10 useful life hacks to make flowers last longer in a vase

You always want to keep a bouquet presented in honor of some significant event for as long as possible, so that it reminds you that someone cares about you and fills the room with fragrance and beauty. Many people have probably heard that you need to add Aspirin for roses to water. This way they can be preserved longer. True, in addition to adding Aspirin to the water, other recommendations must be followed.

Roses can be called royal flowers; they will be a wonderful decoration for any interior, and, of course, the best gift for the woman you love.

Before adding Aspirin to roses to make them last longer, you need to take into account all the nuances, namely:

  • proper pruning of stems;
  • water quality;
  • the material from which the vase is made and its size;
  • the place where the bouquet will stand.

Stems should always be cut at an angle. This not only increases the area through which the rose absorbs moisture, but also prevents “clogging” of the plant’s capillaries due to the contact of the horizontal cut with the bottom of the vessel. The stems should be trimmed under water to prevent air from getting into them. This increases the lifespan of the flower in the vessel.

Water quality

How long the roses will stay in the vase directly depends on the quality of the water. Aspirin can improve it, but will not guarantee complete cleansing of impurities. If it is not possible to use distilled water and only tap water is available, it should first be left for at least three hours or filtered, and only then can Aspirin be added to the water for roses.

To make flowers look beautiful and feel good, you need to choose a suitable vessel for them. The size of the vase is selected according to the size of the bouquet. Roses should not be buried up to their buds in it, or, conversely, droop. The optimal vase would be one that would hide 2/3 of the flowers, leaving the most beautiful part of the bouquet visible. It is recommended to carefully cut off all lower leaves, saving only those that will not be hidden under water.

Plastic or metal containers are not suitable for storing bouquets. They can release harmful substances into the water, including from Aspirin (after all, it is an acid). Glass or ceramic vases are ideal for a bouquet of roses.

Preparing flowers and water

The bouquet was presented. Now it is important to understand how to save it. There are ten general tips on what to do to make flowers last longer in a vase.

  1. Leaves. You need to remove all the leaves from the stem to such a height that they will definitely not be submerged in water. There are a lot of bacteria on the leaves, which begin to actively multiply in the liquid - the water quickly goes rotten. It is recommended to remove thorns from roses.
  2. Stamens. It is better to remove them. This way the plant will remain “vigorous” longer. Nature dictates that after pollination the inflorescence fades - the plant no longer needs it. If the stamens are removed, fertilization does not occur and the flower does not wither.
  3. Package. Don't take it off right away. The temperature inside the bouquet should naturally equalize with the ambient temperature. Flowers do not tolerate sudden changes in “climate”.
  4. Slice During your stay outside the water, air has penetrated into the pores, and this “plug” prevents water from being absorbed. Cut the stem by 2-3 cm, or better yet, by 5-7 cm. This should be done directly under water so that air does not clog into the pores again. It is better to cut with pruning shears at an angle of 45°. Scissors will not work - the capillaries will “crumple” and will not allow water to pass through.
  5. Vase. You need to remove bacteria - wash the vase with soda or vinegar. This way there will be less risk that the water will rot.
  6. Water. It is not recommended to pour water from the tap - there is a lot of chlorine and other impurities. Better settled or filtered.
  7. Place. Direct rays of the sun should not fall on the bouquet, but there should be a lot of diffused light. Pay attention to drafts - they should be avoided.
  8. Temperature. The room should not be too hot. At night it is better to take the bouquet to a cool place, for example, on a glazed balcony. Do not place the vase next to radiators or heaters.
  9. Spraying. When the flowers are prepared and the bouquet is placed in a suitable place, do not forget to spray it with cool water.
  10. Fruits. Avoid the proximity of a bouquet and a bowl of fruit. The fruits emit ethylene gas, which has a detrimental effect on the flowers.

According to reviews, disinfection of stems is quite effective in preserving the freshness of water. Place the flowers in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for about an hour and then place them in a vase. Potassium permanganate is replaced with five drops of boric acid or ammonia per liter of water.

Changing the water and updating the cut should be done daily. Wash the vase too. Spray several times a day depending on the time of year and the level of humidity in the room. The exception is orchids. Spray only the stems, as dark spots may appear on the leaves. Constantly remove rotten leaves, dried petals and wilted inflorescences.

