Description and photo of violets by breeder Elena Korshunova: Shanghai rose, Bullfight, Charmel and others

Violet PT-Rozalin (T. Pugacheva)

Creator of Saintpaulia

An airy-delicate violet with a neat bush with an exemplary developed rosette and significant size corollas in the form of charmingly opening pinkish pompoms appeared in the registers of domestic violet growing after the completion of the development of breeding experiments with variations of exotic Saintpaulias by the Kursk florist Tatyana Pugacheva.

The variety stands out among the inexhaustible range of varieties of tropical beauties of many breeders in our country with the abbreviation “PT” attached to the names of almost one hundred of its violets.

the development of new varieties of his own selection line extremely pedantically and for a long time , selecting glimpses of extraordinary varietal characteristics from specimens from a variety of options, and also paying special attention to their testing and consolidation.

Since 2013, the presented variety , has been awarded prizes and often the favor of specialists from the judging panels, and has also managed to earn the love of all flower growers.

Taxonomy of the variety

The violet variety is classified as a member of the Saintpaulia genus, which is the most powerful in terms of the enormous volume of its varietal diversity, and is included in the Gesneriev family.

The described violet, in terms of the parameters and volume of the dimensions of the bush is included in the standard format section , and also belongs to the semi-double and double varieties of Saintpaulia in terms of the texture of the placement of the petals within the boundaries of its corollas.

Photo and description of the variety

A varietal violet, provided that it develops in a collection microclimate that is comfortable for it after reaching an adult state, is distinguished by the excellent volume-spatial symmetry of a harmoniously formed bush with a dense texture filled with leaves.

The onset of this phase in the variety occurs almost synchronously with most other beauties of the genus, therefore, to acquire sufficient compactness and configuration of the correct format, the rosette may require a standard period of time.

According to the author's description, Saintpaulia must comply with standard parameters. And many flower growers cultivating the variety at first assume that it will develop somewhat enlarged, albeit very cultivated, rosettes.

But most specimens of the variety only occasionally and only slightly increase their size in comparison with the optimal format of standard representatives of the genus.

IMPORTANT! The growth of violets of this variety is characterized by absolute independence - during the phase of active growth until the final format of the rosette is determined, specimens do not cause any problems to gardeners.

Each Saintpaulia regularly and evenly distributes the leaf plates that replenish the rosette in a predetermined neat order according to the number of tiers appropriate for the variety in order to provide an overall decorative picture of the plant.

Medium-sized violet leaves are distinguished by a quilted texture of a sparkling surface, an elongated oval shape with a smoothly pointed tip and a structurally depressed venation pattern, which stands out against the background of the plate with a delicate network of lateral veins and a salad coloring of the thick central axis.

Along the edges of the leaves there are small, softly smoothed teeth , emphasizing the texture of the delicate openwork waviness of the rosette.

INTERESTING! The structure of the leaf plates has an almost even format, but disturbances in the light regime can change the spatial trajectory of leaf growth: they can take on a slightly wave-like shape or bend towards the flowerpot, creating the volume of a hemisphere. This only adds charm to the violet without violating the decorative integrity of its silhouette.

The color scheme of violet leaves is always created by dark shades of green. The underside of the plates may become covered with a reddish coating , the intensity of which increases with the age of the leaf.

The moment of the first budding of a varietal violet occurs at the classic time for the genus . Saintpaulia begins to bloom with the opening of single, extremely large flowers and almost immediately tries to form modest caps from them, which in the further process of violet maturation acquire a voluminous format due to the large number of huge flowers opening simultaneously.

Varietal violet is valued due to the ethereal pom-pom shape and size of its flowers , which, even at the first opening, delight with their impressive dimensions, as well as the double, less often semi-double, format of the bud creation.

NOTABLE! The “star” petals have abundant waviness of the contour edges, complemented by rich fringe, which, in combination with their large number in the corolla, visually enhances the volume of the flowers and their airy radiance.

The tonal palette of flowers is a soft pink main background of varying degrees of color intensity . The edges of each petal end with a lace braid sprayed in a lilac-pink hue , and their entire surface is delicately painted with a fantasy splash pattern of the same range.

As the fantasy blooms, it may become somewhat lighter.


Violet is sometimes seen in flower in sporting varieties without edges or fancy spray.

Care techniques in the home microclimate

In the microclimate of indoor collections, the violet is distinguished by its very unpretentious behavior - the plant responds to the regular and careful implementation of agrotechnical practices typical for the genus by harmonious, measured development and the formation of luxurious flowering caps:

  • the plant likes to grow on windows facing west or east , where a suitable balance of volume and light intensity is maintained: windows in the north direction should be equipped with an additional illumination system with diffuse spectrum rays;
  • on southern windowsills, violets will need a light curtain in the summer heat.
  • watering - dosed. Strict control over the condition of the upper part of the substrate is required - at each stage of watering, the soil in it must have time to dry out;
  • to apply mineral fertilizing too often - the violet itself can indicate the need for this procedure with its appearance;
  • proper lighting makes it possible for the harmonious development of violets - the tropical beauty needs diffused rays of daylight when exposed to them for a sufficiently long time;
  • The temperature gradient should be maintained at +20 + 24°C. Do not expose the violet to sudden changes in temperature and drafts;
  • when creating comfort, it is necessary to provide rich nutrition through fresh, aerated and permeable soil with sufficiently reliable drainage;
  • At the time of transplantation, it is better to use the transshipment technique - it is less painful for the violet. But this method is not suitable if it is necessary to completely examine the roots of a diseased plant.
  • Reproduction

    Violets are very unpretentious; they are propagated by leaf cuttings. The best time for rooting leaves is early spring and summer. Each healthy Saintpaulia leaf is a mature organ and is capable of creating its own roots, which will serve as the beginning of new plants that repeat the parental properties. To root leaves, use water, substrate, humus tablet or moss. The leaves take root most quickly in the soil.

