How to get rid of scale insects in the garden: agricultural techniques and effective preparations

Varieties of scale insects living in the garden and vegetable garden

Each type of insect has its own size and color. The only thing they are similar to each other is the presence of a wax shield on the body. By the way, this is where the name of the parasite comes from. There is no need to list all types. It is better to consider several varieties of insects that are most commonly found in the region.

Comma-shaped scale

Comma scale insects bear little resemblance to insects because they do not have eyes or limbs. In appearance, they look more like grown spots on the bark. The females are the most dangerous for vegetation; their body is shaped like a comma. Color – milky white. The length of the scutellum is at least 4 mm, brown in a living specimen and dark brown in a dead one.

Female comma scale insects do not move. Their main purpose is to breed offspring. One female is capable of laying up to 100 eggs, after which she dies. Under its shield, eggs can survive even in severe frosts. When the air temperature reaches +8, the first apple blossoms and small insects appear.

The young offspring are called wanderers because they quickly move along the trunks in search of food. At this point they are easiest to notice, as they are yellowish in color and no more than 3 mm long.

For reference! Lack of food for more than 48 hours is considered fatal for young scale insects.

Willow scale

The willow type of insect differs from the previous one in its wide and flat shield. Color – white or with a grayish tint. The female of this species has a red and yellow body. The eggs are red-violet in color. The ideal period for laying eggs is from August to September. One female individual is capable of laying from 20 to 70 eggs, which remain under the shield for the winter.

False California parasite

The false Californian scale insect is not only a fruit pest. She likes elm, poplar and linden. It is also an acacia parasite that affects many other tree crops. A round or oval-shaped bug can have two shades of shield. For wintering, the larvae remain on the bark of trees, and with the arrival of spring they begin to disperse, sticking to the bark. At the same time, females begin to lay eggs with new generations.

Acacia false shield, or common

The acacia, or ordinary, type of scale insect is distinguished by its reddish color and semicircular shield. Its target is fruit trees and bushes of stone fruit crops. Most often, this is a grape pest that is difficult to notice and remove. Females like last year's grapevine

Living on grapes, the parasite quickly becomes covered with a hard shell. This is a necessary condition for the preservation of offspring, since after death the female’s shield protects small scale insects. With the onset of warming, the first small insects appear and scatter around the area in search of food. With the arrival of autumn, all young individuals immigrate to annual shoots, which allow them to survive without protection until spring.

Plum false scale

The plum false shield can have a round, elongated oval or oval body. The length of a mature female can reach 9 mm. The shield can be moderately or strongly convex, hemispherical or spherical.

Like most scale insects, this species lays eggs underneath itself, hiding the offspring behind the shell. Gooseberries, figs and other rare shrubs often suffer from this type of pest. Also at risk are outdoor and indoor plants, such as cinquefoil, Decembrist or dracaena.

Scale insects on indoor plants

In an apartment, the danger of scale insects is aggravated by the fact that in favorable home conditions they can breed all year round, without a dormant period in the cold months. The process of changing generations (and therefore eating plants) is continuous.

Scale insects can enter an apartment along with new plants, contaminated soil brought from the store, and even be carried by the wind (at the stage of wandering larvae). Subsequently, the females attach themselves to the leaves and begin to do their dirty work, and the mobile larvae easily move to neighboring plants.

As in the garden, scale insects in indoor conditions infect almost all types of plants, even those that are poisonous to most other organisms. They especially “like” palm trees, bromeliads, and citrus fruits. In an apartment, you can equally successfully find scale insects on ficus, lemon, ivy, orchid, cyperus, asparagus, crassula, cactus...

Then, in damaged plants, everything follows the algorithm described above: yellowing, drying out, dying...

Let's look at how to successfully fight scale insects at home below.

Reasons for appearance

A healthy plant is capable of producing antibodies against pests. They are able to naturally create a protective layer and repel insects. In this case, the scale insect appears on trees that have weakened immunity.

Most often, the parasite starts when there is insufficient lighting, watering or severe dry air. Scale insects are not able to influence the fruiting and development of a healthy and well-groomed plant.

Characteristic signs of scale insect damage

The appearance of the plant changes when sexually mature females are not yet visible. The foliage becomes dull despite abundant watering.

A sticky coating appears on some leaves. The female scale insect secretes a sweetish liquid - honeydew. This secretion becomes a favorable environment for another pest - sooty fungus (mob). Later, sticky marks appear around the pot on the windowsill and on the glass.

With the naked eye, you can see brown-gray plaques on the stem or leaves, around which yellowish spots grow.

