Mattiola two-horned (night violet): cultivation and care

Flower growers in many countries love to grow such a decorative flower as matthiola bicornuum. Planting and caring for it is incredibly simple, which allows you to not spend a lot of time and effort.

As night falls, mattiola begins to emit a delightful aroma that fills the entire garden.

At the moment, many different species are known, but the decorative properties of Matthiol bicornus are not too different. During the daytime, she hides the beautiful petals of her flowers.

Mattiola two-horned description and characteristics

Mattiola bicorna is planted annually, as it is ready to please for no more than a year. This flower is unusual and differs in many characteristics. Features include:

Mattiola has a straight or spreading stem, this fact depends on what variety it belongs to. A large number of shoots with thick fluff, like the foliage, are scattered throughout the flower;

If you properly care for the flower, it can reach 60 centimeters in height;

The bright green leaves are covered with large teeth;

Small and not too brightly colored flowers are collected in inflorescences whose shape resembles graceful brushes;

Flowers open after sunset and fill the entire garden with a pleasant aroma; with sunrise, the flowers close;

Matthiola blooms for a long time. It can last from the first days of summer and end only when frost comes;

The ripening of small seeds occurs in pods. Seeds can be stored for 3 years maintaining good germination.

General description with photo

Matthiola is a herbaceous flowering crop, in the genus of which there are annual and perennial species. The height of the shoots can reach 1 m, but there are also low-growing varieties. The stems are branched, rigid, quickly woody, many varieties are densely pubescent with soft felt, but there are also varieties with bare shoots. The bushes are densely leafy, the foliage is soft, lanceolate-shaped, pubescent, the bulk of it grows in the lower part of the branches.

Flowering is early and long-lasting, beginning in late spring and or June, but there are also autumn-blooming varieties. Racemose loose inflorescences are collected from small buds of white, pink, beige, yellow, purple; dark-colored varieties in burgundy and purple tones are less common. During the day they are usually closed and only in the evening they open their petals, emitting a sweetish spicy aroma. Matthiola is pollinated by nocturnal insects. The fruit is a small flattened pod, from which many small round seeds of a dark brown, almost black color spill out.

Mattiola easily tolerates transplantation and does not suffer from short-term frosts.


About 60 varieties of this plant grow in natural conditions. Mattiola also received such a name as “fragrant violet”. In garden plots you can only find matthiola two-horned and matthiola gray or levkoy, the second name. Thanks to the work of breeders, it was possible to develop a large number of different varieties of these species, whose aroma and color differ from each other.

Particularly popular among gardeners are the following varieties of matthiola bicorne:

  • Evening aroma - a distinctive feature of this variety is considered to be straight shoots, which are especially branched. These bushes do not exceed half a meter in height. They have small lilac inflorescences emitting a bright, rich aroma;

  • Starlight is an amazing flower from a varietal mixture. It opens with flowers of various colors and are located on straight stems whose height does not exceed 50 centimeters. Each of them has its own aroma, and together they create a fairy tale atmosphere in the garden. This variety is best suited for planting near the house;
  • Mattiola pink - this flower can be an excellent decoration for the balcony. It does not exceed 30 centimeters in height. When opening, these pleasant lilac flowers, collected in a racemose inflorescence, emit a sweet scent.
  • Lilac - this variety has good resistance to cold, but prefers to grow in sunny areas. Half a meter in height, this plant attracts everyone by emitting its soft and unique aroma.
  • Summer Evening is a particularly favorite variety among gardeners. The height of this plant is half a meter, lilac flowers are collected in inflorescences-tassels and emit an unforgettable aroma, distinguished by its durability.

Mattiola in landscape design

To create unusual compositions, the leftover is used:

  1. As a decoration for terraces, verandas and window areas. Simple flowers are valued not so much for their appearance as for their sweet aroma, which actively manifests itself in the evening.
  2. In landscaping areas near paths and borders. In this case, terry white, pink, lilac or purple matthiol is often used.
  3. As a fragrant addition to other shorter or taller crops. In alpine hills and flower beds, night violet is often combined with thyme, lavender, mignonette, thyme and rosemary, phlox and delphinium.

Matthiola bicornuosa reproduction

The best way to plant matthiol is considered to be seed; seedlings are grown extremely rarely. The fact is that the root system of the flower is quite weak and may not survive replanting. However, enjoying all the beauty and aromas of these flowers at the very beginning of summer is only possible through seedlings.

