Takka: home care for an exotic flower. Rules for transplanting and watering, growing instructions, photos

What does taka look like?

In the photo, the takka looks like a massive flower on a long thin stalk, surrounded by large succulent leaves. In fact, this is not one flower, but a whole composition, which consists of several umbrella-shaped inflorescences surrounded by massive bracts.

The inflorescences have a dark purple hue. Takka can grow up to a meter in height. Large leaves are located closer to the roots.

Secrets of success

Camellia (camellia). description, types and care of camellia

Takka is a heat-loving plant. She prefers to maintain the temperature around +27-29°C throughout the spring-autumn period. In the cold season, it is recommended to reduce the temperature to +18-20°C. Lower rates can lead to the death of the plant.

It requires light, but requires diffuse lighting and complete protection from direct sunlight. Eastern and western windows are optimal for Takka. It is also possible to keep it near southern windows, but not on window sills.

Takka needs abundant watering, but does not tolerate waterlogging. The humidity at which the plant feels comfortable is more than 50%. It is recommended to spray it regularly and wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

What types exist

Takka flowers can look different. It depends on the type of plant, of which there are not many - about 10. The most common flowers from the tacaceae family are:

  1. Takka Chantrier. The flower that most closely resembles an orchid. The entire crown has a purple tint and an umbrella shape.
  2. Pinnatifida. A monochromatic green plant that bears little resemblance to a flower. Can grow up to 3 meters in height.
  3. Entireleaf. It is sometimes called the "white bat". It differs from the famous Chantrier in that the petals that form an “umbrella” are white and rise above the main inflorescences.
  4. Palmate. It differs in that it is green in color and rather large fruits quickly appear in place of the inflorescences.
  5. Takka Parker. It does not have pronounced massive bracts, but is distinguished by its original color - green with bright ink splashes.

Caring for black lilies

What soil is best to plant black lilies in? The soil must be well drained. If water stagnates in it in winter, the bulbs can not only suffer, but also die. In order to prevent them from drying out, it is necessary to plant the bulbs immediately after purchase. The depth at which they should be placed depends on the characteristics of a particular variety. However, a prerequisite for growing a plant such as Asiatic lily is the presence of coarse sand at the bottom of the hole.

Then you need to straighten the roots and sprinkle them with the same sand on top. During active flower growth, the roots of the plant should not be allowed to dry out. To do this, they are watered regularly, especially often during dry periods. Sometimes you can add liquid fertilizer to the soil.

Asiatic lily loves well-mulched soil. Compost or peat is suitable for these purposes. You should not loosen the soil around the plant. If the height of the flower exceeds one meter, it is tied to a support. Faded flowers are removed, flower stalks are cut to soil level. Using dry leaves or peat, mulch the ground above the plant.

What should home care be like?

Caring for takka is somewhat reminiscent of caring for orchids. The takka plant is considered tropical, so for comfort it requires:

  • humidity: taka does not tolerate dry air, the plant requires regular moisture; here all means can be used: air humidifiers, spraying with water and even “steam baths” (leaving the takka at night in a room filled with steam)
  • light: taka will grow well in a shady place, it is better to protect it from direct exposure to the sun
  • temperature: in the room where the takka is located, the temperature should not fall below +18 degrees, it is also necessary to provide access to fresh air, while avoiding drafts
  • watering: in summer it requires daily watering with water at room temperature; in cool periods it is necessary to monitor how quickly the flower absorbs moisture and also water regularly

Features of home care

Takka is a flower that needs special care at home. The required temperature and high humidity in the room where the plant is located should be maintained. It is important to carry out watering and spraying, replanting, and monitor the condition and appearance of the flower on time.

For your information! Thanks to proper care at home, Taka Chantrier black can bloom all year round, resting only in the winter months.

How to achieve this result?

The devil's flower can bloom all year long

Seven secrets of success:

1. Growing temperature : throughout the year the temperature is from 18 to 21° C.
2. Lighting : A well-lit location with plenty of reflected sunlight. Takka can only take sunbathing in the morning or evening. From time to time, the flower pot is turned in different directions towards the light source.
3. Watering and air humidity : abundant and regular watering in spring and summer with light drying of the top layer of soil. In autumn and winter months, the frequency of watering is slightly reduced. Air humidity should definitely be increased.
4. Pruning : sanitary - carried out to maintain an attractive appearance and prevent the spread of fungal diseases, consists of timely removal of old yellowed leaves and fading flowers with a sharp sterile instrument.
5. Soil : nutritious and loose organic-based substrate with excellent drainage and a pH level close to neutral.
6. Feeding : in spring and summer, feeding 2 times a month; in autumn and winter, fertilizing is stopped and resumed only in the spring, with the appearance of the first young leaves.
7. Reproduction : Takka reproduces by division during spring transplantation or by sowing seeds in spring.

Botanical name : Tacca.

Takka flower - family . Takkovye.

Origin . West Africa, Southeast Asia.

