Treacherous poppy field

“The travelers walked merrily through a meadow dotted with magnificent white and blue flowers.
Often we came across red poppies of unprecedented size with a very strong aroma. .. ...The further the travelers walked, the more poppies there were in the field. All the other flowers had disappeared, drowned out by the poppy thickets. And soon the travelers found themselves among a vast poppy field. The smell of poppy lulls you to sleep, but Ellie didn’t know that and continued walking, carelessly inhaling the sweetish soporific aroma and admiring the huge red flowers. Her eyelids became heavy, and she really wanted to sleep. However, the Tin Woodman did not allow her to lie down.

“We must hurry to reach the road paved with yellow bricks by nightfall,” he said, and the Scarecrow supported him.

They walked another few hundred steps, but Ellie could no longer fight sleep - staggering, she sank among the poppies, closed her eyes with a sigh and fell soundly asleep.

- What should we do with her? – the Woodcutter asked in bewilderment.

“If Ellie stays here, she will sleep until she dies,” said Lev, yawning widely. “The scent of these flowers is deadly.” ...

L.V. Vladimirsky, illustration for the book “The Wizard of the Emerald City”

Poppy is popular in folk medicine - it is used to treat headaches, bronchitis, bruises, sore joints, and is used as a sleeping pill and sedative. Many medicines are made based on poppy seeds: sleeping pills, painkillers, antispasmodics, antitussives and others. Nowadays, the healing properties of poppy are receding, unable to withstand competition with synthetic analgesics. And the deadly juice of this flower, opium, a source of heroin, morphine and other dangerous drugs, comes to the fore. But the flower is not to blame for anything. People who have lost their sense of proportion, who do not feel the line between life and death, are to blame.

Bell from the collection of N. Stepanova

Opium is obtained from the sun-dried milky juice extracted from the unripe pods of the opium poppy. The first mention of opium dates back to the 300s BC. e. It was used only for medicinal purposes as a sleeping pill and painkiller in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Opium began to be used especially often as a medicine in the Middle Ages, and it often happened that a patient died from too large a dose of this medicine. Cases of poisoning became so frequent that the medieval physician Tabernemontanus wrote the book “Magsamensaft” (“Juice of Poppy Seeds”), in which he advised using this remedy only in extreme cases and reproached doctors for the fact that, being carried away by the quick healing of this remedy, they do not think about the dire consequences that threaten their patients.

Photo by L. Franzek

Opium was first smoked in the East, in Muslim countries. Smoking opium became, as it were, a replacement for the consumption of alcoholic beverages, which was prohibited in these countries under Mohammed’s law. Smoking opium was also used for medical purposes, for example, Dutch sailors were sure that smoking a mixture of tobacco and opium protected them from malaria.

Initially, Turkey and Arabia were involved in the preparation of opium for smoking, but then India became the main center of its production, where the British, appreciating the benefits of trading in this poison, began to dilute it in huge quantities for export to Mohammedan countries and especially to China, whose inhabitants, having tasted the sweets almost everyone became addicted to this smoking. In 1820, the Chinese government banned the import of opium. But England started a war, called the “Opium War”. China, which lost the war, was forced to again allow the import of opium, as a result of which opium smoking in China was widespread for a long time.

Bell from the collection of I. Koltakova

An old Indian legend tells about the consequences of this addiction, according to which those who consume opium will have the qualities of various animals. At first, they will be playful and frisky, like a mouse, then - loving milk, like a cat. For some period they will be fighting and yapping at everyone, like a dog, angry, like a boar. Then - grimacing like a monkey, and finally, majestic like a queen... But still, they will end their lives falling to the very bottom.

For “peaceful” purposes, poppy seeds are widely used in cooking. Poppy seeds contain a lot of fat, as well as protein and sugar. Poppy is used to make halva, sprinkled on buns, crackers, crackers and other confectionery products. Oil is also produced from poppy seeds. The highest quality oil is used for food, while the lower quality oil is used to make varnishes, soaps and paints. Poppy cake is used to feed livestock and poultry.

In Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Poland and other countries, poppy seeds are used to prepare ritual dishes (kutia, poppy cakes, cakes with poppy seeds, makovniki). Poppy flowers and seeds are used in various rituals and church celebrations. There are many legends, superstitions and legends associated with them.

