The most unpretentious home flowers for home, balcony and office

Indoor plants have become such popular attributes that it is very difficult to imagine life without them. They not only decorate and enliven the interior, thereby motivating their owner to be productive.

But they also bring benefits, easing headaches and neutralizing not the most useful radiation emanating from under the gadget monitor. Flowers for the office help you work productively, saturate the air with oxygen, clearing harmful substances.

Let's try to figure out which flowers in pots are best suited for placement in the workplace and how they can help.


Another name for this plant, which belongs to the asparagus family, is dragon tree. A small palm tree (approximately 25 cm in size including pot) grows quite slowly and takes up very little space.

Dracaena is a unique filter for thoroughly cleaning the air in the area where it is located.

Thus, this plant is capable of cleaning a room by 70% from benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde and other harmful chemicals, which are often contained, for example, in low-quality flooring, upholstered furniture or various products made from synthetic materials.

Dracaenas are also recommended for absorbing radiation from computer monitors and household appliances. The plant can relieve headaches and relieve fatigue.

Alpine violet

Alpine violet (Cyclamen purpurea) is a beautiful, neat and very delicate plant that pleases the eye with its appearance alone.

A small flower (size up to 25 cm) with flowers of pink shades, depending on the variety, can refresh the interior of the room all year round, inspiring work.

Previously, this plant was used for medicinal purposes: in the folk medicine cabinet there are various medicines (for the runny nose, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, infectious diseases, hair loss and even snake bites) made on the basis of alpine violet.

At the moment, the plant is purchased exclusively for decorative purposes.

The following fact is also important: cyclamen is easy to care for: alpine violets need to be sprayed infrequently, and the optimal temperature is about +12 -+20°C, so these flowers are perfect for the office.

Plants for decorating the balcony

For many residents of high-rise buildings, a balcony or loggia is a place to relax after work. Therefore, they come up with a design for the balcony with a lot of fresh flowers.

What flowering varieties can be planted on the balcony? It all depends on which side its windows are located.

The south-facing balcony is illuminated for 10-12 hours in summer. Such long daylight hours are well tolerated by flowers such as

  • geranium,
  • jasmine,
  • date palm,
  • oleander,
  • thunbergia,
  • hippeastrum,
  • adenium,
  • cacti,
  • dracaena,
  • milkweed,
  • succulents,
  • anthurium,
  • monstera,
  • dieffenbachia,
  • dracaena.

Citrus fruits grow well.

On the western and eastern loggias it is better to plant species such as

  • cyclamen,
  • violets,
  • gardenia,
  • azalea,
  • asparagus,
  • syngonium,
  • calathea,
  • spathiphyllum,
  • aglaonema,
  • Zamioculcas.

If the balcony faces north, then there is only 2-3 hours of bright sunny days. This is too little for indoor flowers. However, in the flower kingdom you can also find amazing specimens that do not need much sun: fuchsia, impatience, ferns, mimulus, hosta, sansevieria, hoya.

If it is warm on the balcony, then golden mustache and ruellia will grow well. In a cool room, hydrangeas will be comfortable, myrtle and araucaria will grow.

Ampel views are a decoration for any balcony. It is better to plant them in hanging flowerpots.

The following will look good in hanging planters:

  • chlorophytum,
  • fuchsia,
  • scindapsus aureus,
  • ivy.

Pelargonium is not afraid of the hot sun, grows quickly, and can bloom all year round.

Begonia evergreen can bloom even in partial shade.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus Benjamin symbolizes nothing more than harmony, wisdom, health and fruitfulness in business, which is very important at work.

The energy of ficus relieves stress, normalizes internal state and helps to achieve inner harmony.

The plant is an evergreen tree or shrub that blooms only in the wild.

The plant is perfect for placement in the office, as it is very easy to care for: the shrub only needs watering twice a week in the summer, and once a week in the winter.

Leafy inspiration

Decorative leafy pets can also defuse the situation and decorate the room. In this case, a large assortment of bushes is used, with rich greenery and climbing plants, living in wall pots and saving great space. Unlike flowering ones, deciduous ones are less picky, shade-tolerant, purify the air, relieve irritation, calm and inspire. All types of greenery are involved in the decoration of the hall; they are harmoniously combined or displayed individually, keeping a distance.

Read an interesting article about Kalanchoe kalandiva.

Cacti and succulents

Evil cacti and specific succulents that do not require care or frequent watering will fit perfectly into the brutal male team. Compositions for a dry aquarium are formed from low-growing crops, planted on a drainage base or placed on tables as a single decoration. Extraordinary succulents suitable for the office: haworthia, crassula, graptopetalum, agave americana, zamioculcas, conophytum, echeveria, stapelia.


