Fitoverm for indoor plants: complete instructions for use

Fitoverm saves plants from a complex of pests both on the site and at home. But the instructions for using Fitoverm for indoor plants have several important differences from the rules for processing garden crops.
In this article I will tell you how to dilute the drug for home flowers in order to achieve the final destruction of harmful living creatures.

Description of the drug Fitoverm

The product has a biological basis and is produced in Russia. It is destructive to many ticks and sucking or gnawing insects, that is, it is both an acaricide and an insecticide.

The drug is sold in vessels of different capacities:

  1. Ampoules of 2, 4 and 5 milliliters.
  2. Bottles of 10, 30, 50, 100, 200 and 400 milliliters.
  3. 5 liter canisters.

For home floriculture, it is better to take the minimum packaging - 2 milliliters. After dilution, this volume is enough to treat all indoor plants, even if there are many of them.

Fitoverm rids open and closed ground crops of many pests:

  • aphids;
  • scale insects;
  • gall mites;
  • whiteflies;
  • leaf roller;
  • caterpillars;
  • thrips;
  • moth;
  • mealybugs.

The drug is marketed in the following forms:

  1. Fitoverm M is enriched with a special contact adhesive, which enhances the effect of treatment.
  2. Fitoverm Forte has a more powerful effect.
  3. Fitoverm P is produced in powder form and is intended to combat nematodes.

The active ingredient of Fitoverm is aversectin C. It is a natural toxin produced by the soil radiant fungus Streptomyces avermitilis.

The poison penetrates the body of the parasites through the contact-intestinal route and, on average, paralysis occurs after 16 hours. Insects stop feeding and die of hunger 2-3 days after spraying. Mass extermination of insects occurs on the 5-7th day.

Operating principle

The biological substance is characterized by low toxicity. It is produced by distillation from streptomyces fungi living in the soil.

When the active substance gets inside the pest, it has a nerve-paralytic effect on it. First, the nervous system of the parasite is affected, it cannot move and feed, as a result of which it dies from starvation within 72 hours.

Watch the video! How to prepare a Fitoverm solution to kill spider mites

Fitoverm acts a little more slowly on sucking insects. They die within 5-7 days.

Advice! Sucking pests will need to be treated about 3 times to completely destroy them.

The drug is popular due to its relative safety. However, it loses its effectiveness after contact with water and quickly decomposes into the soil. In 2 days the product will completely evaporate and will not harm the soil.

Interesting! Analogs of the drug decompose in the soil in about 30 days.

How to properly use Fitoverm for indoor flowers

For a good result from treatment with Fitoverm, three main conditions are observed:

  1. Warm. After spraying, the flowers are kept at a temperature not lower than +25 degrees. The drug almost does not work at temperatures below +18 degrees.
  2. Multiple treatments.
    At a temperature of +20...25 degrees, the solution is sprayed 3-4 times with an interval of 7 days. If it is hot at home, the break is reduced to 5 days.
  3. Times of Day. Fitoverm quickly loses its strength under solar radiation, so it is better to do treatments in the pre-sunset hours.

Fitoverm does not affect insect larvae and eggs. Only repeated use deprives pests of a chance to restore the population.

I recommend performing at least 4 applications, even if after spraying three times the insects have completely disappeared. But then for the last time use a weak solution with a concentration of 2 g/l.

To prevent mass infection, be sure to spray not only the plant being attacked, but also its neighbors on the windowsill or shelf.

The solution is applied to dry leaves using a fine spray bottle. If there are few leaves, it is good to use sponges or cotton pads.

To ensure success in the fight against parasites, spraying is carried out at the earliest signs of their presence on a houseplant.

Treatment begins at the top of the flower and gradually moves down to the lower tier of the plant. At the same time, the front and back sides of the leaf plate are generously moistened - this is where the majority of pests usually hide.

The remains of the solution are spilled onto the soil in the pots. This allows you to kill off insects that are still sitting in the soil.

For 24 hours after applying the solution, domestic flowers are not watered and the air around them is not humidified. The fact is that the drug quickly deactivates at high humidity .

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the drug Fitoverm the following can be noted:

  • Effectively fights about 20 types of pests.
  • It does not penetrate into the plant or fruit through plant membranes, therefore it does not accumulate in the fruit.

Important! Fitoverm can be used during fruiting without harm to human health.

  • Can be used at any phase of plant development when parasites appear.
  • Becomes more effective at high temperatures.
  • Does not inhibit treated plants.
  • Disintegrates quickly in the ground.
  • Does not have resistance.
  • It is sold in containers of different volumes, so it is convenient to use a specific dosage.

Over the many years of using the drug, several disadvantages were discovered:

  1. High price. Fitoverm is several times more expensive than other insecticides.
  2. Relatively weak efficiency. Since this is a biological substance, plants must be processed several times to obtain the desired result, but it does not cause significant harm to crops.