How much Aspirin do you need?

Before adding Aspirin to water, it is better to crush it. This way it will dissolve faster. You can grind Aspirin with a rolling pin or in a special mortar. You will need approximately 2-3 standard tablets of acetylsalicylic acid per liter of liquid . First you need to make sure that the Aspirin is completely dissolved in the water, and only then can you put the roses in it. Acetylsalicylic acid disinfects water, preventing rotting processes. Aspirin, as it were, preserves the flower, prolonging its life. As a disinfectant, you can add a shot of vodka to the water.

It is best to place the bouquet in a cool place, protected from drafts and direct sunlight. The optimal temperature for long-term preservation of cut roses is 19-20 degrees, i.e. room temperature.

It is also recommended to change the water in the vase daily, each time adding Aspirin to it again. In this case, it is better to wash the stems and trim them by 1-2 centimeters. This way you can preserve the bouquet for quite a long time. For better nutrition, in addition to Aspirin, you can add sugar to the water. Roses do not tolerate proximity to other plants, so it is not recommended to place them in the same container with other flowers.


Vidal : https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/aspirin__1962 GRLS : https://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/Grls_View_v2.aspx?routingGu >

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What needs to be done to make a fresh bouquet of roses last as long as possible, what kind of water do roses like? First of all, as soon as you bring the flowers into the house, you need to let them acclimatize, leaving them on the table in the package for a few minutes. At this time, you can start preparing water for the vase. What can you add to water with roses? The basic and most effective remedies are found in every home in the kitchen or medicine cabinet.

How to extend the life of roses in a vase

In order for cut roses to last longer at home, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a room and even a vase for them, and also prepare water with additives for flowers.

If you are given a bouquet in a package, you must remove it and inspect the flowers for broken and withered leaves, which must be removed immediately. It is advisable to completely tear off the lower leaves and even break off the thorns, which, when placed in a vase, will end up in the water - there is no need for them to rot there, accelerating the withering of the entire plant.

Then immerse the ends of the rose stems in cold water and trim the stems with a sharp knife by about one centimeter at an acute angle. If you make a straight cut, the flower will stand on the bottom of the vase and block access to water.

It would also be useful to remove the bark from the bottom of the stem and split its very tip - in order to expel possible air pockets from the stem and increase the suction surface. This operation is also carried out under water.

Cut roses will feel better in a vase made of ceramic or darkened glass - it does not let in the sun's rays, and the water will remain fresh longer. The container should be deep enough - the flower should be in water for 2/3 of the length of the stem - and, of course, cleanly washed.

It is advisable not to “pack” the maximum number of roses into one vase, no matter how huge the bouquet you receive as a gift. Plants need space to thrive; if they stand too closely together, they will remain fresh for less time. Also, you should not “add” new flowers into a vase of roses in the future - place them separately so that they do not harm each other.

Roses do not like being next to other flowers in a vase; it is better to create mono compositions from them. They have a particularly negative attitude towards carnations, asters, daffodils, sweet peas and lilies of the valley. And you shouldn’t put dark and bright roses with light-colored roses - they will “contribute” to the rapid fading of the latter.

Flower mixture. G. Draper

A vase of roses in the house is placed in the coolest room - this rule, however, applies to any cut flowers in bouquets. The warmer and brighter it is in the room, the faster all processes occur in still living plants - stretching, blossoming and wilting. Be sure to choose a place for the vase away from drafts, direct sunlight, air conditioners and heaters.

Do not place plates with fruit next to the flower arrangement - they emit ethylene gas, which causes cut roses to wither.

The temperature of the water in the rose vase depends on the current time of year. If in the hot summer roses prefer really cool water, then in winter it would be better to warm it up a little. Don’t forget to change the water daily with fresh water, while simultaneously renewing the cut of flower stems.

Of course, you shouldn’t fill the vase with water directly from the tap - firstly, there are a lot of air bubbles in it that will clog the flower cut, and secondly, there may be impurities harmful to the plant. If it is not possible to use bottled water, then tap water should be passed through a filter or at least allowed to sit for several hours beforehand.

