An excellent remedy for orchids is zircon: what is it and how to use it? Errors during use

A little about Zircon

Zircon is a product that has a positive effect not only on the development of roots, but also on the flowering of the crop and its fruiting. This drug helps to withstand the stress that plants experience as a result of transplanting, moving and for a number of other reasons. When used, orchids become more resistant to disease. The plant's defenses increase. It becomes stronger and stronger.

What is Zircon used for? This drug is characterized by a wide spectrum of effects. It is often used when seedlings do not germinate well. This remedy helps it take root. Zircon helps the plant quickly adapt to new conditions. Restores the immunity of indoor crops.

The drug is especially useful if the plant has suffered from powdery mildew, rot, fusarium and other diseases.

What is Zircon

Zircon is a biological stimulant, a domestic product for plants, including those grown at home. It is highly effective. Many gardeners note that to obtain visible results, one treatment with a stimulant is enough. They note positive dynamics in the development of the root system, an increase in the duration and abundance of flowering.

In addition, the product improves stress resistance of plants and increases protective forces. For this reason, Zircon is often used after transplants, as one of the measures to prevent diseases and pest attacks.

Positive and negative sides

The use of Zircon for phalaenopsis orchids has both pros and cons. The positive aspects of using this tool include:

  • Reducing the rooting period of plants.
  • Stimulation of root formation.
  • Positive effect on the flowering process.
  • Increasing endurance in orchids. This is especially important when the plant grows in unfavorable conditions and lacks light, heat, and moisture.
  • Improving product quality. When using this product, the yield of vegetables increases by 40-60%.
  • Reducing the degree of accumulation of heavy metals in fruits.
  • Favorable effect on fruit ripening.

Zircon for orchids


This fertilizer has one, but very significant drawback. It causes strong leaf growth in the orchid. Therefore, it is important to observe the dosage and not allow an excess of this drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

When applying, note:

  • Reducing rooting time.
  • Stimulates the formation of roots and flowers.
  • Promoting easy tolerance of drought, cold, lack of light and excess moisture.
  • Improving product quality.
  • Increased yield by forty to sixty percent.
  • Reducing the level of accumulation of heavy metals in fruits.
  • Promoting rapid fruit ripening.

(The last four points should be taken into account by lovers of fruit and berry crops).

Important! The fertilizer has a significant disadvantage: if overdosed, the orchid's leaves will become gigantic.

The difference between Zircon and Epin

Zircon is a fertilizer, like Epin. Most often it is used to stimulate flowering, root formation and to protect against diseases and pests. Epin increases the immunity of crops to various diseases. It is especially important to use Epin when the flower grows in unfavorable conditions.

An overdose of Zircon is much worse for a plant than an overdose of Epin. Therefore, it should be used often, but little by little.

Preparations for orchids

Zircon is more active in the light, and Epin is destroyed in daylight. Epin culture absorbs and excretes in 14 days, and the drug Zircon - in 18 hours. Epin is consumed faster than Zircon.

The bioregulator Zircon has a greater effect on the roots, and Epin on the leaves. The plant is watered first, and the flower is sprayed second.

How is it different from epin and other drugs?

It is important to understand that the biological product is effective, there are no artificial components in its composition, so it does not replace fertilizers, but complements the effect of beneficial components.

Zircon is compatible with other drugs, it improves their positive effects , while enhancing the results of their use. It is harmful to combine with substances that have an alkaline reaction. If various drugs are incompatible, a precipitate may form; such a mixture is useless and can be dangerous for the plant, so it should not be used.

Studies of the effect of Zircon on plants have shown that after 2.5 months the effect of the growth regulator weakens. It is recommended to soak orchid cuttings in a Zircon solution and treat them with preparations containing chelated iron. This symbiosis will provide excellent material for planting.

Compatibility with other drugs

A drugZircon
Bordeaux mixture

It makes no sense to use several growth regulators together, such as epin and zircon; they should be alternated when processing the plant. So their effects on the flower are different. The methods of processing orchids also differ.

