Riddles about plants: flowers, herbs, medicinal and indoor

Riddles about indoor flowers for children with answers

Hey, my friend, don’t touch me, I’m prickly like a hedgehog, Like a pillow with needles, Like a dangerous little animal... I bite very painfully (Cactus) I’m called. *** What kind of miracle is this here? (Aloe) bloomed in the room, Although this color is modest, It blooms only once every hundred years. *** I’ll tell you guys, right away I look like a porcupine; Very sharp needles... In Africa I have (Cactus) instead of a Christmas tree.


People from different countries know about the flowering geranium, but the fellow growing in a pot may not be blooming.

*** Maybe he is unprepossessing, Blooming in January, Very modest (Decembrist) Growing on the window. The leaves are a long curl... As soon as the frost hits, the pink lantern flower blooms.*

(Decembrist flower looks like Chinese lanterns)

*** Know, children, the letter “ka” is in the name of the flower; And there is also a name hidden in it, Something that has become famous. If you put it together, you will find the name. (Guess: Calla) ***

On a hot day, one summer, By the pond, near the reeds, Violetta was collecting a bouquet of flowers in the meadow.

Petals like gems The pond is like silver; Who knew that Violetta would meet her “sister” there?

The summer was in a hurry The sun was warming in the heights, and Violetta’s “sisters” were blooming on the window.

Ingenuity will be needed here, After all, the “sister’s” name is (violet)

*** Doesn’t play someone’s role, Doesn’t sit on the throne Here he is, a little king In a pink crown.* (Guess: Cyclamen) (Cyclamen flowers look like little pink crowns)

*** I am a shrub known to everyone And I will say, of course, honestly I create comfort in the house, And they often put me in soup (Guess: Laurel, bay leaf)

*** There is a green symbol of the world. It is both strong and beautiful, and everyone knows its wreath - the winner receives (Guess: Laurel)


Longevity emblem, What is called (chrysanthemum), At home, in a vase, And in Japan - salad.*

(Chrysanthemum petals are eaten in Japan.)

*** On my window stands a Handsome Flower (hyacinth), A long narrow green leaf from Apollo’s favorite.*

(Hyacinth is a charming young man who was accidentally killed by Apollo. A flower appeared from his blood.) *** Look here quickly Blooming (orchid) Here he is standing on the window This miracle is a parasite.*

(The orchid is called a parasitic plant due to the fact that in the wild it grows on the trunk of palm trees and feeds on its juices)


I am a world-famous citrus, I defeat the evil virus, And in the shadows and in the light At home in a tub I grow. (Guess: Indoor lemon)

*** Although the flower looks strange, it heals wounds well, only those who know herbs can guess here (agave).

*** This royal fruit did not appear here suddenly. Very sweet, red-skinned. It can grow at home.

(Guess: Garnet)

Riddles in poems about flowers - game

How many beautiful flowers there are, Blue, yellow, white, red, Hundreds of types and colors, All year round and in the field in summer. We are all given beauty, faith in fairy tales and dreams. You need to know their names so that you can easily distinguish them. There are riddles about flowers now, answer without looking back. © There is an acute threat in the stems, Even though this beauty... (Answer - Rose) There is a whim in his name, Loves only himself... (Answer - Narcissus) He is the main lord of spring, Flower of spring and mother... (Answer - Tulip) All covered with fringe, Not a nail relative... (Answer - Carnation) Even at home it is dangerous, Covered in sharp needles... (Answer - Cactus) Like white snowballs Blooming among a pond... (Answer - Water lilies) The very first, very tender Will bloom in the forest -... (Answer - Snowdrop) Yellow the meadow is covered in color, So it has grown - ... (Answer - Dandelion) A blue bell is ringing, In the field there is blue ... (Answer - Bell) White rays in a yellow harness, Girls are telling fortunes on a bright ... (Answer - Chamomile) ©

Flowers on the window are like a hat on fire

In every house there are beautiful indoor flowers growing on the windows. And we want our children to also take part in caring for the plants. But not all kids like it. Riddles about indoor flowers will help awaken children's interest in them and the desire to care for them so that they delight everyone with their freshness and bloom.


