Basic rules for watering zamioculcas at home

The importance of proper watering of Zamioculcas

Growing in natural conditions, plants absorb moisture during precipitation. When grown in an apartment, only a person can provide them with moisture.

Houseplants need water to:

  • feed the roots with the necessary nutrients from the soil and air, dissolving and transporting them;
  • participate in the construction of cells and tissues;
  • take part in the synthesis of organic matter;
  • protect from overheating and hypothermia.

The plant is 80–95% water.
Its deficiency provokes the development of various problems - yellowing and wilting of leaves, lethargy of shoots, shedding of unopened buds and, ultimately, the death of the plant. But water can also cause harm to the flower - causing burns and rot. In order to avoid problems, you need to learn how to water the plant correctly. Did you know? Due to its external resemblance to the Crassula, Zamioculcas is popularly called the dollar tree. Superstition says that, unlike the money tree, this plant attracts not just money to the family, but exclusively dollars.

How often to water a dollar tree

Zamioculcas prefers moderate watering from spring to autumn. Water the plant at the moment when the top soil layer dries out. In winter, the number of moisturizers should be reduced to a minimum. The soil surface should dry well between waterings. The flower does not respond well to excess moisture. With frequent and excessive moisture, its roots and stem can rot.

Watering combined with fertilizing

The general rule for fertilizing is to feed the plant into a moistened soil mixture, so the dollar tree needs to be watered first. It is not advisable to fertilize the plant too often. Zamioculcas accumulates nutrients in its tuber and consumes them little by little. Excess amounts of these substances are just as harmful to the plant as their deficiency.

During the growing season, Zamioculcas can be fed several times: with a mineral complex for succulents or deciduous houseplants at the beginning of the season, then twice more every month. In the middle of the growing season, you can carry out foliar feeding, adding the necessary microelements to the plant.

In winter, Zamioculcas does not require fertilizing, since the plant rests from October to March.

What water to use

To water indoor plants, use rain, melted water, filtered water, or water that has been standing for at least 12 hours (preferably 1–2 days) at room temperature. It is strictly forbidden to moisten flowers with cold, hard water. This negatively affects their condition and beauty, and also shortens their lifespan. It is possible to water with tap water after boiling. Since a huge part of the valuable elements disappears after this procedure, it is necessary to add vinegar (1 tsp / 1 l) or citric acid (5 crystals / 1 l) to it. It is recommended to water with this mixture no more than once every 30 days.

Did you know? Flower growers claim that a dollar tree attracts money to the house only if it is not purchased independently, but as a gift. In the house it should be grown in the wealth zone - in the southeastern part.

Feeding rules

If the appearance of the flower is not satisfactory, and the grower does not aim to grow it to a huge size, there is no particular need for frequent feeding.

The dollar tree has the ability to accumulate nutrients in the tuber and then gradually consume them.

The following signs indicate a deficiency:

  • yellowing of leaves;
  • drying and shedding of leaves;
  • pulling out stems;
  • the appearance of dark spots on the foliage.

Excess moisture is no less harmful to the plant.

Attention! A prerequisite for feeding zamioculcas is to first moisten the substrate in the pot.

In the spring and summer, the dollar tree is fertilized once every 2 weeks. It is advisable to alternate organic and mineral components.

In addition to root feeding, you can carry out foliar feeding by spraying the leaves with fertilizers diluted in water. But the procedure should be abandoned before the crop begins to flower, at the moment of bud formation.

During the autumn-winter period (from October to March), the dollar tree is dormant. At this time, fertilizers are applied to a minimum or not at all.

List of fertilizers

Ready-made drugs sold in specialty stores include:

  • Agricola. The product contains macro- and microelements that are soluble in water. Used for root feeding. Dilute 1 tsp in 2 liters of water. drug. Use no more than once every 10 days. It is important to ensure that the fertilizer does not get on the green parts of the flower. Under no circumstances should it be mixed with other fertilizers.
  • Agricola Aqua. Introduce into the soil and spray the leaves without diluting with water. Accelerates plant growth and flowering.
  • Pokon. A preparation for growing cacti, well suited for caring for Zamioculcas. It is poisonous to humans and animals; it must be used very carefully and stored in inaccessible places.
  • Uniflor growth. From 2.5 to 3 ml of the drug are diluted in 1 liter of water. Contains nitrogen. Promotes rapid growth of green mass.
  • Uniflor-bud. Liquid product based on phosphorus and potassium; before use, 3 mm of product is diluted in 1 liter of water. Activates the process of bud formation.
  • Master Color. Iron-based supplement. Preventative against chlorosis. Promotes flowering.

