The rarest flowers in the world - description and photo (Top 15)

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The color of this beautiful flower varies from blue to light green. Sometimes the Jade Vine is pollinated by bats, which can see the flower due to its ability to glow at night.

Natural pollinators and constantly changing environmental conditions make this plant very rare.

Ghost Orchid

Other names: Polyriza, frog orchid. It grows and is protected by law in the territories of Cuba and Florida. These flowers do not have leaves, they have practically no chlorophyll, so they feed not through photosynthesis, like other plants, but from a symbionite fungus.

Since there are no leaves and the roots are indistinguishable from the tree located underneath, when the plant blooms, it seems to be suspended in the air. But in fact, the thin stem smoothly turns into a root that wraps around dry wild palm trees, oaks and ash trees in swampy areas.

At least 3 years pass from the moment of germination from seed to peduncle. The flowers are quite large, about 13 centimeters in length, and when they bloom at the same time, they are an incredibly spectacular sight. Add to this the aroma of ripe apples that the orchid emits. When you try to transplant it, in most cases the orchid dies, since it cannot live without its fungus, on which it parasitizes. It is pollinated by nocturnal butterflies - swallowtails and the giant Sphinx moth. The amazing flower became the hero of the film “Adaptation” with Nicolas Cage and Meryl Streep.

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The "parrot's beak" is afraid of temperature fluctuations, which can lead to its death.

Today, only a few representatives of this species exist. The disappearance of this flower began in 1884.

Plants that survive in the Canary Islands are protected by law.

Psychotria sublime

A different name is common among people, by analogy with the appearance of the plant, which I do not dare repeat on the site. The flower grows in the tropical forests of Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica. The appearance of psychotria attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, and in addition it also emits a slight sweetish smell. Due to intensive deforestation, the plant simply disappears catastrophically quickly from our planet, but it can easily be cultivated under artificial conditions.

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Another feature of the Ghost Orchid is that it does not have leaves.

Because the stem and flowers of this orchid appear in green, it is difficult to spot even if you have a chance to get to where it grows.

The ghost orchid blooms only three weeks a year, between April and August.

Middlemist Red

This is a subspecies of camellia, soft pink in color, somewhat reminiscent of a rose. The rarest flower in the world, which was miraculously saved from extinction. In 1804, the Englishman D. Middlemist brought a plant he liked from a trip to China. Later it turned out that this was the only specimen and it was possible to germinate new ones from its seeds. Middlemist blooms only a few weeks a year.

Until today, the flower remains an endangered species and can only be admired on a monitor screen in two greenhouses: in the UK and New Zealand. Moreover, it is believed that the Polynesian specimen is a descendant of a Chinese flower, which Midlemist himself once sold to an unknown person.

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Kadupul or "Queen of the Night" . This beautiful flower is found mainly in the forests of Sri Lanka.

Few people are lucky enough to enjoy the beauty of kadupul, because it blooms only in the middle of the night and dies before dawn.

In addition, this plant requires special conditions for healthy flowering.

Chocolate space

The list of the rarest flowers in the world continues with the chocolate cosmos. It is also called chocolate cosmos. This small and at first glance inconspicuous flower, upon closer examination, has amazing beauty. Its main decoration is velvet petals of a delicate chocolate shade with dark blue veins. It is noteworthy that the plant has the smell of chocolate.

Cosmos comes from Latin America. Previously, this species was considered extinct. After all, for a long time people plucked the flower with the smell of chocolate and vanilla en masse. And since the seeds have low viability, this significantly reduced its population.

But one day, biologists accidentally discovered several wild flowers. Today it is grown artificially. Cosmos seeds are quite expensive.

Rare flowers of the world

Queen of the Andes
Plant species Puya raimondii

the “queen of the Andes”
because it often stands out against the background of other plants in these places due to its size.
During the flowering period, which occurs after 80-150 years of growth
, it reaches about 12 meters.

This plant manages to reach such an unprecedented height in a rather harsh climate.

at very high altitudes in the mountains, where other plants simply cannot survive.

During flowering, the Andean queen grows a long stem with seeds.

, on which thousands of white, green and purple flowers bloom. Once a plant drops millions of seeds, it dies.

For various reasons, including fires, populations of these plants have declined significantly

in recent years in Peru and Bolivia.

Blooming bamboo

Melocanna baciffera

is a type of bamboo that is widely used in India for various purposes.
This plant blooms once every 44-48 years
, and local residents would like the intervals between flowering to be even longer.

After flowering, large fruits appear that contain a large number of seeds that attract rodents. Rat Infestation

- a real disaster, they destroy bamboo and grain crops, spread diseases, and cause famine.

Talipot palm

Talipot palm

- another giant plant compared to other types of palm trees, which reaches a height
of about 25 meters
and has a trunk with a diameter of
up to 1 meter
The branched inflorescences of these trees are 6-8 meters
. These are the largest inflorescences known to science.

10 most fantastic trees in the world

To see this tree bloom, you need to arm yourself with considerable patience: sometimes you have to wait 30, or even 80 years

! The plant blooms only before its death. It devotes all its energy to hundreds of thousands of golden round fruits, which the tree sheds just before its death.