Window and balcony bush, The leaf is fluffy and fragrant, And the flowers on the window are like a hat on fire. (Geranium)


The gardener's dress, the first fashionista, either faded or lost color: Everything was purple, now it's cornflower blue. (Hydrangea)


A round ball, like a hedgehog, but without a muzzle and legs. It grows on my window, I really like it. (Cactus)


People call it maple, and it pleases everyone with its green appearance. It grows at home on the window or in some corner. He also loves partial shade on a hot summer day. He loves care very much and blooms like bells. (Abutilone)


I love the sun very much. I grow on the south side. Just water from the tray, Don’t forget about my rest. And the red funnel nods loudly. (Amaryllis)


I call myself Uzambarian and I am considered capricious. Lighting, friends, is very important to me. Don’t water me too much, don’t forget to shade me. (Uzambara violet)


Like a sweet child, He has several names: Vanka-wet and Diligent Lizzie - That’s what the Germans called him, Ogonyok and touchy. It likes very strict care: water more often in the summer and don’t forget to loosen. (Balsam)


They say that in December all the trees are silver. In my room in winter I bloom like in spring. And I always wait for December, To please myself. And everyone admires me, Admiring my beauty. (Decembrist)

NOBLE IVY (L.V. Skrebtsova)

One day Maria learned that flowers such as Ivy, Chrysanthemum, Aloe and Chlorophytum are amazing air purifiers, and she decided to grow these plants in her garden. The first thing she got was a very modest-looking, small and unprepossessing Ivy. No one paid any attention to him in the store, and he was sure that no one would ever need him. But Maria, of all the flowers sold in the store that day, chose this one. At home, she placed the Ivy on the windowsill next to the old Ficus, shining with its dark green leaves. Next to Ficus, little Ivy looked completely puny! But Mary reassured him: “Dear Ivy, soon you will outgrow all the flowers. A little patience!" And Ivy gained strength from these kind words. Indeed, with the onset of spring, he began to grow so quickly that he surprised himself. “Yes, I’m just changing before my eyes, these are miracles!” he thought joyfully. From a frail, inconspicuous bindweed, it has turned into an elegant plant with spreading curved stems, dotted with cheerful leaves, very beautiful in shape. All the spaces between the large leaves were filled with small ones. The leaf brothers were turned towards each other, as if someone had carefully laid out an emerald carpet of them. And the Ivy stems kept stretching and stretching and hanging in different directions. Ivy dreamed of reaching Azalea, who stood on the table near the window. Yes, just to get there, since he had legs - roots with the help of which he could move. These roots are located in Ivy at the very base of the leaves on the back side of the stem and serve Ivy for rapid movement and growth.

When Ivy finally got to Azalea, he touched her with the end of his emerald path and said joyfully:

- Phew, I finally got to you, madam! How are you? You are beautiful and look so young in your new leaves that I can’t help but express my admiration for you.

Azalea, who had recently thrown off her old green outfit, seemed very young in her new soft green dress. A little embarrassed by the words of the kind Ivy, she answered affably:

- Dear Ivy, thank you for your kind words, but now I’m painfully stuffy - the generous sun is baking my new tender leaves so much! I'm afraid they will burn out completely and I won't be able to bloom again. But I don’t want to move away from the window, without light I’ll die! And you, dear Ivy, how do you stand such heat?

“Oh, as for me, I’m very hardy, but I still prefer cool shade.” Who doesn't love it in the heat? - Ivy answered, and then sympathetically added:

- Madam, I am very sorry for you, and I will try to help you. Please be patient for a moment. I will direct all my stems up to the ceiling and give you and all the other flowers a wonderful shade in which you can take a break from the heat!

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart, noble Ivy.” Of course, I will be patient, but can you raise your stems that high?! After all, there are so many leaves on them!

“I’ll try, I have strong muscles!” I was able to reach you! “Once upon a time, even this seemed impossible to me,” Ivy answered and immediately set to work.

He strained with all his might and began to lift the end of the stalk from the table on which Azalea stood to the window frame. It was not easy: Ivy groaned and strained. Tiny droplets of sweat appeared on the stem and began to flow onto the leaves. Finally, with the end of the stem, Ivy managed to lean his elbows on the slippery window glass, and he was able to catch his breath. Then, having gained strength, Ivy walked on the glass again. The window glass was smooth, slippery, and there was nothing to grab onto. With each step of Ivy, a new leaf appeared on its stem, which lengthened the green path directed to the ceiling by one step. Sometimes Ivy’s stem would break and fall wearily, but after resting for a minute, Ivy would pick it up again. So, step by step, leaf by leaf, Ivy stubbornly walked towards his goal.

By evening, Ivy was tired and could no longer move a single leg. But the next morning he woke up before all the flowers and set to work with renewed vigor.

Step by step, leaf by leaf, he stubbornly crawled along the glass with his stems and said to himself: “Just a little more, just a little more, one more step, one more, just to reach the top frame...” He crawled and dreamed about how the flowers will breathe a sigh of relief, joyfully enjoying the shade that he will give them. And most of all he thought about Azalea.

When Maria came in the afternoon and approached her pets with a watering can in her hands, she gasped in amazement, almost dropping the watering can from her hands. The high stems of the Ivy covered the Azalea and other flowers from the scorching rays of the midday sun. The azalea shone with green freshness, as it had once in the winter when Maria first bought it.

