What types of indoor flowers are there that look like palm trees? nuances of cultivation and care

What house plants are similar to palm trees?

Among the commonly found indoor plantings that have an external resemblance to a palm tree are: bocarneya, dracaena, dieffenbachia, and spurge. To decide on the choice of exotic foliage decoration for your home, you need to become more familiar with their main characteristics.


An interesting indoor plant of Mexican origin has won the recognition of lovers of home floriculture due to its resistance to temperature changes, undemandingness to watering, and the ability to tolerate minor drought quite painlessly. It can be safely placed near heating appliances. The only thing is that bokarneya does not bloom indoors.

This plant is also called the “bottle tree”. It has thin ribbon-shaped leaves that are located on a thick trunk. It is better to keep it at a temperature of 10-26 °C on the windowsill of a window facing southwest or south. In summer, the flower is irrigated once every 7 days, and in winter once every 2-3 weeks. Feeding procedures are carried out from April to October - every 14 days.


The Latin American plant is distinguished by its intensive growth rate; in just 5 years it can reach a height of 2 m. This evergreen plant has large leaf blades that are oval in shape and variegated in color. The culture does not produce flowers when grown in closed spaces. It is valued for its massive green stem and evenly growing large leaves.

The plant does not tolerate drafts and temperature fluctuations. It needs sufficient light, but it should not be exposed directly to the leaves, otherwise there is a high risk of burns. Irrigation activities should be carried out only with settled boiled water. Due to the poisonous nature of the sap, pruning the flower should be done with protective gloves.


The tropical guest, whose homeland is Africa, is a lush shrub with straight, sharp leaves. Its advantage is its compact size - up to 40 cm. By trimming the top part of the plant, you can add splendor. After pruning, two branches appear from one branch. From the cut top, after rooting in water, it is possible to obtain another flower.

The advantage of dracaena is its unpretentiousness to growing conditions. It is enough to provide the room with proper lighting, regularly irrigate it (once every 2 days in the summer and once every three days in the winter), loosen the soil and promptly change the container to a larger one.

Euphorbia white-veined

The name of the plant itself already fully describes it. On a dark green background, clearly visible white veins are the main feature of the flower. He is originally from Madagascar. The trunk of the milkweed is massive and ribbed. Wide oval-shaped leaves are formed on long petioles; they are located on the upper part of the stem. Already on an adult plant, miniature brown thorns appear in place of the plates. The height of this species is 1.5 m.

Decorative crops belong to the category of evergreens. Its homeland is South America. Yucca belongs to the agave family and does well in regions with temperate climates. It has a high degree of frost resistance. The inflorescences are white in color and are formed in the form of elegant large bells.

The height of the woody stem is almost 2 m. The leaf blades are long, large, and have a sword-shaped shape. In greenhouse complexes, mainly specimens with thick, erect stems are planted. The green mass grows in a bunch at the top.

Yucca is undemanding in terms of keeping conditions; it is best to place it on the windowsill of a window with a western or eastern orientation; in winter, it needs to be provided with additional lighting using phytolamps. Watering should be plentiful; in the cold season, irrigation is done in moderate dosage. Liquid nutritional formulations are applied from April to October, with a frequency of application once every 7 days.

Types of similar indoor plants: what do they look like and what are they called?

There are many plants that resemble palm trees. In this article we will look at the most affordable and unpretentious of them, grown at home.


The exotic Beaucarnea flower, whose country of origin is Mexico, is also known as Nolina. According to botanical characteristics, it belongs to the Asparagus family, subfamily Nolinaceae.

If in the wild it reaches up to eight meters in height, then in home greenhouses it does not exceed two. Bocarnea reflexum is most often grown at home. It has a straight tree-like trunk - narrow at the top and gradually widening at the bottom, outwardly resembling a vessel or the leg of a massive animal.

For this reason, the plant is popularly called bottle tree or elephant's foot. It is thanks to the thickened trunk at the base that nolina accumulates moisture and is able to do without watering for a long time.

The leaves are ribbon-shaped, intense green, up to one meter in length.


An evergreen tropical plant of the Araceae family, native to North and South America. Dieffenbachia got its name thanks to J. Dieffenbach, a gardener at the Botanical Garden in Vienna.

The plant has fairly thick stems and large spreading leaves with a heterogeneous color from dark to light green (sometimes in stripes, sometimes in blotches or spots). It stretches up to two meters in just five years. When pruned in a timely manner, it looks very lush. As it grows, the lower leaves are shed, leaving characteristic marks on the trunk.

Plant Dieffenbachia with great caution if there are children or pets in the house, since the juice of the flower is poisonous and can cause burns to both the outer skin and mucous membranes, including anaphylactic shock, temporary blindness, ulcers and serious poisoning.


A popular plant for growing indoors. Most often, Dracaena marginalata, reflexa or Derema are planted in apartments and offices, since they are unpretentious, fit in size into the limited dimensions of the premises (reach 2-3 meters in height) and delight with their appearance:

  • dracaena marginata (Dracaena marginata) has a strong trunk, crowned in the upper part with narrow and long leaves flowing down;
  • reflex dracaena (Dracaena reflexa) is distinguished by a rather thin, branching stem, and thin yellow stripes are drawn along the narrow green leaves;
  • Dracaena deremensis stands out for its thick trunk with scars from dead leaves, and the leaves themselves are elongated (up to half a meter) and wide (up to 5 cm) with white and yellow longitudinal stripes.

Belongs to the Agave family. In nature, yucca (Yucca) is most often found in the subtropics of North America. It is a non-branching or weakly branching tree-like stem, at the top of which there are leaf rosettes with long pointed leaves growing upward and forming a kind of panicle. Requires a room with high ceilings, since in adulthood it reaches 4 meters in height.

All parts of the yucca are used. Thus, the juice of the flowers is valued for its high sugar content, and the fibers of the plant are added to textiles (for example, denim) to impart wear resistance or used in the manufacture of ropes. Yucca is also actively used in folk medicine.


Distinctive features of the Cymbidium orchid.
What types of flowers are suitable for home growing? A palm tree whose leaves resemble a fan, the main advantage of the plant is its rapid growth and minimal care. Livistona has a large number of varieties, but the most common are: southern, round-leaved, Chinese, beautiful, deceptive, and in total there are more than 30 species. This plant loves a humid climate, so the palm tree should be frequently sprayed and watered, preventing the top layer of soil from drying out.

