Caring for indoor plants: mistakes that are easy to avoid

Home floriculture is not only a fascinating process, but also a very troublesome hobby. Indoor plants need care, and regular care. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. What should those who have no experience, but have a desire to have at home not elongated, stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy indoor flowers that do not cause a feeling of guilt due to their fading? For beginners and flower growers who do not have much experience, I will tell you about the main mistakes in caring for indoor plants, which are easy to avoid, but the consequences of which can be very difficult to correct.

Mistakes in caring for indoor plants.

Caring for indoor plants: choosing the wrong plant

When choosing a houseplant, you need to try to find out as much as possible about it and evaluate your care capabilities, find out how suitable your room is for it? There are often people who may not water their flowers for months - they simply forgot. It would be great if they had no desire to purchase any plant. But no - they also want to decorate their interior with green pets.

Such people are categorically not recommended to buy decorative foliage and flowering plants; they cannot withstand the forgetfulness of their owners. One could recommend that they turn their attention to succulents and cacti, but the idea that they can not be watered for months is wrong. Yes, they can be watered less frequently than other plants, but they cannot be left unattended for a long time either.

A cactus near a computer monitor is a special case! Those lovers who put the poor plant in a dark corner, in the hope that it will save them from harmful radiation, hope in vain - it will not save them! A cactus is a living organism; it needs sunlight to live. Without this, he will simply die slowly.

Having decided on the choice of a specific plant, you need to evaluate the seedling:

  • Leaves should be clean and healthy, without dry edges, spots or specks. Even a small spot of plaque can be a sign of disease or the presence of pests.
  • The growth points of a healthy plant should be alive, and young leaves should indicate that the flower is growing.
  • If the chosen plant is a tree or shrub, then it is desirable that it has enough branches - the decorative effect should not be impaired.
  • Flowering plants prefer to have buds - the more of them, the longer they will bloom.
  • The soil in the pot should not be too dry or green, and there should be no roots sticking out of the drainage holes.

When buying a flower in a store, it is not always possible to choose an absolutely healthy specimen. This is especially true for flowers that go on sale. Some plants look absolutely deplorable, but the price is quite affordable. You can also buy such copies, but you need to be ready to provide him with the necessary help.

For one plant, immediate resuscitation will be required, while for another it is enough to be in suitable conditions. Therefore, if you have no experience in floriculture, and no desire to study this topic in depth, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Plants that should not be grown in a child's room

The appearance of some plants can cause fear in a child

In addition to useful plants, there are many other decorative and beautifully flowering indoor flowers that are prohibited from growing in rooms where children are present. And they are considered prohibited due to their dangerous substances found in the foliage of the potted flowers themselves. By breaking off a leaf of such a plant and chewing it, you can get poisoning or an unwanted allergic reaction that will appear on the child’s skin in the form of rashes.

Poisonous plants

All kids love to learn new things, they are interested in: what, how and why. Some plant leaves contain poisonous sap, which can cause serious poisoning and allergic reactions.

List of poisonous plants:

  • nightshade - after flowering, huge, attractive berries are formed in place of the bolls, which are poisonous to humans
  • alocasia – the leaves contain hydrocyanic acid and alkaloids
  • oleander is a beautifully flowering plant characterized by the fact that all vegetative parts contain juice that is poisonous to humans

The above plants are not recommended to be grown in children's premises, as well as:


Bush and tall species of Dieffenbachia cannot be grown not only in nurseries, but also in preschool educational institutions

Dieffenbachia is considered the most poisonous indoor flower, since the juice of the leaves is very poisonous. In ancient times, slaves were forced to chew Dieffenbachia leaves in order to make their voices disappear and they could not say anything.

The poisonous juice gets on the skin and causes a severe burning sensation. And if the child also rubs his eyes with his hand, it will be impossible to do without medical help.

Plants that can injure children

If tall species of sansevieria are prohibited for cultivation in children's rooms and in children's institutions, it is recommended to pay attention to low-growing varieties, for example, the sansevieria variety Honey

Many people like the inhabitants of dry areas - cacti and succulents. If for an adult these are wonderful plants that do not require close care, then for children they can cause great harm, since they have sharp thorns.

In addition to cacti, you should be careful when growing plants with long leaves, such as sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue. This is undoubtedly a useful plant, but long leaves can play a cruel joke. The fact is that a child, crawling around the house, can stand on his feet and reach a plant standing on the table, pull a beautiful long leaf and throw a large pot onto himself from the table. To avoid injury, you should not grow the plant in your baby’s room, especially since the leaf is very sharp and can cause injury.

Plants that cause fear

Sundew is a “scary” plant for children. God forbid a child sees it swallowing an insect. The baby will have an insurmountable fear that someday this plant will bite him too.

