The subtleties of planting a money tree at home

Selection of planting material and soil

Initially, it is recommended to select planting material and prepare the soil. There are several ways to grow a money tree:

  • leaves;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Money tree - how to plant a shoot at home

Seeds are rarely used for planting; in most cases, two other methods are chosen. There are several methods for planting a money tree shoot:

  • Place the cutting in water and wait for the roots to appear, then transplant the plant into a selected pot. This takes little time, the root system is formed quickly.
  • The cut cuttings are left in a dry and dark place for about a week to dry. Then place it in a cup with wet sand. It is important to constantly monitor soil moisture. After rooting occurs, the crop is transplanted to a permanent location.
  • It is possible to plant the cutting immediately in a selected pot, and then cover it with a jar or film. After some time, new leaves will begin to appear on the plant, then the cover can be removed.
  • The Crassula leaf is placed in the ground and secured in a standing position. Water carefully using a spray bottle. Gradually, the plant will develop roots and begin to grow.

Additional Information! It is important not to constantly pull the flower, but to wait for the root system to grow well. It is recommended to select a suitable container before planting. It is better to immediately choose a ceramic or clay pot with a good volume.

When choosing soil, pay attention to its nutritional value and looseness. In poor-quality soil, the plant does not adapt and develop well. Soil for Crassula consists of the following components:

  • 1/3 sand;
  • 1/2 peat;
  • 1/2 leaf soil;
  • a small amount of perlite or vermiculite.

It is important for the fat woman to choose a suitable pot

Planting a money tree is not difficult, just follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the selected container. For this purpose, gravel, expanded clay or pebbles are used. Make a layer 2 cm.
  2. Pour prepared soil.
  3. Carefully place the sprout in the pot and straighten the roots.
  4. Add the required amount of earth to the sides and compact slightly.
  5. After planting, water carefully.

Further development depends on care and environmental conditions. Crassula can grow tall and large, so it is important to replant on time.

Sprouts quickly take root in water

Typical landing mistakes

It’s not often that flower lovers fail to root Crassula. But sometimes they make mistakes when landing. The most common are:

  • incorrectly selected pot;
  • lack of drainage;
  • heavy soil.

Methods for correcting defects:

  1. Having a small root system, the money tree does not like large pots. There is a high probability of excess moisture accumulation and root rotting. It is better to choose a container that is not high and flat.
  2. It is also possible to pull out the main root and trunk of the plant in a deep pot. When replanting, it is necessary to pinch the main root, then the plant will recover over time.
  3. Holes in the bottom of the pot and drainage are the most important conditions for growing Crassula. They will ensure the removal of excess moisture and keep the plant roots in good condition.
  4. Heavy soil will negatively affect the condition of the root system of the flower. Such soil accumulates moisture, leading to rotting of horses.
  5. Another problem when transplanting a money tree can be its fragility. Plants with a large developed crown should be moved very carefully and carefully to a new location.

Money tree as a talisman to attract money

How to form a money tree at home

According to the recommendations of Feng Shui experts, planting a money tree provides people with financial success and well-being. There are many signs and superstitions associated with the plant. It is advisable to pay attention to the following:

  • To make a profit, it is recommended to communicate with a fat woman. The best day of the week is Wednesday. They tell the money tree about financial problems and ask it for help and success. They do it with soul.
  • When wiping the leaves, it is recommended to count them. Each leaf symbolizes a coin, and money, as you know, loves counting.
  • For planting, choose a red pot. If this is not the case, then the problem is solved in another way - they tie it with a red ribbon or apply patterns on it with red paint.
  • After the profit has appeared, a few coins are placed in a pile near the pot. This enhances the effect of the money tree as a talisman.

Note! Often the appearance of a money tree in the house helps solve many problems. It is recommended to follow the rules for caring for the plant.

Particular prosperity in the house is expected when the money tree blooms. At home, this rarely happens, so the appearance of flowers on a plant is a favorable sign.

A money tree can even be grown from a leaf.

If the pot suddenly fell and broke, this is not a negative sign. The phenomenon suggests that material well-being, on the contrary, will improve. In this case, envious people may appear.

It is important to provide a good place in the interior for the flower. There should be no bright or contrasting colors in the room.

How to choose a ready-made substrate?

