Beautiful Calla: a sign of death or a talisman of family happiness

Callas, among other flowers, are distinguished by their delicate, mesmerizing beauty due to their large white corolla, similar to a bird’s wing, which is why they are popularly called callas. The new varieties look luxurious and elegant, exuding a subtle scent of vanilla, with bracts of various colors: pink, blue, burgundy and even black.

But there are many legends, signs and magical superstitions surrounding calla lilies, because of which some gardeners do not dare to have this flower at home.

Briefly about the plant

The homeland of calla lilies is Africa, where these plants grow up to 1.5-2 m tall, populating wet wetlands. In ancient times, snow-white flowers were planted to decorate the gardens of noble Egyptians, which is confirmed by drawings. Now calla lilies are grown by amateur flower growers not only in gardens, but also as indoor plants.

Calla is distinguished by wide, glossy, heart-shaped leaves of a bright green color with silver speckles, growing on long petioles that form a strong rosette.

Small flowers are collected in a yellow inflorescence-cob, which is wrapped in one large bract of white (wild calla lilies) or a different color (in houseplants). The original flower is formed on the elongated arrow of the plant.

Calla lilies are poisonous because they contain alkaloids and a specific substance similar to saponins, so they only work with the flower with gloves. In case of poisoning, convulsions, severe vomiting, heart rhythm disturbances, and diarrhea appear.

Is it possible to keep a flower at home?

Calla is associated not only with death, but also with holiness, purity and sincere faith. Throughout its life, the plant will protect the house from negative energy and evil spirits, so calla lilies at a wedding promise peace for the bride and groom.

It is possible and even necessary to grow this wonderful plant at home, because according to the legend, it can cure many diseases, especially diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory tract.

Calla lilies contribute to successful transactions and put the interlocutor in a friendly mood, even if you had disagreements before. If you work in an office and are involved in making deals, place a flower pot on the desk next to the computer. After this, you can be sure that luck will be on your side.

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What do the legends tell about?

There are several stories about the appearance of a charming flower. A generally accepted legend is that the daughter of one strong God, once on earth, met a beautiful local young man from a poor Indian family. The young people fell in love with each other and met secretly.

God the Father, when he learned about this, became angry and imposed a ban on visiting the earth. But the daughter continued to meet with her beloved. Then the all-powerful father made his daughter invisible, but this did not stop the lovers. So that the outlines of the girl’s figure could be seen, the young man covered her with a blanket depicting the most beautiful snow-white flowers.

The young people mourned their fate for a long time and sadly. In the end, God took pity on the lovers and made the daughter visible again. In place of the fallen blanket, plants with snow-white flowers soon grew, a symbol of purity and purity.

A popular legend is about an unfortunate young girl whom the leader of the tribe saw and wanted to marry when she attacked a small village. The beauty, in order not to endanger her family with her own refusal, agreed. But on the way to the wedding ceremony, the bride, in a snow-white outfit, threw herself into a blazing fire.

Before she could reach the deadly fire, the girl, by the will of the Gods, became a beautiful white flower - a calla lily. Now these flowers are a magical talisman used by girls and unmarried women as a talisman to gain happiness and maintain tenderness and purity.

Greek myth tells about the newborn Hercules, the son of Zeus and an earthly woman. Deciding that Hera would be suitable as a foster mother, he put the child to her chest while she was sleeping.

The goddess, frightened and pushing the baby away, did not notice how the milk spread across the sky, giving rise to the Milky Way. Those drops that reached the ground turned into graceful snow-white flowers of extraordinary beauty.

Envying the impeccable beauty of the plants, Venus, the goddess of passion and beauty, decided to spoil the flowers and cursed them. So, in the middle of the corolla, an inflorescence grew in the form of a long thorn.

Flower history, description

Flowers belong to the araceae family. This plant loves to be near banks that love shade. The whitewing is the only species in its genus. The name was coined by Carl Linnaeus.

There is a folk legend that Calla is a wonderful girl. Many years ago there was a small village. This village was attacked by a warlike tribe. The tribal leader noticed a young girl in this village whom he wanted to marry. She didn't reciprocate. The tribal leader threatened to destroy the entire village if she refused. The girl had to fulfill his wish. On her wedding day, she wanted to throw herself into the fire, but the Gods decided that this should not happen and turned her into a flower - kala, as tender as a girl. Since then, it is believed that this flower protects the entire female sex from diseases, evil eyes, and quarrels.

