They love the cold: what flowers to plant in the fall to admire the blooms in the spring

Iberis evergreen

This is a beautiful and unpretentious evergreen plant. During flowering, the bush looks simply amazing, as it is densely dotted with snow-white flowers. This plant can tolerate frosts down to 30 degrees, so it is not necessary to cover it for the winter. Iberis evergreen feels good both in the sun and in semi-shaded places.

It blooms in May and blooms for 3 weeks. Iberis looks beautiful from spring to autumn. After flowering, green bushes remain.

Iberis can grow on any soil, even poor and rocky, as long as it is loose enough. This is a drought-resistant plant, so it does not need frequent watering.


Cute bright fuchsia flowers love coolness and humidity. Give it a shower, keep it on an open balcony or veranda since spring, provide an influx of fresh air, and the plant will thank you with abundant flowering. Fuchsia must be protected from direct sunlight.

For the winter, place the plant in a cool room at a temperature of 5-7 ° C, it can even be a cellar. But if the flower remains warm, it needs to be pruned in February-March. The growth and development of fuchsia depends on the conditions of detention.


These are evergreen and unpretentious perennials that should be planted in August. The plant blooms together with primroses at the same time. The height of the hellebore is within 40 cm.

Nowadays many varieties have been developed with different colors and flower shapes. Hellebores look beautiful against the backdrop of primroses. Even after they bloom, they look good due to their decorative foliage. Hellebores grow best in shaded areas of the garden. They prefer loose and nutritious soil with a neutral pH reaction.

What flowers grow in a hot apartment?

Houseplants for dry atmospheres

  • zamioculcas
  • Kalanchoe
  • pelargonium
  • fern centipede
  • indoor ivy
  • sansevieria
  • Crassula
  • ficus

21 Nov
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Coreopsis whorled

This is a very beautiful, unpretentious perennial. It looks like a neat openwork bush. Coreopsis blooms from July to September.

It is better to plant in sunny areas with loose soil, where moisture does not stagnate. At the end of summer, the sprouts take root well in their new location. This is a drought-resistant plant, but for the first time after planting the seedlings, they need to be watered. For the winter, coreopsis is completely pruned.

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Plants will add freshness to any bathroom and diversify the interior. And even the absence of windows in the bathroom is not a reason to refuse living greenery. We've found nine low-maintenance plants that love humidity, warmth, and will easily adapt to the lack of daylight in your bathroom.

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This unpretentious and shade-loving plant is ideal for the bathroom and any rooms with a lack of daylight. Aspidistra does not suffer from a lack or excess of moisture, so it will be comfortable in your bathroom in any case.

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Even if your bathroom doesn't have a window, Dieffenbachia is one of the few plants that can survive without daylight. Dieffenbachia loves warmth and humidity, but it is important not to overwater it and let the roots dry out. And you need to water with warm water, the temperature of which is not lower than room temperature.

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Hamedorea will fit perfectly into an empty corner in your bathroom and will not require special attention. She likes high humidity and warmth. Make sure that after watering the water does not stagnate in the pot. If the plant turns dark, it often means you are watering it too much.

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A graceful and elegant plant that fits in a small pot and will help decorate your sink or narrow shelf above it. Spathiphyllum is an excellent air purifier and loves the moisture you create by spending an extra 10 minutes in the shower every time.

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This plant is unpretentious and can easily withstand poor lighting. It also helps clear the air of harmful toxins and converts carbon dioxide into oxygen at night.

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It easily takes root in almost any conditions and also loves humidity. Epipremnum is included by NASA as one of the 3 plant species that most effectively purify the air. It purifies the air from harmful formaldehyde and xylene.

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Tillandsia does not like cold and drafts, it loves warmth and high humidity, so it will quite like it in the bathroom. You can spray it only with soft and warm water. Tillandsia loves medium light, so that it is not very bright and not dark, closer to partial shade. The optimal temperature at any time of the year is 18-25 degrees Celsius.

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The warmth, humidity and partial shade of the bathroom are quite suitable for Asplenium. These ferns do not tolerate hard and chlorinated water, so for watering it is better to use water at room temperature that has stood for at least 12 hours.

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This unpretentious plant easily tolerates poor lighting and can grow indoors even with artificial lighting. The sap of the plant is poisonous, so make sure that the plant is out of reach of your children and pets.

Beauty and healthUseful tips


During flowering, this plant looks like an air cloud. This is an unpretentious flower up to 2 meters high. However, there are also low-growing varieties.

Blooms from June to August. Flowers can be regular or double. The plant prefers sunny places. In the southern regions it is best to plant it in partial shade.

Despite the fact that the plant is moisture-loving, it does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil. Basil has a creeping root system, and with proper care the bush grows quickly.

Homemade camellia

Looking at this beautiful plant with glossy leaves and delicate, rose-like flowers, it is difficult to believe that it is extremely resilient in the face of hardship. Camellias need a lot of light and air to grow. But it is undemanding about temperature; on the contrary, it prefers coolness. On a warm windowsill near the radiator, the planting will wither.

It is best to keep it on a bright loggia or glassed-in balcony. Summer temperatures should not exceed 20-25 °C, and winter temperatures should not exceed -10 to 12 °C. You even need to water and spray the flower with cold water.

Phlox splayed

This plant will delight you with its abundant flowering and wonderful aroma. It does well in sun and partial shade.

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Phlox is unpretentious, but prefers moderate watering. The soil needs to be loose and nutritious. You also need to fertilize periodically.

indoor euonymus

Grows well at home. Its variegated foliage becomes dull if the plant receives little light. Therefore, it is best to place it on a bright windowsill on the north side, where the radiators are. In warm weather, euonymus may even shed all its leaves. During hot summer months, do not place it in the sun.

The flower can even spend the winter on an unheated balcony, of course, at not very low temperatures. During the cold period, the planting can be removed to a cool room. It is important that the temperature does not exceed 10 °C. Watering should be plentiful, in winter - moderate.

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