When should roses be planted in open ground in the summer so that they take root safely?

It’s not for nothing that bush roses are considered the best decoration for a garden; you can easily create amazing compositions. They grow quickly, the plants are hardy and not picky in their care. Experienced experts note that such bushes are not very suitable for figured flower beds with curls or complex patterns. But for arches - just right.

Preparing for landing and choosing a site

For planting roses, choose sunny, warm, protected from drafts and wind, ventilated, flat or slightly elevated areas with high-quality fertile loose soil, without the risk of dampness and wetting.

The fertile soil layer and its working depth for roses should be at least 40 cm. Optimal pH values ​​are from 6.0 to 7.0.

Before planting, all necessary tools and equipment should be put in order, make sure they are clean and in working order.

But the main thing is working with soil, which includes two procedures:

  1. Site preparation. For planting roses in the fall, the site can be prepared several weeks before planting, or, if possible, a month or two. The work should include deep digging with careful removal of weed rhizomes, debris, stones, application of organic and mineral fertilizers or sand, peat to correct the quality and reaction of the soil. On depleted or neglected soil, it is permissible to completely replace the fertile layer with a substrate of high-quality loam mixed with compost or humus in equal proportions.
  2. Preparation of planting holes. It is carried out 1-3 days before disembarkation. For any roses, prepare fairly large planting holes with a depth and diameter of about 40 cm, if drainage is needed. When the soil is dense, there is a risk of waterlogging - drainage is prepared from crushed stone, expanded clay or brick chips - up to 70 cm in depth. If the soil is depleted, additionally add organic fertilizers and a standard portion of complete mineral fertilizers to the bottom of the hole. Heavy watering 2-3 days before planting will create ideal conditions for roses.

In order for the autumn planting of roses to be successful, you need to take care of the preliminary preparation of the seedlings. Roses in containers are easy to prepare - they are watered a day or at least 12 hours before planting.

But with bare-rooted seedlings you need to work more carefully:

  1. Plants are examined by shortening the roots to a length of 30-40 cm and removing leaves, damaged and dry roots to healthy tissue.
  2. The shoots are shortened to 2-3 buds (approximate height - 30 cm). If the bush is highly branched, leave 2-3 high-quality, strong, well-developed shoots, cutting out excess branches at the base.
  3. If buds are visible below the grafting site, it is advisable to remove them to prevent regrowth.
  4. Roses are soaked for a day or at least several hours before planting - in water, a weak solution of fungicides or rooting stimulants. And before planting, they are kept in a clay mash.

Preparatory activities

Before you start rooting these gorgeous flowers, you should prepare accordingly. This means the following steps:

  • buying a seedling;
  • choosing a landing site;
  • preparation of soil and planting holes.

Purchasing a seedling

The roots should completely fill the clod of earth

When selecting seedlings, the first step is to carefully examine the rhizome. What it should be like:

  • branched and well developed;
  • light yellow or white in cut (you can lightly pick off one root with your fingernail and look);
  • without visible defects.

Seedlings with a closed root system are more difficult to see. Many suppliers make inserts from metal mesh, which allows you to examine the roots without disturbing the earthen coma. The seedlings are placed in the ground along with this liner, since it further decomposes on its own within 2 years. If the plant is packaged in cardboard, then nothing will be visible through it, except for the situation when the roots grow out. Therefore, you have to hope for luck.

Existing leaves on the shoots should be green and without signs of any disease. Vaccination is required. High-quality seedlings must have at least two shoots.

Since plants with a closed root system are mostly taken for summer planting, there is no need to be afraid that it will wither during transportation.

Roses with a closed root system can be planted at any time

Choosing a landing site

The rose loves a lot of light, so a well-lit place is selected for planting it, but with protection from the midday heat. This is especially important for dark-flowered varieties that quickly fade when exposed to direct sunlight. It is not recommended to plant young rose bushes near old ones, under tall trees, along fences or in a draft.

To plant roses, choose a place where there is a lot of light and no drafts.

Roses also cannot tolerate dampness (the foliage begins to turn yellow and dark spots appear), so close groundwater is unacceptable. Otherwise, you will have to correct the situation by laying drainage.

Soil and pit preparation

For planting roses, breathable, loamy and fertile soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5 (neutral or moderately acidic) is preferred . If the land in the selected area does not meet the requirements, proceed as follows:

  • heavy clay soil is diluted with humus, peat, compost or sand (about 12 kg per 1 m2);
  • powdered lime or dolomite flour is added to soil with high acidity;
  • sandstone is improved by adding clay soil with rotted manure and peat (10 kg per 1 m2 is enough).

The size of the planting hole depends on the variety of roses. Specifically for climbing representatives, it is optimal to dig holes 50x50x50 cm. The fertile soil taken from above is set aside. Drainage made of crushed stone or broken brick (if necessary) is poured onto the bottom. Next, lay a layer of soil deposited during digging and apply fertilizer for the roses.

