Flowering of standard violets EK-Exotica, LE-Macho, LE-Chateau Brion and others.

Violet LE-Macho: photo and description

The breeder of this species is E. Lebetskaya. The flower was liked by many people who keep indoor plants. The Macho violet, the photo of which you see above, is an unusually beautiful variety. It is endowed with large semi-double flowers. In appearance they are strong, dark purple, almost black in the shade, dark burgundy in light, the petals are framed by a delicate white border. The flowers are curly, very delicate and fragile, their shape resembles stars. Abundant, lush cap blooms are located on fairly strong peduncles, of which there are many. At the same time, they do not bloom together, but often, so there will always be beautiful flowers in the pot. The petals tend to curl and hide in the foliage; you will have to constantly pull them out so that they delight you with their beauty.

The older the plant, the less saturated and bright the color of the flowers becomes, so do not worry if it suddenly turns from dark purple to light purple, this is not related to its health.


Lyudmila. “I started the LE-Macho violet two years ago, I only had a leaf. I broke it off while visiting and brought it home, the first time the baby bloomed with only three branches, but this spring there is already a whole hat, the color is bright burgundy, I am happy looking at it every morning.”

The color of flowers attracts many gardeners.

Valentina. “This is my favorite variety; for more than ten years now there have been several red violets on my windowsill. They have a white border and curly edges. But it’s difficult to breed regrets; many stepchildren bloom in the wrong color.”

Possible difficulties in content

Violet Macho, a photo and description of which you can find in this publication, is an easy-to-care plant, you just have to find an approach to it. She does not like waterlogging, but she feels just as bad even in slightly dry soil. Violet Macho cannot stay on the windowsill all day, which receives too much sunlight. At the same time, its flowers begin to become smaller, quickly fade, and lose color intensity. The outlet may also react negatively to the content. If you don’t take care of it, the flower stalks will be small, weak, and unable to fully bloom, that is, they may fall off at the formation stage. If you do not remove excess, weak peduncles, the rosette will grow upward, like a herringbone, which will prevent the formation of a beautiful flowering cap. Also, the trunk will begin to bend, the plant will bloom extremely rarely and for a short time.

Is Violet Macho suitable for your home? Will you be able to provide her with proper care and allocate the necessary amount of time? Before buying a variety, read the gardeners' maintenance recommendations that we have collected in this article.


El Macho should not be taken by minors (under 18 years of age). There are no other direct contraindications. In rare cases, individual components may cause an allergic reaction. Individual intolerance is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • Strong headache;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • stomach ache;
  • skin rashes.

If such signs occur, you should stop taking the drops. You shouldn't be afraid of such a reaction. You should not be afraid of allergies to the natural components that make up the product.

The reviews available about el macho indicate that no one complained of intolerance to the drug. But, as a manufacturer of any dietary supplement, the company is required to notify about such a possibility.

Attention! The drug is created only for men. It's not suitable for women

The drug is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with alcohol. Smokers may also not expect maximum results. Substances contained in nicotine and alcohol negatively affect the absorption of plant compounds.

Indications for use of El-Macho drops

Correct content

In order for the Macho violet to grow in comfortable conditions, you must follow several rules:

  1. The room where the pot will be installed should be very bright; violets love light. But no sunshine! They can burn tender leaves, yellowing will appear, and the flower will become sick. It is better to choose a window sill on the north, north-west or north-east side.
  2. If the window sills are located only on the south or southwest side, then stick a film (tracing paper) on the lower part of the glass; you can hang curtains that will take “all the fire” of the sun onto themselves.
  3. The rays of the setting sun are not scary for the violet, they are no longer capable of causing harm, so in the evening do not rush to remove the plant from the windowsill.
  4. In winter, if you want the flower to continue to bloom, use artificial light that will accompany the violet for 12 hours.
  5. Protect the plant from cold and drafts, place the pot in a place where ventilation does not cause them.
  6. In winter, if it is cold on the windowsill, wrap the pots with insulating material.
  7. The Macho violet will not fully develop if the air temperature is below +18 degrees, its growth will slow down, and flowering will be rare.
  8. In winter, water the flower with less water than usual.

Conditions for home growing

Violet "Le Macho" is a capricious plant. The slightest shortcomings in care can negatively affect the flowering and decorative properties of the flower. However, it is possible to grow it at home. The main thing is to be patient and give the plant a little attention so that after a while you can enjoy its vibrant beauty.

When choosing a pot in which the “Le Macho” violet will live, you should take into account the characteristics of its underdeveloped root system , which is located in the upper layers of the soil and does not grow far into the depths. The ideal size for an adult plant would be a pot whose top diameter is three times larger than the diameter of the flower rosette. Particular attention must be paid to the choice of substrate. It must be light, air- and moisture-intensive, contain a sufficient amount of essential trace elements and minerals (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen), and have a normal level of acidity. It is recommended to add moisture-retaining disintegrants to the Saintpaulia soil purchased in specialized stores: charcoal, polystyrene foam, sphagnum moss.

