Streptocarpus DS 2080 and other varieties of Dimetris selection

History of appearance and general characteristics of streptocarpus selection Dimetris

The island of Madagascar is recognized as the birthplace of streptocarpus. In 1818, botanist Jay Bowie discovered an unusual plant and was able to save and transfer the seeds to botanical greenhouses in London. The flower was originally named Didimocarpus rexii, but a decade later it was renamed Streptocarpus rexii. It was this flower that became the basis for all modern hybrids.

Streptocarpus rexii

General characteristics of the plant:

  • belongs to the Gesneriev family, is unpretentious in care;
  • inflorescences consist of several large buds;
  • the base of the leaves is a wide rosette, which is attached to the stem at the very bottom.

In the wild, Streptocarpus prefers a humid and warm climate. The halo of growth is near water bodies. In rare cases, the plant is found in mountainous areas.

Description of popular varieties of streptocarpus Dimetris

Pelargonium PAC Viva Madeleine, Carolina and other varieties

The main types of streptocarpus:

  • Rocky. Prefers rocky soil and is resistant to drought and ultraviolet rays. The root system is dense, twisted, and woody. The foliage is small with fibers, the flowers are small and have a pastel purple color.
  • Royal. Preferences: subtropical climate, shaded areas. The root system is branched, the foliage is elongated and long. The flowers are large, up to 30 cm, and have a bright purple color.
  • Wendland. Prefers a moderate humid climate. The leaves are wide and long, elongated up to 1 m. The flowering period is long. On a flower with one root system there are up to 19-20 large purple inflorescences.

Note! Streptocarpus Dimetris has more than 150 varieties, the name of which uses the abbreviation DS.

Various varieties of flower

DS 2080

Streptocarpus ds 2080 has double large flowers of a rich purple hue, the color turns white towards the middle. A special feature of the variety is the central part, consisting of 3 rather than 4 petals.

DS 1920

Streptocarpus 1920 has large, curved, wavy petals in a rich fuchsia shade. In the middle of the petal there are splashes of white and soft pink flowers.

DS 2059

The variety has 2 levels of petals, each of which has a different color. The lower tier is a rich yellow shade with a red mesh. The upper petals are burgundy-red. The variety blooms profusely, the petal texture is semi-double.

DS 1726

Streptocarpus 1726 inflorescences have a thick terry covering of petals. Color varies from light pink to rich dark shade. The socket does not thicken. Flower size is from 8 to 10 cm.

DS 1931

The flower has wavy semi-double petals. The color varies from a pink tone at the base to a dark crimson edging at the edge. On the lower petal there are mesh inclusions of white color, the remaining parts of the flower are monochrome.

DS Margarita

This streps has large buds, up to 9-10 cm. The petals are velvety, ruffle-shaped. The color of the petals is divided into levels: the lower tier is rich crimson, the upper ones are light pink. In sunlight, the flower receives orange highlights. The inflorescences are strong and do not thicken.

DS Eternity

This Streptocarpus DS is terracotta red. The edges of the petals are burgundy, almost black. The texture of the flower is terry thick. The bud size reaches 9 cm.

DS Ezhkin the cat

This variety of streps has large, elaborate branches. The petals are double, colored black and purple. They have splashes of white and purple tones. The shape of the petal is pointed, reminiscent of a wasp.

DS Midnight Poison

The name translated means “midnight poison”. The poisonous lilac color of the petals with a white mesh fully corresponds to the name of the variety. The size of the bud reaches 9-10 cm, the peduncle has a strong base.

DS Fire

This streps has ruffle-shaped petals, their texture is thick and terry. The color of the flower is burgundy interspersed with red and purple. The lower tier of petals is covered with white spots. The bud is large, 8-9 cm. The flower has a rich aroma.

Getting to know the varieties


A variety with large flowers of the most delicate pink color.


Lush white flowers with red stripes inside.

Ezhkin cat

The name is interesting, but so is the flower itself. The edges of the petals are sharp, the color is very dark purple with white splashes. The petals resemble a silk elegant dress.

The crown of creation

Distinguished by curly flowers.