A layer of drainage is poured into the base of the pit

Attention! The lower layer of soil remaining during the digging of the hole, depleted in microelements, is mixed with peat, river sand and leaf compost (in equal proportions). Then add a glass of ash and mix everything. This composition is poured into the pit last.


Unfavorable conditions or improper care can cause rose diseases. More often, plants are affected by powdery mildew, rust, black spot, and chlorosis. Fungal infections are destroyed with fungicides, and chlorosis is an indicator of a deficiency of a chemical element in the soil, usually iron. In this case, a soil analysis and replenishment of the missing substance is necessary.

These are the features of agricultural technology for growing the most exquisite and beautiful garden crop - the bush rose. A little effort and following simple recommendations will allow you to change the garden interior, decorating the area with an excellent crop - the queen of the plant world.

Protection of crops from diseases and pests

Shrub roses, regardless of variety, are susceptible to fungal diseases, powdery mildew, black spot and rust. There is only one protective measure - treatment with fungicides, the merciless destruction of parts of the bush affected by the disease. When there is a lack of iron compounds, the plant develops chlorosis. The deficiency can be easily corrected by fertilizing the area.

In addition to diseases, bush roses are threatened by pests - aphids, mites, cicadas and scale insects. Their appearance will not bring anything good. You should get rid of them immediately using chemicals and folk remedies.

Planting roses

The most important condition for abundant flowering of a bush is a place for planting. Roses are sensitive to light and heat, which means they should be planted in places that are well lit and reliably protected from cold winds. The best place is the south and south-east side of the site, because the rose enjoys the morning and afternoon sun. Shady places are suitable only for climbing varieties.

It is recommended to plant roses in the spring. Beautiful roses are heat-loving plants, and as soon as the soil has warmed up well and the buds have not yet opened, you can start planting roses. Planting in the fall is a risky business because not every rose bush is able to fully take root before frost and often dies.

Before planting, carefully examine the roots: cut off all damaged parts to living tissue, leave the remaining roots no more than 20 cm. Shorten the shoots on the bush, leave strong shoots with 6 buds, medium ones with three, cut out weak and dried ones completely.

Planting a rose

The planting hole for roses should be wide and deep so that the roots of the bush have room after planting.

It is very important to sprinkle a layer of earth on the budding (grafting) site by 5-7cm, compact the soil around the bush and water it generously (a bucket of water per bush). Protecting seedlings from the bright spring sun, cover with non-woven material

Unclog the shoots and remove the cover when the ground is completely warm and the size of the shoots reaches approximately 5 cm.

The soil is prepared in advance: fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. Among organic ones, the best fertilizer for roses is manure, and the first fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer should be thorough, but not more than 15-20 g per bush. Excessive dosage will have a negative effect on roses.

For spring planting of roses, prepare the soil in the fall, everything is quite simple: dig spacious holes to a depth of 1.2 m with a diameter of half a meter, fill with drainage (branches, coarse crushed stone, expanded clay), lay a mixture of garden soil and humus on top, adding mineral fertilizers. When planting in the fall, prepare holes for bushes a month to a month and a half in advance. The best seedlings are plants of the first two years. To stimulate the growth of roses, you need to trim the tops of the shoots when planting.

In the next video you can see how to prepare for planting and plant a rose purchased in a box in the spring. The author will show you how to properly straighten the roots of a plant, prepare a planting hole and plant the “queen of flowers”.

Taking into account the size of the rose bush variety and the speed of growth, it is recommended to maintain a planting interval of half a meter to one meter. In general, you determine the distance between the bushes individually, pursuing your goal.

Large bush roses also look great in single plantings (for example, a lawn or, in general, any free corner of the garden). In the rose garden, it is necessary to maintain a distance of one to one and a half (or 1.2 m) from the neighboring bush.

Shrub rose

For miniature rose bushes that are planted to create borders (along paths or the circumference of a flower bed), a distance of sixty to seventy centimeters is sufficient.

Types of climbing roses love “solitude”, but you need to take into account that they do not stay in this state for long - the bushes grow quickly. If you want to create a “wall” of climbing roses, you need to plant seedlings at a distance of one to two meters. In spring, roses are also transplanted; try not to damage the roots and small shoots of the roots.

Fence covered with roses

Disembarkation scheme

Regardless of the purpose for which a rose garden is created - as a decorative flower bed, or as a nursery - seedlings must be planted in such a way that they are easy to care for. You should not set up a flower garden in the middle of an artificial pond or on a steep slope, where it will be difficult to get close to the flowers. And in the flowerbed itself, plants should be planted in no more than 2-3 rows. Otherwise, caring for flowers will be difficult. These are the most basic rules on how to properly plant a rose in the garden in the spring.

The density and location of planting are largely determined by the variety, or rather the shape of adult bushes. The main thing is that in the end their crowns create a continuous wall of flowers and leaves. For example, floribundas should be planted in groups consisting of 3-5 bushes, and hybrid tea rosesRose is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (Latin ... - at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Climbing rosesRose is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (lat. ... will look great near arches, trellises and other structures along which plants can climb up. This, by the way, is a great way to decorate a porch or gazebo.

