Rosa Tizing Georgia shrubby, Topalovich

Landing rules

Before you begin the planting procedure, you should study the conditions that will be most favorable for the growth and development of English roses bred by David Austin.
Thus, experienced gardeners recommend planting the plant in areas where there is shade. Such conditions are most suitable for roses of this variety. Conversely, direct excessive exposure to sunlight can negatively affect the development of the shrub. It is also important to take into account the fact that almost all subspecies of the plant are tall. That is why they are often used in landscape design for the design of hedges and fences.

Among other things, it is believed that English roses are best grown in groups. Therefore, you should choose several varieties of plants at once and plant them in this combination. Roses of different colors growing next to each other will look especially bright and colorful.

A little history

David Austin has long been puzzled by the development of unique varieties of roses that would be fragrant, have a densely packed petal structure and repeat some of the features of bush and climbing roses. But the breeder considered the most important condition to be repeated flowering in one season. Years of effort were not in vain and soon the world saw more than 50 varieties of plants that were unique in their beauty and emitted a pleasant aroma.

Officially, this type of rose is not classified as a separate variety, but gardeners know that English roses are completely synonymous with the name David Austin. The scientist collected the best features of his favorite varieties of roses, made them resistant to diseases and unpretentious in care. Rose seedlings from the nursery are sold all over the world (more than 4 million units per year), making it possible to decorate courtyards, garden plots, arches and even apartments.

How to grow?

Rose boscobel
First of all, such a plant needs regular feeding. Without this, it will refuse to bloom. In spring, for better growth, nitrogen fertilizers are applied. In summer they are fed with mineral preparations. Before winter, for better cold tolerance, fertilizers should include two elements: phosphorus and potassium.

It is necessary to water at least once a week with warm, settled water. In the absence of rain, 2-2.5 buckets of water are needed per bush. Water the plant at the root, the leaves should remain dry. It is better to do this in the morning and evening, excluding hot times of the day.

The Barok variety is quite resistant to various diseases, however, the following factors may well lead to them:

  • improper use of fertilizers;
  • unsuitable weather conditions:
  • soil acidity and its structure.

If a disease occurs, the affected areas of the rose should be removed if possible. The plant itself and the soil under it should be treated with fungicides. Processing is carried out several times. Loosening is used to saturate the roots with oxygen. It is carried out in spring and autumn. In spring - to protect the roots from drying out, and in autumn - from cold weather.


To keep the bush in an attractive form, damaged and dried stems are pruned as follows:

  • in spring - basic pruning, in which 2-4 buds are left;
  • in summer – weak;
  • in the fall - preparation for winter shelter.


Spreading bushes "Baroque" are used for vertical gardening. This quality is also used in landscape design. Flowers can elevate the most inconspicuous area:

  • hide imperfections in a house wall or fence;
  • beautifully decorate the columns of a garden gazebo or arch.

When tying up a rose, you must take into account that it will have to be removed for the winter. There are different ways to garter roses:

  • you can place it in the shape of a fan against a wall or fence;
  • the lashes can be distributed on the grid;
  • A rose looks beautiful wrapped around a tree or arch pillar.

When tying a plant to a support, you should follow the following recommendations from experienced gardeners:

  • the supports must be strong and reliable so that they can withstand any bad weather;
  • make sure that they are in harmony with the design of the site;
  • compliance with the length of the shoots is mandatory.

Shelter for the winter

Due to the low flexibility of the branches, it is difficult to cover roses for the winter. This disadvantage is fully compensated by lush and continuous flowering in the summer, giving your site unique beauty and attractiveness.

When covering bushes for the winter, they must be bent to the ground. Spruce branches and other available materials are placed around the rose, on which the lashes removed from the supports are placed. A frame is built above them, which is covered with thick fabric. The structure must match the length of the branches. You can also build a house from wooden panels and cover it.

If the shoots have lost their flexibility, they are left to overwinter in an upright position, wrapped in thick fabric.

In stores you can buy various materials for covering roses.

  • Polyethylene film maintains an air layer, which promotes exchange processes in the shelter. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the temperature conditions and air flows inside.
  • Non-woven polymer material allows air to pass through, protects from wind, and increases the temperature inside the shelter by several degrees. The material is very durable and can be used for a long time.


Roses, like other plants, can be propagated by cuttings and layering. Not all varieties are suitable for this method, but for Barok it is possible. Rose cuttings are created from its stems. The top of the stem with buds is cut diagonally to a height of 20-30 cm. The cuts are made clear, without torn edges. The stem is cleared of the lower leaves and placed in a vessel with water. If the cuttings have taken root, the buds turn green. The method does not provide a 100% guarantee that the cuttings will take root.

When propagated by layering, a flexible rose shoot is placed in the soil. After rooting, the emerging shoots are separated from the mother bush and replanted. Usually this is done in the spring, and in the fall all that remains is to replant. If propagated by layering in summer or autumn, they are covered for the winter and replanted next year.

Rosa Tizing Georgia shrubby, Topalovich

Rosa Tizing Georgia shrub, Topalovic - yellow rose of exquisite beauty; graceful cup-shaped flowers. The central petals form a bowl of deep, rich yellow, while the outer petals fold outward and fade to a very pale yellow, creating an eye-pleasing two-tone effect. The scent of tea roses is medium strong. The bush is strong, but graceful. A very sophisticated rose.