The flower has magical properties. It is also a poisonous plant. A tincture of it saves the lives of those who have been bitten by poisonous snakes. A flower-shaped amulet on the door and on clothes protects against evil and negativity in life. This flower is also a protector of families.

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Dahl gave the calliper many different names:

Calla has an interesting shape, reminiscent of the shape of a swan's wing, which is why in Russia white calla is called calla lily.

Thus, calla lilies have an interesting history, names, and legends.

Versions of why calla lilies are called the flower of death

Many people associate calla lilies with death and consider them funeral flowers, not noticing that they also come to the cemetery with roses, carnations, orchids, dahlias and other flowers.

For European Catholics, it is customary to send someone on their last journey only with white flowers, symbolizing grief. Callas were taken more often than other plants, because previously only white coloring was found among callas. So these flowers, back in the Middle Ages, became a ritual accessory and grew on grave mounds.

Also, this plant is considered the flower of death because of its appearance as a wax statue, similar to a candle, and artificial flowers are not given to a living person. Some eyewitnesses claim that a calla lily bloomed before a family member died. This means that this was a warning, and it is recommended to preserve such a flower as a talisman or amulet.

Another version connects the structure of the flower with death: the inflorescences are similar to funeral candles, and the snow-white bracts are similar to a blanket for the deceased. Another similarity is that callas bloom only at night, during the mystical and mysterious part of the day.

These versions discourage people from growing calla lilies in the house, fearing the arrival of death, although there is no evidence of a connection between the flower and death. There is an opposite version, which claims that the flower has positive energy that attracts happiness and good luck to the house.

Why give bouquets of calla lilies?

Compositions with calla lilies are usually given to girls and women. They are not presented to girls because of the sensual overtones, and to men because the shape of the petal is too delicate and round. Although some tall varieties with large buds are sometimes added to men's designer bouquets.

The meaning of calla lilies in the language of flowers depends on their shade:

  • White, like other light flowers, signify purity, sincerity and fidelity;
  • Yellow - gratitude;
  • Red - courage and determination;
  • Pink callas highlight the femininity and charm of the recipient;
  • Purple is presented as a symbol of nobility and power;
  • Black buds represent mystery and elegance.

You can give calla lilies for a birthday, anniversary or wedding. If it is customary to send flowers for Easter, they will also be an excellent solution.

However, in a time of sorrow, you can also opt for calla lilies. They are bought to say goodbye to the deceased or sent as a sign of condolences to his family.

Is it worth growing callas at home?

In the Russian climate, florists recommend growing the Ethiopian calla lilies and Richardia. These plants are not capricious; they grow without problems outdoors and on window sills in wooden flowerpots or in coconut flower pots. The main thing that an exotic flower requires is sufficient lighting.

Health benefits of calla lily:

  • improves sleep;
  • calms the nerves;
  • Helps lift your spirits and boost your immunity;
  • supports in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
  • treats the respiratory system.

The flower is able to take away the diseases of its owners, giving in return vital energy, strength and health.

If you believe the popular beliefs associated with the house, evil spirits are afraid of this flower and avoid homes with callas. A plant growing in the house provides peace, well-being and brings good luck.

Standing in the bedroom, calla lilies eliminate marital quarrels and establish peace. This is a home talisman with which the owners are not afraid of the evil eye, damage, gossip, deception and evil intentions of strangers.

Surprisingly, the plant subtly senses all family members, somehow determining their state of mind. Reacts with withering if one feels apathetic, depressed, or anxious for no reason. Begins to get sick, feeling the approach of illness in one of the household members. With the appearance of pests, you should be wary of ill-wishers and gossip.

Calla, which does not bloom for a long time, pleases with color as prosperous days approach and the end of quarrels, troubles and misfortunes. For those who are single, a speedy marriage is predicted. For a patient, the blooming of calla lilies is hope for a speedy recovery. This flower also predicts the weather: before rain, the corollas open strongly, and before drought they shrink.