Caring for the Queen of the Garden

In the first year after planting, the bush is just beginning to form, so it is necessary to stimulate branching by pinching the tips of the shoots and removing emerging buds, since the flowering of the rose will significantly weaken the plant.

Shrub roses develop quickly and do not cause the hassle that usually accompanies the cultivation of standard or climbing varieties.


Roses require moderate watering, with the exception of the first year, when the plant takes root and adapts. Practice infrequent but abundant watering. With the beginning of spring, when the plant begins to grow, watering is intense, in the summer - moderate, oriented to weather conditions. During dry periods, the bush is moistened more often; in rainy times, nature will take care of it itself.

Advice! The best way to avoid eroding the soil above the graft is drip irrigation with warm water, and the best time for watering is in the morning, before the heat sets in, or in the evening, but not late.


This delicate flower requires regular feeding, which should begin in the second year after planting. During the season, the rose should receive four feedings:

  • the first in two stages - in the spring after pruning the bush, ammonium sulfate is applied 20g/1 m2, after 2 weeks the fertilizing is repeated;
  • the second – during the budding period 30-40 g. universal "Kemira" per 1 m2;
  • third - after flowering 30 gr. complex fertilizers with microelements per 1 m2;
  • fourth - in September, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied (30 g / 1 m2).

Advice! You can successfully replace mineral fertilizers with high-quality organic matter - manure, bird droppings, ash.


Caring for roses also includes annual pruning - a very labor-intensive procedure. They are carried out:

  • in spring, forming a bush and stimulating branching, growth of stems and peduncles;
  • in summer, cutting out dried buds and unnecessary fruits;
  • in the fall, preparing the bush for wintering and removing weak shoots that draw food onto themselves.

Spring pruning is carried out before the buds swell and sap begins to flow. It is the main and most radical: all weak, broken or directed shoots towards the center of the bush are removed, giving the plant the desired shape.

Advice! When pruning roses, it is recommended to leave well-placed and younger stems, focusing on the color of the bark - the lighter it is, the younger the shoot.

In addition, to stimulate flowering, it is necessary to remove root shoots. Summer pruning is of a sanitary nature: the shoots are trimmed, leaving 2-3 growth buds on them, necessary for tillering. In autumn, all wilted or immature shoots are cut off from the bush. The sections are treated with garden varnish or pharmaceutical brilliant green.


Rose bushes grow greatly, losing their decorative value, so replanting is inevitable. This can be done in spring or autumn. Experienced flower growers believe that spring transplants are more successful. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

before transplanting, all shoots are cut off by 20 cm, weak and diseased branches are removed, and leaves are torn off; They dig up the bush along with the earthen clod and carefully transport it to the new planting site.

The crop is replanted according to the same rules that are followed when planting.

How to replant a home rose?

It is worth replanting the rose to a permanent place only when it has fully recovered. According to the lunar calendar, this is best done when the moon is in its waxing phase

Transplantation must be done very carefully so that not a single main root shoot is damaged. It is advisable not to disturb the earthen ball in which the roots are located.

The earthen lump is only slightly loosened along the outer layer, and a small amount of old earth is also removed. If there are a few fertilizer granules on the coma, then there is no need to remove them.

Next, you should prepare nutritious soil for transplanting the rose into a new pot. This can be the following mixture: turf soil, humus soil and sand (4:4:1). A small amount of complex fertilizer is mixed into the soil. If you don’t have the opportunity to prepare the correct soil for planting, then you can always buy universal soil for indoor plants or house roses.

Rose pot

Further correct cultivation of a home rose requires purchasing the right pot that will suit all parameters. How to choose it?

So, the new rose pot should be larger than the container, a few centimeters in diameter and about 5-7 cm in height. But remember: the pot should not be too large either.

It is worth replanting the rose to a permanent place only at the moment when it has fully recovered

Preparing the pot

If something was grown in a pot before your home rose, then it should be thoroughly washed under warm water using a stiff brush, but without detergents. If the pot is completely new and ceramic, it should be soaked for several hours in warm water.

Before planting, you must properly “equip the new home” of your home rose:

  • make drainage from expanded clay,
  • make sure there is a drain hole,
  • pour the prepared soil with fertilizers into the pot and sprinkle it with a layer of clean soil.

Next, you need to remove the rose from the old pot. To do this, you need to water it abundantly, let it soak for half an hour, turn the pot over and carefully remove the entire plant with a dense earthen lump from it.

Now place it in a new pot, gradually sprinkle the prepared soil around the edges and compact it as it shrinks. After transshipment, the rose should be placed in the shade, or even on a north window.

After a day has passed since transplantation, the rose is placed on a well-lit balcony or windowsill, moved away from drafts and direct exposure to hot sunlight, and provided with constant access to fresh air.

If your home rose dries out, this is the first sign of a lack of moisture, so try to ensure timely watering

Choosing a season for planting

What time to plant roses? Spring and autumn are best for this.