The temperature at which the plant will feel comfortable is +13 o +16 o C in the summer; in winter, the temperature should not drop to +8 o C. It must be fed frequently, since with active growth, Liviston should receive enough nutrients.


This is a representative of bamboo palms that grows in the form of a bush. Rapis grows from the soil with several stems at once, which are visually similar to bamboo. The leaves are dark green, regular in shape.

Perfect for growing even in relatively small spaces, easy to care for:

It is enough to fertilize the plant only in spring and summer; fertilizing is not needed in winter. It is better to use mineral-based fertilizers.

Abundant foliage, tall and thick stems and other qualities are very attractive to many people. That is why palm trees are a fairly common home flower, which can be seen not only in private homes, but also in small apartments. Palm trees perfectly decorate any interior, enlivening and complementing it.

Therefore, choose the most suitable option for yourself, but just remember that a real palm tree will not survive at home. But there are a lot of plants that are very similar to it, while being unpretentious to living conditions.

How is care carried out?


Hoya or wax ivy: all the nuances of growing and caring for at home

Climatic conditions for the normal care of areca chrysalidocarpus are also an important condition. Normal temperature values ​​for this plant are 35 °C above zero. But achieving such conditions at home is not always possible.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at least at 24 degrees. If the growing conditions are unsuitable, the temperature is too low for a long time, the areca chrysalidocarpus or another type of palm begins to gradually die.

Another important condition is high humidity in the room. The ideal habitat for such plants is the tropics with high humidity and temperature. Therefore, if areca is grown, care at home involves creating conditions as close as possible to natural ones. The first sign of lack of moisture is depletion and dullness of the foliage mass, curling and yellowing of the leaves.


Watering is carried out when there is slight drying of the plant’s root system. The areca flower is very finicky; if watered with hard water, it can even die, so it is recommended to specially settle the water or collect rain and melt water. The main factor in the death of a plant when grown in an apartment is excessive watering.

It is necessary to place a tray under the pot with the plant; when liquid collects in it, it must be removed as soon as possible, immediately after watering. If the root system begins to rot, the flower will die.

The first sign that the root system is beginning to rot is a change in the color of the foliage. The leaves and stems of the flower begin to turn dark. In order for watering to take place fully, it is necessary to comply with the conditions for proper planting - the pot must have drainage holes.

Rules of care

Caring for an indoor palm tree is not too difficult. It is recommended to plant such plants in winter gardens, since optimal conditions are created there.

When growing such plants at home in a pot, the tranquility of the culture plays a very important role. You should decide on a transplant only as a last resort, when there are no other options left. If you have to replant a tropical guest, the lump of earth around the root should be kept intact. The missing soil is added on top

Spraying indoor palm trees is encouraged, but should be done with caution

This procedure is normally carried out only in the summer. In any other season, wet leaves become easy prey for pathogenic microbes. Be sure to choose a bright room. But some types of palm trees do not tolerate direct sunlight well, and therefore you need to take care of protection with the help of curtains and muslin.

Other requirements:

  • palm trees need to be watered only with soft water;
  • select the frequency of watering individually, taking into account the characteristics of the plant;
  • Do not clean the leaves with a hard cloth or synthetic detergents;
  • organic mixtures for deciduous ornamental crops should be used as fertilizing;
  • Feed only after the soil has been moistened;
  • you should not feed the palm tree in the fall and winter months;
  • after transplantation, take a break of 2 months until the next feeding.


  • https://sadovnikam.ru/443446a-komnatnaya-palma-vidyi-nazvaniya-pravila-uhoda-i-foto
  • https://palma-doma.ru/palma-domashnyaya-uhod-i-vidy/
  • https://cozzyroom.com/rasteniya/vidy-komnatnyh-palm.html
  • https://stroy-podskazka.ru/komnatnye-cvety/palmy/
  • https://www.InMyRoom.ru/posts/13069-14-raznovidnostej-komnatnoj-palmy-o-kotoryh-vy-ne-znali

The name of a home flower similar to a palm tree

Subtleties and nuances of planting lilies and caring for them: a complete overview of growing technology

The exotic elegance and noble appearance of palm trees attract many gardeners and flower lovers, but they are quite expensive and demanding to care for, so indoor plants that visually resemble palm trees are becoming increasingly popular. They are an excellent decoration for various interiors and fill the interior space with a special tropical charm.

Being representatives of different families, these flowers require different maintenance conditions. To choose the most suitable copy for a particular room, you need to clearly understand its features and needs.

Other types of houseplants most similar to palm trees

True representatives of the Palm family require special conditions for growth and development. They need a lot of light, but direct exposure to the sun is contraindicated. Moist air and sufficient free space are vital.

In the realities of an apartment, creating conditions that meet such requirements is quite difficult. An excellent solution is to purchase palm-like plants. Such specimens look very impressive, but require much less effort to maintain.

Indoor plants from the Palm family

Several types of palm trees are suitable for home cultivation. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the most common and unpretentious plants in order to make the right choice.


Has many varieties. In nature, Areca can grow up to 20 meters. In apartment conditions, plants are grown that grow from the soil in the form of a bush. Feathery, bright green foliage covers the top of the slender stems.

The most popular indoor representative is Chrysalidocarpus, which is found in the wild in Madagascar, tropical Asia and Oceania. Several stems of equal thickness rise from the pot, forming a dense bush with the help of dense foliage. In indoor conditions, it almost never blooms.


Caring for domestic Areca is quite simple. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

provide bright lighting, periodically ventilate the room in hot weather, and use additional light sources in winter; in the warm season, maintain the temperature at +22-25 degrees Celsius, and in winter do not allow it to drop below +16°C; Areca requires high humidity, so it needs to be constantly sprayed, and in winter the leaves must be wiped with a damp cloth; For irrigation, warm, settled water should be used. In summer, Areca is watered abundantly, so that the soil dries out no more than 2-3 cm

In winter, watering should be reduced; It is important to feed the soil from April to October twice a month, and in winter to apply fertilizer monthly.