The foliage becomes deformed and begins to fall. Young shoots dry out and become distorted. Cracks appear on the bark. The plant may drop buds. The growth and development of the flower slows down.

What trees and shrubs are affected by the pest?

There are practically no restrictions for this parasite among trees and bushes. The soil, garden, winter greenhouse and indoor flowers may also be attacked.

Most often, the comma-shaped insect affects:

  • apricot;
  • quince;
  • thorn;
  • linden;
  • plum;
  • roses;
  • honeysuckle;
  • peach;
  • hawthorn;
  • mulberries;
  • rowan;
  • cotoneaster;
  • lilac.

The scale insect is also found on pear, cherry and sweet cherries. Currants, raspberries, cherry plums and apple trees are not all that the insect loves. There are more than a hundred names of flora that scale insects can feed on. Some varieties are capable of attacking even plants that secrete poison for protection.

First actions upon detection

If you notice that the plant has begun to wither and wither, and then you find these dark tubercles on the leaves, then you need to isolate such a flower in another room where there are no plants at all. And only after isolation can you begin to save the plant from these parasites.

Subtleties and secrets

When treating an affected flower, you can resort to both traditional methods and pesticides. Having opted for the second option, one must take into account that such products can cause allergies and poisoning of small children, the elderly, allergy sufferers and pets.

On a note. Folk remedies are no less effective against scale insects, and at the same time they will not have a negative impact on people and animals living in the apartment. Therefore, they most often resort to treating indoor plants using traditional medicine methods.

Signs and danger of insects for fruit and berry plants

Despite their small size, scale insects can cause enormous damage to garden vegetation. Their danger is that they feed on juices until the shoots die. During the process of infection, the leaves begin to fall off and dry out, this is a sure sign of an attack. Before using chemicals, insects should be removed from protection by mechanical means. Otherwise, chemical treatments will be ineffective.

Most often, you can notice the presence of the parasite in the spring, when small active insects that do not have wax armor appear. In search of food, newborn bugs scamper along tree trunks, branches and foliage. At this moment, it is best to start the fight using chemistry. In this case, adult individuals can be seen attached to the lower part of the leaves, in the places where the leaves adjoin the branches or trunk. Inspecting the leaves, you can see small spots that will also be on the trunks.

Why does scale insect appear in the house?

Flowers and other plants in the apartment can become infected with pests from new flowers purchased at a flower shop. Adult scale insects practically do not move around the plant and prefer to feed on its juice in one place constantly. But young individuals actively move in search of more attractive places consisting of young shoots. Having bought a new plant in a store, it is better to immediately quarantine it, placing it separately from the flowers. First, the flower needs to be treated with warm water and transplanted into fresh soil.

It is also advisable to treat the pot with boiling water so that the parasites have no chance of survival. Such safety measures can protect indoor plants from many parasites, not only from scale insects. Before choosing a new flower for a permanent place, you need to inspect it for several days in a row for the activity of various pests. If no activity is noticed, then the plant can be installed in the designated place.

Insect pests Scale insects on indoor flowers. Website "Garden World"

Means for combating scale insects

Plum, acacia and other types of scale insects have reliable protection - a wax shield. This armor allows insects to protect themselves from the effects of poisons. Fighting scale insects in the garden with chemicals is quite difficult and not always effective. Despite this, it is possible to destroy an insect even in the last stages of life.

For information! You cannot remove insects with your hands, because by removing one individual, you can release dozens of babies from under the shell, which will hide and continue destruction.

Chemicals and biological products

Several methods can be used to control insects:

  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals;
  • mechanical cleaning.

The choice of methods is usually influenced by the level of infestation of vegetation, the population of the insect species and the number of crops affected. There are a number of chemicals that kill insects after several treatments without harming the plant itself and the fruit. To achieve better results, you can combine different types of chemicals.


Refers to phosbecides. It has an unpleasant odor and is considered poisonous to animals and humans. The chemical must not be used indoors. Manufacturers claim effective destruction of parasites after the first use. The product creates a protective layer, preventing the reappearance of parasites. Actellik is often used to treat seeds immediately before planting.


The product is based on live bacteria and is not hazardous to humans or animals. Bitoxibacillin is odorless and has a detrimental effect on scale insects. Treatment with this product is carried out several times with a short break. Properly process gardens at a temperature of at least +18. In the process of exterminating insects, we must not forget about the means of protecting the skin and mucous membranes.


