Yellowing and falling leaves of the money tree: causes and treatment

The Crassula succulent is of South African origin. The flower has many popular names: Crassula, Zhiryanka, money tree, ovata. The plant looks like a miniature tree, which flaunts numerous, glossy leaves of a rich green color. The oval leaves of the plant look like small coins.

A well-groomed and healthy plant looks impressive and can bloom even at home. However, many plant growers are faced with various problems and diseases in which the flower withers and the leaf blades dry out and fall off. Beginning flower growers need to know why the leaves of the money tree fall and how to revive the flower.

Read about how to provide proper care for a money tree at home by following the link.

Causes of yellowing Crassula leaves

Both green and yellowed leaves can fall off. Is yellowing and softening of leaf blades normal or is it a sign of some kind of disease? The reasons that contribute to yellowing of leaves can be numerous.

Plant age

Yellow leaves of a young plant are not normal. If the fat plant is many years old, then a natural process of aging, yellowing, and wilting of the leaves may occur. In such situations, the fat plant sheds yellowed, aged leaves in the fall or winter.

Crassula leaves fall and turn yellow


A common cause of yellowing and drying of the crown is sunburn. Although the fat plant is a light-loving plant, on hot summer days you need to monitor the succulent and protect it from direct sunlight. When sunburn occurs, the plant turns red and dries out.

The leaves of the money tree are turning yellow


When Crassula is damaged by pests, yellowing of the leaves may also be observed. Common parasites include mealybugs and spider mites. When a plant is infected with a mealybug, yellowness will cover the leaves not completely, but partially. When Crassula is infected with a spider mite, yellowing and shedding of leaf blades is also observed. Treatment with a soap or alcohol solution, and in advanced cases, treatment with insecticides will help get rid of insects.

Incorrect watering

Some gardeners water the money tree frequently and abundantly, and then wonder why the leaves of the money tree turn yellow. Failure to comply with watering rules is a common phenomenon, which results in yellowing of Crassula leaves. The coin tree does not tolerate heavy watering and stagnant water. Excess moisture causes the roots of the plant to rot. A sign of rotting is a change in the natural color of the leaves; they begin to darken. It is necessary to adjust the watering regime.

Causes of softening leaves of the coin tree

Some gardeners wonder what to do if leaves fall off a money tree at home, what care is needed, and how to stop leaf fall. Typically, the falling of leaves is preceded by softening and wilting of the crown. A healthy fat plant has fleshy, elastic leaves that are hard to the touch. In a diseased specimen, the leaves become soft, flaccid, and are easy to break and damage. What to do if the foliage softens and why does the money tree wither?

Crassula leaves wither

Improper watering

A common reason why a plant wilts is frequent or heavy watering. When there is excess water, the root system begins to rot. As the roots rot, the plant disappears more and more and, if no action is taken, the flower will die. If the softening and wilting of the leaves is a consequence of root rot, it is necessary to remove the flower from the ground, inspect the roots, and remove diseased and rotten ones.

Important! Some novice gardeners make the mistake of watering the flower with tap water or cold water. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature, settled, without bleach and other harmful components.


The cause of softening foliage may be excessive lighting. On summer days, you need to make sure that the flower does not overheat and does not get sunburn. By the way, a lack of sunlight can also be a reason for the plant to wither. Being in the shade, the flower grows slowly, its leaves and branches will become flabby and softened. How to save the money tree in this case? It is necessary to ensure that the Crassula gets enough sunlight, but not to overheat in the sun and get thermal burns.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about why the leaves of the Crassula tree fall off and how to avoid this when growing the plant:

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There is a strong belief that Crassula is sensitive to the family microclimate, financial condition and mental attitude of the person who raised her.

In contrast to this opinion , flower lovers argue that there are few such unpretentious indoor plants as Crassula.

She puts up with many mistakes of inept flower growers, cheerfully turning green with her bright elastic leaves. However, when growing a money tree (crassula), you sometimes encounter problems and diseases.

Causes of Crassula leaves falling off

There are often cases when the fat plant is not susceptible to the disease, but the green leaves of the money tree fall off. In what cases does leaf fall not pose a threat to the plant and is the norm that does not require outside intervention?

