Tiger lily - description and distinctive features

Among the representatives of the lily family, the tiger lily occupies a place of honor, the beauty of which does not leave any woman indifferent.

In the wild, this perennial plant grows in Japan and China, and its second name is lanceolate lily. Despite its East Asian origin, the tiger beauty has true “Siberian” frost resistance, ease of care and magnificent decor.

General description and features

Description of Tiger Lily Flower:

  • bush - spreading, reaches a height of 2 m;
  • stems - tomentose, hard;
  • leaves - green, sessile, lanceolate, length - 15 cm;
  • bulb - white, spherical in shape;
  • inflorescences are racemose, consisting of 3-10 flowers;
  • flowers - about 12 cm long, pubescent, color varies depending on the variety;
  • the smell is faint.

The tiger variety comes from a wild flower that grows in Japan and China.
Tiger lilies are herbaceous perennials. The flowering period lasts from 3 weeks to 1.5 months.

The young stems of the bush are highly decorative and are an independent element of landscape design. In the leaf axils at the end of summer, bud bulbs are formed, which, when released into the soil, germinate.

All modern domestic tiger lilies are the result of the painstaking work of breeders

Flowering time

The flowering period of tiger lilies is from early July to mid-September.

Medicinal properties

Speaking about the advantages and disadvantages of the tiger lily, one cannot fail to mention that this plant is not only beautiful, but also useful. The bulbs and flowers of this lily are used in folk medicine to prepare decoctions and preparations that have an analgesic, hemostatic, tonic and expectorant effect. They are prescribed for the treatment of heart and lung diseases, menstrual pain, abscesses, furunculosis, to improve appetite, etc. The active ingredients of this lily are one of the components of Mastodinon, a herbal preparation for the treatment of menstrual disorders and mastopathy. In the East, tiger lily bulbs and flowers are regularly used as food: the former are eaten raw or boiled in milk, and the latter are dried as a seasoning. Please note: although this plant is so beneficial and safe, it can be toxic to cats (no other animals).

The most popular and famous varieties

Based on wild lilies, breeders have developed various varieties.

The most common are the following:

  • Splendence - flowers are large, brick-orange in color with numerous purple splashes. The height of the bush is about 1 m and has abundant flowering. This is one of the most unpretentious varieties.
  • Night Flyer - height 120 cm, flower diameter 16 cm, color - red with a burgundy tint, dark specks. Frost-resistant variety.
  • Citronella - characterized by long flowering, which lasts about 25 days. The height of the bush is from 100 to 130 cm, the flowers are deep yellow with dark dots.
  • Flora Pleno is a rich red color with dark spots. A distinctive feature is 36 petals. Height 60-90 cm.
  • Fluffy leopard is a double lily, the inflorescences are bright orange with dark specks. The flower consists of 30 petals.

The peculiarity of all tiger lilies is that each part contains substances that are deadly to cats.

When these toxic elements enter the mouths of animals, they cause kidney failure, which is often fatal.

All varieties of tiger lily differ in their color, but the presence of specks is unchanged, which is why the flower got its name

Lily decoration of the area

With the right approach, tiger lily fits into any composition.

When creating a design, you need to take into account the lighting and color during flowering:

  1. In the landscape it is used as a central decoration, surrounded by other decorative flowers.
  2. To create a hedge, you can plant several varieties of tiger lily in different colors.
  3. Can be used as a single planting or in the background near a fence.

To get beautiful flower beds and decorate your garden, you need to plan the planting, prepare the soil so that during flowering the flower bed will play with a variety of colors.

Flower care at home

The lanceolate lily is not a whimsical type of lily flower. But this does not mean that agricultural technology does not have its own characteristics.

Planting and replanting lilies

Planting is carried out using the bulbous method:

  1. Holes about 15 cm deep are prepared.
  2. Be sure to pour a little sand into the holes for drainage.
  3. The planting material is disinfected (immerse in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes).
  4. The onions are lowered into the holes and covered with earth, which is compacted a little.
  5. Watering is in progress.

If the lily is planted in the fall, the soil must be mulched after planting.

Transplantation is carried out every 4-6 years, in spring or autumn.

The bushes are carefully dug up, the roots are cleared of the ground, all bulbs are checked for damage or rot - the bad parts are cut off. When transplanting, large bulbous nests are divided into parts - the children are planted in new places.

Knight Flyer


Tiger lilies love temperate climates. For active growth and abundant flowering, the optimal temperature is from +19 °C to +26 °C.


Watering is regular but moderate. Excessive moisture will lead to rotting of the rhizome and death of the flower.

The need for watering is signaled by the drying out of the top layer of soil.