It is considered a contact-intestinal remedy against rodents and scale insects. It has a paralyzing effect on the nervous system of the parasite, as a result of which it dies within a few days after treatment. The drug is considered non-toxic to humans, has no odor and is not washed off by rainwater. The only negative is that it is not recommended to cultivate orchards.


Aktara is considered one of the most effective means in the fight against scale insects. The substance is not capable of causing addiction to parasites and has a rather pungent odor. The chemical is not recommended for use in the area where bees are located. Do not use in closed or residential areas.

Folk recipes

Most often, folk methods are used to combat scale insects on indoor plants, greenhouses and small trees and bushes in the garden. If the parasite infestation is minor, the accumulation areas must first be washed with a soapy solution.

You can use a warm shower to wash off the pests and use a soft toothbrush (like a toothbrush) to clean the leaves as you go. When mechanically cleaning leaves, branches and trunk, the brush can be moistened in an alcohol solution (diluted with water and alcohol in a ratio of 2:1).

A solution of peroxide and alcohol is considered effective in the fight against the parasite. This mixture, harmless to humans, can corrode insects, leading to their death. In addition, this product is a plant food that accelerates growth and strengthens roots. To prepare it you need to take 3% peroxide - 50 ml, a liter of water and 2 tablespoons of alcohol

All components are diluted in water, soap or other soapy substance is added as an adhesive. The finished mixture can be used to treat plants. The solution is prepared immediately before use to avoid oxidative processes.

The following folk recipes for spraying can be a good alternative to chemicals:

  • Garlic and soap are crushed and mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio. A day after treatment, the plant is washed with a stream of water. Treatment is repeated every 3 days until the insects disappear;
  • onion tincture. Peel and chop 4 onions, add a small amount of water and leave for several hours;
  • infused hot pepper. You need to take 200 grams of pepper per 2 liters of water. Boil the pepper pieces in water for no more than 15 minutes, then leave for 24 hours. You need to prepare the spray mixture by taking 10 grams of tincture and 5 grams of soap per 1 liter of liquid.

Features of scale insects

Scale insects can settle on both garden and indoor crops and cause serious harm to them. The body of the pest is covered with a high-density protective shell, which includes 1-2 skins, as well as secretory wax. The shield can be easily detached from the body. The pest has a sucking mouthpart. Different species differ in size, color and taste preferences.

This pest is dangerous because immediately after the larvae emerge from the eggs, they spread throughout all above-ground parts of the plant. At the same time, they begin to actively suck out cell sap. It often happens that pests cover the entire surface of the leaves.

Larvae can be found on the stem, trunk and underside of leaf blades. If there are a lot of pests, then a coating consisting of their bodies appears on the bush. Because of this, the leaf plates turn yellow and die ahead of time, the stems dry out, and the plant itself stops developing and growing.

Adults and their larvae can be found on domestic plants all year round. Their reproduction occurs rapidly. Most species of scale insects reproduce by oviparity, but viviparous species are also found. At first, the larvae are highly mobile. At the same time, flying males are the most mobile, so they easily move to nearby bushes. But the lifespan of males is only a few days. Females live for several months and actively reproduce during this time.

Pests secrete honeydew during their life, which is a sticky coating. A sooty fungus settles on it, which also harms the plant.

There are also false scale insects, which are easily confused with scale insects. These are arthropod insects that are part of the same order. However, they are classified into a separate family, which consists of more than 1000 species. False scale insects differ from scale insects in that they lack a waxy shell. The dried skin of females, which die after laying eggs, acts as protection for oviposition and larvae.

How to understand that scale insects have settled on a bush? Young individuals move quite quickly, and they can only be seen with a magnifying glass. If, at the junction of the leaf cuttings and the shoot or trunk, there are rounded scales of brown or light color, then this means a scale infestation. Moreover, the scales are adults. If there are already a lot of insects on the plant, then honeydew (sticky liquid) will begin to drip from it onto the windowsill, which is also a clear sign of the presence of scale insects.

Scale insect: what it looks like, where it hides, how to get rid of it. Plant pests. Saving phalaenopsis.

Rules for processing the garden and vegetable garden

If scale insects are found on an orchid and other inhabitants of the greenhouse, you can get rid of it with your hands. For this purpose, you need to inspect all the bushes and flowers, carefully separate the infected parts and take measures to destroy them. It is preferable to treat the affected areas with chemicals first to prevent the parasites from escaping. Afterwards the remains are burned.

Another way to combat insects is to attract beneficial predatory mosquitoes. After the scale insects in the area are over, these insects will independently continue to look for food.