Main differences from Epin

  • Zircon has a stronger effect on root formation and better protection against viruses.
  • Epin makes plants more resistant to diseases and unfavorable external conditions.
  • Treatment with Zircon should be done more thoroughly, but at the same time more carefully, since its overdose can lead to the death of the plant.

Zircon: composition

Zircon is a herbal medicine. It contains hydroxycinnamic acids and alcohol. This preparation does not contain vitamins or other substances beneficial to plants.

The alcohol component of the biostimulant helps the active substance penetrate the plant faster and gives faster results. Stabilizes metabolism.

The concentration of the active substance is 100 mg/liter.


Zircon is a dietary supplement for plants. It gives good results when caring for orchids, but cannot replace fertilizer.

Safety regulations

Zircon is a bioregulator and is a low-hazard substance. Belongs to class IV danger for humans and warm-blooded animals. This product is completely safe for insects, including bees. It is not phytotoxic. Does not accumulate in the soil, does not pollute water bodies and groundwater.

Despite the fact that Zircon does not pose a danger to human life, caution should be exercised when using it. People work with this drug wearing a mask, special clothing, rubber gloves, goggles and a hat.

Safety precautions when working with Zircon

After the plant is processed, clothes are washed, mouth is rinsed with water, face is washed with soap and shower.


While processing the plant, you should not eat, drink or smoke.

The solution is prepared in a container that is not used for food consumption. If the drug gets on the skin, wash the area with water. If the biostimulant gets into the eyes, then the eyes should be washed with a solution of baking soda, which is prepared in the following proportion: take one teaspoon of soda per 200 g of water. The eyes are washed with this product over a sink, keeping them open.

The greatest danger is posed by the drug if it enters the stomach. In this case, you should drink a glass of water and provoke your gag reflex. After which you should drink activated carbon, which will prevent intoxication.

Advantages and disadvantages of Zircon

The use of a stimulant has its positive and negative sides.

Reduces the time required for rootingAn overdose of the product leads to the fact that the leaf plates become very large
Bud formation is activated
Reduces the amount of heavy metals
Increases resistance to soil drying out, overflow, lower temperatures, and lack of lighting.

Zircon: instructions for use

How does Zircon help with transplanting and growing orchids? To prevent the plant from suffering greatly during transplantation and transshipment, during which damage to aerial and underground roots often occurs, gardeners dilute 1-2 drops of biostimulant in 0.5 liters of boiled water. This solution is watered under the roots of the plant.

Application of Zircon for orchids

On a note!!!

When sprayed with Zircon, spots may form on the leaves of the orchid, which will be quite difficult to remove in the future. To prevent this from happening, first wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Wait until the water dries and then spray with biostimulant.

Zircon and Epin: which is better?

Flower growers often doubt whether the use of Epin for orchids can replace the application of Zircon. To confidently make a choice in favor of one of these drugs, it is worth understanding their main differences, which are as follows:

  1. Epin and Zircon are products with a different spectrum of action. The first is intended exclusively to provide an immunomodulatory effect on plants, the second is used much more widely.
  2. Epin is not absorbed by the roots, so it is used only when sprayed. Zircon is absorbed by all parts of the plant, so orchids are watered and sprayed with it, depending on the desired effect.
  3. An overdose of Epin is much less dangerous for plants than an excessive application of Zircon.
  4. Zircon is absorbed and excreted by the plant in a little less than a day, while the orchid will need two weeks to assimilate Epin.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that one tool is better than another, since their use is intended to solve different problems. Both drugs can be used in plant care, and their correct combination allows you to achieve remarkable results when growing orchids.

Zircon: dosage for orchids

The dosage of Zircon depends on the goal pursued by the grower. For active plant growth, it is enough to dilute 8 of this fertilizer in one liter of water. In order for the orchid to form buds better, take 4 drops of the solution and dissolve them in a liter of water.


The working solution of the biostimulator can be stored for three days. But it is better to use the prepared mixture immediately, since during storage it will partially lose its properties.

In order for the Zircon working solution to retain its qualities during storage, citric acid should be added to it: 0.2 g per 1 liter. If this is not done, then the next day there will be no trace left of its properties and you can safely pour it out.

