How to make money growing flowers in a greenhouse - business plan

Flowers are not only a decoration for our lives, appropriate for any occasion, from joyful to mournful. Flowers are also an excellent business because the demand for them is constant at any time of the year.

To satisfy this demand during the cold period, it is quite profitable to open your own enterprise for growing flowers in greenhouses. Before you start registering a business, it is advisable to familiarize yourself in detail with all the information on growing and caring for flowers, which are sometimes quite capricious, requiring certain conditions, and dying if they are not met. Such knowledge is necessary if you do not want your business to become unprofitable.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse: documents for starting a business

  • Any business requires official permits to register business activities. For growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business, it is most profitable to register as an individual entrepreneurship .
  • To do this, state registration and indication of the code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (A.01.12.2) are required.
  • Then you will need to decide on the desired type of taxation and the range of plants grown for sale.

Flower shop business plan with calculations

Below you can find a business plan for opening a flower shop.


According to the staffing table, the entrepreneur needs to hire 2 florists and a courier. The functions of the director can be performed independently. Candidates for the position must be:

  • responsible;
  • disciplined;
  • honest;
  • friendly;
  • sociable.

The florist must have the ability to interest buyers.
Employee salaries and insurance premiums (140,000 - 160,000 rubles) must be added to monthly expenses.

Financial plan

When opening a flower shop from scratch in 2022, you should familiarize yourself with the investment costs, which usually reach 550,000 rubles.

Investments for opening a flower pavilionSum
Registering a business and obtaining all permits10 000
Design project of the premises70 000
Repair/planning of premises80 000
Signboard50 000
Advertising materials, marketing services50 000
Rental during renovation48 000
Purchase of equipment, materials227 000
Other15 000
Total523 000

When developing a sales plan, it is worth considering the seasonality of the business. Sales volumes increase in the first 3-4 months after opening a retail outlet. Fixed costs along with variable costs are included in the monthly costs. The table provides information regarding average monthly costs.

Monthly costs
Payroll (including deductions)142 737
Rent34 000
Depreciation2 222
Public utilities15 000
20 000
Accounting (remote)10 000
Purchase of goods204 733
Unexpected expenses15 000
Total443 692

About 12-14% of the plants that were purchased remain unsold and written off as losses. It is recommended to mark up 180-200% on bouquets, and no more than 100% on souvenirs. Taking into account the purchase of goods/raw materials/supplies, we can predict the amount of monthly costs, which will be 443,692 rubles. It will be possible to recoup the investment in 12-18 months.

What flowers are best to grow in a greenhouse?

  • The correct selection of the assortment is very important, because different varieties require different conditions: humidity, lighting, temperature - all this is very important for plants.
  • To optimally reduce risks, it is worth making sure that your flowers in this regard are selected in accordance with the conditions that you can provide them with.
  • In addition, it is necessary to study the market conditions and understand which flowers are in greatest demand in your region and which varieties can be supplemented with the assortment.







  • Don't forget to analyze the flowers already available on the market in order to competently compete or avoid it altogether. All this is very important to take into account in order to open a business growing flowers in a greenhouse.

Choosing flowers to grow

To reduce costs and be sure of making a profit, you must clearly decide what flowers you will grow. You shouldn’t get excited and rush headlong into cultivating many varieties at once - stick to a maximum of 8-10 species. The fact is that each variety of flowers requires certain care and growing conditions, and these factors do not always coincide for other plants.

Advice! To grow flowers for sale in one greenhouse, select several varieties with similar cultivation conditions and care requirements.

Seasonality in the cut flower market, %

Also, do not forget to take into account the demand - at one time they buy chrysanthemums with pleasure, and at another time roses are popular.

Growing roses

Table. Types and varieties of flowers for growing in a greenhouse.