In addition to store-bought preparations, you can make fertilizer at home with your own hands:

  • Sugar water. Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of settled water. l. Sahara. Water with the resulting water no more than once a month.
  • Eggshell. The product is crushed and infused in water for 14 days. Fertilize the soil by watering it during planting and replanting.
  • Yeast. A packet of yeast (11 g) and 2 tablespoons of sugar are dissolved in 3 liters of water. Let it sit for 2 hours and water the dollar tree.
  • Banana. The peels of 2 bananas are poured with 2 liters of hot water. Leave to settle for 3 days and filter. Water with infusion once a month.
  • Citrus fruits (orange, tangerine, lemon). An excellent remedy for fungal diseases. 100 g of crushed zest is poured into 2 liters of boiling water, left for 24 hours. Filtered using a sieve, added to water in a ratio of 1:4. Water no more than once a week.

For greater effectiveness, it is good to combine ready-made drugs and homemade products.

Proper care, including proper, timely watering, greatly increases the chances that Zamioculcas will turn into a chic decorative tree that can decorate any interior.

Basic rules of watering

The basic rules for moistening zamioculcas are as follows:

  1. Do not over-moisten.
  2. Water infrequently, but abundantly.
  3. Make sure that drops do not fall on the stems and leaves.
  4. In summer, watering should be done in the evening, and in winter - in the morning.
  5. Moisturizing should be regular.
  6. There must be drainage at the bottom of the pot to prevent moisture stagnation.
  7. If a flower grows in a ceramic pot, it will need more moisture than a flower planted in a plastic container. Plastic retains moisture better.
  8. More moisture for indoor culture will be required at high air temperatures, low humidity, dense soil and intense light.
  9. Plants that are in the active growth phase and during the flowering period need to be watered more often.

Water requirements

It is not advisable to use tap water for irrigation. It is allowed to settle (at least 10-12 hours) or filtered. Hard water harms the plant; salts clog the pores on the leaves and affect the respiration process. You can also water with rain or melt.

The water should not be cold. This negatively affects the appearance of the flower and its development as a whole. The water temperature must be at least 18°C.

Once or twice a month you can add citric acid to the water at the rate of 0.5-1 g per 1 liter of water.

How to water Zamioculcas at home

The moisture regime will differ depending on the time of year and the growth phase of the flower.

in winter

In winter, the flower needs to be watered approximately once every 3-4 weeks. The owner needs to monitor the condition of the top soil layer. After it has completely dried, you need to wait a few more days and only then carry out the next moistening.

In summer

In summer, watering should be infrequent but plentiful.

You can water Zamioculcas in 2 ways:

  • top or classic;
  • bottom, into the pallet.

Important! In case of short-term absence, the pots can be placed in a large plastic container with wet wipes and paper or a low level of water.

When moistening at the root, the frequency of watering is determined by the owner based on the condition of the soil - its top layer should dry out 2 cm deep. The exact number of days between waterings will depend on the temperature and humidity, light intensity, age and size of the flower, and soil composition. For example, if the weather is cloudy outside for a long time, then you will need to water less often. In the heat, the number and volume of moisture increases.

If it is difficult for a person to determine whether the soil is sufficiently moistened, you can stick a stick or finger into the ground. If the layer below is wet, it means the soil is sufficiently moistened. Watering at the root is carried out with a watering can with a thin spout to avoid dripping on the trunk and leaves. This will prevent sunburn.

When watering into a tray, proceed as follows:

  1. Pour water into the pan.
  2. After 15–20 minutes, drain off the remainder.
  3. Lightly water the top soil layer.
  4. After 15 minutes, pour water into the pan again.
  5. After 10–15 minutes, drain off the remainder.

This method of watering is preferable for zamioculcas, since with it the plant can independently regulate the amount of moisture it needs.
It is imperative to drain the leftovers. Otherwise, the roots may rot. Important! Zamioculcas organs contain poisonous juice. It is not recommended to keep it in a home where there are small children and pets.

