Description of the Cordana rose and its varieties. Home care after purchase

The theme of today's issue is the Cordana rose. The value of this plant is that it grows equally well both in open ground in the country and at home. Rose Cordana is often ignored by gardeners. And in vain, because beautiful bushes, dotted with miniature roses and buds, can adequately decorate borders in flower beds, become part of magnificent flower arrangements, or delight with flowering on windowsills at home. After watching this video, you will learn how to replant mini-roses in two ways: in a pot as a houseplant and in open ground in the garden.

How to grow Cordana rose at home and in open ground?

Detailed description of the potted plant "Kardana"

Rose Cordana refers to a line of different varieties of miniature roses. They are characterized by a long flowering period and a wide variety of flower colors.

Rosa Cordana grows in bushes, albeit small ones . Castes are found as narrow pyramidal, crayfish and spreading. The plant can reach a height of 35 cm. Flowers are formed singly or in inflorescences, depending on the variety of rose. The flowers have a classic shape and color from white, cream, pink, yellow to red and purple.

Description of culture

Rose mix Cardana is a rather distinctive variety. It will take root well in the garden, although not in every garden. To a greater extent, the shrub is considered an indoor one. The budding period is from May to October. The main difference is that Cardana rose does not smell, so it will not harm those who are allergic to flowers. It can be given as a gift without any risk, and in the room it is not a threat to health.

Features of the variety:

  • flower height approximately 30 cm;
  • the leaves have a rich emerald color;
  • Flower colors are white, pink, yellow and red.

Kordana rose bushes are distinguished by their lushness and flowering time. It must be borne in mind that a change in environment can cause illness, but with proper care the plant “recovers” quickly.

Note! Many people call it Cordoba rose, but this is a misinterpretation.

History of origin

For the first time there was a conspiracy about the rose of Cordan in the 19th century.
In 1810, European countries imported dwarf tea roses from China. Flower growers really liked these varieties, they were especially impressed by their size. A little later, breeders began crossing dwarf tea roses with other varieties of plants of this genus. Miniature roses received the name Cardana in honor of the flower breeder who was involved in their breeding, Wilhelm Cordes.

Varieties of indoor plants in a pot

There are several subvarieties among Cordana roses. The most popular of them are described below.


The most popular is the Mini Caliber . It forms small flowers reaching a diameter of 3 cm. The petals are painted in a bright orange-red color. Blooms profusely until frost.


The Cordana Mix variety is considered the most famous and sought after. The plant produces a large number of flowers. It is resistant to bad weather, but does not like excess light and water. Flowering lasts about six months.

You can learn more about the varieties of the lovely mixed rose and the features of its cultivation here.

The best

The best varieties of flowers include:

  • Pearl . Characterized by creamy white flowers. The flowers are goblet-shaped.
  • Ballet . So named because the fully opened flower looks very much like a tutu and is a deep, hot pink color.
  • Magnolia . Produces single flowers of creamy pink color. The outer petals are colored soft green.
  • Pasadena . It is considered a classic rose variety, but in miniature. It blooms with red flowers, produces a large number of petals, and is disease resistant.


Despite the fact that the Cordana rose does not tolerate low temperatures very well, there are varieties that have good winter hardiness:

  • Impala . It blooms with delicate apricot flowers and is resistant to both bad weather and many diseases.
  • Kiss . It produces single flowers and blooms cherry-red.

To make the flower bloom better

You need to carefully care for these flowers, cutting off wilted ones. When breeding, you should not leave bad parts on the plant - it does not tolerate this process well. If the flower has faded, it begins to produce seeds, greatly harming the plant. Fresh cut flowers, if there are three or more buds, can be used as cuttings to send flowers to the new year 2022.


The first process is done upon purchase, each subsequent one is done if desired. A bush reaching 30 cm in height is transplanted into open ground. The soil with the plant is watered abundantly; after all, Cordana mix is ​​delicate and requires gentle handling. Turn the pot over and carefully remove the contents. Expanded clay drainage is placed in a new container, a hole is made to control the water level, then it is covered with special soil. A special mixture for roses is purchased at flower shops. Flowers can be grown from seeds.


Cordana mix is ​​a variety that pleases the owner with flowering with good care. To protect your homegrown plants, keep pets away from them. Watering, ventilation, and access to light are required.