First you need to prepare the container and fill it with a suitable mixture before sowing. The soil should be loose, nutritious, water- and breathable. Before planting, it is necessary to treat the container and soil with manganese.

Plant care

To obtain early flowering, matthiola is grown through seedlings. Choose a place for the flower that is well-lit, with fertile and well-drained soil.


Moderate – 2-3 times a week, regular, in small portions. The root system of gillyflower is not deep. If there is a lack of moisture, few buds are formed on the plant.

Top dressing

When growing gillyflower, it is not recommended to use manure and large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers. When preparing the beds, emphasis is placed on phosphorus (superphosphate) and potassium (potassium sulfate), ash, and vermicompost.

Flowering plants are fed with complex mineral fertilizer (Agricola, Pollen, Fertika).

@edwood09, Instagram


The seedlings are transplanted into the flower bed using the transshipment method, without destroying the earthen coma.


It is grown as an annual plant.

Matthiola two-horned planting

  1. Sowing of seeds is carried out in early February. You can sow in March, but then the flowering time will be different.
  2. Sowing should be carried out on prepared soil with a distance of 4 centimeters from each other. The seeds do not need to be pressed into the soil; just sprinkle them lightly with soil. Next, you need to carefully pour water at room temperature and cover with film or glass.
  3. Containers with seeds should be placed in a well-lit place. You should not water until the first shoots appear.

In order for seedlings to grow well, certain conditions must be met. As soon as the first shoots appear, it is necessary to provide the plant with good lighting, and the air temperature should drop to +12 degrees, otherwise the seedlings will begin to stretch.

If seedlings are grown in seedling boxes, then planting should be done every 14 days. It is important to remember that matthiol has a very fragile root system, so the seedlings will die when transplanted, no matter how careful you are.

Well-moistened soil into which you plan to replant will help protect the roots from damage. You need to take out the plant one at a time, protecting its fragile roots. Before this, it is necessary to make planting holes in a new container into which the seedlings are transplanted. Next, they need to be covered with a layer of soil up to the leaves, carefully, using the pads of your fingers, compacted around each plant and watered well.

Gardeners with experience in growing matthiola do not pick seedlings. To grow without picking, you can use a box where eggs or chocolates were previously stored. These cells are filled with soil and 3 seeds are planted in each. When they all grow up, you can choose the strongest one and remove the rest.

Transplanting a flower to a place where the plant will grow permanently is carried out together with a lump of earth and with the onset of constantly warm weather. It is best to carry out these activities in the last days of spring or in the first days of summer. When planting, it is important to leave a distance of 20 centimeters or a little more between plants, it depends on what varieties are planted. For better adaptation and faster rooting, the young plant needs to create shade.

Rules for planting in the garden:

First of all, you need to treat the land with manganese. Next, loosen and form furrows, the depth of which will not exceed 50 mm. If the distance is deeper, the sprouts will not be able to appear above the surface of the soil.

In order for the seeds to be evenly distributed, they must be mixed with sand in equal parts and scattered along the furrows.

Next they need to be sprinkled 50 mm. layer of earth. In this case, compaction is not required; light spraying with water is necessary.

A flower planted in February will be able to please with its colors and aroma at the very beginning of summer.

Selecting a location:

Mattiola likes to grow in open sunny areas; in the shade it will stretch out and take on a sickly appearance. The site must be protected from strong winds. If you follow all these simple rules, then in a short time you will be able to enjoy the magnificent aroma of flower brushes.

The flower prefers loose and fertile soil, but applying organic fertilizers in the form of mullein is not recommended due to the content of late blight spores in it. Loamy and sandy loam soils are a good option. The acidity level in the soil should be neutral.

You should not choose a site where plants belonging to the cruciferous family were previously grown. This legacy is often dangerous and the flowers can become susceptible to diseases such as clubroot and fungal infections.

Preparation of the site for planting is carried out in the autumn. The soil must be dug 50 centimeters deep and cow dung must be added at the same time. Thanks to digging, you can destroy fungal spores in the ground and prevent the further development of blackleg.

Timing for sowing matthiola for seedlings and open ground

The time for sowing plants for seedlings depends on the climate of the area where the garden is located and the method of cultivation. Levkoy loves coolness and good lighting. If seedlings are driven out in heated greenhouses, conservatories, and insulated balconies, sowing can be done 2-3 weeks earlier than usual.