It's no secret that childhood is a time of all sorts of imagination and imagination. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when choosing plants. You can buy a completely harmless plant that only brings health benefits, but it will have intricate foliage that can frighten a child.

It is not recommended to buy tall palm trees and vines for the children's room. These include: monstera, dracaena, scindapsus, philodendron. The named flowers, after they grow, on a sunny day can cast terrible shadows in which children can see, thanks to their imagination, terrible monsters and monsters.

Plants that cause allergies

It is believed that hydrangea with exotic flower colors can cause allergies. However, before throwing this flower away, you need to check whether this is actually the case. After all, not all people have a plant that can cause a similar reaction.

Indoor potted flowers that cause irritation to the mucous membranes and skin:

  • hydrangea
  • azalea
  • pelargonium

Having named the list of plants prohibited for cultivation due to the fact that they cause allergic reactions, it is necessary to make a reservation that these plants are beneficial to health, therefore, before throwing them aside, it is recommended to check whether you are allergic to them or not. If there are no signs, the plants can be grown.

But azalea is considered a poisonous plant, the juice of which can cause severe allergies. Therefore the flower is not recommended.

The world of flowers is a wonderful world that not only helps to purify the air and improve the atmosphere at home, thanks to the beauty and variety of potted flowers, you can introduce a child to the world of beauty, show how plants live, grow and reproduce, and teach a child to work. By caring for plants, kids acquire the skills of responsibility for all life on Earth. They learn that everything needs care and that only work and perseverance will help preserve the beauty of the living world.

Mistakes in caring for indoor plants: inappropriate lighting

When choosing a houseplant, you need to immediately think about where it will stand and whether there is sufficient lighting in this place. That’s why you need to find out as much as possible about the plant – is it shade-tolerant or does it need bright sunlight? Most flowering plants need sun and if your windows face north, they will not bloom there.

Sometimes you see a flower standing in a dark corner in a spacious or not so spacious hallway. To the question “how does it grow here, are there no windows?” They answer: “This is a shade-tolerant plant.” So, no shade-tolerant plant can withstand the complete absence of light for a long time.

Those with southern windows can afford to grow both light-loving and shade-tolerant plants, because even in a sunny room there is a “shady” corner. It’s a little more difficult for everyone else, but there is a great way out - to master decorative foliage plants.

Aglaonema, scindapsus, philodendron, syngonium, all kinds of ferns do without bright sunlight and are distinguished by beautiful, gracefully shaped leaves, sometimes with very original patterns. They will not amaze you with lush flowering, but they will be beautiful not at certain times, but all year round, and, as a rule, they are easier to care for.

When choosing a houseplant, you need to immediately think about where it will stand and whether there is sufficient lighting in this place.

Growing plants with children

There is a very exciting activity with children - growing plants together. Our offer is almost impossible to refuse, because it will help you with your children...

1) have a great time; 2) learn a lot of new things from the field of botany; 3) develop observation, ability to analyze and plan; 4) develop patience and the ability to “be responsible for those you have tamed.”

So here we go.

  • Sow balsam seeds
  • Propagate from leaf cuttings
  • Sprout begonia from tubers
  • Root Cyperus
  • Plant a hippeastrum bulb
  • Plant mushrooms
  • Grow microgreens together for the table
  • Sprout cones and nuts

Sow balsam seeds >>>

Once upon a time it embodied the idea of ​​bourgeois comfort... Modern varieties of balsam are very diverse. You can grow plants of different colors, including those with double flowers. Balsam seeds germinate easily, requiring no pre-sowing treatment. Impatiens bloom already in the third or fourth month after sowing. “Extra” specimens are perfect for decorating a flower bed at the entrance, balcony or garden. In addition, “Vanka-wet” is an excellent model for studying plant physiology.

In the photo: New Guinea hybrid balsam

  • Its stems always stretch upward. You can lay the pot on its side, and even turn it upside down (covering the soil with something to prevent it from spilling out), and then watch how the stubborn stems bend, taking a natural position.
  • Using his example it is convenient to study the structure of a flower.
  • If you pollinate several flowers, seeds will set and seed pods will ripen, “shooting” seeds when you touch them. Actually, this is why botanists called the species “impatiens” - Impatiens. It will be difficult to pollinate double flowers, but with simple flowers you and your child can easily find stamens and pistils. For pollination, pollen from a flower of one plant to a flower of another can be transferred with a soft, clean brush.
  • If you cut two cuttings and place one in regular water and the other in tinted water, you will clearly see how the water rises up the succulent stem, staining the cells. By the way, if you make a thin enough section of the stem, the structure of the cells will be visible even without a microscope, in the light. Especially if you arm yourself with a magnifying glass.
  • On the “stump” left after cutting a cutting from a plant, you can put a tube from a dropper and place a glass under it - juice will drip there, clearly showing how water is absorbed by the roots from the soil and distributed throughout the plant.