A more acceptable option is to prepare a balanced earthen mixture yourself. To do this, mix in equal quantities:

  • sterile black soil;
  • peat with the required level of acidity;
  • charcoal;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • biological preparations containing the necessary microflora.

For luxurious and long-lasting flowering, the plant will require conditions as close as possible to its natural environment:

  • sufficient level of lighting;
  • suitable temperature conditions;
  • proper watering;
  • regular application of fertilizers;
  • disease prevention.

The ideal place to place the flower would be windows in the eastern, north-eastern, north-western or western part of the room, since the Le Macho violet requires a lot of light: at least 12 hours a day, and in winter it will need an additional light source . Direct sunlight is harmful to foliage; for this reason, placing violets on southern windows is not recommended.

If the leaves of the plant rise up, this is a signal of a lack of light. The flower needs to be moved to a more illuminated place or a lamp installed above it.

Violet “Le Macho” is a fairly heat-loving plant, and it is recommended to keep it in rooms with an air temperature of +20 – +25°C. If the temperature drops below +18°C, the development of violets will slow down, flowering will become shorter and weaker, and the plant will take on a depressed appearance. Drafts and cool air have a negative impact on violets, so in the autumn-winter period they should be placed not on window sills, but on special stands in warmer places in the room.

The Le Macho violet reacts poorly to excess moisture, as well as to excessive drying of the substrate. It is necessary to control the soil moisture in the plant pot with special care. The most suitable watering for Le Macho would be once every 3 days. To evenly distribute moisture in the pot, it is recommended to use bottom watering. For this purpose, the pot with the plant is placed in a container with settled water at room temperature. The water level should reach the edge of the pot, but not overflow. When moisture begins to appear on the surface of the soil, the pot is removed from the water and after the excess moisture has drained, it is returned to its usual place.

With proper watering and observing the temperature regime, the optimal humidity level for Le-Macho will be 30–40%, for young plants – 50–60%. To maintain the required level of humidity in apartments with central heating, where dry air predominates in the cold season, it is recommended to place pots of violets on a tray with wet expanded clay or sphagnum moss. It is worth noting that due to the “fluffiness” of the foliage, spraying is strictly contraindicated for the plant.

During the period of active growth, the Le Macho violet needs additional nutrients. For Saintpaulias, special liquid fertilizers that are added to the water for irrigation once a week are considered more suitable. The concentration of the fertilizer used should be half that in the instructions for use.

In the first 2 years, “Le Macho” needs to be replanted with a partial replacement of the soil mixture. The procedure is carried out 2 times a year. Transplantation is carried out by transferring into a more spacious pot, while the old soil is not removed, but only a new earthen mixture is added around it. For older plants, replanting with complete or partial replacement of the substrate is required.

This method is used when the diameter of the flower rosette exceeds the size of the pot.


It is recommended to replant a young plant twice a year, this is February-March in the spring and September-October in the fall. An adult violet needs to be moved once a year, in spring or autumn. If you do not replant, the plant may die, as salt and harmful substances accumulate in the soil and the violet roots will not be able to absorb any fertilizer.

If you replant the plant in late spring, at an unrecommended time, the flowering will be sparse, and in the summer it may be absent altogether, since when the bulk of flower stalks has accumulated, the soil will not meet all the requirements. You can even replant a blooming violet into fresh soil; it will not cause harm, it will only slow down the flowering slightly. If you remove all the buds and flower stalks two days before placing the plant in new soil, the violet will quickly recover and will soon delight you with fresh buds.


El macho drops that stimulate male potency have many advantages that many representatives of the stronger sex have already appreciated:

  • absolute safety;
  • natural composition;
  • no side effects;
  • rapid achievement of results;
  • increasing sexual and physical endurance;
  • the ability to increase male strength and muscles;
  • ease of use;
  • absence of unpleasant taste and smell.

Benefits of El Macho drops

The only drawback that can be noted is the inability to purchase this product in pharmacies. If you carefully analyze the data on the drops, it becomes clear that this is an advantage, since the drops are not considered a medicine, since they do not contain chemical or synthetic compounds.

Seating rules

Transshipment, that is, replanting into a larger pot without shaking off the roots from the old soil and adding fresh soil, is allowed only if the plant lived in the previous container for no more than six months. In the same way, you can plant “babies” from an adult plant.

When the rosette is twice the diameter of the pot, it is necessary to transplant it into a larger one and completely replace the soil.

The pot for the plant is not small, but it has begun to fade - the earth is acidified, Macho's violet can no longer grow in it. The old soil must be completely removed from the roots, and the flower must be planted in fresh soil.

Diseases and pests

The Macho violet variety, like a small child, is susceptible to disease attacks if not properly cared for or without preventative medications. To ensure that the plant pleases you for as long as possible and does not get sick, carry out preventive spraying against mites, aphids, gray rot, springtails, whiteflies, root rot, and vascular bacteriosis. Proper care is the key to plant health. Do not allow waterlogging or drying out; be sure to install drainage in the pots. Air humidity should also be normal, lighting should be sufficient.

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