The spring period is most favorable for planting material obtained by cuttings. The roots of such seedlings are not able to survive the winter cold, as they are still very weak. The end of April - May is the best period for plants grown from cuttings. At this time, the earth has already warmed up, the risk of sudden frosts is minimal.

Spring planting is also relevant for residents of the central part of Russia and northern regions, where winter comes earlier than in the south. In order not to risk the health of the seedlings, which may not have time to take root before the onset of frost, it is better to plant them in open ground in the spring, when the soil warms up to 8-10 degrees.

In other cases, the optimal time for planting is autumn. Gardeners often doubt whether it is possible to plant roses in September. It would seem that the earlier the plants are planted, the more time they have to take root and meet the winter in their prime. But that's not true. The plant quickly settles into the soil and, under the warm rays of the sun, begins to form the first shoots, which cannot cope with frost and weaken the plant. Early planting in the ground can lead to the death of a young seedling.

So that the rose has time to take root, but does not begin to grow, it should be planted from the second half of September to mid-October. Before the first frost, the root system will become stronger, the plant will go into winter dormancy strong and healthy, and in the spring it will begin to develop rapidly.

When deciding when it is better to plant roses (spring or autumn), you should take into account that the timing of autumn and spring planting may shift in one direction or another depending on the region and weather conditions. If cold weather has already set in and the seedlings are not planted, then it is better to bury them or leave them in a cool cellar until spring.

Place for a rose garden

Since planting a rose in the garden is a whole science, if possible, it is recommended to first consult with an experienced gardener. Keep in mind that roses are the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (Latin ... are heat-loving plants, but high humidity is detrimental for them due to the high risk of fungal diseases. In this regard, the flower garden should be located in an area that is well illuminated by the sun in the first half of the day. Thus, the morning dew will quickly evaporate, reducing the risk of "flour" on the leaves. Also, the flowerbed should, if possible, be protected from the north wind with the help of other shrubs or a low hedge. However, rose bushes should not be allowed spent most of the day in the shade of walls or trees.

An area that has a slight slope to the south is exactly the place where it is better to plant a rose in the garden. In this case, it is recommended to raise the flowerbed above the general ground level by 30-50 cm in order to provide the flowers with better access to the sun's rays and prevent melt water from stagnating in the spring.

As for the type of soil, in this matter roses are the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (Latin... are relatively not picky and can thrive in almost any soil. However, light loams with sufficient amount of humus. At the same time, it is important that the groundwater level approaches the surface no closer than 75-100 cm. As already mentioned, rosesRosa is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (lat. ... do not tolerate excess moisture well, and the root the system in some hybrids can reach a depth of 1 meter.In addition, wet soil does not warm up well, which slows down the development of plants.

Control of pests and diseases of bush roses

The fight against pests and diseases of bush roses should begin with preventive measures that are carried out throughout the year.

These include weeding and pruning bush roses, their timely and sufficient watering, applying the necessary fertilizing, as well as proper preparation for winter.

Of the diseases, the greatest danger to bush roses is fungal diseases. To avoid them, you should choose a planting site without high humidity, with high groundwater, without drafts, and not darkened.

If a fungal disease is still able to affect the bush rose, then the rotten shoots and roots should be removed and the rose should be transplanted to a more suitable place. Also, during winter storage of seedlings in unventilated and damp areas, there is a high probability of developing fungal diseases.

If the rules for sanitary pruning of a bush rose are not followed, there is a high probability of its death. Therefore, before spraying with chemicals against diseases, you should promptly remove branches, buds and leaves already infected with the disease. This will help avoid further infection of healthy parts of the plant and neighboring bushes.

Rust damage to bush rose leaves

Diseases of bush roses also include black spot, powdery and downy mildew, anthracnose, gray mold, rust, and cercospora. In the fight against these and other diseases, various drugs will be effective, including fungicides that are optimally suited to the local climate and recommended by flower growers.

In the fight against pests, it is important to control their appearance on the bush rose and timely countermeasures.

The most common pest is aphids. If there are small colonies, the aphids are washed off with soapy water. If aphids are widespread, it is recommended to use insecticides and special preparations.

Pests of bush roses include chewing pests such as beetles and caterpillars, as well as sawfly larvae. Spider mites and cicadas can also cause great damage to a bush rose.

How to plant roses

Planting rose bushes is recommended in mid-September and early October. Over the winter the plant will take root.

  1. Dig up the area in advance.
  2. Mix the loosened soil with fertilizers.
  3. Add per 1 sq. m of soil, a bucket of manure, peat, 400 g of wood ash, bone meal and 30 g of superphosphate.
  4. This kind of soil care will help the rose grow quickly.

A few weeks after preparing the soil, dig wide holes. The distance between rose bushes depends on their variety and varies from 1 m to 2 m. The depth is determined by the size of the rose's root system. The recess should be 10 cm higher than it. Pour a bucket of water into it and dissolve the Heteroauxin tablet in it.