You also need to take care of your health - spray the flower with antibacterial drugs and fungicide. It is recommended to provide protection against fungi. Watering with a solution of the drug is carried out with loosened soil in the root area.

Rose Cordana mix is ​​one of the most famous and sought after varieties. It has lush flowers, is resistant to various types of troubles, but is afraid of excess light, water, and temperature. Quite capricious, the flower does not like temperature changes, but it pleases with its appearance for about six months and does not harm the health of allergy sufferers.


Flowering is an important period in the growing season of a plant, requiring special attention. It is important to properly care for your rose in order to achieve lush and beautiful flowering.

When and how does it bloom?

Cordana blooms in October-May . The duration of this period may vary depending on the correct care. Flowering can be achieved even in winter, but this will require creating special conditions to simulate the climate of the summer season.

Care before and after buds appear: features

You need to care for a rose throughout its life, regardless of the phase of growth and development.

The only feature of care after flowering of the Cordana rose is the need for careful pruning.

When flowering ends, you need to trim all the flowers and inflorescences of the plant.

What to do if there are no buds?

If the Cordana rose does not want to bloom, then the reason may be either improper care or the presence of some disease or pest. To understand why Rosa Cordana does not bloom, you need to examine the flower and find out the reason.

To resume the normal cycle of growth and development of the plant, it will be necessary to eliminate the factor causing harm.

Features of seasonal care

At different stages of development of the Cordana rose, the need for feeding and watering changes. The range of care measures may differ in different seasons.


  • Organic fertilizers are applied after the buds appear - once a week.
  • The flowerpot is placed on the south window, there is more light there, the sun is not yet scorching. Gradually accustom the flower to light.
  • If necessary, transplant into a larger pot.
  • If the average temperature outside is at least +18 degrees, take the rose out onto the balcony or veranda.


  • Regular inspection for pests is necessary.
  • Abundant watering (without waterlogging) and spraying.
  • Fertilizing 2 times a month.
  • Shade from the scorching sun.

Autumn and winter:

  • Trimming and removing dried flowers.
  • Reduce watering and fertilizing.
  • During the dormant period, move the flower to a cool room.

Step-by-step instructions: how to care for it at home after purchase?

Caring for a Cordana rose is a labor-intensive and difficult process. If you want to acquire such a flower, you need to study in as much detail as possible all the nuances of caring for it. Otherwise, the plant will quickly die.

Selection of capacity

The first thing you need to do after buying a flower is to replant it . To do this you will need to select a suitable container. It is worth purchasing a pot that is 5-7 cm higher in height than the previous one and 2-4 cm in diameter.

If the pot is new or made of ceramic, then pre-soak it in hot water for 2-3 hours. The previously used pot is thoroughly cleaned of soil residues using a stiff brush.

What should the soil be like?

The miniature rose is demanding on the soil. It is recommended to purchase a special composition intended for roses . If you don’t want to make the soil yourself, then you will need to mix turf soil, humus and sand, maintaining a ratio of 4:4:1.


Growing roses from seeds is a process that is difficult even for experienced plant growers. But those who want to try their luck and grow Cordana rose with seeds should know that the conditions under which the seeds germinate are a temperature of 18 degrees and lighting for 10 hours a day.

An additional measure that promotes seed germination is stratification : placing seed material for several months in low temperature conditions. For this procedure, you will need to place the seeds in a piece of gauze soaked in hydrogen peroxide and place it in the refrigerator for several months.

Periodically, the seeds need to be taken out, ventilated or the gauze cloth changed to avoid rotting of the seeds and the appearance of mold. After stratification, you can sow the Cordana rose in the usual way.

Temperature in winter and other times of the year

The optimal temperature regime at which the rose feels good varies within 15 degrees. The temperature should not be allowed to rise above 22 degrees . In winter, the most comfortable temperature for plants is 5-8 degrees. If it is necessary to artificially put the plant into a state of dormancy, then the temperature is gradually lowered to 10-12 degrees.


You need to water regularly, but in moderation. The soil should be slightly moist between spills. Only drying of the top layer is allowed. Under no circumstances should you allow excess moisture in the pot, as this will lead to rotting of the roots. You need to water the rose from above, using only warm, settled water. Water should not be allowed to stagnate in the pan.

Top dressing

You should start applying fertilizer only after 3 months have passed from the date of purchase of the plant. It is worth maintaining such a period of time for the reason that applying fertilizers immediately after purchasing a flower leads to the formation of an excess amount of salts in the soil .