Roses will also thank you for daily spraying with a fine spray bottle.

How does the aquatic environment affect the plant?

As soon as organic matter (a flower) enters the water, microorganisms begin to multiply in it. The water becomes cloudy and its smell becomes unpleasant. This is a natural process that cannot be stopped, you can only slow it down a little. How to reduce the negative impact of the aquatic environment on a plant, what water to put roses in so that they last longer:

  • change the water in the vase daily, washing each stem with your hands;
  • Every day, underwater, cut off the end of the stem, which has become soaked and softened by water;
  • It is better to pour clean, settled water at room temperature into the vase;
  • The leaves of the plant should not float in the water (they will soon begin to rot): if they grow low, they need to be cut off.

What should you not put?

Let's look at what you don't need to add to the water to keep your roses fresh:

  • Pure alcohol, as well as alcoholic drinks (can cause plant burns).
  • Washing gels, liquid detergents and disinfectants (contain a high concentration of aggressive substances and can cause poisoning and death of flowers).
  • Sugar in large quantities (more than 1-2 teaspoons): bacteria will multiply faster in an environment that is too sweet.

Consequences of incorrect addition of substances

Improper feeding of plants can lead to the following consequences:

  • roses begin to fade quickly, the water becomes cloudy the very next day;
  • the buds ripen too quickly and bloom prematurely, not having time to gain strength;
  • The rose buds remain practically closed, never having had time to open, and the plant itself has already begun to fade.

You can find out when you need to revive roses in a vase with water and how to save flowers if they have begun to fade here.

Thus, there are quite a few ways to extend the life of freshly cut roses at home. First of all, you should prepare the water in advance by disinfecting it with coal, vodka, potassium permanganate or other means.

It is also worth paying attention to the saturation of water with nutrients. For this purpose, you can use vinegar, sugar, citric acid. It should also be noted that, first of all, you should give preference to more natural and less aggressive substances in order to cause minimal harm to delicate roses.

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Healthy Supplements

To preserve a bouquet of flowers in a vase for a long time, you can buy a ready-made nutrient mixture in a specialized store. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Chrysal;
  • Etisso;
  • Fleur 'Eau;
  • Biopon;
  • FloraLife.

Some flower shops give such a bag of fertilizer as a gift when purchasing a bouquet. In addition to nutrients, these compositions also have disinfecting components, so the water does not “spoil” and the plants last up to two times longer than usual.

In the absence of store-bought “powder”, you can prepare something similar to the store-bought compositions yourself. The table below describes such recipes.

Table - Homemade compositions for storing cut flowers

RecipeComposition (per 1 liter of water)Change water (once a week)
With vodka— Sugar — 10 g; – vodka – 10 ml 5
With citric acidCitric acid powder - 2 g3-4
With vinegar— Sugar — 10 g; - table vinegar - 10 ml 2-3
With sodaAny sweet soda – 50 ml5
With bleachLiquid oxygen bleach - 3 drops2-3
With aspirinAspirin (can be replaced with streptocide) - 1 tablet2-3
With coalActivated carbon – 1-2 tablets2-3

Keep in mind that lilies of the valley and cyclamens do not “like” sugar. Although other flowers are favorable to him. Accordingly, the recipe with soda does not suit them.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a universal remedy. It has an antibacterial effect, plus it nourishes plant cells. The tablets can be used either alone or in combination with other substances, such as sugar or activated carbon.

Not all flowers “get along” in a bouquet. Roses, lilies of the valley, daffodils, lilies, orchids and carnations suppress all other flowers - they need to be placed in a separate container. And geranium and thuja, on the contrary, create a favorable microclimate for the “neighbors”. Different types of flowers require different care.

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A little history

The rose has been known to man since ancient times. She aroused sincere admiration among the ancient Greeks and Romans. Numerous legends, poems and songs were written about her in the Middle Ages. The monks grew various varieties of roses in their gardens. For many centuries, this flower has symbolized beauty, which is why it is compared to the image of women who were admired.

For gifts, gardeners selected specimens of the best species and puzzled over how to extend the life of roses after they were cut from the bush.

How to cut a rose correctly?

