Options for planting a money tree: cuttings, shoots, leaves

Selection of planting material and soil

The money tree is propagated by cuttings, leaves and seeds.
If you have an adult money tree at home, you can independently collect the required amount of planting material. You can also purchase seedlings at a flower shop. The money trees from which planting material will be taken must be mature, strong and healthy.

To extract a cutting from an adult Crassula, you need to select suitable branches for cutting. They can be of different sizes (preferably about 10 cm or more). Then carefully cut off the required amount.

You can also use a ready-made shoot for planting. To do this, it is necessary to germinate the cuttings in advance until roots form on it.

You can buy soil for planting that is special for succulents, or you can prepare it yourself. The most important thing is that the soil is loose, light, nutritious and holds the required amount of moisture.

To prepare your own substrate, take peat - 2 parts, sand - 3 parts, leaf soil - 2 parts, a little vermiculite or perlite. If possible, it is better to take washed river sand.

How to properly plant Crassula at home

To plant a Money Tree, you will need 3 simple things: a pot for the future plant, the right soil and, of course, the flower itself. Everything is simple... it seems.

The right pot

There are a few things to consider when choosing the perfect pot for your Crassula. For starters, the plant may have thick, woody stems and voluminous leaves. And although it grows slowly, over time it will become heavy and some pots will be unstable.

Any flower pot with a good drainage system is suitable for planting the plant. Photo used as illustration. Source: Yandex.Images

In addition, the plant does not tolerate “wet feet” and water accumulating in the pot. Therefore, it is extremely important that the pot has good drainage. This will prevent root rot.

So, a pot for Crassula should have a wide base, be durable and have large drainage holes. If these conditions are met, any pot will do.

The size of the pot should be slightly larger than the diameter of the plant itself. For example, if your plant has a diameter of 10 centimeters, a pot with a diameter of 12 centimeters will last for 1-2 years.

Planting in the right soil

The biggest threat to potted Money Trees is overwatering. Planting in the wrong soil can make this problem much worse. Store-bought mixtures for regular plants retain water and are not suitable for the roots of succulent plants.

Plant the tree in soil suitable for succulents. Photo used as illustration. Source: Yandex.Images

Wet Crassula roots are susceptible to fungal diseases and root rot, which causes stems and leaves to wilt. However, these plants should not be confused with desert cacti.

Money trees need regular watering, and their soil must always be kept slightly moist, otherwise the plant will begin to shrivel from dehydration.

In light of this, it is best to use soil with a loose, granular texture that retains a small amount of moisture. For example, take a special mixture for Succulents or add sand to regular flower soil (in a 1 to 1 ratio).

Selection of capacity

The selection of a container for planting a money tree should be done based on the size of the cutting or shoot. The root system of the Crassula is small, so you should choose not deep pots. But since the flower grows a powerful trunk in the future, the container should not be narrow.

When planting Crassula in a pot that is too large, the roots may rot and the development of the plant may stop.

The plant subsequently develops a powerful and heavy crown. It is advisable to choose a container for planting that is heavier and more stable. Clay pots work well. Stability of the container can be easily achieved by adding crushed stone or other small stone to the bottom of the pot.

How to plant Crassula from a leaf

Growing a money tree from a leaf is a labor-intensive task that only experienced gardeners can do. Since when using cuttings, an almost ready-made seedling is taken as a basis, this option is not difficult.

But growing an adult tree from a leaf will require a lot of time and effort.

However, subject to a number of rules, this is also possible for beginners.

For cultivation, it is recommended to give preference to healthy leaves, which need to be broken off or cut off. As a last resort, if you don’t want to injure the flower, you should even use fallen leaves. Often leaves that fall into a pot germinate on their own, so they are perfect for propagation.

There are two main ways of planting crassulas - with preliminary germination in water and in a substrate.

Each option has its own advantages. When pre-germinating in water, the likelihood that the seedling will take root increases significantly. The first roots with this option appear already on the seventh day.

The selected leaf is placed in a small container of water so that the cutting is immersed in it by a third. To be sure, you can add some stimulants to the water. After germination, the seedlings are transplanted into a pot.

If there is no time or desire to wait for the leaf to take root, you can immediately place the cuttings in the substrate, systematically moistening it.

It is important to consider that, regardless of the chosen method of planting, it should be done in summer or spring. This is a period of increased growth, which is especially important when growing seedlings.

About how to plant a money tree correctly, all the details, watch the video:

Conditions for keeping a money tree at home

The money tree prefers well-lit areas in the house. The western, eastern or southwestern sides are suitable for it. But it is better to protect the crassula from direct sunlight.

For uniform development of the crown of the money tree, it should be regularly turned towards the light source.

