Tenacious Geneva: photo, growing from seeds, care

The use of this plant for medicinal purposes goes back far into history. In Bulgarian traditional medicine, it was an excellent remedy that improves metabolism, as well as providing benefits for diseases of the gallbladder, stomach and liver. In Austria, a tea was brewed from the tenacious plant to be used for respiratory diseases, and baths from this plant were considered an excellent remedy for “thinness.” During the Crimean War, doctors used it to heal people from malaria.

This amazing plant has a very suitable name for it - tenacious. Outwardly, it is familiar to many who love forays into nature.

This article is about one of the varieties of the plant - the Genevan tenacious.

Features of the plant

Tenacious (or ayuga) is a genus of perennial and annual plants. It belongs to the Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) family, which has approximately 50 plant species. In the wild, they grow in meadows, forests and wetlands on almost all continents, but mostly in Eurasia.

The essence of the plant is fully reflected by its name. The survivor is so unpretentious that it easily adapts to almost any conditions: it can withstand drought and endure severe frosts.

Members of this genus, depending on the species, grow 5-50 centimeters in height, and many have creeping stems, with semi-evergreen, wintergreen or deciduous leaves with toothed edges. Their flowers are small (two-lipped), collected in spike-shaped inflorescences and false whorls. Their shades vary from yellow and white to blue, indigo, purple or pink. Flowering begins in May and usually lasts until the very end of summer. Most of the survivors are blue, white specimens are the least common.

The brown fruits of the plant are small nuts. In the article you can find a photo of the Geneva survivor.

Options for using creeping and pyramidal tenacious in garden decor

There are many options for using this plant to decorate the garden. The fact is that the tenacious plant has a variety of shapes, covers the ground well, creates a contrasting background that favorably emphasizes other flowers.

Moreover, the plant can be used not only as an independent design tool, but also in combination with many other flowers and garden greens:

  1. Pyramid tenacious has flowers of dark purple, blackberry shades; they are located on elongated narrow ears, which creates a good effect of rising in height. They can be used to frame different sectors of the garden, planted along the perimeter (this creates a beautiful flower border that highlights the contours of the area), as well as according to a pre-made pattern - for example, waves and zigzags.
  2. You can create small flower beds from tenacious flowers, alternating them with taller flowers in order to favorably emphasize both. The effect of contrast will be manifested due to differences in heights, as well as due to the dark shades of the flowers of the pyramidal tenacious plant (or the green part of the Black scallop plant).
  3. It is very beautiful to frame flower beds made of tenacious flowers with decorative roots in white shades. This looks especially appropriate when creating a flower garden in the style of a rock garden - it creates the effect of snow-capped peaks on which flowers grow (for this you can plant plants on hills or hills).
  4. A very successful decoration option is to plant the survivor on the shore of a country pond under taller plants. This creates the effect of a coastal forest with beautiful flowers along the pond.
  5. Ayuga can be grown next to coniferous plants - together the composition will create the effect of movement and upward direction.
  6. Also, the tenacious plant looks harmonious with ferns, which contrast with it in the shades of the leaves and at the same time are located on approximately the same tier.
  7. An excellent combination is created by tenacious with iris, the bright flowers of which look good against the backdrop of solid green carpets of ayuga.
  8. Finally, the most universal option is to plant the plant in all unused areas that look unsightly due to the blackening soil. The tenacious will cover all open spaces well and create an original green carpet effect.


Varieties and types of tenacious differ in the most varied colors of not only flowers, but also leaves: purple, silver-green, bronze-lilac, dark brown. They also come with spots and edges of a wide variety of shades.

Today, the following species are mainly grown as garden ornamental plants.

  1. The creeping tenacious is the most common species among the representatives of the described genus, mainly growing in Europe. It is characterized by stems 20 cm high, creeping shoots and spike-shaped inflorescences of pink, white, blue-blue and purple colors.
  2. Herringbone is a low-growing annual plant with bluish-green leaves and yellow flowers that exude a fresh pine scent.
  3. Geneva tenacious is evergreen, up to 35 cm high. It is distinguished by the absence of creeping shoots, has leaves with large teeth and white or pink flowers.
  4. Pyramid tenacious is a perennial plant, approximately 20 cm high, characterized by hairy stems, rigid pyramid-shaped leaves and pink, white or lilac flowers. Among them there are quite attractive varieties with metallic-colored leaves. The plant grows very slowly and does not form a cover.
  5. Pseudochios tenacious has straight, pubescent stems 15 cm high, divided leaves and yellow-purple flowers.
  6. Laxmanna is a tall, perennial plant distinguished by unusually shaped silvery leaves and yellow or pink flowers.
  7. Eastern tenacious is a rare species, with white and violet-lilac flowers.

What species grow in nature

Ageratum - growing from seeds, care and planting

In their natural habitat there are about 70 species of tenacious.


Geneva's tenacious, or shaggy, reaches a height of 50 cm. The upper leaves have an elongated or ovoid shape, the lower ones are crenate-toothed. The flowers are blue or pink. Inflorescences are collected in whorls of 2-5 pieces. The stems of this species do not grow. Flowering occurs in April-July.

Most often found in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and the Caucasus. The most popular variety of this species is the tenacious Geneva Helena. It is a perennial that grows up to 50 cm in height.

What does the Geneva survivor look like?


