Zephyranthes flower: home care, photos and types, planting and propagation

Zephyranthes flower Planting and care at home Reproduction Photos of species and names

Zephyranthes is a perennial plant native to South America and the West Indies.
Prefers wet places, peat bogs, and swamps of tropical forests. The growing season occurs at the time when the wind begins to blow Zephyr - hence the official name of the plant; it is popularly called upstart, house daffodil, indoor or rain lily. The plant belongs to the Amaryllis family. The root system of zephyranthes is bulbous. Basal leaf rosettes consist of belt-shaped leaves 20-35 cm long and about 3 mm wide. The color is bright green.

Flowering lasts from April until almost the end of summer. Flowers of white, pink, yellow color are located singly on a long peduncle. Petals in the amount of 6 pieces have a pointed shape. The core consists of yellow stamens of equal length. The diameter of the opened flower is 4-8 cm. After 1-3 days, the flower is replaced by a new one.

Planting and replanting zephyranthes at home

How to transplant zephyranthes

There is no need to replant immediately after purchase if the bulb has not yet taken up all the free space in the pot.

Transplantation and planting of plants is usually carried out in the spring. The bulbs must be freed from dry scales, rotten or dry areas must be removed and kept in the fungicide solution for 30 minutes.

For planting, take a shallow, wide container. Usually several bulbs are planted in one bowl at once.

The soil needs to be loose, nutritious, with a neutral reaction. A mixture of turf soil, humus and sand in equal proportions is suitable.

Be sure to lay a drainage layer about 2 cm thick, consisting of fine expanded clay, brick chips, and foam.

Fill the container halfway with soil, place the bulbs, keeping a distance of 3 cm between them and fill them with substrate up to the neck. Moisten the soil, avoiding getting water on the neck. After planting, place in a warm (25–29° C), bright (out of direct sunlight) place.

Methods of propagation and planting

Reproduction occurs in two ways - bulbs and seeds. Seeds with one distinctive feature - they have very low germination.

To grow a shoot from a seed, it should be placed in moist, fertile soil immediately after collection.

The planting material is slightly deepened, only 0.5-1 cm. The distance from each seedling should be at least 2 cm. Cover the top with a film or plastic bag, and you can also put glass. This process provokes artificial greenhouse conditions. The container with the crops must be placed in a dark place, without direct sunlight.

Periodically you need to open the pot, ventilate and water the soil. The temperature for successful germination should not fall below +22 C. Such a seedling blooms only for 3-6 years of life, depending on the conditions of development and growth.

The easiest way to get several full-fledged plants is division by children (one mother head can produce up to 15 children):

  • When transplanting an old bulb, all the stepsons growing nearby are disconnected from it. The separation is carried out carefully so as not to damage a single head of the young.
  • For planting, prepare the soil (a mixture of peat, turf, humus and sand). Drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot.
  • The heads are laid with their roots down, and it is recommended to leave the base from which the greenery will subsequently grow on the surface without covering it with soil.
  • After watering it abundantly, remove the water that has flowed through the ground from the pan and place it in the shade. The main thing is to make sure that the soil does not dry out.

Thus, the propagation method must be chosen from the possibilities of planting and further development and care of the young bush.

How to care for marshmallows at home

Marshmallow flower care at home photo

How to water

Regular watering is necessary: ​​do it as soon as the top layer of soil dries. Categorically do not allow stagnation of water, as the bulb will begin to rot. If you skip a couple of waterings, the plant, on the contrary, will begin to bloom faster. During flowering, water more abundantly. When the above-ground part withers, watering is stopped altogether. In hot, dry weather, you can spray the leaves and flowers with a fine spray. For water procedures, use soft, warm water.

Top dressing

With the appearance of the first leaves after the dormant period, complex mineral fertilizers begin to be applied every 2 weeks. During flowering, apply fertilizer every 10 days. After flowering, the frequency of fertilizing should again be 2 weeks and continue until the above-ground part dries out, so that the bulb is stocked with nutrients.

Air temperature and lighting

The optimal air temperature during the period of active growth will be in the range of 25–29° C.