How long the roses will last in the vase depends on the cutting of the flowers. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • First, you need to inspect the flowers growing on the site and select stems whose buds will soon bloom and acquire a color that matches the given variety.
  • If you are attracted to densely double roses for cutting, you should look carefully and choose stems on which loose buds grow. They will bloom when they are placed in a vase with water, but tight ones will not, they will droop, and there will be no beauty from such a flower.
  • It is recommended to cut three stems from each bush, no more.
  • When cutting, the stems should not be deformed, otherwise the vessels that conduct moisture may be damaged.

  • For cutting, use pruning shears or a sharply sharpened garden knife.
  • It is better to cut roses early in the morning or late in the evening. At this time, plants contain a lot of moisture and nutrients necessary for nutrition.
  • It is good to cut roses in cloudy weather, but not in rainy weather, when a lot of moisture gets on the petals. This will quickly deteriorate them.

How the drug can be useful

It is quite difficult to figure out what exactly your flower is suffering from. This is especially true if you do not have many years of experience in growing indoor and garden plants. In this case, you need one remedy that would help against all ailments. This can be called aspirin. For indoor flowers, it is at the same time a medicine, an immunostimulant and a fertilizer. It can be effective in the following conditions:

  • If the leaves fall.
  • New buds do not want to form.
  • The pet's appearance has become noticeably worse.
  • After a stressful situation, that is, a transplant or illness.
  • For antifungal therapy.

Please note that deterioration in the condition of plants may be due to improper care, pest attacks or diseases. Of course, aspirin for indoor flowers is a salvation. But still this is not a panacea. In these cases, it is necessary to resort to appropriate therapy. But acetylsalicylic acid still promotes speedy recovery and the regrowth of fresh shoots. Therefore, you should not refuse it either.

Preparing a cut rose

How you prepare a rose before placing it in a vase of water determines its lifespan. To extend it you need to do the following:

  • First, the packaging is removed from the flower or bouquet.
  • The stems are then placed in water for a couple of hours. You can use a bathtub or a large enamel bucket. This is necessary for the plant to absorb moisture. Water should not get on the flowers, otherwise they will rot.
  • The next step is trimming the stems. This is done with a disinfected knife without removing the stem from the water. This will prevent air from getting inside. The cutting angle must be sharp.

  • The part of the stem that will be immersed in water in the future must be cleared of thorns and leaves. This will prevent them from rotting.

How to prepare water for cut roses?

The quality of water largely determines how long flowers will last in a vase. It is important that cut roses last longer in the form in which they were placed in the vase. Therefore, the composition of water and its temperature play an important role. Numerous observations show that high-quality water extends the life of flowers for a month or more. Roses retain their beauty and even grow a little. Unopened loose buds open. Adult flowers will delight you with their beauty for a long time.

But to achieve this, you need to provide proper care for cut roses. You should start with water. It is better if it is distilled. If this is not possible, you should use well or filtered water. Tap water is not good. First you need to let it sit for several days, then boil it and cool to room temperature.

How to choose roses in a store

If you choose flowers for a bouquet in a store, you will have to trust the seller or try to determine the freshness of the flowers by eye.

Ask when this batch of roses went on sale and where they are stored (ideally, this room should be cold and dark). Do not buy flowers with visible damage, withered yellowed lower leaves or wilted outer petals, even if the seller assures you that you should just pick them off and this will not affect the quality of the flower.

Carefully evaluate each rose one by one - the stems should be strong, the leaves should be bright, the buds should be developed, dense and elastic, the leaves bordering them should fit tightly to each other.

It is better not to take ready-made compositions (especially with an abundance of floral decorations) - in the general mass of flowers and decor it is easy to “camouflage” stale and temporarily revived roses.

Of course, do not keep the purchased bouquet for a long time without water, try to deliver it to the room as quickly as possible. If the time to give a bouquet of roses has not yet come, then, after keeping it in a container with water for a couple of hours, take it out, wrap it in a wet cloth and place it in a dark, cool place - for example, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (of course, having first freed it from any food) . So flowers can be stored even for a couple of days and will perfectly wait for their “finest” hour.

We will tell you further what needs to be done to make the roses last longer in the vase and what to add to the water for this.