  1. Before planting flowers, shorten their roots with a sharp knife, cut branches to a height of 15 cm and place the plant in water for several hours.
  2. Then take out the seedling, place it in the prepared hole and, holding it carefully, begin to gradually cover it with earth.
  3. Be sure to ensure that the grafting site is 3-4 cm below the ground level.
  4. Hill up the plant and make a circular roller of soil at a distance of 25 cm from the bush. When watering, it will prevent water from spreading.

If desired, the flower can be planted in early May, when the soil is warm enough. Prepare seedlings and holes as described above and plant the plant. As soon as buds appear on it, remove the soil with which the bush was buried and pour a thick layer of peat on this place. This type of care will make the soil fluffy and prevent it from drying out.

Methods of planting seedlings

Roses Rose is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (Latin... planted in a special planting hole, also called a hole. It is recommended to prepare it 10-15 days before the actual planting, so that the soil has time to settle and the seedling does not “fall through” into the ground. Depth The holes should be about 60-70 cm so that the root system is not crowded in it.

There are two main methods on how to properly plant a rose in the garden:

  1. Dry. The seedlings are simply lowered into the hole and covered with earth. After this, the plant is watered abundantly so that the soil is compacted and the roots receive close contact with the soil. This method is usually used in regions with high or normal soil moisture levels.
  2. Wet. Filling the soil into the hole with the seedling occurs in parallel with watering. This method is recommended for arid regions because it better ensures that the roots are covered with soil.

When placing the seedling in the hole, make sure that the roots are not crushed, twisted or pointing up. If a grafted seedling is planted, make sure that the grafting site is underground (optimally 2-3 cm below the surface). This is necessary to protect the rose from frost and direct sunlight.

If after planting the soil around the seedling settles, the subsidence should be filled with soil mixture to prevent the formation of a hole in which rainwater will accumulate. In this case, it is possible and even necessary to hill up the seedling. A mound of compost or fertile soil is poured around the stem. If the seedling is very small, it can even be completely covered with soil for 10-15 days. After two weeks, the hill should be removed to prevent additional roots from appearing.

Over the next few weeks, as the plants take root, be careful not to let the soil around them dry out. It is recommended to periodically water and loosen it (but only without fanaticism). This must be done until leaf growth becomes noticeable.

Pruning roses

According to many gardeners, pruning is the most difficult and time-consuming process that a rose requires. It is necessary for the growth and flowering of the bush, so it must be included in the care.

  1. The first “haircut” of roses is done in the spring. Weak, dried branches and those that interfere with the formation of the bush are trimmed.
  2. Young shoots often begin to hatch at the base of the plant. They must be ruthlessly removed so that they do not take away the flower’s strength.
  3. After the buds fade, roses need to be trimmed well. Trim long branches, leaving 2-3 buds on them. Do not be afraid to prune the bush too much; it will quickly produce new shoots.

For bush roses, especially mini climbing varieties, air circulation in the green mass is important. It prevents diseases and improves the development of buds, so remove weak branches that are incapable of flowering.

Rules for planting different varieties of roses: is it necessary to bury a rose graft and to what depth?

When planting roses, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the species. The following describes planting schemes for the most popular types of roses.

Hybrid tea

  • When pruning, leave 2-3 buds on the shoot.
  • When planting, the grafting site is deepened by 3-5 cm.
  • An interval of 30-50 cm is maintained between bushes, and about 60-90 cm between rows.


  • It is necessary to immerse the grafting site 3-8 cm into the ground.
  • During pruning, healthy 3-4 buds are left on the stems.
  • An interval of 30-40 cm is maintained between bushes, and about 60-90 cm between rows.

Climbing (curly)

  • It is necessary to immerse the grafting site 8-10 cm into the ground.
  • No pruning is carried out, only the sections are slightly updated.
  • Roses are planted 30 cm from the support (walls, trellises, columns, arches), which they will weave in the future.
  • An interval of 100-150 cm is maintained between bushes.

Important! After the branches grow, they are directed to the support, which they will wrap around.


  • It is recommended to deepen the grafting site by 5 cm.
  • An interval of 50-60 cm is maintained between bushes.
  • When pruning, 5-7 buds are left on the shoot.


  • It is necessary to immerse the grafting site 5 cm into the soil.
  • An interval of 100-120 cm is maintained between bushes.
  • During pruning, healthy 5-7 buds are left on the shoot.

Ground cover

  • The grafting site is buried 5 cm into the soil.
  • There is no need to trim the shoots, just renew them slightly. Only broken and damaged stems are removed.
  • An interval of 50-150 cm is maintained between bushes.

What kind of potted roses are on sale?

There are many potted roses. The label rarely lists a specific variety. More often it is a mix of Cordana roses (abundant flowering and stability), Turbo (beautiful large flowers) and Palace (strong and winter-hardy roses). Potted rose bushes transplanted into a plot often become taller, as they may include floribunda roses, hybrid tea roses and others treated with retardants (substances that inhibit the elongation of shoots, thickening them).