The delicate colors of this delightful English rose are very beautiful. The flowers are creamy white at the edges and golden yellow in the center, with tones of honey, cream and lemon. They are densely double, cup-shaped, lodged, and sometimes bend under their own weight. They usually appear singly, but sometimes in small clusters, and are always incredibly elegant. The bush is spreading and needs pruning to maintain a beautiful shape. In hot climates, a popular variety for obelisks, reaching 2 m in height. The foliage is shiny, there are few thorns. The aroma is very strong, sweet, fruity. The flowers are a beautiful soft yellow color and do not fade. They are shaped like perfect slightly cupped rosettes. The foliage is pale green. It smells like tea roses, won a prize for fragrance in 2000 and many other awards.


Nursery Topalović is one of the oldest nurseries in Serbia, founded in 1931. The annual production of roses amounts to 300,000 seedlings. The main assortment includes varieties from such breeders as Meyyan, Delbar, Tantau, Cordes. The nursery’s products are of the highest quality, for which they were awarded gold medals at the international exhibitions “Flowers 2009” and “Flowers 2010”. According to customer reviews, Topalovich seedlings take first place in quality among roses in the mid-price category.


was created in 1969. The nursery is located in Central England. This is a superbly organized scientific institution, where selection work is systematically carried out and about 800 varieties of roses are grown. Every year 8-9 new varieties appear in the collection. David Austin's English roses embody a combination of tradition and fashion. From ancient roses they took the harmonious forms of flowers and bushes, a wonderful aroma, and from modern roses they took a wide palette of colors and abundant, long-lasting, repeated flowering. They mostly belong to the class Shrubs and are spreading bushes with shoots gracefully drooping under the weight of flowers, usually from 150 to 200 cm in height. The shape of the flowers is ancient. They have a rich aroma. They are quite resistant to diseases and winter-hardy, but to preserve long shoots they require mandatory winter shelter in the conditions of central Russia.

Scrubs or bush roses are a class of the international garden classification. It includes semi-climbing forms and tall upright growing shrubs. None of the experts undertakes to give a general description and assessment of this group - it is very diverse both in the shape and color of the flowers. Breeding work with this group is largely aimed at increasing disease resistance and improving winter hardiness.

Landing location

Beautiful roses are made to be admired, so for planting choose a place that will be clearly visible from the house, and, at the same time, worthy of the queen of flowers among other plants in the garden. All roses love a lot of light, but if they are in the sun all day, they will quickly fade. When growing roses in the southern regions in open sunny places, there is a high probability of burns on the petals. It is better if the rose is in partial shade in the afternoon. The health of the rose largely depends on the planting location. For example, ensuring good air circulation will protect the rose from diseases and pests. There is no need to plant roses in low-lying areas: cold air stagnates there and the plants are more susceptible to diseases.

Soil requirements

Roses develop well in fertile, sufficiently breathable soil, light and deep, which provides the roots with the necessary moisture and air. Heavy clay soils must be improved before planting by adding humus, peat, compost, and sand. Sandy soils that are too light allow water to pass through like a sieve, are infertile, and become very hot on hot days. To improve them, clay soil is added with the obligatory addition of humus or peat-manure compost and turf soil. The most favorable soil reaction is slightly acidic, pH = 5.6-6.5. To acidify the soil, you can add peat or manure, and use ash or lime materials to reduce acidity. The root system of the rose goes deep enough into the soil, so in areas with high groundwater levels, roses are often covered with black spot. The permissible depth of groundwater is at least 100 cm.


In the middle zone and more northern regions, roses are planted in the spring, in April-May. If roses are planted near the house, it is necessary to place them away from the base of the wall so that water flowing from the roof does not wash out the roots. To plant roses, dig a hole approximately 60 cm deep. Drainage (small pebbles, gravel or crushed stone) is laid at the bottom of the pit in a layer of at least 10 cm. Organic fertilizers are applied on top of the drainage, this can be rotted manure or compost; the layer thickness is at least 10 cm. Garden soil is poured on top in the shape of a dome, also in a layer of 10 cm. Before planting, rose seedlings are placed for a day in a solution of “Heteroauxin” - a root growth stimulator. With its help, plants tolerate planting easier and take root faster. Roots that are too long or damaged should be cut back to healthy wood with pruning shears. It is easier to plant a rose with an open root system together: one gardener installs the seedling so that the root collar (the place where the rose is grafted) is 3 cm below the surface of the earth, the other, straightening the roots, covers them with earth and carefully compacts the loose soil around the plant. The root collar should be below the surface of the soil after it has been compacted. This planting promotes the growth of additional rose stems above the grafting site. After planting, the bush is watered at the root. If the earth has settled a little, it is additionally added. The soil around the seedling is mulched with peat.


Caring for roses involves systematically loosening the soil, removing weeds, preventing diseases, fertilizing and pruning. Roses are fertilized seasonally: with nitrogen in spring, phosphorus and potassium in summer. Despite their drought resistance, watering roses is a mandatory procedure, especially during hot and dry periods. Water the plants with cold water at the rate of 15-20 liters of water per bush, in dry and warm weather - twice a week. By the end of summer, watering is reduced and stops altogether with the onset of September. In the first year, young plants should not be allowed to flower early. Until the beginning of August, rose buds are removed from the bushes. In August, leave 1-2 flowers on each shoot and do not cut them off so that fruits begin to form in the fall. In this case, the rose shoots ripen better, overwinter well and bloom profusely next year.


