Catharanthus - planting, growing and care at home, photo

Photo of the plant Catharanthus or “flawless flower” is an evergreen subshrub or herbaceous flower belonging to the Apocynaceae family., growing in many countries with tropical climates. It is believed that the homeland of catharanthus is the island of Madagascar, where it is most widespread. For a long time it was classified as a variety of the pink periwinkle flower, and only at the beginning of the 20th century the genus Catharanthus was identified.

There are 8 known species of it . Indoor varieties have a height of 30 to 60 cm and are grown in a perennial culture. In open ground they are cultivated as annuals. The leaf blades of the plant are lanceolate in shape, oblong (from 3 to 8 cm), leathery, with a pronounced central vein, dark green in color.

The leaves have practically no petioles. The stems are smooth, erect, branching towards the top, producing many shoots, colored green or pinkish. The root system is powerful, tap-type.

Be sure to pay attention to the beautiful Waller's Impatiens flower.

The growth rate is high.
Blooms from late spring to late summer.
The plant is easy to grow.
It is a perennial plant.

Beneficial features

Photo of catharanthus rosea
Despite the fact that all organs of the plant are poisonous, catharanthus has been used since ancient times in folk medicine, and in modern conditions, also in professional medicine. The juice contains biologically active substances - alkaloids, which are included in many medications. When used correctly under medical supervision, they:

  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • have anti-cancer properties, reduce the size of tumors and polyps;
  • heal wounds and ulcers, skin diseases;
  • treat respiratory diseases, oral diseases, hypertension.

Mr. Summer Resident warns: Catharanthus is a useful and dangerous plant

Aboveground shoots of catharanthus rosea are used as medicinal raw materials, and leaves are used for the production of pharmacological drugs. Plants are collected at the end of summer (August-September), since during this period the bush blooms, and all the beneficial substances accumulate in the stem and leaves. They are cut and dried at a temperature of about +50 ° C (in special dryers). Catharanthus can retain its medicinal properties for three years, after which it becomes useless.

It is customary to use the shrub as an antibacterial, antitumor, and antihypertensive agent. A tincture of it helps with diabetes, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility and even hemorrhoids. Catharanthus rosea oil and serums based on it are also used to fight fungal infections, ulcers and other skin diseases. In some countries, even scurvy is treated with the help of this plant.

The shrub is poisonous and, if used incorrectly, can cause harm rather than benefit.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

The plant is unpretentious, but for a spectacular appearance and long flowering of the catharanthus, certain conditions must be provided:

TemperatureOptimal conditions are created at moderate temperatures from +20 to +25°C.
Air humidityLooks most impressive at high humidity.
LightingCatharanthus blooms at home in bright light.
WateringWatering should provide constant, light soil moisture.
PrimingMust have good drainage properties and air exchange.
Feeding and fertilizerMineral fertilizing after 10-14 days.
TransferEvery year, maintaining the integrity of the root system.
ReproductionVegetative organs and seeds.
Features of cultivationIn annual and perennial culture, in flowerpots and flower beds.

What kind of soil is needed?

For catharanthus, a light, loose substrate with high nutritional properties is better suited. You can prepare the soil mixture with your own hands by mixing in equal proportions :

  • turf;
  • leaf soil;
  • peat;
  • coarse river sand.

If you prefer purchased soil, you should give preference to compositions intended for profusely flowering plants, such as geraniums.

2-3 days before sowing the seeds, it is necessary to disinfect the soil from fungal pathogens. For these purposes it is used:

  1. pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  2. the drug "Previkur" in the amount of 10 ml per 7 liters of water.

When planning to transplant catharanthus into open ground, it must first be dug up so that it becomes looser and better allows moisture and oxygen to pass through to the underground part of the flower.

Caring for catharanthus at home. Details


Active flowering lasts from April to October.
Single flowers or collected two or three in inflorescences bloom in the axils of the leaves. They are located mainly on the upper part of the shoots and in warm weather they form a lush, spectacular head of flowers. Indoor catharanthus can bloom in winter, but there will be significantly fewer buds. The catharanthus flower has five petals with a flat corolla and bright yellow anthers protruding from a narrow tube. The size of the flower in diameter is up to 5 cm. The colors of the petals are very diverse, mostly monochromatic. Many varieties have a small eye in the center of the flower in a contrasting color. Flowers are practically odorless.