  3. Cannot be combined with other pesticides.
  4. Harmful to honey insects.
  5. Has an unpleasant odor.
  6. Not suitable for soil treatment, as the substance quickly evaporates.
  7. Loses effectiveness upon contact with water. Therefore, during processing, an adhesive substance must be added to the solution. For example, soap.

Plants must be processed in clear weather without precipitation, otherwise the procedure will not bring results.

For spraying use a fine spray. The product is evenly distributed over the leaves.

Advice! Treatment is carried out in the evening, since in the dark avermectin B1 slowly decomposes and the effect of the drug will be longer.

Spraying is not carried out during precipitation and at air temperatures below +17 °C.

Instructions for using Fitoverm for different indoor plants


Flowers often suffer from aphids, mites and thrips. To save violets from harm, their flower stalks are removed and the entire green part is sprayed. The procedure is performed 3-4 times with an interval of 4 days.

The soil in the pots should also be thoroughly moistened with the drug solution or even replaced with a new one.

It is advisable to supplement the solution with Solvet-Gold (according to the instructions). It facilitates the distribution of poison across the leaves.

Treated plants are temporarily removed to a dark place, otherwise unsightly spots may appear on their leaves.


Aphids on an orchid

Fitoverm effectively saves orchids from mites.

To save the plant, proceed in the following order:

  1. The flower is taken out of the container and the container is treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. The roots are carefully freed from the substrate, washed under gentle pressure of warm water and placed in a weak solution of the drug for 10 minutes.
  3. The leaves are well moistened with the solution, after which the plant is moved to a dry, shaded place for a day.
  4. Then the flower is planted in new clean soil.


The crop is susceptible to infection by thrips, mites, whiteflies and aphids.

Lily leaves are wiped with a solution of the drug on both sides. This causes death in gnawing insects after 6-8 hours, in sucking species - after 1-2 days.

The last treatment is performed after three weeks.


Reddish-brown and dirty yellow spots often form on ficus leaves. These are traces of scale insect activity.

The greenery of the plant is wiped with a soft cloth soaked in bioinsecticide. It is useful to alternate treatments with Fitoverm with spraying with tobacco infusion.

Don't forget to generously spray the soil around the plant. In total, 2-3 treatments are done with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks.

In what case is it used?


Fitoverm is a biologically active drug that destroys common and red spider mites, aphids, thrips, and leaf-eating caterpillars.

All compounds that destroy harmful insects are divided into 2 groups:

  • contact;
  • intestinal.

Contact ones fall on the integument of pests and destroy them, and intestinal ones enter the intestines of insects; they eliminate pests only after 3-4 days. Fitoverm has a double effect, it is both contact and intestinal.

How to use - step-by-step instructions

To obtain a working solution of Fitoverm, you need to dilute 1 ampoule (5 ml) in water. Read the instructions carefully.

To destroy pests of indoor plants, treatment is done 4 times, with an interval of 7-10 days between treatments:

  • against spider mites, pour 1 ampoule into 2.5 liters of clean water;
  • for aphids, add 1 ampoule to 0.6 liters of water;
  • for thrips, add 1 ampoule to 0.5 liters of water.

After preparing the solution, it must be applied immediately.

Use any sprayer that sprays. Moisten indoor flowers evenly, since the poison begins to act only after the pests come into contact with the skin, as soon as they eat the leaves that are soaked in the poison.

Hazard class and precautions

Fitoverm belongs to the means of medium danger level. This means that when working with it, exposed skin and especially mucous membranes should be protected.

They cover their heads with a scarf, wear clothes with long trousers and sleeves, and hide their faces under a mask and glasses. In all manipulations with the drug, thick, waterproof gloves must be used.

It is better to carry out processing on an open balcony or in a well-ventilated room.

While spraying the solution, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke. Signs of Fitoverm poisoning include nausea and vomiting. If the solution accidentally gets inside the body, you should immediately drink plenty of water with activated charcoal and cleanse your stomach.

The remaining solution is poured under the plants or into the toilet.

The unopened drug is kept in a dark and dry place where it is inaccessible to children and animals. Shelf life - 2 years.

The drug is compatible with bioregulators (Epin Extra, Zircon), organophosphorus insecticides and pyrethroids. It should not be combined with alkaline products and chemical pesticides.

A universal rule applies here: if you mix two drugs and observe precipitation, it means they do not mix well with each other .

Impact speed and compatibility

“Fitoverm” is compatible with:

  • growth regulators (Ribav-Extra, Zircon, Epin);
  • organophosphate insecticides;
  • the main pesticides that are used to treat indoor flowers;
  • with pyrethroids;
  • fertilizers;
  • fungicides.

But it is forbidden to mix it with substances that have alkaline properties. If you mixed any drug and Fitoverm, and the resulting composition precipitated, then these substances cannot be combined.

6 hours after using the drug, gnawing insect pests do not eat and freeze for 2-3 days. And then they die.