If you don’t want to bother with preparing the soil, you can get by with a ready-made substrate. To do this, you need to go to any garden center and buy a product with a composition suitable for the fat plant. There are two options - with peat and with minerals.

Peat substrates

Most of the finished substrates are based on peat. True, this component has high acidity, which is unacceptable for Crassula, so it must be neutralized by introducing ground limestone.

There are two types of peat:

  • Horse. It is lighter and less nutritious. Capable of retaining moisture, and after complete drying it does not get wet well.
  • Lowland. It is heavy and cakes. You need to add a lot of sand and other leavening agents to it.

The following mixtures are suitable for growing a money tree:

  • Terravita. A universal substrate that contains all the substances for Crassula growth.

  • Queen. High quality substrate made from natural ingredients. Suitable for growing and fertilizing.

Also, the following brands of substrates may be suitable for growing Crassula - Florin, Sadko, Rich Land, Seliger-Agro, Durpeta and many others. It is advisable to take a mixture that has an o or “cactus” stamp on its packaging.

Ready-made soils are designed for approximately one year. Then they form into clumps, lose their structure, and their permeability decreases. This is harmful to care and negatively affects the tree’s immunity.

Young fatworts can be planted directly in a peat substrate. For adult plants that are replanted every 3-4 years, “dilution” with mineral components is recommended. Their share in the mixture can reach up to 50%.

Ready-made mineral substrates

The money tree grows well in soils that do not contain humus at all. It needs enough mineral components and various fillers to grow.

Recommended mineral compositions:

Almost all mineral compositions can be reused after the disinfection procedure.

Signs associated with planting a money tree

How to transplant a money tree at home

Planting a money tree is done in different ways. Take into account signs to attract well-being:

  • Dust on the leaves absorbs positive energy, so it is important to wipe them periodically.
  • By placing other money talismans next to the tree, you can speed up the process of attracting prosperity.
  • For each profit received, a coin is left next to the pot.
  • It is recommended to write notes to the tree indicating the desired benefits.
  • You should not place the pot next to electrical appliances - this suppresses positive energy.

Small plants are planted in cups

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui so that it attracts wealth

Feng Shui is a science that studies the flow of energy. Allows you to comfortably organize space so that it is useful. It is worth knowing the rules for growing plants according to Feng Shui:

  • It is important that the sprout comes from a flower from a rich house. In this case, it will already carry the necessary energy.
  • When purchasing a plant in a store, pay attention to the young plant. In this case, the plant will be charged with the energy of the new owner.
  • The culture is transplanted into a red or green container. The first is to attract finance, the second is for good luck.
  • A coin is placed at the bottom of the new pot to attract money.
  • When the flower grows large and strong, Chinese coins are hung on the leaves as a symbol of financial well-being.

Note! Experts recommend talking to the plant, thanking it for its help and success.

Plants with roots can be immediately planted in a permanent place

Which one is better for Crassula and how to plant it correctly?

But you can make the soil yourself - and this will be the best option.

  • Turf and leaf soil (it can be collected from old pastures and meadows) - 1 part each.
  • River sand – 1 part.
  • Fresh humus - 0.5 parts.
  • Brick chips or small pebbles - 0.5 parts.

Humus can be collected in a park or garden, but remember: you should not take it from under ash, oak, poplar and coniferous trees.
The soil will be too acidic. Take coarse sand. Fine fractions contain too much dust and can cement the soil. The mixture prepared for Crassula must be pre-treated against pests and pathogenic microorganisms. This also applies to soil purchased at the store. Processing can be done in several ways.


You can freeze the soil both outside (at a temperature of -15 degrees) and in the freezer. Wrap it in a thick canvas bag and take it outside for 5-6 days, or put it in the freezer. After you pull it out, carefully inspect it - the surviving pests will definitely crawl to the surface and, in order to completely destroy them, repeat the procedure again.

Heat treatment

  • Spread the soil in a 5 cm layer on a baking sheet, pour boiling water over it, let dry and put in the oven. Heat at 90 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
  • The second processing option is considered more gentle. Place a bucket of water over medium heat and place a wire rack with soil wrapped in a cloth bag on top. Steam the soil for at least 90 minutes.