As a result of fertilization, sickle-shaped, oblong leaflets are formed, containing up to 10 fairly large seeds suitable for reproduction.


In summer, it feels good at a wide range of temperatures - from +18 to 28°C. In hot weather, it is necessary to maintain high humidity so that the appearance of the leaves does not deteriorate.

In winter, the temperature is reduced to +13-15°C.


To ensure sufficient humidity, the catharanthus plant at home is regularly sprayed with warm, purified water from a fine-droplet spray bottle. In hot weather, spraying may be repeated throughout the day. If there is sufficient humidity and low temperature, you should wait a while with spraying.


If there is a lack of sunlight, homemade catharanthus will not produce abundant flowering. Under natural conditions, the flower grows in well-lit areas or in light partial shade. Indoor plants are kept near western, eastern or southern windows, with shading during the hours of the most active sunlight. With sufficient ventilation, solar activity does not harm the plant.


Keep the soil moderately moist.
Watering should be frequent and plentiful. However, stagnation of water is as harmful as drying out of the soil. After each watering, you need to empty the tray of excess water and ensure air ventilation in the room. To increase humidity, place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles or place a vessel with water next to it.


Considering the rapid growth of the flower and the length of the root system, which reaches 30-35 cm, the planting container is chosen to be large and deep enough. If the pot is small, within a short period the roots will spread throughout the entire volume and the plant's growth will slow down. When replanting again, the size of the pot in diameter is chosen to be 4-5 cm larger than the previous one.

A prerequisite is the presence of drainage holes.


To grow catharanthus, you need fertile, nutritious soil, loose, well-drained. Sod, leaf soil and peat are mixed in equal parts and coarse sand or perlite is added. You can use a mixture of peat, humus and sand. The bottom of the pot is covered 2-3 cm with the existing drainage material.

Feeding and fertilizer

During the period of active growth and flowering, catharanthus needs constant feeding at least 2-3 times a month. Annual bushes are fed every week. Long and abundant flowering is ensured by sufficient doses of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. If there is a lack of mineral nutrition, flowering will be scanty or not begin at all.

You can use complex fertilizers for flowering house plants, for example, roses. Fertilizers are applied in dissolved form in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and combined with watering.

Attention! After transplanting the plant, the first feeding is carried out after 10-14 days.

Catharanthus transplant

The bushes grow very quickly, the root system completely occupies the volume of the pot, and as a result, nutrition deteriorates.
It is recommended to replant the indoor plant every spring and use it for no more than 2-3 years. Catharanthus transplanted by transferring it into a freer container. The work is carried out carefully, as the plant reacts painfully to damage to the root system. The roots are placed to the full depth of the pot and the free spaces are sprinkled with soil.

How to prune catharanthus?

To maintain the neat decorative appearance of the bush, it is necessary to prune elongated stems by one third of their length in spring. In this way, the plant is given the desired shape and lateral branching is stimulated. Dried and damaged vegetative parts are periodically removed. Old shoots are trimmed using a sterile sharp knife, young shoots are pinched by hand.

Rest period

The condition of the plant depends on the microclimate in the room. To preserve the perennial bush for abundant flowering next year, it is kept at a temperature of +12-17°C degrees and the amount of watering is reduced to a minimum.

Attention! If the temperature cannot be reduced, the plant will continue to grow and then additional lighting will be required in short-day conditions so that the shoots do not become too elongated.

Catharanthus in winter

Annual species are kept in the most favorable, warm conditions with good lighting until the end of the growing season. The flower will continue to bloom for part of the winter, after which it is thrown away. A perennial catharanthus dug out from a flowerbed is cut to 2/3 of its length, its root system is placed in a free pot, and covered with earth. The container is stored in cool conditions until spring. At an air temperature of +18°C, the plant is again planted in open ground.


The catharanthus flower belongs to the evergreen herbaceous and subshrub plants of the Apocynaceae family. In the wild, it can be found everywhere in tropical countries. This is Cuba, Java, Africa, Indochina, Indonesia - it’s impossible to list everything. It is not possible to accurately determine its homeland, although many scientists are inclined to Madagascar, where it is most often found. There are seven or eight of its species. In the subtropics, catharanthus grows up to one and a half meters in height. At home, this bush does not exceed 60 cm. Catharanthus has been bred as a houseplant since the mid-18th century.