ChrysanthemumChrysanthemum loves soil with the addition of sand and humus. Can be grown at any time of the year. It is best to plant cuttings in the morning or evening at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. In winter, the crop needs additional lighting, and the air temperature in the greenhouse should be at least +18 degrees. When the first buds appear, the temperature is reduced to +10 degrees. Chrysanthemums grow for about 4 months from the moment the cuttings are planted.
NarcissusThese beauties are highly prized for their vibrant color and beautiful flower shape. Planted in the fall before the first frost. The crop is excellent for growing after harvesting vegetables. It is important to properly prepare the bulbs for planting - they must be cooled beforehand. Daffodils are planted to a depth of 15 cm, and the air temperature in the greenhouse should be about +9 degrees.
RoseThe queen of flowers who never goes out of style. Grown by grafting or layering. Can be grown for many years in one place. We will tell you more about cultivating the queen of flowers below.
TulipSymbol of March 8. It is grown from bulbs that must be large and healthy. Otherwise, the flowers will be frail. Before planting in the ground, add some ash and mineral fertilizers to it. To keep up with the harvest for International Women's Day, the bulbs are planted in a greenhouse in December, warming it up to +2 degrees (the bulbs are stored in the basement until this time). Around the end of January, the air temperature in the greenhouse is gradually raised to +8, then to +15-22 degrees. After emergence, do not forget about additional lighting for 6 hours daily.
PeonyUnpretentious and beautiful. Loves manure and small amounts of mineral fertilizers in the soil. Caring for them is very simple: loosening, watering and weeding are all the necessary activities. These flowers are selling very well.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse: greenhouse parameters

  • You need to start by choosing a site for growing flowers in a greenhouse. Perhaps you have your own acres, but if not, you will need to rent the land and draw up all the necessary contracts.
  • The construction process itself depends on your skills and capabilities. If you can build the structure yourself, you will save a significant amount, otherwise you will have to order a ready-made greenhouse, selecting the size you need.
  • The optimal size of the initial greenhouse is 4x15 m; as the business expands, further ones can be built. Experts recommend mounting a greenhouse from polycarbonate, because... Unlike film, it protects against ultraviolet penetration and is sufficiently durable.


  • The foundation is better strip, up to 50 cm deep, on a sand and crushed stone cushion. It is better to choose a pitched roof.
  • You will also need to install climate control and heating (at your discretion and capabilities - water system, electric or solar collectors), in addition - drip irrigation.
  • Thermos greenhouses are interesting, where two layers of polycarbonate have an air gap between them, and there are holes in the walls for ventilation, which contributes to more uniform heating of the greenhouse and saves up to 70% of heating and lighting costs.

What should a greenhouse be like?

Perhaps the main aspect of success in the flower business is the right greenhouse. The success of the entire enterprise largely depends on where and how crops are grown.

Construction of a greenhouse for growing flowers for sale

The type of greenhouse that you should equip on your site directly depends on the amount of money available and your plans - someone wants to be content with a modest greenhouse and a small income, while others dream of a real flower farm. At first, we recommend investing minimally and expanding over time to avoid large risks.

Flowers in a greenhouse

On a note! If you have a regular greenhouse on your property in which you can grow flowers, then you can try to start a business with it, gradually expanding it.

Since the flower business in the future will still involve growing crops not only in summer, but also in winter, it would be advisable to build a thermos greenhouse on the site. Its advantage is that it allows you to save a huge amount of electricity needed to heat the room in winter.

Greenhouse thermos (example)

What is a thermos greenhouse? The optimal size for this structure is 5 * 20 m, and on the south side it should be about 2.5 m high (on the north side it is made lower by 0.5-0.8 m). The structure is installed on a strip foundation 70 cm deep. A thermos greenhouse cannot be mounted on bare soil, since in winter the soil and beds with plants will freeze. It is advisable to make the frame of the greenhouse from metal, and it should be covered with cellular polycarbonate (in two layers so that it is as warm as possible). A pitched roof is required to improve the possibility of the structure being heated by the sun. As for the location of the greenhouse, it should be on a flat area, stretching from east to west.

Example of a timber frame diagram for a recessed greenhouse

The thermos greenhouse must necessarily have a heating system - without it you will not be able to grow flowers in the winter. This can be either water heating with an electric boiler or a solar collector made of timber and black film.

Don’t forget about additional lighting, which will provide the flowers with the necessary amount of light in winter. The structure must also have a good and well-thought-out ventilation system.

How to build a thermos greenhouse (part 1)

How to build a thermos greenhouse (part 2)

Perhaps one of the most important elements of a greenhouse for flowers is the correct soil. But here everything will depend on what varieties of plants you will grow.

The soil in the greenhouse also plays an important role

Advice! To reduce costs at the very beginning of business development, use turf soil taken from forest edges.

Preparing such soil for use is simple: pour an 8-centimeter layer of soil, cover it with an opaque material, warm it in the sun and then spill it with water, again covering it with a film, but this time transparent. After these operations, the soil will “burn out” well, heating up to 60 degrees - all pathogens, weeds, and insects will die in it. The soil must “burn” for at least 3 months.