    Tristan violet cuttings, described below, are planted in small plastic pots and covered with a plastic bag on top until the babies appear. The resulting greenhouses are periodically ventilated. Grown-up children are transplanted into prepared soil.

    Extraordinary stages of life

    Growing this variety of violet is a real pleasure for gardeners, since it practically does not allow the occurrence of unpleasant surprises that would harm the decorative condition of the plant.

    Difficulty of independent growth in indoor collections

    The violet of the presented variety is distinguished by its unpretentious character , easy perception of the microclimate of any room, impressive flower parameters and excellent decorativeness.

    The standards of the variety oblige Saintpaulia to maintain the fresh texture of the corollas for a long time, and this especially attracts and pleases flower growers.

    Other favorable features of the violet’s appearance include:

    • the ability to be independent in the formation of rosettes;
    • neatness and dense compactness of the leaf bush;
    • a luxurious combination of ethereal-delicate corollas in pleasant shades of fantasy coloring and a dark mass of leaf frames;
    • chic hats from the first moment of flowering;
    • thickened peduncles;
    • the number of developing buds.

    The nuances of the development of Saintpaulia include:

    • the possibility of a wavy texture of sheet plates and the creation of a “hemisphere” effect from a rosette in case of violations of the light regime.

    Breeding specifics

    Reproduction is possible purely vegetatively:

    • children from the sheet;
    • layering from mature plants.

    The violet variety is distinguished by good fertility and compact children.

    Reaction of flowers to the thermal component

    Excessive heat when cultivating a plant in the microclimate of a home collection can cause the flowers to fade into a thick pink color until the contour edging and fantasy are almost completely smoothed out.

    When kept at elevated temperatures, the variety may completely lose its fantasy color.

    To preserve the decorative integrity of the color of flowering specimens, it is recommended to place them in cooler conditions at the time of flowering.

    CAREFULLY! You should not allow sharp temperature contrasts and cold drafts in a room with blooming violets - there is a danger of failure of flowering and shedding of buds.

    Pedicel format

    Varietal violet flowers always form strong, strong-structured peduncles that are capable of holding the heavy corolla caps in an upright position throughout the flowering phase.

    Flowering formula

    PT-Rosalin, already at the first wave of budding, can form voluminous caps of flowers of enchanting size , the effectiveness of which only intensifies with each subsequent flowering.

    Vitality of flowers

    The corollas of the Saintpaulia variety are able to maintain a fresh decorative appearance for more than one month , but their color fades somewhat during flowering.

    Photo and description of violet Rob's Vanilla Trail

    Trailer violet Rob's Vanilla Trail belongs to the ampelous, trailing, semi-miniature violets from the genus of hybrid Saintpaulias, which belong to the Gesneriaceae class. Foreign selection, author R. Robinson.

    The rosette is compact, not loose, and forms a crown well thanks to active pinching . The leaves are heart-shaped, toothed with a pronounced vein pattern. The color is dark green with a red underside and petioles of the same color.

    Important: to obtain a beautiful bush that will be evenly distributed in a circle, three individuals of approximately the same age and size are placed in a pot.

    Flowering is abundant, frequent and long lasting . The peduncles are long, thin, hanging down in a beautiful cascade. The flowers are small, up to 2.5 cm, have the shape of slightly flattened roses, but are very reminiscent of lotus flowers.

    The color of the petals is very delicate and consists of two shades of pink, pale almost cream throughout the entire plate and darker, almost crimson in the center. Before opening, some buds have a light green tint . The flowers seem to glow due to their light pearlescent sheen.

    Rob's Vanilla Trail does not have any recorded sports, but this does not guarantee that there will not be any.


    Natalie. “I love the PT-Rosaline violet and I advise everyone to add this fantastically beautiful variety to their collections! No special worries, it grows easily on its own, and it blooms simply enchantingly: from the first bud it inspires respect for its size, immediately gives you a cap and bewitches you with its pink ruffles and fantasy coating! Just a piece of advice - for brightness of the edge and fantasy, it is better to keep the blooming violet cool.”

    Soil selection

    The Firebird variety violet is quite demanding on the substrate in which it must grow. Most often this is a universal primer for Saintpaulias. It must contain the following components:

    • leaf and turf soil;
    • perlite as a leavening agent;
    • peat;
    • forest floor made of fallen pine needles.

    The soil should be light and homogeneous. It is also very important to use drainage to prevent fluid stagnation. For this, expanded clay is used, which must be placed at the bottom of the container in which the flower will grow.

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