For a long time, catharanthus was considered one of the varieties of another flower - pink periwinkle. These plants are very similar. Both belong to the Kutrov family. Only since 1937, after lengthy debates, botanists began to classify rose catharanthus (Catharanthus roseus), as a species of evergreen perennial subshrubs, to a separate genus Catharanthus.

The indoor catharanthus flower is a perennial plant, often grown as an annual. At home, it grows no higher than 50–60 cm in height. Its erect stems are fleshy, branch at the tops, and become woody over time. The roots are powerful and taprooted. The central root reaches a depth of 20 - 30 cm, there are many lateral adventitious roots that have a strong specific odor. Young roots have no root hairs. Catharanthus leaves have an oblong shape, pointed at both ends, and a length of up to 7 cm. They are glossy, dark green in color, with a white longitudinal vein. During flowering, the bush is completely covered with many wheel-shaped flowers. Catharanthus flowers range from 3 to 5 cm in diameter. They have a regular shape of five petals with a flat corolla, the throat of which is covered with thyroid hairs. In the center of each flower there is an eye, usually in a bright contrasting color. There are hybrids with white, orange, light lilac, blue-violet petals. Catharanthus flowers are very similar to phlox flowers, but they are solitary, while in phlox they are collected in inflorescences. But, during active flowering, from May to October, such a lush cap is formed from individually blooming flowers that the decorative effect of the flower at this time is beyond all praise. Long flowering ends with the onset of cold weather. After flowering, a catharanthus fruit is formed, which is a crescent-shaped bileaflet, inside which about a dozen elongated seeds are formed.

Medicinal properties

The catharanthus plant is valued not only for its spectacular appearance and decorative effect. Its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times. Healers and healers of Madagascar and Indonesia used catharanthus to treat diabetes, cough and various tumors. The green parts of the plant contain up to 60 biologically active alkaloids. Modern research has shown that this flower actually contains substances that lower blood sugar. And the alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine formed the basis of anticancer drugs that are used in modern medicine. All kinds of infusions and decoctions are prepared from the leaves and shoots of catharanthus, which treat many diseases, such as:

  • poorly healing wounds and trophic ulcers;
  • fibroids, polyps, prostate adenomas;
  • diseases of teeth and gums;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • hypertension and diabetes.

It is important to know that all parts of the catharanthus are poisonous. It is not recommended to prepare any medicine from it yourself! Side effects, allergic reactions, and burns may occur. There are contraindications. You can use drugs from catharanthus only under supervision and on the recommendation of doctors.

Growing catharanthus from seeds

For germination, use a shallow container filled with moist soil. Materials and seeds are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are laid out on the surface and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Cover with film, a transparent lid or glass and, until the seeds hatch, leave in a warm (+22-25°C), dark place.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the container is transferred to a well-lit place and optimal humidity is maintained. At the first stage, the above-ground part of the seedlings develops slowly, and the root part - intensively. In the phase of two true leaves, seedlings dive into pots.

You should not be late with picking seedlings, as a root system that is too large can be damaged during transplantation.

When to plant catharanthus seedlings, in what month

Catharanthus is characterized by slow development, so you should not delay planting seeds. Flowering begins 5-6 months after the first shoots appear. Therefore, if you want catharanthus to bloom in mid-summer, you need to sow it in January-February.

ON A NOTE. However, if desired, it is permissible to plant later. For example, sowing seeds in March will allow for later flowering closer to autumn. But in April there is no point in planting seeds.

Propagation of catharanthus by cuttings

For vegetative propagation, cuttings taken from the top of green shoots or young lateral shoots are used. Their size can be from 5 to 10 cm. The cuttings should have 2-3 internodes. Planting material is prepared during spring or autumn pruning and during the formation of the bush. Cuttings are rooted in two ways:

  • They are buried 2-3 cm into moist soil and compacted. Place the container under the film and place it in a well-lit place. Maintain humidity and temperature +22-25°C and regularly ventilate the greenhouse. As soon as the plant begins to grow, the cover is removed.
  • Add a couple of drops of a growth stimulator to a glass of boiled water and place the cutting so that one internode is constantly in the water. The glass is left in a warm, bright place, the liquid level is maintained until roots form.