These include:

  • wasps – parasites;
  • ladybugs.

If it is necessary to treat an orchard in order to preserve fruits and pets, you can initially try methods that have little toxicity. If their effectiveness is not noticeable, they should be treated with insecticides and chemicals.

If there are crops left in the garden that are not affected by scale insects, there is no need to spray them with chemicals. It will be enough to water them well, using biological material for fertilizer. You can also cultivate the ground around it to prevent scale insects.

Preparatory work

Scale insects are a pest that is quite difficult to destroy. For this reason, methods of combating scale insects must be chosen very carefully, since their shell reliably protects not only their offspring. It would be a good idea to get a metal brush and scraper, since the bark will need to be cleaned by hand.

Mature plants are quite difficult to clean from the parasite mechanically. Therefore, you also need to use chemicals.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to processing times, since a large part of success depends on this. Do not forget that chemical compounds can harm not only insects. Negative effects can be had on vegetation and humans, which makes it necessary to use special equipment. It is best to get gloves, goggles and a respirator to protect your mucous membranes. Having a quality sprayer is also important.

The main task of preparation is the purchase of the correct, effective chemical substance. It is necessary to purchase only approved drugs, since there are many fakes and cheap analogues that do not have any effect on parasites.

Treatment of plants and trees

Mechanical impact will help deprive the laid eggs of protection. In case of severe damage by scale insects, it may be necessary to remove the infected parts of the plants or remove the plantings completely. It is preferable to burn branches and other affected areas.

To combat the parasite on young seedlings, use mechanical cleaning and then wash them with laundry soap. The soil around the infected tree must be treated with a chemical. After several days, when the insects die out, it is best to throw away the top layer of soil and fill in a new one.

It is correct to spray the affected vegetation in the spring, when insects emerge from the protection of the shield. The best temperature for processing is considered to be at least +4 degrees Celsius. When spraying, it is ideal to completely cover the vegetation with a chemical solution. The systematics and number of treatments are determined by the number of insects and affected areas.

It is better to plan subsequent pest control activities so that they occur during the hatching period of the offspring, until they are covered with a shell. In this case, no more than a month should pass between sprayings.

Treating trees with chemicals after the appearance of the shield in young individuals is ineffective.

We introduce specialized preparations into the soil

Garden and vegetable soil must be treated, even if no insects are seen there.

You need to get rid of scale insects by watering the soil with chemicals:

  • Confidor is used to spray or water vegetation. The drug can be used for a long period. The main thing is that the poison accumulates in the leafy part, which means that the fruits do not absorb it. This procedure allows you to cultivate your home garden without harm or loss of harvest;
  • Aktara shows its effectiveness best when applied to the soil, but can also be used for watering vegetation. When fertilizing the soil, the protective properties are maintained for 2 months; for comparison, spraying allows protection for only a few weeks.

What plants do these insects like?

At risk:

  • orchids (any),
  • ficus (all types of this plant),
  • citrus,
  • indoor pineapples and other bromeliads,
  • palm trees (and most of all these pests like to gnaw fan leaves),
  • anthurium,
  • dracaena,
  • hibiscus,
  • oleanders,
  • boxwood,
  • yucca.

How to understand that a plant is infected

The leaves begin to be “decorated” with brown (less often just light) round scales. They can be removed from the sheet, but with difficulty. This is a “classic” scale insect.

If you look closely, you can see brown-red or yellowish dots - places of insect bites. This is the work of the false shield.

But all types are equally harmful:

  • young shoots of the plant dry out;
  • young leaves stop growing altogether;
  • leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off;
  • the plant dies (advanced stage).

Your actions:

  1. Carefully remove the bitten leaves and twigs. Or soak a cotton pad in a soapy solution or insecticide (more about them below) and wipe off the baddies, and if they bite into the stem, scrape them off with the blunt side of a knife.
  2. Send the diseased flowerpot to a quarantine windowsill. Inspect all other flowers (even those growing on other window sills) as the strictest inspector.
  3. Wash the window sill, as well as the frame, with insecticide or the same soap.
  4. Carry out preventive spraying (washing) among the remaining flowerpots.
  5. For a diseased plant, replace the top layer of soil with fresh one.
  6. If the plant can take water treatments (let's say it's an orchid), send it to a hot shower.
  7. When the leaves are dry, treat them using one of the methods described below.

Prevention of re-infection

When using preparations for scale insects on fruit and other trees, you need to carefully treat them and prevent their reappearance.