The best place is illuminated south-eastern or south-western window sills. Protect from direct sunlight.


The onset of flowering for each specific plant depends on a number of factors: the variety, the duration of the dormant period, the individual characteristics of the plant and external conditions. In some species, flower stalks appear with the appearance of leaves, in others - after. Although an individual flower lasts only 1-3 days, each bulb contains several arrows and releases them alternately, creating the impression of continuous flowering (especially if there are several bulbs in one pot at once).

After flowering, trim the peduncle, leaving 5-7 cm in length, and when it dries, you need to carefully unscrew it. Dead parts of the plant should be removed in a timely manner (dried flower stalks, before the dormant period, also cut off dry leaves) to prevent the development of various infections.

Types of zephyranthes and the secrets of their flowering

Zephyranthes, which is quite easy to care for at home, is a charming plant. Today, there are more than 40 species of it in the world: white zephyranthes, pink zephyranthes, grandiflora zephyranthes, golden zephyranthes, powerful zephyranthes and many others, which are grown by professional gardeners. Seeds of these species can be purchased at a flower shop. Despite the wide variety of marshmallow species, all plants are similar in appearance; only a specialist can understand what type of flower is sold in a store . He is also able to advise which flower is suitable for specific growing conditions.

Caring for any variety of marshmallow is quite simple. Despite this, indoor zephyranthes in blue and red shades are the most popular.

Why doesn't zephyranthes bloom at home?

  1. The pot is too large and the bulb “fattens” and does not bloom. Transplant into a tighter bowl, do not rush to remove the daughter bulbs. Many gardeners recommend replanting the plant every 5 years.
  2. Incorrect lighting. Constantly being in the shade or in direct sunlight will negatively affect flowering.
  3. During the dormant period, humidity is high. Watering is not needed at this time, and the place of detention should be cool, with good ventilation.
  4. Excess nutrients also lead to lack of flowering. It is necessary to adhere to the correct feeding regime.
  5. If the root collar is covered with soil, the flower will not bloom.

Diseases and pests of zephyranthes

Fusarium (red rot) is a dangerous fungal disease manifested by rotting of the root system, wilting and yellowing of leaves. The infected bulb must be destroyed along with the earthen clod. Keep healthy ones in the Maxim preparation for about half an hour and plant them in a container with a new substrate. Don't water for a while.

  • Excessive watering leads to rotting of the bulbs - carry out an emergency transplant by cutting off the affected areas of the bulbs and treating them with phytosporin.
  • Due to lack of moisture, the leaves turn yellow and wither - adjust the watering.

The amaryllis mealybug is a small insect that feeds on plant sap, which leads to yellowing, wilting, and falling leaves. It is necessary to treat with an insecticide. If the bulb is severely damaged, it will have to be destroyed.

The spider mite is a sucking insect that can be recognized by the presence of cobwebs and drying of the leaves. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to humidify dry air. Treat the affected plant with an insecticide.

The soft scale insect is a convex insect about 4 mm long. First of all, it is necessary to remove pests mechanically - moisten a cotton pad with soapy water and wipe the leaves of the plant, window, sill. Then treat the zephyranthes with an insecticide.

Whiteflies are small whitish insects that look like moths. They mainly settle on the underside of leaves. Move the plant to a cooler place (whiteflies do not like low temperatures) and treat with an insecticide.

Reproduction of zephyranthes

Seed and vegetative (separation of bulbs) propagation is possible.

Growing from seeds

Marshmallow seeds photo

To get seeds yourself, you need to cross-pollinate. The seeds ripen in seed pods for 2 months. It is necessary to sow immediately after harvesting in bowls with amaryllis soil with the addition of 1 part of peat.

  • The seeding depth is 1 cm, maintain a distance of 2-3 cm between them.
  • Cover the crops with a bag or glass, place them in a dark place and maintain the air temperature within 25° C.
  • Ventilate the greenhouse and maintain soil moisture with regular spraying.
  • Expect germination within 20-25 days.
  • When the seeds germinate, the cover must be removed and the container placed in a bright place without direct sunlight.
  • In spring, plant the bulbs in separate pots. Plants grown from seeds will delight you with flowering for 3-4 years of life.