Purposes of using Zircon

The product has a wide spectrum of action. It has shown its effectiveness in the following cases:

  • when adapting to changing conditions of detention;
  • if necessary, rooting of young specimens;
  • during the period of immunity restoration;
  • to stimulate growth.

Note! Zircon brings great benefit to those specimens that have been cured of rot, powdery mildew or fusarium.

Breeding Zircon?

The biostimulant is diluted according to the instructions and only with boiled water at room temperature. For cuttings of orchids, increasing and restoring immunity and for preventing diseases, take 0.25 ml of the drug (1/4 of an ampoule or 10 drops, which must be measured with a pipette) per 1 liter of water. The cuttings are kept in this solution for 12 hours.

Zircon solution is used to increase the viability of sprouts during picking, which is carried out during seed cultivation. In this case, the drug is diluted in the following proportion: one ampoule per 10 liters of water. If a much smaller volume is required to treat the plant, then the specified amount of the drug is proportionally reduced.

Foliar treatment of orchids

To improve the decorative qualities of orchids, foliar treatment is carried out. It should take place during the growing season of the plant. And stimulates budding, flower growth and root formation. For these purposes, take 10 liters of water per ampoule. An indoor flower is treated with this solution once every 2-3 weeks.

If the orchid is weakened after suffering from an illness, then to increase its immunity, take 1.5 ampoules of Zircon per 10 liters of water. Treatment is carried out once every 10 days until the plant completely recovers and acquires a healthy appearance.

Step-by-step instructions: how to use it?

Zircon is a fertilizer that helps when replanting orchids. Even using a method such as transshipment, fragile underground and aerial roots are sometimes damaged. Although some gardeners dilute one or two drops of biostimulant in 0.5 liters of boiled water and then use it for spraying, it is not advisable to do this. There may be stains on the leaves that are difficult to wash off even in the shower. You can do it differently: wipe them with a damp cloth, wait until they dry completely, and then spray them.

What dosage should I choose?

The dosage depends on what the grower wants to achieve with the treatment. By diluting eight drops in a liter of water, they support the orchid during active growth. By diluting four drops in the same amount of liquid, they help it during the formation of buds.

Important! Although the Zircon working solution can be stored for 3 days, they try to use it on the first day. When storing in a dark place, add citric acid - 0.2 grams. Without the supplement, it will be absolutely useless the next day.

How to divorce?

The fertilizer is diluted strictly according to the instructions with boiled water at room temperature.

  • Orchid cuttings/immune restoration/prevention. To do this, prepare a solution in which the cuttings are kept for 12 hours. The florist dilutes 0.25 ml of the drug in a liter of water (1/4 of the contents of one ampoule or ten drops, which are measured with a pipette).
  • Picking seedlings during seed cultivation in order to increase viability. It is carried out after the appearance of 2-3 pairs of leaves. To do this, prepare a solution by diluting one ampoule in 10 liters of water. If such a volume is not needed, then reduce it in proportion to the required amount.
  • Foliar treatment of an adult orchid during the growing season improves its decorative properties, stimulates the formation of buds, the growth of peduncles and roots. The solution is diluted in the same way as for picking, and watered with it once every 15-20 days.
  • Treatment of orchids after illness and pest attack. One and a half ampoules of the product are diluted in ten liters of water. It is carried out once every 10 days until complete recovery.

How to use the ready-made solution?

The biostimulator is suitable for root and above-ground treatment. It is absorbed by all parts of the flower in the shortest possible time. It is distributed quickly over them and acts instantly. It is produced in ampoules of 1 ml. They contain a concentrated substance, which is diluted correctly, taking all precautions and avoiding overdose.

  1. Water the orchid thoroughly before treating it with Zircon.
  2. The most effective watering is submersible, i.e. the flower pot is placed in a basin of hot water.
  3. After watering, dilute the solution at your discretion and based on what you want to achieve.
  4. Water the plant with the solution.
  5. Wait until the water drains.
  6. Return the pot to its place on the windowsill.

Attention! Zircon is used with special pest control products. It is not necessary to wait until they are completely destroyed to restore the orchid’s immunity.

How many minutes should I keep in the solution?