The tenacious Chios is common in the Caucasus, Iran, and the Mediterranean. The species mainly grows on rocky terrain, roadsides, and embankments. It can reach a height of no more than 20 cm. The shoots are erect. They are covered with white fibers. The leaves are spatulate below and three-toothed above. The flowers have the shape of a false spike and are located at the ends of the shoots. They are yellow.

For your information! The pulp from the shoots promotes faster healing of wounds.

What does the Chios survivor look like?


The pyramidal type began its existence in Europe. It can grow in rocky areas and among bushy plants. It reaches a length of up to 25 cm. The leaf plates are similar to an oval. They have a long pile. Flowers grow up to 10 cm. They can be white, pink or purple. There are several varieties of this species:

  • Lunar Landing. These flowers are yellow in color. The variety was bred by botanist F. Riotto;
  • Crispa. The leaves on the bush are large and compressed. They have a greenish color. Petals are blue;
  • survivor Metallica Crispa. The bush grows up to a maximum of 5 cm. The leaves are small green in color with a metallic tint.


Height up to 50 cm. Flowers lilac. The species is distributed in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.


The eastern species grows up to 10-20 cm. Leaves are wedge-shaped. Blue flowers. The bracts have a blue tint.


The height of the bush is 0.2-0.5 m. There are drooping leaves on the shoots. The entire leaves are large in size and silver in color. The flowers are small. They come in light pink and light yellow.

Laxman's view


It grows only up to 6 cm. The leaves have a green-gray tint and jagged ends. Look like cones. Yellow flowers.


Grows in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. A small number of branches is the main feature of this species. The shoots are thick. They have leaves in the shape of an ellipse. The leaves are colored brown. Purple flowers. The plant has medicinal properties.

For your information! Other types include: willow, southern, spread. They are used in folk medicine.

Geneva's tenacious

This perennial plant is also called hairy tenacious. It belongs to the genus Tenacious (in Latin Ajuga). Approximately 15 different representatives of this genus grow in Russia.

The length of the straight, shaggy stems reaches 30 centimeters, and they are covered with medium-sized hairs. It has horizontal roots that form root suckers. The pubescent leaves are oblong and oval in shape, while the basal leaves are larger in size, long-petioled and with teeth.

The leaves at the base of the flowers are entire, bluish in color.

The fruit of the Geneva survivor consists of 4 dark brown, slightly pubescent and wrinkled nuts of a round, ovoid shape up to three millimeters long.

Description of the plant and selection of the best varieties

The never-dying plant is easily adaptable, therefore it grows all over the world and for the same reason is very diverse in appearance and habits. Tenacious (ayuga, Ajuga is the Latin name) is a genus of herbaceous plants in the family Lamiaceae, and in Europe alone it unites 70 species. Therefore, it is difficult to give a general description of the survivor.

The height of ayuga varies from 50 to 500 mm. Foliage is of the opposite type. The main shades of inflorescences: blue, purple, blue, yellow. According to life expectancy: annual and perennial. By cycle duration: evergreen, semi-deciduous, deciduous.

Interesting fact: Ayuga is a shade-loving or shade-tolerant flower, but two of its species have managed to take root even in sunny Australia.

Turkestan undying herb is used in medicine and sports: its extract has a tonic effect. The most popular among Russian gardeners are creeping, pyramidal and Geneva tenacity: they are grown as a ground cover or decorative foliage crop. Landscape designers also recommend using ayuga to equip rock gardens, rock gardens, and mix gardens.



The Geneva plant grows almost throughout Europe, in Central and Asia Minor, the Mediterranean, China, as well as in Iran, Afghanistan and Kurdistan.

It is also found as an alien plant in North America. It can be found in Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Caucasus. The furry survivor in Russia has taken a liking to its entire European part, except for the territories of the Far North.

It grows in meadows, among bushes, on forest edges and clearings.

Growing Geneva tenacious from seeds is also widely used by amateur gardeners.

Reproduction and planting

The tenacious species reproduces both vegetatively and through seeds. The perennial self-sows, but the offspring obtained from such seeds may not repeat the characteristics of the mother plant. The seeds are carried by ants.

Survivor seedlings

The plant spreads quickly, so it can be divided after a few seasons. To propagate the tenacious, it is enough to simply dig up a rooted rosette and plant it in a new place, like strawberries. It is better to do this at the end of summer after flowering or in the fall. We divide well-grown bushes into smaller ones and plant them immediately at their destination. Reproduction is quite easy, the plant takes root well and quickly.

When planting tenacious in the garden, it is important not to place it next to slow-growing and tender perennials. Since Ajuga reptans is a very expansive plant, it is planted every 30 cm. It is believed that the best distance is 5 plants per 1 m². This will allow the bushes to grow and develop freely. The seedlings are planted in a new place at the same depth at which the mother plant grew. After planting, compact the soil and water it.

Tenacious flowers

The abundantly blooming tenacious plant is delightful with its unusual elegant leaves. But its small flowers, collected in original inflorescences, give the plant a rather spectacular appearance. The tenacious shaggy has mostly blue or bluish flowers, collected in 6-12 pieces in false whorls, while the upper ones are twisted into spike-shaped inflorescences, and the lower ones are spaced apart from each other. At the very base the calyx of the flower is bare, in the upper part it is shaggy.