Approximate dates for sowing matthiola in different regions of the country:

RegionLanding dates
middle zone and Moscow regionfrom mid to late March
regions of the Urals and SiberiaApril
southfrom late February to mid March

Matthiola seedlings are planted in May - June, already with buds.

Direct sowing of the flower with seeds in the ground is carried out in the first half of May. Plant seedlings may suffer from frost, so the bed is covered with film. Winter sowing is also practiced, in October – November.

The seedless method of growing matthiola is suitable for the southern regions, where there are long, warm autumns and mild winters.

When to plant according to the lunar calendar 2022

MonthBetter daysMonthBetter days
January23-27April3-7, 12-15, 21, 22
February4-14, 17-23May2-5, 12-14, 18-25
March3-16, 20-21June1-3, 6-13

In 2022, unfavorable days fall on the following dates:

  • January – 2, 3, 17, 18
  • February – 1, 2, 16, 28
  • March – 1, 2, 18, 27, 28
  • April – 1, 2, 16, 23
  • May – 1, 16, 30
  • June -14, 18, 29
  • July – 13, 14, 28, 29
  • August – 11, 12, 27-28
  • September: 9-10, 26, 27
  • October: 9, 10, 25, 26
  • November: 1, 2, 7-9, 24, 25, 28, 29
  • December: 7-9, 23-25

  • @delianasgarden. Instagram

  • @loukes67, Instagram

Mattiola bicorne care

Growing matthiola bicornuum healthy is not at all difficult even for a novice gardener; to do this, you just need to follow some rules.

  1. Picking of seedlings is carried out after the first 2 true leaves appear. Maintain a distance between plants of 20 to 40 centimeters, while taking into account the characteristics of a particular variety and its growth. If planting is carried out in close proximity, fungal diseases may occur.
  2. Matthiola is a moisture-loving plant and needs regular watering, but it is not tolerant of stagnant moisture, which leads to rotting of the roots. It is also important not to forget to remove weeds when they appear, as they make the plant weaker and provoke the development of fungal diseases.
  3. Every time after watering, it is necessary to loosen it, this increases the access of oxygen to the roots.
  4. In order for the plant to have enough nutrients, it is necessary to remove all inflorescences that fade.
  5. As soon as the matiolla is transplanted into the garden, it needs additional feeding. In this case, fertilizers that are used to feed indoor plants during flowering are well suited. The first feeding is carried out 21 days after the flowers were planted in the flowerbed. It is very important to support the plants with nutrient mixtures as buds form and flowering begins.

Mattiola in a pot

In order for the Levy flower to delight you with its fragrant inflorescences for a long time, after flowering in the ground it can be transplanted into a pot. In this case, the plant will be able to bloom again right up to frost. To do this you need:

  1. Carefully remove the flower from the ground, shake off the soil and pinch the roots if necessary.
  2. Place in a pot with a diameter 1-1.5 cm larger than the earthen ball.
  3. Fill the remaining container with nutritious soil for flowers with the obligatory addition of wood ash.
  4. Water the seedling with warm water with the addition of Kornevin for better survival.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Mattiola is not often affected by various diseases and pests, but, nevertheless, this sometimes happens. The most common are clubroot and fusarium. These are fungal diseases that are transmitted to plants through spores that can maintain their vital activity even in frost.

Pests that love matthiola include cruciferous flea, cabbage grass and whiteweed. The first two pests are capable of completely destroying a flower. To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically inspect the plants. As soon as signs of the appearance of these insects are detected, it is necessary to immediately carry out treatment using special products that can be purchased in nurseries.

Where to plant matthiola?

In order to see a beautiful and fragrant night violet flower on your site in the summer, it is important to take care of the correct container for seedlings and high-quality soil:

  1. Small plastic containers must first be washed and disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dried thoroughly.
  2. A layer of expanded clay about 1-2 cm is poured into ready-made containers with a sufficient number of drainage holes.
  3. A nutritious soil mixture consisting of three parts turf soil and one part sand is placed on top. Self-prepared soil can be disinfected in a microwave oven or using the same potassium permanganate solution. Store-bought soil for flowers does not require disinfection.
  4. Matthiola seeds are soaked in warm water for a day, after which they are kept in a damp cloth in the refrigerator for another 24 hours.
  5. Stratified planting material is placed into shallow grooves at a distance of approximately 4 cm using tweezers, sprinkled with soil and moistened with a spray bottle.
  6. After planting, the containers with matthiola are covered with plastic wrap and left in a dark place with an air temperature of at least +20℃.