If you plan to immediately expand your business on a grand scale, then you will need industrial greenhouse complexes. These are huge structures, in which the width of one span is at least 8 m. Heating here is equipped with the help of internal boiler rooms, and watering is carried out using an automatic drip irrigation system. This is an extremely expensive option and is not suitable for a novice gardener-businessman. Only those who already have some experience in this area should think about purchasing such greenhouse complexes.

Growing tulips in an industrial greenhouse

How to make money growing flowers in a greenhouse all year round

If you plan to grow flowers in a greenhouse year-round, you should make sure that it is solid. As already mentioned, it is better to start with small areas, with a plan for their expansion in the future.

The standard requirements for a greenhouse intended for year-round use are the following:

  1. The coating must be made of polycarbonate or glass.
  2. The base is on concrete, brick or foam blocks with mandatory waterproofing.
  3. The frame is made of metal (in extreme cases, wooden).
  4. The roof is strong enough, single or gable, so that snow does not linger in winter and is easy to clean off.
  5. Artificial lighting equipment is mandatory since during certain periods of plant growth it will require almost round-the-clock illumination.
  6. A necessary component of a year-round greenhouse is heating and artificial lighting.
  7. Installation of a regular watering system and climate control.

Which covering to choose for growing flowers in a greenhouse?

You can choose a coating for growing flowers in a greenhouse, focusing on the climatic conditions of your region, aesthetic indicators and, of course, solvency:

  1. Film coating is the least expensive, the simplest to equip and operate, easily ventilated and just as easily dismantled if necessary. Disadvantages include the need for fairly frequent replacement, risks of damage, and unsuitability for winter. Recently, reinforced film has been used more often - it is stronger and more durable.
  2. The glass coating is excellent for providing light transparency. It has low reflectivity, is easy to use and maintain, and is quite environmentally friendly. But among the disadvantages is the heaviness of the coating and at the same time its fragility, which creates the risk of damage and destruction. To create a “thermos” effect, you can use a double layer of glass - this option is appropriate in cold regions.
  3. The polycarbonate coating is slightly inferior to glass in transparency, but superior in thermal insulation. Being a flexible and fairly durable material, polycarbonate is resistant to ultraviolet radiation (which requires a special coating), fire, and temperature changes. Disadvantages include susceptibility to active thermal expansion, the possibility of damage during hail, and instability to abrasive materials.

It is important to choose a coating

Business organization options

When you are a beginning businessman, it is advisable to choose directions and development options. In the paragraphs below, we will consider the main ones. It is also advisable to determine the range of your competence in matters of this niche. This could be the ability to decorate flowers, determine freshness, or beautifully combine a bouquet. Based on the available capital, determine which flowers you will sell, which related products, and so on.

Sale of home flowers

If you have enough free time and free territory, this is an option to start a flower business from scratch. But keep in mind that there are quite a few species of such plants. It is quite difficult to build even a small business in such conditions. But if you live in a rural area and have your own plot, this opens up more opportunities. It is quite possible to grow flowers on the site by creating greenhouse conditions for them.

Several types of flowers that can be grown at home:

  • chrysanthemums;
  • pelargoniums;
  • tulips;
  • azaleas;
  • annual asters.

Photo gallery “Types of flowers”

Salon opening

It is fair to consider that a flower salon is an order of magnitude higher than a regular store. The difference lies in the range of services provided to clients. In the first case, this is only selling flowers and making bouquets. But in the second, this is an opportunity to order the decoration of surfaces with flowers, the creation of designer baskets, and so on. More often than not, salons even visually look more luxurious than shops.

Average cost of starting a salon:

  • rental of premises (100,000 rubles);
  • display cases and stands (70,000 rubles);
  • florist (30,000 rubles);
  • consumables (20,000 rubles);
  • first batch (150,000 rubles).

Total: 320,000 rubles.

Online store and delivery

In the case of this group of products, you can start a business without investment. This can be done using an online store. The latter can serve both as a channel for additional sales and as a starting position in starting a business. Delivery from an online store quite strongly stimulates sales and positive reviews. The main thing in this case is the punctuality of the courier and the availability of a vehicle.