When we buy a rose bush in a pot for ourselves or as a gift, we look at the general condition of the plant, the shape and color of the flowers. As a rule, these plants are several months old from the moment of rooting. Usually, several bushes are crowded into each pot at once. This explains the splendor of “living bouquets”. Occasionally it happens that mini roses of different varieties end up in the same pot.

Miniature roses, or mini roses, bloom profusely and for a long time, and have graceful foliage. The colors and shapes of flowers are varied, so it is difficult for the buyer to make a choice. How not to buy a bush with greenish flowers? Or prefer yellow, purple, pink or scarlet?

And how beautiful white roses are! I recently bought a “living bouquet” with delicate cream-colored flowers as a gift.

The height of the bushes of inexpensive potted roses, which are almost always on sale, is from 15 to 35 cm. The most expensive roses in pots are larger, about 40 - 45 cm high. They are also sold in supermarkets among indoor plants.

Features of planting bush roses in the Moscow region, Siberia, and the Urals

Not all roses can withstand the difficult and harsh climate of the northern regions. In this case, the main thing is to choose the right variety: Rosarium Uetersen, New Dawn, Golden Celebration, William Shakespeare 2000, Westerland.

Suitable for the Moscow region: Irish Eustoma (Estoma), Ruskus, Charles Austin, Alexander Kent, Crown Princess Margareta, Rose Claire Austin.

In the spring they plant at soil temperatures from +8 to +10 degrees, around the end of April, and in the fall - at +4 degrees. But experts recommend saving the seedlings until spring. The site should be elevated, located on the south side and protected from drafts.

If the climate of the region is very capricious, it is better to consult a specialist before choosing a variety for the garden.

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Shrub roses do not have a strict classification. All of them belong to the scrub group and are distinguished by their bright colors of various shapes, unpretentiousness, aroma, long-term abundant flowering, and resistance to frost.

Popular varieties of bush roses include English roses, which were created by breeder David Austin.

Very popular among English roses are varieties such as Abraham Darby, Graham Thomas and the Burghausen variety, which is widely used for single plantings, reaching a height of two meters.

Canadian roses are famous for their frost resistance.

With good shelter, they can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees Celsius.

The Canadian rose family includes roses from the Explorer Roses and Parkland Roses series. The Morden Centennial variety is considered one of the most beautiful types of Canadian roses. Its crimson double flowers with a diameter of 7-10 cm have up to fifty petals in their buds.

Shrub roses Morden Centennial

Ground cover roses have long shoots. They are able to create a beautiful flowering carpet. They are widely used to decorate arbors and arches.

Due to their abundant continuous flowering, they are popular for landscape decoration.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bush varieties of decorative roses are extremely popular among gardeners, and there is a completely logical explanation for this. Or rather, several. This is dynamic flowering combined with plant growth, a delicate aroma, inflorescences collected from many buds.

See also

Description of hybrid tea rose variety Versilia, growing technologyRead

Climbing and wattle varieties provide worthy material for bouquets and decorative compositions. In addition, in the overwhelming majority, bush varieties are distinguished by their resistance to cold, endurance, and resistance to diseases and pests.

But with these advantages, there are also disadvantages. The rose needs to be pruned, fed, and cared for. And there are still sharp, needle-like thorns protecting the buds. There is nothing complicated in the care itself; after learning the simple rules, even a beginner can cope with it.

Facts about bush roses

Before you start growing these wonderful flowers at home or in the country, especially if you don’t have much experience with roses, you should familiarize yourself with the nature of the plant:

This species is highly frost-resistant, but this does not exclude the need to prepare for wintering by wrapping it up. Hybrid tea and floribunda varieties do not require a lot of material and effort. There is an opinion that a bushy rose requires frequent care, but this is not entirely true. Everything comes down to the banal need for annual crown formation and periodic cleaning of dead branches. Complementary feeding will not be superfluous. In autumn, pruning of re-blooming shrubs is mandatory.

It is worth noting that not all types belong to them. The stems of the plant are full of thorns, the wounds from which heal for a long time and are very unpleasant. Climbing bush roses can be grown as a hedge, but this venture will be more successful if the base is a large chain-link or wooden frame. Home mini-bushes require a maximum of 60 cm of distance between each other. They are often planted in the ground with a pot and taken away for the winter. Large species look great in single or complex plantings, but when planning a rose garden, you need to maintain a radius of up to 1.5 m from each “tenant”.

Having decided on the purpose of the flower and the variety, all that remains is to choose the right source so that even a beginner can grow a healthy plant.

Garden growing technology

Planting and caring for a bush rose is not a very difficult task, but it can cause some difficulties for a beginner. In order to grow a bush rose in your garden, it is important to know the basics of technology. Although the plant is very unpretentious, to use it as a home decoration or to create bouquets, you must adhere to certain rules.

Park rose: planting and care in open ground

To do everything correctly, the plant must be grown in the following sequence.