How to replant callas

Planting an adult plant with leaves and a separate bulb in a pot is slightly different.

How to replant a store-bought flower:

  1. The flowerpot needs to be roomy: about 20 cm is allocated for one bulb.
  2. It should be a little higher in height to provide a few centimeters of drainage.
  3. The plant is carefully shaken out of its original container.

Carefully! Do not damage the thin skin covering the rhizome or bulb. Even a minor injury can cause infection

  1. The flower is placed in the center and covered with soil. It is advisable to leave the upper quarter above the surface.
  2. You can plant several flowers of the same type in one pot.

The peculiarity of calla lilies is long-term stress after transplantation, when the flower does not begin to grow. At this time, you don’t need to stimulate it, just keep it on the window and water it on time.

Before planting calla bulbs in a pot, they are first disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. The seedling is kept in it for 1 hour, then dried at room temperature. After planting, the calla lilies are covered with film, and only the dried soil is watered.

Zantedeschia requires loose soil: a mixture of sand, humus and leaf soil in equal parts.

Other signs associated with the flower

It has long been believed that calla lilies symbolize a pure and innocent soul, so these flowers are often intended for young girls. White flowers resemble unique and exquisite feminine beauty, so they are suitable for unmarried middle-aged women.

  1. Calla lilies are placed in the room where creative people work. The flower charges them with inspiration, encourages them to come up with new ideas, and also instills confidence in business.
  2. If a woman is single, then gifted calla lilies, in a bouquet or in a pot, will help her meet her loved one sooner.
  3. When calla lilies are given to new residents, the flowers help the owners quickly settle down, make the house cozy, and live in harmony and peace.
  4. Still considered the flower of death, calla lilies should not be given to older people, so as not to hint at old age.
  5. Callas are allowed to be given in even numbers, unlike other flowers.
  6. If you see calla lilies in a dream, you should expect good health, good luck, passion and new love.

Protective magical properties are noted not only in fresh flowers, but also in their images on clothes, paintings, and photographs.

Having understood the signs and myths, you should not believe that calla lilies symbolize death. The luxurious flower has strong positive energy, so the plant is safe and recommended by florists for growing in the garden or in the room.

The meaning of calla lilies in a wedding bouquet

White and soft pink callas are very often added to bridal bouquets. The elegant bud emphasizes the femininity and sophistication of the newlywed, and the shade emphasizes her purity and innocence. If we recall the African legend, we can say that the bouquet becomes the girl’s unspoken consent to get married.

Even dark calla lilies look festive and impressive in a wedding composition. They set off the whiteness of the dress and do not seem gloomy at all. On the contrary, elegant flowers seem to hint at hidden feminine energy. We dare to assume that the groom will have many pleasant and interesting surprises in his family life.

Homemade callas: care

Caring for calla lilies at home includes a list of standard agrotechnical measures: watering, fertilizing, pruning. Annual transplants and the organization of a rest period are required.

Features of watering and spraying

The crop needs abundant watering during the period of active growing and flowering. The first 2–3 weeks after planting, root germination occurs. At this time, calla lilies are not watered.

Next, the crop is irrigated with warm, settled water daily in moderate volumes. When the formation of the flower is completed, watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries. Ethiopian calla lilies, which grow in swamps in the natural environment, are especially demanding of moisture.

It is recommended to irrigate the crop using a watering can with a narrow spout, directing it into a shallow groove along the edges of the pot. Moisture on the tuber causes the development of putrefactive processes and the appearance of diseases. After watering, it is unacceptable to leave water in the pan.

At high temperatures and low humidity, spraying with a spray bottle is required. Drops that fall on the flowers spoil the appearance of the cover, so during the flowering period it is better to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

What fertilizers do we prefer for the plant?

For normal growth and flowering, calla lilies need to be fed monthly. Potassium nitrate and superphosphate promote leaf vegetation and flower stalk formation. To prolong the flowering of the crop, commercial preparations containing a complex of minerals and trace elements are added to the soil.

Once a year, to enrich the substrate with nutrients and stimulate flowering, fertilize the soil with organic matter. Starting from the moment of planting, mineral complexes are added weekly in small doses for a month. Next, feed the plant once a month.