This palm belongs to the fan varieties, which are characterized by dissection of the leaves at three-quarters of the length. At home, it grows up to two meters. The leaves of such specimens are on cuttings up to 60 cm long, which grow from the base of the stem. An adult plant has a spectacular appearance.

When caring for this home plant, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • maintain the indoor temperature from 14 to 22 degrees Celsius throughout the year;
  • water only with soft, settled, warm water as the soil dries;
  • periodically you need to spray the leaves and remove dust from their surface with a damp cloth, give young specimens a warm shower;
  • Fertilize the soil three times a month in spring and summer, and monthly in autumn and winter.



It is considered the most resistant to low temperatures among members of the palm family. Adult specimens with a formed trunk can withstand frosts down to -15 degrees Celsius. A fan-shaped leafy crown is located on the upper part of the fibrous trunk. The leaves are green in color and have a bluish tint along the edges. Often found in Crimea.


Caring for Trachycarpus at home follows certain rules that take into account its characteristics:

  • maintain the optimal temperature for this palm tree – 18-25 degrees Celsius;
  • the room in which the plant is located must be ventilated periodically;
  • protect leaves from direct sunlight by providing bright, diffused lighting;
  • use light soil with good drainage, do not flood the plant, as this often causes rotting of the root system;
  • once a month you should arrange a warm shower for the leaves; to humidify the air, you can place a container of water next to the plant;
  • in the spring and summer, fertilizers need to be applied monthly.

Benefits or harms of pandanus

While it is almost impossible to see exotic flowers blooming at home, in nature the plant blooms very beautifully. During this period, the tree is decorated with spikelets of numerous small inflorescences. The flowers do not have perianths, but have covering leaves.

The plant is unisexual. Therefore, male flowers appear on one bush. They resemble elongated spikelets. On the female, the inflorescences are shaped like corn cobs. The flowering of exotic flowers is accompanied by a subtle, pleasant fruity aroma.

The fruit resembles a pineapple. As it grows, it becomes clear that the fruit has its own characteristics and only vaguely resembles a pineapple.

It is difficult to collect fruit from the infructescence. They can be compared to very large kernels of corn.

Residents of the Pacific Islands and Papua New Guinea cannot imagine their diet without pandanus fruits. Pandan fruit provides people with vitamins, gives them a boost of energy and satiation. Fruits are boiled, cooked over a fire or eaten fresh. It is noteworthy that not only the fruits of the plant are edible, but also the lower parts of the foliage and inflorescences.

Pandan fruit

Some tourists believe that pandan is poisonous. This is wrong. The fruit is edible and not capable of causing harm. On the contrary, pandan is healthy.

For example:

  • Seed oil tones the body and benefits the nervous system.
  • The oil is used to relieve migraines and headaches.
  • The leaves are suitable for healing wounds, abscesses, and skin diseases.
  • The pulp from the leaves helps in the treatment of infectious diseases such as leprosy (leprosy), etc.

Decorative indoor types

Indoor views are not only exotic and greetings from the tropical forest, they also serve as an important detail in the interior, often changing it almost radically. It is worth keeping in mind that not all palm trees are suitable for growing indoors. Most often, the following types of indoor palm trees are chosen for these purposes (with photos and names):

  • Dates. Date palms are the most common. Currently, there are more than 17 species; in the wild they grow in Africa and Asia. If you plant an ordinary date seed in a pot, it will germinate after a while. These seeds have almost 100% germination rate, but they germinate for about a month. Literally in 5 years the young tree will become decorative. It is best to purchase palmate dates for this purpose. This species does not grow in the wild. Indoors it can grow up to 6 m in height. However, this will take several decades. Date palms also include the Robelena date. The fruits of this plant are inedible. Palm trees have a crown with leaves that curve gracefully downwards. The trunk of the plant is also original, as if shaggy.
  • Areca Chrysalidocarpus. It grows naturally in Indian forests. The crown is a huge bunch of leaves at the top of the trunks, which reach one meter in length. The trunk is covered with a large number of scars arranged in the shape of a ring. The fan of Trachycarpus will look very original indoors. This plant is ideally suited to growing indoors. The culture blooms and bears fruit. But Kariota grows fastest in indoor conditions. This plant is noticeably different from other species. Outwardly it resembles a triangle that stretches upward. Life expectancy is no more than 20 years.
  • Washingtonia. This decorative palm has a crown in the form of a large bright green fan. Growing this species does not require specific knowledge; the plant is unpretentious in care.
  • Coconut (rubber). This plant will be the most difficult to grow indoors. It will require a lot of light to grow. The coconut tree is best suited for placement in a winter garden. There are mainly two types grown indoors: Weddel coconut and nuciferous coconut.
  • Hamedorea (bamboo, water or cat palm). These species are ideal for growing indoors. Hamedorea unicolor, graceful, oblong and tall are especially ideal for these purposes.
  • Liviston. These plants have been grown indoors for several centuries. They are very decorative and small, but for successful cultivation they will require special conditions.
  • Rapis. Unpretentious and slow-growing bushy palms with soft, dark green leaves. They are ideal for indoor growing. They easily tolerate all the inconveniences: dry air, poor lighting and drafts. Outwardly they are very similar to Rapis Kentia, which can also be easily grown indoors.
  • Hameropsy. These indoor plants are widespread, very decorative and unpretentious, and grow slowly. Over time, the trunk becomes overgrown with brown fibers, the leaves are feathery and thorny.

Butia is one of the most capricious, but if you find an approach to it, the plant will delight you with a surprisingly graceful crown with feathery leaves.

Rare species include Gioforba. Externally, the plant is a small palm tree, with peculiar leaves and a trunk that resembles a bottle at the bottom. Another rarity is Sabal, whose homeland is the subtropics of America. The plant is low, the leaves are bluish-green, growing on short petioles.

And only passionate lovers of palm trees know about the Betel variety, which is distinguished by beautiful large trunks and a lush crown. In its natural habitat, the palm grows up to 20 m in height and also has two-meter leaves. In indoor conditions it can grow for a long time, but at the same time it has a more modest size.

Varieties of castor beans

Khoveya: care and maintenance
Due to its prevalence, castor bean has been transformed into several varieties that differ in the structure and color of the leaves and trunk. With mutations, castor beans have not lost their toxicity, so care is required when growing all types of castor beans.