The plant blooms almost throughout the warm season until the very first frost (mostly from May to August). Depending on the variety, the flowers of the tenacious are white, blue, indigo and pink. They begin to bloom in the very first days of May.

Growing from seeds

You can plant ayuga in almost any area. For this purpose, seeds are often used, which are planted immediately in open ground.

Landing dates

The tenacious plant is an unpretentious plant, so it can be planted at different times of the year:

  1. In spring, when the earth has already warmed up, the best time is the second half of May. To plant, wait for a warm day without precipitation.
  2. Late autumn.

See also

Varieties of petunias Easy Wave with description, planting and careRead

Frosts even down to -10 degrees will not damage the plant.

Choosing a location and neighbors

The choice of location largely depends on the variety, but most grow well in shade or partial shade. Therefore, you can plant tenacious under trees and bushes. It won't take away the nutrients they need. But the tenacious plant can kill more fragile plants and primroses with its shoots. The best soil is vegetable garden soil or moist loam.

How to plant correctly

Before sowing, the soil must be dug up. The seeds themselves are buried to a shallow depth - up to 2 centimeters. There should be 10-15 centimeters between rows, and 8-10 between plants. In the spring, it is better to mulch the planted survivors with humus or peat, and in the winter - with rotten leaves.

Feeding and fertilizer

You need to feed the survivor 1-2 times a month. Although the plant grows well in depleted soil, such care will have a positive effect on its decorative appearance. It is best to use organic fertilizers:

  • manure;
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • ash.

Along with watering, also apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

After flowering

Seeds formed after flowering usually do not retain the qualities that the variety has, and the plants from them are not as beautiful. However, the tenacious can reproduce by self-sowing; as a result, its growth spreads beyond the designated area and occupies places that you wanted to give to others. Therefore, it is better to cut off the testes in advance.


In most cases, adult plants overwinter well without additional shelter. But if there is not enough snow, it is better to throw dry leaves or spruce branches on top. Be sure to cover newly planted bushes; they freeze much faster.

About the use of tenacity in landscape design and in everyday life

In gardening culture, it is the Geneva plant that is widely used. Planting and caring for it will not be difficult. The plant is used as a ground cover, looking amazing in lawns, borders, rockeries and large rock gardens, as well as near ponds. It is often planted under bushes and trees, as well as in containers.

There are also varieties used in cooking and medicine. Young leaves are used in salads and as a seasoning for various dishes. The stems have tonic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, and also prevent baldness.

Survivor's partners

Ayuga is a “friendly” ground cover, so it can be combined well with many plants on the site and in the flowerbed. Quite often it is planted in flower beds with perennial, bulbous flowers. Ayuga shades the tall roses in the flowerbed and disguises the trellises under clematis. A varied range of small flowers and leaves allows you to decorate any area in tandem with any plants on the site.

Growing Geneva tenacious

Many varieties of tenacious are considered unpretentious; they adapt to growing in a wide variety of soils and under a variety of conditions. There is one caveat - it prefers rich humus and well-moistened soils. With all this, it can do without watering during the hot period for 4 weeks. The plant can grow in one place for up to several years. It is not afraid of frosts (if there is snow cover) or bright sun rays.

The main care for the tenacious plant is the application of mineral and organic fertilizers in the spring, watering during periods of drought, and the removal of already faded inflorescences. In variegated varieties, it is necessary to remove rosettes with monochromatic leaves and replant them every 3-4 years, due to the freezing of old leaves in winter.

Vital after flowering

Some gardeners believe that after flowering the unpretentious plant can be safely forgotten. This is not entirely true.

Experienced gardeners advise cutting off the testes and using rosettes for propagation.


The description of the ayuga showed that she is not afraid of cold weather. You shouldn’t relax in this case, because we are talking about young shoots. If excessively thickened specimens emerge from under the snow in the spring, this causes concern among gardeners.

Usually everything ends with the restoration of ayuga with the first warm rays of the sun. It’s better to play it safe by covering the survivors for the winter with a special film or spruce branches.


Growing Geneva tenacious from seeds is possible (in autumn or spring), but such propagation by gardeners is usually rarely practiced. In nature, they spread thanks to ants.

The plant can also be propagated vegetatively. In April-September, heavily overgrown bushes should be divided into rosettes for subsequent rooting. It should be noted that even small rosettes with very small roots take root quite easily in the ground.

They are planted at a distance of approximately 20 centimeters between seedlings. The apical bud should be above the soil surface. The plant needs to be watered daily only in the first week after planting in the ground.

Tenacious: characteristics of the plant, its cultivation and subsequent care

Tough Arctic Snow: Photo of the variety

Tenacious is a semi-evergreen herbaceous plant that can also be either evergreen or deciduous. In this case, there are both annuals and perennials; everything will depend on the species of the plant, as well as on its variety. The height of the bush can also be different - it can be 5 centimeters, or it can reach half a meter.

The leaf blades are arranged in opposite order. The whorls of the tenacious are false and consist of flowers of different shades. These can be blue or blue flowers, purple and yellow, everything again depends on the varietal of the plant. All species as a whole are distinguished by the fact that they are completely unpretentious and do not have any special requirements for care or growing conditions.

As a rule, gardeners prefer to grow decorative deciduous varieties of tenacious, as well as ground cover species and forms of ajuga on their plots. And this is not surprising, because they are considered the most attractive and suitable for personal plots.