Look at the same topic: Business on advertising - minimum investment, maximum efficiency

Purchase of planting material for growing flowers in a greenhouse

  • When you study supply and demand and decide on the nuances of growing flowers in a greenhouse, purchase planting material - bulbs or seedlings. It is very important to immediately purchase high-quality bulbs, not only your “harvest” depends on this, but also the further growth and development of plants. So don't save, but choose the best.
  • To do this, contact only trusted, reputable agricultural companies in your region, in which the varieties are selected and adapted to the existing natural and climatic conditions. In the future, you can grow seedlings yourself by planting them in pots.
  • You can learn how to care for plants from specialized literature or by attending specialized courses and master classes.


Choosing a flower variety and direction of greenhouse business

The most correct choice would be several areas of floriculture at the same time. This approach will provide year-round earnings and a faster return on investment.

Flowers for seedlings from seeds

An advantage is automatically determined: selling cut flowers is quite risky due to the short shelf life (but we’ll talk about that too).
Seedlings can be stored for a long time, minimizing losses. And the cost of seeds is always minimal. The business of growing flower seedlings has “favorite” varieties. This “love” is caused by the constant demand for:

  • Petunias;
  • Marigolds (tegetes);
  • Lavender;
  • Nasturtium;
  • Pelargonium;
  • Cineraria.

This list can be supplemented, but among the indicated items there will definitely be a suitable variety for growing flowers from seeds. Most of them are unpretentious in care, and annually delight with good yields.

For example, petunia can often be seen in flower arrangements, and buyers are attracted by its variety of colors and ease of care. Its planting begins in February, and the seed germination time is determined to be only 10 days. Some varieties of petunia cost about 100 rubles per piece. It is easy to calculate profit based on this cost.

Marigolds, which are often used to decorate street borders, are valued at the same price.

How to prepare the soil for growing flowers in a greenhouse?

  • to start preparing the soil for growing flowers in a greenhouse in the spring. With the first warm weather, dig up a layer of soil up to 10 cm deep in a meadow or in an area near a forest and lay it at home, covering it with transparent polyethylene and watering it abundantly.
  • Thus, as a result of the combustion process in the soil, all remaining pests and weeds will be destroyed. Make this soil the basis of your greenhouse in the fall.
  • You can, of course, buy ready-made soil, but taking into account the fact that the expected area is quite large, this is quite a significant amount for a start-up investment. Further, as you develop and make a profit, you can switch to the option of purchasing a ready-made soil layer.
  • The interior arrangement of the greenhouse comes down to the formation of beds, passages, installation of racks and shelves. It is advisable to map out the placement of plants and flowers in advance, which will facilitate a more harmonious layout on site.

Purchase of fertilizers and remedies for pests and plant diseases

One of the stages of starting a business is preparing the ground . To save money, you can use meadow or forest soil. To do this, in early spring, the top layer of soil is removed and wrapped in a roll. Next, it is stored on the site, having previously been unrolled and covered with polyethylene.

The soil is irrigated several times and covered again to warm it up and destroy pests and weed spores. And only after that they are used for planting .

You can replace the soil with hydroponics nutrient liquid. This will simplify the work, although construction will cost 400 thousand rubles.

Fertilizers include mineral ones consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, organic and universal in dry and liquid form, observing certain proportions.

The frequency of feeding is once every 10 days.

To combat pests and plant diseases, complex and specialized products are used: fungicides, insecticides of systemic and contact action. They usually buy from wholesale suppliers that they find on the Internet.

How to properly plant flowers in a greenhouse?

  • As a rule, when growing flowers in a greenhouse, the beds are arranged quite high, with parallel rows allocated for each species, and separating the species with partitions. You can place flowers floor by floor by building shelves and racks.
  • The general rule is to place tall specimens on the north side, and low ones on the south. And a few more “laws”: pots with hanging flowers should hang above the height of a person, climbing plants should be able to spread their stems, for which they pull twines, wires, etc.
  • If you attach a plant in a flower pot to the frame, make sure that the brackets are fastened firmly and securely.

Earning money from growing flowers in a greenhouse: implementation

The sale of flowers grown in a greenhouse is complicated by the fact that they have a marketable appearance for a very short time, so an ill-thought-out sales method is fraught with capital losses that can ruin your business. Therefore, even before you start growing flowers, take care of how you will sell them.