The Talipot Palm is the national tree of Sri Lanka.

It is grown for a variety of products, including building materials, thatched roofs, and buttons, which are made from the seeds.

Lady's slipper (calceolus) lady slippers

Rare wild orchid. Found in Europe. The lady's slipper is now growing in the UK, but only in one particular place: the golf course. It has been protected by the police since 1917 in order to protect it from people. One copy can sell for $5,000 . The seeds of a flower provide food for the growing plants and therefore the flower lives in symbiosis with a certain type of fungus that feeds it. Due to its rarity and symbiosis with fungi, the yellow-violet Lady's slipper is number 3 on the list.


This spectacular herbaceous perennial of the Asteraceae family, native to Australia in the middle zone, is grown as an annual plant, cold-resistant and drought-resistant.

Its bright yellow spherical inflorescences, appearing on bare peduncles 50-80 cm high in August-September from a rosette of beautiful silver-gray leaves, are impossible not to notice in any flower bed. By the way, after cutting, in dried form, the flower retains the density of the head and the brightness of the color, for which it is highly valued by florists.

On the site for craspedia, choose a well-lit place with light sandy or loamy fertile soil of neutral acidity. The plant responds well to regular moderate watering without stagnation of moisture and complex mineral fertilizing (at least three times per season). Craspedia is propagated by seeds using the seedling method - seedlings are planted in open ground in late May - early June and protected from frost.


Cobra lily is the second name of this unusual bulbous perennial plant of the Araceae family (to which, for example, callas, spathiphyllums and monsteras also belong).

The plant has nothing to do with lilies, and the “snake” name of Arizema was given for the peculiar shape of the inflorescences, which reminded botanists of the stand of a cobra with a swollen hood. These striped “jugs” are designed to trap pollinating insects. In addition, Arizema fruits are extremely decorative - red or yellow shiny berries collected in cobs-fruits.

There are many types of arizema, but not all are suitable for a conventional dacha near Moscow, but only those that are hardy and adapted to our climate - Amur, Sakhalin and serrated.

All parts of the plant are poisonous.

The height of the plant is about 60 cm. The leaves on long petioles are light green, matte, five-fingered. Flowering - from late April to early June, fruits and berries are formed in late summer - early autumn. The "hood" of the flower can range from pale greenish to deep purple, with longitudinal stripes ranging from dark purple to whitish.

Arizema prefers shady places (in the sun the leaves and flowers fade to inexpressive shades) with the absence of drafts, constantly well-moistened light loamy soil (it is better to mulch the flowerbed) of neutral acidity, spraying, hilling and regular fertilizing. During the winter, the aboveground part of the arizema dies off and the plant must be carefully covered with dry foliage.

Arizema reproduces by tuberous children in the fall, by dividing the bush in the spring or by planting freshly harvested seeds in August-September.

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    Have you ever heard of the cobra lily? And there is such a plant!

Yutan Poluo

Not all rare flowers require the creation of certain conditions. Some are quite unpretentious, but they can be found in the most unexpected places. For example, the Yutan Poluo plant was first found inside a steel pipe during cleaning.

At the same time, the flower can be seen on Buddha statues covered in gold. The plant feels comfortable here too.

homelach 08/28/201608/28/2016 Category Miscellaneous Comment.

There are unusual plants that live 150 years and only at the end of their lives produce amazingly beautiful flowers. How can representatives of the earth's flora surprise?


Edelweiss - the flower of fidelity and love

Its name alone sounds like music. The most touching and tender, about which there are many legends. The Italians call it the silver flower of rocks. The French are an Alpine star.

Edelweiss is an amazing rare flower growing in the mountains

The flower loves the sun, but grows high in the mountains near the snowy edge. Not everyone can see it. Legend says that only a person with love as pure as dew in his heart can find this mysterious flower. It is not enough to be dexterous and strong to climb to the top of the mountain. You must love sincerely and selflessly, be devoted to your beloved.

There were so many people who wanted to get the flower that already in the 19th century it was almost impossible to see it. There were a couple dozen specimens left that were on the verge of extinction.

Due to the fact that edelweiss is rare, it is forbidden to pick them

In Switzerland, where this flower grew, a special law was passed that prohibited the collection of this plant. Violators faced a hefty fine. There are special posts near the mountain borders that do not allow tourists to the habitats of this flower.


Chinese mouse flower - the most creepy and disgusting flower

Indeed, how could Mother Nature create such a thing! Even from a close distance, when its petals are closed, it resembles a bat that has perched on a branch for the night. To make it even more creepy, it has long, ornate tentacles 30-40cm long that resemble black snakes. The first impression of those who saw it was horror.

Chinese mouse flower is a rare flower of dubious beauty

It is grown only by extreme flower growers, since not only its appearance, but also touching it causes a feeling of disgust in most people.

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Middlemist red - the rarest flower in the world

There are only 2 copies in the entire globe. British gardener John Middlemist, traveling in China in 1854, was fascinated by a scarlet rose, which he discovered quite by accident. He dug up the flower and brought it to Britain to plant in a greenhouse in the United Kingdom. He could not even imagine that thanks to this he saved the last specimen of the flower in the world. This scarlet rose was named after him.