In addition, tenacity is no less in demand in landscape design, since it is used specifically for decorating rockeries, mixborders, rock gardens, which fit perfectly into almost any area, and the gardener can independently determine which crops can grow on his site, and from which he would hasten to get rid of altogether.

Also, the tenacious plant is cultivated as a ground cover plant, as it can wriggle very attractively and decoratively, looks simply magnificent, and attracts enough attention.

Planting a plant

Of course, it is worth paying attention to how the tenacious breeds.

Tough Black Scallop: Photo of the variety

Let's start with the seed method. Sow seeds directly into open soil, in a pre-prepared area. If you are sowing ayuga seeds for the first time, then the seeds can be purchased at nurseries or special stores for gardeners. Such seeds are distinguished by the fact that they have already gone through all stages of preparation, which means their germination rate will be much higher. Seeds are sown in open ground in the spring, since the soil must have time to warm up properly so that the seeds are in the most suitable environment possible.

Also, sometimes gardeners sow ayuga right before winter, in the autumn. The planting area should be very well lit, or you can choose an area that is slightly shaded. Ajuga is often planted in the trunk circle of overgrown trees, where the survivor simply feels as comfortable as possible and gives excellent results in growth and development.

The thing is that ayuga is a grass that practically does not take from the soil any useful and nutritional components that are so necessary for the growth of trees. The tenacious plant grows best on a well-cultivated garden plot, or on nutritious, moist loamy soil.

Before you even start sowing the survivors, you need to dig up the area well and add some organic fertilizer to it - for example, compost or humus. Also, mineral fertilizer is added to the dug soil, or you can take a double dose of superphosphate; no more than one hundred grams are required per square meter. Thanks to this, the soil will be saturated with all the necessary substances, which means the survivor will feel great.

If the plant needs components, it will definitely take them directly from the soil, since there will be enough of them there.

If the gardener does not have time to tinker with seeds, then he can purchase seedlings . Seedlings are sold in the form of rosettes; they are planted in already open ground from mid-May until the very end, since this period is considered to be the most favorable for planting this plant.

The grass is not at all afraid of too long frosts, and can withstand temperatures down to minus 10 degrees. In order to plant seedlings in the ground, you should wait for a clear, dry day. When planting in groups, a distance of approximately thirty centimeters is maintained between shrubs. The growth point of the survivor must necessarily be above the ground surface, but it should not rise very significantly.

The soil that is located near the bushes must be lightly compacted with your palms. After planting, the plants must be thoroughly moistened; watering must be plentiful; settled water at room temperature is used for this.

At the same time, when watering, you should ensure that the soil does not sink too much and that the root system is not exposed, otherwise this will lead to the roots being exposed to sunlight, causing burns and damage. As a result, the tenacious plant will stop growing, even despite its loud name; not all mistakes in care can be forgiven by the plant to the gardener.

Tenacious - care

Caring for a tenacious creature is not particularly difficult. The bushes need to be watered systematically, and it is also worth monitoring their uncontrolled spread. Since the tenacious can independently reproduce by seed, it grows very strongly, and because of this it can turn from an ornamental bush into a parasite.

Before the young leafy part of the plants is formed, it is necessary to protect the planted bushes from direct sunlight. Also, the tenacious plant needs the gardener to provide timely watering and to ensure that the soil in the tree trunk never dries out too much. Only because of such vigilance of the gardener can the tenacious plant fully justify its name.

After the rosettes on the bush begin to actively grow, the plant should not be watered, but moisture must be added when periods of prolonged drought occur. You can also water the bush in very hot weather, it just needs it.

It is worth remembering that tenacious is a herbaceous crop that can grow very actively and abundantly, so it is worth constantly monitoring the trends and rates of its growth, and ensuring that tenacious does not spread to areas where it, in principle, should not be.

Along the perimeter of the area where the ayuga grows, you can make small improvised fences, install stones around the plants, and also press the stones a little into the soil so that the root system of the tenacious plant, which, by the way, is very strong, does not move them.

In order to preserve the external decorative characteristics of the plant, it is necessary to remove the inflorescences in a timely manner. Otherwise, due to their drying out, the plant will look less bright, but more painful and emaciated.

How the tenacious ayuga reproduces

Tenacious Burgundy Glow: Photo of the variety

The tenacious plant is propagated by both seed and vegetative methods. But it is still worth keeping in mind that ayuga is grown from seeds only during the initial planting. In other cases, the chances are very low that something meaningful and useful will come out of such a planting.

If a gardener cultivates only varietal plants on his plot, then it should be remembered that the seeds that the gardener collects independently cannot retain the entire set of maternal traits and qualities. So in this case, completely different crops can be grown from seeds. And they will be very different in their growth and appearance, and will also exhibit some other requirements in agricultural technology.

For this reason, it is best to propagate the plant using rosettes . Vegetative propagation is usually carried out in early spring, and these processes can also be transferred to the autumn period, here everything depends on the preferences of the gardener himself, as well as on when he will have more time and opportunity to do this. The main thing is that if reproduction is carried out in the fall, then have time to do this before the second ten days of December.

It is worth trimming the overgrown rosettes from the bushes, which the gardener then transplants to new areas; he can plant either one at a time or several at once. There are also situations when the rosette has only one very thin root, and even despite this, it can calmly take root in a new place, demonstrate excellent growth and development results, and then begin to fully reveal its decorative characteristics.