Water flows only under the stem. It is important to avoid getting liquid on the green part of the bush and flowers. Watering is carried out early in the morning or in the evening.


Lighting should be abundant, but diffused.

In constant darkness, the flower will not be able to bloom, and direct sunlight will lead to burns.

The leg should always be in light shade - for this, it is recommended to plant low bushes of other colors next to the lily bush.

Proper lighting is the key to lush and long-lasting flowering


Growing tiger lilies includes the following agrotechnical measures:

  • regular watering;
  • loosening and mulching of the soil - carried out after each watering;
  • pruning - in autumn, sanitary;
  • introduction of nutritional compounds;
  • weeding.

It is recommended to use sawdust or pine chips as mulch.


Fertilizers are used only in summer.

During flowering, fertilizers are applied every 2 weeks - complex mineral compounds or compost are used. When transplanting, fertilizers are applied to the ground.

Tiger lilies do not tolerate organic fertilizers.


Bush pruning is sanitary and is carried out in the fall. Dry leaves, stems and buds are removed.

Planting tiger lilies

The advantage of the tiger lily is its undemanding nature and ease of care, but you should know the basic rules for planting this ornamental plant. The best time for planting is considered to be the last ten days of August or the beginning of September, but if there are early frosts, planting is postponed until spring after the frosts have stopped.

The ideal place for growth is flat, isolated from strong winds, slightly elevated terrain with good drainage. The tiger lily loves to bask in the sun's rays, but the root area should be shaded with low-growing plants, such as dense ornamental greenery.


Light, slightly acidic and nutritious soils are optimal for growing lilies of this variety. Before direct planting, the soil should be loosened, taking into account the loosening depth - 30-35 cm. If there is heavy clay soil, it is flavored with sand, ash and lime. If the soil is infertile, it would not be a bad idea to fertilize it with humus, potassium salt and superphosphate in a ratio of 7 kg x 50 g x 100 g per 1 square meter.

Tiger lily bulbs are planted in prepared and warmed soil.

The planting process comes down to a few simple steps:

  • prepare cells measuring 20 x 20 cm with a depth of planting material of 10-15 cm;
  • fill the bottom of the planting holes with sand, since such a “cushion” provides good drainage;
  • Before planting, soak the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g of the substance per bucket of water) and plant them after half an hour;
  • After planting, water thoroughly and cover the soil with a high layer of peat chips.


The following methods are used to propagate tiger flowers:

  • Bulbous - material is collected at the end of summer. The bulbs are planted in boxes in the soil so that by autumn they are already rooted.
  • Scale method - scales are separated from the bulbs, which are transferred to nutrient soil in the spring.

The seed method is not carried out at home, since seed germination is extremely low, and not all varieties retain their maternal characteristics when grown by seeds.

Flora Pleno

Feeding and fertilizing the flower

2-3 times a year, starting in spring, it is useful to feed lilies with special fertilizers for bulbous plants in liquid form. If you have a rare and specific variety, then ash supplements will be beneficial

REMEMBER: excess organic fertilizers can negatively affect the bulbs themselves - they will form poorly, giving strength directly to growth.

General rules:

  • in the spring it is advisable to feed with ammonium nitrate (growth of green mass);
  • the period when buds appear requires full mineral fertilizer;
  • Potassium sulfate and superphosphate will help take care of the bulb itself at the end of the growing season.

Additional breeding recommendations

When breeding a tiger variety, you should pay attention to a number of nuances:

  • This variety of lily flower does not need regular feeding, and therefore there is no need to overuse fertilizers.
  • Flowers should be planted only on a hill where water does not accumulate after watering or precipitation.

The tiger variety is often planted in flowerpots, and with the onset of cold weather it is removed to a warm place. This is one of the ways that will help protect the flower from frost. In addition, tiger lilies in tubs look very beautiful.

Tiger lilies carry a virus called mosaic disease. It may not manifest itself in them, but there is a risk of infection of neighboring plantings.

To avoid mass infection, neighboring flowers must be periodically treated with fungicides.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Growing this variety of lilies will not cause much trouble to the owner. The main thing is to immediately provide her with favorable conditions.

Landing location

Lily Triumphant

The location is preferably sunny, but partial shade from the crown of trees is also quite suitable. But without the sun, flowering may stop. There are no special requirements for soils, the main thing is that they are permeable. On light fertile soils, flowering will be especially bright and long-lasting. Lilies cannot tolerate stagnant water. Drainage is required; a layer of sand directly under the bottom of the bulb is suitable for this. High humidity can destroy the plant. If there is a hill on the site, this is the best place for the lily. Short-term drought is not as dangerous as flooding, but lack of moisture will negatively affect flowering. The acidity required is weak or neutral, but there is no need to add lime when planting. If the soil in the area is acidic, it is better to add ash.