Cut roses do not like sudden temperature changes. Therefore, the presented bouquet should not be brought directly from the street into a warm room. Flowers should be gradually accustomed to the new microclimate. They can be placed in the coolest room in the house at first. Only after some time necessary for the flower to adapt indoors can you begin to process the cut.

How to store cut roses at home? To do this, do not place flowers near heaters or fans. They should not be exposed to direct sunlight. They should not be placed on the TV lid or radiator grille. All these sources produce heat, and the flowers have to give up moisture, causing them to dry out.

In order to preserve cut flowers for a longer time, the optimal temperature is eighteen to nineteen degrees Celsius. At night, the flowers will be more comfortable in a cool place; they need to be moved there. Water temperature is affected by seasonality. In summer you can use cool, but not cold water. In winter, roses feel much more comfortable in water at room temperature.

When is the best time to cut flowers?

flowers in the garden after the sun has set or early in the morning. Cut flowers that were cut during the day do not last long in a vase. They need to be cut shortly before they fully bloom. To preserve a greater supply of nutrients from cut flowers, the stems should be left longer. If you want the buds to open faster, add camphor or ammonia to the water. Add half a teaspoon of any alcohol to a liter of water.


Gladioli can be cut after the lowest flower in the entire spike-shaped inflorescence has fully opened. This should be done with a sharp knife. At least four sheets should be left intact. Once you place the gladioli in a vase, they will gradually open over the course of several weeks. Fading flowers should be removed.


Dahlias should be cut early in the morning when the dahlia flowers are in full bloom. However, this should not be done after dew. Otherwise, the inflorescences will simply begin to rot. The stems are cut obliquely and only with a sharp knife, but not with scissors, as this tool will simply flatten them.


Bouquet of lilies

As for cutting chrysanthemums, it is better to break them. The stem should be left longer. This will provide the flowers with a supply of nutrients. It is worth noting that any flowers that have a hard stem must be split. The depth of the split should be 4 centimeters. It is necessary to insert a match into the resulting gap so that the flaps do not converge. This will ensure better moisture absorption. These flowers include peonies, roses and chrysanthemums.

Flowers that secrete milky sap must be trimmed under water, since such sap hardens in air, thereby clogging the conducting vessels. This causes the flowers to wilt. Such flowers must be placed in warm water.

The tips of the stem of flowering branches must be split into thin fibers. This can be done by crushing 5 centimeters of the stem with a blunt object. After this, the ends of the branches should be placed in a solution of potassium permanganate.

What to add to water?

Cut flowers need feeding. What to add to water for cut roses? Good nutrition is sugar with vinegar. They are added at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. Flowers live in water with these additives until bacteria appear, which multiply very quickly. As a result, the water becomes unusable and the flowers die. The proliferation of harmful microorganisms is a characteristic process for liquids.

The following remedies will help stop it:

  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid): half a tablet for one liter of water.
  • Citric acid - use similar to aspirin.
  • Alum - a small crystal is thrown directly into a vase of water. This is an antimicrobial agent of natural origin.
  • If there is nothing, you can add a few tablespoons of vodka to the water.

When buying roses, you should inquire about the growing conditions. If flowers are exposed to chemicals, for rapid growth, you can add a few drops of bleach to the water with roses, which will replace aspirin. The bouquet will remain unfading for a long time.

How to water indoor flowers with aspirin

To treat flowers with aspirin, you don’t need to do anything special - just replace two waterings a week with an aspirin solution. It is not worth making changes to the volume, as well as to the method of watering. If the plant requires only one watering per week, you can alternate - water it as usual for a week, and with the solution the next week.

Important! An overdose of aspirin for plants is unlikely, but still you should not feed the medicine more often than recommended - you will not be able to get the best effect, and the concentration of any substance in excess can have a bad effect on the flowers.

The same applies to spraying. To ensure high-quality home care, the gardener is recommended to adhere to the treatment regime that is familiar to him. It is not recommended to completely replace water for spraying with aspirin solution. We must remember that for each situation and each plant you need to apply your own approach and care.