The original decoration of wall pots is chlorophytum. Its abundant greenery and numerous rosettes look very impressive and do not require much attention from the gardener. It grows quickly, takes root well and reproduces by aerial rosettes formed on long vines.

This pet is recommended for purifying the air and greening the room. It is not capricious when it comes to watering and needs to moisten the soil 1-2 times a week; once a month you can bathe the handsome man, spraying the foliage and removing dust. Living in a shady part is not a problem for him, the same applies to the composition of the soil.


A plant with active energy is ideal for keeping in an office or school. According to Feng Shui, Dieffenbachia is placed in the north-eastern areas of rooms, where it will be more productive and grow quickly. In suitable conditions, over the course of a year, its growth is up to 150-200 cm, and the bushes thicken abundantly, but, despite its positive qualities, it is not recommended to grow it at home because of the poisonous sap.

When transplanting or pruning, be sure to wear gloves, otherwise the juice that gets on the skin will cause redness or dermatitis.

An original and useful property for the office is the ability of Dieffenbachia to predict weather changes. So, on the eve of rains or heavy snowfalls, droplets of water appear on the leaves, this is a signal that it is worth taking an umbrella.

Tester tongue

Another “protective” floor plant is mother-in-law’s tongue, as it is also called Sansevieria. An unpretentious resident of the hot tropics has high decorative qualities, looks very impressive and grows even in poor soil.

Sword-shaped leaves of bright colors will fit perfectly into any interior and become its decoration, but there are many superstitions around the flower. It cannot be kept by unmarried girls, given or received as a gift, but for married ladies it is a real amulet, helping to restore emotional balance and inner harmony. In the workplace, Sansevieria protects against squabbles, intrigues, gossip, envy and other negativity.


Tradescantia, familiar to many, will become a green decor for a wall, cabinet or stand. Its long vines, neatly decorated with foliage and small white flowers, look aesthetically pleasing, and its unpretentiousness makes the plant in demand in many establishments. It is quite shade-tolerant and easily gets along on northern sides and away from windows. It is not capricious in the soil, but loves plenty of watering and air humidity, and needs spraying. Unlike its herbaceous relatives, Tradescantia does not have a specific energy.


The pink flowering plant with lush clusters of bougainvillea is also known as "miracle flower". Triangular petals, evenly curling, attract the human eye.

The plant can often be found near holiday homes in tropical countries. Bougainvilleas are associated with warm summers, so their appearance alone dilutes the strict office atmosphere, adding bright and positive touches, helping not to dwell on pressing problems.

The birthplace of the miracle flower is sunny Brazil, so bougainvillea loves high humidity and spraying. From March to October, it is best to fertilize the plant with special fertilizers to strengthen it.


Begonia is nothing more than a symbol of well-being. This plant is very common due to the fact that it absolutely does not require any special conditions for growth.

This bush can be found both in garden plots and in many apartments. Begonia feels great in any room, even with irregular care.

From an aesthetic point of view, the plant is not so attractive: it is a medium-sized bush with leaves of a unique color (from soft green to rich bronze shades).

However, one of the “superpowers” ​​of begonia is the fact that its leaves secrete phytoncides that are able to cope with viruses and pathogens, thereby protecting against unpleasant colds.

Hoya carnosa, or wax ivy

An ampelous vine with dense leathery leaves and shoots up to 6–7 meters. It grows both on the south window and in the north room. It easily tolerates infrequent watering, but is afraid of waterlogging of the soil, so good drainage is required. Wax ivy is replanted very rarely, when there is absolutely no room in the pot. Under favorable conditions (bright diffused light) it blooms profusely. Fragrant, star-shaped flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Codiaum (croton)

The name of the plant translated from Greek means “head”. This plant is also called “Joseph’s cloak.”

Codiaum helps cope with mental problems, stress and anxiety, and also has phytoremediation properties (the ability to purify indoor air from harmful substances).

A bush with bright burgundy leaves will give the room a special “tropical”, lively atmosphere. The plant is poisonous, so it is not recommended to plant codiaum at home, but it belongs in the office.

However, in any case, all work with the flower must be carried out using special protective gloves.

Vertical gardening

Vertical gardening is an ideal solution for spacious and small offices. In this case, the plants are planted in special wall structures. This method allows you to increase the number of flowers, practically without sacrificing usable space in favor of the flora.