Note! Without transplantation, the lily will bloom well for 4-5 years. In the future, the bulb will begin to weaken, and the flower will lose its decorative effect.


In areas with cold winters, lilies are planted in the spring; further south, they can be planted in early September. The soil for planting is prepared in the fall. If the soil is heavy, it should be dug up, adding sand. If the soil is light, then deep (up to 30 cm) loosening with a fork or flat cutter is sufficient. Acidic soil must be neutralized with ash. The following substances are used as fertilizers for Tiger Lily:

  • humus - a bucket per sq. m;
  • superphosphate - 100 g per square meter. m;
  • potassium salt – 50 g.

Instead of these ingredients, you can use complex mineral fertilizers that necessarily contain phosphorus and potassium. At a distance of 20x20 cm, you need to dig planting holes for lilies, 20 cm deep. Pour a thick layer of river sand at the bottom of each hole. Place the bulbs in the resulting holes, carefully cover with soil and water generously. In the first year after planting, the lily needs to be covered for the winter. To do this, you can use mulch and spruce branches, and cover with snow as soon as possible.

Planting a tiger lily


Caring for Tiger lilies is not difficult, since all varieties and hybrids of this variety are quite unpretentious. It needs to be watered regularly, but without allowing water to stagnate. The crop requires especially frequent watering at the time of budding and flowering. After the flowering period ends, watering should be stopped, so the bulb will quickly prepare for winter. You need to feed the lily at least three times per season. The first fertilizing is done in the spring with nitrogen fertilizers. The second time - in July, the last time - after flowering, closer to winter, with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

Major diseases

The tiger lily is a carrier of the mosaic virus, which manifests itself as atypical spots on the leaves. This virus poses no threat to itself, but it can pose a danger to plants growing nearby. On highly alkaline soils, lilies may develop chlorosis; to prevent this, peat, pine needles or sawdust are added to the soil.

On a note! To prevent the appearance of gray rot, before planting, planting material is treated with foundationazole. To combat rust, fertilize with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.


Lanceolate lily can be propagated by bulbs, bulbous children, scales and seeds. The simplest methods of propagation are considered to be vegetative:

  1. Breeding lilies with buds (bulbs) is a simple and effective way. In the leaf axils of many tiger lily varieties, so-called aerial bulbs are formed at the end of flowering. Several dozen of these bulbs can form on one stem per season. Ripe bulbs have roots (possibly even leaves) and are easily separated from the stem. The bulbs need to be collected immediately after ripening in August-early September, as they crumble and sprout randomly.

Before planting, the soil should be dug up using a spade and mineral fertilizer should be applied. They need to be planted to a depth of 2-3 cm with an interval of 5 cm between the bulbs and 20 cm in the row. Water and mulch the plantings with peat or humus on top. Each variety must be planted separately to avoid confusion later. You can plant bud bulbs in the spring, after the soil has warmed up. Before this, they are stored cold (can be in the refrigerator) in dry sand or sawdust. After germination, you need to care for the seedlings as usual: water, carefully weed and feed. The grown bulbs are transplanted to a permanent place. They begin to bloom the next year, but it is advisable to remove the buds so that the bulbs become strong enough.

Tiger lily blooming

  1. Lilies reproduce very easily by children of five-year-old bulbs. When replanting a lily, you can separate the daughter bulbs. They are planted in a garden bed for growing. You need to care for them in the same way as bulbs. As a result, next year you will get full-fledged bulbs.
  2. When propagated by scales, from one bulb you can grow from 20 to 150 new specimens. To do this, select a large, healthy onion and separate the scales by pressing your finger on the base. Whole scales are washed and placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Then they are dried and placed in damp moss, then put in a bag and placed in a dark place. After 6 weeks, small bulbs should form. Then they are transferred directly into the bag into the refrigerator for a month. After this, the bulbs are separated from the scales. Planting is done immediately in open ground or boxes.

For your information! Plants of the genus Water Lily (Nymphaea - Nymphaea) are popularly called water lilies. Among them there is also a species of Tiger water lily - with spotted leaves. But the water tiger lily has nothing to do with the Lily class.

Growing a tiger lily is not particularly difficult. She is beautiful, unpretentious and has good protective qualities. With proper care it looks simply gorgeous. This variety of lilies will appeal to both beginning flower growers and experienced lovers of ornamental plants.

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Diseases and pests

Due to non-compliance with the rules of agricultural technology, flowers may develop diseases such as fusarium, gray rot, and rust. Fungicides are used for treatment - Baktofit, Bordeaux mixture.

Insect pests - hoverflies, aphids, thrips, lily flies. Insecticides are used to destroy them.