Sucking insects need more days. They stop eating after 12 hours and die after 2 days. The bulk of them die after 5-7 days. And the leaves of the flowers retain the poison for 1-3 weeks. According to experiments, the drug has the worst effect on aphids.

Indications for use

Fitoverm helps to destroy most of the harmful insects that attack indoor flowers. The most dangerous among them are the following:

  1. Aphid. Green, yellow or black insects, the body length of which reaches 5 mm. In those areas of crops where the pest infests, stickiness increases, shoots and flowers begin to wither and wither, curl into a tube and become deformed.
  2. Thrips. The insect is so small that it is almost impossible to detect with the naked eye. Its presence can be determined only by the lightened dots - the results of its life activity on plants. They affect not only foliage, but also flowers with buds.
  3. Whiteflies. Small pests that weaken crops. In appearance they resemble small butterflies. They can be found on the inside of the leaf. After shaking the plant, the insects fly away in different directions.
  4. Spider mites. Another pest that covers the plant with a thin light cobweb. Foliage damaged by them loses its rich color, becomes covered with whitish spots and most often dies.

Reviews about the use of the drug for flowers

Lyudmila: “I regularly treat all indoor flowers with Fitoverm. They are on the balcony on the first floor, so someone is always getting into them. There were no problems with the drug. The main condition is to treat several times, even after the symptoms disappear.” Evgenia: “I tried to save the violets from the mite. I put the flowers in the bathroom and thoroughly treated them with a 2 ml solution, but the drug did not help. I probably discovered the problem too late.” Ekaterina: “I have 5 orchids. Recently I found mites under the leaves on two flowers. Just in case, I treated the entire flowerbed at once: 3 treatments, dosage 2 ml/l. I’m happy with the result, now the flowers are in perfect order!”

Purpose and application

"Fitoverm" has a wide spectrum of insectoacaronematocidal action and is highly effective against leaf-eating and leaf-sucking plant pests, as well as against many ecto- and endoparasites of farm animals.

This is one of the recommended medications for ticks, including spider mites. Efficiency has been confirmed in treatments against aphids, lepidopteran caterpillars, sawfly larvae, sea buckthorn flies, codling moths, cabbage and turnip moths, leaf rollers, moths, Colorado potato beetles and many others. etc. When treating indoor and greenhouse flowers, Fitoverm is effective for controlling the number of western flower thrips. The vegetative parts of the plant are sprayed against pests with a working solution obtained from an emulsion concentrate.

The powder form “Fitoverma” is used for uniform distribution in the soil to combat root-knot nematodes.

The drug is actively used in private household plots and in agriculture.

Fitoverm against whitefly. Tips and questions

Fitoverm against whitefly

Fitoverm against whitefly

Whitefly most often damages fuchsias and geraniums. Roses, some types of begonias, heliotrope, impatiens, orchids, and primroses suffer from it. In recent years, whiteflies can be found even in open ground in garden plots. The whitefly is active in the house all year round, is very prolific and reproduces quickly.

Adult insects look like a small butterfly, 1-1.5 mm long. They lay eggs on the underside of leaves. Whitish or watery-milky oval flat larvae are inactive. They feed on plant sap more often on the underside of leaves.

In places of accumulation, sugary secretions are left, on which sooty fungus settles. Damaged leaves and stems become discolored and deformed. Leaves, buds and flowers fall off prematurely.

This pest is also dangerous because it quickly moves to nearby plants and penetrates into neighboring rooms.

To get rid of whiteflies, infected plants are sprayed once every 5-7 days with insecticides (actara, bazudine, fury, fufanon, fitoverm, regent, sherpa, arrivo, etc.).

It is safer to use an alcohol extract of pyrethrum in rooms (20 ml of extract and 5 g of laundry soap per 1 liter of water). To prepare the extract, 25 g of dry pyrethrum are infused in 100 g of 70% alcohol for 12 hours, after which it is filtered. Pyrethrum can be replaced with yarrow or ground hot red pepper.

An infusion or decoction of insecticidal plants is effective against whiteflies: 80-100 g of crushed dry yarrow grass or dry citrus peels, pour 1 liter of boiling water for 4-5 hours or cold water for 1.5-2 days. Strain, add 2-5 g of soap. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

But it is difficult to defeat the whitefly only by spraying plants with poisons. When sprayed, adult insects fly away and lay eggs again. You can get rid of butterflies using a vacuum cleaner.

Having installed it so that it is convenient to collect pests, leave the room for half an hour - they will calm down. Then, turn on the vacuum cleaner, carefully collect the insects and wash the plants under a warm shower. When the leaves dry (but no later than the next day, otherwise new butterflies will hatch), the plants are sprayed with insecticides.

You need to work with insecticidal solutions from plants just as carefully as with chemical insecticides. Protect your hands with gloves, and when spraying, put a respirator or gauze bandage over your mouth and nose. To protect your eyes - glasses.

During treatment, pets and an aquarium with fish are removed from the room. At the end (or after 2 hours), the room is ventilated. Hands and face are washed thoroughly with soap.

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