  1. Own flower kiosk or shop. This will also include the cost of renting a MAF or premises that need to be located in a crowded place. In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with the pricing policies of possible competitors so as not to lose to them.
  2. Selling in wholesale quantities is a convenient way to sell, which requires concluding agreements with large flower shops.
  3. Home delivery. This online scheme is very popular today and is readily used by those who cannot personally go to the birthday person or other celebration. To do this, you need to create your own store on the Internet, present the products offered in it in detail and indicate how you can place an order.
  4. Seasonal sale option , when mass quantities are grown for certain holidays.
  5. Selling locally is an opportunity for the client to choose his own flowers from those growing in the greenhouse.

It should be noted that wholesale sales are less profitable, since the prices here are also wholesale, and therefore lower. And they become more profitable with a constant large sales market.

Question No. 6. Technology: important points

A greenhouse for the industrial cultivation of flowers must have all the necessary elements of technical equipment. These are lighting, temperature control, curtain system, automatic ventilation, artificial lighting and drip irrigation. Also today, equipment is used that even monitors the chemical composition of dissolved fertilizers and their automatic correction.

Design and power development

To successfully start a flower business, it is enough to build a greenhouse like this:

To grow flowers, it is advisable to make two greenhouses: a large one and a small one, while the smaller one will need to be heated. Seeds should be sown in special fruit boxes that are low and allow the substrate to warm up quickly. And when the plants form 2-4 true leaves, we make the first selection of seedlings. Thanks to this, two such greenhouses produce about 15,000 petunias in just one season. The process looks like this:

As for heating such a design, for starters you can install an ordinary potbelly stove. But in winter you will need to put firewood in it every 8-10 hours. Why do those who are successfully engaged in such a business or have just started doing it, claim that they are in the greenhouse more often than at home.

It also matters what region you live in. For example, in the north of Russia you will have to install a heated greenhouse and start the planting season in January, when frosts at this time can be below 30 degrees.

Here is a good example of a quality greenhouse for the flower business:

Cooling and preservation of material

To grow all bulbous flowers, like tulips, you will need to put a refrigerator in the greenhouse and calculate the exact cooling period (each variety has its own, from 14 to 17 weeks). Also, tulips do not like excess sunlight, and therefore the inside of such a greenhouse is lined with agrospan, which additionally does not allow condensation to pass through, and is shaded from above. The play of light and shadow is a normal practice in such agribusiness. And for certain types of flowers they even build asymmetrical greenhouses:

It is especially important to properly control humidity in the greenhouse, because both its excess and its deficiency are equally harmful to flowers, leading to the falling of petals or loss of stem elasticity.

Irrigation system and water analysis

Also consider a watering system for your flowers. For example, if we talk about business, a flow network has a number of disadvantages: if an infection occurs, the entire crop will suffer at once, so special filters will be needed for cleaning. Also, a whole accident will occur if there is suddenly a failure in the water supply and the root system of the flowers begins to dry out.

Be sure to do a laboratory analysis of your water in advance, because... You will dissolve chemical salts in it. This same laboratory does an excellent job of performing special calculations, so you can protect yourself from important mistakes. This is the first and mandatory point for anyone who is going to grow flowers for sale in a greenhouse.

Here's a good diagram for a small greenhouse to get you started:

How to make money growing flowers in a greenhouse: additional income

  • Start selling related products along with growing flowers in a greenhouse: seeds and fertilizers, seedlings and chemical protection products, etc. This way, clients will know that they can buy from you not only a beautiful bouquet, but also provide it with a “long life”, while also providing care for indoor plants.

You can sell flowers not only in bouquets, but also in the form of seedlings. It is advantageous in that its lifespan is much longer. In addition, seedlings can be grown in open ground, which reduces the number of additional greenhouses. Another advantage is that seedlings, as a rule, are sold in large quantities.

  • And if you have time, desire and opportunity , you can supplement your sales volume with indoor flowers in flowerpots. You can do this even in an apartment, the main thing is to find your own zest and those varieties that will definitely interest potential buyers.

Profitability of the flower business

The flower business is one of the most profitable. The markup is 100-150% , and on holidays it reaches 300% . Even with high competition in sales, you can find your niche and make a decent profit.

With a competent approach to organizing a business, you can earn more than 600 thousand rubles. in year. Let's look at the profitability of some types of plants: Variety Initial investment Net profit per year

  • Seedlings 127 thousand rubles. 320 thousand rubles.
  • Indoor flowers 97 thousand rubles. 203 thousand rubles.
  • Medicinal plants 15 thousand rubles. 210 thousand rubles.
  • Tulips 720 thousand rubles. 680 thousand rubles.
  • Roses 720 thousand rubles. 785 thousand rubles.
  • Crocuses 710 thousand rubles. 690 thousand rubles.