Transplantation of Zephyranthes babies

How to plant zephyranthes photo bulbs

When transplanting, separate the daughter bulbs. Separate the bulbs that have their own roots. You can plant about 10 bulbs in one bowl. Soil and care required are the same as for adult plants.

Types of marshmallows with photos and descriptions

There are about 90 plant species in the natural environment, and about 10 are cultivated. Let's look at the most popular of them.

At home, all types of marshmallows grow equally well, but on windowsills you can most often see the popular indoor varieties described below.

Zephyranthes snow-white or candida Zephyranthes candida

Zephyranthes candida

The diameter of the bulb is about 3 cm. The above-ground part reaches a height of 3 m. Flowering occurs in July-October. The diameter of the white corolla is 6 cm.

Golden Zephyranthes Zephyranthes aurea

Golden Zephyranthes Zephyranthes aurea photo

In addition to indoor cultivation, the flower can be planted in open ground in the southern regions. The flowers are yellow, funnel-shaped. The diameter of the corolla is 8 cm. Flowering occurs in December-January.

Zephyranthes pink, pink or Lindley Zephyranthes rosea

Zephyranthes pink, pink or Lindley Zephyranthes rosea photo

Features purple-pink flowers. The corolla is about 7 cm in diameter.

Zephyranthes powerful Zephyranthes robusta

Zephyranthes powerful Zephyranthes robusta photo

The bulb is 4 cm in diameter. The rest period clearly falls on September-November. Flowering: April-July. The long petals are pastel pink. The diameter of the corolla is 5-7 cm.

Zephyranthes versicolor

Zephyranthes versicolor photo

It has creamy white flowers with reddish edges. The bulb is covered on the outside with a dark film. Flowering occurs in January.

Zephyranthes atamasca

Zephyranthes atamasca photo

It has small ovoid bulbs with a diameter of 20 mm. The flowers are small and white. Blooms all spring.

Lemon zephyranthes Zephyranthes citrina

Lemon zephyranthes Zephyranthes citrina photo

Medium sized bulb. The flowers are small with lemon-colored petals and bloom in winter.

Zephyrantes - a guest from distant countries

Zephyranthes, also known as little amaryllis or upstart, are native to Central and South America. In its wild form, it can easily be found in swamps and near reservoirs in Uruguay, Brazil, Eastern and Southern Argentina and Cuba - in a tropical climate its height is 10–15 cm, while a similar plant growing in indoor conditions reaches about 40 cm.

Zephyrantes can decorate any home

Zephyranthes is a perennial plant with long leaves reaching a length of 30 cm. The round bulb, the diameter of which is usually less than 3 cm, is covered with dark brown scales and is almost completely immersed in the soil. The length of the arrows is about 20 cm, each of them contains exactly one flower. The peduncle, almost a quarter of a meter long, has the shape of a tube. Zephyranthes flowers come in a variety of colors: pink, blue, white, purple and gold. Their diameter is up to 8 cm. They open wide, resembling a crocus or a six-pointed star. There are also two-colored species of zephyranthes. The fruit of the plant is a capsule with seeds.

Zephyranthes shoots grow very quickly. Flowers on them can form literally within two days - because of this feature, the plant received the nickname “upstart”. Marshmallow flowers, unfortunately, do not last long - they please the eye for only 1-2 days, but the plant blooms from spring until the end of summer.

Zephyranthes is a big fan of light and bright sun combined with slightly humidified air. Growing the plant in open ground in Russia, based on its climatic preferences and southern origin, is possible only in the subtropical zone. Therefore, you can see blooming zephyranthes in flower beds only in Sochi - in the more northern regions of our country it is grown only as a houseplant.

Zephyranthes in a flowerbed is a rare phenomenon for Russia

Caring for zephyranthes at home is quite simple, so its cultivation can be safely recommended even to novice flower growers - this experience will certainly inspire them.

Popular plant varieties

Today, more than 70 species of flowers are known, but only a seventh of this diversity is grown indoors. The most popular among gardeners are white, golden and large-flowered zephyranthes.

