Buzulnik: planting and care in the garden photo types, reproduction, diseases

Description of buzulnik: varieties and varieties

Buzulnik (the second name of ligularia) belongs to herbaceous perennial plants of the Asteraceae family. Under natural conditions, the flower can be found in Asia and Europe. Buzulnik (ligularia) began to gain popularity only recently, because the plant is unpretentious, blooms for quite a long time and is perennial.

Buzulnik is a perennial plant with bright flowers and original leaves.

The flower grows quite tall, can reach 2 meters. Features bright and noticeable colors that will brighten up any yard.

Interesting! In total, more than 150 varieties of buzulnik are known, but no more than 10-15 varieties are used as a garden crop.

The most popular varieties:

  • Buzulnik Przhevalsky;
  • Buzulnik narrow-headed;
  • Siberian buzulnik;
  • Buzulnik Tunguska;
  • Buzulnik Tangut;
  • Buzulnik angustifolia;
  • Buzulnik Vichi;
  • Wilson's Buzulnik;
  • Buzulnik toothed;
  • Kaempfer's Buzulnik.

Buzulnik Przhevalsky is one of the popular species

Most often in gardens there are varieties of Przhevalsky and jagged buzulnik. The first is distinguished by its rather tall growth and leaf shape. Flowering begins in June. This type includes:

  • Light Fingered. It has beautiful carved leaves and bright inflorescences.
  • Maple leaf. It is distinguished by beautiful and large leaves, similar to maple.

Buzulnik maple-leaved tree has an original shape of leaf plates

Toothed buzulnik (Ligularia dentata) is characterized by smaller growth and more rounded leaves. It begins to bloom at the end of summer, the inflorescences are collected in tassels. Popular varieties:

  • Buzulnik Desdemona. The desdemona variety has light green leaves on the upper part and purple or brownish leaves below.
  • Buzulnik Brit Marie Crawford. Thanks to its red leaves, it is often used in landscape design.
  • Buzulnik serrated Othello. The otello variety stands out for its orange flowers and the presence of red veins on the leaves.

The same type includes dark beauty buzulnik, Osiris fantasy buzulnik, Pandora buzulnik (pandora) and Midnight lady buzulnik.

Buzulnik Little Rocket is considered narrow-headed. The variety got its name because of the shape of its flower stalks, which look like a rocket. It is able to withstand even very strong winds.

Buzulnik Othello

The differences between varieties are in their flowers, leaves, flowering time and other features. Planting and caring for buzulnik does not require special conditions, however, there are some nuances that are worth knowing before cultivating the plant.

Buzulnik: types, varieties

Gardeners and breeders paid attention to ligularia a little over a hundred years ago. Of the existing 150 species included in the genus, about a dozen have been cultivated. The following varieties of buzulnik are of interest for cultivation:

  • toothed;
  • Przhevalsky;
  • Kaempfer;
  • Wilson;
  • narrow-leaved;
  • Vicha
  • large-leaved;
  • hessey;
  • Tangut;
  • Siberian;
  • Vorobyova;
  • palmate;
  • Fisher.

Important! Most often, two types are found in garden plots - jagged and Przewalski. Other varieties are just beginning to gain popularity.

Wild ligularia serrata is common in China and Japan. This massive perennial reaches 100-120 cm. Large kidney-shaped leaves are collected in a powerful rosette. The flowering stem bears panicles consisting of many buds with a diameter of 7-8 cm. The core of the flower consists of tubular flowers of a light brown hue, the tongues are pale yellow. Flowering occurs towards the end of summer and lasts about a month. The crop is winter-hardy, but in the absence of snow cover it can freeze. Used for landscaping since 1900.

The most popular varieties are those with Shakespearean names - Othello and Desdemona. Othello is no more than a meter tall, the leaves reach half a meter in diameter, and the color of the plate is purple. The corollas are large, 10-13 cm, tangerine in color. Othello blooms with the arrival of autumn, flowering lasts 4-5 weeks. Desdemona has brownish-purple leaves and its flowers glow with orange flames.

The Brit Marie Crawford and Orange Queen varieties look interesting on the site. The first cultivar has a height of 70-100 cm, the peduncle rises 120 cm. Dark burgundy leaves with a purple underside look harmonious with light yellow baskets collected in a panicle. It blooms in the second half of summer, the decorative effect remains until the end of the season. Orange Queen is a dense clump up to 1.2 m high. The foliage of an intense green hue is kidney-shaped, with teeth along the edge. The tangerine-colored corollas are collected in loose shields. Flower diameter 12 cm.

Advice! Take the time to organize a winter shelter for the jagged ligularia. The procedure does not take much time, but you will be absolutely sure of the safety of your green pet.

Ligularia Przewalski is a highly decorative perennial native to the vast expanses of Mongolia and Northern China. It differs from its relatives in its deeply cut foliage with sharp edges. The growth of the plant reaches one and a half meters. Graceful leaf blades sit on long reddish-brown petioles. The baskets of this variety are small, but there are a lot of them in the inflorescence.

The spike-shaped peduncle resembles a huge yellow candle up to 70 cm long. The crown of the candle is slightly tilted. The Przhevalsky variety is an early flowering variety. Bright spikelets appear by the end of June and delight the eye throughout the month. Popular varieties are Rocket, Dragon's Breath, and Light Fingered. These varieties have more finely cut foliage and slightly more compact bushes. Przewalski's ligularia goes perfectly with aruncus and liatris spicata.