A wonderful mixture of pink and yellow petals. Surely it will be a dream come true for many! The flowers smell quite pleasant and do not fall off for a long time.


Pink-purple, like the morning dawn.

Witch night

Dark burgundy petals with a slight splash of white and a light center, like the glow of the moon.


With red like the hot sun and yellowish like the desert petals. By the way, this variety surprised me with the ratio of the colors of the petals - upper and lower. The name is quite justified.

sky blue

The flowers are very beautiful in color and do not fall off for a long time.

Planting streptocarpus and soil composition

Pelargonium Elnaryds Hilda and other varieties of the Elnaruds series

It is customary to plant streps for seedlings in early February. Rushing into sowing will not bring results. Procedure:

  1. For seedlings, prepare a container, the bottom of which is covered with drainage.
  2. Soil is poured on top, and the finished substrate is moistened.
  3. Strepocarpus seeds are scattered on top of the soil, without deepening.
  4. The container is covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.

Note! For germination, planted streptocarpus Dimetris are placed in a bright, warm place with a temperature of +23-24 degrees. Every day the film is removed for a few minutes for ventilation and access to oxygen. The first shoots appear 14-15 days after sowing. Watering is done through a tray, as the sprouts are weakened and can easily rot.

Soil for streps must have a saline pH of 5.0 and consist of the following elements (calculated ml/l):

  • nitrogen – 150-160;
  • phosphorus – not less than 250;
  • potassium – 350-360.

The general characteristics of the soil substrate are loose, air- and water-permeable.

Planting streptocarpus

Pelargonium Elnaryds Hilda and other varieties of the Elnaruds series

The rapid development of the root system leads to the fact that the volume of the pot quickly fills. Therefore, the plant requires frequent replanting. For young flowers, the procedure is carried out every year, and for adults once every three years. The plant is placed in a pot, on the bottom of which a drainage layer is previously placed, with the roots straightened. The top is covered with earth.

Additional Information . Streptocarpus love loose soil. Therefore, sand must be added to the finished mixture.

Caring for streptocarpus at home

Echinacea purpurea and other plant varieties

With proper care, streptocarpus can bloom almost all year round, starting not only in August. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to follow the rules of watering, lighting, fertilizing and temperature conditions.

Flower care


Particular attention must be paid to the quality of flower hydration. Water for irrigation should be soft, settled or melted, the optimal temperature is slightly above room temperature. Excess moisture is detrimental to the flower.

Watering is done moderately, after the middle layer of soil has dried. When moistening the plant, water should not get on the petals and leaves. The best method of watering is in a tray of water. After 15 minutes, excess moisture is poured out of it.

Note! Streps loves a humid climate, so you need to place containers of water or an air humidifier next to the pots.


From spring to the end of autumn, streptocarpus needs feeding. To do this, use nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, alternating them. Fertilizer is applied to moist soil. The dosage is calculated in accordance with the instructions on the package, but the amount is halved. For young, recently rooted plants, nitrogenous types of fertilizers are considered the most suitable.

Lighting and temperature

The daylight hours of streps should be 12-14 hours. The plant prefers bright and diffused lighting. During periods of the year with short daylight hours, it is necessary to use phytolamps. The ideal location of the flower is windows facing east and west.

Streptocarus is a heat-loving flower. The average indoor temperature all year round should be +15-18 degrees for conventional species and +18-20 degrees for hybrids. Straps feel most comfortable indoors. Any draft can lead to disease and death of the flower.

How does Streptocarpus reproduce?

Streps reproduces in two ways: seeds and the vegetative method. The simplest option is to divide adult bushes into 3 parts, each of which should be planted in suitable soil up to the root neck. The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed coal. If propagation is carried out using a leaf, it is planted in the soil, deepened by 10 mm. The container is covered with glass or film to achieve a greenhouse effect. The sheet is ventilated daily. Content temperature – +24 degrees.

Plant propagation

The seeds of the plant are prepared for planting in April. The technique is described above in the “Planting” section. After the emergence of seedlings, diving is carried out twice.

Important! The disadvantage of propagation by seeds is the high probability of hybrids losing their varietal properties.