Forms and varieties

All varietal varieties of garden forms of gillyflower are divided according to flowering periods into summer, autumn and winter.


Thanks to extensive breeding work in different countries, the greatest varietal diversity is represented by summer gillyflower.

(more than 400 varieties).
Plants can be single-stemmed

  • Single-stem
    varieties belong to the diamond and excelsior groups. As a rule, they have a single, unbranched stem with large (from 18 to 40 cm) inflorescences. The flowers are double (25–40 petals), ranging in size from 4–4.5 to 7 cm and simple in a wide variety of colors. Plant height is from 40 to 80 cm. According to flowering time, they are represented by very early, early, middle and late varieties.
  • Branched
    include varieties with branched inflorescences. In turn, they are divided into subgroups depending on the structure and shape of the bush and inflorescence.

Branched forms of gillyflower

Short-branched gilly leaves


(Erfurt) gillyflowers have a characteristic distinguishing feature - a higher arrangement of branches on the main stem and long inflorescences. The flowers are large (4–4.5 cm), but smaller in size than those of single-stemmed gillyflowers, and come in a variety of colors. They bloom two months after sowing and bloom for 7–8 weeks. They are used both for cutting and for landscaping.

Bouquet gilly leaves


(Victoria) gillyflowers are distinguished by the fact that all lateral inflorescences are located at the same level and bloom at the same time. The central inflorescences are often located at the same level as the lateral ones or slightly rise above them. The flowers are densely double and slightly smaller in size (3.5–4 cm) than the Erfurt gillyflowers. The varieties of this group are classified as mid-early in terms of flowering time. They are used for landscaping and potting.

Pyramidal greyhounds

Subgroup of pyramidal

Levkoyev includes dwarf, semi-tall and giant leftkoy.

  • Dwarf
    gillyflowers have a branched but fairly compact bush of a spherical or pyramidal shape, reaching 20–30 cm in height. The inflorescences are relatively small. The main ones are 9–13 cm long, the lateral ones are 6–10 cm. The flowers are much smaller than those of single-stemmed gillyflowers, reaching 2.5–3.5 cm. Varieties of various colors. Plants bloom early. Levkoi of this subgroup are used to decorate the territory.

  • The size of the bush is 1.5 times larger (30–45 cm) than the dwarf ones . The inflorescence of the main shoot protrudes significantly above the side shoots and blooms first. During the phenophase of mass flowering, the shape of the bush resembles a pyramid. The flowers are densely double, large (3.5–4.5 cm). They bloom 1.5–2 weeks later than dwarf gillyflowers. This subgroup is used both for territory decoration and for potting.
  • Giant
    large-flowered gillyflowers have a semi-high or high (up to 80 cm) pyramidal bush. The large inflorescence on the main stem is almost 2 times larger than the side ones. The flowers are densely double, large (up to 5 cm), of various colors. They bloom 9–10 weeks after sowing the seeds. Used for cutting and for landscaping.

Reverse pyramidal gesso

Reverse pyramidal

(Exa) gillyflowers have bushes up to 60 cm high, with an inverse pyramidal shape. The peduncle of the main stem is powerful, 30–35 cm in length, the lateral ones of the first order are slightly inferior in length to the central inflorescence. The flowers are densely double, large (4.5–5.0 cm), and bloom in the mid-early period. Good for cutting and decorative landscaping.

Spreading remontant gillyflowers


(Dresden) remontant gillyflowers have a highly branched, spreading bush with long lateral shoots of the first order. Tall bushes reach 60–70 cm in height. The inflorescence of the main shoot is slightly longer than the lateral ones. The flowers are large, like the leaves of Aix. Plants bloom 7–9 weeks after sowing and bloom continuously until autumn. Used for cutting and landscaping.

Gigantic lefties


Levkoi include the following subgroups:

  • Bismarck – large-flowered, late
  • bomb - low, ordinary
  • Nice giant and Nice giant late

The most common are the left-handed and bismarck subgroups. In appearance they are somewhat reminiscent of the Dresden ones, but differ in the larger size of the bush with a powerful branched stem. Plants are up to 45 cm wide. They form only first-order shoots 25–40 cm long. The flowers are densely double, large (up to 5.5 cm). All varieties are late in flowering. After sowing, flowering occurs within 13–14 weeks and continues until late autumn frosts. Used for cutting, landscaping and winter forcing.