Kaempfer's species originates from Japan. This perennial has a root system represented by a rhizome. The leaf blades are oval with a serrated edge. The leaf size reaches 25 cm in diameter. The surface is green. The leaves sit on pubescent petioles. The length of the peduncle is about half a meter. Baskets with light yellow petals reach 5 cm in diameter, collected in shields. Flowering in early summer

Know! The most valuable is the variegated variety of Kaempfer's buzulnik. Its large round leaves of a bright green hue are strewn with golden spots. They harmonize perfectly with small yellow baskets.

Wilson's ligularia has been used to decorate gardens for over 100 years. The homeland of this majestic plant is Central China. The basal rosette consists of many kidney-shaped plates on long petioles. Height 1.2-1.5 m. In July, tall flower stalks appear, seated with small yellow buds. The size of the corolla is 2.5 cm. Within 4-5 weeks you can admire the bright spikelets. The crop is winter-hardy, but when grown in risky farming areas it will require winter shelter.

The narrow-leaved variety is very similar to the Przewalski species. The difference lies in the larger baskets and the heart-shaped foliage, along the edge of which there are sharp teeth.

These two species, through crossing, gave birth to a unique hybrid, Rocket. The plant reaches a height of 1.5-2 m, has large buds 5 cm in diameter. The leaf mass is heart-shaped with rough jagged edges. By autumn, the exotic dress up in a crimson-purple dress, which gives it an incredibly decorative look. The Rocket variety is very frost-resistant and winters well without shelter.

Advice! Landscape designers recommend planting Rocket in company with Rogers on the shore of an artificial pond.

Ligularia Vicha came to our gardens from the western regions of China. The perennial grows up to two meters, has large (up to 40 cm) heart-shaped leaves with pronounced teeth along the edge. The inflorescence in the form of a spike appears towards the end of summer. The spikelet consists of many small yellow baskets. The decorative effect lasts for 30-40 days. Winter hardiness is good, but in snow-free conditions the green pet needs to be protected with a high layer of mulch.

The large-leaved variety can be found both in Central Asia and Siberia. Wild specimens prefer to live near water bodies and in wet meadows. The bluish-green oval plates, 40 cm long, are attached by elongated petioles. Small yellow baskets are collected in a paniculate-racemose inflorescence. The peduncle rises 1.5 m above the ground.

The winter hardiness threshold of large-leaved ligularia is very high. Even in Siberia, it will survive the harshest winter without providing shelter.

The Hessei is a hybrid form developed from the jagged variety and the Wilson. He still looks more like his jagged “parent”. The elongated, heart-shaped foliage forms a dense clump with a diameter of about a meter. The growth of the plant exceeds the two-meter mark. Baskets with a diameter of 5 cm are collected in powerful loose shields. Flowering occurs towards the end of summer and lasts up to 5 weeks. Popular varieties: Small lantern with bright yellow fluffy candles and chocolate foliage; Gregynog Gold has yellowish-green foliage and a large flower stalk topped with yellow heads.

On a note! Bright yellow-orange daisies look perfect with flowers that have blue corollas.

Tangut ligularia has synonymous names associated with the ancient botanical classification. This species was previously classified as a ragwort, so it is often found under the name ragwort or Tangut sinakalia. Ragwort comes from China.

Very similar to the Przewalski variety, but has a tuberous root system. Thanks to the stolons, the bush easily reproduces vegetatively. The leaves are strongly dissected into thin lobes, 70-80 cm tall. The spikelets are topped with tiny yellow daisies. It blooms from mid-summer for 30-40 days.

Among the peculiarities of cultivation, it is worth noting the incredible endurance of the godson - it feels great even on a heavy clay substrate and in complete shade. The curtain has a tendency to grow, so planting should be done away from neighbors. As a last resort, a slate or plastic limiter is dug in around the perimeter. Self-sowing is unlikely, but sowing seeds for seedlings is quite possible.

Ligularia sibirica is a frequent guest in the flowerbeds of Russians and Europeans. Wild individuals settle in wetlands, along river banks, and in alpine meadows. The growth of the perennial is from 30 to 120 cm. The bush is equipped with a creeping short rhizome. Erect shoots are covered with grooves and have slight pubescence. At the bottom of the stem, the attachment point of old foliage can often be seen. The rosette consists of leaves of various shapes and sizes. The petiole is 2-3 times longer than the leaf and is equipped with a stem-enclosing sheath. If you move up the stem, the shape of the leaves will change to triangular and the size will decrease significantly.

Important! This variety is easily propagated by seed and vegetative methods. For propagation, root cuttings with a heel are used.

Each flower brush consists of 5-50 small (up to 4 cm) daisies. As they wither, the heads droop. Decoration begins in July and lasts until the end of September.

Vorobyov's species is found in the Far East. The height is almost 2 meters, and the diameter of the curtain is 100-120 cm. The rounded leaf blades are painted in dark green tones. Unlike its relatives, the leafy mass has a dense leathery structure. Large bright yellow corollas open in August. Flower brushes will delight you with a sunny shade for 3-5 weeks. The seed material germinates well, produces a high percentage of seedlings, and propagation by self-sowing is possible.

Fischer's ligularia is distributed throughout the meadows and forests of the Far East, China, and Mongolia. Height from 40 to 150 cm. Erect stems are mottled with grooves and covered with brown pubescence. The leafy mass that makes up the rosette is heart-shaped. Less common are specimens with elongated lanceolate leaves reaching a length of 25 cm. The foliage on the shoots is sessile and small. Flower clusters consist of 5-45 intense yellow daisies, reaching a diameter of 4 cm. It blooms from the end of June. The seeds are fully ripe.