Here's how much you can do with regular balsam, if you're interested. Or you don’t have to do any of this - just enjoy with your child the lush flowering of a plant grown “with your own hands.”

How to grow balsam - read here >>>>>>>>>

Propagate from leaf cuttings

Plant a Saintpaulia leaf and watch the babies appear. It is even more interesting to propagate steptocarpus or begonia rex from leaf cuttings. If a streptocarpus leaf is cut along the central vein and planted this way (this is called the “toaster method”), “babies” will appear along the entire length of the cut.

The begonia leaf provides even more space for cuttings. Take a closer look at it. If you make cuts in the places where two veins meet, and then put the leaf in a bowl, lightly pressing it to the ground, new tiny begonias will emerge from each cut over time. If new plants are carefully separated for transplantation into a separate pot so as not to damage the leaf, then such a cutting can live for about a year, producing new children.

In the photo: Propagation of begonia by leaf cuttings

For a detailed master class on propagating begonias using leaf cuttings, see here >>>>

It is also interesting to cut individual triangular pieces from a leaf and root them separately. Each such fragment must have a branching vein in the middle.

At first, the pot in which the leaf cutting (or a fragment of a leaf plate) is planted will need to be covered with a jar or bag to ensure high humidity.

Sprout begonia from tubers

Showing children how sprouts and then leaves emerge from a dark brown lump without any signs of life is a great way to introduce them to the vast world of beautiful tuberous plants.

In the photo: Planting a sprouted begonia tuber

By the way, at the same time you can ask them a question: where, in their opinion, should the sprout appear, and where are the roots? (Our hint is that the sprout will appear in the hole, in the concave part).

To learn how to germinate begonia, see our detailed master class >>>>>

Root Cyperus >>>

Cyperus rosettes are rooted upside down! This ancient source of “royal paper” - papyrus - has interesting characteristics not only of reproduction, but also of growth. Once it takes root upside down, it will be fun to watch and care for.

In the photo: An adult specimen of Cyperus (Svetlana Makhovskaya /

Plant a hippeastrum bulb...>>>

The selling season for bulbs fully prepared for flowering is October-February. When you buy such a bulb, all you have to do is plant it and water it. A peduncle with delightful flowers develops within two to three weeks, depending on the condition of the bulb and the conditions available. This allows you to “predict” flowering for some holiday (New Year, March 8, Birthday). After all, a self-grown flower instead of an ordinary bouquet is impressive! However, in order for the gift to ripen on time, you will have to read about the conditions necessary for the plant and do the math. And also adhere to the pre-calculated schedule exactly. If your child is interested in botany, biology or geography, you can study with him the area of ​​origin of hippeastrum (the Amazon River basin), its structure and vegetation cycle. Hippeastrums are classified as geophytes - plants that survive unfavorable periods in the soil in the form of bulbs. From geophytes, if desired, you can move on to epiphytes, lithophytes, petrophytes... Children rarely remain indifferent to the unusual ways in which plants survive in the environment.

In the photo: Bulb and flower of hippeastrum

Plant mushrooms

The greatest delight in a child, without a doubt, will be caused by planting the mycelium of bisporus champignon. This has been verified by the author from personal experience.

In the photo: Champignon bisporus

The mycelium was sold in a colored bag, like ordinary flower and vegetable seeds. Inside was a handful of white grains: fungal mycelium on barley. They do not need light; they germinate for about a month at temperatures from 10 to 22ºС, the optimal temperature is 14-18ºС. The lower, the longer the wait for results. The main thing is to monitor the humidity of the substrate. We put the box in the hallway, in the closet, where our bicycles usually spend the winter at about 16ºC. For the past three weeks, the children have proudly shown each guest the only grown mushroom! Before dying of old age (after all, of course, no one allowed us to cut down a pet), our mushroom reached the size of a portobello. Now the children are looking for an answer to the question of why only one mushroom has grown.

Read about what champignons like and how to grow them here >>>>>

Grow microgreens together for the table

There is nothing easier than germinating the seeds of edible crops and getting such fashionable and healthy microgreens. The only thing you need is at least some kind of moisture-retaining medium: a cotton pad, a paper towel, a hydrogel, and actually the water itself, which you don’t forget to regularly add to the container.

In the photo: Microgreens grown from seeds are healthy and tasty

You can use absolutely any seeds, as long as they are not processed in any way. The best thing about this kind of entertainment is guaranteed and quick success - the first portion of green sprouts can be cut in almost a week.