The best time for full pruning of roses is considered to be spring: as soon as the buds begin to swell, rose growers take up the pruning shears. It is important to know on which shoots the rose forms flowers: on last year’s shoots or on the current year’s shoots. In addition, you need to decide on the purpose of pruning: to achieve early and abundant flowering of the rose or to form a bush. Depending on this, pruning can be strong (short pruning), medium (moderate), weak (long). Heavy pruning, which leaves 2-4 buds on the shoots, is used in the spring after planting seedlings and for rejuvenating old bushes. With medium pruning, 5-7 buds are left on the shoots, it promotes early flowering and provides high decorativeness. Light pruning is used in the summer to remove faded inflorescences. Roses are pruned to varying degrees throughout the growing season. In the spring, be sure to remove the vines damaged by frost and trim the tops of the shoots. Pruning roses in the fall is of a sanitary nature: diseased, damaged shoots are removed, and overgrown bushes are thinned out. Summer pruning serves as a means of regulating flowering: all faded inflorescences are cut off along with the tip of the shoot.

Shelter for the winter

Roses of central Russia require protection from frost. There is no need to rush to cover roses for the winter; roses tolerate frosts down to -7°C well, and they also help plants prepare for winter. Roses should be covered with the onset of persistent cold weather. Before covering, the roses are pruned and the base of the bush is covered with earth. Hilling with peat, sawdust or sand is undesirable. They are too moisture-intensive and, with sudden temperature fluctuations, can damage the shoots and provoke infection. Compost, humus or regular garden soil will work much better. Roses are usually covered with spruce branches. It is placed between bushes and on top of plants. After this, frames made of greenhouse arcs, slats, metal profiles or wire are installed above the bushes. The frame should rise 20–30 cm above the plants. Insulation material is laid on the frame, and plastic film is stretched on top, leaving side vents. In the spring (March-April), roses must begin to be ventilated, opening the sides of the frame. It is important to remove the top film as soon as possible, otherwise the temperature underneath it will rise greatly and the buds will begin to grow ahead of time. And since the roots do not yet work in frozen soil, the above-ground part of the plant may dry out. The roses remain under the non-woven material for some time, getting used to the sun. In Siberia, roses winter quite well due to the presence of thick snow cover. In general, the process of covering roses for the winter in Siberia is the same as in the middle zone, the main thing is to correctly determine the time of covering: take your time so that the plants do not dry out, and do not be late so as not to freeze.


To preserve varietal characteristics, roses are propagated only vegetatively. At home, the easiest option is to propagate roses from cuttings. Cuttings are taken from grown and strengthened bushes after the first wave of flowering.

Use in landscape design

There is always a place for a beautiful rose in the garden, even if its area is very small. A rose can form the basis of a flower garden, decorate a mixed border, looks great in single and group plantings against the backdrop of an emerald lawn, and rose hedges are magnificent. The rose will be appropriate in any landscape style, be it classic French or English landscape, rural country or sophisticated modern. The variety of types and colors makes it possible to use roses in the garden in a variety of ways. These flowers can change the most inconspicuous piece of land beyond recognition.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Rose folklore

This variety is distinguished by strong immunity, which protects flowers from many diseases. What fungal diseases and pests threaten Terracotta:

  • rust. Cut off and burn diseased leaves. Treat the bush with Bordeaux mixture (2% solution), a decoction of wormwood or nettle, as well as a solution of soap and copper sulfate;
  • gray rot. Remove infected areas. For prevention, feed the rose with manganese fertilizers on rainy days;
  • spider mite After removing diseased leaves, treat the bush with any insecticide three times with a break of 5–7 days;
  • rose (green) aphid. Treat with soapy water, a decoction of garlic, tobacco or pepper, as well as fufanon, actellik or actara. Several treatments are needed at intervals of three days;
  • slobbering pennies. Remove lumps of foam with a damp cloth, spray the bush with water from a hose, then treat with any insecticide;
  • leaf roller. A decoction of onion, garlic or tobacco will help against it. The caterpillars will have to be assembled by hand;
  • scale insect. Remove parasites with damp cotton wool, treat with fufanon or actara;
  • bear Till the soil in early spring and autumn and plant marigolds nearby. On dry days, water the flower with a solution of chicken manure.

For prevention, it is necessary to regularly treat the flower with pest control agents.

For your information! You can plant lavender and marigolds next to the Terracotta rose; their scent repels garden pests.

Lavender or marigold will protect the flower from pests

Beautiful Terracotta needs excellent care. It needs to be watered, fed, weeded, and pruned. With its lush flowering, it will reward the grower a hundredfold.

Diseases and pests

Rose Georgia is a disease-resistant crop, but sometimes the flower is affected by powdery mildew and rust. It happens that the plant is attacked by aphids. For prevention, bushes are sprayed with a soap-soda solution, manganese or a decoction of wood ash.

If the bush withers and dries without signs of pests and diseases, it is worth checking the roots for the presence of nematodes. In this case, the roots are washed and treated with insecticides. Then the flower is planted in another place.

The indescribable beauty of the English rose Georgia

No description can convey the true beauty of the English rose Tizing Georgia. Many gardeners and florists are in love with this variety and enjoy growing it, despite the difficulties of care. Thanks to their efforts, this elegant and beautiful flower with a feminine name decorates garden plots and flower beds around the world.

Rose Terracotta - what kind of variety is it?

Georgia Dadoyan

Terracotta is a rose belonging to the Grandiflora group. To create this group of flowers, breeders crossed Floribunda and hybrid tea varieties. The Terracotta variety has other names: Chocolate Prince, Chocolate Prince, SIMchoca, SIMchoka.

The hybrid tea rose Terracotta is famous for its active flowering, which makes it similar to the floribunda species. But many experts classify these flowers as grandiflora. This flower is also classified as a group of shrubs - semi-climbing shrubs. Rose scrub Terracotta has a developed root system and strong shoots.