Interestingly, the flowering time of zephyranthes depends on its type: large-flowered zephyranthes blooms from April to July, white zephyranthes - from July to October, and golden zephyranthes delights with flowers in winter.

  • White zephyranthes (Zephyranthes candida). It was first described in 1823 by the English botanist John Lindley. In the wild, this species is most common in the valley of the South American La Plata River. White marshmallow is characterized by narrow (no more than half a centimeter) long leaves; its bulb has an almost regular round shape and reaches 4 cm in diameter. Flowers appear on twenty-centimeter peduncles in July - October. In radius they reach 3 cm; reddish perianth may appear outside.
  • Golden zephyranthes (Zephyranthes aurea). It is characterized by yellow funnel-shaped flowers, widened towards the middle, and an ovoid-rounded bulb. The flowering phase occurs in winter.
  • Zephyranthes grandiflora. It is distinguished not only by its large pink flowers, reaching eight centimeters in diameter, but also by its rather large - up to 5 cm - rounded bulb. The belt-shaped leaves have a rich green color, about 1 cm wide and up to 40 cm long. The flowering of Zephyranthes grandiflora lasts from April to July.
  • Pink Zephyranthes, or Pink (Zephyranthes rosea). It has a height of 15 to 30 cm, narrow linear leaves and small pale pink flowers no more than 5 cm in diameter.
  • Zephyranthes robusta. Due to their size, plants and large flowers are sometimes classified not as natural species, but as one of the ancient cultural forms. This variety has almost odorless light pink flowers - up to 8 cm in length and up to 9.5 cm in diameter. The plant blooms from early summer to autumn. Zephyranthes, powerful among this group of plants, is rightfully considered the standard.

Variety of varieties in the photo

Golden zephranthes blooms in winter

Almost weightless white marshmallow - the personification of tenderness

Zephyranthes flowers live up to its name

The blossoming of pink zephyranthes is an amazingly beautiful sight

Zephyranthes grandiflora - window sill decoration

It is very tempting to plant marshmallow species with different flowering periods (for example, white and pink) in one pot, but it is strongly not recommended - a plant of one of the species will inevitably suffer.

Since during the active period, zephyranthes vitally needs a large amount of direct sunlight, it is recommended to place the plant on western, southern or eastern windows. Marshmallows grown at home are characterized by annual alternations of an active period, during which growth and flowering are observed, and a dormant period associated with the death of its vegetative part. Knowing this feature of the plant is an integral part of proper care for it.

Optimal conditions for a flower - table

SeasonLightingWateringTemperatureTop dressing
SpringLots of bright light.Regularly, immediately after the top layer of soil has dried.+20…+26 °COnce every 2 weeks with liquid mineral fertilizers for indoor plants.
SummerRegularly, immediately after the top layer of soil has dried. If the air is too dry, spraying is recommended.
AutumnRegularly, immediately after the top layer of soil has dried.
WinterNot required (it is better to place the plant in a dark, cool place).RareNot higher than +12 °CNot required

Video about a flower

Zephyranthes: reproduction and care

Zephyranthes is a plant native to Central and South America, has an average height, loves light, is not afraid of direct sunlight and blooms annually. The optimal temperature during active growth is 18-250C, and during dormancy a low temperature is more favorable - 10-120C. During growth, regular watering is required, which is reduced during the dormant period. Watering marshmallows should be careful to avoid rotting of the bulb. There are no special requirements for air humidity.

Many hobbyists grow the zephyranthes without even knowing exactly what it is. And although it is sometimes sold under the name “water lily,” it is not a lily. This is a representative of the family. Amaryllidaceae, a relative of our hippeastrums. It has small bulbs, elongated at the top. Of the 70 species common in the warm regions of the Western Hemisphere, Zephyranthes grandiflora can occasionally be found in cultivation, but more often we are talking about hybrids that go on sale under the names pink (Z. rosea), habraitus rosea or habraptus powerful. How to distinguish zephyranthes from habranthus is described.