You can combine the application of microelements and minerals, and add organic matter separately, maintaining an interval between agricultural activities of at least a month.


Formative pruning for calla lilies is not practiced. Only the lower dried leaves and above-ground wilted parts of the plant are removed before sending them to rest.

When and how to replant a flower correctly

Calla lilies are replanted every year in the spring after emerging from dormancy and in unforeseen situations. For example, when a pot fell from the windowsill or the plant got sick. In these cases, it does not matter whether the crop grows, blooms or rests.

The transplant technology is simple:

  • prepare a more spacious pot with 5 cm of drainage and a new loose substrate;
  • remove calla lilies from the old container;
  • shake off the soil stuck to the root;
  • tubers are treated with fungicides or potassium permanganate;
  • the plant is placed in a depression made in the new soil;
  • Without pressing down the root, the calla lilies are carefully covered with earth;
  • lightly compact the surface.

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Calla lily juice is poisonous, so it is recommended to do the transplant with gloves so as not to cause burns and allergic reactions to the skin of your hands. If children have formed on the tuber, they are planted in small pots 10 cm in diameter. The calla lily root is deepened by 5–10 cm.

How to care for crops during the dormant period

To restore strength and form new flower stalks, callas need rest. The dormant period begins at the end of flowering. Gradually reducing, they eliminate soil moisture.

After the leaves and peduncles die, the tuber is dug up, washed, and soaked in potassium permanganate. After drying, place it in a container with dry sand, which is transferred to a cool place. Or store in paper bags in the vegetable section of the refrigerator. Additional care for calla lilies during the rest period is not required.

There are significant differences in the dormancy periods of crops with different types of root systems. For rhizomatous callas, the life cycle ends in late spring, and for tuberous callas, in the fall. Ethiopian callas are sent to rest until mid-July, then transplanted into a new substrate.

Types and varieties

Above, we came to the conclusion that the whitewing is represented by only one species, and due to the specifics of its use, breeders traditionally pay attention to it in the second or even third place. For this reason, it makes sense to take a closer look at the varieties of Zantedeschia, since it is its flowers that most ordinary people associate with the name “calla”

In general, the genus Zantedeschia has 8 wild species, but only 3 of them are grown as house plants. All modern varieties are bred precisely on the basis of these three species, so we will briefly consider each of them.

Calla ethiopica is probably the best known variety of Zantedeschia, characterized by large white flowers that grow on arrows up to a meter high. If the rest of the Zantedeschias have a root system in the form of a bulb, then the Ethiopian has a rhizome that resembles the usual root of most plants. This plant loves moisture very much, and although in our climate in the cool season (provided it is warm) it goes into a long-term state of dormancy, it does not shed its leaves even then, for which it is valued by gardeners. The most famous varieties of such calla lilies are “Pearl”, “Green Goddess”, Nicolai and Schone Zweibruckerin.

Calla Rehmann is relatively short, its “height” usually does not exceed 70 cm. This plant sheds its leaves in the fall and goes into deep hibernation for the winter, but while it is warm, it pleases the gardener with an abundance of bright flowers, the shade of which greatly depends on the specific variety, of which there are many. . For example, “Chameleon” blooms with a peach hue and can even be grown in a pot, “Evening” catches the eye thanks to its black and purple flowers, and “Indian Summer” is loved by everyone for its red flowers with a characteristic garnet tint.

Calla Elliott is on average even lower, its height usually does not exceed half a meter, in the wild its flowers are yellow or yellowish-green, but the hard work of breeders has led to the fact that different varieties of the same species give the most unexpected shades when flowering. Thus, the variety “Yellow Corner” is distinguished by the emphatically yellow tone of the flowers, and “Black-Eyed Beauty” is much lighter, it represents a certain combination of cream, butter and lemon shades. In terms of variety of tones in one flower, the “Vermeer” variety especially stands out, since on the outside its flowers are crystal white, on the inside their shade smoothly turns into lilac and even cherry, and at the base on the inside it can already be called purple.

Some popular varieties, such as "Crystal Blush", "Picasso" or Red Alert, can no longer be attributed to a specific species - they have certain traits inherent in two or three wild ancestors.

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