On a note! Fischer's ligularia is very unpretentious. It is easy to propagate by dividing the curtain or sowing seeds before winter.

Planting site, soil

Buzulnik is an unpretentious plant, but you should approach the choice of soil responsibly in order to get a beautiful flower in the future.

Buzulnik Przhevalsky - planting and care

For planting, it is better to choose shaded areas with fairly moist soil. The culture does not like too much sun and begins to fade. When planting in dry soil, the result will be similar.

Fertile soil with a good amount of nutrients is the best option for such a plant. If the volume of humus in the ground is insufficient, a mixture of garden soil with humus should be added to the holes before planting; ash and superphosphate can be used.

Note! Plants are planted in two ways - seeds and seedlings.

Planting from seeds

It is better to plant seeds in the spring, when the snow has melted. They are poured into open ground to a depth of about 1 cm. The soil should remain moist until the first shoots appear. Then the seedlings are protected from direct sunlight until they grow and become stronger.

The best time to plant buzulnik seeds is considered to be late autumn and early winter. In this case, they undergo natural stratification, and the plants from them become stronger and more powerful.

Buzulnik seeds

Planting seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings begins in January and continues until March:

  1. Holes are made in the container.
  2. Nutrient drainage approximately 1 cm high is poured onto the bottom and covered with soil, which must be thoroughly moistened.
  3. Seeds are laid on the surface, sprinkled with 5-7 mm of soil, and moistened again.
  4. Cover the container with film or glass and monitor the humidity.
  5. When sprouts appear after some time, the shelter is removed.

If necessary, small plants are illuminated. After two leaves appear, the flowers can be transplanted into separate containers. Planting in open ground is carried out in May, when the threat of night frosts has disappeared.

Important! Flowering of a plant obtained from seeds begins only when it reaches about 4-5 years.

The plant does not need to be replanted. Buzulnik feels great in one place for quite a few years. However, experts recommend updating the bushes by dividing every five years. During the flowering period, replanting cannot be carried out.


Selecting a location

All buzulniki are extremely decorative perennials, so they should find a place in every garden. The plants are usually quite large and are recommended for large gardens, but you can find more compact varieties that can be grown in small gardens and even containers. In order for them to become a real decoration of the garden, suitable conditions must be created for them.

Buzulniks usually like a semi-shady or shady position (for example, in openwork shade under trees). In heavy shade the plant will grow but will not produce as many colorful flowers. Only varieties with dark red leaf color need a little more light, preferably not full sun, because they lose their intense color in the shade.

Plants take up a lot of space in the garden, but they do not crowd out other cultivated species and prevent the development of weeds, which makes care easier.

Soil requirements

Soil for buzulnik is needed with the following characteristics:

  • wet;
  • fertile;
  • loamy-sandy;
  • with neutral pH.

Buzulniki do not tolerate drought and full sun, then they wither almost immediately. On very hot days the leaves may wilt even when the plants are in the right place, but when it gets cool they tend to rise up.

As a completely frost-resistant plant, buzulnik can be planted in cooler regions of the country.


Buzulnik is planted in late spring or early summer; the area should be slightly shaded. After weeding the area, plant the buzulnik seedlings in a wide hole, about 45 cm deep. Fill the hole with fresh soil. The distance between plants should be from 50 cm to 70 cm. We plant seedlings individually or in small groups - there should be 3 pieces per 1 m², taking into account the fact that they grow widely.

Watering and loosening the soil

During the growing season, it is recommended to increase the amount of watering, because the plant loves moisture very much. However, waterlogging and swampiness should not be allowed. Buzulnik also does not like drought and tolerates it very poorly.

Checkerboard hazel grouse: planting and care in open ground

In the warm season, the crop can be sprayed, but not in the daytime, but in the early morning and evening to avoid sunburn on the leaves.

Periodically loosening the soil will help moisture reach the roots faster. In addition, loose soil is better saturated with oxygen, which is also necessary for the root system.

Note! Loose soil dries out faster, so it is important to combine watering and loosening so that the plant feels comfortable.

Loosening the soil saturates it with oxygen

Site selection and soil preparation

Buzulnik (planting and care, photos and reviews can be found on many gardening forums) prefers darkened areas of the garden. If you plant plants in ordinary open beds, where the scorching rays of the sun fall without obstacles, the flower will quickly wilt and lose all its decorative qualities.

It is important to ensure that the soil for planting the plant is nutritious, sufficiently loose, and also retains moisture well.

Otherwise, the buzulnik will not develop correctly. This means that flowering will be quite poor or not at all.

It is best to plant buzulnik near a pond or under trees. It is also worth considering that ligularia is a tall shrub, so it should be placed in places where there is no draft.

Otherwise, the flower stalks and stems of the plant may break from strong winds. Buzulnik can be planted in heavy soil. However, you must first add a sufficient amount of water and nutritional supplements.

Before planting young plants, it is recommended to dig up the soil and add humus to it. The planting material must contain a sufficient amount of humus.

Before planting the plants, you need to prepare a planting hole and fill it with a mixture consisting of garden soil and humus. In order for plants to begin to develop and bloom faster, it is recommended to additionally add a little superphosphate to the soil, as well as ordinary ash. This is the optimal soil composition for the successful growth of buzulnik.

Reproduction methods

Buzulnik can be propagated in two ways - by seeds and by dividing the bush. Each has its own characteristics.