Read all about growing microgreens here >>>>>>>>

Sprout cones and nuts

Have you noticed that children are inexorably drawn to collecting: they collect chestnuts in bags and for no apparent purpose, they like to pack a bag or two with various cones or acorns? You can grow a tree from nuts! Grow a pine tree from a cone too! Try, make mistakes, make new and new attempts - in the spring, after natural stratification, the chance of success is very high.

Read how to grow a pine tree from a cone here >>>>>>>>>

Mistakes in caring for indoor plants: incorrect temperature conditions

Most indoor plants easily adapt to normal indoor conditions, but if the room temperature is higher or lower than acceptable limits, then this problem will have to be solved. And here it is also necessary to know what a particular flower needs and under what conditions it grows in nature.

If the air temperature in the room is below normal, the plant's leaves may curl, turn black and fall off. When the temperature is too high, the lower leaves, flowers and buds fall off, and the shoots stretch, giving the plant an untidy appearance. With sudden changes in temperature, many plants' leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Especially often, indoor plants that are not properly cared for suffer in winter, when dry hot air comes from the radiators and it is cold on the windowsill. In this case, it is necessary to insulate the pots - place wooden or foam boards under them and insulate the window sill. It is better to cover the battery with a blanket or come up with another way to protect the flowers from the hot air. If possible, it is better to move the plants to another location.

Mistakes in caring for indoor plants: insufficient humidity

Many novice gardeners make a serious mistake, believing that if a plant likes high humidity, it needs to be watered more often. This misconception is the main reason for the death of many indoor plants.

Plants, especially tropical ones, need sufficient air humidity, and in our rooms, as a rule, it is below normal. Watering the soil in a pot practically does not change the air humidity, but the soil can become acidic.

In this case, the plant will stop growing, its lower leaves will begin to fall off, and its entire appearance will cause pity. Such a flower can only be saved by an urgent transplant with a complete replacement of the soil. In this case, the root system must be washed in clean water and do not forget to wash the pot itself and the drainage if it is intended to be reused.

You can increase the humidity by simply spraying from a spray bottle, but for this you need to take settled water at room temperature. Flowers with pubescent leaves - violet, cyanotis, ginura, koleria and many others, as a rule, do not like moisture on the surface of the leaf plate, so such plants cannot be sprayed.

We are also not happy about water getting on the inflorescences and some flowering plants. In this case, the pots are placed in flowerpots with water. Pebbles or decorative crushed stone are poured into the bottom of the flowerpots, on which containers with flowers are placed. The bottom of the pot should not be in water - this is important.

You can also increase the humidity in the room using a humidifier - there are many offers of such devices today, and their prices are quite affordable.

Watering the soil of a houseplant does not provide air humidity.

Plants for landscaping and decoration

When choosing plants for a children's room and preschool institutions, first of all you should pay attention to their phytoncidal properties. Such plants are capable of producing biologically active substances that help fight harmful microorganisms and suppress their development.

Plants decorate and benefit

As a result of research, it has been proven that in rooms with plants with phytoncidal properties located in them, there are 50% fewer pathogenic organisms than in similar rooms without flowers.

With the right selection of indoor plants, you can restore the body's defenses and increase immunity in half an hour.


Aspidistra An unpretentious plant that does not have a dormant period. Lithuania plants are very beautiful and large. Depending on the species, the elongated leaf blades can be painted pure green or may have blotches of a darker tone scattered over the entire surface.

To obtain new specimens, it is necessary to divide the bush of the mother plant. This method is quite simple and does not require any effort. Planted plants quickly adapt to a new location and quickly begin to grow. It is better to propagate in early spring, when the aspidistra begins its period of active growth. A small section with its own root system and several leaves is separated from the mother plant. At first, the potted plant is kept in a warm, humid room.

Aspidistra with green leaves is unpretentious to light levels, soil composition and soil moisture. The variegated plant is more capricious.

It is advisable to grow the variegated form of aspidistra in a well-lit place, since due to insufficient light the pattern on the foliage may disappear!


Geranium A beautifully flowering and strong-smelling plant, it is in second place, after Chlorophytum crested, in terms of the presence of beneficial properties that have a phytoncidal effect.

The plant is considered a very powerful air purifier, enriching it with oxygen.

Geranium leaves are used by traditional healers as a remedy for the treatment of colds and runny nose.

However, the strong smell emanating from geranium foliage can cause an allergic reaction in many, so the plant must be grown with caution. Before breeding in a nursery, you need to make sure that the child is not allergic to it.


Hibiscus An ornamental evergreen plant has recently gained universal popularity due to its gorgeous flowering, even though the flowers on hibiscus last for exactly a day.