What does a Terracotta rose look like?

Rose grandiflora Terracotta appeared in 1994. It was bred by French breeders from (Meilland). Now this flower is extremely in demand in landscape design and floristry.

Petals are brick red, orange, coral, amber or brownish in color

Brief description and characteristics

Terracotta combines the qualities of hybrid tea varieties and floribunda. Its description and characteristics highlight the features of each of these two types.

Note! The Terracotta rose variety is distinguished by very large flowers with a diameter of 12–15 cm. The densely double buds consist of 40–65 petals of a juicy brick-red color. Immediately after the bud opens, its edges become covered with a brown border.

The rose bush blooms very luxuriantly and abundantly. It grows in height up to 70–80 cm. The volume of the bush is approximately 650 cm. Powerful, hard stems firmly hold large flowers, collected in racemose inflorescences. The spines are not very long. The leaves are colored rich green, sometimes with lighter shades. This variety is odorless.

This plant is resistant to many diseases, including fungal infections. The variety has excellent immunity to black spot and powdery mildew. It is quite hardy, frost-resistant, but does not tolerate rain well.

For your information! The terracotta rose got its name from the color of its petals - red with a slight light brown, orange, coral or brick tint.

Large inflorescences

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Terracotta has many advantages over other varieties, as well as over many other flowers that are used in landscape design.


  • large flower heads;
  • abundant and lush flowering;
  • stable immunity to most plant diseases.

Experienced gardeners find no drawbacks in this variety.

Use in landscape design

Terracotta is used to make luxurious bouquets. These flowers are actively used in landscape design; they are grown in gardens, flower beds, flower beds and lawns. It is suitable for any landscape style in a variety of compositions. Terracotta beauty will look great with roses of other colors, especially contrasting ones: white, yellow or light pink.

Note! Terracotta park rose will perfectly decorate lawns in gardens, parks and nature reserves. It will give green spaces an exquisite royal look

The petals are pressed tightly together

Characteristics of the variety, history of creation

The flower has a romantic origin and is named after the German journalist Georgia Tornow. Her husband, journalist and TV presenter, Ulrich Mayer, decided to surprise his wife with an unusual anniversary gift. An English rose growing company helped him with this. Thanks to breeder David Austin and a family of German journalists, in 1998 another variety of roses was released - the climbing Georgina rose.

Rose Tizing Georgia decorates any greenhouse

Its double, cup-shaped flowers of lemon and honey shades reach 12 cm in diameter. The plant rarely produces one bud, more often 4-5 flowers in a cluster. The spreading bush requires frequent pruning; in favorable conditions it can grow up to 2 m in height. The leaves are light green, glossy. There are few thorns. The flowers exude a rich fruity aroma with notes of cream and honey, for which they received an award at an exhibition in the UK. The culture is climbing, so it needs supports to form a bush.

Pros and cons of the variety

The disadvantages of the Georgia variety are inherent in all David Austin's English roses:

  • negative reaction to heat in the form of crushing flowers and fading of their color;
  • the heavy weight of the flowers, under the weight of which the shoot bends.

Benefits of the plant:

  • abundant, repeated flowering throughout the season;
  • good bushiness;
  • beauty, shape of petals;
  • the size of the buds and their number;
  • non-fading bright green foliage color;
  • frost resistance;
  • disease resistance.

Important! The climbing rose Georgina, unlike other English roses that cannot tolerate heavy rain, copes well with large amounts of moisture.

Landing Features

The process of planting English roses, to which the plant belongs, is somewhat different from the typical procedure used for most species. The first step is to choose the right place where the culture would feel comfortable.

Selecting a location

On a note! Rosa Tizing Georgia does not give preference to open areas and flower beds that are not protected from the hot rays of the sun. She is more impressed by slightly shaded corners, where the sun shines only for about 5 hours during the day. When choosing a location, you must avoid placing the plant where rain and melt water accumulates.

An unfavorable location would be one in which the wind blows away the snow cover in winter, exposing the seedling to freezing. It is he who acts as a kind of soil insulation during the winter period. The ideal location for planting the English rose Tizin Georgia (the form Tiesing is often used) would be the area next to fences, fences, near the gazebo, veranda and building walls. These objects are used simultaneously as supports for the bush and as protective structures.


Rosa Georgina needs special attention:

  1. Before planting it, the roots must be dipped in a solution of a growth stimulator or other substances with a similar effect must be used.
  2. Then prepare a place in which to make recesses for planting. Their optimal dimensions are 50 cm in depth, width and length.
  3. A fertile garden soil mixture with the addition of humus is added to the prepared holes.
  4. Then water is poured into them (1 bucket for each). The planting site is left, and then, after a day, the rose can be planted, straightening the roots and deepening it no more than 10 cm.

First watering

The first abundant watering is carried out over the next day in several stages. The total volume of water per bush for 24-hour hydration is 4.5 buckets. Upon completion, hilling is carried out, which promotes the correct formation of the root system.

Planting in open ground

Park roses can be planted both in spring and autumn, but most domestic amateur gardeners prefer spring planting of ornamental crops in a permanent place.

Technology for planting roses in a permanent place:

  • Before planting, it is recommended to soak the lower part of the rose seedling in water with the addition of a growth stimulator;
  • for growing scrub, it is best to select the southern part of the site, protected from strong winds and drafts;
  • the soil of the flower garden being prepared should be loamy, with a neutral pH level or slight acidity;
  • the soil on the site for growing ornamental crops must be thoroughly cleaned of weeds and debris;

  • about two weeks before planting rose seedlings, the soil must be thoroughly dug up and fertilizer applied at the rate of one kilogram of rotted manure or compost for each plant;
  • When pre-planting digging of light soils, it is recommended to add a small amount of wood ash.