Prevention can be used as the initial method of removing parasites:

  • It must be remembered that sexually mature individuals are inactive, which means that it is necessary to stop planting new trees for a while. Especially in close proximity to infected crops;
  • buying seedlings from reliable sellers is also a kind of insect control. It must be remembered that most cases of infection occur due to the acquisition of infected seedlings;
  • autumn should be accompanied by digging up the soil, and spring by removing the remains of leaves and infected parts of trees and other vegetation.

These simple methods protect the area from the scourge of scale insects. Periodic inspections of the plant will prevent parasites from multiplying and will help preserve the harvest. Fighting scale insects is not an easy task, however, comprehensive control measures have a noticeable effect and allow you to achieve good results.

False scale insects on conifers, how to quickly and effectively get rid of the insect, read more in this article.

External signs of infection

Determining the presence of scale insects on a plant is not difficult. If you look at the leaves of a diseased flower, you can easily notice small tubercles or rounded plaques. They can be yellow, brown or green.

Most often, scale insects can be seen on the outside and inside of leaves. Insects, as a rule, are located along the veins.

A sign of the presence of scale insects at the initial stage of flower infection, when the pests themselves are not yet visible, is the sticky surface of the leaves. This is explained by the ability of the insect to produce a secretion in which sooty fungus subsequently settles, which in turn also adversely affects the health of the plant.

Rules for processing plants

If even one scale insect is found on a plant, it is isolated. They check the rest, perhaps pests have also settled on them. The earlier parasites are identified, the easier it is to fight them. The larvae are destroyed by all available means, and adults, thanks to the shield, are insensitive to folk remedies; insecticides will be required.

It is easier to remove scale insects from plants with large flat leaves. They should be inspected regularly and adults and larvae removed manually. It is easy to wash such plants, but if the leaves are small, difficulties arise. One hand cleaning will help, but scale insects are completely removed with insecticides.

After removing the insects, the leaves are wiped on both sides with a solution: soap, kerosene, alcohol. Don't forget to wipe the trunk and branches. Then they are treated with insecticides. They wipe the place where the flower stood, the window glass. Pests are very small, so they are invisible on the surface.


The first mandatory measure after detecting scale insects is to isolate the plant. If there are no chemicals, folk remedies are not prepared, simple emergency measures are taken. The orchid is placed under the tap, washed with a gentle stream of warm water, then treated with a soap solution. You can keep your plants moist by frequently spraying them with warm water from a spray bottle.

Another method is more effective. The orchid and the pot are covered with a plastic bag. Conditions with high humidity are formed, which the larvae cannot tolerate and die. To prevent the flower from disappearing, remove the bag every day for half an hour for ventilation. Measures to get rid of pests are complemented by the use of insecticides. Plants and soil are treated with solutions.

Velcro for flies and mosquitoes is installed next to the quarantined orchid. Scale insects can move to other plants by clinging to an insect.


It is better to refrain from using insecticides on lemon. Citrus growers consider the best solution to be a soap solution with 5 drops of kerosene per 1 liter of water. A film of soap blocks the access of air for scale insects; kerosene, when it gets on the body of pests, acts as a poison. The citrus is completely treated with the solution and washed off with water after 3 hours.

In order for the plant to recover faster from stress, it is fed with the biostimulant “Epin”. The treatment drug is applied by spraying.


Scale insects are removed from plants manually. Use a sponge soaked in a soap-kerosene solution. Scrape off the branches with a knife. Shoots, leaves of ficus benjamina and other species affected by scale insects are removed. In parallel, chemicals are used 3–6 times with weekly breaks.

Other plants

Treatment of plants against scale insects gives results if comprehensive measures are used. Begin by washing with warm water and soap solutions. If the size of the plants allows, set up a mini-greenhouse by covering the plant with a plastic bag. Manual processing is carried out to remove scale insects.

Only chemical treatment will bring temporary results. The larvae die, but many adult scale insects, covered with a shell, survive. New larvae soon emerge from the eggs.