Meet the types of castor beans:

  • The common castor bean has a green stem that reaches a height of 120 cm, and the leaves are large and glossy.
  • Castor bean Bourbon, tree-like, grows up to 3 meters high. The plant has a red trunk and large shiny leaves.
  • Zanzibar castor bean reaches a height of 2 m. The plant is famous for its dark red leaves of gigantic size.
  • Indian castor bean grows up to 120 cm in height: the leaves are dark green, the trunk is black.
  • Gibson's castor bean will grow up to 150 cm in height and the leaves and trunk of the plant are dark red.

Castor oil (oil from castor bean seeds) is used in scientific medicine:

  • Castor oil is prescribed for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, colitis and fever.
  • Externally, castor oil is used to treat ulcers, burns, and also to remove warts.
  • In cosmetology, castor oil is used to whiten age spots and promote rapid eyelash growth.
  • In gynecology, castor oil is used to stimulate labor.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterus are treated with an infusion of the castor bean herb, and for colds and bronchitis they are rubbed on the chest.

Infusion of castor bean leaves: 10 grams of crushed leaves should be poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath, then cool the infusion and strain. It is recommended to take the infusion 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon, for endometritis.

This plant gives a strange feeling to those who see it for the first time. Resembles an exotic palm tree in structure. The leaves are elegant, palmate-lobed, similar in shape to the leaves of a giant maple. The bush is tall, impressive, up to four meters. The colors of the leaves are unusual. Castor bean, despite the dissonant name, gives the garden a spectacular subtropical flavor and oriental charm.

Pictured is castor bean

Castor bean grows as an annual in our latitudes. The plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. It has many varietal species that are used as decorative in modern gardening. Homeland - subtropics. Africa. In the wild it grows up to ten meters and grows for many years.

As a subtropical inhabitant, it loves humidity, light and warmth. Prefers loose, highly nutritious soil. Not suitable for pot growing. It is a poisonous plant.

In Russian, castor bean is (translated from the Latin “ricinus”), which means tick. The seeds of the plant look similar to a tropical mite. These “pincer-shaped” seeds were found by archaeologists during excavations of the tombs of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Castor bean varieties

Short (no taller than two meters). The leaves are bright blood purple.

Up to four meters high. The leaf color is metallic red.

Tall, up to six meters. It has dark leaves and an almost black trunk.

The most cold-resistant variety. The leaves are rich dark green.

Medium-sized variety. Bright red leaves with a hint of bronze.

Medium-sized variety with dark green leaves on dark red stems.

Contents of step-by-step instructions:


A beautiful palm with a tropical appearance that will charm any gardener, it is quite tall, the leaves are feathery and the trunk is covered with leaf scars, it grows slowly. Howea comes in two varieties: Foster and Belmora.

Like any type of palm tree, Howea indoor plants love moist air and do not like drafts, so this plant should be sprayed and watered after the soil has dried. The temperature for best stay in room conditions should be +19 o +23 o In summer, the temperature in winter should not drop to +16 o C. Direct rays of the sun should not fall on the plant, as it can cause burns on the leaves.

Indoor plants from the Palm family: care rules

There are many flowers from the Palm family grown as indoor flowers. The word palm in Latin means “palm” for a reason, since the leaves of the plant resemble a human hand. Subtropics and tropical forests, where it is warm and humid, are the natural conditions for the growth of the southern beauty.

If the size of the room allows, it is possible to create a microclimate close to natural—growing an indoor palm tree will not cause any difficulties.


There are many varieties of the plant. In its natural environment, the palm tree grows up to 20 m, so bush species are grown at home.

Date palm

The houseplant belongs to the palm family, reaches a height of 1 to 2 meters, the leaves are narrow and oblong in shape, the trunk is shaggy. It is unpretentious in care, but you should adhere to the following rules for caring for an exotic plant: watering, lighting, fertilizing, temperature conditions.

Watering in the summer should be plentiful, several times a week, and the soil should not be allowed to dry out, since when the soil dries out, spots will appear on the leaves that will not be able to recover even when the water balance is restored. In winter, watering should be moderate; leaves should be watered and sprayed with settled water.

The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the date palm; in poor lighting, the leaves of the plant will hang down; in summer it is advisable to take it out into the fresh air.

The temperature in the room is excellent for a tropical plant, but the temperature should not exceed +25 o C, and drop to +10 o C. With abundant growth, it is necessary to fertilize 2 times a month, with special fertilizers for palm trees, which are sold in specialized stores.

bottle palm

Many people know this plant under the name Gioforba. In nature, it can be found on the islands of the Indian Ocean. There its height can reach 7 meters, but domestic specimens grow to about a meter.

The palm tree has a smooth trunk, devoid of any growths and scars, and feathery leaves, giving it a presentable appearance.

Gioforba needs careful care. The temperature in the room should not fall below 16 degrees. It is best to place a palm tree near an east or west window. The plant needs to be watered frequently, and its large leaves need to be wiped clean.

The bottle palm grows slowly, so after an illness it will take a very long time to nurse. Dried leaves are considered an alarming “symptom”. To prevent this from happening, be sure to monitor the humidity in the room. It is advisable to place a container of water or an aquarium next to Gioforba.

Not suitable for growing indoors

  • An oilseed that grows in Africa. The tree reaches a height of 30 m. Once every 2 years, the palm tree sheds its leaves.
  • Serenou creeping. This type of palm grows in the southern United States, as well as on the islands of the Caribbean. The plant grows very slowly, reaching a height of no more than 4 meters. The flowers emit a pleasant smell.
  • Wax or Carnauba. Under natural conditions, the plant can be found in South America. The palm has discolored leaves that form a lush scarf. Science knows several species of this plant.
  • Bismarck. The plant can be found in Madagascar. Silver leaves.
  • Pandanus or screw palm. The leaves on the tree trunk are arranged in several rows, in a spiral.
  • Rattan or Calamus palm. This plant is the longest in the world; its leaves grow from buds on the trunk. Plants easily cling to trees with the help of thorns located at the ends of the leaves.