How to advertise yourself and your greenhouse flower growing business

To attract as many clients as possible in the business of growing flowers in a greenhouse, follow a few simple but always working rules:

  1. Make yourself known. Place advertisements in newspapers, on television, communicate in relevant specialized groups and communities on social networks, and on forums.
  2. Spare no expense in creating a catalog of your products ; it is especially convenient to do this online, where you can quickly update and correct information.
  3. When selling a product to a buyer, accompany the purchase with brief information on how to care for a plant or how to extend the life of a bouquet. Accompany all purchases with a business card from your store (business).


The peculiarity of the rose growing business is that the target audience is not the final consumer, but wholesale buyers, product distributors, represented by various flower stalls and florist shops. At the same time, the advertising strategy must take into account the requirements of the end consumer in order to plan production and predict sales volumes. Portrait of the final consumer of the product: city population aged 20 to 50 years with an average income level.

Thus, the project’s marketing policy covers both the assessment of end consumers and promotion methods among flower retailers. Advertising is aimed at establishing long-term cooperation and developing a client base.

The most profitable way to sell finished products is wholesale sales to large flower shops and markets. However, it will be quite difficult for a novice entrepreneur to immediately create sales channels.

To do this you will need:

  • analyze the competitive environment, assess the level of demand for products, develop your competitive advantages;
  • conduct a price analysis of the market and offer more favorable conditions as a supplier: lower costs, a flexible system of discounts for wholesale buyers, guarantees, etc.;
  • release a catalog of finished products on paper and on the Internet. Generate a list of potential buyers and send out commercial offers.

The advertising budget is 40,000 rubles and consists of the following types of costs:

  • marketing analysis of the local sales market – 15,000 rubles;
  • creating a catalog and printing promotional material (including business cards) – 15,000 rubles;
  • Direct marketing is a way to increase sales by sending commercial letters to potential customers.

Effective direct marketing is ensured by narrowing the target audience and sending high-quality mailing messages that may be of interest to the client. This same group of expenses includes the costs of online promotion, call promotion and transportation costs - 10,000 rubles.

It should be noted that searching for new customers and developing sales markets is a constant process, so a sales specialist is needed to carry out this function. His responsibilities will include attracting clients and working with them, as well as advertising support for the project and analyzing the effectiveness of using the advertising budget.

The competitiveness of the project is ensured due to the high quality of products. In all promotional events, attention is focused on the advantages of purchasing goods from a domestic manufacturer (savings on transportation costs, lower prices, reduced risk of supply disruptions, guarantees, a flexible system of discounts, high quality products, which is achieved by reducing delivery times).

When planning sales volumes, production capacity should be taken into account, since the maximum production volume depends on the area of ​​greenhouses, varieties of roses and their yield, as well as the conditions in which the flowers will be grown. The maximum production volume is calculated based on the greenhouse area - 50 square meters. m., which houses about 200 rose bushes, and an average annual flower yield of 250 flowers per bush. In total, the yield of the flower greenhouse will be: 200 * 250 = 50,000 cuts per year, and about 4,166 cuts per month. This indicator should be taken into account when planning sales volume.

Demand for products is seasonal. Sales peak during the holiday months: February, March, May June, September, December. The planned sales volume is calculated based on the sale of 100% of the harvest at the average market (wholesale) price of 60 rubles/piece. To simplify calculations, average indicators for sales volume and price of different varieties of roses are used. The minimum price for 1 rose is 45 rubles/piece, the maximum is 75 rubles/piece.

Thus, the average revenue will be about 250,000 rubles per month. In this business plan, it is planned to reach the declared sales volume in the third month of work.

Table 4. Planned sales volume

Product Average planned sales volume, pcs./month. Average price per piece, rub. Revenue, rub.
1 Rose cut 4166 60960

Business plan: growing flowers in a greenhouse

A mandatory investment is the construction and equipment of the greenhouse itself, the purchase of the necessary garden tools (shovels, watering cans, rakes, hoses, etc.), the purchase of the required number of flowers (bulbs, seedlings, seeds) and chemicals with which you will feed the plants and treat them against diseases and pests.