Main pests and common diseases

Streptocarpus is threatened by 4 main types of problems:

  • Gray rot. It appears on the leaves in the form of brownish spots, a brownish coating and leads to rotting. The method of treatment is to treat the plant with a solution of copper oxychloride 0.5%.
  • Powdery mildew. The leaves and stem become covered with a whitish coating and spots. The method of disposal is to treat the affected areas with a fungicide every 10 days. Continue until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.
  • Thrips. Only the stem can be treated for these insects. The foliage and flowers are cut off, and the cut areas are covered with Akarin.
  • Aphid. These small insects will leave the plant only after treatment with insecticides and soap solution. A sick flower must be isolated from its healthy counterparts.

Important! If you do not notice the disease in time and do not begin to treat strep, the plant will soon die. Diseases are transmitted to every flower, so healthy specimens are isolated from sick ones.

Flower pests

Streptocarpus, regardless of the variety, will become the favorite of any gardener. Proper care, timely replanting and treatment will provide the plant with a long period of active flowering, and the appearance of the streps will improve the mood of the owner.


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951 3531078 404 Petrovich forum for violet lovers. Advice and communication.790 3606734 95Violet forum: communication, agricultural technology of Gesneriaceae.432 1991832 217Forum: discussion of Saintpaulias, streptocacti, gloxinias, fuchsias.362 167239 53Catalog of violets, begonias, fuchsias, streptocarpus.234 11436 6 40Find out more about violet life in Almaty!200 58710 11Private collection of the Gesneria family Elena Abramova.120 36300 13Collection of Olga Emelyanova. Sale.101 30070 26 Plant catalogue. Online store of goods for floriculture.91 36180 10Online store of mini Saintpaulias and rare plants.79 35673 17Violets and streptocarpus Ivanova M.V. Novosibirsk region.75 16332 17Sale of indoor plants in St. Petersburg and throughout Russia.74 32790 15Collection of Saintpaulias, gloxinias and begonias by Tatyana Pospelko.68 57259 40Collection of violets and gesneriaceae by Maria Rezankova (St. Petersburg).68 25660 17Violets: forum, blog , articles.61 24170 618000 varieties of violets. Shop, forum, blogs, growing tips.55 26770 133Uzambara violets. Catalog and photo catalog of varieties, articles.53 25182 11For lovers of violets: catalog, photo archive and personal experience.52 33550 12Collection of Irina Kormilitsina44 25552 9Streptocarpus and violets in St. Petersburg, Baltic Violet.43 20980 18Exhibition Association of Collectors of St. Pe terburga.40 6612 7Shop "World of Saintpaulia and Streptocarpusov" Almaty. 32 9920 4 Website about violets and others. Varietal plants by mail from Nizhny Novgorod. 28 10121 6 Violets in Moscow. Photo. Online store.27 6400 7Natalia Kholyavko's collection: Violets, gloxinia, streptocarpus.25 9620 10Online store of violets and streptocarpus N. Kozak (Odessa).23 22831 33Svetlana Golubtsova collection.19 10650 6Violets and Streptocarpus from the collection of Zhuravleva and Lukya novich.19 5973 5Forum about violets and other gesneriaceae.15 11283 1Saintpaulias of Lebetskaya selection.15 6432 30Private collection of Svetlana Samokhina.12 5800 5Uzambar violets of the South. More than 1500 varieties. Website of Svetlana Khorunzhiy.11 5612 4Catalogues, photos, agricultural technology.11 1950 3Online store of violets in Moscow and Zheleznodorozhny.10 3070 8Saintpaulia lovers club in Novosibirsk.10 1340 2Violets and Streptocarpus