The leaf blades are dark green. A common variety in indoor floriculture blooms with red flowers. Thanks to breeding work, many varieties with different flower colors have been developed: yellow, white, orange. There are even specimens with two-color flowers.

When fully bloomed, the flowers look like roses. The plant likes frequent watering and fertilization.

Due to its large size, it is recommended to curb the growth of hibiscus by pruning. However, you need to do this carefully, because every time you shorten the branches of a plant, you can lose its flowering.

For propagation, slightly lignified cuttings are used, which easily take root both in water and immediately in the ground.


Hippeastrum An ideal plant for children's rooms and preschools. The vegetative part of the hippeastrum releases substances into the air that have a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses.

Like no other plant, hippeastrum contains alkaloids - useful substances and compounds that have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Recommended for the owner of the room who tosses and turns for a long time and cannot sleep. Heppeastrum acts on a subconscious level and improves children's sleep. Recommended for hyperactive children.

Fragrant herbs

Fragrant herbs Together with overly active and restless children, it is necessary to grow fragrant herbs. Many pediatricians advise placing a small flowerpot with peppermint, lavender and lemon balm in the room. This composition can be confidently called a living analogue of an aroma lamp.

And when the kids grow up, they can independently pinch off a couple of leaves of healthy fragrant herbs from their garden and add them to tea.

It is necessary to give the child complete independence in caring for his impromptu garden.

A composition of fragrant herbs will fill the air with soothing aromas, create a warm, relaxing atmosphere and cleanse the air of harmful impurities.

And herbs reproduce very easily - by seeds. You can rejuvenate the bushes and plant new plants from time to time.


Kalanchoe This is a plant that must be grown in a nursery or in a house where children's voices are heard.

Kalanchoe has powerful phytoncidal properties. By growing a plant on the windowsill, you provide yourself and your family with the necessary medicines that are harmless to the body and have an effective effect on colds and respiratory diseases.

Rubbing a Kalanchoe leaf can cure a runny nose in a matter of days, which cannot be said about the effect of medications that may not achieve the desired effect.

Arabian coffee

Arabian coffee Under natural conditions, the plant reaches 8-10 m in height. Cultivated species cannot please with such rapid growth, but this is not the most important thing, because when grown at home, not every owner will be able to provide it with so much space.

The bark of the small tree is covered with light green, slightly gray bark. Opposite leaves are located on drooping, flexible branches. The leaf blades are attached to the branches by short petioles.

Green coffee leaves purify the air and enrich it with beneficial substances.


Laurel Laurel is a small shrub whose branches are densely covered with dark green foliage. When rubbed, the shiny foliage thins out its unique aroma. Flowering is long lasting. It blooms with small flowers with yellow petals.

Under natural conditions it can be found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The indoor form of laurel reaches a height of 2 m, and in natural growing conditions the tree grows 6 m in height.

Laurel must be grown, as the foliage releases beneficial substances that destroy bacteria.

In addition, the unusual tree has many other advantages. The substances included in the composition and released into the air have a detrimental effect on the tuberculosis bacillus.

The leaves help treat sore throats and inflammation in the mouth, so it’s not even a sin if a child picks a leaf from a tree and chews it a little. This will not affect the baby's health in any way.

In spring and summer, it is preferable to grow laurel on a balcony or terrace. It is advisable to provide him with a flow of fresh air. And laurel propagates very easily - by cuttings.

Lemon tree or citrus garden

Lemon tree or citrus garden You definitely need to plant some kind of citrus tree. And it doesn’t matter whether this tree is a lemon, a tangerine or an orange, the important thing is that it is very useful for children.

Each of the citrus trees contains essential oil, which has bactericidal properties.

And how beautiful the plant is during flowering! In addition, during flowering, the lemon tree thins out such a wonderful aroma and releases substances into the air that have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Therefore, growing citrus trees is recommended in a nursery owned by an overly impulsive and irritable child. Citrus trees help solve the problem of insomnia.

Many parents are dejected that there is a non-flowering tree growing in the room. There's nothing wrong with that. Not only the fruits and flowers of exotic plants emit beneficial substances; the leaves of the plant are also endowed with similar properties.

If at the moment you want to enjoy the aroma of citrus trees, it is recommended to rub a leaf in your hands and feel this captivating aroma.


Myrtle During flowering, myrtle is covered with numerous snow-white flowers. Its flowering has a calming effect on a person and calms the nervous system. That is why it is recommended to grow myrtle in children's institutions.

The aroma of myrtle can relieve daytime fatigue and help the body recover from stressful situations. It is useful for schoolchildren because it relieves fatigue and stress received during classes.