Choosing a landing site

The first thing you need to pay attention to is choosing a place on the site where you can plant the seedlings. In this regard, the rose is quite selective, so everything must be done correctly.

It is not recommended to plant a flower in lowlands, since in winter snow can accumulate there, which, when melted, can harm the root system. The flower also needs to be protected from drafts. To do this, it is better to grow it next to the wall of some building. Therefore, an excellent place would be a shaded area that is illuminated by the sun only in the morning.

Soil preparation

The correct choice of soil is an important condition for growing roses. Planting in depleted soil is not recommended. It is better to enrich it with mineral compounds in advance.

When digging a hole, it is necessary to remove all large stones, branches and roots. Do not grow flowers in waterlogged soil. In this case, it is worth organizing drainage and saving the root system from rotting.

Planting a seedling

It is necessary to plant seedlings in holes that are not too deep. It is better to line the bottom of the hole with a drainage layer 10 cm thick. To fill the rest of the volume, it is recommended to use compost and chernozem. This will allow the plant to grow and develop faster.

When planting, the roots need to be carefully straightened, and at the end the surface of the earth should be compacted a little.

Watering and fertilizing

Immediately after planting, the seedling must be watered thoroughly. If the process is carried out in the summer, then it is advisable to shade the seedlings for the first time. As for fertilizing, phosphorus fertilizers are allowed, which have a positive effect on the growth of the bush.

Important! Potash fertilizers can be applied closer to autumn in August. This will prepare the plant for winter.

How park roses bloom, how many times per season

The park rose blooms early, and this process lasts up to a month, and in some varieties longer. The colors of the buds are very multifaceted: you can see both soft white flowers and specimens of deep purple color. The bud is a little rough and terry to the touch, and the number of petals exceeds 100 pieces. No other rose variety can boast of this.

Park roses are conventionally divided into two large groups:

  • bloom once;
  • blooming repeatedly.

How to care during and after flowering

During the flowering period, faded buds should be removed. At the end of the process, you need to trim the stems. In September, it is recommended to remove all the foliage from the shoots for the winter, bend them to the ground and secure them, then cover the bushes with spunbond and spruce branches. You need to open the shelter only when the first days of spring arrive.


There are many ways to propagate the crop - vegetative and seeds.

Growing from seeds

Breeders often resort to propagation by seeds to develop new species. Gardeners usually do not use this method, since roses grown from seeds do not inherit varietal characteristics. However, growing a rose from seeds is not difficult. The seeds are collected in August, cleaned and placed in a container with damp sand and stratified for 4 months at a temperature of 2-4ºC.

With the arrival of spring, seeds, pre-treated with any biostimulant, are sown, buried 1-3 cm. The crops are mulched with humus, and when the seedlings have 3-4 leaves, they are planted with an interval of 8-10 cm between plants and 20 cm between rows . In summer, seedlings are fed 2-3 times with complex mineral fertilizers, cared for by weeding and moderate watering. Next year, by the end of summer, the grown seedlings can be used as rootstock.

Vegetative methods

Propagation of roses by cuttings in park and indoor species is common. Cuttings are taken from flowering shoots, each of which must have at least 3 internodes. The lower cut of 1-1.5 cm is immersed in a container of water and placed in a sunny place. After 10-12 days, callus forms on the bottom of the cutting, which then turns into a light influx, indicating the readiness of the cutting for planting in a substrate consisting of a mixture of humus, peat, sand and turf soil (0.5; 1:1:1). After 7-10 days, buds sprout on the cuttings.

Shrub roses with their own roots are often propagated by dividing the bush, separating with a sharp knife parts of the roots with 1-3 shoots having 2-4 growth buds. The sections are powdered with crushed coal and planted.

Important! Only ungrafted roses can be propagated by dividing the bush. Polyantha roses and floribunda show the best adaptation after planting the cuttings

But with the help of layering you can get excellent new bushes from any type of rose. They use shoots that sprout at the very root collar, making circular cuts on them, pinning them to the ground and sprinkling them. The top of the stem is left on the surface. She is tied to a peg, giving direction. By autumn the cuttings will take root, but it will be possible to cut them off from the main bush only next spring.

When to plant roses in spring: timing, temperature

It is in spring that it is best to plant roses in open ground as seedlings.

  • The plant is not exposed to frost. After all, when planting in autumn, especially late, the bushes may not have time to take root and will freeze out with the onset of cold weather.
  • In summer, roses will form a powerful root system, thanks to which they will survive the first winter well.
  • During the summer season the wood will have time to mature. Strong shoots will be more resistant to frost.

Important! In spring, rose seedlings are planted on the site when the soil temperature warms up to +10-12°C.

By region

Different regions of Russia have different climatic conditions. The timing of planting roses in open ground depends on this:

  • In the middle zone - the second half of April .
  • In Siberia, the Leningrad region and the Urals - from April 15 to the end of May.
  • In the southern regions , it is better to plant roses in the fall.

