Miniature violets Teen Quen, Classic Rock, Trinket Terrific and others

Such different violet flowers

Viola (garden violet) grows in open spaces, and Saintpaulia is only suitable for indoor growing, as it does not tolerate frost. The first genus belongs to the violet family, and the second to the Gesneraceae family.

Fragrant violet

An annual plant in which shoot budding occurs in the year preceding their growth. Once mature, the slender stems leave flower heads on the ground. Therefore, ripened seeds lie under the bush.

The peculiarity of this variety is that it overwinters with developed greenery. It tolerates cold well, but if the frost is too severe, it is better to cover it with spruce branches to prevent freezing. It loves moisture, but can rot as a result of prolonged stagnation of groundwater.

Violet graceful

Perennial with climbing stems. Inflorescences up to 4 cm, purple or yellowish. With the exception of the variety show Lord Nelson. This is a dark amethyst, almost black. Blooms from spring until frost.


This is a houseplant that is also called Usambara violet. It got its name from the area where it was found. Also because of the visual similarity to purple.

Classification and popular varieties of indoor violets (Saintpaulia)

Saintpaulia is divided into:

  • Collect those with large flowers. Almost all of them are terry, with folds. The blades and inflorescences come in different shades. Such Saintpaulias participate in exhibitions and are collected by collectors.
  • Industrial, used for large-scale cultivation on special plantations. They are sold in large quantities to decorate holidays, offices, and administrative buildings. They do not require special care and bloom for a long time.
  • They are full of brightly colored leaves of all shades and the presence of tassels. The first varieties had small flowers, later new hybrids with large inflorescences were bred.

Read more in the article Peaceful violet or Saintpaulia.

Depending on the type of leaves:

  • girl - there is a light spot at the top at the base;
  • spoon - with turned out edges.
  • Spear - an elongated, pointed end;
  • the boy is completely green;

Plates can also be:

  • monochrome or variegated;
  • heavily or sparsely covered, smooth.
  • flat, with folds or depressions along the periphery;

Senopodia with inflorescences of different sizes in cm:

  • semi-mini (up to 15);
  • large (40-60).
  • medium (20-40);
  • mini (up to 6);

Classification by the number of additional petals:

  • half flowers - 1-2 pieces in the center;
  • Terry - there are many of them, they have different locations, they can be spherical or flat.

There is also a division according to the type of petals:

  • Bell-shaped: connected at the base. Because of this feature, Saintpaulias cannot fully open the inflorescence.
  • Wasp: Completely separated. Two are rolled into a tube, and three are elongated, hanging down.
  • Star: equal length, spaced evenly from the center.
  • Bowls: not broken, but the plant does not open them completely.
  • Pansies: 2 in the top row, 3 in the bottom. And the top ones are smaller.

The size of the bush depends on the substrate: on nutritious soil mixture and low-growing Saintpaulias it grows to medium size.

There are also Saintpaulia chimeras with a clear line of contrasting color against the main background. Such varieties are in demand among collectors.

Lions Pirates Treasures

The buds are pink, framed with a strawberry tint. Covered with dirty lilac spots and dots. Blistered greens.

Melody Kimi

The leaves are embossed over the entire surface. Flowers are simple. The top two petals are blue, the rest are cut in the same shade.

Goddess of beauty

Emerald green forms a large, rooting bush. The inflorescences are bright, earthy, with an amethyst, mother-of-pearl hue.

Austin's smile

The blades form large rosettes. The flowers are star-shaped, solitary, purple-coral with a dark purple center and a crimson neckline.


The flowers are bell-shaped, cornflower blue, wavy. The leaves are cone-shaped, dark emerald. They have a creamy pink border around the circumference.

Robs Dandy Lyon

The inflorescences are large, bell-shaped. Colors in light green and beige tones. The foliage is dark malachite with bright white variegated leaves. Greenery forms rosettes.

Boo Man

Delicate bluish tint. The apical petals are pearlescent, sometimes greenish. Spoon-shaped plates, dark emerald color.

Ming Dynasty

The flowers are cup-shaped, heavily frilled, strawberry or lilac in color. The greenery is slightly variegated and wavy.

Luna Lily White

Leaves with a “quilted” texture, green in color, form a small basal bush. The inflorescences consist of semi-double panicle flowers.


The plates are colorful in the center. The petals are rolled into lilac tubes with frills.


The inflorescences are amethyst-scarlet, reaching 15 cm. The greens are lettuce.