The approximate costs for starting your business are:

  • Up to $4000 – for the construction of a foundation, greenhouse frame, installation of a heating system.
  • $500 — carry out, install and launch the irrigation system.
  • $300 – approximately this amount will be needed each month to pay utility costs.
  • $1500 – purchase the required amount of planting material.
  • About $50 will be needed for fertilizers and protective equipment.
  • About $300 is needed to pay taxes and other expenses that arise in the process.

Thus, if you count in dollars (and this is appropriate to do in conditions of currency exchange rate fluctuations), then starting a business for growing flowers in greenhouses will cost within $665 -7000.


To assess the risk component of a greenhouse rose growing project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country and sales markets. Internal – the effectiveness of organization management.

Among the internal risks are:

  • Flowers are a perishable product that cannot be stored for a long time. To avoid losses, it is necessary to constantly monitor the market and forecast demand;
  • errors in estimating sales volumes, which can lead to product disposal. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of this risk by creating a well-functioning product sales system;
  • product quality that does not meet the stated requirements and market requirements: constant monitoring of quality and identification of deviations (non-compliance with technology or low-quality seed material) is necessary;
  • errors in the growing process, on which product quality and yield depend. Constant monitoring and high-quality work of the technologist will reduce the risk.

External factors include:

  • the presence of various pests that can not only spoil, but also completely destroy the flower harvest. This can be avoided by providing constant protection from pests;
  • climatic conditions that complicate the process of growing flowers and incur additional costs (in the case of a cold winter - for insulating the room, in the case of a dry, hot summer - for watering). This risk is the most specific to this type of business and is almost impossible to manage. The only thing that an entrepreneur should do in this case is to have a reserve of funds in order to respond to the problem in a timely manner and eliminate it;
  • high level of competition in the market. This risk can be reduced with a well-thought-out marketing strategy and achieving certain competitive advantages (due to better prices, special conditions, guarantees, additional services);
  • rising prices for seed - the risk is reduced due to the margin of profitability of the enterprise. Due to the systemic nature of the problem, it is not a critical factor;
  • cyclicality of the flower market and episodic demand (seasonality). It will not be possible to completely eliminate the risk, but it is possible to smooth out its impact by opening new business segments;
  • termination of cooperation, entailing financial losses (reduced profits, increased costs of finding new partners, etc.) This problem may arise due to inadequate product quality, disruption of supplies, or the emergence of a competitor ready to offer more favorable conditions. One way or another, an entrepreneur must always take this risk into account and create conditions for cooperation that would be beneficial to both parties.

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What is the profitability of growing flowers in a greenhouse?

  • Growing flowers in a greenhouse itself is quite profitable - predicted values ​​sometimes reach 300% . Although, as practice shows, depending on various conditions, including force majeure, profitability can fluctuate between 50-70%.
  • If we speak in monetary terms, then, provided that only roses are grown, the annual profit can reach an amount within $25000 — $33000.

You can grow any flowers.
A decrease in profit can be due to various factors: unaccounted for or increased competition, weather conditions when heating costs increase, death of flowers, etc. On average, the funds spent on starting a business for growing flowers in a greenhouse pays off in less than a year - 6-8 months.

Flower seedling business

The least expensive option for making money from flowers is growing seedlings. For this, cassettes with cells with a volume of 100-300 milliliters are used, costing up to 1 ruble. or plastic boxes . Disposable glasses are also suitable for containers. For 120 square meters you will need 10 thousand cups worth 10 thousand rubles. or boxes for 45 thousand rubles. These costs will be annual.

For seedlings, special soil is suitable, the cost of which is on average 10 rubles. per liter To save money, it is mixed with disinfected garden soil.

During the first two weeks, flower seedlings are kept in peat, then planted in soil made of fine sand, humus, peat and garden soil in equal proportions. At the same time, the cost of such soil will be 20 thousand rubles.

Proper landing consists of the following steps:

  • the container is filled with earth, making grooves or holes, and watered with warm water;
  • lay the seeds 0.5-3 centimeters and sprinkle with soil;
  • cover with film until shoots appear;
  • remove the film and additionally illuminate for 16-18 hours for the first 3-4 days;
  • When seedlings grow, daylight hours are shortened to normal.

Seedlings require good regular care and watering with soft water at room temperature. Fertilizing should be done with complex fertilizers every 7-10 days. To minimize the complexity of care, you can initially maintain a distance between the seeds or plant them in cells.

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