Quedlinburg greyhounds


Levkoi are divided into the following subgroups:

  • early low bush
  • early tall bush
  • late tall bush
  • pole-shaped

These subgroups have branched, semi-spreading bushes with a height of 20–25 to 60–70 cm. Only the pole-shaped gillyflowers are weakly branched or single-stemmed. The flowers are large (4–5 cm); in the pole-shaped left-handed flowers they reach 6 cm in diameter. After sowing, plants bloom in 6–8 weeks and only varieties of late tall bush gillyflowers in 13–15 weeks. Used for territory decoration, cutting, forcing. Six-shaped gilly leaves are of great value for cutting.

Quedlinburg greyhounds

A special feature of Quedlinburg gillyflowers is the presence of a valuable signal trait, which makes it possible to accurately select future double plants in the cotyledon phenophase. Non-double plants have grayish-green cotyledon leaves, while double plants have light green leaves. At a temperature of 10–12°C and short daylight hours, this trait persists in seedlings for quite a long time. As the temperature rises, all plants quickly become even in color. This signal sign allows you to have only plants with double flowers in your plantings. The required number of plants with non-double flowers are planted separately for seed production purposes. In the seed progeny within the varieties, plants with both simple and double flowers appear. In the best, correctly selected varieties with an established seed production process, the percentage of double plants of seed offspring reaches 80–90.

How to store matthiola in a vase?

There are also special varieties of gillyflower that are grown for cutting to create bouquets and flower arrangements. Some florists, explaining how much cut matthiol costs, call the period from 3 to 14 days. The flower has a very intense but unobtrusive aroma, which is more pronounced in a warm room. To extend the aesthetic appearance of the plant you need:

  1. Remove all the lower leaves, leaving only a few on top for beauty.
  2. Cut the stem at a sharp angle.
  3. Mattiola bouquet prefers cold water with the addition of 1-2 drops of white or chrysal per 1 liter of water.
  4. The water should not reach about 5-7 cm to the inflorescences themselves.
  5. The liquid in the vase is changed every 2-3 days, and the stems must be trimmed again.

Answers to frequently asked questions

We will answer popular questions.

What soil should I buy for growing seedlings?

When purchasing a soil mixture for seedlings, you need to read the composition on the package. All plant soils are produced on the basis of peat. Peat is acidic soil.

PECULIARITIES. Mattiola does not like acidic soils.

If the composition does not contain lime flour, it must be purchased and added to the soil at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 5 liters of soil. "Terra Vita" floral universal. "Peter Pete" seedling or flower for professionals. This soil contains all the necessary substances.

What can be done to stimulate further growth?

To improve the germination of seeds and obtain high-quality seedlings, the following drugs are used: “Kornevin”, “NV-101”, “Chlorella Suspension” biocomplex, “Epin Extra”, stimulants and fertilizers from the “Bona Forte” group give very good results.

CAREFULLY! Use strictly according to instructions.

Why don't the seeds germinate?

There may be several reasons:

  • expired planting material;
  • seeds are affected by clubroot or blackleg, rot, mold;
  • the soil is contaminated with clubroot or blackleg;
  • there are worms or other pests in the soil.

Solution: buy new seeds for growing and new plant soil from trusted suppliers. Re-sow.

Why are gillyflower seeds soaked?

Soaking helps the embryo hatch earlier. The outer seed coat swells even before sowing and the sprout grows faster.

How to harden gillyflower seedlings?

Seedlings are hardened when 2-3 true leaves appear. Place containers with seedlings in a greenhouse, greenhouse, or in a sunny, windless place for 2 - 3 hours during the week. Subsequently, the seedlings can be left in the greenhouse, covered overnight with insulating material - polyethylene, polycarbonate, non-woven covering material with a density of 90 g/m2 or more.

What to do if left-handed seedlings do not grow?

Levka is strongly affected by clubroot and blackleg. This is the main reason for the slow growth of seedlings. It is necessary to sow again, or buy seedlings if time is running out. When re-sowing, use new soil and new seeds purchased from trusted suppliers.

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