Mock orange (jasmine) - planting and care in open ground

Growing from seeds takes longer:

  1. When the seeds have fully ripened on the bush, they are collected and thoroughly dried.
  2. Sowing is carried out in autumn in a separate place to a depth of 2 cm. In this case, the seeds will undergo natural stratification and sprout together in the spring.
  3. When the plants grow a little and become stronger, they can be transplanted to a permanent place. Buzulnik will bloom only after 4 years.

Important! In bright varieties with burgundy leaves, seed germination is not very good. To reproduce them, it is better to use another method.

Reproduction by dividing the bush requires less effort and time:

  1. To do this, the rhizome of the bush is cleared of soil and carefully divided into several pieces. Each one must have at least one kidney.
  2. The bushes are planted in 40*40 holes with added humus. It is recommended to immediately add mineral fertilizers, which will help the plant quickly adapt to the new location.
  3. The sprout must be watered.

It is better to carry out this procedure in early spring, when the growth of new shoots becomes noticeable. If the bush is very large, you don’t even have to dig it up, but simply separate the necessary part with a shovel. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the entire rhizome.

Plant propagation by dividing the bush

Transplanting a buzulnik bush

It is recommended to replant plants of this type in the spring. For the first 3 years, young bushes need to be moved annually. Adult plants are not replanted, but the soil needs to be refreshed once every 1-2 years. To do this, it is enough to remove 5-7 cm of soil and lay fresh substrate in its place.

Buzulnik (planting and care, photos and reviews indicate that this plant is great for any site) is sometimes grown in pots on the site itself or on the windowsill.

To plant plants in a new location, it is necessary to prepare high-capacity pots with large drainage holes.

The fact is that buzulnik has a rather large root system, so small holes will quickly become clogged. With each transplant, you need to increase the diameter of the pot by about 4-5 cm.

If we talk about the transplantation method, then the least amount of damage is caused to the plant during transshipment. During this procedure, the plant bush must be transferred to a new pot along with a lump of old soil.

The buzulnik rhizome does not need to be completely cleared of soil. The removed root ball can simply be installed in a new pot and sprinkled with fresh substrate.

If the first signs of rot appear on the plant, this indicates that it is time to divide, that is, to rejuvenate the buzulnik. In this case, replanting is carried out with a complete replacement of the soil, and the roots are completely cleaned.

With any type of replanting, it is important to ensure that the plant is placed at the same depth as in the previous container. After completing the procedure, the soil around the plant must be compacted a little and spilled with water. As a rule, after this the ground sags and it is necessary to add fresh soil.

Flower growers do not advise replanting this plant very often, since with constant changes of soil, the buzulnik gets sick for a long time and comes to its senses within a few months. It is not allowed to transplant while the buzulnik is blooming. The only exception can be the situation when, without replanting, the plant is guaranteed to die.

Feeding and replanting

Buzulnik really likes feeding and fertilizers. You can use both organic and mineral substances.

If humus was added to the hole when planting, then for the first year of development the crop will not need anything else. In the future, it will need to be fed every year before flowering begins. Mullein is used for this purpose. Take 1 liter of substance per 10 liter bucket, mix everything well and apply it under each bush. One plant will require 3 liters of solution, which is watered with it once every couple of weeks.

Additional Information. Feeding is carried out every year. If weather conditions change sharply, fertilization is not carried out.

Mineral fertilizers are applied only to abundantly moist soil, after the crop is well watered. In the fall, experienced gardeners recommend pouring mulch into the root zone; it is better to use humus for this purpose. In the spring, everything is dug up, as a result the soil and plant receive nutrients. You can use wood ash to feed the flower.

Buzulnik care

The beauty of ligularia is that even a beginner can grow it. But to get luxurious peduncles, you still have to put in some effort. Caring for the Asian plant consists of increased irrigation, fertilization, loosening the substrate, tying and pruning. Weeds must be removed, and the level of mulch must be monitored. This section of the article will tell you about all the intricacies of flower care.


An established irrigation regime is the key to success when growing ligularia. Water the bushes very generously 1-2 times a week. If there is no natural precipitation for a long time, watering should be increased to once every 2-3 days. Dry ambient air is unacceptable for exotics, so spraying from a spray nozzle is encouraged. It is important to carry out this activity in the absence of the sun, so that droplets of water remaining on the surface of the foliage do not cause sunburn.

It is necessary to loosen the soil under the deciduous mass as often as to irrigate it. Loosening will eliminate moisture stagnation and stimulate root respiration. It is convenient to remove weeds during the loosening process.

Remember! Mulching the area will help simplify maintenance. The need for frequent loosening and weeding will disappear by itself.

Feeding and fertilizers

For abundant flowering, it is necessary to periodically replenish nutrients in the area. Ligularia is prone to rapid growth; in order to feed itself, such a giant absorbs a lot of feeding. For perennials, it is preferable to use organic matter. An infusion of mullein, diluted with water 1:10, is applied to each individual in the amount of three liters. The frequency of application is 2 times a month. Fertilizing is used only in spring or early summer. In autumn, the space under the bush is mulched with humus. This measure will protect the seedling from freezing and will serve as additional nutrition. In spring, mulch is dug into the tree trunk circle.


Cultivars with tall candle-shaped peduncles do not tolerate strong winds. In an open area, the likelihood of fractures increases. To protect your Asian guest from premature loss of decorativeness, use reliable support. Carefully tie the stem to the wooden post, without tightening the thread too much.


To preserve decorativeness, you should periodically pluck out wilted baskets. When all the buds wither, the peduncle should be removed. This is not done only if it is necessary to collect seeds. After removing the flowering stem, the decorative quality of the foliage will increase.