Blue Tail Fly

Blue variety. The lower petals are drooping, the upper ones are tubular. The foliage is tufted and forms clusters.


Abundant, pearly flowers. Looks like a clove. Malachite leaves, rounded.

Robs Penny Ante

Snow-white, bell-shaped flowers. Dark azure eye in the center. The greens are slightly herbaceous.

Pink Sensation

Variegated variety with white-green leaves. The flowers are hemispherical, whitish, star-shaped. There are large, dull pink spots in the center of the flower.

Natalis Extravagant

The inflorescences are lacy, white-purple, with greenish, chocolate or pinkish edges. The leaves are malachite with lateral variegation.

Modern Talking

It belongs to the pansy. The flowers are frilly, hemispherical, white, with blue-purple-pink edges. The plates are flat, green.

Chain Reaction

The buds are large, slightly pudding-shaped, with a thin lilac line in the center. Sprinkled with specks of the same shade.

Queen Sabrina

Coral colored flowers. Each petal has thin amethyst stripes. The leaves are small, emerald green.

Music of the rain

The buds have a beige tint with a lilac border. Star-shaped, with a radius of 7 cm. The entire surface is covered with azure strokes and spots.


The leaves are malachite-colored, with indentations. The flowers are a bright pudding color. There are wavy whitish lines running around the circumference. The surface is dotted with cornflower blue streaks and veins.

Currant dessert

Semicircular, lush, star-shaped flowers. They have a border of an unusual color, reminiscent of a shade of currant jam. Easy to grow.

Winter rose

The petals are blue-violet, with a barely noticeable whitish border around the perimeter. The mother bush conveys varietal characteristics well.


Sea buckthorn with depressions, rich emerald color. The inflorescences are large, crescent-shaped, sky-purple, with a wide, fuzzy raceme of a whitish hue.

Alice Blizzard Baths

The flowers are small, pearly, with additional petals in the center. The blades are heart-shaped, light grassy in color.

Snow lace

Provides lush flowering. Fluffy, snow-white buds with a bluish spot in the center. Dull light green edging.

The bride's bouquet

The flowers are star-shaped, white, wavy at the edges. This Saintpaulia variety resembles a wedding bouquet. The petals are single-colored: there are no spots, streaks, or inclusions. Blooms profusely.


The buds have raised folds, large, deep pink with lilac dots. There is a delicate light green border. With proper care it blooms profusely.


Large, swollen flowers with a strawberry hue. The perianth has a lilac fringe with a thin pearlescent line. Emerald green.


Ball-shaped, fluffy flowers grow from lettuce rosettes. They are wavy around the perimeter. Growing close to each other, they create the impression of a huge bouquet. This variety was presented at flower exhibitions.

Lilac beauty

Rounded leaves form into a rosette. The flowers are amethyst with a lilac center and a dark border. Grows on thick stems. This variety is very easy to care for. He can also be raised by children.

Favorite daughter

The serrated blades are rounded, dark emerald on the outside and crimson on the inside. The plant lifts them up, closer to the sun. At the beginning of formation, the flowers are dark and small. Then they lighten, acquiring a lilac color with a mother-of-pearl border. Flowering is colorful and observed within 2-3 weeks.

Blue Dragon

The buds are large, azure in color. Framed by a greenish-white line. The variety is capricious; with the slightest lack of care, it can get sick and wither.

Blue Danube

Grown in Russia. Produces large, sky-colored flowers. The leaves are matte, embossed, with pointed tips. Grows quickly with intense light and regular watering.

Blue Lagoon

Large, star-shaped flowers. Azure, with a cornflower blue spot in the center and a purple border. Blooms for about 2 months. It does not require special care and can be grown even by a beginner.

lemon snow

The petals are pearlescent, with yellowish veins. The center and edges are painted in lapis lazuli color. Variegated variety: malachite plates with a snowy outline.


The foliage is variegated: emerald with strawberry or white spots. The plates are curved along the entire perimeter. Apricot-colored flowers with a light green border.

Gift for a loved one

Decorative - green: rich herbaceous color with a whitish earthy border. The buds are blue with a purple base. Participates in flower exhibitions. However, it is quite easy to care for.


The leaves are malachite on the outside and reddish on the inside. The petals are amethyst with a darker line in the middle.


The shoots are poorly developed. The leaves are heart-shaped, green, in the shade. The inflorescences are bluish-lilac.


With emerald jagged plates. Star shaped flowers with frills, blue flecks and strawberry accents on a white background.


The greenery is variegated and wavy. The inflorescences are lush and white. The corolla is decorated with light green tassels.