Planting holes must have a depth corresponding to the length of the root system of the plant being planted. In the central part, you can form an elevation of fertile soil, which will allow the roots of the plant to be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the planting hole. It is advisable to deepen the grafting site no more than 5–6 cm. After planting, it is necessary to carry out abundant watering and top up with soil. If necessary, light hilling and shading from scorching sunlight are carried out.

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Use in landscape design

In landscape design, the rose, as a rule, plays a major role. Georgia looks advantageous both in the company of other plants and when planted alone. It looks picturesque on a mowed lawn or as a frame for a park path. The plant serves as a picturesque frame for arches, arbors, and can be the basis of a border or hedge. In a composition with smaller flowers and shrubs, this rose sometimes acts as a background. It is often used to arrange ponds and fountains.

A rose can serve as a picturesque frame for a garden

Important! When designing a personal plot, you need to take into account the nuances of lighting, soil properties, the size of the territory and the interaction of the rose with neighboring plants

Growing a flower

The process of planting English roses in the ground has some differences compared to other plants. For comfortable flower growth, you need to prepare a suitable place for planting and high-quality planting material. They can be seedlings or seeds. The seedlings grow their root system well, take root more easily and are easy to care for. It's more difficult with seeds. Many of them may simply not germinate. Another disadvantage of this method is the loss of the parental characteristics of the species.

Drop off point

Teasing Georgia rose does not like open and brightly lit areas. She prefers shady places with short sunlight.

Important! It is not recommended to plant the plant in places where rain and melt water accumulates. Experienced florists suggest placing roses next to gazebos, house walls and fences

These items will serve as protection and support for the bush.

The right time to plant

Planting in the ground is carried out towards the end of spring. By this time, the earth has time to warm up to 12 °C. Do not delay planting until hot days arrive. Sometimes roses are planted in the fall, until early October. Planting with the onset of cold weather increases the risk that the seedling will not have time to grow roots and will die.

Preparing the soil for planting

The soil for the English rose Georgia Tizing should be fertile, loose, and well-permeable to air. The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral. If there is a large amount of clay, it is diluted with peat and coarse sand. Additives in the form of compost and manure are added to sandy soil. If the acidity is high, it is reduced with wood ash, dolomite flour or chalk.

Disembarkation procedure

Planting the English rose Tizing Georgia requires special attention. Main stages of the procedure:

  1. Before planting, the roots of the seedling are treated with a root growth stimulator.
  2. For the plant, holes are formed with a diameter and depth of 50 cm.
  3. Organic fertilizers are added to the recesses.
  4. The finished planting site is watered with water (1 bucket per hole) and left for a day.
  5. After 24 hours, a seedling treated with a growth stimulant is planted to a depth of 10 cm.
  6. A day later, the bush is watered abundantly and hilled.

After planting, water the plant abundantly

Necessary conditions for growing park roses

To grow park roses, you should choose an area that is well lit, but light shade is also acceptable. The main thing is to avoid drafts. When planted in an area with humus and loose soil, it produces abundant and long-lasting lush flowering. It is optimal to choose loamy soil for planting. If the soil is heavy, rotted compost and sand in equal parts are placed in the planting holes. Add compost with clay to sandy soils. Fertile soil is the key to ensuring that young park rose seedlings take root well.

Adult park roses are watered abundantly in late spring and mid-summer. One bucket per bush once a week will be enough. Usually it is necessary to pour out enough water to wet the soil to a depth of 50 cm. Frequent watering will harm the plant. Lack of moisture, as well as excessive watering, leads to a decrease in the number of buds and the duration of flowering.

Flower propagation

Flower propagation can be done:

  • root division;
  • cuttings;
  • air layering;
  • seeds.

You need to decide which one is best to choose on your own. To begin with, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with each of them in order to understand how much effort you will have to put in, and whether it will be justified.

If we are talking about cuttings, it is recommended to cut them in the spring during formative pruning. Boarding takes place at the same time. However, planting in open ground can only be allowed next spring, since otherwise the plant may not take root.

For your information! Some gardeners think differently: if you plant cuttings in the fall, over the winter a certain type of tissue will form at the cutting sites, which will allow healthy roots to take root in the spring, and the process itself will proceed quite quickly.

Dividing the bush is the most dangerous method for the parent, as it may die. The procedure should be performed with a sharp knife or shovel; it is recommended to disinfect the instruments before performing the procedure. The rhizome should be carefully divided into 2 or several parts, processed at the cut points, and then planted in the proper places.

The seed method is the most time-consuming and also does not guarantee results, and therefore you should choose it only if it is impossible to obtain cuttings. Planting material is sown in moist, loose soil and placed in a greenhouse until sprouts appear. Picking is done when 3-4 petals appear.

Reproduction by air layering is the safest and fastest option. To do this, you need to bend one of the shoots and bend it to the ground. At the point of contact, you should make a small notch, treat it with a means that enhances root growth, cover it with soil and secure it with a staple.

It is important to ensure that the tip of the branch sticks out of the soil. After complete rooting, you can separate both plants

Reproduction by layering

Dividing by cuttings is a fairly inexpensive method. Cuttings are harvested during pruning. It is necessary that each one is about 15 cm long and also has at least 3 buds. The lower end should be treated with a root formation stimulator and placed in a prepared substrate. After the leaves appear and healthy roots form, planting in open ground or an individual pot is permissible.