What is needed for planting catharanthus seedlings

Having decided on the timing of planting, they begin to prepare the necessary materials for the procedure.

How to choose the right catharanthus variety?

Typically, when choosing a variety of flower or vegetable crop to plant, the type of variety is taken into account. Late varieties are not suitable for growing in the harsh northern Russian regions.

But in the case of catharanthus, this is not necessary. All flower varieties develop very slowly. Therefore, you can focus on choosing the variety that you like best in appearance.

How to choose seeds for planting

It is best to buy catharanthus seeds for growing at a flower or hardware store. You should choose trusted manufacturers. This will be a kind of guarantee of good germination of the grains.

Do not take too old planting material. Ideally, he should be 2, maximum 3 years old.

Please note that if you purchase granulated, coated and other similar seeds, you do not need to further process or soak them.

What soil is needed for planting catharanthus?

Like almost all garden flowers, catharanthus when growing seedlings must be sown in a light, loose and, most importantly, nutritious substrate. The ideal solution is the most common soil for seedlings. Floral would also work. For example, the one used for geraniums or violets.

But it’s better not to use garden soil. Firstly, in winter or March it will need to be defrosted. Secondly, mix in peat and sand. Thirdly, treat with a fungicide or bake in the oven. It is much easier to use ready-made soil.

How to prepare seeds for sowing seedlings

Before planting, it is recommended to properly prepare the seeds for sowing. Preparation includes treatment against diseases and stimulation of growth.

You can use both commercial products for soaking (Epin, Zircon, Fitosporin - soak according to instructions) and folk remedies (hydrogen peroxide - a teaspoon per glass of water, potassium permanganate - 1 gram per glass of water).

After soaking, the grains must be washed in running water and dried.

What not to do when planting catharanthus

When planting catharanthus, you should not bury the grains too deep, otherwise many of them will not be able to hatch. The optimal depth is no more than 0.5 - 1 cm.

You should not leave the soil unmoistened, but in no case allow it to become waterlogged, otherwise the seeds may begin to rot. It is optimal to moisten the soil with a spray bottle after planting.

Diseases and pests

Catharanthus is a fairly resistant flower to unfavorable growing conditions, but if the optimal parameters are violated, the decorative qualities and flowering deteriorate significantly:

  • Young leaves fall off due to rare, insufficient watering, as well as in conditions of poor lighting and low temperature.
  • Dark spots and bumps form on the leaves as a result of rust disease. They are located on the upper part of the leaf blade. There may be pustules on the lower part. Conditions for the development of rust are created by frequent waterlogging of the soil, too high air humidity, lack of ventilation and drafts.
  • The leaves turned yellow and fell off. The cause may be excessive solar activity. It is enough to remove the flowerpot from the windowsill or close the blinds for the situation to improve.
  • The tips of catharanthus leaves turn yellow most often if the humidity in the room is not sufficiently high. During the heating season, it is necessary to use all possible methods for humidification.
  • Catharanthus blooms poorly in low light and low temperatures. The situation will be corrected by moving the flowerpot to a warm, bright room with moderate humidity.
  • The lower leaves fall off as they naturally age. To prevent outdated leaves from spoiling the decorative appearance, they are regularly removed.
  • The leaves turn yellow and the plant stops blooming when the root system completely fills the pot and the soil is depleted. Roots even appear in drainage holes. The plant lacks nutrition and needs to be replanted.

Occasionally damaged by thrips or scale insects. This happens in conditions of insufficient humidity. In an excessively damp room, aphids may appear, which feed on the sap of the plant.

Problems during cultivation

Even with the most careful care, catharanthus can be attacked by pests. Curling of the leaf blades may be a sign that the flower is infected with parasites: spider mites, aphids, scale insects, whiteflies or mealybugs. To combat these pests, the drug “Actellik” is used, which is sprayed for three weeks with an interval of 7 days.

Sometimes the plant suffers from fungal diseases. This may manifest itself in the fact that the bush withers, although there are no objective reasons for this. In this case, it is replanted by shaking off all the soil during replanting and washing the roots in a fungicide solution.