Maria understood everything and began to watch with admiration the stalks of Ivy, which from top to bottom covered the entire corner of the window with their delicate green leaves.

The stems of the Ivy were now the first to receive the blows of the hot rays, and through them soft sunlight easily streamed into the room. Geranium, Cyclamen, Decembrist, Chrysanthemum sighed with relief and raised their heads, rustling their leaves gratefully. And Azalea was the most happy. The courageous Ivy gently touched her with its stems, and they whispered about something.

Maria watered the Ivy abundantly and thought: “I need to water it more, because my flowers need it so much!”

RIDDLES - “Plants” (riddles in rhyme)

RIDDLES "Plants"

In the clearings in spring there are a lot of suns in the grass. In yellow dresses at first, after a while they changed. White sundresses We put on...(dandelions).

Bloomed in the meadows after the winter cold. Then the leaves will sprout, smooth on the outside, but fluffy on the inside, touch them with your hand and look. The lights are yellow, covered in a chill, the snow has melted and are already growing. This is ... (coltsfoot).

The herb is called “Russian ginseng.” We value it for its beneficial properties. It is poisonous, in which it succeeds, But it is still medicinal... (celandine).

I'm afraid to tear it off, And I'm afraid to touch it. She tells me: “I burn myself to defend myself!” But, believe me, she helps people. The cabbage soup from it is for my relatives, and heals wounds. It stings, but it’s ugly. This prickly... (nettle)

The leaves are openwork, gray-green. Born in the meadows, by the roads or in the fields. Bitter, odorous, and no matter where you throw it, our gaze will fix on itself... (wormwood)

What a mug and a hooligan, like a mischievous boy. If it gets attached, it will be difficult to unhook. It is a weed, but for people it is a simple medicinal...(burdock).

Beats the beast, wow! This is not nonsense! It was not for nothing that they called it, And also, if only you knew: It is reputed to be a medicinal herb, And it is called... (St. John's wort)

Where there are thickets of former paths and paths, It timidly conquers with its blue, Heals everyone from various ailments, And replaces coffee for us... (chicory)

They bloom purple in forests, meadows, here and there. Honey-bearing and healing, the tea from it is magical. For the aroma, for the delicate color, the girl was reverently called beauty -... (oregano).

A simple modest herb, But it has been given all the rights to cook cabbage soup, cook porridge. It grows in our garden. She is a weed, but it doesn’t matter what’s in the garden... (quinoa).

A thousand leaves for a thousand diseases, The grass is bitter, but very useful. And the grass gives all this selflessly, What is it called?.. (yarrow).

On the road, a modest appearance, But the wound will quickly heal. It’s easy to apply a leaf and it will heal... (plantain).

Along the banks of the river and near the swamps, unsightly grass grows. They call it “dog”, “trailer”, But the grass, believe me, is not at all ferocious, And there is certainly no harm in this, After all, the grass is very useful... (turn).

It is a terrible weed by nature, it has filled all the gardens and vegetable gardens. Malicious, creeping, but he is not a villain, “Dog grass” is called ... (wheatgrass).

This herb is very refreshing. It is added to tea, compote, and salads. If the leaves are wrinkled, they smell very good. This is...(mint).

The flower has a leaf with three petals: For love, wealth and glory. But there is a magic leaf on a flower, with four petals. Found it? Well done to you! Eat, because this ritual is ancient. The bees are circling in the meadow, where...(clover) grew.

Annoying, harmful, In the beds, in the flower beds. It creeps everywhere and creates fear, That it is completely impossible to cope with it. A weed, but famous for its benefits. What kind of grass girl is this? Ubiquitous...(woodlice).

There is such a wonder in the meadows, It blooms beautifully in lilac, Brightness, wonderful aroma, Rich in vitamins. I’m thirsty, help me, It’s very tasty... (Ivan-tea).

Bees and butterflies fly above the flower, playing. Forage grass grows in the meadows. Cattle love this grass immensely, And let's call this grass... (alfalfa)

Fluffy flowers on thorny stems, But they scare the devils, They instill fear in witches. For evil spirits, a commotion will be created at once... (thistle).

It grows everywhere, the flowers are small, and the fruits all look like a bag. But there are compelling reasons. These bags are not for passers-by. Nature has such an idea, So that the shepherd’s bag grows... (bag).

Yellow dried flower, leafless, thin, silvery stem. Grass, a rival for all eternity, And is called... (immortelle).

Looks like dandelions, But all this is deceptive. He is known as a weed, but still useful. It grows in the garden, called... (sow thistle).