Photo by N. Stepanova

In Yorkshire, the poppy is called “blind strike”, because the bright red color of the poppy is blinding, and “weak head”, because. the smell of its flowers gives me a headache. In Provence, the poppy is considered the flower of angels, because... it is used to decorate churches on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. In Flanders and Brabant poppies are called “sprokelloem” - “ghost flowers”, because There is a belief that you should not go to poppy fields because the flowers suck blood. In China, poppies symbolized retirement, relaxation, beauty, success; however, as a source of opium - decay and evil. Collecting poppies seems to be a symbol of the impossibility of accomplishing something or, in general, of enormous difficulty.

In Greece, poppy was called “dylephilon” - “love spy”, because the girls, tearing off its petals and placing them on a circle formed by the bent thumb and forefinger of their left hand, hit them with their palm and determined by the force of the clap how much their lover was in love with them.

Photo by V. Leonov

In Russia, although poppy flowers do not have special significance in church festivities, church domes are often called golden poppies. Here, of course, the name crown refers more to the upper part of the head, which we usually call “crown, poppy”; nevertheless, some symbolism arising from the similarity of the poppy head with our head is also observed in many Russian sayings and songs.

This symbolism already existed among the ancient Greeks, who called the poppy - kodeion, and the human head - kodeia, and especially among the ancient Romans, among whom Numa, instead of the human heads that had previously been sacrificed to Jupiter, began to sacrifice poppy heads. The same thing happened with the brutal propitiatory sacrifice of children's heads to the goddess Mania. Junius Brutus replaced the children's heads with heads of garlic and poppy seeds.

Materials used: N.F. Zolotnitsky “Flowers in Legends and Traditions” (text on the website www.granina.narod.ru) www.vashsad.ua www.inflora.ru www.myfhology.narod.ru www.ne-kurim. ru

Bells | Floral calendar | Flowers

Polar poppies

Even there, in the distant expanses near Lake Baikal, where the climate is in no way conducive to the growth of flowers, poppies find a way and adapt to the harsh climate. Representing flowers of yellow, white, orange and other colors, the plants form entire carpets, acting as a kind of “northern miracle”.

What to do if you bought a poppy seedling in early spring?

Poppy seedlings start selling early. By the beginning of the season, all the interesting things will have already been sorted out, so you shouldn’t put off the purchase, even though there is still snow outside. Disinfect the purchased root in a fungicide solution and plant it in a cut plastic bottle.

Be sure to make holes in the bottom of the bottle to drain excess water. Make the soil for planting from equal parts of garden soil, sand and ash. If the divisions have leaves, then place them in a cool, bright place. If there are no leaves, you can keep them in the dark.

To prevent the rhizome from rotting, you need to water it from below into the pan. The water, when absorbed, should reach the middle of the bottle.

In May, plants can be planted in a permanent place. We do this as follows: we cut off the bottom, put the seedling in a hole, fill it three-quarters full with soil and water it, compacting the soil. Then we carefully pull out the bottle, trying not to destroy the lump, and cover the seedling with earth, lightly hilling it up.

Poppy "Pikoti"

It stands out among other varieties not only for its beauty, but also for its size. The length of the stem can reach 1 meter, and the large flowers are white, thanks to the orange-red edging they seem larger than others. Such poppies usually bloom for about two weeks, so florists are in a hurry not to miss the opportunity to add them to their compositions.

Where are the poppy fields in Crimea

Poppies bloom in different parts of the peninsula. You can do a photo shoot in bright colors against the backdrop of majestic mountains, steppe expanses or sea waves. Here are some of the most popular destinations where you can go for great photos.

  • Bakhchisarai district

Fields overgrown with scarlet poppies stretch along the highway on the way from the capital of the peninsula to Bakhchisaray. When traveling by private or public transport, they usually focus on the village of Tankovoe. From Simferopol, it is best to get to it from the central bus station or from the Zapadnaya station.

This is an opportunity to photograph shining flowers against the backdrop of beautiful sea waves. Getting to this beautiful cape is a little more difficult. The most convenient way to do this is with your own or rented car. Buses usually take you to the villages of Shchelkino or Mysovoye. From any of them you can walk to the coastal expanses overgrown with poppies.

  • Village Red Poppy

Surprisingly, a place with such a telling name can only offer one field for photography where scarlet flowers grow. Apparently, this is why large crowds do not often gather here. This village can also be reached from Simferopol. You need to move towards Bakhchisarai.

  • Koktebel – Sudak

Fiery red poppy clumps beautifully frame the road between Koktebel and Sudak. You can stop your car at a place you like or get off a regular bus traveling along this road.