Description . Takka or bat plant is a large evergreen perennial plant. The leaves are very large - up to 60 cm long, glossy, green, oval, with numerous pronounced veins, on long petioles. The flowering of taka is an extremely unusual sight. The flowers reach a diameter of 3 cm, and long, numerous tendrils descend from the flower to 60 cm. Shades of flowers include white, dark burgundy, almost black, purple, beige, green.

Plants bloom for the first time at the age of 2 - 3 years, when 2 - 3 true leaves are formed. Each plant can form 6 to 12 flower stalks during the warmer months.

Height . It grows slowly, depending on the species, it can reach a height of 1 m.


You can prepare a substrate for planting from peat, sand and turf soil, but even the slightest deviation in the composition is unacceptable. It is preferable to use a ready-made substrate for growing orchids.

Air temperature and ventilation

Takka is thermophilic. In the warm season, it is recommended to maintain the air temperature in the range of 26-29 °C. But flower growers note that takka feels better at an air temperature of 20-23 °C, and at temperatures above 24 °C it can suffer from fungal infections.

With the onset of autumn, lower the air temperature to 20 °C, but do not lower the thermometer below 18 °C.

Ventilate the room, but protect it from drafts.


The second important principle for caring for a plant is the correct lighting. The plant should not be in direct sunlight, but moderately bright diffused light is necessary for growth, lush flowering and full development of the flower.

Important! You should not move the pot from place to place, as the takka gets used to a certain location and if the lighting changes, it may die or stop blooming.


From early spring to late autumn, Tacca black needs abundant watering. But you need to make sure that the top layer of soil has time to dry out a little. During the cold season, the plant needs to be watered much less frequently. The soil should dry out by more than half. But you can’t overdry or overwater the plant.


It is necessary to moisten the surface of the leaves at least 2 times a day, and also regularly wipe them from dust.


During the period of active growth (spring-mid-autumn), apply mineral fertilizers every 2 weeks. Fertilizing for orchids is allowed.


Takka is a herbaceous plant and does not require pruning. Only wilted flowers should be removed to maintain a decorative appearance and stimulate further bud formation.


Taki pinnately cut tuber photo

Replant as needed: when the roots completely fill the pot. This happens approximately once every 2-3 years. It is best to replant in the spring. Increase the capacity of the container slightly compared to the previous one. A loose, breathable substrate is required. The following soil mixtures are suitable:

  1. One part each of leaf soil and peat with the addition of 0.5 parts sand and a small amount of turf soil.
  2. A mixture based on peat with the addition of leaf soil and a small amount of perlite.

Taka flowering time

It blooms from June to December, the flowering period is very long. Plants bloom for the first time at the age of 2 - 3 years.

Reproduction methods

The main method of propagation of takka is from seeds, which are easily obtained from inflorescences. Before planting, they must be placed in warm water and left for a day. It is advisable to maintain the water temperature at the same level. To do this, you can wrap the container with foil or heat-retaining materials.

You can also soak the seeds in a thermos. After this, it is necessary to plant the seeds one at a time in peat cups with soil, but so that no more than 1 centimeter remains to the surface.

Cups with seeds should be kept in greenhouse conditions and sprayed with water daily. The germination process can take from a month to six months.

Another way is to divide the rhizome. During transplantation, it is necessary to divide the plant and cut off the top part so that the rhizome remains intact. When transplanting, the cut must be treated with activated carbon and transplanted to a new location.


Cryptomeria: description, types, care and reproduction

According to the botanical classification, Tacca chantrieri has nothing in common with either orchids or lilies.

It belongs to a special family Dioscoreaceae, the genus Tacca, which includes more than 15 species of plants.

It grows wild in the dense thickets of Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia, from southern China to northern Malaysia. It grows only on the continent, without moving to numerous islands.

Its large, bright green, oval-shaped leaves can reach 60 cm in length. In Thai medicine, this plant is considered healing; medicines are made from its roots.

It was in Thailand that it was discovered by the first researchers. One can only imagine what impression the “black lily” made on the first European travelers. Among the thick and bright tropical greenery, surrounded by wide leaves, a dark spot of an unusual shape suddenly appeared, with a silhouette pointed at the corners, with a fan of long stamens.

The outlines of this flower, close to a triangle or trapezoid, could resemble the silhouette of a bat, the face of a black cat with a long mustache, and even the devil.

INFORMATION: The flowering period of takka is from June to December.

Threats that may arise

Takka is more resistant to external influences than orchids. By and large, only two dangers can lie in wait for her:

  • root rot: if the owner does not know how to water a flower and overfills the plant with water; in this case, to save the takka, you need to get the plant out of its pot, shake off the soil from the roots, cut off all damaged areas and completely replace the soil
  • spider mites: growing at home is fraught with insufficient air humidity, which can provoke the appearance of a parasite that feeds on leaf sap; in this case, treatment with a special insecticide can help

When and how does it bloom

Ctenanthus flower - home care

Under natural conditions, Takka Chantrier grows high in the mountains; in tropical climates it blooms from February to August.

The flower does not have any special properties to attract pollinators. But insects are attracted by the subtle smell of spoiled meat and the shine of a flower. The thread-like bracts serve as food for insects, and the large bracts can be used to wait out a thunderstorm or spend the night.