It grows everywhere: here and there, but they don’t pick it into a bouquet. Yellow flowers on the stems, at the top. So inconspicuous, But bees are their friends. Useful, but not a turnip, an ordinary one... (colts).

In open places: On the edges, clearings In purple flowers Large plots. The little one gives us a fragrant aroma, And we’ll throw it into the radiant seagulls... (thyme).

As a sign of love they bloom in two colors, inseparable, warmed with happiness. Covered with purple-yellow gloom. Two names in one... (Ivan da Marya).

They are like sentries on duty, giving us aroma and beauty! And the benefits are very great, growing in meadows, forests, and fields. There are no useless plants, This has long been known to everyone...(known). 01-12.08.2018.

The ABC of flowers is a complex science...

School-age children know quite a lot about flowers, so it will not be difficult for them to solve more complex riddles: about bouquets of flowers, about flowers in a pot, about a flower with answers. And we will start this section with complex riddles about flowers with answers.


He was shackled with chills and slept under a snowdrift. In the spring it blossomed, by summer it blossomed, it became white like a bride, and pink and lovely. (Peony)


Sometimes purple, sometimes blue, He met you at the edge of the forest. They gave him a very sonorous name, but he can hardly just ring. (Bell)


Handsome, like an eastern prince. He is a nobleman, but only a flower. The robe is brocade, emerald, And the headdress is wonderful: The turban is an oriental creation. A flower worthy of admiration! He is a talisman of spring itself. Who is the symbol of the holiday? … . (Tulip)


According to legend, my flower opens Treasures. They say that once a year a miracle happens. But I’ll be honest: I’m actually not blooming! (Fern)


We have neither fingers nor hands - Only petals around. We have an unusual name, But we don’t need a manicure! (Marigold)


From the bottom of a lake, river, like ropes, stems. Above the water, the stem turns into a flower And it burns on a summer day with a yellow flame-fire. And people named the flowers like dishes. (Water lilies)


Look, there are so many of them in the flower beds! Those flowers are called krasolka. There they are on the balconies in multi-colored hoods! Leaves, like for tea saucers. What else are they called? (Nasturtium)


This blue flower reminds you and me of the clear, clear sky and the radiant sun. (Forget-me-not)


The flowers openly look at me, And they look at me in the morning, and throughout the day. I also look at them with surprise, After all, I find similarities with faces in flowers! They called it beautiful! Here is a wonderful word - The name is the clear-eyed flower... . (Viola)


Vasya brought flowers of unprecedented beauty to class. The petals look like they're made of plastic. Vasily's flowers. Give me the vase as soon as possible, He will put... (Lilies)

Riddles with the answer "flower"


Who blooms in the sun? Who will give the bee honey? (Flower)


It turns green and grows, and drinks only water all its life. His place of residence is a pot, and his name is... . (Flower)


They bloomed in the spring on a hummock. The first ones in the field... (Flowers)


Dressed up sisters greet guests all day and treat them to honey. (Flowers)


They are placed on a window or shelf, protected from the cold and wind. They give us spring in winter, Because they turn green and bloom. (Flowers)


They purify the air, create comfort, turn green on the windows, and bloom all year round. (Flowers)


Insects are treated to a treat from an elegant bright cup. (Flower)


They are fragrant and cute, They make wreaths from them, They give them as gifts for the holidays, What are they called? (Flowers)


Bees circle over them, collect nectar from them, and thereby pollinate, getting a harvest! (Flowers)


They come in different shades and shapes, but with their blooms they only cause delight! (Flowers)


Bouquets are collected from them, Presented at birthday parties, And halls and halls are decorated, What do they call that beauty? (With flowers)


They are included with the gift, They are collected into bouquets, And they smell like perfume, Who guessed it? Tell me quickly! (Flowers)


They give joy and aroma, Their petals are full of finery, They bloom from spring to autumn, They distribute pollen to the bees! (Flowers)


In greenhouses and gardens, in squares, parks and meadows, they grow, bloom, smell fragrant, decorate the surrounding area! (Flowers)


There is a pot on the window, A plant sits in it, A green stem, leaves to match, And it is decorated with a lush hat! (Flower)


At dawn they bloom, Night comes, they close, They attract with beauty, They are famous for their aroma! (Flowers)

Riddle about a flower in a pot

There is a pot on the window, It contains the most wonderful flower: Purple, elegant, Alluring with aromas. (Violet)

Riddles with the answer “bouquet of flowers”


I brought a Big miracle with petals as a gift to my mother. A multi-colored, fragrant, light miracle. (Bouquet)


On green legs Leaves and peas, Multi-colored snowflakes And fragrant fluffs. (Bouquet)

This video contains interesting riddles about flowers - you need to guess the flower while the artist draws it.

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