Sometimes, when growing, fungi also infect terrestrial organs. Then you can see white or gray areas on the foliage, under which the greenery dries out. To cure the crown, you need to spray with fungicides in accordance with the instructions.

Types of homemade catharanthus with photos and names

The genus Catharanthus is not very numerous. It consists of 8 main species and decorative varieties, which are interspecific hybrids. As a result of breeding work, spectacular, compact plants were obtained. These are varieties of catharanthus rosea, having flowers of various shades.

Catharanthus roseus

It has various shades of pink petals. The eyes are yellow or crimson. When the temperature and light are favorable, it blooms all year round.

Catharanthus ampelous (cascade)

It has long, up to 1.5 m, lashes falling to the bottom, the entire length of which is studded with red flowers from the axils of dark green leaves.


The shoots form a spherical crown. Abundant flowering occurs in the second half of summer. The flowers are large, with a contrasting eye. Petal colors range from white to scarlet.


The crown of the bush is low and compact. Flowering is not very abundant, but large flowers look impressive on bright large leaves. In all varieties of the variety, the center of the flower is decorated with a contrasting eye. The most popular Pacific varieties:

  • Burgundy
  • Epticot
  • White

First kiss

The shape of the bush is cylindrical, height up to 40 cm. The leaves are elongated, bright green. The flowers are large, the petals can have different shades of pink. The eye is a more saturated color to match the petals.

When is it not worth planting catharanthus seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar?

In addition to favorable days for planting seeds for subsequent cultivation, there are times when sowing is prohibited. According to the lunar calendar, these are new moon and full moon.

The table below provides detailed information on unfavorable planting times in the first three months of 2022.

MonthBad days for planting
January2, 18
February1, 16
March2, 18

How to care for the first time?

Catharanthus is certainly not a capricious flower, but achieving lush and long-lasting flowering is possible only if you follow certain rules:

  1. Room temperature in summer is within +25-26°C.
  2. Winter temperature +14-17°C.
  3. Temperature +10°C is critical for the plant.
  4. Tropical shrubs love light, but during hot periods you need to be more careful with the sun's rays.
  5. In addition to lighting, watering is also important. The soil should not dry out completely; the plant prefers a moist growing environment.
  6. There must be humid air in the room.
  7. Light, loose soil, without excess salt, is suitable for growing.
  8. In the spring and summer, feed with exotic mineral fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium.
  9. Use fertilizer every 2 weeks.
  10. In the autumn-winter period, eliminate fertilizing completely.


Let's find out when and how to plant catharanthus in open ground.

Boarding time

Usually, before planting in open ground, the plant is grown at home as seedlings. Since catharanthus is a heat-loving flower, preparing seedlings allows you to plant an already strong plant outside, extend the flowering period, and avoid many problems and diseases.

Seedlings are obtained from seeds: they are quite large and have a dark brown tint. Germination is usually excellent.

The optimal time for planting seeds is February-March. Do not forget about the need for additional lighting for seedlings, since natural light is not enough at this time. Planting in open ground occurs in May: when the threat of recurrent night cold snaps has completely passed.


  1. Seeds are sown in containers with prepared nutrient substrate. You can plant them in separate cups if you want to avoid further picking. The depth of embedding is 2 cm.
  2. The top of the container is covered with plastic film to create optimal warm and humid conditions. The external temperature should be about +25 degrees.
  3. Shoots appear in 7-10 days.
  4. After the sprouts appear, the film must be removed and the container placed in conditions with a lower temperature: +18-22 degrees.
  5. Caring for seedlings should be carried out regularly and carefully. It is necessary to loosen the soil and spray it with a spray bottle to moisten it.
  6. Picking is done after the third leaf appears on the seedlings. Carry out the procedure carefully so as not to touch the roots.
  7. Planting outside is done only after the threat of return frosts has completely disappeared. Do not forget that low temperatures are detrimental to this plant.
  8. Place the seedlings in the holes provided for them. If several bushes are intertwined, you should not separate them, as there is a risk of damaging the roots. Plant it just like that and you’ll get a more lush plant.
  9. Sprinkle the seedlings with soil, compact them a little and water. For the first time, it is better to provide protection in the form of a film over the bed. After 3-4 days, when the plants adapt, the film can be removed.
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