Marijuana colors and "strength"

Colorful marijuana can be attractive or even visually stunning, but other than white buds sparkling with shiny trichomes, hue is usually not a reliable indicator of potency. However, if you consume your buds as tinctures, oils, edibles, or capsules, you can reap the benefits of carotenoids, anthocyanins, and other flavonoids. Anthocyanins have shown some activity at CB1 and CB2 receptors and may synergize with cannabinoids and terpenes. However, even if colorful marijuana doesn't have a psychoactive effect on you, the different colors of marijuana can provide an aesthetic pleasure and a sense of adventure on your next trip to the bud store. Of course, if marijuana is legal in your country and can be purchased in a store

Washingtonia varieties

Currently, only two types of indoor Washingtonia are known, which are somewhat different from each other.

Washingtonia filamentous or filamentous

Washingtonia filamentosa is a very large ornamental plant and is widely used for cultivation in greenhouses and winter gardens. The filamentous palm has a straight, smooth, bare trunk, which in natural conditions grows more than thirty meters.

The sheets are arranged on top and all come out from one place. As can be seen in the photo of Washingtonia filamentosa, its leaf plates are quite powerful, long and sword-shaped. They taper to an end containing a fibrous thread, which is often twisted to form a tight knot.

The long and thick petioles are covered with spines up to one and a half centimeters long. The leaf blades typically have eighty segments, the edges of which are split into white, long fibers. That's why it's called filamentous.

During flowering, this species produces light cream-colored flowers that are collected in large inflorescences. In indoor conditions, Washingtonia filamentosa does not bloom, so many people only see its flowers in photos. Seeds ripen in the edible berries formed after flowering. They do not lose their properties for a long time and sprout very quickly.

Washingtonia Robusta or powerful

No less beautiful and even more graceful is Washingtonia robusta, which is quite unpretentious and well suited for breeding at home. It is somewhat smaller in size than Washingtonia filamentosa. At the same time, it has a very thick, compact crown. Its trunk is somewhat thinner (up to 70 centimeters).

The fan leaves are grey-green and without fibres, and can reach two meters in length. They have many segments from which graceful, twisted threads emerge. Drying, the huge foliage droops down and forms an original skirt on the tree. In indoor floriculture, such leaves must be removed along with some of the petioles. Subsequently, lignification of their remains occurs and the formation of a beautiful, powerful trunk.

Washingtonia's pink flowers are collected in inflorescences that can reach three meters in length. When the Washingtonia flower fades, the red-black berries containing oval seeds begin to ripen.

You will learn how azaleas are propagated here.

What care is required for alocasia when kept at home can be found at this address: https://cvetolubam.ru/alokazia/

In addition to being kept at home, both filamentous Washingtonia and Robusta are perfect for open ground in the southern regions, where they are used as park plants for landscaping squares and alleys. The filamentous palm is more cold-resistant, and the Robusta trunk needs to be covered for the winter, after removing the leaves.

Domestic palm trees: varieties

Hovea, home care rules

Most often in apartments and houses you can find the following types:

  • Date is the most common among indoor palms. Because many people think of planting a date seed in the hope of growing a whole tree. However, at home, a palm tree called Robelena date, whose fruits are inedible, grows better. The tree has a shaggy trunk, grows up to 2 meters in height with the formation of a lush crown, its leaves are beautifully curved.
  • Dracaena is another type of palm tree that has been widely used for landscaping apartments for several decades, as it takes root well in rooms. This palm collects leaves in bunches at the top of the trunk into a panicle. The color of the leaves is light green, dark green and striped. Often it forms several trunks from the root, stretching up to two meters in height. It can be easily propagated by cuttings.
  • Areca has a flexible trunk, at the end of which a powerful bunch of feathery leaves is collected. In rooms it reaches two meters, while the leaves can be up to a meter.
  • Among the most adapted to home conditions, the Trachycarpus palm stands out. Its trunk resembles a bottle, and its leaves resemble a fan and grow huge. It is capable of blooming buds of white or yellow flowers with a pleasant aroma, as well as producing blue-black fruits.
  • Kariota's appearance is somewhat different. The leaves look like an elongated cocked hat, the wide ends of which seem to be torn off. It differs from its fellows in faster growth and lives for about 20 years.
  • The most popular palm tree for growing at home has become Howea Fostera. She is easy to care for. Many pests, such as spider mites and mealy worms, do not like it. Its leathery leaves are dark green in color. Its closest relative, Hovea Belmora, is more demanding when it comes to watering.
  • Rapis copes well with dry periods and needs good lighting. However, you should ensure that there is no direct sunlight; it also does not like shading. It grows to form a bush with fan-shaped leaves.
  • Copes well with the lack of sufficient lighting Hamedorea. It is also able to tolerate drought, but its delicate leaves are very loved by pests.


Home conditions are excellent for good growth of trachycarpus; it has an original appearance that will intrigue any person. The trunk of the plant resembles a bottle, and the leaves look like a fan. This tropical plant will give its owner beautiful and unusual flowering, with bewitching flower aromas.

Lighting. The plant loves partial shade and tolerates shade well, but the sun's rays are harmful. Yellow leaves indicate excess sunlight.

The temperature for keeping this plant can be different, if the palm tree is an adult it can withstand temperatures down to -9 o C, the optimal temperature is up to + 30 o C

The houseplant is drought-tolerant, so watering should not be frequent; the soil should dry out a little between waterings. In this way, the death of a tropical plant from waterlogging of the root system can be avoided. The leaves should not be sprayed, as the plant may be susceptible to fungal diseases. The most optimal time for fertilization most often begins in the spring and continues until the end of summer. Granulated fertilizers, which contain microelements, can serve as top dressing.

Diseases and problems

House plants are predators

If the air is too dry, palm trees do not feel very confident; they can become victims of spider mites. Hamedorrhea often suffers from it. If it has already started, you need to treat the plant with a soap solution, but the palm leaves will not like it, so first you can try just washing them thoroughly with clean water and increasing the humidity of the surrounding air.

If the plant is healthy, it is clearly visible - the greens are fresh, growth is not slowed down. And if the edges of the leaves begin to change color, darken or dry out, this means that the plant is not receiving the required amount of moisture from the air (maybe from the soil too). It is necessary to cut off damaged leaf fragments and restore the desired level of humidity by watering and spraying.