Crassulas are drought-resistant (due to the accumulated moisture in the thick and fleshy leaves). They do not need high humidity or spraying. But the money tree loves water treatments in the form of wiping the leaves with a cotton pad moistened with clean water.

Crassula does not like frequent transplants. It is worth moving a tree if it becomes sick or the root system enlarges. An adult plant needs to be replanted no more than once every 3 years.

When buying a flower in a store, it is worth replanting it after 14–30 days to replace the transport soil with nutritious soil. The pot should be slightly wider than the one in which it was purchased.

Features of caring for a fat woman

Crassula is a very unpretentious plant. It is quite easy to grow and care does not take much time. Like most succulents, the Crassula does not tolerate waterlogged soil, so watering plays a vital role in its life.

However, you should also pay attention to other components of caring for this plant:

  • Feeding;
  • Temperature;
  • Humidity;
  • Lighting;
  • Trimming;
  • Transfer.

Watering rules

Watering the money tree is not the same in different seasons. In winter, during the dormant period, the plant is kept at low temperatures and dry. Watering is carried out no more than once every 3-4 weeks. In this case, the earth should be slightly damp only in the center of the earthen clod.

In early spring, when the dormant period ends, the plant is gradually removed from dormancy by increasing watering. In late autumn, watering is reduced, preparing the fat plant for wintering. During the growing season, the fat plant is watered depending on the air temperature.

In hot weather, water generously once a week. Between waterings, the top layer of soil should dry out by 3-4 cm. If the weather is rainy and cool, watering is significantly reduced. Water approximately once every 2 weeks. Always check the soil moisture before watering. Do not water until the top layer of soil in the pot is dry.

Plant nutrition

Crassula is fed only during the growing season - from May to October. In winter, when the plant is at rest, fertilizing is not carried out. If the tree was transplanted into new soil in early spring, then it begins to be fed 3-4 months after transplantation.

Fertilizing is carried out with fertilizers for succulents and cacti.

If it is not possible to purchase such fertilizers, use liquid formulations for decorative leafy indoor plants. But the concentration is 2 times less than indicated in the instructions for this product.

Liquid formulations are easiest to use. They are diluted with water and watered the plant. But this should be done only after the main watering, when the soil is well moistened. This is done so as not to damage the roots of the plant with a large amount of fertilizer.

Lighting and temperature conditions

A comfortable temperature range for the fat woman is 20-25ºС. The exception is the dormant period in winter, when the temperature drops. In winter, the fat plant is kept at a temperature of 13-17ºС.

Sudden temperature changes should not be allowed, which could cause the money tree to shed its leaves.

For a beautiful appearance, the money tree needs bright but diffused light. Direct sun exposure to the plant's leaves can cause them to turn red and wilt. Crassula requires intense lighting all year round, especially in winter.

To grow a money tree, high air humidity is not required.

It grows well in normal humidity in a city apartment. The plant can be washed with warm water in the shower, but this is not done often. Usually this procedure is carried out as a hygienic procedure no more than once a month.

Place the plant on windowsills oriented to the southeast. Here the sun is only in the morning. Large fat plants can be placed on the floor or table near a south window so that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves.

Trimming and pinching

Very often, the cuttings of the Crassula grow upward and do not produce lateral shoots. In order for a young plant to look like a tree, its top needs to be pinched. This will give impetus to the development of side branches.

The money tree is pruned annually in early spring.

There are the following types of Crassula trimmings:

  • Hygienic pruning is carried out regularly and consists of removing dry, old and non-viable branches. In addition to drying and already dry branches, cut out all damaged and elongated shoots. All shoots that grow inside the crown are also cut out;
  • Formative pruning is carried out as necessary. Sometimes it coincides with hygienic pruning. When forming the crown, shoots that are too long are shortened. They can be shortened by half or even 2/3. The main thing is that shortening the branches makes it possible to grow the tree crown of the desired shape. And long and unbranched shoots are pinched so that they branch.

Crassula transplant

To grow a beautiful money tree, you should not forget about replanting it. It is replanted in early spring, when it has not yet begun to actively grow. Young specimens actively grow their root system. They are replanted annually.

Trees over 4 years old can be replanted much less frequently - every 2-3 years.

When replanting, the plant is removed from the pot and transplanted into another using the transshipment method. This means that you need to try to replant the plant along with a lump of earth. In this case, the roots are practically not affected.

The pot for the tree is chosen to be ceramic. The easiest way to grow a tree is in a pot made of baked clay. Its diameter should exceed the diameter of the old pot by 1 cm. A drainage layer with a thickness of at least 3 cm is poured onto the bottom.

Planting methods

Planting or replanting a money tree at home is a fairly simple process. It does not require special skills.

There are 4 ways to root a flower:

  • cuttings;
  • shoots;
  • leaf;
  • seeds.