The plants are fed in the spring and summer; in the spring they are fertilized with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, in the summer - with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. You can purchase specialized fertilizer for roses. The frequency of fertilization is once every 7-10 days.


Pruning is carried out in the following cases:

  • In the spring, diseased, damaged roots are cut off. This is done during transplantation.
  • In the summer , flowers that have wilted are cut off.
  • In autumn you need to trim flowers and inflorescences. This event has a good effect on the overwintering of the plant.

When pruning, you should leave three or four buds on one branch and remove the rest. It is not recommended to leave shoots that are crooked or too long on the plant.


The Cordana rose is replanted immediately after purchase . In the future, the flower needs to be replanted once a year. To transplant you will need to do the following:

  1. water the soil in the pot generously for easy removal of the plant in the future;
  2. pour a drainage layer into a new container;
  3. carefully remove the rose from the pot without disturbing the integrity of the earth;
  4. place in a new container and fill in the missing amount of soil.

There is no need to water the rose after transplantation , since the excess amount of moisture will be distributed throughout the entire volume of the soil.

Flower maintenance conditions

Rosa Cordana loves sunlight, but you need to avoid scorching the foliage.

Lighting. Rose loves the sun very much. The best place for it would be south windows. Leaf burns should be avoided during peak solar activity.

Temperature. The most comfortable temperature range is 15°-20°. Loves ventilation, without drafts.

Watering must be provided abundantly and regularly. Under no circumstances should moisture stagnate, so excess water from the pan must be drained. Before the procedure, check the soil for moisture with your finger. The soil must not be allowed to become acidic. Water is required to be warm and settled. Remember that properly organized watering will promote long and abundant flowering.

Although many sources recommend spraying, experienced gardeners believe that it contributes to the occurrence of rose diseases. With proper watering, it thrives in a standard home environment without additional moisture.

Rosa has a very positive attitude towards feeding. During the period of active growth, you should water it about once a week with liquid complex fertilizers.

Transshipment is the best way to transplant Cordana roses.

Pruning rules. Withered flowers are cut off, which stimulates the appearance of new ones. Before wintering, the plant is completely pruned. Unlike garden roses, Cordana never produces unnecessary growth. Young shoots must be preserved because they will gradually replace the old ones. They are cut off along with adult branches, leaving 3-4 buds. It is also necessary to remove all crooked, frail shoots that thicken the bush.

Rest period. This is the most difficult time for a flower. In the dry air of a heated room, the rose sheds some of its foliage and almost stops flowering. Therefore, the plant must be allowed to rest. To do this, the indoor beauty is trimmed, watering is minimally reduced and placed in a cool place with a temperature of 5°-8° for “deep sleep.” In February, the rose should be moved to its usual place, gradually increasing watering.

Reproduction. The most affordable way is cuttings from May to August. To do this, cut branches that have 3-4 buds? and place in a glass of water, adding a growth stimulator. In a couple of weeks, roots should appear. When they grow to 2 cm, plant the cuttings in separate pots. This method of propagation makes it possible to achieve flowering in a young bush within a month.

Rose Cordana is a plant with a very capricious character.

It can get sick when changing place, or drop all its buds if you forget to water it. But for attentiveness and diligence towards oneself, the owner will be rewarded with unforgettable flowering for 7 months.

How to propagate?

To propagate the flower, the cutting method is used. The optimal time for reproduction is May-August. Cut the branches, leaving three or four buds on each. The lower cut of the stem is made diagonally, keeping an angle of 45 degrees, the upper one is left straight. Leave the cut stems in water with a small amount of growth stimulant.

Periodically you need to add water and add a growth regulator . Once roots at least 2 cm long appear on the cuttings, they can be transplanted into pots.

Transplantation and propagation

Immediately after purchasing a rose, you have to replant it - usually they sell several of them in one pot. It is best accepted outdoors if planted in the fall, but indoors it can be done all year round.

In order to least disturb the roots, it is better to place the plant in a new pot along with a lump of earth, but if there are several roses there, then this will not work. You need to take a pot with holes in the bottom, put pebbles for drainage, then pour in soil mixed with fertilizers, put soil without fertilizers on top, and carefully plant a seedling in it. The soil is carefully compacted and watered with warm, settled water, and 2 centimeters should remain between the top edge of the pot and the ground. If there was only one rose, then to remove it from the container, it was watered thoroughly, which means that after planting in a new pot there is no need to water it again, you can only spray the leaves a little.