When cutting orchids, dilute 10-20 drops of the drug in a liter of water, and keep the cuttings in the resulting solution for 18-24 hours. It is the same, but in a different concentration (30-40 drops/1 l), useful to those who propagate it by seeds. They are kept in it for 6-8 hours.

How often to repeat the procedure?

The frequency of the procedure depends on the purpose of using Zircon.

  • For prevention , one watering every one to one and a half months is enough.
  • After suffering stress (recent transplantation, illness, pest damage), spray the orchid once a week until a visible result appears.

Misuse and dealing with consequences

When overdosed, the leaves of orchids grow to gigantic sizes. This unpleasant consequence cannot be corrected.

Application of the ready-made solution

The biostimulator can be used for both ground and root treatment of the plant. It is quickly absorbed by the culture. It is also quickly distributed throughout all parts of the orchid.

Zircon is produced in ampoules of 1 ml. The substance in the ampoules is highly concentrated and should be diluted correctly, following the instructions clearly. There is no need to overdose.

Before treating with Zircon, the orchid needs to be watered well. The best method of watering for this situation is submersible. A pot with a flower is immersed in a basin of hot water. After this, the plant is treated with Zircon solution. Wait until the excess liquid has completely drained from the pot and put the flower in its place.


Zircon can be used in combination with products intended for pest control. There is no need to wait until they are completely destroyed to restore the orchid’s immunity.

Zircon cost

The drug is sold in almost any gardening supermarket, as well as in most flower shops, and can be easily ordered via the Internet. The price for a 1 ml bottle does not exceed 30 rubles.

Zircon can become a real “lifesaver” for every orchid lover if used rationally. Strict adherence to the rules and recommendations for using this product will not only protect you from unwanted consequences, but will also give your orchids excellent health and extraordinary beauty.

How long do orchid cuttings and seeds last in Zircon?

If an orchid is propagated by cuttings, then take 10-20 drops of this drug per liter of water. The cuttings are placed in this solution for a day.

Soaking cuttings and seeds in Zircon

For seed propagation, a solution of a different concentration is prepared. Take 30-40 drops of biostimulator per 1 liter. Seeds contain this substance for about 8 hours.


Zircon is a real helper for many gardeners. Beginners who do not have sufficient experience in caring for orchids especially like to use it. They use it to improve the growth and development of the plant. Eliminate content flaws. But even novice gardeners should understand that it is impossible to use Zircon frequently (once a week) for an absolutely healthy plant.

To prevent various diseases, it is enough to treat the orchid with Zircon once every 1-1.5 months. This is enough to increase the immunity of indoor crops.

Augustine - Zircon substitute

Another biostimulant that is often used for orchids is Augustine. It is very similar in its effect to Zircon. The drug is produced in tablets that are diluted in water. The package contains 2 tablets of 6 g each. Their cost is 30 rubles. One tablet must be dissolved in 1.5 liters of water and left to dissolve for 12-20 hours. The plant, depending on the purpose of use, is watered with this solution 1-2 times a week.

Augustine biostimulator for orchids

The manufacturer offers us several options for using this drug:

  • soaking cuttings and seeds in solution for 12 to 20 hours;
  • watering plants;
  • spraying;
  • watering with the addition of a biostimulator.

The properties of the drug are similar to Zircon. It is a growth regulator and helps the plant to withstand stress. Increases immunity. Stimulates root formation and improves orchid flowering.

Zircon is the fertilizer that both beginning and experienced gardeners like to use when growing orchids. This drug is simply indispensable for restoring immunity and stimulating flower growth. It helps the plant fight diseases and quickly restores the flower's strength after a pest invasion.

Alternative to chemical

In addition to Zircon, Augustine remains another biostimulant . They are similar in the principle of their action. Augustine is a natural growth regulator and is an immunostimulating and anti-stress drug. It is indicated for improving the survival rate of the orchid after transplantation, as well as for activating root formation and long-term flowering.

Zircon is a drug that has been actively used in floriculture for the prevention of diseases, activation of flowering and root formation. Despite this effectiveness, the solution must be used strictly according to the instructions, observing the dosage, otherwise the green mass will actively grow, acquiring large sizes.

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