in Moscow.9 3603 7Forum about violets ok and no only.8 5740 2Forum of the Lvov club “Violet Galicini”.7 11000 6Catalogs of varieties, photo gallery, online store.7 5581 7Odessa site of Gesneriaceae lovers “Violet World”, club.7 5450 8Forum. Reports from exhibitions, exchange of experiences, creation of personal blogs.7 4050 11Saintpaulias, streptocarpus, gloxinia and other gesneriaceae.7 2830 2Site of violets and cyclamen from the Far East.6 2810 3Kazakhstan forum of gesnerieceae lovers.6 2730 3Site of Andrey Vaganov. Violets and other hesneries. 6 2666 8 collection of violets - standards, mini, chimeras. 6 2030 5 -related site of the breeder Senpolya K.L.5 3191 9 SITSIAL CIRES, PHOTO GOLAND, Articles. 5 : standard, mini, trailers. And other gesneriaceae.3 5981 6Collection of Irina Kormilitsina in Moscow.3 5560 6Variety Saintpaulias of domestic and foreign selection.3 610 1Website of the Nizhny Novgorod club of violet lovers.2 1640 4Website of the collector T.S. Maltseva from Perm2 1290 2Violets in Irkutsk. Sale.2 930 2Online store of violets by mail.2 860 3The first and only site about violets in Chisinau (Moldova).2 280 4Site about violets, streptocarpus, fuchsias.2 160 1Sale of violets in Zaporozhye (Ukraine). Collection Obertyukh O.G.1 3000 3Collection of beautiful violets, photo gallery, store.1 26238 42Violets and streptocarpus in Belarus, Ogorodnikova T.A.1 2450 13Online store of violets and related products.1 2420 2Collection of Oksana Kornienko.1 2210 6Forum of flower growers Cher nigova and Siverschin.1 1990 8Saintpaulias (violets), agricultural technology of the Gesnerievs.1 1580 2Information about violets, exhibitions, photo gallery, catalogue.1 1360 14Violets: Photo exhibitions, author's selection, forum, online store.1 1140 4Exhibitions, communication, advice, message board .1 1051 12Collection of Uzumbarian violets in Belarus, in Mogilev.1 880 1Site of saintpaulia collectors from Dnepropetrovsk.1 830 5Violets, streptocarpus, fuchsias, orchids. St. Petersburg.1 730 3Collection of varietal violets by Elena Savich.1 680 4Club of violet lovers, forum.1 680 2Collectors and lovers of violets, episcia and begonias.1 671 1Violets in Belarus in Mogilev.1 580 1Vinnitsa club “Saintpaulia-Center”. Forum about indoor plants.1 390 4Violets in Novosibirsk. Photo catalog, care recommendations.1 380 2Collection of Saintpaulias (violets) by Victoria Tikhomirova.1 300 3Saintpaulias (violets), gloxinia and streptocarpus in Novosibirsk.1 240 3Website of the violet collector from Tyumen Alena Gotsul.1 180 3Variety violets in Voronezh, catalog, photo tutorials, forum.1 150 3Domestic selection of mini, semi-mini and foreign selection.1 90 2Site of Saint-Polist T.V. Yashchenko from Novosibirsk.1 80 3Illustrated catalogs of gloxinias and violets.1 80 2Sale of violets in Astrakhan, large selection.1 50 2Omsk city club . Catalog with photos and articles by Svetlana Taran.1 40 3Saintpaulias (domestic, Ukrainian, foreign, mini), etc.1 30 2Online store of Svetlana Repiknaya.0 12510 28Zoya Gerasimchuk violet salon.0 420 9Standard and miniature Saintpaulias in Saratov.0 380 2Website dedicated to foreign and domestic varieties of Saintpaulia.0 330 1All about violets. Catalogs, photos. Alma-Ata.0 300 7Online store of violets in Ukraine.0 270 4Collection of plants by Tatiana Pavlova from Karaganda.0 270 2Photo catalog of Saintpaulias by Irina Kashina, information about violets.0 250 3Collection of violets by S. Simanova and Yu. Fedorova. Photo album.0 240 1Photo galleries. Exhibition of works “Flower and Stone”.0 221 2Photos and descriptions of 500 varieties of violets, episcia, streps.0 220 6Violets in Zaporozhye.0 220 2Photo gallery