Rose propagation

There are several methods for propagating rose bushes:

  • Seeds. This process is the longest and is rarely used. There is a risk of a small percentage of seed germination.
  • Air layering. The branch is bent to the ground and cut at the point of contact with the ground. The cut is treated with a growth stimulator and instilled. After root growth, the plants are divided.
  • Dividing the bush. The bush is dug up and divided into parts, which are planted in different places.
  • Cuttings. Cuttings from young shoots are cut in the spring. They are rooted and planted in a container. Cuttings are transferred to open ground only a year after cutting.

Cuttings are the most popular method of propagating rose bushes.

Features of agricultural technology of the ground cover rose Jazz

One of the main advantages of the Jazz variety is its long flowering period. So, the first flowers appear on the bush in June, and the crop fades in mid-October. However, in order to enjoy the fragrant flowering of the shrub for so long, it is necessary to comply with certain standards of agricultural technology.

How and where to plant

To determine the most suitable landing site, it is important to consider the following rules:

  1. Groundwater. They must be at a depth of at least 100 cm from the roots of the bush. Otherwise, the root system may simply rot.
  2. Air circulation. Free air circulation is very important for ground cover roses. It prevents stagnation of liquid in the soil.

Lowlands or swampy areas are absolutely not suitable for planting. Here the plant may rot.

Roses are planted in mid-spring. In autumn, planting should be carried out in a short time, because there is a high risk that the plant will not take root. As for the composition of the soil, you should give preference to loamy or chernozem options - Rose Jazz loves soil with a low level of acidity.

The depth of the planting hole should be about 60 cm and its diameter 70 cm

After the plant is placed in the hole, it is important to carefully straighten the roots. Once planting is complete, the crop is watered with warm water and mulched with a thick layer of peat. It is worth considering that the planting site should not be in the open sun all day long.

The most suitable place is considered to be partial shade. Otherwise, the plant may get sunburned and die.

It is worth considering that the planting site should not be in the open sun all day long. The most suitable place is considered to be partial shade. Otherwise, the plant may get sunburned and die.

Variety Jazz does not like active sunlight

How to care

The basic procedures for caring for the Jazz rose include weekly loosening, watering every 2-3 days and fertilizing. Watering should be done only after the top layer of soil is completely dry. One bush requires about 15 liters of water. It should first be heated in the sun. As autumn approaches, the frequency of watering is gradually reduced, and with the onset of September it stops completely.

Feeding is carried out twice a season. Nitrogen compounds are applied for the first time in early spring to stimulate crop growth. The second feeding is done in the summer, using potash and phosphorus fertilizers. They influence the formation of buds and maintain the plant’s immunity at a high level.

To stimulate budding, it is recommended to remove the first rose flowers. Thus, the next year the bush will be abundantly covered with flowers. Author's advice

In the spring, sanitary pruning should be carried out, during which all damaged, dry shoots will be removed. In the fall, this procedure can be carried out again to thin out the bush a little.

Despite its resistance to cold weather, it is still recommended to cover the plant for the winter. Coniferous spruce branches are used as insulation, which is placed between the branches and on top of the bush. Gardeners who live in regions with cold winters often make special frames. They are covered with plastic bags, which provide reliable protection for the crop from wind and frost.

Watering regimeFeeding with mineral compoundsSpring pruning

Rose English Teasing Georgia

The online store “DivoSad” accepts orders around the clock automatically.

Orders are processed on weekdays from 9.00 to 17.00 Moscow time.

Order execution times.

Execution of orders in the “ SPECIAL OFFERS”

produced in the spring (April-May) or autumn (August-October) as goods arrive at the garden center warehouse in a time frame similar to that for available goods, but no later than May 30 and October 31, respectively.

Fulfillment of orders for fruit and berry seedlings (seedlings with an open root system) begins from April 1 to May 15 and from September 20 to October 31 as goods arrive at the garden center warehouse in a timeframe similar to that for available goods, but no later than May 15 and October 31, respectively.

In other cases, if the product is NOT in the “SPECIAL OFFERS” section, the period for generating delivery or sending orders for available goods to the delivery service is from 3 to 5 working days ( from April 1 to October 31


From November 1 to March 31, the garden center is in winter; assembly, shipment and delivery of seedlings is not carried out.

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Plant care

Despite its rather unique appearance and different planting method, caring for the plant should be the same as for other varieties of roses. This means that you can relieve yourself of the responsibility for learning other rules that would need to be followed when caring for a flower.

Watering rules and humidity

It is recommended to water in the evening strictly at the root of the bush. Despite the fact that the plant can survive rain without causing the flowers to wither, it is still not worth risking them again. English rose does not require high soil moisture, and therefore it is necessary to water the soil to 2 cm, no more.

For your information! Depending on the degree of bushiness of the rose, it may need different amounts of water for watering. Curly ones need to be watered with 15 liters of water, and for bushy ones one bucket is enough.

A dry climate can cause the bush to dry out, but excessive air humidity will not improve its condition. If the rose's root system is constantly waterlogged, this may contribute to the appearance of rot. However, increased air humidity can promote the development of fungus or an influx of insects.

Fertilizing and soil quality

The soil for growing should be light, oxygenated, and rich in nutrients. For active growth and abundant flowering, constant fertilization is required. In the first year after disembarkation, such activities may not be carried out. Starting from the second year, it is worth applying the following types of fertilizing at certain periods:

  • during the growing season, the plant needs nitrogen to form stems;
  • during the formation of buds and subsequent abundant flowering, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are required;
  • To increase frost resistance, it is worth starting fertilizing with potassium at the end of autumn.