Watch the video! How to plant roses correctly in Siberia

According to the lunar calendar in 2022

You can choose a suitable date for this procedure according to the lunar calendar. In 2022, rose seedlings will be planted in the spring:

  • April - 6-8, 11-13, 15-17, 24-26, 29, 30;
  • May - 6, 7, 8, from 10 to 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28 and 31;
  • June - 1, 2, 5, 6, from 9 to 13, from 16 to 20, from 27 to 30.

There are also unfavorable days for this procedure:

  • April – 5 and 19;
  • May - 5 and 19;
  • June - 3, 4 and 17.

How to properly plant a rose bush in open ground?

Planting rose bushes is carried out as soon as all preparatory procedures have been completed.

In order to plant a plant correctly, you must follow the step-by-step steps:

  1. Dip the rhizomes of the planting material into a solution with clay. To do this, you need to dissolve 6 phosphorobacterin tablets in 1 liter of water and pour into a 10-liter clay mixture.
  2. Smooth out the roots of the flower, holding it over the hole. The root system should be straightened.
  3. Insert the seedling into the planting hole and cover it with soil. Deepen the roots to a mark of 5–6 cm from the grafting site (thickening of the root collar).
  4. Make a light compaction around the planting material.
  5. Water the bushes without touching the shoots. You can use the mixture to treat the roots. The main thing if you accidentally expose the grafting site is to remember to sprinkle earth on the exposed part.
  6. After planting, be sure to prune. Leave at least 2 buds on the stems (up to 7 depending on the type and variety of roses). Treat the cut areas with garden varnish.
  7. Mulch the soil. Use dry soil or compost as mulch.

Once the plant is planted, you need to shade the rose bushes for a couple of weeks.

Planting seedlings based on the type of flower will give the best results. Experienced gardeners use recommendations to properly plant rose bushes.

Planting climbing roses

The following features must be taken into account:

  1. This species requires a little more space for development. Therefore, the distance between holes reaches 1.5 meters.
  2. Deepen the grafting site by 10 cm.
  3. Do not prune seedlings of climbing varieties. The exception would be updating slices.
  4. It is more advisable to plant a climbing flower near a support, or to make a structure in the form of a lattice yourself. In this case, it will be easier to care for the plant, and it will feel more comfortable and develop faster.

The distance between the bush and the trellis is 30 cm. The plant needs to be helped to “climb” onto the support as soon as the branches reach the required length.

Planting ground cover roses

The ground cover species is characterized by frost resistance and extensive growth of branches.

Therefore, you need to follow some tips when planting bushes:

  • the size of the bush may be quite large. Therefore, leave an average of 1 meter between the bushes;
  • Groundcover pruning is rarely done. But you will have to update the cuts and remove damaged stems in any case;
  • The diameter of the hole must be at least 50 cm.

Planting hybrid tea roses

The hybrid tea species is rooted in the spring.

The following rules are required to ensure good adaptation and facilitate the following care:

  • “hide” the grafting site at a depth of up to 5 cm;
  • the optimal distance between roses is 40 cm, between rows is from 50 to 80 cm;
  • keep 2–3 strong, developed buds on one stem.

Planting park roses

The park view requires compliance with some recommendations:

  • leave the distance between the bushes 2 times less than the size of the intended adult rose. If the description states a height of 1 meter, then make the gap at least 50 cm;
  • When pruning the stems, leave 6–7 healthy buds.

What kind of variety is this, characteristics of the plant

Shrub roses have been known since ancient times. They were grown by the Greeks and Romans to decorate the area near their homes. The plant belongs to the Rosehip family and is distinguished by its beauty with fairly simple care. Thanks to this, it is popular as a decoration for a summer house or private home.

Shrub rose

Key Features

The plant has a varied appearance. Moreover, this applies not only to colors, but also to the shape and size of the crown. Depending on the type, it can be very lush or consist of several branches. The same applies to the growth of a rose bush. Some varieties can reach a height of up to 3 meters, others barely reach 50 cm. The branches of each plant are divided into main and annual, which grow again every spring.

Additional Information. Depending on the species, the peduncle can be from 15 to 100 cm in height.

As for the buds, they can have more than 100 petals. The main flower sometimes grows up to 20 cm in diameter. Roses grow either singly or in inflorescences. Their shades vary depending on the variety. At present, probably, only the variety with bright blue buds has not yet been bred. However, species have appeared in which the flowers change color depending on the time of year.

Some varieties of bush roses resemble wild roses in their appearance, others bloom only once, and then become just a green decoration for the area. Other varieties delight gardeners with bright flowers every year.

The main advantages of flowers:

  • High frost resistance compared to other types of roses.
  • Unpretentious in care.
  • With the help of bush roses you can create chic green hedges.

However, they also have disadvantages. The main ones are:

  • It is necessary to prune the bushes every year.
  • Although the plant has high frost resistance, it needs to be prepared for winter. And the large size of the bush makes it difficult to wrap up before cold weather.

By winter we will have to create three-dimensional structures

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