Healing herbs and other herbal helpers

For indoor plants affected by pests, herbal remedies are also used, although they are not always pleasant or harmless. They are also effective for plant diseases, but are used less frequently. Infusions and decoctions that have proven their effectiveness:

  • infusion of aconite (aerial part prepared during flowering) - against aphids, whiteflies, sawflies;
  • infusion or decoction of marigolds (aerial parts, including inflorescences) - against nematodes, other soil pests, aphids and all types of rot;
  • infusion of black elderberries - against aphids and slugs on balcony plants;
  • nasturtium infusion (aerial parts) - against nematodes and rot;
  • infusion or decoction of aerial parts of calendula - against fungal diseases, nematodes;
  • infusion or decoction of Datura vulgare (aerial parts) - against spider mites and aphids;
  • tansy infusion - for rust and powdery mildew;
  • pyrethrum infusion - against all types of insect pests;
  • infusion or decoction of potatoes (aerial parts) - against spider mites, scale insects and aphids (especially effective against larvae);
  • infusion or decoction of horse sorrel (roots) - against spider mites and aphids;
  • infusion of large burdock (leaves and stems harvested during flowering) - against aphids and thrips;
  • infusion of onions (husks and bulbs) - against thrips and caterpillars on plants placed on the balcony or in the garden;
  • infusion of milkweed (whole plant) - against aphids and caterpillars on plants in the garden;
  • dandelion infusion (roots and leaves collected during flowering) - against aphids, spider mites, thrips and scale insects;
  • infusion or decoction of hot pepper (pods) - against spider mites, scale insects, aphids and slugs on balcony plants;
  • tomato infusion (all parts) - against sawflies, scale insects and other leaf-eating pests;
  • chamomile decoction (aerial parts of a flowering plant) - against spider mites, aphids, thrips, sawflies;
  • infusion or decoction of tobacco (leaves and stems) - against whiteflies, spider mites, aphids, thrips;
  • yarrow decoction (all parts) - against false scale insects and scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites;
  • horsetail decoction for fungal diseases;
  • infusion of garlic bulbs - against gray rot, powdery mildew, scale insects, thrips, whiteflies and aphids;
  • infusion or decoction of celandine (all parts) - against whiteflies, aphids, thrips and false scale insects;
  • infusion of citrus fruits (peel of grapefruit, lemon, lime, tangerine or orange) - against aphids and scale insects.

Infusions are easy to prepare: 100 g of crushed and dried herbs are infused in 1 liter of water for about 48 hours. To obtain a decoction (and this is almost always a faster option), finely chopped herbs are infused in a thermos or boiled in a water bath for 10-20 minutes. Hot peppers are infused for 1 week or boiled for up to 1 hour, and garlic is infused for 5 days.

For some herbs you need to change the amount of raw materials per 1 liter:

  • horse sorrel - up to 30-40 g;
  • onion and dandelion - 15-20 g;
  • burdock - 400 g;
  • fresh pepper - 500 g, dry - 200 g;
  • garlic - 250-300 g.

Infusions and decoctions are used strained and slightly diluted (adding 0.5-1 liters of water, for pepper - in the amount of 15 g of infusion per 1 liter of water).

With herbs, repeated spraying or washing is required, with an interval of 5-7 days until the result is achieved. Usually at least 3 treatments are required.

If traditional methods do not work, do not hesitate to start treating with classic chemical insecticides and fungicides. They will help save plants on which they have not achieved positive results by other means.

Fighting methods

How to get rid of it using folk remedies?

  • The most common method of exterminating the pest is to wipe the plant with a solution of soap, water and alcohol.
    1. To do this, dissolve 20 grams of liquid soap in a liter of water, and then add 10 ml of alcohol.
    2. It is necessary to wipe the leaves and stem until the parasites are completely destroyed.

  • You can use a brush or a cotton swab, which must be disposed of after treatment.
  • Thyroid glands cannot tolerate such a mixture of alcohol and soap, so they die within a few hours after treatment. But, unfortunately, not only pests cannot tolerate soap solution, but also some plants. Before using this method, watch the plant’s reaction by applying the composition to only one leaf.

  • The pepper recipe is less dangerous, but it is not inferior to the soap-alcohol composition in effectiveness.
    To prepare it you need to take:
    1. 100 grams of hot pepper, mince it.
    2. Then pour the resulting mass with two liters of water and put it in a cool place for a day.

  • Next, spray the plant with a strained solution of hot pepper from a spray bottle.
  • Such water procedures must be carried out twice a week for several months.

  • Similar to pepper infusion, you can also prepare garlic and onion infusion. The effect of such infusions is no worse than pepper infusions.
  • When adult females sit tightly on a plant and you can’t remove them, you can resort to kerosene. After all the leaves and stem are lubricated with kerosene, the scale insects will be easily separated.
  • This pest really does not like the taste of vodka, so you can lubricate all parts of the plant with it so that the scale insect is completely destroyed.
  • Dissolve two tablespoons of olive oil in one liter of warm water and rub the leaves with it. The olive oil composition is applied to the plant once a week.
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