What feelings will a bouquet of roses tell you about: the meaning of flowers and the number of roses

Roses are not just a nice gift. With their help, you can talk and confess your deepest feelings. This type of flower is the most popular way to communicate with a bouquet. A bouquet of these flowers will be appropriate for any occasion. But in order to be understood correctly, it is important to find out how many colors and which color is better to choose.

It is customary to use an odd number of roses in bouquets, but this rule is not always applied. Bouquets of fifty or one hundred times are possible - in this case the even number does not matter.

One rose symbolizes a modest declaration of love. Three – open confession of deep feelings. Five - a wish of good luck and happiness, suitable for both a beloved and a holiday gift. Seven flowers in a bouquet mean admiration and respect; such a bouquet is called “mother’s.” It can be presented to both the wife and mother. Nine colors will emphasize how important the meeting is for you. Eleven roses are a symbol of the unfading feelings of the spouses. Thirteen is a wish for happiness, but it is better not to give such a bouquet to the superstitious. Fifteen flowers mean deep affection, a good gift for a birthday.

Roses and the meanings of their shades when giving

The color of roses and their meaning are closely related. The flower language was formed many centuries ago, but has since undergone a number of changes. This is due to the fact that previously there were only basic shades of fragrant plants - white, scarlet, yellow. Thanks to the painstaking and complex work of breeders, flowers of a wide variety of, sometimes very unusual, shades are grown today, each of them has its own meaning.

Roses are the most delicate creations of nature, a symbol of beauty and eternal love.

Additional Information! When giving roses, you need to take into account not only their color, but also the shape of the buds, the number and type of flowers.

Why does a guy or man present roses of different colors?

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When choosing a flower arrangement, not everyone thinks about what a rose of a certain shade means. Many guys act on instinct, guided by generally accepted standards and their own taste. Girls are more attentive in this regard and want to see the secret meaning in everything. In this regard, you need to carefully approach the choice of colors and know the designation of each shade.

Red roses

Red flowers carry the following meaning:

  • passion;
  • the desire to possess the desired object immediately;
  • deep affection;
  • the highest and strongest feelings.

Other characters:

  • family happiness;
  • cosiness;
  • blood shed in battle, the memory of those who are no longer alive.

Roses of this color are usually placed on monuments, memorials, and worn in cemeteries.

Dark, burgundy shade:

  • magnetism;
  • attraction;
  • extreme connection and feeling;
  • respect, admiration.

Flowers of this shade are usually presented to older women. They are ideal for mothers and grandmothers, good friends, but you shouldn’t give such flowers only to female bosses or colleagues, because... the donor may be misunderstood.

Scarlet inflorescences like blood leave no one indifferent

The crimson color of the rose has neutral meanings. They are suitable for those occasions when you want to express gratitude and appreciation.

Additional Information! Dark, rich burgundy roses, almost black in shade, will mean sadness, condolences, and loss.


Roses of different colors in every culture can carry opposite meanings. In Russia, snow-white shades can mean:

  • innocence;
  • purity of intentions;
  • youth;
  • loyalty;
  • sincerity;
  • transparency of plans and actions;
  • unity of views.

In the CIS countries, snow-white tones are often presented to newlyweds. In Europe, such flowers have a slightly different meaning. Snow-white roses are considered neutral among Europeans; they are given to colleagues or strangers. They are often included in business compositions, which is not customary to do in the CIS countries.


The meaning of pink roses is multifaceted. These flowers are considered the most exquisite and delicate. Due to the variety of shades, color transitions and inclusions, they are often used to dilute and complement monochromatic floral arrangements. A collection of pink flowers can mean the following:

  • sympathy;
  • nascent love feelings;
  • tenderness;
  • Gratitude;
  • Delight.

Delicate petals symbolize elegance and courtesy, politeness and courtesy.

Affectionate petals in the color of a flamingo's wing symbolize the kindest and most sincere feelings

Additional Information! You need to select pink flowers for the occasion depending on their shade. Bright and cherry tones are a sign of gratitude. Delicate and light shades are suitable for expressing sympathy.