If the gardener separates the rosettes only once a year, then when planting between the bushes it is worth maintaining a distance of 15 to 20 centimeters. If the procedure is prescribed approximately once every 2 years, then at least 25 centimeters remain between plants so that the plant has more space and space for growth and development.

After the rosettes take root and begin to actively grow, you don’t have to water them anymore; they will already feel quite calm.

Often, the tenacious plant also reproduces by self-seeding , but young plants that have grown in this way will not be able to retain their unique varietal characteristics that the mother bushes possessed.

To prevent self-seeding from occurring, it is worth promptly removing flower stalks directly from the plant. In deciduous varieties and tenacious species, this can be done when the arrow just begins to grow. But when the plants begin to bloom, their flower stalks are removed after they have bloomed.

These procedures are quite labor-intensive, but still, if we talk about basic caring procedures, then the plant is quite easy to care for and keep an eye on. It will not require any incredible work, but the result will be incredibly attractive and very significant.

Diseases and pests

Along with all the positive characteristics, the tenacious plant is also distinguished by its resistance to pests and various diseases.

Tenacious Geneva: Photo of the variety

But there are still pests that can disturb the plant - these are slugs , which, especially at night, can eat leaves, and they also reproduce very actively on leaf plates. Slugs are especially active in conditions of high humidity, as well as if suddenly low air temperatures are observed. But if you suddenly sprinkle a little crushed stone or gravel around the plant, then in this way it will be possible to protect it with vitality, since both of these components are the biggest test for these pests.

Shelter for the winter

We have already mentioned earlier that it is pointless to collect tenacious seeds, since they are not able to preserve the varietal characteristics and characteristics of this crop. There is also another reason, which is that the survivor can reproduce itself by self-sowing. But more experienced gardeners still recommend plucking the seed plants from the bushes. And for the reproduction of tenacious creatures, use mainly sockets. Since they have a greater chance of almost completely retaining their decorative features and characteristics, as well as conveying all the features of the mother plant.

If the winter in the area where the tenacious grows was snowy, then the plant will be able to survive this period completely calmly, and it will not require any shelter or protection at all. But if in winter there is practically no snow cover, then the planting should be protected using fallen leaves, spruce branches or agrofibre - any materials that will be more accessible to the gardener to protect the plant.

Younger bushes should be covered for the winter without fail, even if the winter is very snowy. Since they have not yet had time to gain sufficient weight, and also have not yet had time to develop immunity and stress resistance, which would help them cope well with these periods.

Possible difficulties during cultivation

Due to its unpretentiousness, the tenacious plant rarely gets sick, but too much moisture can lead to rot, and during spring floods its leaves can completely die off.

What is special about this plant? It contains unique phytoecdysteroids that inhibit the development of pests, especially their larvae. Sometimes the tenacious plant is attacked by snails and slugs, which mercilessly eat their leaves.

To avoid such situations, it is necessary to remove fallen leaves and other debris from the site, use specialized preparations (“Metu” or “Thunderstorm”) and drain the soil.

Below in the article we present the most common varieties of Geneva tenacious (Helena and Blue Sea), used by amateur flower growers.

Diseases and pests

Fungal diseases are the maximum nuisance that can befall ayuga. And then the misfortune happens if the garden is completely desolate.

Tenacious pests:

  1. Snails. They are not visible during the daytime because they cannot tolerate heat. Snails are amazingly voracious. They literally “sweep away” everything in their path: weeds, cultivated plants and even the first fallen leaves.
  2. Slugs. Fruits and vegetables are the favorite delicacies of these pests. However, they do not ignore tenacity.

Slugs eat young shoots and shoots, leaves, plant stems, parts of roots and tubers protruding above the ground
. These pests will disappear from the garden if toads keep them “pleasant” company. Lime mortar will also not be to the taste of snails and slugs.


Greens are usually collected during the flowering period, dried under a canopy in the shade, laid out in a not very thick layer (up to 3-5 centimeters).

Tenacious is used widely in folk medicine as a hemostatic, astringent, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent. It is used both as an emollient and as an expectorant for diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. Herbal infusions are also used for diarrhea, colds and female diseases, stomach ulcers, and also for rheumatism. Infusions are used for lotions and washes for eye diseases. Decoctions of this herb are used to gargle and strengthen hair. Wounds are cured with lotions made from crushed leaves. Remedies with this plant help with tuberculosis, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, and it is also indispensable for cholelithiasis.

The survivor has excellent abilities that improve metabolism.

Usually the plant uses the above-ground part. The herb contains flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, iridoids (harpagide, 8-O-acetylharpagide, etc.).

When using products using this plant, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance and be sure to follow the dosage. Survival is contraindicated for people with a tendency to constipation.

Useful properties of tenacity and its use

Creeping tenacious is a storehouse of useful substances that are used in the treatment of diseases.

Culture is used as a means of:

  • hemostatic
  • antiseptic
  • sweatshop
  • diuretic
  • expectorant
  • painkiller
  • diuretic
  • astringent
  • wound healing
  • anti-inflammatory

Preparations based on tenacity are used to treat:

  1. rheumatism
  2. pulmonary tuberculosis
  3. inflammatory processes in the uterus
  4. diseases of the stomach and intestines
  5. Sore throat and gingivitis are also treated with the help of tenacity
  6. The juice of the crop is used to treat burns.