The Takka flower exudes an unusual aroma

The flower is bell-shaped or cup-shaped. Bracts of various shapes are arranged in two circles.

Flowering period

At home, a takka flower can bloom for 8-9 months in a row if you care for it properly.

Changes in care during the flowering period

During the flowering period, it is important to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room, water and spray frequently, avoid drafts, and fertilize every 10 days.

Unusual beneficial properties of taka

In countries where takka grows in the wild, the description of the flower is not words of admiration for its beauty, but a tribute to its beneficial properties. For example, the takki root system contains large amounts of starch, which is widely used in the local production of sweets and bakery products.

It is almost impossible to repeat this at home, since in addition to starch, the root contains a dangerous substance. Before making takka products, its roots undergo special processing.

In some countries, the berries that ripen in takki are actively consumed. Various fishing devices are made from the durable stem.

In addition, in tropical countries, takka is used as a medicine for various diseases and ailments. However, in our latitudes, takka is just an ornamental plant that plays only an aesthetic role.

Takka is a truly unusual plant that will decorate any home. Caring for it indoors will not be difficult; the plant will make great friends with any orchid and will look harmonious next to it.

You will be able not to separate care rituals and carry them out for these flowers at the same time. This will allow you to save valuable time. In addition, such a houseplant can become an exotic gift that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Signs and superstitions

Takka Chantrier is a very unusual plant that blooms for a relatively long time. The flower changes from a light shade of green to a dark purple, almost black color. In nature, only a few plants can boast such a rare range of colors.

There are many legends and stories associated with the takka flower. This exotic plant is used for magical rituals and ceremonies; it is not for nothing that it is called the devil’s flower.

Takka Chantrier is a beautiful plant that requires special care and attention. If you follow all the rules for keeping a flower, it will decorate any home or winter garden with a wonderful view and unusual color palette. In addition, takka can be easily propagated and increase your own collection of outlandish representatives of the flora, which are on the verge of extinction.

Photo of indoor plant Takka

Exotic Flowers Takka – Bat

This unusual plant is considered a collectible and can be difficult to find in garden centers, but is sometimes sold specifically for Halloween.

The Bat flower can be grown at home in a similar way to orchids, with sufficient humidity, strong air flow and low to moderate light. Under these conditions, it can serve as a houseplant.

The bracts look like bat wings. The flower is a unique addition to any gardener's collection. It has shiny, bright green leaves. Numerous thread-like bracts hang from the flowers, resembling long tendrils.

The most common are Takka Chantrier; her wing is dark purple. More recently, a new species was introduced - Takka entireifolia - has white “wings”.

Bat Flower Bat - Tacca entirefolia - Plants Angiosperms, Monocots, Dioscoreaceae Family: Dioscoreaceae Genus: Tacca Species: T. integrifolia

Flowers should remain on the stem until they bloom naturally. Flowers are not suitable for cutting into bouquets. Once the flowers are cut, the plant quickly declines—the flowers cannot be cut out. The bat flower will begin to bloom as soon as two leaves appear and can bloom up to 8 times in one season. As a rule, it blooms from late summer to late autumn.

Takka Flowers - Care

Takka flower likes to be planted in a wide pot with very rich and well-draining soil. Prefers soils containing 50% pine bark, 40% peat and 10% sand, or similar combinations. When the Tacca flower is outdoors, it is best to place it in the shade of the garden. Indoors, it needs bright, but not direct, light.

Keep The Bat Flower's soil consistently moist; a saucer underneath will help insure this condition. Like an orchid, it needs fertilizer once every two weeks or as needed.

This plant requires a humid climate to survive; when grown indoors, it will appreciate regular misting with water. The root braid of the Takka flower will come to life in the spring and release a flower before giving rise to new shoots. It will thrive in fresh soil every year.

Takka flowers can be propagated by division from a tuber or rhizome, and sometimes from seeds. When replanting in the spring, you can take rhizome divisions to plant a new plant. Old, large rhizomes can be trimmed. Place the leaves and roots back into their original pots.

Takka flowers are, for the most part, not damaged by pests and diseases; although snails and slugs do bother them sometimes.

Care for your flying flower properly and you will have such an unusual, extravagant flower every fall.

The genus Tacca includes Bat and arrowroot flowers, and they grow in the tropical forests of South America, Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia, and on various oceanic islands. Several species, with their bold foliage and large flowers, are cultivated as ornamental plants.

Famous flowers go by the names Black Flower, Black Lily, Devil Flower and Cat Whiskers. Other cultivars include arrowroot - T. pinnatifida leontopetaloides and T. rough comb

Black flower, Takka Chantrier is an unusual plant precisely in that it has black flowers. These flowers have long "mustaches". There are ten species of Tacca. One of them, T. integrifolia, commonly called "white bat", is similar to T. chantrieri, but has white bracts streaked with purple. T. integrifolia is almost twice as large as T. chantrieri.

Tacca chantrierei is native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia and southern China. That's why they prefer shade. They grow best in well-drained soil with good air circulation, but prefer high humidity and need a lot of water. They are hardy, tolerate cold temperatures down to 4.5 ° C

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