In moderately heated, ventilated rooms, growing marshmallows does not present any difficulties. They produce many daughter bulbs. Pink flowers appear only in sufficiently lit places. In shading, only elongated linear leaves are formed; they are not very decorative. There are still leaves at the w. white (Z. Candida), a vigorous species with beautiful flowering, in English gardens it grows in open ground.

Zephyranthes care

Light: a bright place.

Temperature: room temperature; In winter, about 10 °C is sufficient.

Substrate: ordinary ready-made substrates, to which a little sand is added. You can use No. 6 with 1/5 sand or ceramis; pH about 6.

Humidity: Maintain constant humidity during growth, but avoid stagnation of water. In winter, they water only occasionally, but sometimes they use a different method - they keep the bulbs completely dry, with a complete dormant period. This eliminates the risk of bulbs rotting in winter. In February they begin watering, very carefully at first. 3. White is watered occasionally even in winter so that the plants retain leaves.

Fertilizer: from spring to autumn, water with flower fertilizer every 1 - 2 weeks.

Transplantation: annually at the end of the dormant period. The bulbs are planted in the ground so that only their tops are visible.

Reproduction: during transplantation, numerous daughter bulbs are separated.

Caring for zephyranthes, and especially propagation, is not particularly difficult and is very similar to growing hippeastrum.

Zephyranthes loves bright sun and in summer it is better to plant it in open ground. By the end of the season, a large bulb will form, which will bloom profusely next year. It is not for nothing that in subtropical parks zephyranthes are planted as a ground cover plant instead of a lawn. Low dense foliage, high reproduction rate allows it to quickly capture and hold space well.

The upstart bulbs are small, oblong, 1 to 3 cm in length, and grow in tight nests. They need to be planted several at a time in wide and low pots or deep bowls, burying them in the ground to the very top. For long bulbs, the neck is left on the surface. Prefers a fertile, loose substrate made from equal amounts of humus, turf soil and sand. You can add phosphorus fertilizers. Care should be taken to ensure good drainage, as zephyranthes does not like flooding.

In summer, zephyranthes needs abundant watering; it is better to water from a tray, in this case the soil in the upper part of the pot, where seedlings are expected, is not compacted and washed out. In winter, the “zephyranthes” plant may not shed leaves, but watering should be reduced and the pot should be placed in a bright, cool place. It is advisable to lower the temperature to 8 - 14 degrees. When growing marshmallows, you need to pay attention to soil moisture and not allow it to dry out or become waterlogged.

It is better to give only mineral fertilizers and feed them regularly during the season of active growth. After the appearance and opening of the first bud, feeding should be stopped and resumed only after the last flower has withered. Some sources, on the contrary, believe that it is necessary to feed during the flowering period (perhaps they are right).

Marshmallows usually have no problems with vegetative propagation It produces baby bulbs abundantly, which quickly fill the entire pot. The zephyranthes plant is propagated by transplantation, before or during the dormant period. It is necessary to separate the children and plant them in a well-fertilized substrate, provide them with light, and the next season the young bulbs will bloom.

Reproduction of zephyranthes by seeds is possible, but it is rarely resorted to. Sowing seeds should be done as early as possible after they ripen, as they quickly lose their viability. After storing seeds for a long time, the sowing result may not be very good. In order to obtain seeds, artificial pollination is necessary, and they ripen within 2 months after it.

When sowing seeds, the soil substrate needed is the same as when planting bulbs. You can add some more peat. The soil is moistened and leveled. The seeds are sown at intervals of 2-3 cm. The bowl is covered with film, placed in a shaded place and kept at a temperature not lower than 22 °C. You need to ensure that the soil remains moist at all times. Shoots appear in 3-4 weeks. The seedlings will bloom only in the third year after sowing.


Transplantation is carried out once a year, in March or autumn after complete flowering, when the mother plant has divided and filled the entire territory of the flowerpot with children. This is evidenced by the many sprouted sprouts. The division occurs as follows: the bulb with its daughter divisions is removed from the ground. A sharp instrument is used to separate the babies from their mother. The resulting wounds are sprinkled with ash or crushed charcoal.