For very restless children and children suffering from insomnia, myrtle helps improve sleep.

Myrtle aroma relieves severe anxiety, has a relaxing effect, and relieves excessive excitement. It helps insecure children (and adults) to get on their feet and feel confident in their abilities.


Fern Fern is an evergreen plant with interesting leaves, not even leaves, as we usually call them, but with branches with shoots.

It is recommended to grow ferns in those houses whose owners would like to feel more confident in their abilities.

The plant helps protect against stress. By growing a fern, it will help you not waste your time; it will help you plan your day in such a way as to spend it profitably, leaving time for rest.

Necessary for those who are unable to decide what is most important to them. Fern helps to prioritize and highlight the main things, placing emphasis on them.

Chlorophytum crested

Chlorophytum crested The plant is widespread and is found in almost every gardener's home, educational institutions, and kindergartens. Chlorophytum crested is an unpretentious plant that can purify the air 100%. It is used as a natural filter.

Green or green-white elongated leaves of chlorophytum can cleanse the room of harmful impurities. They have an effect on pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Scientists have found that in children's rooms where chlorophytums are grown, children are much less likely to get colds and flu.


Chrysanthemum A beautiful flowering plant is a necessary element of children's room decor. The plant not only disinfects the air, but also filters air flows well, freeing them from dust and impurities.

It is recommended to grow plants in every home or garden plot, as it is believed that chrysanthemum growing in the house protects the owner from the evil eye.

Usambara violet

Usambara violet

Uzambara violet A lot can be said about violets. Uzambara violet is the queen among all indoor flowers. Thanks to such high popularity and demand, a huge number of varieties have been bred that delight the eye not only with variegated, multi-colored foliage, but also with huge, simple, double flowers. There are also chimera violets.

If the space is limited, you can collect a large collection of mini-violets. If it is not possible to grow plants, you can buy hanging varieties and grow them in a small hanging pot. Anyone who once has a violet in their home will subsequently not be able to refuse to purchase more and more new varieties.

Violet has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms and gives peace. The warm tones of flowers soothe, give a positive mood, and cleanse the air of various negativity and dust. Looking at a bouquet of gorgeous flowers, you can admire them for hours.


Ficus This plant was one of the first to be studied by botanists for the effect it has on the atmosphere of the house and human health. During the research, it turned out that the beneficial substances released by the plant into the air purify it of harmful impurities, for example, phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, and trichlorethylene.

Ficus leaves contain enzymes that saturate the air with oxygen. Thanks to them, absorbed harmful substances are converted into amino acids and sugar.


Cyclamen Plant of creative people. It is recommended to place it in a room with an older child, as cyclamen can awaken hidden creative talents in a child.

The plant helps to find a common language and has a unifying effect, therefore it is recommended for growing in kindergartens and in groups of children.

In addition, children's institutions practice planting chlorophytum curica and cyclamen - two plants that are grown in tandem. As a result of decorating a room with these flowers, the air in the room is noticeably purified and children's creative abilities are revealed, which can be revealed in the process of collective work.

Whatever plants parents choose to decorate the children's room, you must first find out their beneficial properties that they have on children and think about how this or that plant will be useful for the child. In children's institutions, it is recommended to grow plants that are considered safe for children and are approved for growing in institutions.

Mistakes in caring for indoor plants: lack of rest period

A period of rest is necessary for any plant, and everyone has it, but in one flower it is clearly pronounced, while in another it is barely noticeable. At this time, plants rest from rapid growth and flowering, on which the entire reserve was spent, and accumulate strength for a new period of growing season and flowering.

As a rule, our indoor ones rest in the autumn-winter period, and here each specimen has its own requirements for resting conditions. In some, such as amaryllis or gloxinia, the entire green part dies off and the pot with the tuber is put away in a dark, cool place for the winter, while others, and these are the majority, need only a slight decrease in temperature and reduced watering.

It is necessary to water the plants at this time, but do it less often and not as abundantly as during growth. No fertilizing or fertilizer is applied during the dormant period - this is a general rule for all indoor plants.

To ensure the correct rest period for your plant, you need to know where it comes from, because the inhabitants of the tropics, subtropics, deserts and semi-deserts spend their “hibernation” differently.

In the spring, when the day begins to slowly arrive, the plants gradually wake up and emerge from the dormant period. You also need to gradually increase watering, and from March-April you can start fertilizing.

Conditions of detention

In order for indoor plants to grow and develop better, it is necessary to provide them with the proper conditions:

Compliance with location and lighting conditions. Many indoor plants bloom better if they have adequate lighting. It should be more than 12 hours a day. Plants need additional lighting in the autumn-winter period. Otherwise, indoor crops slow down their growth, their appearance deteriorates, the immune system weakens, and they begin to get sick.