Sun-colored inflorescences are suitable for a wide variety of occasions. The opinion that sunny petals are a sign of sadness is not true. Cases when golden flowers would be most appropriate:

  • Celebrating shared achievements with the recipient.
  • A sign of reconciliation between two lovers.
  • An expression of admiration, even admiration.
  • As a family composition to show the sweetness and regularity of marriage.

Other meanings:

  • activity;
  • friendship;
  • love of freedom;
  • care;
  • pride;
  • success.

Golden compositions are ideal for both a friend and a work colleague. Cream flowers are a sign of stability, permanence, elegance and tenderness. As a gift, they are suitable for a married couple with a strong and long marriage.

The negative attitude towards golden roses and their association with partings is explained by an ancient legend. It says that the snow-white flowers that the homewrecker was holding in her hands suddenly acquired a bright sunny hue. Catherine the Great introduced this shade into the flower language as a sign of separation and sadness. But in the modern language of flowers they have acquired a completely different meaning.

Golden inflorescences delight with their warmth, as if they have absorbed all the rays of the sun


If you want to express your love at first sight, you need to give beautiful orange roses. Fiery petals symbolize ardent and hot passion. Majesty and pride are demonstrated through the fiery color.

Peach shade is a symbol of gratitude and the most sincere, warm feelings.

Blue or lilac

Blue roses as such do not exist in nature. They are grown from light-colored varieties by adding dye to the water when watering. Thanks to this, the petals gradually acquire the desired color. Flowers of an unusual blue hue were often mentioned in literature as a symbol of something unrealizable. Now they are associated with the fulfillment of the wildest desires.

The unusual shade of the petals is not a gift of nature, but the work of man

Atypical purple and lilac roses are a sign of loyalty to one's ideals, success and determination. This is an ideal gift for men, especially those serving in the military. Another case when such flowers are worth presenting is if you want to hint about your sympathy and express hope for reciprocal feelings.

The most unusual in tone are black roses, which are actually dark burgundy. The color black is associated with grief and mourning. But in the language of flowers, such roses can be interpreted differently. This is a sign of efficiency, new beginnings, strength and spiritual rebirth.

Note! Compositions of black inflorescences are appropriate to present to business partners and to decorate rooms for official and business meetings with them.


Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, the color range of modern garden queens is extremely wide, so answering the question of what color roses are is quite difficult. There are even flowers with soft green petals - they are very unusual, attractive and incredibly beautiful.

The grass-colored inflorescences are extremely attractive and very delicate

Herbaceous and olive-colored inflorescences are not very suitable as a symbol of love and passion. These flowers denote fertility, success and generosity, stability and abundance. This is an ideal choice for congratulating colleagues and management; they can be presented as business gifts.

What do mixed bouquets or roses with a border mean?

What do snowdrops look like - what colors are they?

Knowing what colors roses come in and what they symbolize, you can create not only a beautiful composition, but also put meaning into it, express your feelings and wishes through flowers. Any combination of shades looks beautiful. They are combined depending on the intended meaning. Scarlet and snow-white inflorescences are a sign of passionate, endless love, and snow-white and golden ones are a sign of purity of thoughts and admiration. Combinations of roses and flowers with edging, which are selected depending on what feelings you want to express or to whom the composition is presented:

  • A combination of scarlet, fiery and sunny colors - the combination of these shades carries a powerful energy message that expresses admiration, love and immeasurable gratitude. Such mixes are suitable for wives with whom they have lived more than one year of happy life, and they will also be appropriate for bosses whose work evokes genuine respect.
  • A combination of scarlet and snow-white - if there are more dark inflorescences, this is a manifestation of love. If there are more light ones, it is a symbol of gratitude and recognition.
  • A snow-white bouquet with one scarlet rose – love and respect. If the composition is scarlet, and there is one light rose in it, this sign indicates that your beloved is one in a million.

Note! “I love you, I admire you, you are immensely beautiful” - these words can be expressed by a composition of delicate light inflorescences with a pink edging of the petals.