of Lyudmila’s Saintpaulias.0 220 2Violets and related products in St. Petersburg. New selections.0 220 1Forum of the Lugansk club of Saintpaulia lovers "Viola".0 210 2Saintpaulias in Kazakhstan, catalogue.0 150 3Uzambara violets, site of Roman Kulikov from St. Petersburg.0 120 1Catalogue of large-flowered violets and double gloxinias.0 110 5Violets and streptocarpus. Catalogs and photographs.0 100 3Sevastopol floriculture club "Crimean violet".0 100 2Saintpaulias and streptocarpus by Lyudmila Ovodova (Krasnoyarsk).0 100 2Articles, photos, sale, exchange.0 90 4Uzambara violet. Far East. Sale of violets.0 90 2Online store. Planting material for collection Saintpaulias.0 80 3Saintpaulias: catalog of varieties and articles.0 80 1Saintpaulias and collectors of the Kola North.0 71 1Marina Dergacheva’s website: violets, gloxinias, streptocarpus.0 70 2Photos of flowers, articles and photo tutorials, forum.0 70 2Miniature violets and not only.0 60 3Site of Saintpaulia collector Natalia Savelyeva, Sevastopol.0 60 2Sale of violets, photographs of Saintpaulias, catalogue, violet forum.0 60 2Site about violets, gloxinias, episcia. Nizhny Novgorod.0 50 2Variety violets, streptocarpus in Irkutsk. Photo catalog.0 50 1Favorite Saintpaulias in Kazakhstan. Catalog with photographs.0 50 1Saintpaulias (violets) and related items by mail. St. Petersburg.0 40 5Site about violets, gloxinias and streptocacti.0 40 2Catalogue of Saintpaulias, streptocarpus, gloxinias and begonias.0 40 2Violets of Marina Shadayeva.0 30 4Site of Igor Milekhin about miniature violets.0 30 3Site of indoor plants. Violet catalogues. American fertilizers.0 30 3Catalogue, photo gallery, agricultural technology and advice.0 30 2Victoria Tikhomirova’s website: VIOILS (Saintpaulias), EPISTICS, etc.0 30 2Collection of violets by Svetlana and Natalia Panfilova.0 30 2Personal website. Sale of violets and related products.0 30 2Clubs of Ukraine: exhibitions, contacts, offers.0 30 1Photo gallery, description of varieties, exchange of experience, etc. (Kiev)0 20 3Saintpaulia of Nikolai Pasedko in St. Petersburg0 20 2Violets in Kiev. Catalogs, forum, photos, articles.0 20 2 Saintpaulia: forum, catalogues, articles. Violets in Kiev.0 20 2Website of a collector from Vladivostok Elena Serdyuk.0 20 1Kamensk-Uralsky website about the Gesnerievs. Forum, catalogues, photos.0 20 1Photo album. Tips for beginners. Your advertisements.0 10 3Saintpaulia store by Natalya Sharapanovskaya.0 10 3The site is dedicated to beautiful Saintpaulia plants.0 10 3Violets and stpertocarpus from Alena Koshkarova, Tyumen.0 10 3My violets.0 10 2Photos of blooming violets from the collection of L.I. Lesina, catalogue. 0 10 1Violets in Losino-Petrovsky.0 10 1Sanin Artem’s website. Violets and other gesneriaceae in Samara.0 00 7Catalogues, photo albums. Domestic, foreign, mini, semi-mini.0 00 6Collection of Saintpaulias and Streptocarpus by Tatyana Babchenko.0 00 6Violets and other Gesneriaceae by Larisa Samsonova.0 00 5Site about violets.0 00 4My collection of violets in Voronezh.0 00 4Tatiana Shevchenko's catalog of violets.0 00 4 Collection varietal violets, Rostov-on-Don.0 00 4Violet catalogues.0 00 3Saintpaulias album and slideshow, catalog from Odessa.0 00 2Flower Dreams club of indoor plant lovers.0 00 2Saintpaulias, gloxinias, episcias, sinningias, koleria and other Gesneriaceae.0 00 2Odessa Violet Collectors Club.0 00 2Violets in Bryansk.0 00 2Website of collector Elena Belutskene.0 00 1Violets: catalogue, photographs, cultivation.0 00 1Variety violets, care, photo catalogues.0 00 1Variety violets, as well as everything for growing them.0 00 1
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