How to plant a money tree in a pot to attract money

For a money tree to bring financial success, it is recommended:

  1. Place an even number of coins in the pot on the drainage layer, and then plant the flower. It is better that they are of the same denomination.
  2. The talisman is planted on the waxing moon.
  3. After planting, several paper bills are placed under the pot.

A flowering plant is a sign of good luck

What pot should you plant a money tree in to make it bring money?

In order for the plant to contribute to the emergence of finances, it is important to choose the right pot. When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Material. The pot should be made of natural materials - ceramics or clay.
  • The container is chosen in black, green or red. They attract luck, success and prosperity.
  • The pot may contain Feng Shui symbols or images of Chinese coins.

Additional Information! You should not choose a large pot; a medium-sized container is enough.

How to properly care for a money tree to make money

Plant care is important. Feng Shui experts recommend following the following rules:

  • Water for irrigation is infused with coins, and the irrigation process itself is carried out on Wednesday - financial and energy day.
  • Place the pot on the south or southeast window - the side of financial attraction.
  • After landing, tie a red thread or ribbon. They hang coins or paper bills on them.

Note! It is important to keep an eye on neighboring plants. You should not leave the flower next to cacti to avoid energy disruption.

To attract wealth, the money tree should be loved. The home should have a favorable environment. With constant scandals, the plant will not be able to receive positive energy, and its effect will be minimal.

What soil is suitable for Crassula

To believe in the magical power of the fat woman or not is everyone’s personal choice. But we are obliged to provide the proper conditions for keeping the flower. When breeding Crassula, the following parameters are important:

  • illumination;
  • watering;
  • volume and material of the pot;
  • temperature regime.

With proper care, a hardy plant with an elastic trunk and juicy, fleshy greens will grow. When choosing soil for a money tree, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of Crassula. Over time, the soil in the flowerpot should be renewed. As the crop grows, it takes from the soil all the nutritional components and minerals needed for full development. The formation of a salt crust on the surface of the substrate is also a common occurrence. Although the succulent does not impose conditions on its maintenance, the issue of planting should be taken seriously.

In the Crassula's natural habitat, the soil is loose, with admixtures of sand and small gravel. After watering, the substrate should be saturated with the required amount of moisture, and excess water should go into the pan. The same condition is important when changing the flowerpot for Crassula. Transplantation is carried out every 2-3 years, because the crop grows extremely slowly.

What to do if the money tree died

Despite the fact that the fat plant is an unpretentious plant, cases of its death cannot be ruled out. Unfortunately, this phenomenon often occurs due to improper care. If signs of flower disease appear, rescue measures are taken:

  • Carefully inspect the plant, trunk, leaves and twigs. Perhaps the flower is affected by a disease or harmful insects, which are gotten rid of using special means.
  • The culture is removed from the pot and the root system is carefully examined. If necessary, cut off rotten roots.
  • The removed plant is transplanted into a new pot.
  • It is allowed to use antiseptics to treat the flower.
  • The leaves are washed with soapy water.

On a note! After the procedures, it is recommended to provide the crop with normal care and carefully monitor soil moisture.

Hanging coins on a tree to attract good luck

When properly planted and cared for, the money tree is easy to grow. It can become a wonderful talisman and bring good luck and prosperity. A positive atmosphere in the home is important. Planting and growing are accompanied by special spells and rituals that will help increase the circulation of energy. If you follow the rules, there will always be money in the house.

Can Crassula be grown outdoors?

The money tree is a heat-loving plant. This plant can be grown outdoors only in the warm season.

To do this, you need to choose the right landing site. The soil should be light and the planting site slightly shaded. Don't forget about timely watering. In the open air, moisture evaporates quickly, especially on hot, dry days.

Long before the onset of the first cold weather, the fat plant should be transplanted into a pot and moved into the house, providing the plant with fresh air and good lighting. Then it will be easier for the money tree to endure changes.

Crassula does not like frequent transplants. Once accustomed to open air and good lighting, the plant will grow and become stronger. But during transplantation, the overgrown root system may suffer, which will subsequently have a bad effect on the well-being of the flower.

In order not to risk the health of the plant, you can take it out to the balcony, garden plot, or take it to the country without replanting it from the pot into open ground. Then the money tree will continue to delight with its presence, while receiving a lot of light and fresh air.

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