Know! Removing the flowering stem will prevent self-seeding. In spring you will not have to weed out sprouted seedlings.

Preparing for the rest period

Almost all cultivars have a high threshold of winter hardiness, so they do not need shelter for the winter. After frosts, the leaf mass is cut off, and the soil surface is mulched with humus.

Pruning Buzulnik

In general, Buzulnik does not need pruning. It grows well this way. However, old wilted leaves and shoots should be trimmed to the very root with pruning shears.

If propagation by self-sowing is not planned, then immediately after flowering the peduncles should be removed. As a result, until winter only a lush bush with beautiful leaves will remain. The tops are almost completely cut off for winter.

After flowering, the plant's flower stalks need to be trimmed.

Collection and storage of seeds

If you want to grow buzulnik yourself from your own seeds, they are collected after pruning. To do this, you need to leave several healthy flower stalks on the plant and wrap them with gauze so that they do not fall off.

After this, you need to wait for them to fully ripen. When they fall into gauze, the seeds should be collected, freed from the seed pods and dried for 2 weeks at home.

After this, the seed material can be used immediately or saved until spring planting. To do this, place the seeds in small paper bags and store them in a cool, dry and dark place.

Pests and diseases

Buzulnik is quite rarely exposed to diseases and pest attacks.

The most common disease of this flower is powdery mildew. Increased humidity and heat contribute to the development of such pathology. The disease can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Powdery spots appear on the leaves. At the initial stage, they are easily washed off.
  • Over time, the lower part of the leaf blades becomes damaged and becomes covered with brown spots.
  • The leaves begin to dry out and crumble, and the plant gradually dies.

The problem must be combated with special fungicidal agents. The preparations Topaz and Hom are suitable for this purpose.

Additional Information. To prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to spray with sulfur and whey. Irrigation is carried out up to three times per season.

During the period of budding and flowering, nitrogenous fertilizers should not be used for feeding. It is better to give preference to substances with potassium and phosphorus. They have a beneficial effect on the entire plant and increase its resistance to various diseases.

Pests attack Buzulnik quite rarely, but the plant can suffer from slugs. They eat leaves and stems. Controlling these pests is not easy and must be started early. The procedure includes several steps:

  • While digging up the area, weeds are removed.
  • Prepare small trenches, at the bottom of which pepper, tobacco dust, sand, ground eggshells are poured - substances that will prevent the parasite from getting close to the flowers. You can place water bottles in the grooves to create a natural barrier.
  • It is permissible to pour gravel between the rows and bushes.
  • To get rid of pests, birds are attracted to the site and feed on them.
  • Fertilizers help well - superphosphate and potassium salt. If you periodically scatter them near the plantings, then there will be practically no slugs there. The substances are harmful to them. The entire amount of the drug is divided into two parts and scattered at intervals of 40 minutes.

You can deal with slugs by collecting them manually. However, not every gardener is ready for this. If desired, you can use chemicals, for example, the drugs Thunderstorm, Meta.

In addition to slugs, snails can damage flowers. They are fought with similar methods and means.

Protection from diseases and pests

Buzulniks rarely get sick. Fungal diseases that affect buzulnik include:

  • Scleroderma (Whetzelinia sclerotiorum, asaclerotium rolfsii) - symptom - rotting of the base of the shoot, spreading to the leaves.
  • Late blight (Phytophthora nicotianae var. nicotianae).
  • Ring spot caused by the fungus Myrothecium roridum.

Fungal diseases are combated using fungicides.

Plants are a delicacy for some pests:

  • Snails. In summer, buzulnik leaves can resemble bitten lace. Therefore, plants should be protected from the appetite of pests in various ways, by covering the substrate around them with sharp gravel or by using snail traps. Spruce needles or barley placed around the plants help protect against pests. Near the flowerbed you can plant plants that snails cannot tolerate: pepper, mustard, thyme.
  • Spider mite (Tetranyus urticae) - feeds on the underside of leaves, causing the leaf blade to turn yellow and brown.
  • Grass leaf roller (Cnephasiella incertana) – the larvae of this butterfly feed on leaves.

Flowering period and care

Depending on the variety of plant, buzulnik blooms at different times. During this period, you need to monitor the soil moisture, apply fertilizing if necessary, and remove wilted flowers.

Care after flowering is just as important for the plant. To prevent the seeds from ripening and spreading throughout the site, the flower stalks are cut off.

Planting material is collected as follows:

  • Choose good strong inflorescences.
  • Place cotton bags over them and secure them tightly.
  • The remaining cuttings can be removed.
  • After ripening, the flowers are cut off, and the seeds are peeled and dried.
  • They need to be stored in paper bags.

After flowering, the plant is trimmed and left until late autumn so that it gains strength for the winter period.

Popular types and varieties

There are several varieties of buzulnik, which are best grown in your suburban area:

  • Buzulnik Przhevalsky . This plant is quite large in size. The height of one piece can reach up to 250 cm. The leaves of this species are green or bluish (sometimes with a silvery tint). The leaves can reach up to 30 cm in diameter. There are no leaves on the peduncles themselves. They are distinguished by their vertical arrangement and are covered almost along their entire length with golden-colored flowers, which bloom from the top and gradually appear along the entire length of the peduncle. Thanks to this, the flowering period is significantly increased.
  • Buzulnik toothed. These plants belong to the category of evergreens. The height of this type of buzulnik can reach up to 120 cm. The leaves are distinguished by their rounded shape and tall petioles of a dark green hue, as well as a glossy surface. The diameter of such leaf plates can also reach 30 cm. The peduncles do not contain leaves. They are straight and bloom from the top (just like the previous species). However, this variety is distinguished by flowers of an orange or golden yellow hue.