Rose Cordana is very easily propagated by cuttings. To do this, you need to cut a couple of shoot segments approximately 3 mm thick with 3 to 4 buds on each.

The lower cut is made oblique just under the bud and lowered into water. The lower leaves are removed, leaving only half of the top. After two weeks, the branch should grow small roots, especially if any root growth stimulator is added to the water. After the roots appear, the twig can be immediately planted in a separate pot; soon it will delight with new shoots, and then flowers.

Diseases and pests

Rose Cordana is susceptible to various diseases and pest damage. The main pests on roses are:

  • Mealybug . Leaves lumps in appearance resembling cotton wool in the leaf axils.
  • Shield . Barely noticeable formations on the stems of the plant.
  • Whitefly . The larvae leave behind white leaves.
  • Thrips . The appearance of white or gray streaks is observed from the top of the sheet.
  • Aphid . It is impossible not to notice the driver.
  • Spider mite . A powdery coating appears from the bottom of the leaf, cobwebs are present, and the leaves turn white.

As a preventive measure that will protect the plant from pests, treatment is carried out using an insecticide, for example, Aktaru at the rate of 1 g per 10 liters of water for irrigation, and the foliage is sprayed with a solution of 4 g per 5 liters.

Diseases include:

  • Spotting. Black or white spots on leaves.
  • Powdery mildew. Appears on the leaves in the form of plaque.
  • Gray rot. It looks like gray fluff.

To get rid of diseases, they are treated with fungicides , for example, Hom, Topaz, Skor, Colloidal sulfur.

Despite the fact that caring for and growing Cordana rose at home is quite troublesome, many still choose this plant and for a reason. Beautiful, lush and long flowering cannot but rejoice. If you adhere to the recommended care for the Cordana rose, there will be no problems with the flower.

If roses have difficulty taking root in open ground, you can try growing them in pots, containers and floor vases. We talked about the rules for caring for bush and dwarf roses in a pot in our articles.

Rosa Cordana in the open ground

The flower is successfully grown not only indoors, but also in the garden. Rosa Cordana mix variety looks especially unusual , where several shades of buds are mixed at once. At the same time, the entire process of care and watering is almost no different from that at home.

Cordana needs regular pruning

It is necessary to provide the plant with high-quality soil that is comfortable for development, and regularly water the soil if there is a dry period. In hot weather, the amount of water can be increased - it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil. If it starts to dry out, then you should add water to the plant. For lush flowering, you can use fertilizers.

When choosing fertilizers for roses, you should pay attention to the composition of a particular product. You should not use too strong fertilizers, and it is important to dilute and water the soil with them strictly according to the attached instructions.

In some areas, the composition of the soil may already be so favorable that fertilizing may not be necessary at all, and sometimes even cause harm. Therefore, it is better for gardeners to know what kind of soil they have to work with.

In the summer, if there is an abnormal increase in temperature, you can regularly mulch the soil so that the roots of the Rose do not overheat - this is as dangerous for them as stagnant water.

Of course, weeds also need to be controlled. Pests must be removed in a timely manner to prevent overgrowth. In the fall, as in the case of keeping Roses indoors, sanitary pruning of the bush is carried out. During this process, it is necessary to leave several buds on the branches, while simultaneously reducing the amount of water in the soil and ending the fertilizing.

Rose Cordana can grow in open ground, but it is better to keep the shape of the plant. In winter, if it is particularly cold, the flower needs shelter. In this case, you can experiment and cover the flower with several layers of polyethylene, leaves or even spruce branches. You can add a few tips for growing Roses in the garden:

  • Before planting a new plant in the soil, it must be fertilized. You can pour both synthesized fertilizers and regular manure or ash into the hole, and then plant the Rose on top. After sprinkling with soil, it is enough to water the flower with warm water and leave it to get used to the new conditions.
  • Loosening the soil and weeding are necessary for the proper development of the Rose, so it is important to do them regularly and correctly. The main thing is to act carefully so as not to touch the flower itself and its roots.
  • In winter, the flower can be transferred to a greenhouse, but in this case it again needs to be provided with comfortable conditions with fertilized soil and insulated temperature conditions.
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