Fire Moths

The leaves are oval, green. The corolla is fiery red or burgundy. The border is wide, pink or snow-white. The border changes shade throughout the growing season.

The magic of love

The flowers are lush, densely branched, resembling pompoms. The petals are arranged in the shape of a star. Color: beetroot. There is a neat pearlescent line along the edges.

Rose of Wind

The flowers are light purple with a strawberry pattern, which in places takes on a greenish tint.


A variety with large flowers. The petals are star-shaped, burgundy, amethyst with a whitish curved line along the periphery. The leaves are simple, ovate.

Miniature violets Teen Quen, Classic Rock, Trinket Terrific and others

Dear forum users and site guests, today I will show you variegated varieties of miniature violets. I'll start the show with the most beautiful rosette to date.

Teen Queen - Pittman - mini.

A very beautiful small rosette, about 9 cm, with bright white-pink-green leaves that grow in even, dense rows.

These are photos of rosettes before flowering

The flowers are semi-double pink with raspberry fantasy, very abundant.

The fantasy pattern on the flowers is different, but mainly the crimson strokes thicken towards the edges of the petals. This is the kind of “speckled little thing” I’m growing. Even when the rosettes were not blooming, they attracted attention with their bright variegated foliage. For the rosette to remain so beautiful, it needs to be under the lamp itself.

Classic Rock - Sorano - semi-mini.

This variety is obviously familiar to many. It is popular among miniature lovers for its unpretentiousness, frequent and abundant flowering.

The flowers are large, lavender in color when they bloom, and over time they become very light lavender with a bright eye. A medium-sized rosette with a beautiful, rather wide white-pink border. This variety grows quickly and blooms early. Tommy Lowe variegation.

Trinket Terrific - Champion - semi-mini.

Another one of my favorites. This variety has large double bright pink flowers with a darker backlight, as if a light is burning in the middle of the flower. On the petals, closer to the edges, there is a light raspberry coating, and on some flowers there are raspberry specks throughout the petal

The rosette of this variety is extraordinarily beautiful! This variegation is quite rare; it is Lillian Jarrett type variegation.

This rosette has not bloomed yet, but it is lighter than the one I showed with flowers, and in childhood it was almost white with dark green specks.

The socket is very compact; it needs to be placed on the rack right under the lamps.

Rob's Cqueeze Toy - Robinson - Semi-Mini.

This variety has rather large, semi-double, rich coral-pink flowers. These bright flowers with a dark crimson coating sparkle and shine

Medium size socket. The foliage is dark green and should have golden crown variegation. This is what the rosette was like in childhood, a completely bright yellow color. But I “fell in love” with it: I overdid it with fertilizing and did not place it quite correctly under the lamps, so the yellow leaves are visible only in the bottom row of the outlet. I’ll try to correct my mistakes; I’ve re-installed the leaf for rooting. But, nevertheless, the variety is very bright and elegant.

Goldilocks - Ray - mini.

This variety was bought by a child who at first did not want to grow with me, having found herself in different living conditions, but then, after replanting her, we began to find a common language and the violet began to grow. It was some kind of ball of almost round gel leaves that overlapped each other. Now, when the rosette has grown, it has become clear that it is very beautiful, with short petioles, gel-foliage with large scallops. And yet, here you can’t see behind the flowers, the top row of these wonderful leaves is golden. This variety has crown variegation Champion.

The flowers are bright pink, double, with a white border, but the border of my rosette turned out to be rather poor.

On the upper petals there is this crimson pattern. I waited a long time for it to bloom, but now it has been blooming for more than a month and new flower stalks continue to appear.

And now I want to show you photographs of rosettes of the varieties that I have already talked about. Recently they bloomed so beautifully that I really wanted to share this beauty with you.

Rob's Loose Noodl

Little Chatterbox - this rosette blooms almost constantly

Rob's Voodoo Blue - in one of the articles, in the summer, I showed a flower of this variety, but it was hot and the rosette did not bloom beautifully, but now it has bloomed well, I show it in full glory

Honey Blue Angel

That's all for today. I hope you got a few minutes of pleasure from watching my babies. They tried very hard to please you.

Ampelous Saintpaulias

There are ampelous types: their greenery is lush, and the stems hang over the edges of the pots. Planted in containers with loops. Such varieties have elongated and creeping stems and many side shoots.