A mix of roses in one composition is a great solution for expressing your feelings


A bouquet of yellow roses looks bright and original, but the attitude towards it can be very ambiguous. It is believed that such flowers symbolize infidelity. They are often given to make amends and ask for forgiveness. Men sometimes buy yellow roses for women for whom they have only friendly feelings, to emphasize their special relationship or to thank them for a favor.

Symbolism of numbers, how many roses and when to give

Damascus nigella (Albina) - a flower of white, blue and blue colors

In addition to the correctly selected color of roses, which will help you express your feelings and thoughts, their number is important when composing a composition:

  • 3 is a symbol of strong, ardent and passionate love. At the same time, such a small composition is ideal for a colleague or good friend as a sign of respect. Depending on who the flowers are given to, their shade is selected.
  • 5 is a sign of prosperity, happiness and good luck. This is a neutral, most common number that is suitable for any occasion.
  • 7 – this number of roses can express any positive emotion – from feelings of falling in love to simple attention to a friend or a stranger. A composition of seven roses is suitable for a secret declaration of love, especially if they are scarlet.
  • 9 is a sign of admiration.
  • 15 – it is appropriate to give this many flowers when celebrating a dating or wedding anniversary. Another symbolism of the number is forgiveness, so 15 roses would be appropriate as a sign of reconciliation.
  • 19 – a bouquet of 19 roses is usually presented to newlyweds. According to the symbolism of the numbers, 19 is a sign of a happy and long life together.
  • 21 is a sign of ardent and strong love.
  • 27 is a symbol of fidelity, strong feelings; the composition is suitable as a gift for spouses on their marriage anniversary.
  • 29 is a symbol of eternal love.
  • 101 - so many roses are presented only to the woman you love.

Magnificent compositions are not needed to show feelings; sometimes modesty speaks better about love

You need to select the appropriate number of flowers based on the occasion for which they are presented:

  • If there is no specific reason and you just want to please your loved one, you should opt for 3 roses of a delicate light tone, without a border, the petals are half-open.
  • Birthday – the number is chosen based on how old the birthday person is. It is worth considering the fact that in the CIS countries they are biased towards an even number of flowers, believing that they are carried only for funerals. To get out of this situation beautifully, one rose should be replaced with another flower, which will successfully dilute the composition.
  • Anniversary - regardless of how old the birthday person is, the most suitable number of roses will be 11 pieces.
  • March 8 – on this day you should abandon large, elaborate compositions in favor of tenderness and elegance. The best option is lush but small light inflorescences. Bright, massive flowers with long stems are suitable for personal, individual events.
  • Graduation – 15 roses – the most appropriate option, wishes of happiness and success in future life.

Attention! For birthdays and anniversaries, if you want to give as many roses as you are old, but not an even number, you can give 1 less flower, but in no case more.

Love and attention are the most important meaning when composing compositions

Roses have earned the right to be called the queen of flowers. They are very beautiful, elegant and noble, appropriate for any occasion and life situation. The color range of these plants is surprising; each shade has its own meaning in the language of flowers. Knowing the symbolism of roses, you can use them to talk about your feelings, express love, respect, passion and gratitude.

Symbolism of the queen of flower beds

Now we perceive a rose as a declaration of pure and sincere love. But it also has other meanings. The Greeks noted that its round shape (without beginning or end) is like infinity. And its petals hint at the transience of life: as soon as the bud blooms, they inevitably begin to fade.

In Rome, she was considered a symbol of courage and bravery. And therefore, when going on a campaign, army soldiers wore wreaths made of these delicate plants. Because they believed that their hearts would be filled with courage, courage and desire to defend their homeland.

There was another unexpected belief that the rose is a sign of silence. In the Middle Ages, her image was embroidered on tapestries and hung in banquet halls. As if hinting that you shouldn’t run your mouth when succumbing to the influence of alcohol.

By the 19th century, only one meaning was assigned to this delicate plant - love. It was given to those to whom they wanted to tell about their admiration, sincere affection, and spiritual closeness. And men and women happily sent messages to each other using the meaning of the color of roses instead of personal letters.

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