  • Alarm clock gear Othello. This is a type of plant that is ornamental. The bushes are distinguished by round leaves resembling small hearts with a glossy surface. They can be muted red or green with a blue tint. At the very top of the peduncles, several flowers are formed that look like chamomile.

  • Buzulnik toothed Desdemona. This tall herbaceous plant is also distinguished by round leaves located on elongated petioles. The color of the leaves ranges from rich green to bluish-green. The petals are bright and may have a golden hue.

  • Buzulnik Siberian. This is another tall plant (can reach 180 cm). The leaves are distinguished by the fact that they have teeth along the edges.

Preparing for winter

Buzulnik tolerates cold temperatures and frosts well. In autumn, all branches of the crop are almost completely cut off. Humus is poured over the flower, then foliage. If desired, the plant can be covered with covering material, but this is not necessary.

Important! In winter, more snow needs to be poured in place of the bush. Under such cover the flower will easily survive the cold season.

Designers love the plant for its beautiful appearance and unpretentiousness.

Features of caring for buzulnik

Buzulnik loves shady places without direct access to the sun. Otherwise, it does not grow beautiful lush foliage. In sunlit areas, without watering in hot weather, the flower wilts and loses its decorative effect and beauty.


Ligularia needs constant hydration. The larger, the more magnificent the bush. In dry weather it is specially sprayed.

Top dressing

The flower receives its initial feeding when filling the planting hole with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Every year in May-June, an additional ½ bucket of humus or compost is added to each plant.


Ligularia is a large perennial plant, so when planted in ventilated areas, it may require staking. The petioles are also secured during blooming so that the flower candles are in a vertical position, maintaining the solemn appearance of the plant.

Use in landscape design

There are many varieties of buzulnik. Landscape designers love culture and often use it to decorate areas. The flower grows well in recreation areas. When located near bodies of water, the bush will provide shade on the water, creating excellent living conditions for fish.

The crop grows quite tall, so it is recommended to plant it near any fences so that the branches do not break from the wind. Smaller flowers and different colors will look great against the background of the buzulnik.

Buzulniki, all varieties and types of which are very beautiful, are popular with many gardeners. The culture is quite unpretentious, practically not affected by pests and diseases, and is decorative. Planting and caring for buzulnik in open ground does not require a lot of time and knowledge.

Buzulnik landing

In order for a garden flower to show all its decorative qualities, it is necessary to carry out planting work correctly and select healthy material.

When to plant

The timing of planting directly depends on the available planting material. For seed sowing, seedling and non-seedling methods are possible, as well as for winter sowing. This method is used extremely rarely, because ligularia grown from seeds will take a long time to develop into an adult specimen. The first flowering will occur only after 3-5 years.

However, gardeners prefer to grow perennials using seedlings. Depending on the region of cultivation, the time for planting seedlings falls in spring or autumn. In regions with a harsh climate, planting work is usually done with the arrival of spring. Over the summer and autumn, the cuttings will become strong enough to withstand the harsh winter with dignity. The warm, long autumn of the southern regions of Russia facilitates easy rooting of seedlings, so it is better to choose autumn planting.

How to choose planting material

Experienced gardeners advise buying seedlings of any crops only in specialized nurseries or large garden centers. This measure will protect you from purchasing low-quality or mismatched materials. Nursery specialists will be happy to tell you about planting and caring for the plant.

Attention! Buying seedlings from hand or at the market can lead to unpleasant consequences. Sellers often confuse varieties and sell low-quality material.

When going for a seedling, think about where you want to see a stately bush. If you are planning to edge an artificial pond, give preference to shorter individuals. To decorate the background of a flower garden or create a bright spot on the lawn, purchase massive cultivars. Carefully inspect the seedling. If the inspection does not reveal any traces of pest activity, spots, broken shoots, or cones on the roots, then you can safely buy the plant.

Selecting a location

For normal development, ligularia will require a fertile substrate. Increased soil moisture is a necessary requirement. To ensure that the soil retains moisture for a long time, mulch the area or plant bushes on a heavy substrate. Clay and loam are also suitable for an Asian guest. Even stagnant moisture cannot harm exotic plants. And lack of humidity will be a serious problem.

Planting exotics in full sun is not a good idea. If the soil is not moistened in a timely manner, the bush will lose its decorative properties. Many new gardeners complain that in sunny areas the foliage becomes like a rag by midday. Turgor is restored after watering or at sunset. The eastern guest is shade-loving, so planting it under the thick crown of a tree, in the backyard or in a shady corner of the garden will not harm it.

Advice! It is better to choose a place near an artificial pond. There the eastern guest will feel good, and the need to control soil moisture will disappear.

Soil preparation

Preparatory measures are carried out immediately before transplanting a seedling or sowing seeds. All you need to do is dig up the soil using a spade, level it with a rake, and remove weeds.

Landing Features

To plant seedlings, use the following algorithm:

  1. In the dug up area, prepare holes with a depth and diameter of 40 cm, the step between individuals is at least 1 meter.
  2. Plant cuttings or purchased plants before the leaves bloom; it is optimal to do this in May.
  3. If neighbors share a piece of wood with you, carefully inspect it, treat the cut with potassium permanganate and powder it with crushed coal.
  4. A soil mixture of fertile garden soil mixed with a bucket of humus is added to each planting hole; Superphosphate and wood ash are used as fertilizer.
  5. Place the seedling in the hole, add soil so that the bush is at the same level, compact the soil, being careful not to cover the buds.
  6. Water the young shoots generously, mulch the space around the bush with humus or peat chips.