What to do if the plant dies:

  1. It is necessary to carefully examine the flower and try to determine what exactly is killing it. Perhaps the reason is quite dangerous, and the flower needs more serious help than aspirin.
  2. If pests are detected, it is better to give preference to chemical treatments that are aimed at destroying pests in all phases - larvae, adults, pupae. It is believed that aspirin will not help get rid of parasites if they are already active, but can be an excellent remedy for rehabilitation if the flower has already suffered from a pest-related disease.
  3. In all other cases, aspirin will serve as an excellent medicine. It is recommended to both water the soil of the plant (as much as possible, but within the limits of the flower’s moisture needs) and spray it outside.
  4. After treatment, it is advisable to carefully monitor the plant - the first results should appear soon. But sometimes it may take a little longer than usual. As an additional support, you can water the flower with aspirin solution a little more often until it returns to normal.

As a rule, using such a solution in the correct proportions and doses will guarantee a beautiful and healthy flower garden on the windowsill. But if it is clear that immediately after watering the plant’s condition began to deteriorate, then the treatment should be canceled immediately - perhaps this particular flower is an exception.

Preparation of the solution

The aspirin solution is prepared very simply and does not take much time; even a beginner can cope with this task. For preparation, the most common aspirin is suitable, which can be bought at a pharmacy at a very low price.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You can buy cheap domestically produced aspirin at any pharmacy. To avoid the imposition of expensive analogues, you can use online orders (there are many sites for ordering medications specifically).
  2. The basic proportion of the solution is to add a quarter of an aspirin tablet to 2 liters of water. You can divide the tablet into quarters using a regular knife.
  3. After a quarter of the tablet is separated, it is better to crush it into powder with a spoon - this will dissolve the drug faster.
  4. Dissolve aspirin in water. You can warm the water a little so that the aspirin dissolves faster. For the same purpose, it is necessary to dilute and stir the solution until no visible particles remain.

After preparation, it is advisable to leave the solution for half an hour and then return to it. If sediment has formed at the bottom, it should be stirred again.

Everyday care

A cut flower needs daily care, which consists of the following:

  • First you need to select a container. For a bouquet of three to five roses, an oblong vase with a narrow neck is better suited. For stability, the base must be heavy. A wide vase is more suitable for a lush bouquet.
  • How to extend the life of roses in a vase? Flowers are best preserved if they are placed in opaque vases. In this case, microbes will not multiply as intensively.
  • So much water should be poured into the vase so that the stems are immersed in it by only a third of their length.

  • Every day you need to change the water in the vase and add a little nutrients and disinfectants every time.
  • How to extend the life of roses? To do this, changing the water, thoroughly wash the vase, rinse the stems and renew the cuts.
  • Regular spraying is mandatory. Just be careful not to let water get on the flower petals or inside the buds.

Aspirin for indoor flowers

Anyone can face the difficulties of growing houseplants. Even the most attentive and experienced flower growers have situations when their favorite flowers begin to look unhealthy or even die. The reasons may be different - this can happen either due to a banal oversight or regardless of the actions of the owner.

Fortunately, there are folk ways to save flowers from a stressful situation, even if the plants look really bad. To do this, you don’t need to look for gardening stores and buy some new serums or expensive fertilizers - simple improvised means that can be bought for a symbolic amount will help.

An example of an affordable alternative to expensive fertilizers is ordinary aspirin, which is sold in any pharmacy. This drug is acetylsalicylic acid, which is especially useful for plants as a fertilizer if the dosage and application rates are followed.

Important! You shouldn’t overdo it, or carelessly care for your plants, hoping that the drug will help indefinitely - the basis for guaranteeing healthy plants still remains regular and proper care.

Aspirin, or more precisely, its solution, is used both for emergency treatment of flowers with nutrients, and for prevention as a means of supporting their “immunity.” Aspirin is a universal fertilizer for the home garden, which is suitable for both fresh and cut flowers.

What don't roses like?

Cut roses do not like close proximity to other types of flowers. Although some people like different types of bouquets. Roses prefer solitude. While roses that have just been cut from a bush can be revived, weakened flowers cannot. If they have wilted, they can no longer be given their former freshness. You can only improve their appearance a little. How to extend the life of roses? To do this, place the flowers on newspaper and spray their stems well. Then the flower or the entire bouquet is completely wrapped and placed in cool water for three hours. This procedure is carried out at night every day.

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