Beneficial features

Creeping tenacious is also used in herbal medicine, because the plant contains:

  • flavonoids
  • iridoids
  • steroids
  • phytol diterpinoids
  • ascorbic acid
  • vitamin K
  • tannins
  • essential oils

Decorating the site

When decorating a garden, the bush plays an important role. The crop prevents the spread of weeds, is unpretentious in care and retains its appearance from the moment the snow melts until late autumn. The tenacious creeping creature is not afraid of direct sunlight.

A survivor planted next to coniferous trees will harmonize on the site or in the garden.

Healing infusions from tenacious

  1. To prepare a healthy decoction, you need to pour the chopped herb (8 g) with boiling water (1 glass), cool and strain thoroughly. Take the prepared solution 1 tbsp per day. spoon for stomatitis, sore throat, gingivitis. Freshly squeezed juice can be applied to bee stings, calluses and burns to alleviate the condition.
  2. 2 teaspoons of flowers and leaves of the plant are infused in 250 grams of hot water for about 1.5-2 hours, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon of infusion before each meal for diseases of the duodenum and gastric ulcer.
  3. Infusion of 5 tbsp. spoons of herbs (filled with one liter of boiled water), filtered after three hours. This product washes purulent wounds, moistens burns and rinses the scalp.

Use in folk medicine

Tenacious is a useful plant. There are many recipes for decoctions, infusions, and herbal teas. The drugs will help in the treatment of various ailments, the main thing is to prepare and take them correctly. Try to adhere to the recommended proportions and do not overuse the ingredients.

Before using a particular product, consult your doctor regarding its appropriateness in a particular case. Do not refuse drug therapy for the disease. Remember, an integrated approach to treatment is the key to a speedy recovery.

  1. In the fight against malaria, rheumatism, colds, diarrhea, cholelithiasis, it is useful to take the infusion. Steam 20 g of dried crushed herb in a glass of boiling water. Place the mixture in a warm place for three hours. Take 20 ml of filtered medicine three times a day.

This remedy is also suitable for external use on burns, ulcers, and wounds. It is used as baths, lotions, and is also used to rinse the oropharynx for tonsillitis.

  1. For the treatment of stomach ulcers, sore throat, bronchitis, cough, tracheitis, it is recommended to use a decoction. Brew 10 g of the above-ground part of the plant in three hundred milliliters of boiling water. After boiling, simmer over low heat for ten minutes. It is recommended to take 30 ml of the drug four times a day.

The same decoction can be used externally for the treatment of stomatitis, gum disease, and tonsillitis.

  1. It is useful for people suffering from pathologies of the genitourinary system and liver to take the tincture. Fill a tablespoon of the dry aerial part with medical alcohol - half a glass. Place the tightly closed container in a cool place for half a month. Take a teaspoon of strained medicine three times a day.

You can make an anti-acne lotion based on the tincture. Mix 100 ml of the drug with boiled, cooled water - 300 ml. Soak a cotton swab in the lotion, and then treat problem areas.

  1. Tea can be used as an antipyretic medicine. Mix tenacious grass with lemon balm and linden blossom in equal proportions. Steam 20 g of the mixture with boiling water. Drink a cup of the drink three times a day instead of tea.
  2. In the fight against bee stings, burns, candidiasis in children, calluses, you can use the juice of the plant. Freshly squeezed juice is applied to the affected areas of the body.
  3. For the treatment of chronic enterocolitis accompanied by diarrhea, it is recommended to use an infusion. Mix tenacious grass with centaury, warthog, rue, woodruff, plantain, mullein, and alder in equal proportions. Steam a tablespoon of the mixture in 400 ml of boiling water. Let the product brew. After three hours, filter. Drink half a glass three times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is two months.
  4. This collection is suitable for the treatment of uterine bleeding. Combine equal proportions of tenacious with nettle, lavender, jasmine, burdock, mantle, wintergreen, blueberry leaves, barberry bark, and steelberry rhizome. Steam 30 g of raw materials with boiling water - 500 ml. Boil the mixture over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Drink ½ cup of strained medicine three times a day.


The plant has few contraindications for use. It is not recommended to use the decorative perennial for medicinal purposes for women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, people with individual intolerance, and a tendency to constipation.

The herb will bring exceptional benefits to the body. The main thing is to take medications correctly and not exceed dosages. Before using tenacious for therapeutic purposes, do not forget to consult your doctor.

Flowers for the local area

Many modern cultivated varieties of this plant, presented in gardening stores, are an excellent decoration for home gardens. For example, flowers with amazingly beautiful names are the tenacious Geneva Helena, a photo of which can be found in the article, and the Blue Sea.

The tenacious Helena is capable of growing even in the most unfavorable conditions - not only in the sun, but also in heavily shaded places, and on the heaviest waterlogged and light dry soils. In addition, it is distinguished by high frost resistance (withstands frosts down to -10 ° C).

Growing tenacious Geneva Helena from seeds is the easiest and simplest way.

The variety reproduces well and feels good, growing quickly on mountain slopes, among stones, along paths in border plantings, under bushes and trees. It is good because it quickly forms a thick, dense cover.

The tenacious Geneva Blue Sea is also capable of growing in any conditions. It has shaggy creeping stems up to 20 centimeters high. The dark green leaves are shiny, elliptical in shape, with jagged edges. Suitable for both container decoration and as an hanging plant.