The most popular varieties:

  • Grote with voluminous leaves and purple cornflowers;
  • Folin Snow with numerous small white flowers.
  • Robs Hampti Doo with light green and pearl flowers;
  • Ramblin Dots with white and gold leaves and lavender buds covered in a purple pattern;
  • Summer Skies keychain with malachite round leaves, bluish buds;

Popular varieties of garden violet (viola)

All varieties are frost-resistant and light-loving. The most popular of them are:


Forms a dense shrub up to 20-25 cm high. The foliage is blue-green. The buds are cherry-shaped, pleasantly fragrant, reaching 6 cm in circumference. The lower 3 petals have bright red-brown spots. Flowering can be observed in April-May and again in the fall.


Green with a slight herbaceous tint. Lemon-colored inflorescences (13-15 pieces) grow on a high stem 16-18 cm. Blooms in May.


Compact shrub up to 18-20 cm high. Buds are golden-canary in color. Their undersides are slightly wavy, with dark brown spots. Appears from April to June, reappearing in the last month of summer.

Gent Oregon mixed color

Grows up to 20-23 cm. Green - emerald. Inflorescences are red-yellow. The petals are wavy, the upper ones are wine-red, the lower ones are sunny with a purple pattern and a dark scarlet border. Flowering can be observed from April to August, many times in the first month of autumn.


A small shrub up to 20-23 cm. Blooms profusely from April to late spring. The flowers are white with a pleasant aroma.


Dense shrub with dark green leaves. The buds are dark blue, fragrant. The underside is curved, with dark amethyst, almost black spots. There are 24 flowers open at a time on a flower stem. Their flowering period: early spring, they appear again in autumn.


With dark leaves, up to 15-16 cm high. The upper petals are snow-white, the lower ones are purple-lilac, velvety. Blooms in the second decade of spring.


One flower has several shades: sunny, pinkish, wine. In the center are black eyelashes.

Vittroka Terry lace

The inflorescences are light cornflower blue with a wide black stripe. Up to 8 cm in circumference.

There are many varieties of home and garden violets. Any lover of flowering plants can choose the variety to grow according to their tastes. For beginners, it is better not to choose collectible species, since caring for them requires certain skills and knowledge. It is recommended to start with dwarf or ampelous specimens. They are easier to handle and also very attractive and fragrant.

Violet Rob's Hallucination or Hallucination

The variety was registered in May 1996. Semi-miniature rosette with crown variegation. The leaves are dark green with red undersides. The center of the rosette has gold and brown tones, and the edges are painted in gold and bronze.

The rosette is very smooth and neat , like an artificial one. It is always formed symmetrically, the leaves lie very tightly, tiled. On one sheet you can see the whole range of shades, from milky to light green and green. Each leaf plate has a beautiful pattern.

Over time, the diameter of the rosette gradually increases . For this reason, the leaves lie so tightly. But since the leaf plates are small, it does not grow more than 10 centimeters.

When the flowering period begins, the rosette turns green , but during the recovery period it becomes variegated again.

The flower is a simple or semi-double star of blue color with pink fantasy splashes. The shape of the inclusions is more like specks. There are always a lot of them.

It blooms constantly and always produces a beautiful head.

The variety grows very slowly and, when propagated, produces many specimens without varietal characteristics. Most often, sports appear as solid blue flowers.

The absence of inclusions is a sign of sport. There are also specimens without variegation.

Features of flowering, growth and reproduction

The plant is a slow-growing one . Don't expect quick results from it. A full-fledged plant can be obtained 14-16 months after planting the cuttings. Sometimes you have to wait up to two years. This is a feature of the variety.

Propagated by leaf cuttings. It can also be grown from a peduncle. In this case, the likelihood of maintaining varietal characteristics is higher.

Often the percentage of varietal plants from the entire “brood” is about 30% . For this reason, it is better to purchase and plant not one, but several leaves, and also wait for the first flowering.

The peduncles are thin and tall, but the buds hold well.

It is better to grow in cool conditions . Fantasy inclusions in such conditions will be more contrasting and the boundaries will remain clear. Violet also needs full lighting.

Reviews about violet

Olga, Voronezh region : “To get bright and beautiful foliage, good lighting should be provided. Then you can enjoy the whole range of shades and show off to others. Of my two rosettes, one definitely blooms according to the variety. But we had to wait a long time, more than a year and a half.”

Maria, Ryazan : “The variegation of foliage depends on the lighting. My two rosettes were on different windows. The top of one was completely white, and the second was reddish. The second bush was the first to bloom. Then I moved the first violet to it. It also darkened and began to produce flower stalks.”

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