It is not recommended to risk the plant by applying fertilizing in the wrong order, as this will confuse the rose; it may begin to lay buds during the dormant period, or begin to grow greenery abundantly during the budding period.

Pruning and replanting

Plant formation is especially important for the plant. Pruning should be done before the onset of frost in autumn and early spring.

Preventive removal of dry and broken shoots will allow the bush to send out fresh shoots more intensively. You can trim the stems as desired:

  • severe pruning - shortening shoots by half their length;
  • middle pruning - removing only side shoots;
  • light pruning - removing a fifth of the stem.

Important! To complete the formation of the bush, feeding is required so as not to drive the plant into stress. It is also necessary to remove faded buds

Bush after pruning

Features of wintering a flower

Before wintering, it is recommended to remove all fallen leaves from under the bush, and also treat the plant with drugs that prevent the occurrence of fungal infection. Not every winter there is a large amount of snow, and therefore it is worth building additional shelter. It is made from spruce spruce branches, which are covered with lutrasil on top.

The branches need to be bent to the ground. If they are not flexible enough, you can carefully dig them up on the side opposite the fold. To prevent the branches from starting to rot, you should place spruce branches under them and secure them with staples in this position.

Growing and care

Rose Amadeus

Agrotechnical measures are no different from caring for other varieties. The plant needs to be watered regularly, combining watering with fertilizing. Growing a rose bush involves sanitary pruning. It will have to be constantly inspected for diseases and pests.

Watering and fertilizing the Tizin Georgia variety

Roses of English selection are not demanding of high soil moisture, which needs to be moistened no deeper than 2 cm. The best time for watering is considered to be evening. If the rose is more bushy, less water will be needed to water it (about 1 bucket), and for a climbing rose, more water will be needed, about 15 liters.

It is better to water the rose in the evening

In the first year after planting, the plant is not fertilized; it only needs useful substances embedded in the hole during planting.

In the second year, feeding is strongly recommended:

  1. The first of them should include nitrogen, necessary for increasing the vegetative mass of stems.
  2. The second time, nitrogen compounds and phosphorus are used to prepare the nutrient solution. It promotes abundant flowering, making the budding process more intense.
  3. In anticipation of cold weather, roses are fed with potassium group fertilizers (you can use ash). This category of elements strengthens resistance to low temperatures.

In addition to moisturizing and feeding, you need to organize the formation of the plant. It is pruned in early spring and autumn, before the onset of frost. For preventive purposes, broken and dry shoots are removed.

Pruning roses

Then, by truncation, the stem is shaped as desired:

  • low rose - for this, the shoot is shortened by half with pruning shears;
  • voluminous bush - to give it a more magnificent appearance, cut off one third of the side branches;
  • long curly shoots - cut off only a fifth of the stem.

On a note. Since pruning is stressful, at the end of the procedure the bush needs to be fed with complex fertilizer.

Disease Prevention

These activities are part of the entire system of care. Varieties of English roses are considered resistant to infectious diseases and pest attacks. But they can also get sick. Signs of fungus are the appearance of small black spots on the leaf and its deformation. Preventive spraying with potassium permanganate or ash solution will help.

Rust also damages the crop, as evidenced by growths and yellowish spots. Later they darken and remain on the shoots all winter.

Rust on the rose

At the end of the season, after flowering has completed, care should be taken to cover the bush for the winter.

Growing a flower

Even an inexperienced gardener can grow Terracotta. This flower needs to be planted in open ground and then properly cared for.

To plant Terracotta, you will need seedlings. They can be bought in a store or grown from cuttings taken from an adult bush. You need to choose healthy seedlings with strong and well-developed roots.

Important! This variety does not propagate by seeds. Terracotta should be planted in April or early May.

In regions with a warm southern climate, this flower can be planted in early autumn, but so that it takes root and takes root before the first frost, otherwise the rose will die

Terracotta should be planted in April or early May. In regions with a warm southern climate, this flower can be planted in early autumn, but so that it takes root and takes root before the first frost, otherwise the rose will die.

Selecting a location

Terracotta loves an abundance of light, so you need to choose a well-lit place for it. Nevertheless, it should be slightly shaded so that the bright sun does not burn the leaves during the midday hours and in the afternoon. The place should be well ventilated so that cold, damp air does not stagnate.

For planting you need a well-lit area with light shading.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Roses grow only on light, fertile soils, so the soil must be fertilized before planting. For Terracotta, soil with a low degree of acidity is ideal, for example, a soil type such as light loam. The pH level should be between 5.6 and 6.5. It is advisable to choose a place for planting where groundwater lies at a depth of at least 1 m.

How to prepare the soil:

  1. Dig a hole 60 cm deep.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom - crushed stone, expanded clay, small stones, gravel.
  3. Apply fertilizer. The layer thickness should be at least 10 cm. You can feed the soil with manure or compost.
  4. Then pour another 10 cm of soil.
  5. The seedling must be placed in a root growth stimulator solution 24 hours before planting in open ground. It is advisable to use the drug heteroauxin.

Step by step landing procedure

It is necessary to correctly comply with all the requirements for planting a flower. If everything is done correctly, then after some time the gardener will be able to enjoy the beauty of roses.

How to plant Terracotta:

  1. After the seedling has stood for 1 day in a solution of heteroauxin (a root growth stimulator), you need to carefully examine its root system.
  2. Damaged, weak and too long roots are cut off with disinfected pruning shears.
  3. The seedling is placed in a hole, the roots are straightened and covered with earth. The root collar should go underground to a depth of 3 cm.
  4. A young rose bush is watered generously with warm, settled water.
  5. The ground near the roots of the bush should be mulched with peat or pine bark.