Features of watering

After transplant

The dollar tree does not need frequent replanting due to the characteristics of its root system: it does not grow quickly.

The first time it needs to be replanted after purchasing it in a store, because the technical soil in which the flower is sold is only suitable for transportation and is not suitable for plant growth. Further:

  • for the first 3 years, the container and substrate are changed annually;
  • then - once every 2 years.

After transplantation, the plant needs to be given time to adapt to new conditions, so it is not watered for 7-10 days, then irrigated with a small amount of water. Gradually the volume is increased.

Tip: To prevent overwatering, ensure adequate drainage. Choose a container with holes or make them yourself, place a layer of expanded clay on the bottom, and place the container itself on a tray or plate.

In summer

In spring and summer, the dollar tree is watered abundantly, 1-2 times a week (depending on air humidity and temperature). At the same time, make sure that the soil is completely dry by the time of the next watering.

There is no need to moisten the leaves even in the hottest weather. To give them a beautiful shiny look, you can periodically wipe off the dust with a damp cloth.

Information: in the summer, the culture is kept on the balcony, loggia, terrace, avoiding direct sunlight to avoid burns.

in winter

In winter, the plant is watered once a month.

In the fall, the dollar tree begins to prepare for the dormant period that comes in winter.

Many physiological processes of the plant gradually slow down and growth stops. Water is needed only to prevent complete dehydration and drying out.

The frequency of watering is reduced: from November to February, when the flower is in a cool room (12-15°C), the procedure is carried out once a month.

At higher temperatures, zamioculcas is watered more often: once every 3 weeks.

Combining fertilizing with watering

From mid-spring to late summer, the flower needs to be fed. 2 feedings are needed per month. Ready-made fertilizers designed for succulents and cacti are suitable for Zamioculcas. It is recommended to reduce the indicated dosage on the package by 2 times. Fertilizer application must be combined with moisture.

The flower can also be fed by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. Once a month, you can apply foliar feeding with urea or complex mineral bait. In autumn and winter, the flower does not need feeding.

Is it possible to spray?

Spraying is permissible only in hot weather, when the temperature rises to 30-35ºС.

Flower growers advise wiping the leaves with a damp cloth once a week as a sanitary treatment. Dust and pollution provoke the appearance of spider mites and inhibit photosynthesis.

Important! After water procedures, the foliage is wiped or allowed to dry in a shaded place, and then the pots are returned to their place (the sun leaves spots on wet leaves).

The dangers of improper watering

Zamioculcas can tolerate irregular watering and drought for a long time. But it does not tolerate waterlogging well.

If the plant lacks moisture or has too much moisture, it will inform the owner about this by changes in appearance:

  1. Softening and yellowing of leaves. This change indicates that the plant is watered too often and abundantly. It is necessary to reduce the volume and increase the intervals between waterings.
  2. Drying of the tips of the leaves. This may be a symptom of indoor air that is too dry. The plant needs to be regularly sprayed and the leaves wiped with a damp cloth.

  3. Yellowing and drying of foliage. Most likely, the plant does not have enough moisture. You need to water it more often or more abundantly.

  4. Rotting of the stem and tuber. Rot settles on the plant due to excessive watering and cold temperatures. If it is insignificant, then you can cut out the rotten area and treat the cut area with crushed charcoal, and then transplant the flower into a new pot and soil. In case of severe rotting, it will be necessary to rejuvenate the plant by propagating it with leaves or cuttings. You will have to say goodbye to the mother flower; it will not be possible to resuscitate it.

Find out how and how long Zamioculcas blooms at home.

Despite the fact that Zamioculcas grows well with minimal care, watering is needed for its stable growth, proper development and maximum decorativeness. Before you start such a flower in your home, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations on the method, frequency and volume of moisture, and strictly adhere to them.

How to water zamioculcas

Zamioculcas loves soft water, similar in composition to rainwater. Of course, at home you have to use tap water, which needs to sit for at least a day.

When watering, you should also take into account the temperature of the water - it should not be too warm or too cold, ideally - the ambient temperature or 1-2 degrees higher. It is especially important to know how to water zamioculcas in winter - watering with cold water in a cool room is dangerous for the plant.

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The best option would be to take into account the microclimate in the room and adjust the watering regime when it changes.

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