Transplantation and propagation

Growing survivors is an easy task that does not require any skills. It is worth knowing that it is better to plant ayuga in moist soil. For normal growth and development of the crop, it is worth adding nitrogen along with fertilizers and updating the soil every five years. During this time, the soil is depleted and the plant does not receive nutrients.

Plant propagation

The plant reproduces by dividing the rosettes or roots. The procedure begins at the beginning of spring, immediately after the snow thaws. And from late spring to early autumn, the divided plant is planted.

For propagation, a shoot with roots is separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a selected location. Since the roots are located close to the surface, there is no need to loosen the soil. Caring for the crop involves irrigation.

The crop is also grown from seeds, but it is better to use store-bought seeds for this purpose, because most varieties are hybrids. When their seeds are planted, new plants are unlikely to have the same qualities as their predecessor.

Choosing a landing site

The crop is grown in any conditions. The tenacious creature is not afraid of either direct sunlight or too shaded areas. When growing a plant in one place without transplanting, you should only ensure that the crop does not grow too much. Five small plants occupy up to one square meter.

The culture is known for the number of varieties that are often used for planting in flower beds. Even in places where the sun does not reach, some varieties of tenacious feel wonderful and grow quickly.

Creeping tenacious

The plant is widespread in Europe and has also been introduced to North America. It is found from Scandinavia to the Caucasus, from the Mediterranean to Iran.

The variety is popular due to its long and abundant flowering and decorative leaves. Small flowers of blue, white, pink colors are collected in inflorescences. They are attached to a rigid branched peduncle. The buds open in early or mid-May and last for 3 weeks, after which a hard, rough seed forms in the ovary.

The height of the stem varies between 10-25 cm, it has matted hairs and many lateral branches. The shoots take root easily, sometimes aerial roots form on them in advance.

Wide, ovate leaves are light in color. They often sit on a stem or on a short petiole; the lower ones are collected in rosettes and have a richer, darker color. The edges of the foliage are jagged, but the closer it is to the inflorescences, the more smooth leaves with a bluish base.

The creeping tenacious has its own subspecies:

  • Variegata Rubra - a plant with red and brown leaves;
  • Atropurpurea - rosettes with brown and brown leaves have almost lost their creeping properties;
  • Multicolor – red leaves with a mosaic effect are covered with bright multi-colored spots;
  • Burgundy Glow - in one rosette there are green, red and pink leaves with a pink or burgundy border;
  • Chocolate Chip - elongated, smooth leaves are rounded along the outer edge and have a light brown tint.

Landscape design

Tenacity occupies a leading position in landscape design. It does not allow weeds to develop and requires virtually no maintenance, maintaining a decorative appearance from early spring until the appearance of snow cover, and does not suffer from sunburn. Five young tenacious rosettes will easily occupy an area of ​​1 sq.m. The popularity of the plant is explained by its large varietal diversity, which allows it to be used for flower beds of any type: alpine slides, border paths and containers. In areas where, due to strong shading, it is impossible to plant a lawn, creeping varieties of tenacious plants with their unique lilac-blue flowering will feel good.

Ajuga can be grown together with coniferous plants along the banks of a decorative pond. As an evergreen plant, it will take its rightful place in the winter garden. Often the survivor is planted in the foreground of perennial flower beds. As an early flowering plant, this species perfectly complements a flower bed with bulbous primroses. Thanks to its ground cover properties, it shades tall roses well or covers the base of a trellis with clematis. The variety of colors not only of flowers, but also of leaves, allows it to be included in almost any landscape project.

Selecting a location

In the landscape, plants occupy all biotopes. Thanks to its hardiness and species diversity, the tenacious creature feels good both in open spaces under direct sunlight and under the shade of fruit trees.

It can grow in one place, without degeneration, for many years. The gardener only needs to monitor the rapid spread of the plant outside its allotted area.

Despite the fact that this plant is not very popular in Russian gardens, having planted one bush it is difficult to remain indifferent to these bright and unpretentious “islands”.

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Rules of care

Caring for the tenacious creeping insect comes down mainly to thinning out dense thickets, infrequent watering and fertilizing.


Regular watering must be observed during the most important periods for survival - during the planting process and during the rooting of sprouts and shoots. It is necessary to moisten the soil as it dries to improve the establishment and rooting of the plant. In the future, watering should be moderate, preferably only during periods of prolonged drought, because the tenacious plant can easily grow without moisture for a month.

Top dressing

It is best to use organic matter as top dressing and additional fertilizer. Rotted manure, peat, wood ash and compost are suitable. You can apply fertilizer at the root in liquid form or in dry form - sprinkling the area with the plant on top of the leaves and stems. Sometimes you can also apply mineral fertilizers. Purchased complex products or phosphorus-potassium preparations are suitable.

Protection from diseases and pests

Creeping tenacious is perhaps the only plant that almost never gets sick. This flower is susceptible only to fungal diseases. It can suffer if the soil is very thick or constantly damp. Another disease is root rot. A clear sign is drooping, withered tenacity, on the foliage of which brown or dirty yellow spots form.

To make sure that there is actually a lesion on the root system, the plant needs to be dug up to see a gray coating and brown spots on the roots.