Middlemist red is considered the rarest flower in the world

Our world is unusually rich in various species of plants, incredibly beautiful flowers and mighty century-old trees, which are protected throughout the world. It is up to the individual to ensure that the Red Book contains as few pages as possible.

Rare tree species

The Methuselah pine is the oldest tree in the world. Its age exceeds 4850 years. And she received her name in honor of the biblical character who was the only long-liver in the whole world.

The rare Methuselah pine is considered the oldest tree in the world

This majestic tree grows in the USA, in the White Mountains at an altitude of 3000 meters. Its exact location is known only to botanists who monitor the pine tree. Such secrecy is connected with protecting the guard from vandalism. After all, there are thousands of tourists who want to take a photo with it or tear off a piece of bark as a souvenir. Many go to the mountains to find this mysterious tree, but all their attempts end in failure. The Methuselah pine is not a tree, it is a symbol of eternity, which looks like it is dead, but life lurks in each of its branches.

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The Tree of Life is the loneliest tree in the world

Probably, like life itself, reminiscent of loneliness among a crowd of people. It is the only one on the sands of the endless desert of Bahrain, a hundred kilometers from any vegetation.

Tree of life in the Kenyan desert

It is 400 years old, but the most important thing is not its age or the fact that it is a rare specimen of trees. Scientists are wondering how it is possible to live for so many years in a desert in which there is absolutely no water in the ground, while still “radiating” vital energy.

If you “transport” from distant corners of the world to our region, with the greenery of meadows and the noise of birch groves, you can discover amazing and rare plants that are on the verge of extinction.

Interesting plants from the Russian Red Book

Japanese beard is a beautiful and graceful plant with a large pinkish flower, which is popularly called the Spirit of the Meadows. It got its name because of the petals, which curve at the bottom of the flower, reminiscent of a gnome's beard.

The bearded plant is a miniature orchid. Just as gentle, graceful and beautiful. The flower can grow alone, modestly “peeping out” from the green arrows of meadow grasses. But most often the plant forms scatterings of flowers, where there can be up to 60 of them on 1 square meter. The plant is listed in the Red Book and is protected by law.

The Japanese beard is on the verge of extinction in Russia

Rhododendron Faurie is a plant with large pink flowers. One brush can grow up to 15 delicate flowers with slightly curled petals. It is called the flower of the gods. His beauty is compared to the Greek goddesses - graceful, slender, gentle. You can admire its beauty endlessly, but only the lucky one can see it.

Legend has it that this flower was given to a man by the Gods who wanted to win the heart of his beloved. The flower was as beautiful as the girl for whom it was intended. When her betrothed took her to distant lands, rhododendrons bloomed in the fields so that people would remember not only her beauty, but also believe that unearthly love exists in the world.

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We can say about this plant that seeing it means knowing the existence of life. Understand that life and death are far from each other, but at the same time as inseparable as two sisters.

The rarest plant in the world

Puya Raimondi is a plant that lives for 150 years to gain vitality and die. To die forever, giving the world the unearthly beauty of your flowers.

Puya Raimondi is the rarest plant in the world.

Growing from a round and huge ball, the plant reaches a height of up to 10 meters. A powerful trunk resembling a tree develops from a thin stem. But the huge “bump,” prickly in appearance, resembles a huge flower that slowly grows in height over the course of 100 years. Having lived 150 years and gained vital energy, it gives the world a scattering of thousands of flowers and dies. Dies forever.

This plant is truly beautiful, but there are other amazing representatives of the flora.


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Koki etoo (Cancun cookei) Kokaicookei

Another rare flower from trees in Hawaii. Discovered in 1860, Coqui eto proved difficult to propagate and was declared extinct in 1950. However, 20 years later, the only surviving flower was found, but by a fateful coincidence, it was on the verge of destruction during a fire in 1978 . But one of the specimens was rescued and grafted onto 23 different trees in different locations in Hawaii. The tree grows up to 10-11 meters in height and has hundreds of bright, red flowers.

Campion (Silene fluffy) Red Campion

Found in Gibraltar. Campion has been considered extinct by the scientific community since 1992, as all traces of the plant's existence have disappeared. Then in 1994, one specimen was discovered by a climber while walking along the high cliffs of Gibraltar.

Subsequently, seeds and samples were distributed to the botanical gardens of Gibraltar, as well as the royal botanical gardens in London. But somewhere on the lonely rocks of Gibraltar, rare flowers still grow. Campion is one of the 10 rarest flowers in the world.

Kadupal Flower (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) Kadupal Flower

The flower is easy to grow, but blooms extremely rarely. Found in the wild in Sri Lanka and has spiritual significance for Buddhists. When the flowers bloom, and they bloom only at night and then mysteriously wither at dawn, according to Buddhists it is believed that it is the Nagas (semi-mythical tribes of Sri Lanka) who descend from the heavenly abodes and present the flowers as a gift to the Buddha. The flowers are very fragrant and produce delicate, white flowers. The flower has a rich history in Japan, where the name can be translated as “beauty under the moon.”

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