You can also see and photograph poppy fields around Sevastopol. There are a lot of these flowers along the sides of the Presidential Road leading from Inkerman to Sevastopol. Amazingly beautiful photos with bright scarlet poppies are taken against the backdrop of the sea in the spectacular ruins of ancient Chersonesos.

  • Kerch – Feodosia

Between these cities there are abandoned military training grounds, freely overgrown with red poppies in May and June. It is not easy to get to them by public transport; it is easier to get there by your own car. And from the bus stops you will have to walk.

  • Yevpatoriya district

Most bright flowers can be found near Lake Donuzlav. People come here for spectacular photographs with the lake in the background. The easiest way to get to its shores is from the Evpatoria bus station on buses going to the villages of Novoozernoye or Mirny. From here it is easy to walk to beautifully flowering fields.

Poppy "Persian"

Incredibly delicate and graceful flower stands out in purple or red color with a black core. This is a decorative flower that requires special care and does not like excess moisture. In addition, with a lack of space, its special saturated shade noticeably fades. Its flowering lasts about 100 days, so there is enough time for everyone to enjoy it.

How perennial poppies reproduce

The key to lush and long-lasting flowering of the decorative perennial poppy is proper planting and care. A perennial can grow in one place for 10 years or more, but experienced gardeners replant it once every 5–7 years. The plant can be propagated by seeds, seedlings and dividing bushes.

Note! If the gardener plans to transfer an adult plant to a new place, he must thoroughly clean the former “place of residence” of the poppies, removing even tiny pieces of rhizomes. The remains of the plant will germinate easily and will soon spread throughout the area.

Growing from seeds

One of the most popular methods of plant propagation. To ensure that the seed dissipates on its own, flower growers leave fruit boxes on faded plants. Self-seeding will occur next year. Most gardeners prefer to collect seeds and sow them by hand.

The seeds are scattered over a previously dug area and lightly crushed with loose soil. If the seed is buried too deeply in the soil, it will not have enough strength to germinate.

Time to board

The crop can be sown in spring and autumn. Autumn sowing is carried out in previously prepared soil. Stratification is useful for seeds, so in regions with a mild climate it is advisable to carry out work in the fall. Spring sowing in open ground is carried out early, before the onset of stable heat.

It is best to plant adult perennials in May or September, before or after the flowering period.

Selection of capacity

Germinating poppy seeds

Seeds do not have to be sown immediately in open ground. In early spring, they can be germinated in a plastic tray, a peat cup or a special “tablet” filled with a nutrient substrate. The seeds are scattered over the surface of the soil, lightly pressed into the ground and covered with polyethylene. When the seedlings sprout, which will happen in 14–15 days, they will need coolness and good lighting.

Preparing soil and seed

Both neutral and slightly acidic soil are suitable for sowing. It is desirable that the soil is light and crumbly, loamy or sandy loam. Having matured, the flower can develop safely in any soil.

The crop can survive for a long time without watering, but the lack of moisture will certainly affect the quality of flowering. With abundant watering, stagnant water can damage the root system of the plant.

The soil intended for planting must be fertilized with humus at the rate of 5–10 kg per square meter. Feeding with minerals will also be required. 30–50 g of fertilizer must be added to each square meter of land. The fertilized soil is dug up by plunging the shovel into the soil to a depth of 30–40 cm.

Note! Seeds are collected after the leaves of the plant wither or turn yellow, and the capsule dries out and cracks at the base of the cap (small holes should form between the base and the cap). Seeds ready for planting acquire a dark gray, almost black color.

Sowing all types of poppies requires compliance with the following rules:

  • do not allow water to stagnate;
  • Do not plant seeds in places with close groundwater.

Seedling care

The beds with hatched seedlings are fed 1-2 times during the season. The soil in which poppies are planted must be regularly loosened (while simultaneously removing weeds), ensuring air flow to the rhizomes, and mulched (preferably with peat).

Dive and transfer

poppy seedling

After the formation of the 2nd true leaf, the seedlings are dived, trying not to damage its parts. The plant does not like transplants and will die if handled carelessly.

Planting in a permanent place is carried out after the appearance of the 5th leaf. The culture is dug up along with a lump of earth and carefully transferred to a new place.

Additional Information! Some varieties bloom in the year of transplantation, some - 2-3 years after sowing the seeds.

Dividing the bush

The bush is dug up along with a lump of earth and divided into several parts. Given the fragility of the rhizome, this work must be done very carefully. Parts of the flower are immediately transplanted into pre-prepared holes. The permissible distance between the two nearest holes is 50–70 cm.

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