On a note! When planted in spring, the bushes will bloom already in the current season.

If you got the cuttings in the summer, do the same. After planting the division, remove the peduncle and some of the leaves of the rosette. This measure stimulates the development of the root system. At first, be sure to shade the bush. It will take longer for the division to root – about a month.

Planting a flower in the garden

If you decide to plant a shrub in your garden, then follow certain rules. This will optimize its growth. If you follow the recommendations, buzulnik will delight the gardener with bright flowers for many years.

Selecting a location

As mentioned earlier, the flower grows in damp places, in the shade. It does not tolerate drought well. But stagnation of moisture will not be beneficial either. Monitor watering and do not plant buzulnik in places that are well lit by the sun.

Attention! Only certain plant varieties successfully tolerate drought.

Favorable and Undesirable Neighbors

Since the plant loves moisture and shade, it can be planted with other flowers that have similar soil requirements. Flower beds formed from various varieties of buzulnik look impressive.

The problem in the neighborhood is that many flowers need the light of the sun, unlike the buzulnik. The flower also has a powerful root system.

Soil and site preparation

If you want to plant a plant in the spring, then in the fall, after harvesting, dig up the area and apply fertilizer. Before planting, repeat the procedures, do not forget to water the soil - it should be moist.


You can plant in spring or autumn, as with other crops. Preference is given to spring, since a warm summer and care will help the flower prepare for frost and survive it successfully.

Summer residents advise targeting the end of March to mid-April.

Carrying out planting work

All manipulations are carried out in the spring; the soil is first enriched with mineral or organic fertilizers and watered abundantly. After watering, loosening is carried out. You will have to spray the plant and its leaves so that they do not dry out.

Buzulnik Vicha

The decorative appearance of the crop is given by solid basal leaves growing in a single bush. Ligularia Veitchiana is a vigorous plant that grows up to two meters in height. During flowering, it produces large spikelets topped with small yellow flowers. Buzulnik Vicha blooms for a short period: from late August to early September.

Looks beautiful when planted alone on the lawn, next to varietal grasses in the park and garden. In winter, it does not require shelter and tolerates bad weather well.

Reproduction of buzulnik

“Natural” varieties and varieties bred by breeders can, in principle, be propagated by seeds. But in practice, gardeners, instead of this labor-intensive method, often resort to dividing the bush.

Propagation of buzulnik by seeds

Both self-collected and purchased seeds are suitable for planting. Germination persists for 1.5-2 years and is 50-60%. However, it must be taken into account that new specimens will bloom no earlier than 4-5 years after planting.

The crop successfully reproduces by self-seeding, without “outside help,” if the autumn is warm enough and the seeds have time to ripen. Important! The brighter the shade of purple-burgundy the buzulnik leaves acquire in the fall, the worse the seed germination of this species or variety.

Dividing the bush

The best time to divide a bush is the beginning of the active growing season, when new leaves just open in the spring. It is not necessary to completely remove the bush from the soil to divide and plant its parts in a new place. It is enough to “chop off” part of the root system with a sharp shovel and, carefully loosening it, remove it from the substrate.

The “mother” plant tolerates this procedure relatively easily; it does not require particularly careful care during the season. You just need to fill the resulting hole with fertile soil.

The roots of the division are washed with water, and all dead, dry, rotten tissue is removed. Also, caring for them includes disinfection of all “wounds”.

New specimens of buzulnik are planted as quickly as possible, in pre-prepared holes.

Important! The need to divide the buzulnik bush is indicated by roots protruding from the soil.

Varieties of buzulnik Zubchaty

Ligularia varieties familiar to gardeners and grown in the middle zone are frost-resistant. However, during severe cold weather in the absence of snow, the root system freezes, so the soil around the bushes in the fall is mulched with humus, spruce branches or straw.

Breeders tirelessly develop new plants with decorative leaves and inflorescences. However, some attractive hybrids live only in warm climates. Therefore, gardeners purchase resistant specimens that are not in danger of premature death in the vast expanses of cold Russia.

NameDescriptionPeak decorative periodAppearance
OthelloThe height of the perennial is 1 m. It is distinguished by bright orange flowers with a diameter of 13 cm. Leaves up to half a meter in diameter are green with a purple tint on top, the underside is purple with red veins. The landing site is sunny. Winter hardiness -29 °C. From September to the end of October

DesdemonaYoung growing leaves are purple. Then the front surface turns green, the bottom becomes purple, and the veins are red. Corymbose inflorescences are orange-yellow. Plant height 1.2 m. Planted in the sun. Winter hardiness - 29 °C. Aug. Sept

Osiris FantasyThe length of the bush is 0.6–0.8 m, the leaves are green above, dark burgundy below, the stems are purple, the flowers are golden. Loves partial shade, winter hardiness -29 °C. From August to September

Britt Marie CrawfordA dark burgundy plant about one meter tall, the flowers are large. Prefers a sunny location. Winter hardiness -29 °C. Aug. Sept

Midnight LadyThe foliage is black-violet in spring, then the top turns green, the stems are dark, the inflorescences are orange-yellow. Prefers partial shade and moist soil. Winter hardiness -29 °C. From July to September

Buzulnik Zubchaty planted in the garden will decorate problematic places that are unsuitable for other plants. It will not cause any trouble, but will delight the article with its solemnity, and will gain new fans among neighbors and enthusiastic guests.