Plants grow better at 16-22 degrees Celsius. There are certain crops that feel normal if the temperature exceeds 15 degrees.

In room conditions, the plants should be provided with proper humidity. In dry air they lose their attractiveness.

You should choose the right soil for indoor flowers. It should be nutritious, fairly dense and at the same time loose. Otherwise, the crop will dangle, the roots will cling to the walls, giving false shoots.

Water the seedlings regularly. In drought conditions, the procedure is done every day. In this case, settled water at room temperature is used. In winter, indoor flowers should be watered sparingly. Usually the procedure is done once every 3-5 days.

Secrets of pruning and shaping. They do the procedure carefully. Otherwise, the crops will suffer. Special tools are used for pruning.

The soil should also be loosened regularly. Otherwise, the soil will become dense, air bubbles will not penetrate into it, moisture will stagnate, which contributes to the development of diseases and rotting of the root system. Loosening is done carefully, trying not to damage the roots, which are often located near the surface.

Caring for indoor plants: mistakes when replanting plants

Beginning gardeners often make one serious mistake when replanting plants. We are talking about the size of the pot. Logically reasoning: “my flower, when it grows up, will be a big plant, I’ll plant it in a big pot so that there is room for the roots,” the unlucky lover practically kills his flower.

The fact is that if the root system is small, then the plant will need some time for the roots to entwine the earthen ball. If this takes a long time, the soil in the pot may turn sour, the flower will stop growing and ultimately die.

What indoor plants are grown from seeds: (read more)

Therefore, it is important to adhere to this rule: replant young plants every spring, increasing the diameter of the pot by 1-2 cm. If the container is larger than required, then you need to add more drainage to the bottom. Not all adult plants need annual replanting; for many, it is enough to simply replace the top layer of soil with a new one.

Some flowers, such as orchids, do not like unnecessary intervention and are replanted only when necessary, when there are problems with the roots or when the plant grows out of the pot.

In order for the transplant to be successful, you need to choose the right soil. In gardening stores today there is a large assortment of all kinds of soil mixtures and you can easily choose what a particular plant needs.

Drainage must be required, and it does not matter whether it is expanded clay, crushed brick or walnut shells, the main thing is that the drainage layer should be 1/5 of the height of the container.

What else I would like to pay attention to is the drainage holes. This is very important for proper care of your indoor plant! Usually flower pots are sold with pre-made holes, but often they are too small. It should be taken into account that the plant will have to spend a year in the container, and during this time the small holes will most likely become clogged with soil and water deposits and will no longer allow water to pass through. Therefore, having bought a pot, we enlarge the holes and add, if necessary, ourselves.

Transplantation is stressful, so the transplanted plant is not fertilized for 2-3 weeks, is not exposed to drafts and is not exposed to direct rays of the sun.

Young plants need to be replanted every spring, increasing the diameter of the pot by 1-2 cm.

Houseplants Video

Vera Lupyr

Houseplants Video


Environmental education is the education of morality, spirituality, and intelligence.

It is in preschool age that mastering the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since children perceive nature very emotionally and need to start from the very young. The influence of nature on a child is enormous: it greets children with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, secrets and riddles that force them to stop, take a closer look, and think.

2016-2017 academic year.

I work with children 4 years of age. Problem: how to bring children closer to the world of beauty, to the world of nature, how to help them see the beauty of their surroundings , to understand that nature must be preserved and protected.

Chance helped. I brought a geranium shoot to the group. I showed it to the children, they looked at it with interest, they wanted to know what it was for, what it was for, and what would come of it. Answering the children's questions, I realized that they were interested in this.

I talked with my parents about creating a corner of nature, having received approval and consent, I set a goal for myself and my parents.

Goal: to develop in children a humane attitude towards nature, to realize through studying the life of indoor plants .

The first step was to find out what children know about indoor plants .

Conducted monitoring:

Do children know indoor plants : ficus, geranium, violet, balsam?

How to care for indoor plants ?

What is necessary for indoor plants ?

I found out that knowledge on these issues is very small, and I set myself the following tasks:

Create a corner of nature in which indoor plants should be age-appropriate for children .

Teach children to see the beauty of various indoor plants , name them, talk about them.

Accustom children to participate in activities within their power to care for indoor plants , admire them, and take care of them.

Form a system of environmental knowledge and ideas (intellectual development)


The next stage of my work is drawing up a work plan on the topic.

When drawing up the plan, I took into account the following principles: consistency, visibility, accessibility, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

I consider the creation of a subject-development environment to be an important point in working on the topic. The group has created a nature corner with selected plants for children of this age . I made a passport for a corner of nature with photographs of plants (ficus, violets, geranium, impatiens, amaryllis, chlorophytum, sansevieria, there is an aquarium.