Crassula leaves are falling

Why does the money tree shed its leaves in the fall?

  1. In autumn, several lower leaves of the Crassula may fall off. This is a natural process, the plant is preparing to hibernate and sheds its “extra load.”
  2. Leaves may begin to fall after a sudden change in temperature or due to exposure to drafts.
  3. When moving to another house or apartment, the coin tree may also begin to shed its leaves.

Let's consider below why the money tree sheds its leaves and is it possible to revive the money tree at home?


The main reason why a plant loses leaves is improper watering. It is important to follow the watering regime, not to overwater the flower often, but also not to overdry the soil. In summer, several waterings per week are sufficient. In winter, you can water the flower once a month.

Water for irrigation should be at room temperature. No need to use cold or hot water. This can be stressful for the succulent. It is better to use melt or rain water for irrigation. Tap water can also be used, but you need to make sure all bleach and other contaminants are removed.


The plant dries out and sheds its leaves if it lacks sunlight or, conversely, has suffered a heat stroke. You need to choose a suitable place for the flower; it is better to place a pot of Crassula on the western or eastern side of the windows. On the north side, Crassula may lack sunlight, which can cause leaf fall. In winter, a flower may also experience an acute lack of light, so it is recommended to illuminate the plant with special lamps.


Crassula should be fed in a timely manner and with suitable fertilizers. From excess fertilizer, Crassula can wither, wither and begin to actively shed leaves. The flower needs to be fed in spring and summer. There is no need to feed the money tree in winter. To prevent soil acidification, you can add powdered charcoal or ash to the soil.

Evidence of oversaturation of a tree with fertilizers is a change in the color of the leaves to purple.


A common cause of yellowing and falling leaves may be infection of the fat plant with parasitic insects. What to do if the money tree withers due to pests? It is necessary to establish what pests have settled on the fat plant and exterminate them. Not every insect will live in the foliage of a money tree. What parasites pose a danger to the fat woman?

Preventive measures

Since Crassula is a succulent and naturally lives in semi-deserts, it is necessary to bring the conditions closer to its natural habitat. It is necessary to provide bright diffused lighting, good drainage, and moderate watering with warm water. You should not forget to water the fat plant during the growth period . Reduce watering and dry the soil a little during the dormant period.

With proper care and optimal conditions, the fat woman will not get sick and will grow for many years. Over time it will grow into a beautiful tree with a large crown.

How to save a money tree: practical advice from an expert

Florist blogger Lyubov Kryuk from Ukraine, Cherkassy shows from her experience how to solve the problem of falling, yellowing and softening of Crassula leaves. The author insists that most often the problem lies in the overwatering of the plant. To save the ovata, you will need to remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots.

As a result of the inspection, it was revealed that the soil in the pot remained wet for a long time. You need to free the roots from the soil to notice that the roots are very small, weak, soft, and easily torn off.

Next, rinse the roots under running water. Remove damaged, rotten roots.

After trimming the damaged roots, you can treat them with crushed activated carbon, but sometimes the procedure does not give results and then you have to cut off the tree trunk and re-root the plant.

After all the procedures, the tree was placed in a pot with new soil. Lechuza, a loose rocky ready-made substrate, was used as a soil mixture.

If you follow simple rules and care recommendations, the money tree will not shed leaves and turn yellow. A healthy succulent is distinguished by a central strong trunk, a lush crown, and elastic, fleshy leaves.

Treatment at home: what to do if Crassula sheds its leaves

If your Succulent has become bare and unhappy, don't give up. It may take a little effort to restore the bush to its former beauty. Just normalize the watering schedule, update the substrate, place the pot in a suitable place, and, if necessary, treat Crassula for pests.

Healthy green coins. Photo used as illustration. Source: Yandex.Images

Proper care of the Money Tree can work wonders, because the plant will have the strength to resist diseases and pests. Over time, your tree should acquire fresh leaves. But if your plant has taken too much damage, replanting through foliar propagation is a good idea.

If you want to improve the growth of new leaves, there is an easy way to do it. To stimulate growth and restore bushiness, prune. It will allow you to shape the tree and thicken the trunk.

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