Buzulnik after flowering

How and when to collect seeds

If you want to collect buzulnik seeds, tie several inflorescences with gauze at the end of flowering so that the seeds do not spill onto the ground after ripening, and cut off the remaining flower stalks. This measure stimulates the growth of leaves and an increase in their size, and also prevents spontaneous self-seeding. In the autumn, when the leaves begin to change color, the buzulnik becomes a real decoration of the garden - until mid-October. When the inflorescences in the gauze bags are completely dry, cut them off, bring them into the house, shake out the seeds from them, clean off any remaining flowers and fan them.

If you want to sow buzulnik before winter, simply spread the seeds on paper and wait until the time comes to sow. If you sow seeds in the spring, dry them on paper and pour them into a box or paper bag.

Buzulnik in winter

With the onset of the first frost, cut off the ground part of the bushes at the root and, just in case, mulch the area - although the buzulnik plant is winter-hardy, severe unexpected frosts in snowless winter conditions can harm even such a cold-resistant plant.

When and how to replant buzulnik

Experienced flower growers agree that it is best to replant buzulnik in early spring, when the first leaves appear.

The strongest mother plants are selected for transplantation.

Ligularia bushes can be divided for transplantation in two ways:

  • without digging the mother plant out of the ground;
  • with complete removal of the mother bush from the ground.

Emergency transplantation of ligularia in summer can lead to too much height elongation of shoots, poor foliage growth, and lack of flowering

Popular varieties of buzulnik

Among gardeners, there are types of flowers that are very popular. This is due to the characteristics of the species and its properties.


A variety of ligularia, which is distinguished by a late flowering period, the growing season begins in August and continues throughout the fall. The flowers are large, like the leaves, they have a reddish-brown tint. Decorative notches are clearly visible on the sheets.


The variety is frost-resistant and successfully tolerates temperature fluctuations. The summer resident will be pleased with the red-brown, large flowers. The leaves of the plant are also large and fleshy; the bush reaches 2 meters in height. Blooms until October.

Dark Beauty

This variety loves partial shade, reaches a height of a meter, and looks impressive on the site. The reason for this is the large, bright flowers, reminiscent of daisies. The stems are purple in color and the leaves are purple-green. The variety looks great in a flowerbed next to other flowers.

See also

Rules for cutting chrysanthemums at home, methods of propagationRead


It is resistant to frost, but if the climate in the region is harsh, you will have to cover or remove the plant. A special feature of the variety is its large flowers, forming large baskets. Not only will they decorate the area, but also the leaves that are part of the pre-root rosette.


A Japanese plant with beautiful large leaves, which are considered a decoration of the garden. Wide, moderately toothed, look impressive against the background of numerous but pale baskets. The bush reaches 1.5 meters in height.


A beautiful flower, reaching a height of 120 centimeters, but there are also decorative representatives of this variety, with a bush height of up to 0.3 meters. A feature of the species is considered to be large leaves with a burgundy tint. They will decorate the area, as will the yellow inflorescences that form baskets.


Found naturally in Asia, it is distinguished by its large leaf size, up to 45 centimeters in diameter. The height of the bush is 150 centimeters; the peduncle is decorated with baskets of inflorescences. Bright, yellow flowers delight summer residents from late summer to mid-autumn.


An interesting variety that grows up to a meter in height and has large green leaves. The top of the stem is decorated with inflorescences of baskets with bright, yellow flowers. Buzulnik has moderate frost resistance; it will need to be watered and fed generously. The plant blooms for a long time - the growing season begins in August and lasts until mid-October.

Buzulnik – photo

Tall decorative buzulnik with bright yellow inflorescences-candles will become a wonderful decoration of any landscape compositions. Just look!

Photo: 2sotki.ru

Photo: 2sotki.ru

Photo: 2sotki.ru

Photo: zvetik.www.nn.ru

Photo: znaysad.ru

Photo: zen.yandex.ru

Photo: gardenplant-is.ru

Photo: dlobal.ru

Photo: distano.ru Photo: infosad.ru

Photo: fotoload.ru Photo: 2sotki.ru

Photo: sezam.name

Photo: prdoors.ru

Photo: gardenplant-is.ru Photo: rotarygardens.blogspot.com

Photo: botanichka.ru

Photo: botanichka.ru

Photo: sevendaysvt.com

Photo: terranovanurseries.com

Photo: zelensad.com Photo: davermfarm.wordpress.com

Photo: terranovanurseries.com

Photo: idei.club

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General information

The Latin name “ligularia” translated into Russian means “tongue”. This name was not given to the flower by chance. It is a reflection of the shape of the marginal inflorescences of the buzulnik, which really resemble tongues.

In nature, the plant grows in Asia and Europe. In the last decade, ligularia has become increasingly popular among landscape designers and gardeners. It is so beautiful and unusual that it easily outshines bright phlox and peonies.

The plant prefers shaded areas, blooms for about two and a half months and can grow in one place for a long time. By following all the rules of plant care, you can not only grow a beautiful flower, but also enjoy its bloom every summer.

Watering buzulnik

This plant is a big lover of moisture. It needs moist and fertile soil; otherwise it is not picky. Systematic watering should be carried out in the summer, especially during periods of drought.

To prevent the foliage of the buzulnik from withering, it should be regularly watered and sprayed. With the onset of autumn, watering should be reduced by half so as not to cause rotting of the root system.

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