Hybrid varieties are resistant to the disease, called mosaic. But if bushes with this disease are found in the garden, they must be destroyed immediately, otherwise they will begin to infect other flowers.

Tiger lilies look great in landscape design

Use in landscape decoration and combination with other colors

Tiger lilies are often found in garden landscape design. Given the impressive height of these royal plants, it is advisable to place them in the background using a flower arrangement. In this case, you need to take into account the shades of plants, the texture of their leaves and flowers.

Brick-red tiger lilies will look great surrounded by lupine, cornflower, delphinium and eschscholzia. Yellow lily hybrids go well with daffodils, cinquefoil, euonymus and tulips. Pink lilies look good against a background of ferns, peonies and astilbe, and double lilies can create a magnificent composition with peonies and phlox.

Tiger lilies go well with many garden flowers.

Ornamental ground cover plants planted between tiger lilies look advantageous: sedum, saxifrage, loosestrife, double or feathery carnation, juvenilia, small and large periwinkle. No less original would be the combination of tall lilies with low-growing conifers, such as cypress and juniper.

Garden lilies - choosing a suitable place in the garden, features of planting and care

Garden lilies have been popular among gardeners for many years. And if a few years ago the choice of varieties was quite limited - orange-colored Daurian and tiger lilies were most often found in flower beds, now the variety of varieties of garden lilies is amazing. It is difficult to say which lilies look more chic in the garden: snow-white royal lilies, multi-colored oriental hybrids or graceful curly ones.

Garden lilies have been popular among gardeners for many years. And if a few years ago the choice of varieties was quite limited - orange-colored Daurian and tiger lilies were most often found in flower beds, now the variety of varieties of garden lilies is amazing. It is difficult to say which lilies look more chic in the garden: snow-white royal lilies, multi-colored oriental hybrids or graceful curly ones.

Different varieties are grown in separate groups or planted in one flower bed according to a certain pattern - such flower beds look very impressive!

Garden lilies are good because they thrive both in areas exposed to the sun and in the shade. The only thing that needs to be taken care of is that the soil is permeable, since if the soil is too wet, these delicate flowers are affected by gray rot. Under natural conditions, wild lilies grow only in well-drained soil.

Garden lilies are good because they thrive both in areas exposed to the sun and in the shade.

Caring for lilies in the garden during the summer months consists of regularly loosening the soil, weeding, protection from diseases and pests, timely watering and fertilizing. Autumn care is aimed at thoroughly preparing plants for winter: after the lilies have bloomed, the dried foliage is cut off, and the plants themselves are covered for the winter or dug up and stored with bulbs in a cool room until spring. Let's take a closer look at how best to place lilies in the garden, and how to care for garden lilies throughout the season.

Beautiful flower beds with lilies: 7 schemes

A. Soft cuff (Alchemilla mollis) 2 pcs. B. Heuchera “Champagne Bubbles” 1 pc. C. Lily (Lilium) 3 pcs. D. Scabiosa (Butterfly Blue) 1 pc. E. Siberian iris (Iris sibirica) 3 pcs. F. Japanese spirea (Spiraea japonica “Goldmound”) 1 pc. G. Iris (Iris) 3 pcs. H. Thunberg's barberry (Berberis thunbergii) 1 pc. I. Seaside Armeria (Armeria maritima) 3 pcs. J. Kamchatka sedum (Sedum kamtschaticum) 9 pcs.

1. Delphinium tall dark blue (Delphinium). 2. Toothed buzulnik (Ligularia dentata). 3. Azure anchusa (Anchusa azurea) “Loddon Royalist”. 4. Echinops ritro. 5. Lily “Enchantment”. 6. Phlox “Citrus” 7. Yarrow (Achillea) “Terracotta”. 8. Purple gravilate (Ceum coccineum) “Werner Arends”. 9. Low-growing large-flowered spur (Delphinium grandiflorum) “Blauer Zwerg”. 10. Tonga cinquefoil (Potentilla tonguei). 11. Broadleaf Veronica (Veronica teucrium) “Kapitaen”.

1. Mock orange (Philadelphus). 2 Phlox paniculata. 3. Hybrid peony (Paeonia x hybr.). 4. Tiger lily (Lilium tigrinum). 5. Mexican ageratum (Ageratum houstonianum). 6. Marine lobularia (Lobularia maritima). 7. Turkish clove (Dianthus barbatus).

Tall lilies of three shades of the same type will successfully complement the design of the garden fence

Soft pink lilies in combination with delphinium and irises will subtly complement the design of the garden seating area

Bright orange lilies will become an expressive accent in a flower bed with conifers and low-growing perennials

Orange lilies will become an exotic focal point of a flower garden formed from different varieties of roses

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