If your palm tree looks good but isn't growing, it's likely not getting enough fertilizer. And if she looks sick, then it’s worth checking the air temperature, maybe it’s too low, or there’s not enough light in this place.

There is no need to be afraid of the lower leaves drying out; palm trees always replace old leaves with new ones - exposing the trunk. You need to look at what the new leaves look like. If rusty spots appear on young, healthy leaves, you need to check the water quality. Water that is too hard is bad for the plant; it needs to be settled or even filtered. If this does not help, you will have to think about spraying with distilled water.

Dark spots may appear on the leaves when the soil is waterlogged or the roots begin to rot. Spots are a reaction to changes in air temperature, appearing when it gets colder. Palm trees love constant temperature and regular, even moisture.


This domestic palm has graceful feathery leaves. In an apartment it grows on average up to 1 meter, although in nature it grows up to 5.

Place the pot near a north, north-east or north-west window: chamedorea normally tolerates light shade. It is better not to leave the plant under the scorching rays of the sun, but you should not hide it in the farthest dark corner. Drafts are extremely undesirable, especially in the cold season. And in late spring and summer, chamedorea can be taken out into the open air, but not left in the sun.

Water every few days to keep the soil barely moist. The soil should not be allowed to dry out completely or become waterlogged. Daily spraying and a warm shower a couple of times a month will also be beneficial.


Indoor palms: betel and Hawaiian, screw and other indoor plants similar to palms, care
This palm has fairly thin, erect stems and large feathery leaves. At home it does not stretch more than a few meters, but in the natural environment it is much higher. Over the course of a year, he gains a couple of tens of centimeters in height.

Place the plant in a well-lit place near an east or west window. On the south side it is advisable to provide shade from the midday heat. To ensure that the palm tree develops evenly, rotate it relative to the light source twice a month. Avoid drafts, especially in the cold season.

Water deeply every few days after the soil in the pot dries out slightly. It is better to avoid overwatering and waterlogging, as this may cause the plant to die. Spraying is recommended every couple of days, especially in rooms with dry and warm air.

What is the name of a houseplant that looks like a palm tree?

The exotic elegance and noble appearance of palm trees attract many gardeners and flower lovers, but they are quite expensive and demanding to care for, so indoor plants that visually resemble palm trees are becoming increasingly popular. They are an excellent decoration for various interiors and fill the interior space with a special tropical charm.

Being representatives of different families, these flowers require different maintenance conditions. To choose the most suitable copy for a particular room, you need to clearly understand its features and needs.


It is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful palm trees, looking spectacular in any interior. Sabal fans have attractive colors and shapes. But despite its beauty, it is not in particular demand among gardeners. And all because over time it loses its original attractiveness.

Sabal is famous for its medicinal properties. Oils and all kinds of preparations that are popular in many countries are prepared from its juice.

For keeping at home, it is best to choose the dwarf Sabal species. It is famous for its unpretentiousness and durability. At first, the palm grows very slowly, but in adulthood it begins to actively develop. This is precisely the main feature of Sabal.

Features of home care

Depending on the species characteristics and characteristics of the variety, caring for indoor perennial palm-shaped crops may differ slightly, but the general principles for growing such decorative exotics are as follows:

  • a flowerpot with decorative perennials is best installed in warm rooms, near south-facing windows;
  • an adult and well-developed plant, as a rule, is less demanding of environmental factors, so some fluctuations from the optimal temperature indicators are quite acceptable;
  • young indoor palm trees need the strictest adherence to both temperature and humidity levels in the growing room;
  • in the warm season, indoor palm trees should be kept at a temperature range of 16-22°C;
  • in winter, the temperature in the room for cultivating perennials should be reduced to 14-16 °C, and cold-resistant varieties can winter at lower temperatures, but within 10 °C;
  • the perennial plant is quite demanding on certain parameters of air humidity, so in the summer it is recommended to spray the crown of the palm tree quite often with warm and settled water from a household spray bottle;
  • periodically it is necessary to remove dust from the leaves using a damp and soft cloth or by washing the crown in the shower, since such a water procedure has a beneficial effect on growth processes and the general condition of the indoor crop;
  • starting from early spring and until mid-autumn, the plant must be watered abundantly with warm and settled water, avoiding excessive drying of the soil in the flower pot;
  • almost all palm trees belong to the category of light-loving plants, but prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause severe burns on the foliage, so when placed on windows, high-quality shading from the midday sun may be required;

despite the fact that periodic ventilation has a very positive effect on perennials, the negative effects of drafts and cold air dormancy should not be allowed; For proper growth and development of young plants, it is very important to provide the correct composition of nutrient soil with sufficient ease, but special planting mixtures for cultivating dracaena are best suited for cultivation; Tall indoor palm trees require mandatory additional nutrition, so in early spring it is recommended to apply fertilizers intended for feeding ornamental deciduous plants three times a month.

Despite the high resistance to disease and pests, significant errors in care can negatively affect both the decorative appearance and the general condition of the plant:

  • darkening of the tips of the leaves may indicate too dry air or insufficient irrigation measures;
  • a change in the coloration of the above-ground part is also caused by a very close location to heating devices, exposure to cold air and the use of cold or highly chlorinated water for irrigation;
  • softening or yellowing of leaves often signals severe waterlogging of the soil in a flower pot or a sharp drop in the temperature in the room;
  • drying of young leaves is the result of too intense sunlight, so the crop needs to be provided with diffused lighting;
  • Plant development stops when grown in uncomfortable conditions, in too cold and damp rooms, or with insufficient nutrition.

It is important to remember that yellowing and drying of the lower leaves is a completely natural phenomenon and does not require intervention, and regular spraying and watering of the plant with soft and warm water can maintain its decorative appeal for many years. Household palm-shaped plants are not only incredibly beautiful and very exotic indoor plants that create a unique style in the interior of almost any room, but also unpretentious perennials that can purify the air and make the home more comfortable

Household palm-shaped crops are not only incredibly beautiful and very exotic indoor plants that create a unique style in the interior of almost any room, but also unpretentious perennials that can purify the air and make the house more comfortable.