Planting by cuttings

When planting a money tree using cuttings, prepare the planting material in advance. Select suitable branches from an adult tree and carefully cut them.

Preference should be given to branches that have aerial roots. You can use planting material from the bottom of several segments. Roots usually form at the junctions of these segments. If necessary, it is allowed to remove several lower leaves.

Before further work with the cutting, you must leave it to dry in a dark place for a day or more. Otherwise, the cut will rot when it comes into contact with water or soil.

The landing procedure is as follows:

  1. Place drainage about 2 cm thick at the bottom of the pot (it is necessary to remove excess moisture and prevent root rotting).
  2. Cover the drainage with a layer of soil. Its thickness should be adjusted depending on the length of the cutting and the height of the pot. The cutting segments without leaves should be underground.
  3. Place the branch in the middle of the pot and carefully cover it with soil, while slightly compacting the soil.
  4. Water the planted cuttings so that the entire soil is well saturated with water.

The video gives a visual representation of the rooting of flower cuttings:

Planting with shoots

Preparing shoots will take longer than cuttings, since it takes time for the roots to germinate. You can do this in several ways:

  • put the cutting in water;
  • place in a small amount of soil;
  • place the lower part of the branch in a humid environment;
  • put in a dark place.

The video below describes step by step the rules for obtaining and rooting a shoot:

After the roots have formed, place the shoot in a pot. The procedure for planting a shoot is the same as for a cutting. Except that the shoot already has small roots. Handle planting material carefully so as not to break off the root shoots.

Leaf planting

Money tree leaves are planted by analogy with cuttings. The sequence is as follows:

  1. From a mature tree, select several large, healthy leaves.
  2. Cut them off and leave them to dry for about a day.
  3. Before rooting, keep the planting material in a growth stimulator solution (half an hour will be enough). You can take any one. Epin is perfect - 10 g - per 1 liter of water.
  4. Place the prepared sheet in soil or moistened moss.
  5. Create a greenhouse effect for the flower while roots are forming. For this purpose, cover the container with film or glass.
  6. Periodically open the seedling for ventilation and spraying.

The video shows a simplified version of leaf propagation of Crassula:

Planting by seeds

At home, planting a money tree with seeds is not often practiced. Flowering of Crassula in temperate climates is very rare. And acquiring seeds is not so easy. Germinating seeds is quite a long process.

To grow a money tree with seeds:

  1. Prepare a low container.
  2. Lay down the soil. A mixture of leaf soil and sand is suitable as soil.
  3. Sow the seeds in the ground and cover with film or glass to create a humid atmosphere.
  4. Raise the shelter periodically and moisten the soil. When most of the seeds have germinated, remove the cover completely.
  5. After two to three pairs of leaves appear, young plants must be planted in separate pots.

How to plant a money tree shoot without roots. How to properly plant a money tree shoot

There are 2 ways to plant a Crassula shoot.
Sometimes a money tree shoot is immediately planted in the ground, where it takes root and then grows. But more often the cuttings are rooted in water, and after the shoot gives roots, the money tree must be transplanted into a pot with earthen soil. If you decide to plant a money tree shoot without roots, then take a cutting about 10 cm long for rooting in the ground. Before planting, the freshly cut cutting must be dried for several hours. After this, its lower cut is buried in a pot with soil mixture to a depth of 3-4 cm.

Drainage at the bottom of such a pot is required so that the water does not stagnate after watering.

The handle should be in a vertical position, not tilted. It is not covered with film or a jar, since rooting does not require high humidity. The shoot is watered regularly, but very carefully. The soil should be only slightly moist after watering. Watering should not be carried out until the top layer of soil is dry. After the roots appear, the cutting begins to grow and forms new leaves.

You can root a money tree shoot in water. To do this, its lower cut is dipped in boiled water at room temperature. The cutting is kept in water until roots at least 5 cm long form on it.

After the roots have formed, the shoot is planted in a small pot with an earthen mixture.

It is necessary to lay a drainage layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot to drain excess water after watering. The shoot with roots is placed in the middle of the pot, and then the root system is covered with soil. The soil is slightly compacted, and the young plant is watered.

Planting options

Planting a money tree in a pot is just one design option. Crassula can decorate a house by “settling” in a florarium or in a “garden in a bowl.”

Home florarium

Florariums are decorative floral arrangements created in special transparent containers that do not require special care.
A flower group with a money tree and other suitable plants in a florarium has an original appearance and takes up little space. An important criterion for planting different plants in a transparent container is their compatibility. The living conditions for crops planted together should be similar.

You need to add charcoal to the special soil for succulents. Being in a confined space provokes rotting of the roots, and coal allows you to disinfect decaying organic matter.