IN THE PHOTO: Phytowall or “vertical garden”

All possible sizes of devices allow you to use both large surfaces ( phytowall ) and modest areas ( phytopicture ). They are not only stationary, but also mobile (phytomodules ). A separate pocket is provided for each plant, and both the use of soil and hydroponics cultivation are possible. It is extremely convenient that the lighting, watering and fertilizing systems in such a device are automated, that is, caring for flowers is limited to periodically pouring water into the tank. By the way, you can even evade this responsibility by providing a connection to the water supply and sewerage system.

The structures themselves are durable, and outdated plants can be easily replaced with new specimens.


Geranium is a real amulet against negativity, gossip and negative energy, of which, you see, there is a lot at work. The plant is quite easy and unpretentious to care for.

Geranium has a wonderful sweetish, not cloying aroma, thereby helping to set its owner in a productive working mood and giving him a wonderful mood.

In addition, according to various esoteric stories, pelargonium (another name for geranium) attracts money and helps to gain financial stability.

Crassula arborescens

This plant is popularly known as the “money tree”. According to numerous reviews, the fat woman really helps to gain financial stability and success in business.

It is not advisable to keep this plant in the house: the leaves of the plant contain the dangerous poison arsenic. And although the substance does not evaporate and it is impossible to simply get poisoned even if you are nearby for a long time, children or pets are at risk.

If a restless child decides to bite off a plant, he will immediately begin to develop laryngeal edema, which leads to irreversible consequences, including death.

Nevertheless, the office is the perfect place for the tree crassula. The aesthetic component of this plant will decorate the room, moreover, the “money tree” is in no way inferior to aloe in its ability to clean the room.

Thanks to the volatile compounds from Crassula leaves, viruses and bacteria in the office will be completely neutralized.

Chinese rose

Another name for this plant is hibiscus. The Chinese rose is attractive in appearance, has a special charm and color, so it will decorate any room with its presence.

In addition to its aesthetic qualities, hibiscus helps to direct your own energy in the right direction and not pay attention to gossip and provocations.

The Chinese rose helps introverts become more open and free towards others, negotiate competently and attract people with positive energy.

Indoor flowers that bloom all year round

If you want your home flower garden to delight you throughout the year, you can organize it! Decorative ever-flowering varieties are exactly what you need!


The beautiful abutilon is called indoor maple for its characteristic leaf shape. If you continue feeding and take care of lighting at the end of the season, it will bloom in winter.


Begonia blooms all year long if the temperature around is above +16 degrees and it has enough light. Every two weeks, feed the flower and place a container of water around it to humidify the air.


The beautiful evergreen hibiscus is nicknamed the Chinese rose for its beauty and elegance. It is quite demanding to care for and can drop all its buds if there is a lack of moisture.


Anthurium has not only beautiful flowers, but also large glossy leaves that resemble hearts. The plant requires moisture, spraying, fertilizing and heat - from +15 degrees.


Unpretentious geraniums feel great on windowsills under any conditions. They don’t even need a very high temperature - +8 degrees is enough, but regular inflows of fresh air are required.


Kohleria attracts attention with its unusual bell-shaped flowers. It is undemanding in terms of lighting and watering, but requires high air humidity.


In winter, balsam continues to bloom even under ordinary artificial lighting, for which flower growers value it. But he does not tolerate cramped spaces, so it is better to move the flowerpots away from neighbors.


The evergreen shrub Aglaonema is popularly called the “flower of good luck.” This plant is very delicate and sensitive, so the leaves can turn yellow not only with improper or insufficient care, but also if placed in a room with an unpleasant and heavy atmosphere.

Aglaonema is an aeroid plant, which allows it to purify the air from bacteria (the leaves produce phytoncides) and absorb various harmful substances, and in return saturate the air with aero ions, which increase vitality and increase performance.

Posting rules

Flowers in offices perform not only a practical role (purifying the air and saturating it with oxygen), but also an aesthetic one:

You should not place flower pots near radiators, under air conditioners, or in drafts. It's bad for them.

Flowers for the office are a piece of life-giving nature in the urban concrete jungle. Ideally, they should exude a light, unobtrusive aroma, fit into the interior, and require a minimum of care.


Monstera is a large vine (approximately 40-60 cm) with slightly perforated leaves native to the tropics. The plant is popular for the office because of its ease of care.

Monsteras are rarely planted in apartments: the enormous size to which the plant can grow in the future (up to the ceiling) is often repulsive and frightening. Nevertheless, for decorative purposes the monstera looks very harmonious.

Flowers for the office regularly supply the air with oxygen and are purely aesthetically pleasing to the eye, helping not to get hung up on pressing problems and to perceive situations more easily.

All plants from the TOP can be purchased on the website - a Russian online platform for posting, searching and purchasing flowers and gift items.

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