This palm tree got its name in honor of the American president. In nature, it reaches a height of more than 20 meters, and the trunk diameter often exceeds 1 meter. In cramped home conditions, the palm tree is much smaller, up to 2–4 meters, but it needs a spacious place. Washingtonia's growth rate is average.

Place it in bright, indirect light, such as near a southeast or southwest window. It is better to shade from direct afternoon sun. Several times a month, turn your other side to the light source. In winter, when daylight hours are short, it is better to provide additional lighting. In summer, the palm tree can be taken outside, the main thing is to protect it from the sun and rain.

Water every few days in the summer as the top layer of soil dries out. In winter, during the rest period - once a week and a half. Waterlogging of the soil and its complete drying out are equally dangerous. In the cold season, when the air is dry due to heating, Washingtonia needs to be sprayed a couple of times a week.

Types and features of indoor palm trees

Today, purchasing a large and spectacular palm tree may remain a pipe dream for many people, since the cost of such a specimen is quite high. A palm tree grown in a specialized nursery can certainly become the main decoration of any home. But you should remember that if you purchase an already mature plant, you are taking a big risk. The point is that if it finds itself in unusual conditions, it can get sick and even die. Experienced gardeners advise buying small shoots or young plants. They adapt much more easily to new growing conditions and changes in care. And they will increase the green mass over time.

The most spectacular part of this genus of plant is considered to be its leaf plates, which have an extremely unusual shape and spectacular appearance. The shape of the leaves directly depends on the species. So, the leaves can be narrow, straight, have the shape of a semicircle, etc. But it should be remembered that the leaves of palm trees should never be cut off. The fact is that removing even one leaf blade can lead to the death of the entire plant.

But which of the many types of palm trees will be suitable for your apartment? You can understand this by reading the description of the most popular species among gardeners.

Features of bamboo palm

A species called the bamboo palm is very popular among palm gardeners. The name of such a plant is quite unusual, as is its appearance, which is also incredibly impressive. Externally, the leaves have a certain resemblance to bamboo, which is why this plant got its unusual name. This plant is loved by a large number of gardeners due to the fact that it is fast-growing and easy to care for. The main thing is to provide such a palm tree with fairly abundant watering. The following plants belong to the bamboo palm.


This plant is most popular among gardeners. As a rule, it is purchased in a specialized store as a very small seedling. After this palm tree is brought into the house, it is recommended to transplant it into a new pot slightly larger than the previous one. After this, the neanta needs to provide the most favorable conditions for its growth and development. After just a few years, your room will be decorated with an already mature, luxurious plant. If such a palm tree has enough light and is provided with proper, sufficiently abundant watering, then it can bloom and bear fruit. So, small yellowish flowers appear in its upper part, and then berries are formed.

Date palmate

This plant, which has a spectacular appearance and grows in wild conditions, is quite successfully grown in city apartments. The domestic plant looks exactly like its wild counterpart, only it is smaller in size. When grown at home, the palmate date can reach a height of about 200 centimeters. However, its growth can be controlled, and this will not cause you much difficulty. So, you just need to cut off the top of the plant in a timely manner.


Such a palm tree, as a rule, grows only in wild conditions. At home, or rather, in a stuffy room, it grows for about 2 years, and then quickly and suddenly dies for no apparent reason.

Weddel Coconut

This palm tree is quite suitable for growing at home. But in order for it to have a very impressive appearance, as well as to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to provide the most suitable conditions for it.

So, for this palm tree it is very important to provide comfortable humidity, appropriate temperature conditions, as well as good lighting

Fish tail

This plant has gained popularity among gardeners due to its rich color and unusual shape of the leaf plates. However, what is attractive about this palm tree is not only its very impressive appearance, but also its fairly simple care. Thus, a specimen purchased at a flower shop can grow and develop normally in indoor conditions.

However, just buying a palm tree and bringing it home is not enough. You need to learn how to properly care for her, then she will delight you every day with her exotic and incredibly beautiful appearance.

Varieties of plants in the form of a palm tree

An indoor plant that looks like a palm tree will give the room an original tropical look. It can be small or large in size, and the leaves can be narrow and sharp or in the form of a large fan, it depends on the variety of bush.

  1. Dracaena is the most common type of small palm tree, reaches 40 centimeters in height, and is distinguished by sharp, elongated leaves. The splendor of the bush can be adjusted independently; in order to branch the top, the main branch is cut off and two are formed in its place. The cut area should not be thrown away; it is placed in water, and after the roots appear, it is planted in prepared soil.
  2. Yucca is a little similar to dracaena, but differs in the width of the leaves and the thickness of the trunk. The tree is slightly larger than dracaena; under favorable conditions, it can reach a height of 4 meters. This plant is capable of producing beautiful flowers in the form of large bells.
  3. Chamerops is distinguished by many sharp leaves that look like a large fan. This plant has a height of no more than one meter, so it is ideal for growing indoors. Even in the wild, this type of plant is not too tall, up to 5 meters.
  4. Hamedorea has an unusual bush-like shape, which distinguishes it from a whole flower. Lovers of indoor palm trees usually purchase this particular plant, as it is distinguished by its originality and unusual beauty.

These are the main decorative species that can be purchased in flower shops; their care is almost the same.

Flowers similar to a palm tree: variety of species

Palm trees have always played an important role in interior design. This is due to their elegance and noble appearance. The popularity of these exotic plants among gardeners is increasing every year.

Currently, a huge number of palm-like flowers are grown.

Moreover, they can belong to very different genera and families, have their own characteristics, and, accordingly, require different conditions of detention.

Home palm trees fit perfectly into any interior

Palm-like flowers are a wonderful decoration for any room, greenhouse or winter garden.

But in order to grow a healthy and well-developed ornamental plant, you need to provide it with comfortable living conditions and proper care.

Today there are a huge number of flowers that resemble palm trees in appearance. Therefore, everyone can choose a plant for their home that is suitable in terms of parameters and conditions of maintenance.

Description of flowers similar to palm trees with photographs

In order to decide on the choice of plant, you must first study its description and requirements for its content. You will learn more about the photos and names of palm-like plants in our article.

Cycas drooping

The drooping cycas (Cycas revoluta) or turned away is not a palm tree, but belongs to the cycads. In indoor conditions it grows up to one and a half meters in height, in the wild it can reach 15 meters.