Watering succulents in a florarium should be done sparingly. In an almost closed space, water does not evaporate well, and the fat woman does not like excess moisture. If the florarium is closed, it is important not to forget to open it for fresh air.

"Kindergarten in a bowl"

An equally original option for decorating indoor flowers is the “garden in a bowl.”
The compactness of the composition allows you to carry it around the house, placing it not only on the windowsill, but also on a coffee table, shelf or desk. For a “garden in a bowl” you need to choose a flat container with holes to drain excess moisture. Place drainage at the bottom and fill it with special soil for succulents with the addition of a small amount of sand.

Depending on the size of the container, select several types of succulents (you can combine the same ones, but of different sizes). The presence of decorative elements will also decorate the “garden in a bowl”.

Can Crassula be grown outdoors?

The money tree is a heat-loving plant. This plant can be grown outdoors only in the warm season.

To do this, you need to choose the right landing site. The soil should be light and the planting site slightly shaded. Don't forget about timely watering. In the open air, moisture evaporates quickly, especially on hot, dry days.

Long before the onset of the first cold weather, the fat plant should be transplanted into a pot and moved into the house, providing the plant with fresh air and good lighting. Then it will be easier for the money tree to endure changes.

Crassula does not like frequent transplants. Once accustomed to open air and good lighting, the plant will grow and become stronger. But during transplantation, the overgrown root system may suffer, which will subsequently have a bad effect on the well-being of the flower.

In order not to risk the health of the plant, you can take it out to the balcony, garden plot, or take it to the country without replanting it from the pot into open ground. Then the money tree will continue to delight with its presence, while receiving a lot of light and fresh air.

Typical landing mistakes

It’s not often that flower lovers fail to root Crassula. But sometimes they make mistakes when landing. The most common are:

  • incorrectly selected pot;
  • lack of drainage;
  • heavy soil.

Methods for correcting defects:

  1. Having a small root system, the money tree does not like large pots. There is a high probability of excess moisture accumulation and root rotting. It is better to choose a container that is not high and flat.
  2. It is also possible to pull out the main root and trunk of the plant in a deep pot. When replanting, it is necessary to pinch the main root, then the plant will recover over time.
  3. Holes in the bottom of the pot and drainage are the most important conditions for growing Crassula. They will ensure the removal of excess moisture and keep the plant roots in good condition.
  4. Heavy soil will negatively affect the condition of the root system of the flower. Such soil accumulates moisture, leading to rotting of horses.
  5. Another problem when transplanting a money tree can be its fragility. Plants with a large developed crown should be moved very carefully and carefully to a new location.

Planting a money tree according to feng shui

The money tree received its name due to the shape of its leaves - round, voluminous and shiny. It is believed that the flower is able to attract material well-being and good luck in business to the home.

Some people think that planting a fat plant according to the rules of Feng Shui will help achieve a 100% result:

  1. The sprout should be chosen from a plant located in a rich house.
  2. The location of the flower should be on the southeast side of the house.
  3. It is better to choose a red or green pot, as these shades symbolize prosperity and wealth.
  4. You need to plant a money tree on the waxing moon.
  5. When planting, at least three large coins must be placed on the bottom or side of the pot.
  6. Place several paper bills under the pot.
  7. The room with the plant should be periodically ventilated to spread positive energy flows.
  8. It is advisable to wipe Crassula leaves with a damp cotton pad and count them like coins.
  9. You should not place two or more money trees next to each other. They will compete with each other, taking energy from each other. The proximity of cacti is also not suitable.
  10. The cleanliness of the room in which the money tree is located is very important for its harmonious development. Also, there should be no litter or shouting in the house.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, the money tree needs care and attention. You need to talk to him positively, tell him about your desires. The task of the flower owner is to surround it with positive energy.

Preparing for landing

Before planting a money tree shoot, you should stock up on everything you need for this. For a young cutting, you should choose a small ceramic container with drainage holes. The optimal dimensions for the initial container will be a depth of 10 cm and a width of 20 cm. In it, a young fat woman can easily grow for two years. If you take a larger pot, the plant will devote all its energy to developing the soil with its roots to the detriment of the ground part, and will not bush well. You can buy a regular plastic cup and make a drainage hole in it. The shoot can live in it for a whole year before being transplanted into a ceramic pot.

As a substrate for rooting cuttings, it is most convenient to use purchased ready-made soil for succulents and cacti, and if you can’t find it, then mix universal soil with sand 1:4. You can make a suitable soil mixture from equal parts of sand, humus, turf and leaf soil. It’s good to add crushed coal to such mixtures. It is recommended to water homemade soil with potassium permanganate or steam it for disinfection. You should also stock up on drainage (expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles).

Did you know? Following the signs,
to attract finance to the house, sometimes coins are added to the drainage, and some hang them on the tree itself. And such shoots must be planted on the growing Moon.

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