Affected bushes should be disposed of, and the remaining affected areas should be sprinkled with crushed coal. Additionally, you can treat the soil with fungicides. Suitable drugs: “Topaz”, “Rovral”, “Skor”, “Fundazol”.

As for pests, the tenacious can only be affected by snails and slugs. This is due to the fact that the substances contained in the plant stop the development of the offspring of harmful insects, so they do not like it.

But garden mollusks are very attracted to dense, moist thickets, which are an almost ideal place for them to live. The snails feed on the succulent foliage of the tenacious, as a result of which only thin veins remain.

To combat snails and slugs, you can use chemical preparations, such as molluscicides such as “Meta” or “Thunderstorms”. Among folk remedies, it is worth noting the effectiveness of mustard powder or crushed hot pepper. Plants can be sprinkled with these ingredients in dry form, or a solution can be prepared from them and the thickets can be sprayed until the slugs and snails disappear from the area.

Did you know? The basal leaves, as well as young shoots of the creeping tenacious, are used as a seasoning for fish dishes, and are also quite often added to salads.

Varieties and types of creeping tenacious

There are about 45 varieties of this plant, we will tell you about the most common of them.

Tenacious creeping burgundy glow

This is a very popular plant variety. The flower has a stem length of about 100–250 millimeters. During the growth of the stems, the plant immediately roots them into the soil, which is why it turns out to be a kind of carpet of tenacious plants. The color palette of the leaves of the plant is different, they are:

  • Greenish.
  • Gray.
  • Purple.
  • Lilac.

This variety is described by breeders as the most beautiful. Look at the photo and agree with their opinion, the beauty of this flower is visible to the naked eye to every connoisseur of beauty. The color of the rosette of leaves can change color in just one evening. Let's say you went to bed in the evening and it was a rich pink hue, and the next morning you already found leaves with a white border. That's how unpredictable this flower is.

This tenacious variety likes to grow in places where the sun gradually turns into shade; in these areas it develops very actively. The tenacious Burgunti loves soil rich in humus; it also feels good on clay soils. Designers prefer to use the name of this tenacious plant in a form such as burgundy; they use it in landscape design to create borders along paths in the garden. And also in the case when the design involves a lot of stone decorative buildings, the burgundy variety is often planted near them to grow flower carpets near the decorations.

Creeping creature Variegata

A tenacious variety called variegata is also very well known to all landscape designers and is used very often. The rosette of leaves of this variety has leaves of a grayish-green hue. There is also such a distinctive feature as a border on a white or cream-colored sheet. After planting, it grows more slowly in comparison with other types of this perennial plant.

Designers recommend creating survivability with this type:

  1. Rock gardens.
  2. Curbs near paths.

If the plant is exposed to constant sunlight with direct rays, then pay attention to the fact that the plant may lose its color and distinctive cream border on the leaves. The soil for planting this flower crop is suitable with a high humus content or with the addition of clay.

With proper care, a dense, beautiful green carpet is formed.

Tenacious creeping black scallop

This tenacious variety can only raise the flowering spikelets to a height of 100 millimeters. Leaf color, iridescent gloss, deep purple color. The edges of the leaves have irregularities.

When sunlight hits the plant, its foliage looks more luscious and the color becomes brighter.

It will grow and develop well in partial shade, sometimes warmed by the sun's rays. It is also worth saturating the soil with humus before planting, or planting the plant on soil rich in clay. The tenacious creeping variety black scallop grows and develops well even in the worst climatic conditions. Tolerates frosts and heavy rains.

Tenacious creeping atropurpurea

This variety

A distinctive feature of the atropurpurea variety is its very rapid growth on the site. But nevertheless, with such rapid growth, it looks very compact and will not fill the entire garden plot. This type of plant loves the sun and its direct rays very much. Landscape designers recommend planting this plant next to the following flower crops:

  1. Phalaris.
  2. Miscanthus.
  3. Ryegrass.

These herbaceous plants will perfectly emphasize the beauty of the creeping tenacious plant. This variety tolerates frost well. It is better to place this plant, just like other varieties, in partial shade. But don’t forget to occasionally pamper him with the warmth of the sun.

Plant care

The main period of care is the first weeks of seedling growth after planting. During this time, water them with a little water early in the morning or evening. If the tenacious plant is planted in a sunny place, at first it will need to be protected from hot rays. After the first main leaf appears, daily watering must be stopped, but make sure that the soil under the bushes remains moist at all times.

Cracks should not be allowed to form, otherwise the roots of the tenacious tree may break when the earth diverges, which will destroy the plant. Loose and moist soil will allow oxygen and sufficient nutrition to pass to the roots.

Advice! To propagate the tenacious plant by self-sowing, it is important to completely loosen the soil in the garden bed so that the seeds from the boxes can take root well.

To form a beautiful lawn from creeping tenacious, its flower rosettes are cut off. The manipulation stimulates strong crown growth, resulting in the formation of a multi-colored carpet of decorative leaves.

A pressing problem for ayuga lovers is its uncontrolled spreading. To stop it, plantings are fenced with borders made of sheet metal, plastic or wood. The fence is deepened into the ground by 25-30 cm - this is enough to stop the spread of the tenacious species. Self-sowing of seeds from boxes and the spreading of arrowheads can only be prevented by their complete removal. Such simple but painstaking work will clearly outline the edges of the noble carpet of creeping oleoresin bushes.

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