Transplantation does not take much time and effort if everything is done correctly and accurately.

To replant, you need to take a small, low pot. It should be disinfected by dipping it in a solution of potassium permanganate for a while. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare nutritious soil so that it is loose and airy. Mix garden soil, peat, turf, humus and sand in equal proportions. Or you can buy a special ready-made substrate for indoor plants.

Expanded clay or brick is placed at the bottom. Having filled the flowerpot halfway with soil, you need to place one or several (up to 10-12 pcs.) bulbs. Then add soil to the top and water generously.

Zephyranthes - planting and care at home, photos of species

Zephyranthes (popularly known as upstart) (Zephyranthes) is a bulbous perennial plant from the Amaryllis family. Under natural conditions, the homeland of zephyranthes is Cuba. The flower is quite unpretentious and suitable for growing at home.

The size of this herbaceous plant can reach 40 cm in height.

It is a perennial plant. The flowering period can have different durations: it usually occurs in spring and summer, in some cases the plant blooms all summer. The flowers are pink or white, appear quickly and last only a couple of days, after which new ones bloom just as quickly.

Be sure to pay attention to such wonderful plants of the Amaryllis family as wallot and clivia.

Description and origin of zephyranthes

This amazing plant is native to Central and South America. For those who remember Greek mythology, the name Zephyr is well known - it was the name of one of the gods of Olympus - the god of the west wind. Actually, the western wind is called marshmallow, which is directly related to the flower. Everything is very simple - from April to early July this wind brings with it numerous rains, and it is at this time that the zephyranthes has its finest hour - it begins to bloom. First, one flower at a time, then in groups, and at its peak you can see a whole cap on the peduncle.

It’s not for nothing that Zephyranthes is called a water lily for its amazing resemblance to this flower.

Zephyranthes also has a second name - “water lily” - for its resemblance to a real lily. People also call him an “upstart” for his ability to blossom rapidly and imperceptibly. One flower pleases the eye, as a rule, for no more than two days, after which it fades, but is replaced by a new one. Or several at once. And so on for a couple of months.

Zephyranthes is considered a small-bulbous perennial. Its leaves are narrow and directed in all directions from the bulb, somewhat reminiscent of an egg, which is about 3–3.5 cm in diameter. The peduncle reaches a length of 25–30 cm, as do the leaves. The flower resembles a six-pointed star and is very similar to a lily. One bud opens on each thin shoot. Flowers can be white, pink, yellow, with a reddish tint, and even bicolor.

Zephyranthes is well adapted to living in a city apartment

Despite the fact that this plant is native to the tropics and subtropics, it is excellent for growing at home. But remember that zephyranthes in nature grows along the banks of rivers, which means it needs moisture. But everything must have its own measure - excessive waterlogging will harm it, like any other bulbous plant. Just remember to water it regularly to keep the soil from drying out.

Zephyranthes is considered a mildly poisonous plant, so do not allow children to pick flowers or leaves.

Video about the plant

Beneficial features

It is used for medical purposes due to the presence of biologically active substances in its composition: such as lycorin, neringene, hemantidine and others. There are even drugs that contain marshmallow alkaloids: they are used to treat oncopathologies, tuberculosis and diabetes. Also, its beneficial properties are used to treat liver diseases (abscesses, hepatitis, etc.).

Caring for marshmallows at home. Details


The duration and beginning of this period vary: it depends on the specific plant, as well as on environmental factors. Peduncles may appear simultaneously with the appearance of leaves or a little later. A newly blooming flower quickly fades - in just a couple of days, but each plant bulb contains several flower stalks: due to this, it seems that the upstart is blooming constantly. This is especially noticeable when there are several plant bulbs in the pot at once.

After flowering has ended, the peduncle must be trimmed and then unscrewed after drying. Individual parts of the plant that have dried out must be removed immediately to prevent infections.


During the period when the indoor zephyranthes plant is growing intensively, the optimal temperature for growth and flowering will be 25-28 degrees.


Spraying is recommended in hot and dry weather to prevent drying of foliage and flowers. For this, a fine spray is used. To spray marshmallows indoors, it is best to use soft, warm water.