For irrigation you will need 20 liters of water, water 2 times a week

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Rose Swany (Swani, Svani, MEIburenac) - what kind of variety is it

The culture was bred from the Japanese wrinkled rose.

The plant has excellent decorative properties

The first varietal rose was produced in 1977 in France.

  • In 2003, Meilland breeders developed a new variety of the variety - Pink Swany. This culture is characterized by a change in the color of the inflorescences from pale pink to lilac. They have a pronounced pleasant aroma and look very impressive.
  • Then another edition of the ground cover rose Swaney was obtained - Ed. Bright red inflorescences have become a characteristic feature of the culture.

Roses of this variety are characterized by lush, branched bushes with a large number of leaves. They reach 60-70 cm in height and 2 m in diameter. The foliage is small in size and rich green in color.

Terry-type inflorescences reach a diameter of 5-6 cm. The flowers are white in color with a pink tint in the center. They form umbrella inflorescences, each of which can contain up to 20 buds.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages of culture include the following:

  • excellent decorative properties;
  • long and abundant flowering;
  • delicate pleasant aroma;
  • frost resistance;
  • strong immunity.

At the same time, culture also has some disadvantages.

The plant has many advantages

Despite its resistance to frost, the Swaney rose still needs to be prepared for winter. It also requires quality care.

Use in landscape design

Ground cover rose Swany looks great in flowerpots and containers. It can also be planted on slopes. Thanks to this, it is possible to compact the top layer of soil and protect it from erosion.

The plant is excellent for single plantings and forming spectacular compositions. To emphasize the decorative nature of the crop, you can use dark green bushes.

Important! The rose can be planted with lilacs, viburnum or junipers. They will help to emphasize the attractive flowering of the crop

Description of the variety Teasing Georgia

Rose Lovely Green: a greenish-cream beauty in your garden

Roses need space to grow freely. With a bush height that ranges from 1 to 2 m, it is quite spreading and grows up to 1 m wide. It is a climbing plant, so for its normal development it is better to build a support or trellis.

Flowering is long-lasting, of a remontant type, characterized by clearly defined waves. The first flowers are large, then their size gradually decreases. In between flowering periods, single flowers are formed. On intensively growing shoots, many buds are formed in the shape of a bowl or vase, reaching a diameter of 8 to 10 cm.

Their beauty is emphasized by glossy light green leaves that retain their rich color until February. There are not very many thorns on the stems. The culture is not afraid of the influence of atmospheric phenomena and is resistant to bad weather. The flower does not lose its decorative effect, does not rot and does not lose its appearance after rain. The bush is also resistant to low temperatures, showing a level of frost resistance above average.

Description of the variety

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The subject of the contract must necessarily be non-consumable things - that is, property that can wear out, but can still be used for its intended purpose. Therefore, you cannot take, for example, building materials, food, or raw materials for temporary use. In addition, the Civil Code prohibits leasing land plots, reservoirs, forests and other natural objects. It is also impossible to rent military vehicles and equipment without serial numbers for such a long-term lease. Here's what is most often leased:

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Having revealed her poetic talents to the world, Lisa Piterkina, whose poems made her notorious, became a successor to the traditions of the Russian poets Barkov and the banned Pushkin.

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Lisa Piterkina has a lot of amazing lyrics about love, about people, but they require concentration, are associated with the experience of deep emotional feelings, and therefore they talk less about them.


There are a huge number of varieties of English garden roses, most of them belonging to the Shrubs class. The main distinguishing feature of this class is the use of plants belonging to it not only for vertical or not only for horizontal gardening, but also for both types together.

In general, the varieties are not completely identical and have a large number of differences among themselves. For example, some types of English park roses are resistant to external negative effects of diseases and pests. Other varieties easily tolerate a lack of light. Shrubs also differ in their external characteristics: the group includes low, medium, tall, climbing, prostrate, dense and sparse plants.

Despite all of the above, experienced and professional gardeners also identify a number of disadvantages inherent in English roses. Let's take a closer look at these negative characteristics.

  • In case of prolonged unfavorable conditions, for example, when there is heavy rain, rose flowers may simply not open. First of all, this applies to roses with cup-shaped and spherical buds.
  • New young branches of an English park rose bush can bend greatly (and, as a result, break) under the heavy weight of the blossoming buds. However, do not be scared or upset - usually over time, when the bush takes root and becomes more mature, this problem is solved - the branches become denser and stop bending.
  • Some of the varieties are not able to bloom again.
  • Despite the fact that from a botanical point of view, David Austin roses are resistant to pests and diseases, in practice this is not always proven.

Rose blossom

Flowering can be once or repeatedly. Some types of roses begin to form buds on last year's shoots. In this case, flowering will be shorter.

Period of activity and rest

Rose Georgia blooms from early summer to late autumn. Several buds appear on the bush at the same time. It blooms several times a season, interrupted for short breaks. The dormant period begins in the cold season, despite the fact that the leaves remain green until February.

Care during and after flowering

During flowering, it is recommended to tie protruding branches to the trellis horizontally. In this case, the rose will send out flowering shoots upward. If you do not follow this rule, the buds will only be at the top of the bush. Also, before and after flowering, it is necessary to apply the fertilizers required by the flower.

Blooming bush

What to do if it doesn't bloom

Roses may not bloom due to improper planting location, pruning, care, or old age. They need to be revived as follows: remove thin shoots and feed the plant with humate and potassium. It is necessary to inspect the plant to identify diseases and pests. If they exist, process them. In any other case, you need to reconsider your care.

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