It typically has one row of large, hard, shiny leaves that are feathery in shape and bright green in color. They grow at the top of a thick trunk, forming a very beautiful bunch, which makes the cicada look like a palm tree.

The lower foliage falls off with the appearance of new leaves, and its remains create a kind of shell on the plant. The rounded shape of the trunk and this covering resemble the cone of a coniferous tree.

Tsikas curled

The curled cycas (Cycas circinalis) or snail-shaped plant is a slow growing plant that can reach a height of 4 meters. The dark green, pinnate foliage can have up to 60 leaf blades on each side of the midrib.

Its length is from 1 to 2 meters, the leaf blades are lanceolate, up to 25 long and up to 2 centimeters wide. Leaves grow only at the top of a thick trunk with an armored surface.

This species differs from the drooping cycas in that its leaves are usually directed upward.


Trachycarpus (Cycas circinalis) is considered the most frost-resistant plant of the Palm family. It can withstand frosts up to 15 degrees. In natural habitats it can grow up to 12 meters in height, and the diameter of its trunk reaches 20 centimeters.


The crown is located mainly in the upper part of the plant. The leaves are fan-shaped, their leaf blades reach 70 centimeters in length. They have a basic green color that fades to blue at the edges. The bare trunk is characterized by a fibrous surface.


Sabal or saw palmetto is an evergreen palm tree. Under natural growing conditions, the height of some plant species can reach 30 meters, and the trunk diameter is 60 centimeters. The fan-shaped leaves are completely split into blades that grow more than a meter in length. Thin white threads hang from the forked ends.


The plant has medicinal properties and is used to make some medicinal preparations. Small types of sabals are grown indoors, growing from 1 to 2 meters in height.

Hamedorea gracilis

Chamaedorea elegans or Chamaedorea elegans is a small, compact plant belonging to the Arecaceae and having the form of a shrub.

From its creeping rhizome emerges several short bamboo stems with stems up to one and a half meters long, in the upper part of which there are feathery leaves of bright green color. Their narrow lanceolate leaf blades are slightly curved.

Due to its compactness and unpretentiousness, chamedorea graceful has become one of the most popular palm-like house flowers.

At home, Chamedorea graceful often blooms and even bears fruit.

We invite you to get acquainted with caring for chamedorrhea at home

Hamedorea unicolor

Chamaedorea concolor (Chamaedorea concolor) is a thin-trunked, bushy palm tree, also called bamboo. It grows no more than 3 meters in height.

Its short trunk is slowly formed from honey nodes that remain from fallen leaves. In appearance, it is very similar to chamedorea graceful, only with thinner and longer leaves.

It is often grown in city apartments, greenhouses and offices, which adds an exotic touch to the design of the room.

Hamedorrhea Ernest-Augustus

Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti is a low-growing bush-shaped palm tree. Its appearance is strikingly different from other representatives of this genus. Its height does not exceed 1.2 meters, and the original foliage is solid, bilobed.


The reed-like trunk has a very small diameter. There are aerial roots in the internodes of the shoots, so this plant is very easy to propagate. When grown indoors, this species often blooms, producing bright orange-red flowers.


The Areca palm (Arecaceae) is a beautiful palm tree that comes in many varieties, ranging from single-trunk trees to shrub-like trees. In the wild, their height ranges from 35 centimeters to 20 meters.

Their dense, feathery foliage grows at the top of their slender stems. Its straight, sword-shaped leaves are bright green in color. When growing any type of areca indoors, you should know that its fruits contain poison and are very toxic.


Washingtonia is a vigorous, fast-growing palm plant. In its natural habitat, it can grow up to 30 meters in height, and its trunk, which has light brown pubescence, can reach one and a half meters in diameter.

It is one of the most beautiful palm trees with very large, spectacular, completely dissected foliage. It consists of numerous pointed segments, from the split ends of which tufts of white fiber emerge. This adds even more decorative value to the already luxurious crown of the plant.

Learn how to grow Washingtonia from seeds


Livistona is a large palm tree that reaches 25 meters in the wild. In city apartments and offices, it grows up to 2 meters. Its large, glossy, bright green leaves resemble beautiful fans. In young plants they have a solid edge and are shaped like an accordion. Over time, they begin to split into fairly wide plates.


The trunk of this palm tree is initially absent and begins to form from internodes after the lower leaves begin to fall.

Read how to care for the Liviston palm tree and grow a beauty at home.

Date palm

The date palm (Phoenix) is probably the most famous plant of the Arecaceae family. In her homeland she received the name “queen of the oasis.” The fruits of one of its species are dates known throughout the world.

The plant usually has one trunk and in the wild reaches 30 meters in height, and in indoor conditions no more than 2 meters. The date palm is characterized by long foliage that extends straight from the trunk. It is formed by narrow pinnate leaves, which are located on both sides of the central vein, starting from the very base.

Read the full review about date palm at home


Howea is a beautiful, hardy and unpretentious palm tree. The plant is quite large, in natural growing conditions it reaches 15 meters in height.

It has large dark green feathery foliage. Depending on the species, the leaves from which it consists can be either straight or curved. The bottom of their surface is covered with dots.

The trunk is distinguished by ring-shaped scars along its entire height and thickening at the base.

Howea has a high decorative value and is highly valued by flower growers.

Exotic howea at home - growing features

There are a huge number of palm-like plants. They have a lot in common, but they also have significant differences. Therefore, to properly care for them, you need to know what each of them is called.

Source: https://cveti-rasteniya.ru/cvety-poxozhie-na-palmu.html

Common types of palm trees: detailed description, name and photo

About 20 species of palm trees are now grown in indoor floriculture. These plants are becoming increasingly popular. Their decorative qualities are highly valued.

Indeed, palm trees look unusual against the backdrop of snowdrifts outside the window; they have an interesting shape of leaves and trunks.

In addition, some of them can grow in partial shade, this allows you to create interesting corners in the apartment, the center of which is a palm tree.

With their help, verandas and loggias are landscaped. Even in places with harsh winters, they become an integral part of the garden in the summer; they are taken there directly in tubs.

You will learn about what types of indoor palm trees there are, their names and photos, as well as what the generic name of the plants of the family is in this article.

See also: How to pick mushrooms correctly

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