It is best to place a pot with a flower in the southeast or southwest, since the plant requires light. But the foliage should not be exposed to direct sunlight: in this case, it is better to move the pot with the plant away.


The soil must be moistened regularly: watering is carried out immediately after the top layer of soil dries. You also shouldn’t pour a lot of water into the pot: this can cause the bulbs to rot.

A temporary cessation of watering (for about a week) can cause flowering, and when it occurs, it is recommended to water the flower more often.


A small pot is best suited as a container for a flower: several bulbs are planted in it at the same time.

You should not take a wide and deep pot, as in this case the flower will not bloom for a long time.


You can cultivate it at home in loose soil with a neutral environment filled with nutrients: a mixture of humus, turf soil and sand is suitable for this. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pot, which should be approximately two centimeters thick. The container in which the flower will be located is filled with soil to half the entire volume.

Feeding and fertilizer

After the dormant period has passed and the indoor zephyranthes has given its first leaves, you need to start fertilizing the soil. Fertilizing is carried out with mineral fertilizers, which contain a complex of essential nutrients. Fertilizers need to be applied once every two weeks; when the plant is flowering, this should be done a little more often - once every 10 days.


Immediately after the plant is purchased, it is not worth replanting. This should be done if the bulb in the container has taken up all the space and you need to select a larger pot.

Transplantation is best done in the spring. Before this, you need to treat the plant to remove dry leaves and remove dried scales from the bulbs. If there are signs of rotting, then these areas must be cut off and the remains immersed in a fungicidal solution for half an hour.

It must be remembered that to transplant marshmallows you need to use only healthy bulbs that have their own root system. Only in this case can we expect further growth of the plant and its flowering in the future.


After the zephyranthes has bloomed, the peduncle is cut off. You need to leave 5-7 cm from its initial length. After this remaining part dries, it needs to be carefully unscrewed.

All other dry parts should be removed immediately, this way you can prevent the occurrence of diseases in the plant.

Rest period

The moment of the smallest growth of domestic zephyranthes occurs in winter-autumn. It manifests itself in the fact that the leaves begin to slowly dry out, wither, and then fall off. It is recommended to stop watering during this time, and it is advisable to move the plant to a dark and dry place where the air temperature will be approximately 12-15 degrees.

Flower care

Watering and fertilizing

Agricola fertilizer for flowering plants is a universal remedy that can also be successfully used for zephyranthes

As already mentioned, zephyranthes loves water, but does not tolerate its excess. That is why it is watered as the top layer of soil dries. During the dormant period, while preserving the leaves, water rarely, but do not allow the soil to dry out completely.

Zephyranthes are fed with fertilizer for bulbous flowering plants once every two weeks during the growth and flowering period. That is, virtually throughout the warm season. Good feeding options would be Zdraven Turbo (15 g per 10 l) or Agricola (25 g per 10 l), which are produced for both bulbous and flowering plants.

Flowering period

If the zephyranthes does not bloom or blooms weakly, it means that it is not satisfied with all the living conditions on the windowsill

The time when zephyranthes blooms becomes the most joyful for any gardener, since this is a wonderful reward for his work and love for flowers. But it happens that this plant may bloom very sparingly or not bloom at all. It is important to analyze the situation why the plant does not enter the flowering period and find the reason for the failure. By eliminating it, you can make zephyranthes bloom.

Solving problems with marshmallows - table

Cause of the problemManifestationActions
The flower has not been replanted for a long time; many baby bulbs have appeared.Weak flowering or its complete absence.Transplanting and planting small bulbs solves the problem.
The flower does not have enough lighting.The leaves of the plant begin to turn pale and then yellow, the plant develops slowly.The flower pot is moved to a more illuminated place.
Too much watering.The leaves turn yellow and die, the bulb and roots begin to rot.Watering should be made more infrequent. focusing on dry soil.
Lack of appropriate conditions during the rest period.The plant does not bloom or blooms, but very weakly.Observe the correct temperature conditions and watering rules during the dormant period.