A variety of materials for experimental activities, didactic games, and natural materials were selected.

Throughout the school year, I systematically conducted conversations, observations, classes, research with children and parents according to plan, used riddles, poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs, read fairy tales and stories about indoor plants .

Working in a corner of nature has great educational value. Children develop a caring, caring attitude towards nature. Preschoolers learn to see what conditions are needed for this or that plant , learn to practically perform labor actions, and master the tools of labor for the first time. My communication, as a teacher, comes down to a friendly explanation, clear demonstration, and help in every case when a child finds it difficult. And be sure, when communicating, I must find an opportunity to praise the child, and more than once: at the beginning - praise instills confidence in the child, in the middle - it is praise-support, at the end - as a result of a good deed that the child has done. Such pedagogical communication increases children’s environmental awareness.

The content of observations of plants in a corner of nature consists of the following components:

1. Consideration of the external structural features of plants .

2. Identification of the dependence of the state of the plant on the presence or absence of necessary conditions (including those created by human labor)


In the younger group, plants that are interesting for children to observe are profusely flowering , showy plants with brightly colored, relatively large leaves. For example: ficus, geranium, aspidistra, balsam, clivia. How we make observations. I gather the children and concentrate their attention (for example: “What do the flowers talk about”


I offer to look at the plant and ask questions . After each question there should be a pause of 2 - 3 seconds. Seconds of silence and silence are the main point in observation: they allow children to concentrate in finding the answer to the question. Having waited for the statements of the majority of children: I confirm the correct information, I praise those who found the correct answers.

Completion of observations should be emotional so that children are in a good mood after it. It is at the end of the observation that we read poems, ask riddles - and all this is about the observation.

A large role in consolidating knowledge about indoor plants is played by a variety of didactic games, during which children learn the names of plants and their structure.

Sequence of organizing games:

1. "Find the same one"

- finding
plants by similarity .
2. “Find by description”


3. "Find by name"


4. "What's missing"


5. "Render a guess - we will guess"


Parents actively helped in the work. They supported all our endeavors: they purchased flower pots, tools for caring for plants , the whole group looked for a balsam shoot, and most importantly, they were interested in the questions “What did the child learn new on the topic?”

At home, we looked after our indoor plants with our children, taught them poems and nursery rhymes, read fairy tales and stories about flowers.
During the period of working with children, I replenished the collection of didactic games on indoor plants , made a passport for the corner of indoor plants for children of the 2nd junior group and a presentation - Indoor plants are our friends

, album
“We and
indoor plants , cards with the name and purpose of the activity with children and parents on the topic.

Conducted the final lesson and monitoring. As a result of my work, children recognize flowers, name them (ficus, geranium, balsam, violet, chlorophytum, name parts of plants , together with me they care for flowers, admire them, read poetry.

Job prospects: continue to introduce children to new indoor plants , care for them, love and take care of them.

Mistakes in caring for indoor plants: diseases and pests

Despite the fact that indoor plants usually grow indoors, they, like their outdoor counterparts, can be affected by various diseases and pests. To avoid serious problems, and ultimately to avoid losing a flower, you need to regularly inspect the leaves, flowers and soil in the pot.

Often the appearance of problems is visible to the naked eye - dots and holes on the leaves, plaque in the form of rusty spots or mold, a lethargic appearance of the plant. If they are detected, you should try to find out the cause and immediately take corrective measures. If there are other flowers near the affected plant, the patient must be urgently isolated.

Some indoor plants are affected by fungal diseases - powdery mildew, late blight, gray rot and some others. The disease manifests itself with the appearance of plaque in the form of spots on the leaves. If this problem is detected, you need to spray the plant with a fungicide. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chance of saving the flower. If it is neglected, you have to cut off the above-ground part, or even say goodbye to the plant altogether.

In addition to fungal diseases, indoor plants are threatened by viral and bacterial diseases. They all have their own symptoms, but not all of them can be cured. Sometimes, sadly, a plant has to be removed so as not to endanger the rest.

The most likely insect pests are aphids, whiteflies, scale insects, spider mites and scale insects. Conventional insecticides are used to combat parasites, but to prevent their spread, healthy plants are also sprayed for prevention.

Most often, insects settle on the underside of the leaf, so when inspecting plants you need to examine leaves on both sides.

On a note! Don't let the problems of caring for indoor plants described above scare you! Growing indoor plants is not difficult at all if you are ready for it. The main thing is to choose a suitable flower, give it everything it needs, watch its development, cope with problems in time and... while admiring it, rejoice.

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