Rest period

This is a time that needs to be mentioned separately. This is the case when less effort is required from the grower, but more care. It’s all a matter, as always, of watering and temperature conditions. Of course, zephyranthes has perfectly adapted to the living conditions in the room, which do not change throughout the year, but it will not bloom as luxuriantly as we would like. Therefore, you should still listen to his preferences.

The soil of the marshmallow should be moist, but not soggy, otherwise the bulb will begin to rot.

With the arrival of autumn, watering is reduced, gradually reducing to a minimum. Marshmallows do not particularly require moisture during the dormant period, and its excess can lead to rotting of the bulb. That is why you should water the flower once a month. The question regarding marshmallow leaves is also important. Often the plant sheds them itself during the winter, but some gardeners cut off the leaves. The fact is that if you leave a flower with leaves over the winter, this will not have the best effect on its flowering.

Of course, the most important thing is the temperature in the room during the rest period. Ideally, it should be around +10…+12 °C. And it is not so important in which room this condition will be provided - on the loggia, in the basement or even in the refrigerator. At this time, zephyranthes does not require lighting.

Diseases and pests

  • zephyranthes does not bloom - this may be due to the wrong choice of container for keeping the flower; the flowering process is also negatively affected by excessive lighting or lack of light, high humidity and excess fertilizer;
  • Meadows rot - this happens due to excess moisture due to frequent watering. To save the flower, the plant must be transplanted into a new pot, having first removed all the affected bulbs and treated them with phytosporin to prevent re-rotting.
  • The leaves turn yellow - they dry out from lack of liquid. To correct the situation, you need to adjust the watering regime.
  • red rot is a fungal disease that causes rotting of the root system of a plant. Healthy bulbs need to be kept in a preparation called Maxim for 30 minutes, after which they should be urgently transplanted into another container with new soil.

Pests that can cause disease: amaryllis mealybug, spider mite, soft scale insect, whitefly.

Types of marshmallow home with photos and names

Zephyranthes grandiflora

The plant reaches a height of up to 40 centimeters. The leaves are narrow, 15-30 cm long. During the flowering period, you can observe blooming flowers of bright pink color, orange stamens. Flowering can continue from early spring until early winter.

Snow-white zephyranthes, or white zephyranthes (Zephiranthes candida)

The plant grows very tall: it can reach three meters. The bulbs are approximately 3 cm in diameter. Flowering most often occurs in summer and early autumn: the flowers are white, about 6 cm in diameter.

Zephyranthes pink, pink (Zephyranthes rosea)

This species is distinguished by the presence of purple-pink flowers. Flowering begins in spring in April.

Zephyranthes versicolor

It has an interesting coloring of the flower petals: they are creamy white with brownish-red edges. Flowering occurs from January to March.

Flowering and dormancy

Robusta begins to bloom in May, and after the first buds appear, it continuously generates new flowers. The most active flowering time occurs in mid-August - early September, and in the absence of cold weather, flowering will delight the eye in October. From this it turns out that the total flowering time lasts as long as 4-5 months.

The most important aspects in caring for a park rose during the flowering period are timely weeding and loosening of the soil. The petals of the buds do not wither, but fall off, so the rose bush will look attractive even in the process of flowering, which cannot be said about dense park roses.

Important! Robusta's dormant period begins in late autumn and lasts until mid-spring.

Why doesn't the rose bloom?

There are several reasons why a rose may not bloom:

  • The first year after planting. The plant may not bloom at all. This depends on the source material used for planting. In the first year, it is better not to let Robusta bloom so that it takes root as well as possible.
  • Incorrect care. The rose is quite demanding in terms of living conditions; it needs additional nutrition, as well as timely treatment against pests or diseases. If the bush has already begun to shed its leaves and looks sickly, most likely, you won’t have to wait for flowering. However, it is also not worth “overfeeding” the plant, since excessive feeding gives enough strength to the foliage, and flowering becomes rather sparse.
  • Incorrect trimming. You should not subject Robusta to severe pruning or try to form a “small bush” - this leads to weakening of the plant. Such actions lead to a shift in flowering time, since the rose will need to recover after such procedures.
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